新規更新されました。 October 19, 2019 at 08:42PM
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Eurocephalus anguitimens
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新規更新されました。 October 19, 2019 at 04:28PM
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新規更新されました。 October 19, 2019 at 04:20PM
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Tâm thần phân liệt ở trẻ em
新規更新されました。 October 19, 2019 at 04:17PM
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意味調べるBéo phì ở trẻ em
新規更新October 19, 2019 at 03:48PM
Béo phì ở trẻ em
Taomeo: Tạo với bản dịch của trang "Childhood obesity"
'''Béo phì ở trẻ em''' là tình trạng [[Mô mỡ|mỡ]] thừa trong [[Mô mỡ|cơ thể]] ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến sức khỏe và hạnh phúc của trẻ. Vì các phương pháp để xác định trực tiếp lượng mỡ trong cơ thể rất khó khăn, việc chẩn đoán [[béo phì]] thường dựa trên [[Chỉ số khối cơ thể|BMI]] . Do tỷ lệ béo phì đang gia tăng ở trẻ em và nhiều ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khỏe của nó, nó đang được công nhận là một [[Y tế công cộng|vấn đề sức khỏe cộng đồng]] nghiêm trọng. <ref name="Kopelman2005">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)</ref> Thuật ngữ thừa cân thay vì béo phì thường được sử dụng khi thảo luận về béo phì ở trẻ em, đặc biệt là trong thảo luận mở, vì nó ít bị kỳ thị . <ref name="Bessesen DH 2008 2027–34">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
== Phân loại ==
{| border="0"
|[[Tập tin:BMIBoys_1.svg|nhỏ| BMI cho phần trăm tuổi đối với bé trai từ 2 đến 20 tuổi. ]]
|[[Tập tin:BMIGirls_1.svg|nhỏ| BMI cho phần trăm tuổi cho các bé gái từ 2 đến 20 tuổi. ]]
[[Chỉ số khối cơ thể]] (BMI) được chấp nhận để xác định béo phì cho trẻ từ hai tuổi trở lên. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Nó được xác định bởi tỷ lệ cân nặng so với chiều cao. <ref name=":0"></ref>
Phạm vi bình thường của BMI ở trẻ em thay đổi theo độ tuổi và giới tính. Trong khi chỉ số BMI trên phân vị thứ 85 được xác định là thừa cân, thì chỉ số BMI lớn hơn hoặc bằng tỷ lệ phần trăm thứ 95 được xác định là béo phì bởi [[Trung tâm kiểm soát và phòng ngừa dịch bệnh (Hoa Kỳ)|Trung tâm kiểm soát và phòng ngừa dịch bệnh]] . Trung tâm này đã xuất bản các bảng để xác định mức độ béo phì ở trẻ em. <ref></ref>
Lực lượng đặc nhiệm dịch vụ phòng ngừa Hoa Kỳ báo cáo rằng không phải tất cả trẻ em có chỉ số BMI cao đều cần giảm cân. BMI cao có thể xác định một vấn đề cân nặng có thể, nhưng không có phân biệt giữa mô mỡ hoặc mô nạc. <ref></ref> Ngoài ra, BMI có thể loại trừ nhầm một số trẻ có mô mỡ dư thừa. Do đó, có lợi khi bổ sung độ tin cậy của chẩn đoán BMI bằng các công cụ sàng lọc bổ sung như mô mỡ hoặc đo nếp gấp da. <ref></ref>
== Ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe ==
=== Tâm lý ===
Những vấn đề đầu tiên xảy ra ở trẻ béo phì thường là [[Cảm xúc|về cảm xúc]] hoặc [[Tâm lý học|tâm lý]] . <ref name="GB2004">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Trẻ béo phì thường bị bắt nạt bởi các bạn cùng trang lứa. <ref></ref> <ref name="autogenerated2">[https://ift.tt/2MSabW0 Obesity.Org]</ref> Một số bị quấy rối hoặc [[phân biệt đối xử]] bởi chính gia đình của họ. [[Khuôn mẫu (tâm lý)|Định kiến]] về việc này rất nhiều và có thể dẫn đến lòng tự trọng thấp và trầm cảm cho các em. <ref></ref>
=== Sinh lý ===
Tuy nhiên, béo phì ở trẻ em cũng có thể dẫn đến các tình trạng đe dọa tính mạng bao gồm [[tiểu đường]], [[Cao huyết áp|huyết áp cao]], [[Bệnh tim mạch|bệnh tim]], [[Ngừng thở lúc ngủ|khó ngủ]], [[ung thư]] và các rối loạn khác. <ref>[https://ift.tt/35KWoZO Childhood obesity - CNN]</ref> <ref name="autogenerated1">[https://ift.tt/33InD5j Childhood Obesity]</ref> Một số rối loạn khác bao gồm [[Gan|bệnh gan]], [[dậy thì sớm]] hoặc [[Gan|mãn]] kinh, [[rối loạn ăn uống]] như [[Chán ăn tâm thần|chán ăn]] và [[Chứng háu ăn|chứng cuồng ăn]], nhiễm trùng da, và hen suyễn và các vấn đề hô hấp khác. <ref>[https://ift.tt/31uVWf0 Childhood obesity: Complications - MayoClinic.com]</ref>
Các tác động vật lý ban đầu của béo phì ở tuổi thiếu niên bao gồm, hầu hết tất cả các cơ quan của trẻ bị ảnh hưởng, sỏi mật, viêm gan, ngưng thở khi ngủ và tăng áp lực nội sọ. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Trẻ thừa cân cũng có nhiều khả năng lớn lên thành người lớn thừa cân. <ref name="autogenerated1">[https://ift.tt/33InD5j Childhood Obesity]</ref> Béo phì trong tuổi thiếu niên sẽ làm tăng tỷ lệ tử vong trong tuổi trưởng thành. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
== Chú thích ==
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意味調べるHenry Bathurst (4e comte Bathurst)
新規更新October 19, 2019 at 05:40AM
Henry Bathurst (4e comte Bathurst)
Authueil : Créé en traduisant la page « Henry Bathurst, 4th Earl Bathurst »
== Biographie ==
Né à [[Apsley House]], il était le fils aîné de [[Henry Bathurst (3e comte Bathurst)|Henry Bathurst, troisième comte de Bathurst]], et de son épouse, Lady Georgina, troisième fille de [[George Lennox|Lord George Lennox]] <ref name="Dod"></ref>. Il fit ses études au [[Collège d'Eton|Eton College]] et se rendit ensuite à [[Christ Church (Oxford)|Christ Church, Oxford]], où il obtint un [[Baccalauréat universitaire ès lettres|baccalauréat ès arts]] en 1811 et une [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge)|maîtrise ès arts]] trois ans plus tard . En 1820, il obtint un doctorat en droit civil de l' [[Université d'Oxford]] .
Il a été greffier du caissier de l'échiquier et, en 1812, il a été nommé commissaire du India Board, poste qu'il a occupé pendant six ans <ref name="Dod"></ref>. Il a été élu à la [[Chambre des communes du Royaume-Uni|Chambre des communes en]] tant que l'un des deux représentants de Weobley en janvier 1812, siégeant jusqu'en octobre de la même année. Il a ensuite représenté Cirencester jusqu'en 1834, date à laquelle il a succédé à son père comme comte et est entré à la [[Chambre des lords]]. Il fut l'un des fondateurs du Royal Agricultural College en 1845.
Il est décédé le 25 mai 1866 dans sa résidence de campagne, Oakley Park, [[Cirencester]], à l'âge de 76 ans, après une longue maladie <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>.
Il ne s'est jamais marié et son frère cadet William a succédé comme comte.
== Références ==
== Bibliographie ==
* Kidd, Charles, Williamson, David (éditeurs). ''Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage'' New York: St Martin's Press, 1990
* Charles Mosley (ed. ), ''Burke's Peerage and Baronetage'' 3 volumes, 107ème édition (Londres 2003)
* C Kidd et D Williamson (eds), ''Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage'' (Londres 2000)
== Liens externes ==
* https://ift.tt/33FDUYX
* https://ift.tt/2MRgk4J
[[Catégorie:Député Tory]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 11e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 10e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 9e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 8e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 7e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 6e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 5e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Député du 4e Parlement du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Élève du Eton College]]
[[Catégorie:Représentant de l'Angleterre à la Chambre des communes]]
[[Catégorie:Étudiant de Christ Church (Oxford)]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en 1866]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance en 1790]]
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意味調べるMaria la Grande
新規更新October 19, 2019 at 03:31AM
Maria la Grande
Rory2047: created new page
== Life ==
The first references Mari date back to 1792 when tenant Juan Jose Elizalde arrived in Santa Cruz where he found cacique tehuelche Vicente, his Cogocha wife whom translated, and his daughter named Mariquita.
In 1820 James Weddell met María while on a seal hunting trip. He believed Maria to be mestizo and assured that she was a great speaker capable of appeasing her warriors' emotions. Weddell immediately recognized her as the leader of the Tehuelches.
Robert Fitz Roy also referred to her after meeting in 1827 when she was around 40 years old. This time around, Maria was accompanied by her husband, a tall tehuelche, and five of her sons. Maria was the only one who spoke spanish and knew how to communicate with foreigners. She was an excellent horse rider and wore Virgin Mary hoop medals and pins which held her robe over her chest.
In 1827, during the first British expedition of the Patagonian coasts , the captain of the Adventure ship, Phillip Parker Kind, met Maria, daughter and respective sister of the caciques Vicenter and Bysante, and visited her village at San Gregorio bay, on the Magallanes stretch (Chile). Demonstrating great economic power, Maria traded meats, skins, guanaco robes, and ñandú feathers for swords, knives, tobacco, yerba mate, horse equipment, firearm ammunition, cloths, flour, sugar, and alcohol, among other goods. Kind described the village in great detail. Around 15 larger huts surrounded Maria's which was placed in the center, next to a smaller hut used as a deposit. Around 120 warriors responded to her.
Maria had many refugees in her villages, deserters of lobero ships or justice refugees, some were her protected peoples and others her enemies. William Arms and Tutis Coan, two American missionaries who stayed at in San Gregorio bay from November 14 1833, to January 25 1834, linked with Maria in regards to their plan to travel to Chile, as they already identified her as the representative of her village. Maria showed great generosity with the missionaries, gifting them a guancao leather quillango (traditional Patagonian robe). In 1843, aptain Blanchard of the French ship, Le Fleurs, also left behind information about Maria when he found her in Bahía Posesión. He described her as an old woman with authority.
Fitz Roy, who returned to her village to stock up on food provisions on a second expedition, had an opportunity of witnessing the religious ceremony led by Maria which captivated her followers. She used a small wooden figure, which she called her "Christ" and claimed to communicate with, performed, in religious syncretism, a ceremony which blended indigenous and Christian rites. This is what led to Charles Darwin calling her, "Santa Maria". At a certain point of the ritual, Maria would order her husband, Manuel, to pierce the arms and ears of her men with a needle causing them to bleed. Her followers considered this a great honor. Her first encounter with Vernet in the Valdes Peninsula in 1823, shows her strong territorial concept claiming the Cimarron cattle belonged to the Tehuelches as they were the inhabitants of the land. <blockquote>El gran jefe tehuelche arribó… una mujer que, acompañada por más de mil indios, lo invitó a negociar y conocer los derechos que su pueblo tenía sobre ese territorio.</blockquote>Más tarde, en 1829, siendo Gobernador de Malvinas, Vernet la invitó a visitar Puerto Luis, reconociendo su poder, con el propósito de concretar la creación de una factoría en la Bahía San Gregorio que gozaría de la protección de la cacique. Se dice que María se mareó mucho durante el viaje en barco, comió correctamente en la mesa y hasta cantó en una de las veladas musicales que organizaba siempre María Sáez de Vernet para las visitas. La iniciativa de la colonia quedó en nada debido a los sucesos que ocurrieron en las islas poco después (en 1833 las islas Malvinas fueron ocupadas por los ingleses).
Liste der Naturdenkmale in der Samtgemeinde Selsingen
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 11:45PM
Liste der Naturdenkmale in der Samtgemeinde Selsingen
意味調べるAcquedotto dei Quintili
新規更新October 19, 2019 at 01:14AM
Acquedotto dei Quintili
LorenzaCampanella: Creazione di voce non esistente in precedenza
L'acquedotto dei Quintili è uno dei monumenti in consegna al [[Parco archeologico dell'Appia Antica|Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica]]. Un lungo tratto si conserva tra la via Appia Antica e la via Appia Nuova in prossimità di via del Casale della Sergetta e il Grande Raccordo Anulare. Coord. 41°48'56.0"N 12°34'03.9"E.
== Localizzazione ==
Sorge su terreni in proprietà privata ma è ben visibile percorrendo la [[Via Appia|via Appia antica]] in direzione sud poco prima del GRA.
Della struttura si conservano all'incirca 120 arcate realizzate in conglomerato cementizio ed erette su piloni di forma quadrangolare con lato di circa un metro e mezzo (pari a 5 piedi romani), rivestito da laterizi.
A causa del crollo di alcuni piloni e di porzioni di arcate sono attualmente visibili alcuni tronconi fisicamente distinti e poco si conserva dello speco idraulico vero e proprio del quale resta solo una porzione del fondo in malta idraulica "a cocciopesto".
== Funzione ==
L'acquedotto dei Quintili era verosimilmente una diramazione dell'acquedotto dell'''[[Acquedotto Anio novus|Anio Novus]],'' che snodandosi per circa 700 metri raggiungeva l'area di Torre Selce al VII miglio dell'Appia Antica, oppure ''dell'Aqua Iulia.'' Raggiungeva poi un ''castellum aquae'' dal quale poi diramava il condotto sotterraneo di alimentazione della [[Villa dei Quintili|Villa dei Quintili,]] situata a circa un paio di miglia di distanza. La fastosa residenza imperiale, che conserva ancora resti imponenti delle grandi aule termali, aveva diverse cisterne che permettevano di conservare l'acqua necessaria al rifornimento idrico dell'intero complesso: la Grande Cisterna, la Cisterna Mediana e la Cisterna Circolare cosiddetta Piranesi che erano tutte alimentate dall'acquedotto dei Quintili.
[[File:Villa of the Quintili, Via Appia, Rome (9085767173).jpg|miniatura|600x600px|Cisterna a pianta circolare detta "Piranesi"]]
<br />
[[File:Aqueduc - Villa des Quintili, Via Appia, Rome.jpg|sinistra|miniatura|688x688px|Biforcazione dell'acquedotto]]
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== Restauri ==
L'acquedotto è stato recentemente oggetto di restauri condotti dal Parco Archeolgoico dell'Appia Antica – Ministero per i beni e le attività Culturali e per il Turismo. I lavori hanno chiarito come alcuni piloni fossero stati intenzionalmente abbattuti per interrompere la linea dell'acqua e alcune delle campate murate sono apparse anche murate con blocchetti di peperino. Si è potuto quindi ipotizzare che l'Acquedotto dei Quintili fosse stato manomesso da parte degli [[Ostrogoti]] per assetare Roma sotto assedio. L'ipotesi emersa nel corso dei lavori di consolidamento è che possa trattarsi di uno degli interventi messi in atto nel 537 d.C. da [[Vitige]] durante l'assedio al generale bizantino [[Belisario]] rinserrato nelle mura aureliane.
Una conferma quindi delle fonti. [[Procopio di Cesarea]], nella Guerra gotica, così scrive: "Con l'intento di costruire un campo fortificato, Vitige chiuse le arcate di tratti degli acquedotti Claudio e Marcio con terra e pietra, realizzando un fortilizio naturale in cui fece accampare non meno di 7000 uomini, al fine di bloccare l'afflusso di rifornimenti all'Urbe dalla via Appia e dalla via Latina".
== Fonti ==
Decreto Ministeriale 44/2016 ([https://ift.tt/31u2ZnY Riorganizzazione del Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo ai sensi dell'articolo 1, comma 327, della legge 28 dicembre 2015, n. 208])
Decreto Ministeriale 198/2016 ([https://ift.tt/2BqBDVr Disposizioni in materia di aree e parchi archeologici e istituti e luoghi della cultura di rilevante interesse nazionale ai sensi dell'articolo 6 del decreto ministeriale 23 gennaio 2016)]
R. Paris - R. Frontoni - G. Galli (ed.), Via Appia. Villa dei Quintili, Santa Maria Nova, Milano 2019. ISBN 9788891823991
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Dermatite numular
Синъясики, Андре
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 08:17AM
Синъясики, Андре
新規更新October 18, 2019 at 08:33AM
Rj8888: 新規記事: 日本の旧家, 茶道, 流派, 茶家, 歴史, 文化, 芸術
== 藪内家との関係 ==
隨竹庵(福田家)は、茶道[[藪内流|藪内家]]の分家である。 福田家は元々[[加賀藩|加賀前田藩]]大聖寺候において藩医を務めた家系であり、初代隨竹庵を号した鳶斎は福田家の八代目であった。その後、代々隨竹庵を号すが、藪内九代・宝林斎が早世したことに伴い、当時三代隨竹庵であった休々斎に白羽の矢が立ち、藪内家に招かれ婿養子となり、十代藪内紹智を継承した。
休々斎はその後、宝林斎の遺した二人の男子を養育し、長男に十一代を継承させたのち大阪へ隠棲。次男を福田家の養子とし、隨竹庵を継承させた。 これが、四代隨竹庵・[[藪内節庵]]である。 これにより隨竹庵は実質的に藪内家の分家となり、節庵以降、隨竹庵は代々直系の子に継承されている。当代である七代・竹弌は節庵から見て玄孫にあたる。
なお、茶道界において、宗家の男子が二人以上いる場合、次男以下を分家化させることが通例である。長男が何らかの理由で継承できなくなるなど、家元不在の状況になりかねない場合、分家に家元を継承させるためである。但し、殆どの場合分家は一代限り、もしくは二代目までしか継承されない。 隨竹庵は、四代隨竹庵・藪内節庵の子孫が代々継承しており、分家として非常に稀なものである。
== 歴代 ==
=== 初代 ===
=== 二代 ===
=== 三代 ===
=== 四代 ===
=== 五代 ===
=== 六代 ===
=== 七代(当代) ===
意味調べるList of the oldest buildings in California
新規更新October 18, 2019 at 08:24AM
List of the oldest buildings in California
This article attempts to list the oldest buildings in the state of [[California]] in the [[United States of America]], including the oldest houses in California and any other surviving structures, including those constructed during the Spanish colonization, before independence and statehood. Some dates are approximate and based on architectural studies and historical records, other dates are based on [[dendrochronology]]. All entries should include citation with reference to: period architectural features; a report by an architectural historian; or dendrochronology. Sites on the list are generally from the earliest period architecture. Only buildings built prior to 1850 are suitable for inclusion on this list or the building must be the oldest of its type.
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
{| class="wikitable"
! Building
! Image
! Location
! First Built
! Notes
| [[Mission San Diego de Alcalá]]
| [[File:Mission San Diego de Alcalá - church.jpg|100px]]
| [[San Diego, California|San Diego]]
| 1769
| The first [[Spanish missions in California|Franciscan mission]] in The Californias. Ruined in the mid-1800's and restored by 1941.
| [[Mission San Juan Capistrano]]
| [[File:MSJC by John Gutzon-Borglum.jpg|100px]]
| [[San Juan Capistrano, California|San Juan Capistrano]]
| 1776
| One of the Oldest surviving buildings in California. Restored.
| [[Rancho Petaluma Adobe]]
| [[File:Photo-CA-RanchoPetaluma.jpg|100px]]
| [[Petaluma, California|Petaluma]]
| 1835–1857
| This large adobe ranch house was built by Colonel [[Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo]], Commandante General of the "Free State of Alta California" (Northern California). Now known as the Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park, it is owned by the State of California and listed on the [[National Register of Historic Places]].
| [[Stone House of John Marsh]]
| [[File:John Marsh House.jpg|100px]]
| [[Brentwood, California|Brentwood]]
| 1855
| [[John Marsh (pioneer)|John Marsh]] was the first medical doctor in California, and was instrumental in California becoming part of the United States. His home was one of the first stone mansions in the state.
| 710–720 Steiner Street
| [[File:Painted Ladies San Francisco January 2013 panorama 2.jpg|100px]]
| [[San Francisco, California|San Francisco]]
| 1892–1896
| The "Painted Ladies" of Alamo Square, San Francisco, an iconic row of houses that sometimes represent the city of San Francisco in modern media.
| [[Old Customhouse (Monterey, California)]]
| [[File:Custom House, Custom House Plaza, Monterey (Monterey County, California).jpg|100px]]
| [[Monterey, California|Monterey]]
| 1827
| The oldest government building in present-day California, and one of the oldest in the western half of the US. Built by Mexico then won and operated by United States until it was transferred to the [[State of California]] in 1901.
| [[Larkin House]]
| [[File:Larkin House.jpg|100px]]
| [[Monterey, California|Monterey]]
| 1835
| Oldest two-story house in California. The nearby [[Monterey State Historic Park#Cooper-Molera Adobe|Cooper-Molera Adobe]] was also built circa the same period.
| [[Fort Ross, California#Buildings|Rotchev House]]
| [[File:Commander's House, Fort Ross State Historical Monument, CA 7-5-2010 5-37-10 PM.JPG|100px]]
| [[Fort Ross, California|Fort Ross]]
| 1836
| Oldest [[Russian culture|Russian]] building in California.
==See also==
*[[National Register of Historic Places listings in California]]
*[[Spanish missions in California]]
*[[Oldest buildings in the United States]]
== References ==
[[Category:Lists of oldest buildings and structures in the United States|California]]
[[Category:Architecture in Texas]]
[[Category:Lists of buildings and structures in California|Buildings oldest]]
Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 60
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 06:04AM
Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 60
Johann Georg Lange (Kupferstecher)
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 04:10AM
Johann Georg Lange (Kupferstecher)
موارد بشرية في العسكرية
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 04:08AM
موارد بشرية في العسكرية
Pseudacris hypochondriaca
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 04:08AM
Pseudacris hypochondriaca
Castlevania Judgment
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 04:05AM
Castlevania Judgment
Esporte Clube Radium
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 03:59AM
Esporte Clube Radium
Esporte Clube Brasília
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 03:55AM
Esporte Clube Brasília
Platanthera hyperborea
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 03:50AM
Platanthera hyperborea
意味調べるSelf-Portrait in a Group of Friends
新規更新October 18, 2019 at 04:13AM
Self-Portrait in a Group of Friends
DilletantiAnonymous: /* References */
'''''Self-Portrait in a Group of Friends''''' is an 1824 or 1827 oil on canvas painting by the Italian artist [[Francesco Hayez]], now in the [[Museo Poldi Pezzoli]] in Milan.
The work is mentioned in ''Prospetto delle incisioni, quadri e oggetti d'arte a un prezzo d'acquisto'' (1853) as a "picture by Hayez in oils representing five portraits". It was first exhibited to the public in 1883 as part of a monographic show of the artist's work, but then remained in a private collection until 1996, when it was left to its present owner on the death of Riccardo Lampugnani, who had obatined it from his grandfather Giuseppe Gargantini.<ref name=asd>Fernando Mazzocca, 'Autoritratto in un gruppo di amici', in ''Francesco Hayez'', Silvana, 2015, p. 33.</ref>
Peculiare è la scelta dell'Hayez di raffigurarsi in un autoritratto che si discosta sensibilmente dalla ritrattistica usuale dell'Ottocento. Si tratta infatti di un «ritratto di amicizia», in cui il pittore è circondato da quattro sodali e compagni: la loro identità è nota a partire dal 1983 grazie all'analisi di Fernando Mazzocca, noto critico dell'Hayez. All'estrema destra abbiamo il poeta [[Tommaso Grossi]], affiancato dal pittore [[Giuseppe Molteni]], col cilindro; alla destra di Pelagi abbiamo il pittore vedutista [[Giovanni Migliara]] e quindi, sopra di lui, [[Pelagio Pelagi]], l'unico a rivolgere il proprio sguardo verso l'osservatore. Grossi, Molteni, Magliara e Pelagi sono tutti esponenti della nuova stagione romantica e protagonisti assidui delle esposizioni braidensi, capeggiati tra l'altro dallo stesso Hayez. Nell'angolo in basso a sinistra, inoltre, il quadro riporta un «1827» scritto a penna: sebbene tradizionalmente sia non riconosciuta come autografa, questa data sembrerebbe pertinente in ragione dell'analisi riflettografica alla quale il dipinto è stato sottoposto. Il dibattito sulla datazione del dipinto, tuttavia, è ancora aperto.<ref name=asd/>
Assai meditata è la riflessione compiuta dall'Hayez sugli archetipi classici, primo fra tutti l<nowiki>'</nowiki>''Autoritratto con altri artisti'' eseguito da [[Paul Rubens]] nel 1602-1604: dal Rubens, in particolare, Hayez desunse il taglio ravvicinato, l'idea compositiva e la posa a tre quarti rivolta verso l'osservatore. Dal punto di vista tecnico, infine, l'''Autoritratto in un gruppo di amici'' è caratterizzato dal contrasto tra i volti degli effigiati, meticolosamente definiti (sul volto di Hayez si intravede persino la peluria dietro la rasatura dei baffi), e il «non finito» degli altri elementi compositivi (gli abiti e il corpo sono infatti appena accennati).<ref name=asd></ref>
== References ==
[[category:Paintings by Francesco Hayez]]
[[Category:Paintings of the Museo Poldi Pezzoli]]
[[category:19th-century portraits]]
[[category:Portraits of men]]
[[category:1824 paintings]]
[[category:1827 paintings]]
[[category:Group portraits]]
Alejandro Huala Canumán
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 02:12AM
Alejandro Huala Canumán
Basketbol Süper Ligi 2019-20
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 02:10AM
Basketbol Süper Ligi 2019-20
Edge of Darkness (filme de 1943)
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 01:51AM
Edge of Darkness (filme de 1943)
意味調べるJohann Georg Lange
新規更新October 18, 2019 at 01:08AM
Johann Georg Lange
Bernd Schwabe in Hannover:
<onlyinclude>* [[Johann Georg Lange (Kupferstecher)]] († nach 1690), deutscher Kupferstecher<!-- https://ift.tt/32pHKoS -->
* [[Johann Georg Christoph Lange]] (1763-1822), deutscher Wasserbaumeister<!-- https://ift.tt/2OXFXDs --></onlyinclude>
'''Siehe auch'''
* [[Johan Georg Lange]] (1722-1792), schwedischer Drucker und Autor<!-- https://ift.tt/33Fk2F8 -->
意味調べるWilhelm Reichel
新規更新October 18, 2019 at 01:06AM
Wilhelm Reichel
Jesi: neue BKL, zur Einbindung in Reichel, Einträge von dort übernommen, Erg.
'''Wilhelm Reichel''' ist der Name folgender Personen:
<onlyinclude>* [[Wilhelm Reichel (Mediziner)]], deutscher Mediziner <!-- fl. 1829, 1850, 1864 -->
* [[Wilhelm Reichel (Politiker)]] (1849–1911), deutscher Druckereibesitzer und Politiker, MdL Bayern <!-- GND=116398272, VIAF=49975833, https://ift.tt/31k2Inz --></onlyinclude>
Moustafa Nouraldeen
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 12:12AM
Moustafa Nouraldeen
Hội chứng chuyển hóa
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 12:07AM
Hội chứng chuyển hóa
2019 FIA GT World Cup
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 12:06AM
2019 FIA GT World Cup
Maison À l'Ange d'Or
新規更新されました。 October 18, 2019 at 12:03AM
Maison À l'Ange d'Or
意味調べるWarren G. Harding Presidential Center
新規更新October 17, 2019 at 11:03PM
Warren G. Harding Presidential Center
Zzyzx11: start
The $7.5 million project was announced on April 12, 2016, by Harding 2020, a collaboration between the Harding Home, [[Marion Technical College]], and the [[Ohio History Connection]]. Both of Ohio's U.S. Senators, [[Sherrod Brown]] and [[Rob Portman]], are honorary co-chairs of the project.<ref name="cleveland20160412"></ref>
Plans include the construction of the 15,000-square-foot center and museum.<ref name="marionstar20190809"/> The center is planned to have interactive exhibits of the former president,<ref name="cleveland20160412"/> as well as meeting space.<ref name="AP20160412"></ref> Once completed, the center will house artifacts and memorabilia that were once owned by the former president and his wife [[Florence Harding]].<ref name="marionstar20160412"/> In addition, the center will house Harding's presidential papers, which have been stored at the Ohio History Connection's headquarters in [[Columbus, Ohio]], since 1963.<ref name="marionstar20190809"/><ref name="marionstar20160412"/>
About $1.3 million will also be spent to restore the Harding Home and its grounds to reflect how they appeared in 1920.<ref name="cleveland20160412"/>
Sherry Hall, manager of the Harding Home, told the ''[[The Plain Dealer]]'' that the center will help inform visitors about Harding's presidency beyond the single paragraph found in most textbooks. "Quite frankly, this president deserves for his story to be told," stated Hall.<ref name="cleveland20160412"/>
==External links==
* [https://ift.tt/2gdPwL9 Harding 2020]
[[Category:Warren G. Harding|Presidential Center]]
[[Category:Presidential libraries|Harding]]
[[Category:Buildings and structures in Marion, Ohio]]
[[Category:Museums in Marion County, Ohio]]
[[Category:Ohio History Connection]]
[[Category:Presidential museums in Ohio]]
[[Category:Tourist attractions in Marion County, Ohio]]
[[Category:Proposed buildings and structures in the United States]]
Johannes Gasser
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 09:52PM
Johannes Gasser
意味調べるChapel of St. Catherine
新規更新October 17, 2019 at 09:03PM
Chapel of St. Catherine
== History ==
It was erected by Afonso de Albuquerque, Portuguese conqueror, in 1510 to commemorate his victorious entry to the city of Goa on St Catherine's Day. Pope Paul III granted it status of cathedral in 1534 and it was rebuilt.<ref></ref><ref> Old Goa, India Old Goa|website=www.lonelyplanet.com|language=en|access-date=2019-10-17}}</ref>
== References ==
<references />
[[Category:Churches in Goa]]
[[Category:Colonial Goa]]
<br />
[[Category:Monuments and memorials in Goa]]
[[Category:World Heritage Sites in India]]
[[Category:Portuguese Colonial architecture in India]]
Салагай Олег Олегович
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 07:57PM
Салагай Олег Олегович
История Сатанова
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 08:01PM
История Сатанова
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 07:57PM
ماري ستافورد أنتوني
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 07:17PM
ماري ستافورد أنتوني
Lista de termas localizadas em Portugal
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 05:42PM
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عبد الكريم الدبان
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 05:37PM
عبد الكريم الدبان
Соков, Алексей Валентинович
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 05:22PM
Соков, Алексей Валентинович
アメリカ合衆国 (アニメ映画)
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アメリカ合衆国 (アニメ映画)
List of best-selling singles in 2018 (Japan)
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List of best-selling singles in 2018 (Japan)
Tăng huyết áp phổi
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 03:29PM
Tăng huyết áp phổi
نشاط المخابرات الصينية في الخارج
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 03:47PM
نشاط المخابرات الصينية في الخارج
مؤسسة من القلب إلى القلب الخيرية للعناية بالمجتمع
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 03:24PM
مؤسسة من القلب إلى القلب الخيرية للعناية بالمجتمع
مصطفى نور الدين (كاتب)
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 11:42AM
مصطفى نور الدين (كاتب)
Quan hệ Hồng Kong–Hoa Kỳ
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 11:24AM
Quan hệ Hồng Kong–Hoa Kỳ
Oxalate de diéthyle
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 09:38AM
Oxalate de diéthyle
حقوق الإنسان في رومانيا
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 09:49AM
حقوق الإنسان في رومانيا
Colônias de Tabaco
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 09:37AM
Colônias de Tabaco
Josep Maria Subirachs
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Josep Maria Subirachs
Pierdonato Cesi (Kardinal, 1522)
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Pierdonato Cesi (Kardinal, 1522)
محمد حمدي الشابي
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 07:43AM
محمد حمدي الشابي
Temecula Football Club
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Temecula Football Club
Coffee Stain Publishing
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Coffee Stain Publishing
Correlação quântica
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 05:36AM
Correlação quântica
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 05:28AM
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لوري فليتشر بروتي
Gastrotheca phelloderma
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Torre Zucchetti
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Torre Zucchetti
Croix de Bournazel
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 03:06AM
Croix de Bournazel
新規更新October 17, 2019 at 02:01AM
Caftaric : ébauche
Modell, H. (1942). Das natürlich System der Najaden. Archiv für Molluskenkunde. 74(5–6):161–191, pl. 5–7, page: 190.</ref>, [[1942 en science|1942]] }}
Les '''Coelaturini''' forment une [[tribu (biologie)|tribu]] de [[Mollusca|mollusque]]s [[Bivalvia|bivalve]]s d'[[eau douce]] appartenant à l'ordre des [[Unionoida]], à la famille des [[Unionidae]] et à la sous-famille des [[Parreysiinae]].
== Liste des genres ==
Selon , il a 7 genres:
* ''[[Brazzaea]]'' Bourguignat, 1886
* ''[[Coelatura]]'' Conrad, 1853
* ''[[Grandidieria]]'' Bourguignat, 1885
* ''[[Nitia]]'' Pallary, 1924
* ''[[Nyassunio]]'' Haas, 1936
* ''[[Prisodontopsis]]'' Tomlin, 1928
* ''[[Pseudospatha]]'' Simpson, 1900
== Références ==
== Liens externes ==
[[Catégorie:Tribu de protostomiens (nom scientifique)]]
[[Catégorie:Bivalve (nom scientifique)]]
Конингем, Артур
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 01:22AM
Конингем, Артур
Håndboldligaen 2016/17
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 01:22AM
Håndboldligaen 2016/17
2006 San Jose mayoral election
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 01:18AM
2006 San Jose mayoral election
Il Nido dell'Aquila - Nocera Umbra
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 01:15AM
Il Nido dell'Aquila - Nocera Umbra
Battle de Monte Seleuco
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 12:51AM
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バーン・フォー・ユー (INXSの曲)
新規更新されました。 October 17, 2019 at 12:49AM
バーン・フォー・ユー (INXSの曲)
意味調べるBiographisches Handbuch zur Geschichte des Landes Oldenburg/Register
新規更新October 17, 2019 at 12:03AM
Biographisches Handbuch zur Geschichte des Landes Oldenburg/Register
Wonderland2001: neu erstellt
== A ==
* [[Nathan Marcus Adler]]
* [[Adolf (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
* [[Burchard von Ahlefeldt]]
* [[Hans von Ahlefeldt (1710–1780)]]
* [[Conrad Wilhelm von Ahlefeldt]]
* Johann Peter Ahlers
* [[Georg Adolf Moritz Ahlhorn]]
* [[Johann Ahlhorn]]
* [[Gerhard Ahlhorn]]
* [[Gustav Ahlhorn]]
* [[Wilhelm Ahlhorn]]
* Johann Wilhelm Moritz Ahlhorn
* Marie-Louise Ahlhorn-Packenius
* [[Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt]]
* [[Nikolaus Alard]]
* [[Friedrich Albers]]
* [[Johann Albers (Politiker)]]
* Carl Albrecht (Orientalist)
* [[Anton I. von Aldenburg]]
* [[Anton II. von Aldenburg]]
* Adolf Heinrich Allmers
* [[Robert Allmers]]
* [[Friedrich Kurd von Alten]]
* Johann Georg Amann
* [[Anton I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Anton II. (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
* [[Anton Günther (Oldenburg)]]
* Heinrich Averdam
* Ludwig Averdam
== B ==
* Carl Johann Heinrich Baasen
* [[Gerhard Bakenhus]]
* [[Friedrich Balemann]]
* Ludwig Friedrich Georg Ballauf
* [[Gottschalk Josef Ballin]]
* [[Carl Bargmann]]
* [[Anton Barnstedt]]
* [[August Barnstedt (Jurist, 1793)]]
* [[August Barnstedt (Jurist, 1823)]]
* Friedrich Adam Wilhelm Barnutz
* [[Emil Bartelt]]
* [[Gustav Adolf von Baudissin]]
* Hermann Bäuerle (Politiker)
* [[Eugen von Beaulieu-Marconnay]]
* [[Wilhelm Ernst von Beaulieu-Marconnay]]
* [[Enno Becker]]
* [[Hermann Becker (Politiker, 1816)]]
* Becker
* [[Karl Becker (Statistiker)]]
* [[Johann Behlen]]
* [[Marie Behncke]]
* Karl Behrens (Politiker)
* Heinrich große Beilage
* [[Charlotte Sophie Bentinck]]
* [[Wilhelm Bentinck]]
* [[Wilhelm Gustav Friedrich Bentinck]]
* [[Günther von Berg]]
* [[Karl von Berg (Politiker)]]
* [[Albrecht Ludwig von Berger]]
* [[August Gottlieb von Berger]]
* [[Christoph Ernst von Beulwitz]]
* [[Ernst Beyersdorff]]
* Anton Günther Billich
* [[Iwan Bloch]]
* Fritz Bock
* [[Dagobert Böckel]]
* [[Ernst Gottfried Adolf Böckel]]
* [[Johann Otto Böckeler]]
* Johanne Henriette Elise Böger
* [[Ernst Boehe]]
* [[Heinrich Böhmcker]]
* [[Johann Philipp Bohn]]
* [[Boing von Oldersum]]
* Edo Boling
* [[Hermann Bonnus]]
* Friedrich Wilhelm Bortfeldt
* [[Carl Ferdinand Bosse]]
* [[Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Bosse]]
* [[Christian Ludwig Bosse]]
* [[Hartwig Julius Ludwig von Both]]
* [[Eugen Bothe]]
* [[Albert Brahms]]
* Gerhard Heinrich Bramlage
* [[Karl Ludwig Friedrich Josef von Brandenstein]]
* Johann Gottlieb Siegesmund Braunsdorf
* [[Christoph Gensch von Breitenau]]
* [[Paul Brodek]]
* [[Karl Rudolf Brommy]]
* Alfred Bruns
* Hans Christian Bruschius
* [[Carl Franz Nikolaus Bucholtz]]
* [[Franz Heinrich Alexander Bucholtz]]
* [[Martin BÜcking]]
* Hans Karl Wilhelm Buhlert
* [[Heinrich Bulle (Kanzler)]]
* [[Rudolf Bultmann]]
* Berhard(us) Meine Johannes Bümmerstede
* [[Karl Bunje]]
* [[Burchard von Oldenburg-Wildeshausen]]
* [[Ernst Buresch]]
* [[Eduard Burlage]]
* [[Christoph Anton Burmester]]
* Meinert Georg Busch
* [[Wilhelm von Busch]]
* Alexander Anton Buscher
* [[Gerhard Friedrich von Buschmann]]
* Ernst Gottlieb Büsing
* [[Caspar Bussing]]
* [[Alexander Christian von Buttel]]
* [[Dietrich Christian von Buttel]]
* [[Hugo von Buttel-Reepen]]
== C ==
* [[Matthias Cadovius]]
* [[Cäcilie von Schweden]]
* Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Calberla
* Theodor Heinrich Wilhelm Calmeyer-Schmedes
* [[Friedrich Cassebohm]]
* [[Robert Charton]]
* [[Christian von Oldenburg]]
* [[Christian I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christian II. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christian III. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christian IV. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christian V. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christian VI. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christian I. (Dänemark, Norwegen und Schweden)]]
* Christian I. d. Ä. von Oldenburg
* Christian II. d. J. von Oldenburg
* [[Christian IX. (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
* [[Christoph von Oldenburg]]
* [[Christoph (Jever)]]
* Anton Martin Claußen
* Gustav Wilhelm Closter
* Melchior Colditz (Melchior de Germania)
* Peter Heinrich Cornelius
* Louis Marcel de Cousser
* [[Hillart Cropp]]
== D ==
* [[Reinhard von Dalwigk (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Diedrich Dannemann]]
* [[Carl Julius Dannenberg]]
* [[Hans Burchard Otto von der Decken]]
* [[Wilhelm Degode]]
* Johannes Gerhard Ernst Denis
* [[Dide Lubben]]
* [[August tom Dieck]]
* [[Max tom Dieck]]
* [[Richard tom Dieck]]
* [[Fritz Diekmann]]
* [[Paul Dierkes]]
* [[Albert Dietrich (Musiker)]]
* [[Dietrich von Oldenburg]]
* [[Carl Dinklage]]
* [[Theodor Dirks]]
* [[Walther Dörr]]
* [[Franz Driver]]
* Friedrich Matthias Maria Anton Driver
* [[Marcell Driver (Politiker)]]
* [[Heinrich Düsterbehn]]
* [[Eugen Dugend]]
* Balthasar Jacob Dugend
* [[Karl Dugend]]
* [[Hugo Duphorn]]
* Heinrich Wilhelm Dursthoff
== E ==
* [[Edo Wiemken der Ältere]]
* [[Edo Wiemken der Jüngere]]
* [[Egilmar I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Egilmar II. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Julius von Egloffstein (General)]]
* [[Gustav Ehlermann]]
* [[Hermann Ehlers]]
* [[Heinrich Georg Ehrentraut]]
* [[Heinrich Eichler]]
* [[Gerd Eilers]]
* Heinrich Andreas Wilhelm Ludwig Eilers
* [[Wilhelm von Eisendecher]]
* [[Heinrich Enneking]]
* Hugo Ephraim
* [[Johann Wiegand Christian Erdmann]]
* [[Theodor Erdmann]]
* [[Georg von Eucken-Addenhausen]]
== F ==
* [[Ignatz Feigel]]
* [[Johann Alerich Feldhus]]
* Ihno Hayen Fimmen
* [[Alexander von Finckh]]
* [[Christian Daniel von Finckh]]
* [[Eugen von Finckh]]
* [[Johann Finckh]]
* [[Ludwig Fischbeck]]
* [[Laurenz Hannibal Fischer]]
* [[Laurenz Wilhelm Fischer]]
* Anton Heinrich Fissen
* Karl Georg Rudolf Fissen
* [[Arthur Fitger]]
* [[Johann Adam Flessa]]
* [[Georg Flor]]
* [[Wilhelm Flor]]
* Heinrich Gerhard Folte
* Heinrich Fortmann
* [[Wilhelm Fortmann]]
* [[Theodor Francksen]]
* Johann Sigismund von und zu Fräncking
* Fredo, Häuptling in Wangerland
* [[Wilhelm von Freeden]]
* [[Ludwig Freese]]
* [[Rudolf Freese]]
* [[Elisabeth Frerichs]]
* [[Friedrich Frerichs]]
* Friedrich, Graf von Rüstringen
* [[Friedrich August (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Friedrich August (Oldenburg, Großherzog)]]
* [[Alfred Führer]]
* [[John C. Funch]]
== G ==
* [[Christoph Bernhard von Galen]]
* [[Clemens August Graf von Galen]]
* [[Ferdinand Heribert von Galen]]
* [[Friedrich Mathias von Galen]]
* [[Ferdinand von Gall]]
* [[Ludwig Dietrich Eugen von Gayl]]
* Carl Friedrich Hermann Geist
* [[Christoph Gensch von Breitenau]]
* Johann Conrad Georg
* [[Johann Wilhelm Detlev Georg]]
* [[Johann Christian Gerber]]
* [[Gerbert Castus]]
* [[Johann Gerdes (Politiker)]]
* [[Gerhard I. von Hamburg-Bremen]]
* [[Gerd der Mutige]]
* Wilhelm Gillmann
* Robert Johannes Glaß
* Hinrich Gloyesten
* Jakob Glück
* [[Hermann Goens]]
* [[Jonas Goldschmidt]]
* [[Theodor Goerlitz]]
* [[Hellmuth Götze]]
* Friedrich August Heinrich Graeger
* [[Carl Bernhard Friedrich Graepel]]
* [[Otto Graepel]]
* [[Gerhard Anton Gramberg]]
* [[Gerhard Anton Hermann Gramberg]]
* [[Margarethe Gramberg]]
* [[Otto Friedrich Gramberg]]
* [[Bernhard Grape]]
* Bernhard Anton Greve
* Eduard Wilhelm Johann Greve
* Gerhard Hermann Ernst Greverus
* [[Johann Ernst Greverus]]
* Johann Paul Ernst Greverus
* [[Christian Griepenkerl]]
* [[Johannes Gryphiander]]
* Bernhard Heinrich Grobmeyer
* [[Gerhard Groskopff]]
* Karl Diedrich Adolf Groß
* [[Wilhelm von Grote]]
* Edgar Grundig
* [[Johannes Gryphiander]]
* Heinrich August Günther
== H ==
* [[August Haake (Schauspieler)]]
* [[Philipp de Haas]]
* [[Werner Hadeler]]
* [[Hermann Hadenfeldt]]
* Hagart
* Johann Christoph Wilhelm Hagendorff
* [[Ludwig Stats von Hahn]]
* [[Gerhard Anton von Halem]]
* [[Ludwig von Halem]]
* [[Johann von Hall]]
* [[Richard Hamel]]
* [[Hermann Hamelmann]]
* [[Hans Detlef von Hammerstein]]
* [[Theodor Hansen (Geistlicher, 1837)]]
* [[Ferdinand Hardekopf]]
* Christian (Christoph) von Harlingen
* Johann Caspar Christian Georg Harms
* [[Konrad Hartong]]
* Bernhard Heinrich Haskamp
* Eduard Christian Josef Haßkamp
* [[Anton Wolf von Haxthausen]]
* [[Christian Friedrich von Haxthausen]]
* [[Heinrich Wilhelm Hayen]]
* [[Hayo Harlda]]
Heinrich August Friedrich Heering
* [[Wilhelm von Heespen]]
* Friedrich Bernhard Hegeler
* Adolf Hinrich Martin Heger
* Bernhard Heilersieg
* [[Wolfgang Heimbach]]
* [[Heinrich von Oldenburg-Bruchhausen]]
* [[Heinrich I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Heinrich II. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Heinrich III. von Oldenburg-Wildeshausen]]
* [[Heinrich IV. von Oldenburg-Wildeshausen]]
* Karl Heinrich Adolf Heitmann
* [[Christoph Friedrich Hellwag]]
* [[Ernst Hemken]]
* Melchior Hemken
* [[Friedrich Wilhelm von Hendorff]]
* [[Johann Friedrich Herbart]]
* [[Johann Michael Herbart]]
* [[Anton Hering]]
* Hermann von Accum (auch: Hermannus)
* [[Franz Joseph Herold]]
* [[Otto Herzog (Politiker)]]
* Johann Heinrich Arnold Hespe]]
* [[Peter Ernst Anton Heumann]]
* [[Hero Diedrich Hillerns]]
* [[August Hinrichs]]
* [[Samson Raphael Hirsch]]
* [[Ludwig Heinrich Melchior Hofmeister]]
* [[Eduard Högl]]
* [[Franz Högl]]
* Ernst August Hollje
* Anton Georg Hollmann
* [[Johann Ernst von Holwede]]
* [[Friedrich Levin von Holmer]]
* [[Johann Georg von Holstein]]
* Johann Hermann Bernhard Holthaus
* [[Titus Maria Horten]]
* [[Christian Hoyer]]
* Niels Johannes Erich Hoyer
* [[Heinrich Hoyer]]
* Johann Friedrich Karl Hoyer
* Christian Niels Hoyer
* Otto Heinrich Hoyer
* [[Wilhelm Christoph Hoyer]]
* [[Arnold Huchting]]
* [[Paul Hug (Politiker, 1857)]]
* Gustav Johann Hullmann
* [[August Hullmann]]
* [[Oskar Hünlich]]
* Huno, Graf von Rüstringen
* [[Johann Wilhelm Anton Hunrichs]]
* [[Johann Huntemann]]
* [[Husseko Hayen]]
== I ==
* [[Rudolf Ibbeken
* Heinrich Janßen Iben
* Hermann Diedrich Imsiecke
== J ==
* [[Jakob von Oldenburg-Delmenhorst]]
* [[Wilhelm Jacobs (Politiker)]]
* Emilie Janssen, siehe [[Emmi Lewald]]
* [[Gerhard Friedrich August Jansen]]
* [[Günther Jansen (Politiker, 1831)]]
* [[Gustav Ludwig Janson]]
* [[Hinrich Janssen]]
* [[Carl Wilhelm Jaspers]]
* [[Karl Jaspers]]
* [[Karl Jenke]]
* Jerndorff
* [[Georg Joel]]
* [[Johann I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Johann II. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Johann III. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Johann IV. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Johann V. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Johann VI. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Johann VII. (Oldenburg)]]
* Johann (I.), Graf von Oldenburg-Delmenhorst
* [[Johannes von Wildeshausen]]
* [[August Jordan]]
== K ==
* [[Wilhelm Kaersten]]
* [[Robert Kandelhardt]]
* Johann Heinrich Katenkamp
* [[Franz Ludwig Anton Kelp]]
* Rudolph Heinrich Gottlieb Kelp
* [[Wilhelm Kempin]]
* [[Arnold Kitz]]
* [[Carl Klävemann]]
* [[Dietrich Klävemann]]
* [[Ernst Klingenberg]]
* [[Heinrich Klingenberg]]
* [[Ludwig Klingenberg]]
* Johann Christian Klinghamer (Klinkhamer, Klinckhamer)
* [[Ghert Klinghe]]
* [[Heinrich Kloppenburg]]
* [[Theodor von Kobbe]]
* [[Harald Koch (Politiker, 1907)]]
* [[Erich Koch-Weser]]
* [[Dietrich Kohl]]
* [[Ludwig Kohli]]
* [[Rudolph Kölbel]]
* [[Paul Kollmann]]
* [[Bernhard König (Politiker, 1847)]]
* [[Rudolf Königer]]
* [[Konrad I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Konrad II. (Oldenburg)]]
* Andreas Hermann Hinrich Koopmann
* August Christian Friedrich Korte
* [[Sebastian Friedrich von Kötteritz (Landdrost)]]
* Bonaventura Krahe
* [[Heinrich Krahnstöver]]
* [[August Christian Ferdinand Krell]]
* Gerhard Heinrich Kreymborg
* Gerd Kröger
* Johann Heinrich Krogmann
* [[Carl Krohne]]
* [[Wilhelm Krökel]]
* [[Wilhelm Krüger (Bauingenieur)]]
* [[Christian Kruse (Historiker)]]
* [[Wilhelm Kufferath]]
* Diedrich Conrad Ludwig Kuhlmann
* [[Bernhard Kuhnt]]
* [[Emil Künoldt]]
== L ==
* Hermann Lahrssen
* [[Carl Lahusen (Unternehmer)]]
* [[Christian Lahusen (Kaufmann)]]
* [[Heinrich Gerhard Lambrecht]]
* [[Johann Friedrich Lange (Schriftsteller)]]
* [[Helene Lange]]
* Carl Wilhelm Heinrich Erich Langheld
* [[Georg Siegmund Otto Lasius]]
* [[Otto Lasius]]
* [[Adolf Laun]]
* [[August Lauw]]
* [[Carl Leffers]]
* [[Werner August Friedrich Lentz]]
* [[Friedrich Lentz]]
* [[Heinrich Lentz]]
* [[Wilhelm Leverkus]]
* [[Emmi Lewald]]
* [[Enno Littmann]]
* [[Friedrich Lohse]]
* [[Lubbe Onneken]]
* [[Lubbe Sibets]]
* Heinrich August Lübben
* [[Hermann Lübbing]]
* [[Ludolf von Oldenburg-Bruchhausen]]
* [[Emil Lueken]]
* Gerhard Hinrich Lüschen
* [[Rochus Friedrich zu Lynar (1708–1781)]]
== M ==
* [[Hermann Maas (Politiker)]]
* [[Simon Malsius]]
* [[Hans Albrecht von Maltzan]]
* [[David Mannheimer]]
* [[Ferdinand Manns]]
* Johann Siegmund Manso
* [[Heinrich Matthias Marcard]]
* [[Maria (Jever)]]
* Martin Bernhard Martens
* [[Johann Conrad Musculus]]
* [[Karl August Mayer]]
* [[Heinrich Meene]]
* Carl Georg Meetzen
* Max Mehner
* Hermann Diedrich Meier
* [[Ludwig Meinardus]]
* Johann Dietrich Heinrich Meinen
* [[Joseph Mendelssohn (Schriftsteller)]]
* [[Salomon Mendelssohn]]
* [[Rudolf Menge]]
* [[Christoph Friedrich Mentz]]
* [[Theodor Merzdorf]]
* [[Christian Ludolph Mettcker]]
* [[Gerd Meyer (Maler)]]
* Hermann Heinrich Meyer]]
* [[Julius Meyer (Politiker, 1875)]]
* [[Lambert Meyer]]
* [[Lothar Meyer]]
* [[Oskar Emil Meyer]]
* Sibrand Meyer
* Wilhelm Gerhard Meyer
* [[Johannes Meyer-Ellerhorst]]
* [[Peter Friedrich Nicolaus Meyer]]
* [[Benno Meyer]]
* [[Franz Meyer (Politiker, 1882)]]
* Gregorius Michael(is)
* [[Laurentius Michaelis]]
* [[Johann Friedrich Minssen]]
* [[Eilhard Mitscherlich]]
* [[Karl Gustav Mitscherlich]]
* [[Paul Heinrich Gerhard Möhring]]
* [[Friedrich Möller (Bauunternehmer)]]
* Wilhelm Ludwig August Möller
* [[Georg Friedrich Mölling]]
* [[Gustav Carl Moltke]]
* [[Renato Mordo]]
* [[Wilhelm Morisse]]
* [[Moritz von Oldenburg (Erzbischof)]]
* [[Moritz I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Moritz II. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Moritz III. (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
* [[Franz Morthorst]]
* [[Julius Mosen]]
* [[Reinhard Mosen]]
* [[Johann Ludwig Mosle]]
* [[Diedrich Konrad Muhle]]
* [[Dode Emken Müller]]
* [[Hermann Gerhard Müller]]
* [[Johannes Müller (Politiker, 1864)]]
* Hermann Wilhelm Müller
* [[Wilhelm Müller (Politiker, 1889)]]
* [[Paul Müller-Kaempff]]
* [[Georg Müller vom Siel]]
* [[Walter Müller-Wulckow]]
* [[Anton Günther von Münnich]]
* [[Burkhard Christoph von Münnich]]
* [[Johann Rudolf von Münnich]]
* [[Ludwig Münstermann]]
* [[Elimar Murken]]
* [[Johann Conrad Musculus]]
* [[Adolf Mutzenbecher]]
* [[August Mutzenbecher]]
* [[Esdras Heinrich Mutzenbecher]]
* [[Friedrich Mutzenbecher]]
* [[Wilhelm Mutzenbecher]]
* [[Hermann Mylius von Gnadenfeld]]
== N ==
* [[Paul Neue]]
* [[Carl Heinrich Nieberding]]
* [[Johann Gerhard Franz Nieberding]]
* [[Wilhelm Nieberg]]
* [[August Niebour]]
* [[Eduard Niebour]]
* [[Wilhelm Niebour]]
* [[Theodor Niehaus]]
* [[Nicolaus Nielsen]]
* [[Carl Ludwig Niemann]]
* [[Adolf Niesmann]]
* [[Karl Nieten]]
* [[Reinhard Nieter]]
* [[Herman Niger]]
* [[Peter II. (Oldenburg)|Nikolaus Friedrich Peter von Oldenburg]]
* [[Carl Franz Noack]]
* [[Heinrich Nollner]]
* [[Gustav Nutzhorn]]
== O ==
* [[Georg Christian Oeder]]
* [[Jan Oeltjen]]
* [[August Oetken]]
* [[Friedrich Gerhard Oetken]]
* [[Johann Ludolph von Oetken]]
* [[Hermann Oncken]]
* Franz Ostendorf
* Johannes Ostendorf
* [[Edo Osterloh]]
* [[Ernst Osterloh]]
* [[Wilhelm Ostermann (Pädagoge)]]
* [[Heinrich Ottenjann]]
* [[Otto I. (Bremen)]]
* [[Otto I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Otto II. (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
* [[Otto III. (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
* [[Otto IV. (Oldenburg-Delmenhorst)]]
== P ==
* [[Leo Packmor]]
* [[Friedrich Paffrath]]
* [[Clemens Pagenstert]]
* [[Emil Palleske]]
* [[Lambert Pancratz]]
* Hans Hubertus Partisch
* [[August I. (Oldenburg)]]
* Johann Christian Peter Paulsen
* [[Julius Pauly]]
* [[Peter I. (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Peter Friedrich Wilhelm (Oldenburg)]]
* [[Christoph von Pflug]]
* Heinrich Picker
* [[Emil Pleitner]]
* [[Johannes Pohlschneider]]
* [[Franz Poppe]]
* [[August Pott]]
* [[Hermann Pralle]]
* [[Julius Preller]]
* [[Theodor Presuhn]]
* [[Joachim von Pritzbuer]]
* [[Georg Propping]]
* [[Johann von Prott]]
== Q ==
* [[Henning von Qualen]]
== R ==
* [[Heinrich Albrecht Rabe]]
* [[Heinrich Rabeling]]
* [[Franz Radziwill]]
* [[Heinrich Gerhard Lambrecht]]
* [[Bertha Ramsauer]]
* [[Gottfried Ramsauer]]
* [[Johannes Ramsauer (Lehrer)]]
* [[Johannes Ramsauer (Pfarrer)]]
* [[Heinrich Ranafier]]
* [[Wilhelm von Ranzow]]
* [[Arthur Raschke]]
* [[Adolf Rauchheld]]
* [[Alwin Reinke]]
* [[Elisabeth Reinke]]
* Georg Reinke
* [[Engelbert Reismann]]
* [[Remmer von Seediek]]
* [[Carl Heinrich Renken]]
* [[Alexander von Rennenkampff]]
* [[Walter Renzelmann]]
* [[Kurt Reuthe]]
* [[Friedrich Reinhard Ricklefs]]
* [[Emma Ritter]]
* [[Alma Rogge]]
* [[Diedrich Gerhard Roggemann]]
* [[Georg Karl Rohde]]
* Emil(ie) Roland siehe [[Emmi Lewald]]
* [[Andreas Romberg]]
* [[Bernhard Romberg (Cellist)]]
* [[Berthold Diedrich Römer]]
* Diedrich Christian Römer
* [[Friedrich Wilhelm Anton Roemer]]
* [[Peter Friedrich Ludwig von Rössing]]
* [[Albrecht Wilhelm Roth]]
* Johannes (Hans) Max Hermann Roth
* Friedrich Julius Rottmann
* [[Carl Röver]]
* Friedrich Bernhard Rüder
* [[Maximilian Heinrich Rüder]]
* Otto Philipp von Rüdigheim
* Philipp Burkhard von Rüdigheim
* Johannes (Hans) Karl Martin Rühe
* [[Franz Friedrich Ruhstrat]]
* [[Friedrich Andreas Ruhstrat]]
* [[Friedrich Julius Heinrich Ruhstrat]]
* [[Christian Ludwig Runde]]
* [[Justus Friedrich Runde]]
* [[Georg Ruseler]]
* [[Anton Franz Johann Russell]]
* [[Gustav Rüthning]]
== S ==
* [[Johann Heinrich Sandstede]]
* [[Wilhelm Sante]]
* [[Ernst Bernhard Scharf]]
* Ludwig Konrad Martin Schauenburg
* [[Hermann Scheer (Politiker, 1855)]]
* [[Erich Schiff]]
* [[Johannes Schiphower]]
* [[Georg Schipper]]
* Paul Friedrich Schipper
* [[Johann Heinrich Schloifer]]
* [[Johann Heinrich Jakob Schloifer ]]
* [[Friedrich Christoph Schlosser ]]
* [[Gottfried Schlüter der Ältere]]
* [[Adolf Schmeyers]]
* [[Diedrich Schmidt]]
* [[Johann Schmidt (Politiker)]]
* [[Johannes Schmidt (Politiker)]]
* [[Arp Schnitger]]
* Schomann
* [[Eduard Schoemer ]]
* [[Albert Philibert Schrenck von Notzing]]
* [[Wilhelm von Schrenck]]
* [[Wilhelm Schröder (Politiker, 1853)]]
* [[Johannes Schüler]]
* [[Hans Georg von der Schulenburg (Gouverneur)]]
* [[August Schultze (Unternehmer)]]
* [[Julius Schultze (Unternehmer)]]
* [[Johann Peter Schulze]]
* [[Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler]]
* [[Adolf Schütte (Pfarrer)]]
* [[Heinrich Schütte]]
* [[August Schwartz]]
* [[Wilhelm Schwecke]]
* Schwertfeger
* [[Karl Schwoon]]
* [[Ulrich Jasper Seetzen]]
* [[Christian Thomesen Sehested]]
* [[Wilhelm Selkmann]]
* [[Georg Sello]]
* [[Sibet Lubben]]
* [[Carl Siebold (Finanzrat)]]
* [[Johann Georg Siehl-Freystett]]
* [[Anton Siemer]]
* [[Laurentius Siemer]]
* [[Carl Slevogt (Architekt)]]
* [[Hermann Späth (Pfarrer)]]
* [[Heinz Spangemacher]]
* [[Jakob von der Specken]]
* Spezza
* [[Walter Spitta]]
* [[Wilhelm Stählin]]
* [[Adolf Stahr]]
* [[Gerhard Stalling]]
* [[Heinrich Stalling]]
* [[Daniel Stangen]]
* [[Christian Gottlieb Starklof]]
* [[Ludwig Starklof]]
* [[Wilke Steding]]
* Marcus Steffens (Stephani)
* [[Anton Stegemann]]
* [[Johannes Stein (Politiker, 1866)]]
* [[Marie Stein-Ranke]]
* [[Gerhard Steinfeld]]
* [[Arend Stindt]]
* [[Friedrich Leopold zu Stolberg-Stolberg]]
* [[Heinrich Strack (der Ältere)]]
* [[Ludwig Philipp Strack]]
* [[Christian Friedrich Strackerjan]]
* [[Karl Strackerjan]]
* [[Martin Strackerjan]]
* [[Ludwig Strackerjan]]
* [[Fritz Strahlmann]]
* [[Fritz Stuckenberg]]
* [[Wilhelm Stukenberg]]
* [[Anton Stukenborg]]
* [[Helfrich Peter Sturz]]
* [[Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Suden]]
* Johann Suhr
* [[Peter Suhrkamp]]
== T ==
* [[Tanno Duren]]
* [[Ernst Tantzen]]
* [[Richard Tantzen]]
* [[Theodor Tantzen der Ältere]]
* [[Theodor Tantzen der Jüngere]]
* Johann Joseph Friedrich Taphorn
* [[Friedrich Tappenbeck]]
* [[Karl Tappenbeck]]
* [[Wilhelm Tegtmeier]]
* [[Ernst Tenge]]
* [[Oskar Tenge]]
* [[Gerhard Tepe]]
* [[Franz Teping]]
* [[Franz Anton Terbeck]]
* [[Johannes von Wildeshausen|Johannes Teutonicus]]
* [[Curt Theilen]]
* [[Anton Themann]]
* Johann Theodor Themann
* [[Carl Thorade]]
* [[Willa Thorade]]
* [[Friedrich von Thünen]]
* [[Johann Heinrich von Thünen]]
* [[Johann Diederich Thyen]]
* [[Johann Ludwig Tiarks]]
* [[Heinrich Tilemann]]
* [[Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein]]
* [[Albert Traeger]]
* [[Ludwig Benedict Trede]]
* Clemens August Trenkamp
* [[Johann Friedrich Trentepohl]]
* Carl Friedrich Trillhose
* [[Wilhelm von Türk]]
== U ==
* [[Diedrich Uhlhorn]]
* [[Elisabeth von Ungnad]]
* [[Jakob Friedrich von Varendorf]]
* [[Hermann Velstein]]
* [[Gerhard Vieth]]
* [[Nikolaus Vismar]]
* [[Hans Wilhelm Vitzthum von Eckstädt]]
* [[Nikolaus Vogt]]
* [[Ludwig Völckers]]
* [[Johannes Volkers]]
* [[Heinrich Vollers]]
* [[Franz Vorwerk]]
* [[Johann Heinrich Voß]]
* [[Georg von der Vring]]
* [[Anton Friedrich Christoph Wallroth]]
* [[Waltbert]]
* [[Wilhelm Gustav Friedrich Wardenburg]]
* [[Rudolf Weber (Jurist)]]
* [[Bernhard Wechsler]]
* [[Friedrich Wilhelm von Wedel]]
* [[Friedrich Wilhelm von Wedel-Jarlsberg]]
* [[Georg Jürgen Ernst von Wedel-Jarlsberg]]
* [[Gustav Wilhelm von Wedel]]
* [[August Wegmann]]
* [[Ludwig von Weltzien]]
* [[Heinrich Wempe]]
* [[Paul Wessner]]
* [[Ludwig Conrad Leopold Wibel]]
* [[Carl Anton Widersprecher]]
* [[Widukind (Sachsen)]]
* [[Wilhelm Wielandt]]
* Carl Friedrich Wiepken
* [[Wilbrand von Oldenburg]]
* [[Herbert Wild (Politiker)]]
* [[Johannes von Wildeshausen]]
* [[Bernhard Willers]]
* [[Ernst Willers]]
* [[Friedrich Willich (Politiker)]]
* [[Johannes Willinges]]
* [[Johannes Eduard Folckard Willms]]
* [[Joseph Bernhard Winck]]
* Karl Willoh
* [[Johann Just Winckelmann]]
* [[Bernhard Winter]]
* [[Wilhelm Wisser]]
* [[Alrich Witken]]
* Christian Wilhelm Witte
* [[Heinz Witte]]
* [[Hieronymus von Witzendorff]]
* [[Adam Levin von Witzleben]]
* [[Carl Woebcken (Pastor)]]
* [[Johann Wöbcken]]
* [[Christian Heinrich Wolke]]
* [[Christian Albrecht Wolters]]
* [[Heinrich Wolters]]
* [[Karl Ludwig von Woltmann]]
* [[Matthias von Wolzogen auf Missingdorf]]
== Z ==
* [[Carl Zedelius]]
* [[Ernst Zeidler]]
* [[Hugo Zieger]]
* [[Emil Zimmermann (Politiker, 1885)]]
[[Kategorie:Biografisches Nachschlagewerk]]
[[Kategorie:Person (Oldenburg (Oldenburg))|!Biographisches Lexikon, Register]]
新規更新October 16, 2019 at 11:58PM
Lab06 N:←建立内容为" '''拉丁期'''()是三叠纪的第四个时期,年代大约位于242–237百万年…"的新页面
== 古生物 (陆地)==
=== [[脊索动物门]] ===
==== [[合弓纲]] ====
==== [[蜥形纲]] ====
== 古生物 (水域)==
=== [[脊索动物门]] ===
==== [[腔棘鱼纲]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
|[[贵州空棘鱼属]] ''Guizhoucoelacanthus''
|[[劉冠邦 (古生物學家)|Liu]] ''et al.'', 2006
==== [[辐鳍鱼纲]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
|[[圣乔治鱼属]] ''Sangiorgioichthys''
|Tintori & Lombardo, 2007
=== [[棘皮动物门]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
|[[石莲海百合属]] ''Encrinus''
|Andreae, 1764
|[[Image:Encrinus liliiformis.JPG|thumb|center|''Encrinus liliiformis''的化石]]
=== [[软体动物门]] ===
==== [[头足纲]] ====
{| class="wikitable"
|[[齿菊石属]] ''Ceratites''
|de Haan (1825)
|[[Image:Ceratites nodosus MHNT.PAL.CEP.2001.105.jpg|thumb|center|''Xenodiscus besairiei''的化石]]
Mingo Swamp (South River tributary)
新規更新されました。 October 16, 2019 at 11:03PM
Mingo Swamp (South River tributary)
意味調べるList of Uganda Airlines destinations
新規更新October 16, 2019 at 10:02PM
List of Uganda Airlines destinations
Fsmatovu: copy edit
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
'''[[Uganda Airlines]]''' serves the following destinations (as of October 2019):<ref name="1R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
As of October 2019, Uganda Airlines maintains regular services to the following destinations:<ref name="1R"/>
* '''Burundi
** [[Bujumbura]]: [[Bujumbura International Airport]]<ref name="2R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* '''Kenya'''
** [[Nairobi]]: [[Jomo Kenyatta International Airport]]<ref name="3R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
** [[Mombasa]]: [[Moi International Airport]]<ref name="4R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* '''Rwanda
** [[Kigali]]: [[Kigali International Airport]]<ref name="5R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* '''Somalia
** [[Mogadishu]]: [[Mogadishu International Airport]]<ref name="6R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
'''South Sudan
** [[Juba, Southern Sudan|Juba]]: [[Juba International Airport]]<ref name="7R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* '''Tanzania
** [[Arusha]]: [[Kilimanjaro International Airport]]<ref name="8R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
** [[Dar es Salaam]]: [[Julius Nyerere International Airport]]<ref name="9R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* '''Uganda
** [[Entebbe]]: [[Entebbe International Airport]] ('''Main hub''')<ref name="10R">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
==See also==
* [[Uganda Airlines (1976–2001)]]
* [[Air Uganda]]
==External links==
* [https://ift.tt/2MJFbHz Uganda Airlines Homepage]
[[Category:Lists of airline destinations]]
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Micheledisaveriosp: /* XVI e XVII secolo */
'''Al-Jdayde''' (, anche [[traslitterazione dall'arabo|trasl.]] ''al-Jdeideh'', ''al-Judayda'', ''al-Jdeïdé'' o ''al-Jadida'') è un quartiere storico nella città siriana di [[Aleppo]].
L'area è stata gravemente danneggiata durante la [[guerra civile siriana]].
== Storia ==
=== XIV - XV secolo ===
Alla fine del periodo [[Sultanato mamelucco (Il Cairo)|mamelucco]], al-Jdayde era un piccolo sobborgo che comprendeva piccole attività commerciali situate al di fuori delle mura a nord della città, vicino ai cimiteri e alle aree di stoccaggio. Lo sviluppo del centro abitato lungo le strade che collegano i villaggi vicini a nord e nord-est con Bab al-Nasr, una delle nove porte storiche della Città Antica, ha progressivamente integrato Jdayde nella città di Aleppo.
Nel XIV secolo questi quartieri ospitavano moschee nelle quali aveva luogo la ''[[Khuṭba]]'', intervallate da splendide fontane zampillanti, con giochi d'acque ed effetti a sorpresa. Nel 1490-1491 fu ulteriormente ampliata la rete di acquedotti cittadini per supportare l'ulteriore estensione del quartiere e l'apertura di [[Hammam|pubblici lavacri, termali o religiosi]].<ref>[[Jean Sauvaget|Sauvaget, Jean]] (1941) [https://ift.tt/2VNxEvf Alep, essai sur le développement d'une grande ville syrienne des origines au milieu du XIXe siècle], texte et album, librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris : Carte des canalisations mameloukes, p. 182.</ref> Nella parte occidentale di al-Jdayde si trovavano i cimiteri cristiani e probabilmente anche i resti di antiche chiese del periodo bizantino, come l'antico insediamento cristiano di Salibeh<ref>Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh (2004), [https://ift.tt/35CXoz9 The image of an Ottoman city: imperial architecture and urban experience in Aleppo in the 16th and 17th centuries], Leiden: EJ Brill, pp. 158-9</ref>, non distante da Piazza Farhat, nel quale furono ricostruite le principali chiese della città: la Chiesa armena di quaranta martiri, ampliata nel 1490<ref>Sauvaget (1941) p. 179.</ref> , le chiese greco-ortodossa, maronita e siriaca. La maggior parte della popolazione era costituita da mercanti armeni, dediti ai commerci con la Persia e con l'India.
=== XVI e XVII secolo ===
[[File:Jdeydeh str3.jpg|thumb|Un caratteristico vicolo stretto del XVI secolo di Al-Jdayde]]
Durante la [[impero ottomano|dominazione ottomana]] del XVI e del XVII secolo, il quartiere fu suddiviso in lotti rettangolari<ref>David, Jean-Claude. (1982) « [https://ift.tt/2BeVnLz Urbanisation spontanée et planification] » Les cahiers de la recherche architecturale, n°10-11.</ref> e nella zona centrale vennero aperti due grandi ''[[waqf]]'' islamici, uno dei quali rimasto attivi fino al XX secolo. L'area fu progressivamente colonizzata da illustri e facoltosi residenti. Dimore di Dio e dimore private condividevano la stessa sobrietà stilistica, l'assenza di facciate sui rilievi esterni, in particolare sulle vie più frequentate. Non di rado le entrate erano poste alla fine di ''[[Strada senza uscita|cul-de-sac]]'' specificamente creati.<br />
Questi due complessi architettonici, con facciate riccamente decorate e una disposizione regolare, ospitavano la maggior parte dei servizi commerciali e sociali del quartiere, dove musulmani e cristiani, ricchi e poveri, erano chiamati a vivere fianco a fianco.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Nei dintorni si potevano trovare esempi architettonici in grado di coniugazione la bellezza del'arte araba con la funzionalità culturale e mercantile del luogo, quali: una fontana di fronte al quartiere cristiano, un caffè, un grande hammam, una piccola moschea e una scuola islamica, un mercato di stoffe, quattro grandi officine tessili, un vasto magazzino di cereali, e varie altre.<ref>David, Jean-Claude, (2004) « [https://ift.tt/2OYkElr La production de l'espace dans la ville ottomane] » Les relations entre musulmans et chrétiens dans le Bilad al-Cham, p. 178–179.</ref>
Il sultano [[Murad IV]] si avvalse della collaborazione dei [[dragomanno|dragomanni]] dell'ex Stato crociato siriaco per attrarre i commercianti stranieri nel porto di Aleppo.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
=== XX e XXI secolo ===
Gli anni '90 e 2000 si caratterizzarono per il rilancio turistico e commerciale dell'area a livello nazionale e internazionale<ref>Stefano Bianca, Peter Davies, Wolfgang Fülscher (1981-3) [https://ift.tt/31iEoTf The Re-development of the Bab Al-Faraj Area in Aleppo], UNESCO PARIS p. 9 (36)
</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>, permeata da un tipico profumo di fiori [[Jasminum sambac|Jasmin]]''.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
Molti dei palazzi storici furono riqualificati come musei, boutique, hotel e ristoranti, fra i quali: Beit Wakil<ref> Bayt Wakil Archnet|website=archnet.org|access-date=2017-05-17}}</ref>, Beit Ghazaleh<ref> Archnet|website=archnet.org|access-date=2017-05-17}}</ref>, Dar Zamaria, Beit Achiqbash, Beit Sader, Beit Sissi, Dar Basile<ref> Detail of tiles in courtyard Archnet|website=archnet.org|access-date=2017-05-17}}</ref> e Beit Dallal.<ref> Courtyard view towards reception hall Archnet|website=archnet.org|access-date=2017-05-17}}</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
Contestualmente, furono ristrutturate anche la piazza centrale di Sahat Farhat e quella di Sahat Al Hatab. Il quartiere fu coinvolto in prima linea durante la guerra civile siriana, scoppiata ad Aleppo nel 2012.<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Nell'aprile del 2015, si verificarono delle esplosioni sotterranee (a Sahat Al Hatab<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>) che recarono gravi danni a luoghi storici come [[Palazzo Ghazaleh|Beit Ghazaleh]], l'ex mercato cristiano di Beit Achiqbash e Waqf governativo di Ibshir Mustafa Pasha.
Terminato il conflitto dopo quattro ani di scontri fra le forze rivali<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Ministry of Culture Directorate General of Antiquities & Museums (2017) STATE PARTY REPORT On The State of Conservation of The Syrian Cultural Heritage Sites (Syrian Arab Republic), 1 February 2017, available on http://whc.unesco.org/document/155953</ref><ref></ref>
, la DGAM e l'[[UNESCO]] hanno censito a novembre del 2017 i monumenti storici dell'area, per futuri interventi di consolidamento e di protezione da eventuali emergenze.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Il primo di questi ha interessato la piazza di Sahat al Hatab, con il riempimento delle buche nel 2017 e la rimozione dei detriti l'anno successivo.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
== Galleria ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150" perrow="4">
File:Alep - Fenetrages de la maison Gazaleh - Bretocq -1918-1922.jpg|Finestre di Dar Zamariya ad al-Jdayde (cartolina datata fra il 1918 e il '22)
File:Sissi House, Aleppo (2).jpg|Beit Sissi, un palazzo storico ristrutturato come piano bar
File:Haygazian Armenian School, Aleppo Armenian Quarter (2).jpg|Il vicolo di ''Hokedun'' nel quartiere armeno di al-Jdayde
File:Jdeydeh str2.jpg|Uno stretto vicolo verso piazza Farhat
File:Beit Wakil Aleppo.jpg|Beit Wakil, un palazzo ristrutturato e trasformato in un hotel-boutique
File:Haygazian Armenian School, Aleppo Armenian Quarter (1).jpg|Una scuola armena nel vecchio quartiere di al-Jdayde
File:Ajikbash House036.JPG|Coorte di Beit Achiqbash, divenuta la casa-museo Ajikbash
File:Interior of the Maison (Beit) Sader in Jdeideh Aleppo (circa1880).jpg|alt=Maison (Beit) Sader|Interno del Beit Sader, immagine del 1880
File:Dar Zamaria.jpg|Dar Zamaria, un palazzo trasformato in hotel boutique
File:Ayda alley, Aleppo Christian Quarter (01).jpg|Vicolo di Al-Yasmeen nel quartiere di al-Jdayde
File:Dar Basile alley of Jdayde Historic district, Aleppo, 2010.jpg|Dar Basile ad al-Jdayde
File:Church signes at Jdeyde qaurter, Aleppo.jpg|Segnali stradali bilingui che si riferiscono alle posizioni della chiesa di al-Jdayde
== Note ==
<references />
== Voci correlate ==
* [[Aleppo]]
* [[Conquista islamica della Siria]]
* [[Cristianesimo in Siria]]
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محمد رضا الأزري
Ruwaym: تدقيق لغوي
'''محمد رضا بن محمد بن محمود الحظيري التميمي الأزري''' (1749 - 1825) كاتب وشاعر عراقي. ولد في [[بغداد]]. درس على أخيه الأكبر يوسف وغيره من فضلاء عصره وولع بحفظ القصائد الطوال من شعر العرب.أهم شعره رثاء أهل البيت . توفّي في بغداد.<ref></ref>
== سيرته ==
ولد محمد رضا بن محمد بن محمود الحظيري التميمي الأزري سنة 1162 هـ/ ودرس العلوم العربية على أخيه الكبير يوسف الأزري وعلى غيره من فضلاء عصره. وولع بحفظ القصائد الطوال من شعر العرب فقد رووا عنه إنه كان يحفظ المعلقات السبع وقسما عظيما من أشعار الجاهلية علاوة على الخطب والأحاديث المروية عن العرب. و"كان نشيطا مفتول الساعدين قوي البنية معدودا من أبطال الفتوة بين أقرانه". وهو أصغر أخوته ولم يعقب.<br>
توفي سنة 1240 هـ/ في بغداد.
== شعر==
أهم شعره رثاء أهل البيت وهو المعول عليه وبه امتاز واشتهر أما الباقي من شعره ففي أغراض شتى. وقد حدثت في زمانه [[الهجوم على كربلاء|الهجوم على كربلاء في 1802]] فنظم على أثرها ثلاث قصائد تشتمل على مائتين وستين بيتا ذكر بها الواقعة المذكورة وختم كل منها بتاريخ.<br>
وأما شعره فقد نهج به منهج المخضرمين. وتاريخ قصائده أكثرها نظمت بعد وفاة أخيه [[كاظم الأزري]] ومنها يظهر إنه لم يتصد إلى إظهار أدبه في زمن حياة أخيه. وقد تفرد بنظم قصائد جعل كل شطر منها تاريخا وهذا ليس بالعمل السهل وإن لم يكن مفيدا ولكنه يدل على قدرة فائقة وباع طويل. أما ديوانه الموجود فلا يشتمل على أكثر من ألف وخمسمائة بيت.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2OSPFXG موسوعة التراجم والأعلام - الشيخ محمد رضا الأزري<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->]</ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/31howQP الشيخ محمد رضا الأزري<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->]</ref>
== انظر أيضًا ==
* [[قائمة الشعراء العراقيين]]
== مراجع ==
意味調べるLoạn trương lực cơ
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Loạn trương lực cơ
Fattrien: /* Tham khảo */
Loạn trương lực cơ là một rối loạn [[Tính trội (di truyền học)|chi phối]] tự phát thường [[Di truyền|được di truyền từ cha mẹ]] . <ref name="NIH2016">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Có hai loại chính: loại 1 (DM1), do đột biến gen DMPK và loại 2 (DM2), do đột biến gen CNBP . Các rối loạn thường xấu đi trong mỗi thế hệ. Loại DM1 có thể rõ ràng khi sinh. Loại DM2 thường nhẹ hơn. Chúng là loại [[loạn dưỡng cơ]] . Chẩn đoán được xác nhận bằng [[xét nghiệm di truyền]] . <ref name="Me2015">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
Hiện tại không có thuốc đặc trị cho chứng này. <ref name="Kl2015">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Phương pháp điều trị có thể bao gồm dùng thắt dây đai hoặc xe lăn, máy điều hòa nhịp và thông khí áp lực dương không xâm lấn . <ref name="Me2015">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Các loại thuốc [[mexiletine]] hoặc [[carbamazepine]] đôi khi tỏ ra hữu ích. Đau đớn, nếu nó xảy ra, có thể được điều trị bằng [[thuốc chống trầm cảm ba vòng]] và [[thuốc chống viêm không steroid]] (NSAID).
Loạn trương lực cơ ảnh hưởng đến hơn 1 trên 8.000 người trên toàn thế giới. Trong khi loạn trương lực cơ có thể xảy ra ở mọi lứa tuổi, khởi phát thường ở độ tuổi 20 và 30. Đây là dạng loạn dưỡng cơ phổ biến nhất bắt đầu ở tuổi trưởng thành. <ref name="NIH2016">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Nó được mô tả lần đầu tiên vào năm 1909, với nguyên nhân cơ bản của loại 1 được xác định vào năm 1992. <ref name="Me2015">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
== Tham khảo ==
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