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意味調べるReceptor 5-HT2A
新規更新August 24, 2019 at 05:41PM
Receptor 5-HT2A
Drilldrazer: Creado al traducir la página «5-HT2A receptor»
El 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> puede ser un receptor necesario para la propagación del [[Polyomaviridae|virus del polioma]] humano llamado [[virus JC]].<ref name="pmid15550673"></ref>
La regulación descendente del receptor post-sináptico 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> es un proceso adaptativo provocado por la administración crónica de [[Inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina|inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina]] (ISRS) y antipsicóticos clásicos. Los pacientes suicidas y otros pacientes deprimidos han tenido más receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> que los pacientes normales. Estos resultados sugieren que la sobredensidad post-sináptica de 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> está involucrada en la patogénesis de la depresión.<ref name="pmid8788498"></ref>
La bajada paradójica de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> puede observarse con varios antagonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref name=":2"></ref> Por lo tanto, en lugar de tolerancia, se esperaría una [[Reverse tolerance|tolerancia inversa]] de los antagonistas del 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>. Sin embargo, hay al menos un antagonista en este sitio que ha demostrado que aumenta la regulación de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref></ref> Además, un par de otros antagonistas pueden no tener efecto sobre el número de receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref></ref> Sin embargo, el aumento de la reglamentación es la excepción y no la regla. No se observa [[Tolerancia (medicina)|tolerancia]] ni [[Efecto de rebote|rebote]] en humanos con respecto a los efectos promotores del [[Sueño de ondas lentas|SWS]] de los antagonistas del 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref></ref>
== Historia ==
Los receptores de serotonina fueron divididos en dos clases por Gaddum y Picarelli cuando se descubrió que algunos de los cambios inducidos por la serotonina en el [[Tracto gastrointestinal|intestino]] podían ser bloqueados por la [[morfina]], mientras que el resto de la respuesta fue inhibida por la [[Fenoxibenzamina|dibencilina]], lo que llevó a la denominación de los receptores M y D respectivamente. Se cree que el 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> corresponde a lo que Gaddum y Picarelli describieron originalmente como subtipo D de los [[Receptor de serotonina|receptores 5-HT]].<ref name="isbn0-07-142280-3"></ref> En la era de la clonación pre-molecular, cuando la unión y el desplazamiento de [[Radioligand|radioligandas]] era la única herramienta importante, se demostró que la espiperona y el LSD etiquetaban dos receptores de serotonina diferentes, y ninguno de ellos desplazó la morfina, lo que dio lugar al nombramiento de los receptores [[5-HT1 receptor|5-HT<sub>1</sub>]], [[5-HT2 receptor|5-HT<sub>2</sub>]] y [[Receptor 5-HT3|5-HT<sub>3</sub>]], que corresponden a los sitios de alta afinidad del [[LSD]], la [[Spiperone|espiperona]] y la morfina, respectivamente.<ref></ref> Más tarde se demostró que el 5-HT<sub>2</sub> estaba muy cerca del 5-HT<sub>1C</sub> y por lo tanto fueron golpeados juntos, cambiando el nombre del 5-HT<sub>2</sub> a 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>. Así, la familia de receptores 5-HT<sub>2</sub> está compuesta por tres entidades moleculares separadas: el 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> (anteriormente conocido como 5-HT<sub>2</sub> o D), el [[HTR2B|5-HT<sub>2B</sub>]] (anteriormente conocido como 5-HT<sub>2F</sub>) y los receptores [[HTR2C|5-HT<sub>2C</sub>]] (anteriormente conocido como 5-HT<sub>1C</sub>).<ref name="Hoyer_2002"></ref>
== Distribución ==
El 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> se expresa ampliamente en todo el [[sistema nervioso central]] (SNC). Se expresa cerca de la mayoría de las áreas ricas terminales serotoninérgicas, incluyendo el [[neocórtex]] (principalmente la [[corteza prefrontal]], [[Lóbulo parietal|parietal]] y [[Sistema somatosensorial|somatosensorial]]) y el [[Olfactory tubercle|tubérculo olfativo]]. Especialmente altas concentraciones de este receptor en las [[Apical dendrite|dendritas apicales]] de las [[Neurona piramidal|células piramidales]] de la [[Corteza cerebral|capa V]] de la corteza pueden modular los procesos cognitivos, la memoria de trabajo y la atención<ref name="pmid10216183"></ref><ref name="pmid11672605"></ref><ref name="pmid16277612"></ref> al mejorar la liberación de [[Ácido glutámico|glutamato]] seguida de una compleja gama de interacciones con los receptores [[Receptor 5-HT1A|5-HT<sub>1A</sub>]],<ref name="pmid14754868"></ref> [[receptor GABA|GABA<sub>A</sub>]],<ref name="pmid11517239"></ref> [[ADORA1|adenosina A<sub>1</sub>]],<ref></ref> [[Receptor AMPA|AMPA]],<ref></ref> [[Metabotropic glutamate receptor#Classification|mGluR<sub>2/3</sub>]],<ref></ref> [[GRM5|mGlu5]]<ref name="pmid18621097"></ref> y [[HCRTR2|OX<sub>2</sub>]].<ref name="pmid17656637"></ref><ref name="pmid18172209"></ref> En el cerebelo de la rata, la proteína también se ha encontrado en las [[Golgi cell|células de Golgi]] de la [[Granular layer (cerebral cortex)|capa granular]]<ref name="pmid120844122">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> y en las [[Célula de Purkinje|células de Purkinje]].<ref name="pmid9756362"></ref><ref name="pmid15567478"></ref>
En la periferia, está altamente expresada en [[Plaqueta|plaquetas]] y muchos tipos de células del sistema [[Aparato circulatorio|cardiovascular]], en [[Fibroblasto|fibroblastos]] y en neuronas del sistema nervioso periférico. Adicionalmente, se ha observado la expresión del ARNm 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> en [[Monocito|monocytes]] humanos.<ref name="pmid15802305"></ref> La distribución de cuerpo entero del agonista del receptor 5-HT2A/2C,[11C]Cimbi-36 muestra captación en varios órganos internos y tejido adiposo marrón (BAT), pero no está claro si esto representa una unión específica del receptor 5-HT2A.<ref></ref>
== Cascada de señalización ==
Se sabe que el receptor 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> se acopla principalmente a la vía de transducción de señales de Gα<sub>q</sub> Tras la estimulación del receptor con el agonista, Gα<sub>q</sub> y β-γ las subunidades se disocian para iniciar las vías efectoras aguas abajo. Gα<sub>q</sub> estimula la actividad de la [[fosfolipasa C]] (PLC), que posteriormente promueve la liberación de [[Diacilglicerol|diaclglicerol]] (DAG) e [[inositol trifosfato]] (IP3), que a su vez estimulan la actividad de la [[Proteína quinasa C|proteína cinasa C]] (PKC) y la liberación de [[Ca2+|Ca<sup>2+</sup>]].<ref name="pmid16803859"></ref>
Existen muchos componentes adicionales de la cascada de señales que incluyen la formación de [[ácido araquidónico]] a través de la actividad de la [[PLA2]], la activación de la [[fosfolipasa D]], la [[Rho (proteína)|Rho]]/[[Rho kinase|Rho quinasa]] y la activación de la vía [[Extracellular signal-regulated kinases|ERK]] iniciada por la estimulación agonista del receptor.
== Efectos ==
Los procesos fisiológicos mediados por el receptor incluyen:
* SNC: excitación neuronal (probablemente responsable de los efectos psicodélicos asociados con los agonistas de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> como [[LSD]], [[Dimetiltriptamina|DMT]], etc.),<ref name="ReferenceA"></ref> efectos conductuales, aprendizaje, ansiedad y pro-nocicepción.<ref></ref>
* músculo liso: contracción (en [[Bronquio|bronquios]] y [[tracto gastrointestinal]])
* [[vasoconstricción]] / [[vasodilatación]]
* plaquetas: [[Plaqueta|agregación]]
* La activación del receptor 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> con [[2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine|2,5-Dimethoxy-4-yodoanfetamina]] (DOI) produces potent [[Antiinflamatorio|antiinflamatorios]] en varios tejidos incluyendo el cardiovascular y el intestinal. Otros agonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> como el LSD también tienen potentes efectos antiinflamatorios contra la [[inflamación]] inducida por el [[Factor de necrosis tumoral|TNF-alfa]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
* La activación del receptor 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> en el hipotálamo causa aumentos en los niveles hormonales de [[oxitocina]], [[prolactina]], [[Hormona adrenocorticotropa|ACTH]], [[corticosterona]] y [[renina]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
* Papel en la memoria y el aprendizaje<ref name="pmid16277612"></ref><ref name="pmid14557608"></ref><ref name="pmid11923449"></ref>
== Ligandos ==
=== Agonistas ===
La activación del [[Receptor celular|receptor]] 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> es necesaria para los efectos de los [[Droga psicodélica|psicodélicos]] "clásicos" como [[LSD]], [[psilocina]] y [[mescalina]], que actúan como [[Agonista|agonistas]] totales o parciales en este receptor, y representan las tres clases principales de agonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, las [[Ergolina|ergolinas]], las [[Triptamina|triptaminas]] y las [[Feniletilamina|fenetilaminas]], respectivamente. Se ha desarrollado una familia muy grande de derivados de estas tres clases, y sus [[Structure-activity relationship|relaciones estructura-actividad]] han sido ampliamente investigadas.<ref></ref><ref name="pmid18666267"></ref> Se cree que los agonistas que actúan en los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> localizados en las [[Apical dendrite|dendritas apicales]] de las [[Neurona piramidal|células piramidales]] dentro de las regiones de la [[corteza prefrontal]] median la actividad alucinógena. Los hallazgos más recientes revelan que los efectos psicoactivos de los psicodélicos clásicos están mediados por el [[GPCR oligomer|receptor heterodímero]] 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>–[[GRM2|mGlu2]] y no por los receptores [[Monómero|monoméricos]] 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref name="ReferenceA"></ref> Los agonistas mejoran la dopamina en el PFC,<ref name="pmid16277612"></ref> mejoran la memoria y juegan un papel activo en la atención y el aprendizaje.<ref name="pmid17124621"></ref><ref name="pmid17092965"></ref>
==== Agonistas completos ====
* [[Agmatina]]
* [[25I-NBOH]] y su 2-metoxianalógico [[25I-NBOMe]]<ref name="pmid17000863"></ref>
* [[Flúor 18|<sup>18</sup>F]] [[FECIMBI-36]], ligando agonista [[Marcado isotópico|radiomarcado]] para mapear la distribución de receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> / 5-HT<sub>2C</sub> <ref>Prabhakaran J, Solingapuram Sai KK, Zanderigo F, Rubin-Falcone H, Jorgensen MJ, Kaplan JR, Tooke KI, Mintz A, Mann JJ, Kumar JS. In vivo evaluation of [18F]FECIMBI-36, an agonist 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>/2C receptor PET radioligand in nonhuman primate. ''Bioorg Med Chem Lett''. 2017 Jan 1;27(1):21-23. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.043. </ref>
* [[TCB-2]]<ref name="pmid16970404"></ref>
* [[Mexamine]] es un agonista completo de varios receptores de serotonina.
* [[O-4310]], selectivo 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, afirmó tener 100 veces selectividad sobre 5-HT<sub>2C</sub> y estar inactivo a 5-HT<sub>2B</sub>
* [[PHA-57378]], agonista dual 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> / 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>, efectos ansiolíticos en estudios en animales.<ref name="pmid12824036"></ref>
* [[25B-NBOMe]] También conocido como Cimbi-36; usado como una herramienta de imagenología [[Tomografía por emisión de positrones|PET]] para visualizar el receptor 5-HT<sub>2A</sub><ref name=":0"></ref>
==== Agonistas parciales ====
* [[25C-NBOMe]]
* [[25CN-NBOH]], selectividad 100x para 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> sobre 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>, selectividad 46x sobre 5-HT<sub>2B</sub>.
* [[Bromo-DragonFLY]]<ref name="pmid11300881"></ref>
* [[2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine|(R)-DOI]], tradicionalmente el agonista de referencia 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> más común utilizado en la investigación<ref></ref>
* [[Efavirenz]], un medicamento antirretroviral, produce efectos secundarios psiquiátricos que se cree que están mediados por el 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref></ref>
* [[Juncosamine]], es un derivado estructuralmente restringido de [[25B-NBOMe]], que actúa como un potente agonista parcial con una selectividad de 124x para 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> sobre 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>, lo que lo convierte en el ligando agonista más selectivo identificado hasta la fecha.<ref></ref>
* [[Lisurida]], un [[agonista de la dopamina|agonista dopaminérgico]] antiparkinsoniano de la clase de la [[ergolina]], que también es un agonista dual 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> / 5-HT<sub>2C</sub><ref name="pmid9600588"></ref> y un antagonista 5-HT<sub>2B</sub>.<ref name="pmid16614540"></ref>
* La [[mefloquina]], un medicamento antipalúdico, también produce efectos secundarios psiquiátricos que pueden ser mediados a través de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> y/o 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>.<ref></ref>
* La [[Methysergide|metisergida]], un congénere de la [[Methylergonovine|metilergonovina]], se utiliza en el tratamiento de los receptores de los bloques de [[migraña]] 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> y 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>, pero a veces actúa como agonista parcial, en algunas preparaciones.
* [[OSU-6162]] actúa como un agonista parcial tanto en los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> como en los [[DRD2|receptores D<sub>2</sub> de dopamina]].
* [[SN-22]], agonista parcial en los tres subtipos 5-HT<sub>2</sub> subtypes
==== Agonistas periféricos selectivos ====
Un efecto de la activación de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> es la reducción de la presión intraocular, por lo que los agonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> pueden ser útiles para el tratamiento del [[glaucoma]]. Esto ha llevado al desarrollo de compuestos como el [[AL-34662]] que se espera reduzcan la presión dentro de los ojos pero sin cruzar la [[barrera hematoencefálica]] y produciendo efectos secundarios alucinógenos.<ref name="pmid17341144"></ref> Estudios en animales con este compuesto demostraron que estaba libre de efectos alucinógenos en dosis de hasta 30 mg/kg, aunque varios de sus análogos más lipofílicos sí produjeron la [[Head-twitch response|respuesta de conmutación de la cabeza]] que se sabe que es característica de los efectos alucinógenos en roedores.<ref name="pmid16392816"></ref>
=== Antagonistas silenciosos ===
* La [[trazodona]] es un potente antagonista del 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, así como un antagonista de otros receptores de serotonina.
* [[Mirtazapina]] es un antagonista del 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, 5-HT<sub>2C</sub> y 5-HT<sub>3</sub>. Mirtazapina también tiene un efecto antagonista sobre los receptores de histamina H<sub>1</sub>. Debido a su amplio espectro de inhibición de los receptores serotoninérgicos, Mirtazapine exhibe un efecto agonístico en los receptores 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> al canalizar más serotonina hacia ellos. Mirtazapina se utiliza como un antidepresivo en pacientes con insomnio y pérdida de peso.
* Aunque los alcaloides del [[Alcaloides del cornezuelo de centeno|cornezuelo de centeno]] son en su mayoría antagonistas inespecíficos de los receptores 5-HT, algunos derivados del cornezuelo como la [[Metergoline|metergolina]] se unen preferentemente a los miembros de la familia de receptores 5-HT<sub>2</sub>.
* El descubrimiento de la [[ketanserina]] fue un hito en la farmacología de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2</sub>. La ketanserina, aunque es capaz de bloquear la adhesión plaquetaria inducida por el 5-HT, no media su conocida acción antihipertensiva a través de la familia de receptores 5-HT<sub>2</sub>, sino por su alta afinidad con los receptores adrenérgicos alfa<sub>1</sub>. También tiene una alta afinidad por los receptores histaminérgicos 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>. Los compuestos químicamente relacionados con la ketanserina como la [[Ritanserin|ritanserina]] son antagonistas más selectivos de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> con baja afinidad por los receptores alfa-adrenérgicos. Sin embargo, la ritanserina, como la mayoría de los otros antagonistas de los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, también inhibe poderosamente a los receptores 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>.
* La [[nefazodona]] actúa bloqueando los receptores de serotonina tipo 2A post-sináptica y, en menor medida, inhibiendo la recaptación de serotonina y norepinefrina (noradrenalina) pre-sinápticas.
* Los fármacos [[Antipsicótico atípico|antipsicóticos atípicos]] como la [[clozapina]], la [[olanzapina]], la [[quetiapina]], la [[risperidona]] y la [[asénapine|asenapine]] son antagonistas relativamente potentes del 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, al igual que algunos de los antipsicóticos de menor potencia de la vieja generación/típicos. Otros antagonistas son [[MDL-100,907]] (prototipo de otra nueva serie de antagonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>) y [[cyproheptadine]].
* El [[Pizotifen|pizotifeno]] es un antagonista no selectivo.<ref name="Rang187"> Page 187</ref>
* [[LY-367,265]] - antagonista dual de 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> / SSRI con efectos antidepresivos
* Las 2-alquil-4-aril-tetrahidro-pirimido-azepinas son antagonistas selectivos de subtipo (35 g: 60 veces).<ref name="pmid18282705"></ref>
* La [[9-Aminomethyl-9,10-dihydroanthracene|AMDA]] y los derivados relacionados son otra familia de antagonistas selectivos de 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref name="pmid10513561"></ref><ref name="pmid12052195"></ref><ref name="pmid14660041"></ref><ref name="pmid18847250"></ref><ref name="pmid17314044"></ref>
* [[Antipsicótico típico|Antipsicóticos típicos]] como [[Haloperidol]] y [[Clorpromazina]]
* [[Hidroxicina|Hidroxizina]] (Atarax)
* [[5-MeO-NBpBrT]]
* [[Niaprazine|Niapracina]]
=== Agonistas inversos ===
* [[AC-90179]] - potente y selectivo [[agonista inverso]] a 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>, también antagonista de 5-HT<sub>2C</sub>.<ref name="pmid11561089"></ref><ref name="pmid15102927"></ref>
* [[Nelotanserin|Nelotanserina]] (APD-125) - agonista inverso selectivo 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> desarrollado por [[Arena Pharmaceuticals]] para el tratamiento del insomnio. El APD-125 demostró ser efectivo y bien tolerado en los ensayos clínicos.<ref></ref>
* La [[Eplivanserin|eplivanserina]] ([[Sanofi|Sanofi Aventis]]), un somnífero que alcanzó la fase II de ensayos (pero para el cual se retiró la solicitud de aprobación), actúa como un agonista inverso 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> selectivo.
* [[Pimavanserin|Pimavanserin (ACP-103)]] - más selectivo que el AC-90179, activo por vía oral, antipsicótico ''in vivo'', ahora aprobado por la FDA para el tratamiento de alucinaciones y delirios asociados con la enfermedad de Parkinson.<ref name="pmid16469866"></ref><ref name="pmid17519387"></ref><ref name="pmid18534670"></ref><ref name="pmid19040345"></ref>
* [[Volinanserin]]
=== Selectividad funcional ===
Los [[Ligando (bioquímica)|ligandos]] de receptor 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> pueden activar de forma diferencial las [[Transducción de señal|vías transductoras]] ([[HTR2A|ver arriba]]). Los estudios evaluaron la activación de dos [[Efector|efectores]], [[Fosfolipasa C|PLC]] y [[Phospholipase A2|PLA2]], por medio de sus [[Segundo mensajero|second messengers]]. Los compuestos que presentan una [[Functional selectivity|selectividad funcional]] más pronunciada son [[Dimethoxyamphetamine#2,5-DMA|2,5-DMA]] y [[2C-N]]. El primero induce la acumulación de [[Inositol trifosfato|IP]] sin activar la respuesta mediada por el PLA2, mientras que el segundo provoca la liberación [[Ácido araquidónico|AA]] sin activar la respuesta mediada por el PLC.<ref name="pmid17337633"></ref>
Investigaciones recientes han sugerido diferencias potenciales de señalización dentro de la corteza somatosensorial entre los agonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> que producen [[Headshake response|movimientos de cabeza]] en el [[mouse]] y los que no, como la [[lisurida]], ya que estos agentes también son no alucinógenos en humanos a pesar de ser agonistas activos de 5-HT<sub>2A</sub>.<ref name="pmid17270739"></ref><ref name="pmid18703043"></ref> Un ejemplo conocido de diferencias en la transducción de señales es entre los dos agonistas 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> serotonina y [[2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine|DOI]] que involucra reclutamiento diferencial de proteínas intracelulares llamadas β-[[Arrestin|arrestins]], más específicamente [[Arrestina beta 2|arrestin beta 2]].<ref name="pmid18195357"></ref><ref name="pmid18195368"></ref>
=== Papel de la lipofilia ===
Se evaluó un conjunto de ligandos. Para los agonistas, se observó una correlación lineal muy significativa entre la [[Constante de disociación|afinidad de unión]] y la [[Lipófilo|lipofilia]]. Para los ligandos con propiedades de agonistas parciales o antagonistas, la lipofilia fue consistentemente mayor de lo que se esperaría para un agonista de afinidad comparable.<ref name="pmid18296055"></ref>
== Genética ==
[[Archivo:Chromosome_13.jpeg|derecha|miniaturadeimagen|[[Cromosoma 13 (humano)|Cromosoma 13]].]]
Los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> están codificados por el gen ''HTR2A''. En los humanos, el gen se encuentra en el [[Cromosoma 13 (humano)|cromosoma 13]]. El gen ha sido llamado anteriormente sólo HTR2 hasta la descripción de dos genes relacionados ''[[HTR2B]]'' y ''[[HTR2C]]''. Se han identificado varios [[Polimorfismo (biología)|polimorfismos]] interesantes para HTR2A: [[A-1438G]] ([[rs6311]]), [[C102T]] ([[rs6313]]) y [[His452Tyr]] ([[rs6314]]). Existen muchos más polimorfismos para el gen. En un documento de 2006 se enumeraban 255.<ref name="pmid16882651"></ref><ref></ref>
=== Asociaciones con trastornos psiquiátricos ===
Varios estudios han visto vínculos entre el polimorfismo -1438G/A y los [[trastornos del estado de ánimo]], como el [[trastorno bipolar]]<ref name="pmid11702051"></ref> y el [[trastorno depresivo mayor]].<ref name="pmid14730199"></ref> Se ha encontrado un vínculo débil con un [[Razón de momios|odds ratio]] de 1,3 entre el polimorfismo T102C y la [[esquizofrenia]].<ref name="pmid8622505"></ref> Este polimorfismo también se ha estudiado en relación con los intentos de [[suicidio]], con un estudio que ha encontrado un exceso de genotipos de C/C entre los que intentan suicidarse.<ref name="pmid18163387"></ref> Varios otros estudios se dedicaron a encontrar una asociación del gen con la esquizofrenia, con resultados divergentes.
Sin embargo, es posible que estos estudios individuales no ofrezcan una imagen completa: Una revisión de 2007 que analizó el efecto de diferentes SNPs reportados en estudios separados declaró que "los estudios de asociación genética[de variantes del gen ''HTR2A'' con trastornos psiquiátricos] reportan resultados contradictorios y generalmente negativos" sin implicación, pequeños o un papel no replicado para la variante genética del gen.<ref name="pmid17691947"></ref>
==== Respuesta al tratamiento ====
Un estudio ha encontrado que las variaciones genéticas entre individuos en el gen HTR2A pueden hasta cierto punto explicar la diferencia en el resultado del tratamiento antidepresivo, de modo que los pacientes que sufren de [[trastorno depresivo mayor]] y son tratados con [[citalopram]] pueden beneficiarse más que otros si tienen un genotipo en particular.<ref name="pmid16642436"></ref> En este estudio se investigaron 768 [[Polimorfismo de nucleótido único|polimorfismos de nucleótidos simples]] (SNP) a través de 68 genes y un SNP denominado [[rs7997012]]-en el segundo [[intrón]] del gen HTR2A mostró una asociación significativa con el resultado del tratamiento.
La genética también parece estar asociada hasta cierto punto con la cantidad de eventos adversos en el tratamiento del trastorno de depresión mayor..<ref name="pmid17898344"></ref><ref name="pmid17949692"></ref>
Un estudio también ha vinculado polimorfismos anormales 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> que pueden mejorar la actividad de los receptores con el [[síndrome de fatiga crónica]].<ref></ref>
== Neuroimagen ==
Los receptores 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> pueden ser visualizados con [[Tomografía por emisión de positrones|escáneres de TEP]] usando el flúor-18-[[Altanserin|altanserina]]<ref name="pmid1744713"></ref>, MDL 100,907<ref name="pmid8602111"></ref> o [<sup>11</sup>C]Cimbi-36<ref name=":0"></ref><ref name=":1"></ref> [[Radioligand|radioligandos]] que se unen al neurorreceptor, por ejemplo, un estudio reportó una ''reducción'' en la unión de la altanserina particularmente en el [[Hipocampo (anatomía)|hipocampo]] en pacientes con [[trastorno depresivo mayor]].<ref name="pmid14744461"></ref> Otro estudio TEP reportó un ''aumento'' en la unión de la altanserina en los [[Núcleo caudado|núcleos caudales]] en pacientes con [[Trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo|trastorno obsesivo compulsivo]] en comparación con un grupo de control saludable.<ref name="pmid15801987"></ref>
Los pacientes con [[síndrome de Tourette]] también han sido examinados y el estudio encontró un aumento en la unión de la altanserina para los pacientes en comparación con los controles saludables.<ref name="pmid16945163"></ref> La absorción de altanserina disminuye con la [[Envejecimiento humano|edad]], lo que refleja una pérdida de receptores específicos de 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> con la edad.<ref name="pmid9027929"></ref><ref name="pmid9824691"></ref><ref name="pmid15006678"></ref> Un estudio también ha encontrado una correlación positiva entre los sujetos sanos entre la unión de la altanserina y el [[neuroticismo]] de los rasgos de personalidad medidos por el cuestionario de personalidad [[NEO PI-R]].<ref name="pmid17884017"></ref>
== Papel en la endocitosis viral ==
El 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> puede ser un receptor necesario para la [[endocitosis]] mediada por [[clatrina]] del [[Polyomaviridae|virus del polioma]] humano llamado [[virus JC]], el agente causal de la [[leucoencefalopatía multifocal progresiva]] (PML, por sus siglas en inglés), que entra en células como los [[Oligodendrocito|oligodendrocitos]], [[Astrocito|astrocitos]], [[Linfocito B|linfocitos B]] y células epiteliales renales. Estas células necesitan expresar tanto el componente de [[ácido siálico]] ligado al alfa 2-6 del receptor 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> como la endocitosa JCV.<ref name="pmid15550673"></ref>
== Referencias ==
== Lecturas adicionales ==
== Enlaces externos ==
* Human HTR2A genome location and HTR2A gene details page in the UCSC Genome Browser.
[[Categoría:Genes del cromosoma 13]]
新規更新August 24, 2019 at 05:40PM
Zigzig20s: created page for surname
*[[Del Loranger]] (1920–2003), American basketball player and coach
*[[Louis-Onésime Loranger]] (1837–1917), Canadian lawyer, politician and judge
*[[Thomas-Jean-Jacques Loranger]] (1823–1885), Canadian judge and politician
Polystyrene sulfonate
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新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 04:51PM
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Elecciones provinciales de Jujuy de 1929
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 04:46PM
Elecciones provinciales de Jujuy de 1929
Elecciones provinciales de Jujuy de 1927
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 04:26PM
Elecciones provinciales de Jujuy de 1927
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新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 02:39PM
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Chiesa della Natività di Beata Vergine Maria (Bagnolo di Po)
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 01:50PM
Chiesa della Natività di Beata Vergine Maria (Bagnolo di Po)
意味調べるCape Verde–Spain relations
新規更新August 24, 2019 at 01:27PM
Cape Verde–Spain relations
Fobos92: ←Created page with ' '''Cape Verde–Spain relations''' are the bilateral and diplomatic relations between thes...'
'''Cape Verde–Spain relations''' are the bilateral and [[diplomatic relations]] between these two countries. Cape Verde has a [[embassy]] in [[Madrid]], a [[consulate general]] in [[Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]] and two [[consulate]] s in [[Alicante]] and [[ La Coruña]].<ref>[https://ift.tt/30x7Kh8 EMBASSYPAGES.COM] Embassy of Cape Verde in Madrid, Spain; and consulates </ref> Spain has an embassy in [[Praia]].<ref>[https://ift.tt/2ZtqaSs Ficha de Cabo Verde] Office of Diplomatic Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain. Section: Representation Data. </ref>
== Diplomatic relations ==
Spain and Cape Verde have diplomatic relations since [[December 21]] of [[1977]].
Bilateral relations between Spain and Cape Verde have always enjoyed good health, following the qualitative leap that occurred with the visit to
Madrid of Prime Minister José María Neves in [[March 2007]] the signing of important agreements (framework cooperation agreement on "last generation" migration matters); Political MOU; three international judicial cooperation agreements; MOU for joint surveillance of maritime spaces; IV Joint Cooperation Commission 2007-09, which significantly increases ODA to Cape Verde), and the opening of an Embassy resident in Praia in July 2007. Spain has placed Cape Verde among the priorities of its foreign action in Sub-Saharan Africa for several reasons:<ref>[https://ift.tt/2ZtqaSs Ficha de Cabo Verde] Office of Diplomatic Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain. Section: Diplomatic relations. </ref>
* First, Cape Verde has become a reference in the subcontinent of Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of democratic governance, rule of law, respect for rights and freedoms and dynamism of civil society
* Likewise, it is worth highlighting the commitment of Cape Verde in the promotion of sustainable development and the fight against poverty and its progress in economic and social matters. <ref> (reflected in its basic indicators and in its access, since 1 January 2008, to the group of middle-income countries). </ref>
* Spain and Cape Verde have clear and important shared interests, such as the need to intensify cooperation, in order to give an adequate response to the phenomenon of migration, the fight against illicit traffic, the promotion of trade relations or investment Direct in the country.
* Likewise, the neighborhood between Cape Verde and [[Canary Islands]], which makes Spain the [[Member State of the European Union]] geographically closest to Cape Verde and multiplies the opportunities to intensify relations in Spain economic, commercial, cultural, scientific or educational fields.
* Spain and Cape Verde share a long tradition of collaboration in the field of Security and Defense. It should be noted that the main challenges for Cape Verde in matters of security and defense are linked to its status as an island and archipelagic State, its geostrategic position, a crossing point for illegal traffic between Africa, Europe and America and the difficulty of Cape Verdean authorities to effectively control such a geographically dispersed and fragmented territory, taking into account that its territorial sea extends along 58,000 km² of ocean and that the country has 700,000 km² of maritime spaces between territorial sea, contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone.
== Economic relations ==
Despite the limited size of its market, the proximity and affinity of the Canary Islands, and the tourist potential of Cape Verde, cause an intense bilateral economic relationship, with Spain being its main trading partner. In this sense, according to the latest INE data for 2014, Spain is the first destination for Cape Verdean exports (67% of the total).<ref>[https://ift.tt/2ZtqaSs Ficha de Cabo Verde] Office of Diplomatic Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain. Section: Economic relations. </ref>
=== Commercial relations with the Canary Islands ===
In 2012, the Canary Islands increased both their exports and their imports with Cape Verde, with € 14.6 million exported with a positive annual recovery of 0.9% and with imports that exceeded € 182.12 thousand, which has suffered an annual variation 18.9% positive, the main imported item being the corresponding "Canned meat or fish" with a weight of 37%.<ref>[http://www.africainfomarket.org/estadisticas/item/16163-informe-de-flujos-comerciales-de-cabo-verde| AFRICA Infomarket] ''Relaciones comerciales de Cabo Verde''</ref>
== Cooperation ==
Cape Verde has been a priority country for Spanish cooperation during the term of the III Master Plan 2009 - 2012. The Basic Cooperation Agreement was signed by both countries in 1979, with four mixed commissions being concluded under its framework. In the year 2007 the OTC of Praia was opened. In the IV Joint Cooperation Commission, with an initial validity for the 2007-2009 period, a cooperation volume of € 27M per year was committed in non-refundable cooperation.
The IV Mixed Commission was extended in September 2010 until the approval of a future partnership framework. The IV Master Plan 2013-2016 provides for the gradual conclusion of the bilateral cooperation program. The evolution of ODA to Cape Verde reflects the high importance accorded to the country for Spanish cooperation (€ 77 million of net ODA for the period 2007-2011), as well as the widely exceeded compliance with the commitments established in the IV COMIX during Validity: € 15.1 million (2007), € 15.4 million (2008), € 17.6 million (2009), € 17.6 million (2010), € 11.1 million (2011), 3, € 5M (2012, estimated figure) and 111,800 Euros (2013).
The participation of Spain in budgetary support to Cape Verde stands out (more than € 20M in the 2007-2012 period). In 2011, € 4.4 million were disbursed, and in 2012 a final disbursement was made for € 3 million (compared to the € 4.6M initially planned).<ref>[https://ift.tt/2ZtqaSs Ficha de Cabo Verde] Office of Diplomatic Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain. Section: Cooperation.</ref>
== References ==
[[Category:Cape Verde–Spain relations| ]]
[[Category:Bilateral relations of Cape Verde|Spain]]
[[Category:Bilateral relations of Spain|Cape Verde]]
Benin–Spain relations
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:39PM
Benin–Spain relations
Коврижных, Лев Михайлович
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:25PM
Коврижных, Лев Михайлович
SAP Materials Management
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Мельников Юрий Михайлович
Ladies in Black
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Fernand Carette
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نموذج أعمال طيران الإمارات
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نموذج أعمال طيران الإمارات
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En la puerta de la eternidad
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意味調べるOlympic Channel
新規更新August 24, 2019 at 05:07AM
Olympic Channel
O COI opera o serviço com foco internacional, mas também declarou que tem planos de trabalhar com os [[Comitê Olímpico Nacional|Comitês Olímpicos Nacionais]] locais e detentores de direitos para estabelecer versões localizadas e serviços lineares como versões franqueadas do Olympic Channel. O primeiro deles, nos Estados Unidos, lançado em julho de 2017.
== Objetivo ==
O principal objetivo do serviço é manter o interesse durante todo o ano [[Desporto olímpico|nos esportes olímpicos]] nos intervalos entre os [[Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno|Jogos Olímpicos de Verão]] e [[Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno|Inverno]], especialmente entre um público mais jovem; contará com cobertura de competições dos esportes olímpicos, bem como programas de formato curto e longo, focados em atletas olímpicos. O serviço será transmitido inicialmente em inglês, mas possui legendas disponíveis em outros nove idiomas depois do lançamento. <ref name="variety-oclaunch"></ref>
Yiannis Exarchos, superintendente do Olympic Channel e CEO da [[Serviço Olímpico de Transmissão|Olympic Broadcasting Services]], afirmou que o conteúdo do serviço se concentraria principalmente nas histórias dos atletas, argumentando que "precisamos correr alguns riscos e é melhor correr riscos agora porque somos mais fortes do que nós já estivemos. As personalidades dos atletas, seus estilos de vida, são algo muito, muito atraente. " <ref name="bloomberg-oc"></ref>
== História ==
O presidente do COI, [[Thomas Bach]], que originalmente propôs o conceito de um canal de televisão orientado para as Olimpíadas em 1994, quando era um oficial júnior do COI, afirmou que o serviço seria "o começo de uma nova e empolgante jornada para conectar o público do mundo inteiro com o Movimento Olímpico durante todo ano".<ref name="variety-oclaunch"></ref> O canal será produzido em [[Madrid|Madri]] e recebeu um orçamento de sete anos de 600 milhões de dólares.<ref name="bloomberg-oc"></ref>
O serviço digital inicial tem um foco internacional, mas o COI afirmou que planeja trabalhar com [[Comitê Olímpico Nacional|comitês olímpicos nacionais]] e detentores de direitos locais para desenvolver versões locais do Olympic Channel, que podem incluir opcionalmente canais de televisão lineares. <ref name="variety-oclaunch"></ref> A plataforma de streaming é fornecida pela Playmaker Media, uma divisão do NBC Sports Group.
== Versões regionais ==
=== Oriente Médio e Norte da África ===
Em 4 de setembro de 2017, o COI anunciou uma parceria com a [[BeIN Sports]] para lançar um Olympic Channel linear para a região do [[MENA|Oriente Médio e Norte da África]] (MENA), lançado em 1 de novembro de 2017. Como preparação para o lançamento, a rede transmitia um bloco diário da programação do Olympic Channel em seu canal principal. <ref></ref>
=== Estados Unidos ===
Em um fórum do setor em março de 2017, o presidente da NBC Olympics, Gary Zenkel, declarou que a [[NBCUniversal]]<nowiki/>lançaria uma versão localizada do Olympic Channel nos Estados Unidos como um canal de televisão linear no final do ano.<ref name="svg-olympicchannelus"></ref> A versão americana do Olympic Channel lançada em 15 de julho de 2017, substituindo o Universal HD - que captou o conteúdo esportivo olímpico após a descontinuação do Universal Sports em 2015. <ref></ref> <ref></ref> <ref></ref> <ref></ref>
=== América hispânica ===
Em janeiro de 2019, o COI anunciou uma parceria com a [[Claro TV]] e a Claro Video para distribuir a programação do Olympic Channel em seu canal linear e serviço de streaming de vídeo da Claro Sports para os países latino-americanos. <ref>[https://ift.tt/2NrD7pt Olympic Channel lands Claro Sports distribution deal] - Sports Pro, 23 January 2019</ref>
=== China ===
Em janeiro de 2019, o grupo de mídia Voice of China anunciou planos para lançar uma versão chinesa do canal. <ref></ref> Nomeado CCTV-16, o canal será lançado no final do ano.
== Links externos ==
[[Categoria:Canais de televisão fundados em 2016]]
[[Categoria:Canais de televisão por Internet]]
[[Categoria:Fundações na Espanha em 2016]]
[[Categoria:!Website oficial diferente no Wikidata e na Wikipedia]]
Julia Rothenburg
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 04:26AM
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La danza de la vida humana
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 04:30AM
La danza de la vida humana
(2584) Turkmenia
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(2584) Turkmenia
Ховен, Николай Егорович
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 04:23AM
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Tarantella (higo)
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 02:25AM
Tarantella (higo)
Đại hội Đảng lần thứ 7 Đảng Cộng sản Nga (Bolsheviks)
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Đại hội Đảng lần thứ 7 Đảng Cộng sản Nga (Bolsheviks)
Булат Лутфуллин
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:20AM
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Rangu (film 2018)
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:17AM
Rangu (film 2018)
Bộ Chính trị Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Liên Xô khóa XXI (1959-1961)
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:17AM
Bộ Chính trị Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Liên Xô khóa XXI (1959-1961)
Bộ Chính trị Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Liên Xô khóa XX (1956-1959)
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:15AM
Bộ Chính trị Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Liên Xô khóa XX (1956-1959)
Rue Louis Fraigneux
新規更新されました。 August 24, 2019 at 12:13AM
Rue Louis Fraigneux
意味調べるLinguistique quantitative
新規更新August 23, 2019 at 11:15PM
Linguistique quantitative
Et pourquoi pas moi? : Créé en traduisant la page « Quantitative linguistics »
La '''linguistique quantitative''' est une sous-discipline de la [[Linguistique théorique|linguistique générale]] et, plus spécifiquement, de la linguistique mathématique. La linguistique quantitative traite de l'apprentissage des langues, de leur évolution et de leur application, ainsi que de la structure des langues naturelles. Elle étudie les langues à l'aide de méthodes [[Statistique|statistiques]]; Son objectif le plus exigeant est la formulation de lois linguistiques et, finalement, d'une théorie générale du langage, c'est-à-dire d'un ensemble de lois langagières interdépendantes. <ref>Reinhard Köhler: ''Gegenstand und Arbeitsweise der Quantitativen Linguistik''. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): ''Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch.'' de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, pp. 1–16. </ref> La linguistique synergétique (la synergie étant une approche transdisciplinaire) a été dès son origine spécialement conçue à cet effet. <ref>Reinhard Köhler: ''Synergetic linguistics''. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): ''Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch.'' de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, pp. 760–774. .</ref> La linguistique quantitative est fondée empiriquement sur les résultats des statistiques linguistiques, ce qui correspond aux statistiques du langage ou d'objets linguistiques. Ce domaine n'est pas nécessairement lié à des ambitions théoriques substantielles. [[Linguistique de corpus|La linguistique de corpus]] et [[Linguistique informatique|la linguistique informatique]] sont d'autres domaines qui apportent d'importantes [[Preuve empirique|preuves empiriques]] .
== Histoire ==
Les premières approches de la linguistique quantitative remontent au monde grec et indien antique. L' une des sources historiques se compose d'applications de combinatoires à des questions linguistiques, <ref>N.L. Biggs: ''The Roots of Combinatorics.'' In: ''Historia Mathematica'' 6, 1979, pp. 109–136.</ref> une autre est basée sur des études statistiques élémentaires, .
== Lois de la langue ==
En linguistique quantitative, le concept de loi désigne un système de lois déduites d'hypothèses théoriques, formulées mathématiquement, et validées par une [[Méthode scientifique|démarche scientifique]]<nowiki> : elles doivent subir de nombreuses expériences et "résister" à toutes les réfutations possibles. Köhler écrit à propos de ces lois : "En outre, il peut être démontré que ces propriétés des éléments linguistiques et des relations entre elles sont conformes à des lois universelles qui peuvent être formulées strictement de manière mathématique, de la même manière qu'elles sont communes dans les sciences naturelles. Rappelez-vous que ces lois sont de nature stochastique [aléatoires, pouvant être bouleversées] et qu'elles ne sont pas observées dans tous les cas (cela ne serait ni nécessaire ni possible), mais plutôt qu'elles déterminent les probabilités des événements ou les proportions étudiées; Il est facile de trouver des contre-exemples. Toutefois, ces cas ne violent pas les lois correspondantes, car les variations autour de la moyenne statistique sont non seulement admissibles mais même essentielles, elles sont elles-mêmes déterminées quantitativement avec exactitude par les lois correspondantes. La situation est identique à celle des sciences naturelles, qui ont depuis longtemps abandonné les anciennes conceptions déterministe et causale du monde pour les remplacer par des modèles probabilistes. " </nowiki><ref>cf. note 1, pp. 1–2.</ref>
== Quelques lois linguistiques ==
Il existe un grand nombre de lois linguistiques proposées, parmi lesquelles: <ref>cf. references: Köhler, Altmann, Piotrowski (eds.) (2005)</ref>
* Loi de la diversification: si des catégories linguistiques telles que des parties du discours ou des terminaisons flexionnelles (une flexion étant une variation d'un radical, ex. conjugaison, déclinaison) apparaissent sous différentes formes, on peut montrer que les fréquences de leur occurrence dans les textes sont contrôlées par des lois.
* Distributions de longueur (ou plus généralement de complexité). L'enquête de fréquences de textes ou de dictionnaires d'unités de tout genre en ce qui concerne leur longueur produit régulièrement un certain nombre de distributions, en fonction du type donné de l'unité à l'étude. A ce jour, les unités suivantes ont été étudiées:
** Loi de la distribution des longueurs de [[Morphème|morphèmes]] (unités de sens)
** Loi de la distribution des longueurs des unités rythmiques;
** Loi de la répartition des durées des phrases;
** Loi de la distribution des longueurs syllabiques;
** Loi de la distribution des longueurs de mots;
Cette loi s'applique à d'autres unités : les [[Lettre|lettres]] ou caractères de complexité différentes, par exemple. Il en va de même pour les distributions de sons ([[Phonème|phonèmes]], unité de son) de différentes durées.
* Loi de Martin: Cette loi concerne les chaînes lexicales qui sont obtenues en cherchant la définition d'un mot dans un dictionnaire, puis en cherchant la définition de la définition que l'on vient d'obtenir, etc. Enfin, toutes ces définitions forment une hiérarchie de significations de plus en plus générales. de sorte que le nombre de définitions diminue avec la généralité croissante. Parmi les niveaux de ce type de hiérarchie, il existe un certain nombre de lois liées à cette relation.
* Loi de Menzerath (ou loi Menzerath-Altmann) : Cette loi stipule que la taille des composants (mots, syllabes…) d'une construction (phrase, mot…) diminue avec l'augmentation de la taille de la construction étudiée. Ainsi, plus une phrase est longue (par exemple, en termes de nombre de clauses), plus les clauses sont courtes (en termes de nombre de mots), ou: plus un mot est long (en syllabes ou morphes) moins les syllabes comptent de sons.
* Lois de la fréquence de rang: Pratiquement n'importe quel type d'unité linguistique respecte ces relations. Nous ne donnerons ici que quelques exemples :
** Les mots d'un texte sont classés selon leur fréquence et se voient attribuer un numéro de classement et la fréquence correspondante. Depuis George Kingsley Zipf (auteur de la «loi de Zipf»), un grand nombre de modèles mathématiques de la relation entre rang et fréquence ont été proposés.
** Une répartition similaire entre rang et fréquence des sons, phonèmes et lettres peut être observée.
** Associations de mots: rang et fréquence des associations avec lesquelles les sujets réagissent sur un stimulus (mot).
* Loi du changement de langue: les processus de croissance dans la langue, tels que la croissance du vocabulaire, la dispersion de mots étrangers ou d'emprunts, les modifications du [[Paradigme (linguistique)|paradigme]], etc. La loi de Piotrowski est un cas du modèle dit logistique (cf. équation logistique). Il a été démontré qu'il couvre également les processus d'acquisition du langage (cf. loi sur l'acquisition du langage).
* Loi sur les blocs de texte: les unités linguistiques (mots, lettres, fonctions syntaxiques et constructions, par exemple) montrent une distribution de fréquence spécifique dans des blocs de texte de taille égale.
* [[Loi de Zipf]] : la fréquence des mots est inversement proportionnelle à leur rang dans les listes de fréquences. <ref>H. Guiter, M. V. Arapov (eds.): ''Studies on Zipf's Law.'' Bochum: Brockmeyer 1982. .</ref>
== Stylistique ==
L'étude des styles aussi bien poétiques que non poétiques peut se fonder sur des méthodes statistiques; de plus, il est possible de mener des recherches correspondantes sur la base de formes spécifiques (paramètres) que les lois linguistiques prennent dans des textes de styles différents. Dans de tels cas, la linguistique quantitative soutient la recherche en stylistique: l'un des objectifs généraux est de proposer des preuves aussi objectives que possible, y compris dans au moins une partie du domaine des phénomènes stylistiques, en faisant référence aux lois de la langue. L'une des hypothèses centrales de la linguistique quantitative est que certaines lois (par exemple, la distribution des longueurs de mots) nécessitent des modèles différents, au moins des valeurs de paramètre différentes des lois (distributions ou fonctions) selon le type d'un texte. Dans l'étude de poèmes, les [[méthodes quantitatives]] en linguistique forment une sous-discipline de l'étude quantitative de la littérature ( [[stylométrie]] ). <ref>Alexander Mehler: ''Eigenschaften der textuellen Einheiten und Systeme''. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): ''Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch.'' de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, p. 325-348, esp. ''Quantitative Stilistik'', pp. 339–340. ; Vivien Altmann, Gabriel Altmann: ''Anleitung zu quantitativen Textanalysen. Methoden und Anwendungen.'' Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag 2008, .</ref>
== Auteurs importants ==
* [[:de:Gabriel Altmann|Gabriel Altmann]] (1931) <ref>Grzybek, Peter, & Köhler, Reinhard (eds.) (2007): ''Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text. Dedicated to Gabriel Altmann on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday.'' Berlin/ New York: Mouton de Gruyter</ref>
* Otto Behaghel (1854-1936); cf. Lois de Behaghel
* [[:de:Karl-Heinz Best|Karl-Heinz Best]] <ref>[[:de:Benutzer:Dr._Karl-Heinz_Best]]</ref> <ref>[https://ift.tt/31VKGsA index]</ref>
* Sergej Grigor'evič Čebanov (1897-1966) <ref>[[:de:Sergei Grigorjewitsch Tschebanow]]</ref>
* William Palin Elderton (1877-1962) <ref>Best, Karl-Heinz (2009): ''William Palin Elderton (1877-1962).'' Glottometrics 19, p. 99-101.</ref>
* Gertraud Fenk-Oczlon <ref>[https://ift.tt/2KPpgYk Homepage_Gertraud Fenk]</ref>
* Ernst Wilhelm Förstemann (1822–1906) <ref>[[:de:Ernst Förstemann]]; Karl-Heinz Best: ''Ernst Wilhelm Förstemann (1822-1906)''. In: ''Glottometrics'' 12, 2006, pp. 77–86</ref>
* [[:de:Wilhelm Fucks|Wilhelm Fucks]] (1902–1990) <ref>Dieter Aichele: ''Das Werk von W. Fucks''. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): ''Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch''. de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, pp. 152–158. </ref>
* Peter Grzybek
* Gustav Herdan (1897-1968); <ref>[[:de:Gustav Herdan]]</ref> <ref>[https://ift.tt/31UIIZm Herdan dimension - Laws in Quantitative Linguistics]</ref>
* Luděk Hřebíček (1934) <ref>[[:de:Luděk Hřebíček]]</ref>
* Friedrich Wilhelm Kaeding (1843-1928) <ref>[[:de:Friedrich Wilhelm Kaeding]]</ref>
* Reinhard Köhler
* Snježana Kordić (1964) <ref>. }}</ref> <ref>]}}</ref>
* Werner Lehfeldt (1943) <ref>[https://ift.tt/2KQSfuW Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Lehfeldt, Werner, Prof. em. Dr]</ref>
* Viktor Vasil'evič Levickij (1938-2012) <ref>Festschrift on the occasion of the 70. anniversary: ''Problems of General, Germanic and Slavic Linguistics. Papers for 70th Anniversary of Professor V. Levickij.'' Herausgegeben von Gabriel Altmann, Iryna Zadoroshna, Yuliya Matskulyak. Books, Chernivtsi 2008. (No ISBN.) Levickij dedicated: ''Glottometrics'', Heft 16, 2008; Emmerich Kelih: ''Der Czernowitzer Beitrag zur Quantitativen Linguistik: Zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Habil. Viktor V. Levickij.'' In: ''Naukovyj Visnyk Černivec'koho Universytetu: Hermans'ka filolohija. Vypusk 407'', 2008, pp. 3–10.</ref>
* Haitao Liu <ref>[https://ift.tt/323LnjL Human-Language-Computer - staff Homepage, ZJU]</ref>
* Helmut Meier (1897-1973)
* Paul Menzerath (1883-1954), <ref>Karl-Heinz Best: ''Paul Menzerath (1883-1954)''. In:
''Glottometrics'' 14, 2007, pp. 86–98</ref> cf. loi de Menzerath
* Sizuo Mizutani (1926) <ref>Shizuo Mizutani; Portrait on the occasion of his 80. anniversary in: ''Glottometrics'' 12, 2006; about Mizutani: Naoko Maruyama: ''Sizuo Mizutani (1926). The Founder of Japanese Quantitative Linguistics.'' In: ''Glottometrics'' 10, 2005, pp. 99–107.</ref>
* [[Auguste De Morgan|Auguste de Morgan]] (1806-1871).
* Charles Muller, Straßburg <ref>Charles Muller: ''Initiation à la statistique linguistique''. Paris: Larousse 1968; German: ''Einführung in die Sprachstatistik''. Hueber, München 1972.</ref>
* Raijmund G. Piotrowski <ref>Rajmund G. Piotrowski, R.G. Piotrovskij; cf. Piotrowski's law: https://ift.tt/2KPw1cQ> <ref>[[:de:Piotrowski-Gesetz]]</ref>
* LA Sherman
* Juhan Tuldava (1922-2003) <ref>''Journal of Quantitative Linguistics'' 4, Nr. 1, 1997 (Festschrift in Honour of Juh. Tuldava)</ref>
* Andrew Wilson, Lancaster <ref>[https://ift.tt/3207WWp Dr Andrew Wilson - Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University]</ref>
* Albert Thumb (1865-1915) <ref>[[:de:Albert Thumb]]</ref>
* [[George Kingsley Zipf]] (1902-1950); cf. [[loi de Zipf]]
* Eberhard Zwirner (1899-1984). Phonométrie <ref>[[:de:Eberhard Zwirner]]</ref>
== Voir aussi ==
== Notes ==
== Références ==
* Karl-Heinz Best: ''Linguistik quantitative.'' ''Eine Annäherung'' . 3., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Peust & Gutschmidt, Göttingen 2006, .
* Karl-Heinz Best, Otto Rottmann: ''La linguistique quantitative, une invitation.'' RAM-Verlag, Lüdenscheid 2017. [[International Standard Book Number|ISBN]] [[Special:BookSources/978-3-942303-51-4|978-3-942303-51-4]] .
* Reinhard Köhler avec l'aide de Christiane Hoffmann: ''bibliographie de linguistique quantitative.'' Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphie 1995, .
* Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Gabriel, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (eds. ): ''Linguistik quantitative - Linguistique quantitative.'' ''Ein internationales Handbuch - Un manuel international'' . de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, .
* Haitao Liu et Wei Huang. [https://ift.tt/2KSBHmt Linguistique quantitative: état de l'art, théories et méthodes] . ''Journal de l'Université du Zhejiang (sciences humaines et sociales)'' . 2012-2043 (2): 178-192. en chinois.
== Liens externes ==
* [http://www.iqla.org/ IQLA - Association internationale de linguistique quantitative]
意味調べるListed buildings in Maer, Staffordshire
新規更新August 23, 2019 at 08:50PM
Listed buildings in Maer, Staffordshire
Peter I. Vardy: New list
{| class="wikitable"
! Grade
! Criteria
|align="center" |II*
| Particularly important buildings of more than special interest
|align="center" |II
| Buildings of national importance and special interest
{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders" style="width:100%; border:0; text-align:left; line-height:150%;"
! scope="col" style="width:150px" |Name and location
! scope="col" style="width:100px" class="unsortable"|Photograph
! scope="col" style="width:120px" |Date
! scope="col" style="width:650px" class="unsortable"|Notes
! scope="col" style="width:50px" |Grade
|St Peter's Church<br/><small></small>
|[[File:St Peter's Church, Maer.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The church was extended in the 14th century, substantially rebuilt in the 17th century, and [[Victorian restoration|restored]] in about 1870. It is built in [[sandstone]], and has tile roofs with ornamental cresting. The church consists of a [[nave]] and a [[chancel]] in one unit, a north [[aisle#Church architecture|aisle]], a south porch, a north organ chamber and [[vestry]], and a west tower. The tower has two stages, a west door, and an [[embattled]] [[parapet]] with corner [[pinnacle]]s.
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|The Vicarage<br/><small></small>
|The vicarage, later a private house, was altered and extended in the 19th century. The original part is in [[sandstone]] on a [[chamfer]]ed [[plinth]] with repairs in purplish-brown brick, the extensions are in red brick, and the roof is tiled. The original part has a [[gable]]d porch and [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] windows. The extension has three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], one gabled, and there are two rear wings.
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|181 Aston<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse, later a private house, it is [[timber framed]] with painted brick [[infill]], on a [[sandstone]] [[plinth]], with a tile roof. There are two storeys and an attic, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway has a [[gable]]d hood, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]]. Inside, there is an [[inglenook]] fireplace and exposed timber framing.
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|Yew Tree Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse, later a private house, it has been altered and extended. The original part is [[timber framed]] with painted brick [[infill]] on a [[sandstone]] [[plinth]]. The left [[gable]] end is clad in brick, and the right gable end has applied timber. The extension is in painted brick, with one storey and an attic, and the roofs are tiled. There are two storeys and an attic, the original range has three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and the extension forms a rear wing. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], and in the extension are three gabled [[dormer]]s.
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|Cowhouse, 181 Aston<br/><small></small>
|The cowhouse, which projects at right angles from the house, was remodelled in the 19th century. It is [[timber framed]] and has been largely rebuilt in [[sandstone]], with patching in brick and a tile roof. There are two levels and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the east front are two entrances, two windows, and two [[eaves]] hatches.
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|Aston Cliff Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse has a [[timber framed]] core, it is clad in red and blue brick, with and has a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a tile roof. There are two storeys and an attic, and an L-shaped plan, consisting of a two-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] hall range, and a [[gable]]d cross-wing. On the front is a gabled porch, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]]. Inside, there is an [[inglenook]] fireplace.
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|[[Maer Hall]] and wall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Maer Hall - geograph.org.uk - 787775.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[English country house|country house]] that has been enlarged, and then reduced. It is in [[sandstone]] on a [[chamfer]]ed [[plinth]] and has stone slate roofs. The house is in two and three storeys with cellars. The west front has five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] windows, a central two-storey porch with a round-headed opening, and columns that are [[Doric order|Doric]] below and [[Ionic order|Ionic]] above, a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and three [[dormer]]s with shaped [[gable]]s connected by an open [[balustrade]]. The north front has three bays, a single-storey porch, and dormers with shaped gables. To the south is a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] stone garden wall.
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|201 Aston<br/><small></small>
|A [[timber framed]] cottage with painted brick [[infill]], partly clad, and with a tile roof. There are two storeys, a front range of two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a later single-storey rear extension. On the front is a doorway with a [[gable]]d hood, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]]. Inside, the timber framing is mainly intact.
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|Lea Head Manor<br/><small></small>
|The house is [[timber framed]] with painted brick [[infill]] on a [[chamfer]]ed [[sandstone]] [[plinth]], with a tile roof, and [[gables]] with decorated [[bargeboard]]s and pointed [[finials]]. There are two storeys, an attic and cellars, and an L-shaped plan, with a four-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] main range and a rear wing. The upper storey of the main range is [[jettied]] on carved brackets. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], and there are three gabled [[dormer]]s. The doorway is in the centre, and to its left is a massive sandstone chimney that has four round stacks with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] capping.
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|Gate piers, Lea Head Manor<br/><small></small>
|The gate [[pier (architecture)|piers]], which have been relocated, are in [[rustication (architecture)|rusticated]] [[sandstone]] and have a square plan. Each pier has [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] capping, and a half dome surmounted by a pineapple [[finial]].
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|Harding memorial (southwest)<br/><small></small>
|The memorial is in the churchyard of St Peter's Church, and is to the memory of John Harding and his wife. It is a chest tomb in sandstone, and has a rectangular plan. The tomb has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]] and capping, and panelled corner [[pilaster]]s. There is a moulded inscription panel on the north side.
|align="center" |
|Aston Manor Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Aston Manor Farm - geograph.org.uk - 447947.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The farmhouse is in red brick with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a tile roof. There are three storeys and a U-shaped plan, consisting of a three-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] front range, parallel rear wings, and a single-storey lean-to at the rear. The entrance front contains a central doorway with a rectangular [[fanlight]] and a [[pediment]], and is flanked by French windows. In the upper floors are [[sash window]]s with raised plastered [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]]s.
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|Gatehouse, walls and bollards, [[Maer Hall]]<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Entrance to Maer Hall - geograph.org.uk - 208537.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The [[gatehouse]] is in [[sandstone]] with a stone slate roof. It has a square plan with a round-headed arch on each front, projecting corner [[pilaster]]s, and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]]. Above is a clock house, with clock faces on the east and west fronts, an open [[pediment]], and globe [[finial]]s. Flanking the gateway are stone walls, each containing a round-headed doorway, and ending in a square pilaster with [[chamfer]]ed capping and a globe finial. In front of the gateway are two [[cast iron]] [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] [[bollard]]s.
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|The [[sundial]] is in the churchyard of St Peter's Church, and is in [[sandstone]]. It has a square section with a wider cap, and stands on an octagonal [[plinth]].
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|Aston memorial<br/><small></small>
|The memorial is in the churchyard of St Peter's Church, and is to the memory of members of the Aston family. It is a chest tomb in [[sandstone]], and has a rectangular plan. The tomb has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]] and capping, and square corner [[baluster]]s. On the top is an inscribed [[ledger stone|ledger]] with round corners, and on the sides are inscribed panels.
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|Bridge, steps and walls,<br/>[[Maer Hall]]<br/><small></small>
|The structures are in [[sandstone]]. The bridge carries a footpath over a road, and consists of a single segmental arch with an open [[parapet]], and [[revetment]] walls on both sides. On the west side is a flight of five steps with low [[coping (architecture)|coped]] sides, and [[pier (architecture)|piers]] with octagonal urn [[finial]]s.
|align="center" |
|Harding memorial (southeast)<br/><small></small>
|The memorial is in the churchyard of St Peter's Church, on a [[sandstone]]-faced terrace, and is to the memory of George Harding and his wife. It is a chest tomb in sandstone, and has a rectangular plan. The tomb has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]] and capping, and panelled corner [[pilaster]]s. There are moulded inscription panels on the north and south sides.
|align="center" |
|Maer Hall Lodge, walls, gate piers and gates<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Maer Hall Lodge.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The lodge is in [[sandstone]] with a stone slate roof, and is in [[Jacobean architecture|Jacobean]] style. There is a single storey, a rectangular block, and an extension to the east. The porch has a pointed doorway and a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] and [[embattled]] [[parapet]]. The [[gable]]s are shaped, with globe [[finial]]s and coats of arms, and there is a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]]. The carriageway is flanked by gate [[pier (architecture)|piers]], piers also flank the pedestrian entrance, and there are piers at the ends of the quadrant walls. The ornamental gates are in [[cast iron]].
|align="center" |
|Balustrade, [[Maer Hall]]<br/><small></small>
|The [[balustrade]] is to the west of the hall, it is in [[sandstone]], and is about long. The balustrade is low, with round-arched openwork, [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[coping (architecture)|coping]], and ball [[finial]]s. It contains five short flight of steps.
|align="center" |
|Boathouse and causeway, [[Maer Hall]]<br/><small></small>
|The boathouse is in [[sandstone]] with a flat roof and [[parapet]], and contains round-headed arches. There is access from the roof to the [[causeway]], which is about long.
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|Outbuildings, outer stable yard, [[Maer Hall]]<br/><small></small>
|The outbuildings consist of a stable and coach house, a [[dovecote]], and another building of uncertain purpose. They are in orange-red brick with [[sandstone]] dressings and a tile roof. The stable and coach house have two storeys, round-headed openings in both storeys, and [[casement window]]s. The dovecote has a square plan and a pyramidal roof, and contains three rows of nesting boxes. The other building has top-lit [[pavilion]]s.
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|Stable block, [[Maer Hall]]<br/><small></small>
|The stable block and coachman's house, later used for other purposes, are in orange-red brick with [[slate]] roofs that are [[hip roof|hipped]] to the east and have a ball [[finial]]. There are two levels, and a main range with projections. There are various openings, including stable doors, [[casement window]]s, and a pitching hole, and also recessed blind round-headed arches.
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|Milepost at NGR SJ 7527 3984<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Milepost at NGR SJ 7527 3984.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The milepost is on the south side of the [[A51 road]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and has a triangular plan and a [[chamfer]]ed top On the top is "MAER" and on the sides are the distances to Pipegate, [[Woore]], [[Nantwich]], and [[Stone, Staffordshire|Stone]].
|align="center" |
|Milepost at NGR SJ 7665 3897<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Milepost at NGR SJ 7665 3897.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The milepost is on the south side of the [[A51 road]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and has a triangular plan and a [[chamfer]]ed top. On the top is "MAER" and on the sides are the distances to Pipegate, [[Woore]], [[Nantwich]], and [[Stone, Staffordshire|Stone]].
|align="center" |
|Milepost at NGR SJ 7724 3878<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Milepost at NGR SJ 7724 3878.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The milepost is on the south side of the [[A51 road]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and has a triangular plan and a [[chamfer]]ed top. On the top is "MAER" and on the sides are the distances to [[Ashley, Staffordshire|Ashley]], [[Market Drayton]], [[Whitmore, Staffordshire|Whitmore]], and [[Newcastle-under-Lyme]].
|align="center" |
|Milepost at NGR SJ 7823 3884<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Milepost at NGR SJ 7823 3884.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The milepost is on the south side of the [[A51 road]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and has a triangular plan and a [[chamfer]]ed top. On the top is "MAER" and on the sides are the distances to Pipegate, [[Woore]], [[Nantwich]], and [[Stone, Staffordshire|Stone]].
|align="center" |
|Milepost at NGR SJ 7853 3968<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Milepost at NGR SJ 7853 3968.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The milepost is on the southeast side of the [[A53 road]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and has a triangular plan and a [[chamfer]]ed top. On the top is "MAER" and on the sides are the distances to [[Ashley, Staffordshire|Ashley]], [[Market Drayton]], [[Whitmore, Staffordshire|Whitmore]], and [[Newcastle-under-Lyme]].
|align="center" |
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
[[Category:Lists of listed buildings in Staffordshire]]
[[Category:Borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme]]
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意味調べるRichard Curzon-Howe (3e comte Howe)
新規更新August 23, 2019 at 04:38PM
Richard Curzon-Howe (3e comte Howe)
Authueil :
Le général '''Richard William Penn Curzon-Howe, comte Howe''', GCVO, CB ( - ), était un général et [[Pairie|pair britannique]].
== Biographie ==
Il était le deuxième fils de [[Richard Curzon-Howe (1er comte Howe)]], et sa première épouse, Lady Harriet Georgiana Brudenell.
En 1838, il rejoignit l'[[British Army|armée britannique]] et gravit les échelons, devenant [[Major général|général de division]] en 1869, [[lieutenant général]] en 1877 et [[général]] en 1880. Il combattit pendant les [[Guerres cafres]] et assista au siège de Delhi. il fut nommé à l'[[Ordre du Bain]] en 1858. En 1876, il hérita des titres de son frère aîné. Il a été nommé [[colonel]] honoraire de la [[Cavalerie|cavalerie]] régiment du Leicestershire Yeomanry du Prince Albert en 1876, à la mort de son frère, colonel des et régiment d'infanterie de 1879 et colonel du Life Guards en 1890. En 1897, il est nommé dans l'[[Ordre royal de Victoria]] pour ses fonctions de [[Lord Lieutenant du Leicestershire]], poste qu'il occupe entre 1888 et 1900.
== Famille ==
Lord Howe a épousé Isabella Maria Katherine Anson (née en 1832), fille aînée de l'hon. et son épouse, l'hon. Isabella Elizabeth Annabella Weld-Forester, le 8 février 1858. Ils ont quatre enfants:
* (1861-1929).
* Lady Evelyn Alice Curzon (1862-1913), épouse de John Eyre en 1896.
* L'hon. Frederick Graham Curzon (1868-1920), marié à l'actrice d'où plusieurs enfants : le commandant George William Penn Curzon ou l'acteur (1898-1976), père de l'actuel [[Frederick Curzon|septième comte]].
* Lady Edith Cecilia Curzon (décédée en 1936) qui épousa Harry Walter Franklin en 1896.
== Références ==
== Liens externes ==
[[Catégorie:Décès en septembre 1900]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance en février 1822]]
[[Catégorie:Lord Lieutenant du Leicestershire]]
[[Catégorie:Chevalier grand-croix de l'ordre royal de Victoria]]
[[Catégorie:Compagnon de l'ordre du Bain]]
[[Catégorie:Général de l'armée de terre britannique]]
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意味調べるRichard Curzon-Howe (1er comte Howe)
新規更新August 23, 2019 at 02:40PM
Richard Curzon-Howe (1er comte Howe)
Authueil : Créé en traduisant la page « Richard Curzon-Howe, 1st Earl Howe »
[[Fichier:Parham_Park.jpg|vignette| Maison Parham Park ]]
== Biographie ==
Il était le troisième mais l'aîné des fils survivants de l'hon. Penn Assheton Curzon (le fils aîné de [[Assheton Curzon (1er vicomte Curzon)|Assheton Curzon, 1er vicomte Curzon]] et épouse Esther Hanmer), et son épouse Sophia Howe, ''[[suo jure]]'' baronesse Howe (la fille aînée de [[Richard Howe|Richard Howe, 1er comte Howe]] (de la première création), et son épouse Mary Hartop).
Son père étant mort avant son grand-père, il hérita de la vicomté de son grand-père et de Parham Park en 1820. Il prit le nom supplémentaire de Howe par licence royale un an plus tard et fut créé '''comte Howe''' (une renaissance du titre précédemment détenu par son grand-père maternel) cette même année. De 1829 à 1830, il fut seigneur [[tory]] de la chambre à [[George IV]], fut nommé [[Ordre royal des Guelfes|GCH]] en 1830 et [[Lord Chambellan|Lord Chamberlain]] auprès de [[Adélaïde de Saxe-Meiningen|la reine]] de 1830 à 1831, puis de 1834 à 1837. À la mort de sa mère en 1835, il en hérita de sa baronnie.
Sa charge lui conféra une influence considérable sur la reine et par elle [[Guillaume IV (roi du Royaume-Uni)|le roi]], qui l'aimait et l'admirait. Les rumeurs malicieuses selon lesquelles il était l'amant de la reine n'ont pas été prises au sérieux, même à l'époque, et les historiens les ont totalement ignorées. C'était sa position d'extrême conservateur et sa forte opposition au [[Reform Act 1832|Reform Act de 1832]] qui le rendaient inacceptable pour le gouvernement. [[Charles Grey (2e comte Grey)|Lord Grey]] finit par insister pour qu'il soit démis de ses fonctions, au grand dam de la reine. Les négociations ultérieures pour le réintégrer n'aboutirent pas <ref>Ziegler, Phillip ''William IV'' Cassel Biographies 1971 pp.197-201</ref>.
Le biographe de Guillaume IV le décrit comme un homme dont la vanité et l'arrogance auraient dû le rendre insupportable, mais qui possédait manifestement un charme personnel suffisant pour que ceux qui le connaissaient ignorent ses défauts <ref>Ziegler pp.197-201</ref>.
== Famille ==
[[Fichier:Margaret_Sarah_Carpenter_Portrait_of_Harriet_Countess_Howe.jpg|vignette| [[Margaret Carpenter|Margaret Sarah Carpenter]] : Portrait de Harriet, comtesse Howe, 1834 ]]
Lord Howe a épousé Lady Harriet Georgiana Brudenell, deuxième fille de [[Robert Brudenell (6e comte de Cardigan)|Robert Brudenell, 6ème comte de Cardigan]], le 19 mars 1820. Ils ont eu dix enfants:
* George Augustus Frederick Louis, 2nd Earl Howe (1821-1876).
* Richard William Penn Curzon-Howe, 3ème comte Howe (1822-1900), ancêtre des comtes suivants.
* L'hon. Frederick Curzon-Howe (1823-1881).
* L'hon. Henry Dugdale Curzon-Howe (1824-1910).
* Lady Georgiana Charlotte (1825-1906), épousa Henry Somerset, 8ème duc de Beaufort .
* L'hon. William Henry Curzon-Howe (1827-1914).
* L'hon. Ernest George Curzon-Howe (1828-1885).
* [[Leicester Smyth|L'hon. Leicester Smyth]] (1829-1891).
* Lady Adelaide Curzon-Howe (1835-1903), mariée à Francis Fane, 12e comte de Westmorland .
* Lady Emily Mary Curzon-Howe (1836-1910), épouse de sir Robert Kingscote .
La première épouse de Howe décède en 1836. Le 9 octobre 1845, il épouse Anne Gore (décédée en 1877), deuxième fille de l' amiral Sir John Gore. Ils ont eu trois enfants:
* L'hon. Montagu Curzon (21 septembre 1846 – 1er septembre 1907), marié le 19 octobre 1886 à Esmé FitzRoy (1859 – 25 mai 1939), fille de Francis Horatio FitzRoy (1823 – 1900) et de son épouse Gertrude Duncombe), dont la fille Mary épousa son cousin le [[Francis Curzon|5ème Earl Howe]] et fut mère du 6e comte Howe.
* Amiral Sir Assheton Gore Curzon-Howe (1850-1911)
* Lady Mary Anna (1848-1929), épouse le [[James Hamilton (2e duc d'Abercorn)|deuxième duc d'Abercorn]] ; ancêtres des ducs suivants. Leur petite [[Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Hamilton|-]] fille, [[Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Hamilton|Lady Cynthia Hamilton,]] était la grand-mère paternelle de [[Diana Spencer|Diana, princesse de Galles]] .
== Références ==
== Liens externes ==
[[Catégorie:Membre du Conseil privé du Royaume-Uni]]
[[Catégorie:Chevalier grand-croix de l'ordre royal des Guelfes]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en 1870]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance en 1796]]
意味調べるList of China Airlines Accidents and Incidents
新規更新August 23, 2019 at 12:33PM
List of China Airlines Accidents and Incidents
Tdhla1: Made a Accident Page for China Airlines for crashed also not featured, more will added to the page.
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* On 2 January 1969, Flight 227, a [[Douglas C-47]]A, struck the side of Mount Dawu (大武山, elevation 3090 m), Taiwan after encountering turbulence and a downdraft. The aircraft was operating a domestic scheduled passenger flight from [[Taitung Airport]] to [[Kaohsiung International Airport]]. All 24 passengers and crew were killed.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-99|[99]]]</sup>
* On 12 August 1970, [[China Airlines Flight 206|Flight 206]], a [[NAMC YS-11]]A, struck a ridge in thick fog while on approach to Taipei, killing 14 of 31 on board.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-100|[100]]]</sup>
* On November 1970, A Curtiss C-46D Commando flying between [[Tan Son Nhat International Airport|Saigon's Tan Son Nhat International Airport]] and [[Chu Lai International Airport|Chu Lai Airport]] made forced landing on a beach. Although no one was killed, the aircarft sank in the sand after landing and got flooded during high tide.<ref></ref>
* On 20 November 1971, Flight 825, a [[Sud Aviation Caravelle|Caravelle III]] aircraft, blew up after a bomb on it exploded, causing the deaths of 25 people over the [[Penghu Islands]].<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-101|[101]]]</sup>
* On 26 March 1975, Douglas C-47A B-1553 crashed at [[Kompong Som]] following a mid-air collision with a [[Cessna O-1 Bird Dog|Cessna L-19 Bird Dog]].<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-ASN240375-102|[102]]]</sup>
* On 11 September 1979, [[Boeing 707|Boeing 707-320C]] registration B-1834, crashed off [[Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport|Chiang Kai-shek International Airport]] shortly after takeoff during a training flight, killing all six crew on board.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-103|[103]]]</sup>
* On 27 February 1980, Flight 811, a CAL Boeing 707-300C, registration B-1826, crashed short of the runway at [[Manila International Airport]], killing two of 135 on board.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-104|[104]]]</sup> The same route with the same flight number will be the scene of an assassination of a Filipino politician three years later.
* On 21 August 1983, a [[Boeing 767|Boeing 767-209 (B-1836)]]<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-105|[105]]]</sup> from Taipei, landed in [[Manila International Airport]]. [[Benigno Aquino Jr.]] the former senator in [[Philippines]] was [[Assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr.|assassinated]] after being escorted from the plane. Coincidentally, this is the second incident of China Airlines involving the flight number 811.
* On 19 February 1985, [[China Airlines Flight 006|Flight 006]], a [[Boeing 747SP]], performed an uncontrolled descent over the [[Pacific Ocean]] resulting in substantial damage to the aircraft.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-106|[106]]]</sup>
* On 16 February 1986, Flight 2265, a [[Boeing 737|Boeing 737–200]], crashed 12 mi off [[Makung]], [[Penghu]], killing 13. During landing, a nosewheel tire blew. The crew performed a go-around during which the aircraft crashed; the wreckage was found on March 10 in 190 feet of water.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-107|[107]]]</sup>
* On 3 May 1986, [[China Airlines Flight 334|Flight 334]], a [[Boeing 747|Boeing 747-200F]], was hijacked by its pilot, who landed the plane in [[Guangzhou]], where he defected. The ROC government sent a delegation to discuss with their mainland counterpart regarding the return of the plane and two remaining crew.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-108|[108]]]</sup>
* On 26 October 1989, [[China Airlines Flight 204|Flight 204]], a Boeing 737–200, struck a mountain near Hualien, Taiwan after the crew used the climbout procedure of the incorrect runway, causing the aircraft to make a wrong turn. All 54 passengers and crew aboard were killed.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-109|[109]]]</sup>
* On 29 December 1991, [[China Airlines Flight 358|Flight 358]], a [[Boeing 747|Boeing 747-200F]] (the same aircraft that was involved in the Flight 334 hijacking), hit a hillside near [[Wanli District, New Taipei|Wanli]], Taiwan after separation of its No.3 & 4 engines, killing all five crew on board.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-110|[110]]]</sup>
* On December 7 1992, Flight 012, a [[McDonnell Douglas MD-11]] (B-150) flying from Taipei encountered moderate turbulence at 33,000 feet near [[Kushimoto, Wakayama|Kushimoto]], Japan. it subsequently departed controlled flight and sustained damage to the left and right outboard elevator skin assemblies, portions of which separated from the airplane. The airplane continued on and landed uneventfully at Anchorage International Airport.<ref></ref>
* On 4 November 1993, [[China Airlines Flight 605|Flight 605]], a brand new Boeing 747–400, overran the [[Kai Tak Airport]] runway 13 while landing during a typhoon. It had touched down more than 2/3 down the runway and was unable to stop before the end of the runway, finishing up in Hong Kong harbor. All 396 people on board were safely evacuated but the aircraft was written off. The vertical stabilizer was dynamited away due to its interference with Kai Tak's ILS systems.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-111|[111]]]</sup>
* On 26 April 1994, [[China Airlines Flight 140|Flight 140]], an [[Airbus A300]], crashed while landing at [[Nagoya]], [[Japan]] due to crew error, killing 264 of 271 on board.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-112|[112]]]</sup>
* On 16 February 1998, [[China Airlines Flight 676|Flight 676]], an Airbus A300, crashed after a failed missed-approach at [[Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport|Chiang Kai-shek International Airport]] in [[Taiwan]], killing all 196 aboard along with 7 on the ground, including ROC Central Bank chief Hsu Yuan-Dong.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-113|[113]]]</sup>
* On 22 August 1999, [[China Airlines Flight 642|Flight 642]], a [[McDonnell Douglas MD-11]], flipped over while landing at Hong Kong airport during a typhoon. Three people were killed.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-114|[114]]]</sup>
* On 25 May 2002, [[China Airlines Flight 611|Flight 611]], a [[Boeing 747|Boeing 747-200B]], broke up in mid-air on the way to [[Hong Kong International Airport]] in [[Hong Kong]] from [[Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport|Chiang Kai-shek International Airport]] in [[Taiwan]]. All 206 passengers and 19 crew members died. The aircraft was the last 747-200 in China Airlines' passenger fleet. The cause was improper repair after a tailstrike incident in Hong Kong in 1980.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-115|[115]]]</sup>
* On 20 August 2007, [[China Airlines Flight 120|Flight 120]], a Boeing 737–800 inbound from Taipei caught fire shortly after landing at [[Naha Airport]] in [[Okinawa Prefecture]], [[Japan]]. After stopping on the tarmac, the engine started smoking and burning, and later exploded causing the aircraft to catch fire.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-116|[116]]]</sup> A statement from the airline confirmed that all passengers and crew members were safely evacuated, and a ground engineer knocked off his feet by the blast was unhurt.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-117|[117]]]</sup> The cause of the explosion has been attributed to a fuel leak caused by a bolt from the right wing slat puncturing the fuel tank.<sup>[[China Airlines#cite%20note-118|[118]]][[China Airlines#cite%20note-119|[119]]]</sup>
Danh sách tập phim Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
新規更新されました。 August 23, 2019 at 11:14AM
Danh sách tập phim Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
意味調べるNokia X2-02
新規更新August 23, 2019 at 12:17PM
Nokia X2-02 ← Новая страница: «Характеристики и описание == Общие характеристики == Тип телефон Тип корпуса к...»
== Общие характеристики ==
Тип корпуса
Материал корпуса
навигационная клавиша
Количество SIM-карт
Тип SIM-карты
Режим работы нескольких SIM-карт
93 г
Размеры (ШxВxТ)
50x113x15 мм
== Экран ==
Тип экрана
цветной TFT
2.2 дюйм.
Размер изображения
Число пикселей на дюйм (PPI)
== Звонки ==
Тип мелодий
полифонические, MP3-мелодии
== Мультимедийные возможности ==
Количество основных (тыловых) камер
Разрешение основной (тыловой) камеры
2 МП
Запись видеороликов
MP3, AAC, FM-радио, FM-трансмиттер
Разъем для наушников
3.5 мм
== Связь ==
GSM 900/1800
Доступ в интернет
Bluetooth 2.1, USB
Поддержка протоколов
== Память и процессор ==
Количество ядер процессора
Слот для карт памяти
есть, объемом до 32 Гб
== Сообщения ==
== Питание ==
Тип аккумулятора
Емкость аккумулятора
1020 мА⋅ч
Время работы в режиме разговора
9.7 ч
Время работы в режиме ожидания
443 ч
== Другие функции ==
Громкая связь (встроенный динамик)
== Записная книжка и органайзер ==
будильник, калькулятор, планировщик задач
== Дополнительная информация ==
телефон, батарея BL-5C, зарядное устройство AC-3, стерео гарнитура WH-102
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