新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 09:04PM
Hugh Faringdon
Hugh Faringdon
Яковлев, Герман Михайлович
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 09:03PM
Яковлев, Герман Михайлович
الجنرال دير فليغر
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 09:09PM
الجنرال دير فليغر
Liste der erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Alben in der österreichischen Hitparade
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 09:08PM
Liste der erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Alben in der österreichischen Hitparade
Nikolai Ramazanov
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 07:03PM
Nikolai Ramazanov
Climate central
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 06:53PM
Climate central
Lotario II di Walbeck
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 06:48PM
Lotario II di Walbeck
Nậm Cuổi (suối)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 05:39PM
Nậm Cuổi (suối)
Stazione di Seven Sisters
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 04:51PM
Stazione di Seven Sisters
Римский-Корсаков, Александр Яковлевич (поэт)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 04:47PM
Римский-Корсаков, Александр Яковлевич (поэт)
Mike Phiromphon
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 03:46PM
Mike Phiromphon
意味調べるGeorge Musgrave (MP)
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 05:38PM
George Musgrave (MP)
[[Category:1740 births]]
[[Category:1824 deaths]]
Chiesa di San Silvestro Papa (Fanano)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 02:51PM
Chiesa di San Silvestro Papa (Fanano)
DDR-Meisterschaften im Feldfaustball 1958
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 02:20PM
DDR-Meisterschaften im Feldfaustball 1958
Direitos LGBT em Acrotíri e Decelia
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 02:04PM
Direitos LGBT em Acrotíri e Decelia
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 03:17PM
Tamajetlua: /* Tham khảo */
là một ký tự trong [[tiếng Trung Quốc]], nghĩa đen là "cửa sổ có hoa văn". Kể từ năm 2008, nó đã trở thành một hiện tượng mạng và được sử dụng rộng rãi để thể hiện sự bối rối và u ám, vì sự tương đồng của ký tự này với một nét mặt buồn bã.
== Nghĩa gốc ==
# Cửa sổ, theo từ điển [[Thuyết văn giải tự|''Thuyết văn giải tự'']] của [[Hứa Thận]], viết vào thế kỷ thứ 2: "窻牖麗廔闓明" (một cửa sổ mở và có ánh sáng).
# Kho. 米囧 có nghĩa là "cất gạo mới vào kho".
# Nơi hy sinh. Dựa trên ''[[Chu lễ]]''.
# Từ đồng nghĩa.
== Biểu tượng cảm xúc trên internet ==
Ký tự 囧 ngày nay được sử dụng rộng rãi trên [[internet]] như một [[biểu tượng cảm xúc]] đại diện cho một loạt các [[tâm trạng]], vì nó trông giống với khuôn mặt người. Nó thường được sự dụng để thể hiện ý tưởng hoặc cảm xúc như [[khó chịu]], [[sốc]], [[bối rối]], [[lúng túng]], [[hết thuốc chữa]],...
Việc sử dụng 囧 như một biểu tượng cảm xúc được cho rằng bắt nguồn từ năm 2005 hoặc sớm hơn; nó đã được sử dụng trên một bài báo tiếng Trung vào ngày 20 tháng 1 năm 2005 cùng với [[Biểu tượng cảm xúc|orz]].<ref></ref> Ký tự này đôi khi được sử dụng cùng với orz, OTZ hoặc các biến thể khác của nó để tạo thành "囧rz", đại diện cho một người đang quỳ rạp (囧 tạo thành khuôn mặt trong khi r và z tương ứng với cánh tay và chân) và tượng trưng cho sự [[tuyệt vọng]] hay [[thất bại]].
== Tham khảo ==
=== Tài liệu ===
意味調べるLân Chỉ
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 03:15PM
Lân Chỉ ←Trang mới: "'''Lân Chỉ''' (chữ Hán: 麟趾; 4 tháng 12 năm 1756 - 10 tháng 8 năm 1821) là một Hoàng thân thuộc 1 trong 12 Thiết mạo tử vương củ…"
== Cuộc đời ==
'''Lân Chỉ''' sinh vào ngày 13 tháng 10 (âm lịch) năm [[Càn Long]] thứ 21 (1756), trong gia tộc [[Ái Tân Giác La]] (爱新觉罗). Ông là con trai trưởng của Lễ Thân vương [[Vĩnh Huệ]] (永㥣) - con trai thứ ba của Khang Tu Thân vương [[Sùng An (Thân vương)|Sùng An]] (崇安). Mẹ ông là Thứ thiếp Lưu thị (劉氏).
Năm Càn Long thứ 54 (1789), tháng 12, ông được phong chức '''Nhị đẳng Phụ quốc Tướng quân''' (二等輔國將軍).
Năm [[Gia Khánh]] thứ 20 (1817), tháng 12, Lễ Thân vương [[Chiêu Liên]] (昭槤) bị tội mà đoạt tước, nên ông được thế tập tước vị '''Lễ Thân vương''' (禮親王) đời thứ 10.
Năm [[Đạo Quang]] nguyên niên (1821), ngày 13 tháng 7 (âm lịch), ông qua đời, được truy thụy '''Lễ An Thân vương''' (禮安亲王).
== Gia quyến ==
=== Đích Phúc tấn ===
* Bát Nhĩ Tế Cát Đặc thị (博爾濟吉特氏), con gái của Bút thiếp thức ''Vĩnh An'' (永安).
=== Thứ thiếp ===
* Thạch thị (石氏), con gái của ''Văn Nhan'' (文顏).
* Thạch thị (石氏), con gái của ''Thạch Phân'' (石芬).
=== Hậu duệ ===
==== Con trai ====
# [[Tích Xuân]] (錫春; 1776 - 1819), con của Đích Phúc tấn Bát Nhĩ Tế Cát Đặc thị. Năm 1821 được truy phong làm '''Lễ Thân vương''' (禮亲王).
ألفرد أ. كنوبف جونيور
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 12:45PM
ألفرد أ. كنوبف جونيور
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 12:43PM
Guerra de Titanes (2019)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 12:40PM
Guerra de Titanes (2019)
Lhotka (Bílovec)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 10:33AM
Lhotka (Bílovec)
意味調べるエドワード・リー (第5代リー男爵)
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 01:24PM
エドワード・リー (第5代リー男爵)
ネイ: ←新しいページ: 「第5代リー男爵 (Leigh)|'''エドワード・リー'''(、1742年3月1日 – 1786年6月4…」
== 生涯 ==
[[トマス・リー (第4代リー男爵)|第4代リー男爵トマス・リー]]と1人目の妻マリア・レベッカ・クレイヴェン(、1746年12月9日埋葬、ジョン・クレイヴェンの娘)の息子として、1742年3月1日に生まれ、で洗礼を受けた<ref name="Cokayne">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。1749年11月30日に父が死去すると、[[リー男爵 (Leigh)|リー男爵]]の爵位を継承、1764年3月15日に[[貴族院 (イギリス)|グレートブリテン貴族院]]議員に就任した<ref name="Cokayne" />。
1761年7月14日に[[オックスフォード大学]][[オリオル・カレッジ (オックスフォード大学)|オリオル・カレッジ]]に入学、1764年2月13日にの学位を、1767年4月29日にの学位を修得した<ref name="Oxon"></ref>。同1767年から1786年に死去するまでオックスフォード大学を務めた<ref name="Cokayne" />。
1774年8月7日に精神異常者に認定された<ref name="Cokayne" />。
1786年6月4日に生涯未婚のままで死去、リー男爵の爵位は断絶した<ref name="Cokayne" />。遺産は姉妹メアリーが継承、1806年7月2日にメアリーが死去すると、その遺言状に基づきジェームズ・ヘンリー・リー(、1765年2月8日 – 1823年10月27日、ジェームズ・リー(1725年頃 – 1774年)の息子、第2期のの父。第1期のの兄ローランドの子孫とされる)が遺産を継承した<ref name="Cokayne" />。また、1813年にジョージ・リー()が「第8代リー男爵」の爵位を請求したが、後にジョージが初代リー男爵の子孫でないことが判明した<ref name="Cokayne" />。
== 出典 ==
Gérard Mussies
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 10:30AM
Gérard Mussies
意味調べるجوشوا ريدمان
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 11:04AM
جوشوا ريدمان
JarBot: بوت:إنشاء مقالة
'''جوشوا ريدمان''' هو [[عازف جاز|عازف جاز]] و[[ملحن|ملحن]] [[الولايات المتحدة|أمريكي]]، ولد في [[1 فبراير]] [[1969]] في [[بيركيلي (كاليفورنيا)|بيركيلي]] في [[الولايات المتحدة|الولايات المتحدة]].<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
== مراجع ==
== وصلات خارجية ==
[[تصنيف:مواليد 1969]]
Allrode (Wüstung)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 08:34AM
Allrode (Wüstung)
Tierna (Adelsgeschlecht)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 08:08AM
Tierna (Adelsgeschlecht)
Lista de vereadores de Itaboraí
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 06:23AM
Lista de vereadores de Itaboraí
Ciclismo ai Giochi della XX Olimpiade - Chilometro a cronometro
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 06:24AM
Ciclismo ai Giochi della XX Olimpiade - Chilometro a cronometro
آنا ماريا فان شورمان
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 06:11AM
آنا ماريا فان شورمان
Землетрясение в Систане и Белуджистане (2010)
新規更新されました。 November 23, 2019 at 05:57AM
Землетрясение в Систане и Белуджистане (2010)
意味調べるList of shipwrecks in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 06:33AM
List of shipwrecks in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
'''[[Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary]] and Underwater Preserve''' is a [[United States National Marine Sanctuary]] on [[Lake Huron]]'s [[Thunder Bay (Michigan)|Thunder Bay]], within the [[Northern Michigan|northeastern region]] of the [[U.S. state]] of [[Michigan]]. It protects an estimated 116 historically significant shipwrecks ranging from nineteenth-century wooden side-wheelers to twentieth-century steel-hulled steamers.<ref>[https://ift.tt/33drHKr Statement of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Director] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
9 of the wrecks are listed on the [[National Register of Historic Places]].
==Shipwrecks within the sanctuary==
{| class="wikitable sortable" | style = "width:100%"
! style="width:10%" | Ship
! style="width:10%" | Ship type
! style="width:10%" | Build date
! style="width:10%" | Sunk date
! style="width:10%" | Depth
! style="width:60%" | Notes
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! style="width:10%" | NRHP status
! style="width:10%" | Image
|Wooden paddle steamer
|On November 26, 1853 while carrying 200 passengers and various supplies, the ''Albany'' went aground near [[Presque Isle, Michigan]], and was destroyed by a storm the next day.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Albany wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''Alvin Buckingham''
|Wooden schooner
|On October 19, 1870 the ''Alvin Buckingham'' started to leak off [[Black River Island]]. Her crew ended up beaching her in shallow water, where she filled with water and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Alvin Buckingham wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''American Union''
|Wooden schooner
|On May 6, 1894 the ''American Union'' ran aground in a storm near [[Presque Isle, Michigan]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:American Union wreck.jpg|150px|]]
|''Barge No.1''
|Wooden barge
|On November 8, 1918 ''Barge No.1'' ran aground on a reef at the southern point of [[Thunder Bay (Michigan)|Thunder Bay]] in an autumn storm and quickly broke up.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Barge No.1.png|150px]]
|''Barge No.12''
|Steel barge
|On July 8, 1975 ''Barge No.12'' sank due to unknown reasons off [[Presque Isle, Michigan]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|''Bay City''
|Wooden schooner
|On November 29, 1902 the ''Bay City'' was driven against a pier in [[Alpena, Michigan]] and abandoned.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Bay City wreck.png|150px]]
|''Benjamin Franklin''
|Wooden paddle steamer
|On October 8, 1850 the ''Benjamin Franklin'' went aground on [[Thunder Bay Island]] and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Benjamin Franklin wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''B.W. Blanchard''
|Wooden steamer
|On November 29, 1904 the ''B.W. Blanchard'' ran aground on North Point Reef with the schooners ''John T. Johnson'' and the ''John Kilderhouse''; the former of which was also lost.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:B.W. Blanchard.png|150px]]
|[[SS Choctaw|''Choctaw'']]
|Steel semi-whaleback ship
|On July 11, 1915 the ''Choctaw'' was bound from [[Cleveland, Ohio]] for [[Marquette, Michigan]] with a cargo of coal. At around 5:30 a.m. the Canadian steamer ''Wahcondah'' rammed the ''Choctaw'' on her port side. She eventually rolled over, and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|''City of Alpena''
|Wooden tug
|On August 9, 1880 the ''City of Ashland'' caught fire and sank near [[Black River, Wisconsin]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:City of Alpena wreck 3.jpg|150px]]
|''Cornelia B. Windiate''
|Wooden schooner
|In November 1875 the ''Cornelia B. Windiate'' was bound from [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]] for [[Buffalo, New York]] with a cargo of corn, when she disappeared with all hands off [[Presque Isle, Michigan]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Cornelia B. Windiate wreck.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On September 29, 1872 the ''Corsair'' sank with the loss of five lives off [[Harrisville, Michigan]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Corsair wreck 1.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On June 2, 1893 the ''Corsican'' was rammed and sunk by the steamer ''Corsica'' off [[Thunder Bay (Michigan)|Thunder Bay]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Corsican wreck.jpg|150px]]
|[[Defiance (ship)|''Defiance'']]
|Wooden schooner
|On October 20, 1854 the ''Defiange'' was bound from [[Chicago, Illinois]] for [[Detroit, Michigan]] with a cargo of grain, when she was rammed and sunk by the schooner ''John J. Audubon'', which also sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Defiance ship.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden steamer
|On September 29, 1872 the ''Detroit'' was driven ashore near [[Greenbush, Michigan]] with a cargo of lumber. A few weeks later during salvage operations, one of the chains used to lift the ''Detroit'' cut her in half, causing her to sink.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Detroit ship1.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS D.M. Wilson|''D.M. Wilson'']]
|Wooden bulk freighter
|On October 27, 1894 while heading to [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]] with a load of coal, the ''D.M. Wilson'' sprang a leak and started to sink. The steamers [[SS Hudson (1888)|''Hudson'']] and ''Samuel Mitchell'' took her in tow, but she sank off [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:D.M. Wilson.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS D.R. Hanna|''D.R. Hanna'']]
|Steel bulk freighter
|On May 16, 1919 the ''D.R. Hanna'' was bound from [[Duluth, Minnesota]] for [[Buffalo, New York]] with a cargo of wheat, when she was rammed by the freighter ''Quincy A. Shaw''. She eventually rolled over and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:D.R. Hanna1.jpg|150px]]
|Dump scow
|Wooden scow
|Circa 1930
|Unidentified wooden scow believed to have been abandoned and scuttled circa 1930.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Dump scow.jpg|150px]]
|''Duncan City''
|Wooden tug
|Circa 1923
|The ''Duncan City'' was abandoned and scuttled circa 1923. She was listed as abandoned in 1927.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Duncan City 1.jpg|150px]]
|''E.B. Allen''
|Wooden schooner
|On November 20, 1874 the ''E.B. Allen'' was bound for [[Buffalo, New York]] with a cargo of grain when she was rammed and sunk by the bark ''Newsboy''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Thunder Bay Shipwreck.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS Egyptian|''Egyptian'']]
|Wooden bulk freighter
|On December 1, 1897 the ''Egyptian'' was bound from [[Cleveland, Ohio]] for [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]] with a cargo of coal when she caught fire and sank off [[Black River, Michigan]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Egyptian in dry dock.jpg|150px]]
|''Empire State''
|Wooden brigantine
|On November 8, 1877 the ''Empire State'' was bound from [[Marquette, Michigan]] for [[Cleveland, Ohio]] with a cargo of iron ore when she ran aground on North Point Reef.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Empire State wreck.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS Etruria|''Etruria'']]
|Steel bulk freighter
|On June 18, 1905 the ''Etruria'' was bound from [[Toledo, Ohio]] for [[Superior, Wisconsin]] with a cargo of coal when she was rammed by the downbound freighter [[SS Amasa Stone|''Amasa Stone'']]. The ''Etruria'' eventually rolled over and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|[[File:Etruria freighter.png|150px]]
|[[SS Florida|''Florida'']]
|Wooden package freighter
|On May 21, 1897 the ''Florida'' was sailing off [[Presque Isle, Michigan]] with a cargo of flour, barrels of whiskey, syrup, and various manufactured goods, when she was rammed and sunk by the freighter ''George W. Roby''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:SS Florida.png|150px]]
|[[F.T. Barney (schooner)|''F.T. Barney'']]
|Wooden schooner
|On October 23, 1868 the ''F.T. Barney'' was bound from [[Cleveland, Ohio]] for [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]] with a cargo of coal when she was rammed and sunk by the schooner ''T.J. Bronson''.<ref></ref><ref name="data"></ref>
|[[SS Galena|''Galena'']]
|Wooden steamer
|On September 24, 1872 while loaded with a cargo of lumber, the ''Galena'' ran hard aground on North Point Reef, eventually going to pieces.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[SS Grecian|''Grecian'']]
|Steel bulk freighter
|On June 7, 1906 the ''Grecian'' struck a rock near [[DeTour Village, Michigan]] in the [[St. Marys River]] and sank. She was eventually refloated and taken in tow of the freighter ''Sir Henry Bessemer'', which would take her to [[Detroit, Michigan]] for repairs. On June 15, 1906 while off [[Thunder Bay Island]] the ''Grecian'' unexpectedly filled with water and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Haltiner barge
|Wooden barge
|Circa 1929
|Unidentified wooden derrick barge believed to have sunk circa 1929.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Haltiner barge.jpg|150px]]
|''Harvey Bissell''
|Wooden schooner barge
|On November 24, 1905 the empty ''Harvey Bissell'' ran aground between [[Presque Isle, Michigan]] and [[Thunder Bay Island]]. Three weeks later, she was raised and towed to [[Alpena, Michigan]] where she was dismantled and scuttled.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Harvey Bissell.jpg|150px]]
|''Heart Failure''
|Wooden dredge
|Before 1910
|Wooden dredge believed to have been abandoned sometime before 1910.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Heart Failure.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS Isaac M. Scott|''Isaac M. Scott'']]
|Steel bulk freighter
|On November 11, 1913 the ''Isaac M. Scott'' was bound from [[Cleveland, Ohio]] for [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]] with a cargo of coal , when she encountered the [[Great Lakes Storm of 1913]]. When she was sailing off [[Thunder Bay Island]], the ''Scott'' capsized and sank wit the loss of all her crew.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Isaac M. Scott.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On November 29, 1903 while loaded with a cargo of coal, the ''Ishpeming'' was driven ashore on [[Black River Island]], where she broke up.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[SS James Davidson|''James Davidson'']]
|Wooden bulk freighter
|On October 4, 1883 the ''James Davidson'' was bound from [[Buffalo, New York]] for [[Duluth, Minnesota]] with a cargo of coal when she ran aground on the southern tip of [[Thunder Bay Island]], eventually breaking up.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:James Davidson ship1.jpg|150px]]
|''James H. Hall''
|Wooden schooner
|On November 6, 1916 while loaded with a cargo of lumber the ''James H. Hall'' tried to enter the [[Thunder Bay River]], but she accidentally swerved, hit a pier and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:James H. Hall.jpg|150px]]
|''John F. Warner''
|Wooden schooner
|On October 13, 1890 the ''John F. Warner'' was driven ashore near [[Alpena, Michigan]], where she broke in half and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:John F. Warner.jpg|150px]]
|''John Shaw''
|Wooden schooner
|On November 13, 1894 the ''John Shaw'' was heading to [[Chicago, Illinois]] with a cargo of coal, when she sank in a snowstorm off [[Harrisville, Michigan]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not Listed
|[[File:John Shaw.jpg|150px]]
|''John T. Johnson''
|Wooden schooner barge
|On November 29, 1904 the ''John T. Johnson'' ran aground on North Point Reef, while being towed by the steamer ''B.W. Blanchard'', and being followed by the schooner ''John Kilderhouse'', the latter of which was recovered.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:John T. Johnson.jpg|150px]]
|''John J. Audubon''
|Wooden schooner
|On October 21, 1854 while loaded with a cargo of railroad iron, the ''Audubon'' rammed the upbound schooner ''Defiance''. Both the ''Defiance'' and the ''Audubon'' sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:John J. Audubon.png|150px]]
|[[SS Joseph S. Fay|''Joseph S. Fay'']]
|Wooden bulk freighter
|On October 19, 1905 the ''Joseph S. Fay'' was bound from [[Escanaba, Michigan]] for [[Ashtabula, Ohio]] with a cargo of iron ore, when she ran aground near [[Forty Mile Point Light]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|[[File:Joseph S. Fay.png|150px]]
|''Knight Templar''
|Wooden schooner barge
|The ''Knight Templar'' was abandoned and scuttled on July 25, 1903.<ref name="Gilchrist"></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Knight Templar or Light Guard.png|150px]]
|[[Kyle Spangler (schooner)|''Kyle Spangler'']]
|Wooden schooner
|On November 7, 1860 while upbound with a cargo of corn, the ''Kyle Spangler'' was rammed and sunk by the downbound schooner ''Racine''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|[[File:Kyle Spangler.jpg|150px]]
|''Light Guard''
|Wooden schooner barge
|The ''Light Guard'' was abandoned and scuttled on July 22, 1903.<ref name="Gilchrist"/><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Light Guard.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden steam barge
|On October 7, 1896 while loaded with a cargo of chains, the ''Loretta'' caught fire and was towed out into the lake where she sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Loretta wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''Lucinda Van Valkenburg''
|Wooden schooner
|On May 31, 1887 while laden with coal, the ''Lucinda Van Valkenburg'' was rammed and sunk by the steamer ''Lehigh'' north of [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Lucinda Van Valkenburg.jpg|150px]]
|''Maid of the Mist''
|Wooden schooner
|On September 25, 1878 the ''Maid of the Mist'' was caught in a gale, grounded, broke in half and sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Maid of the Mist wreck.jpg|150px]]
|[[PS Marine City|''Marine City'']]
|Wooden paddle steamer
|On August 29, 1880 while downbound with a cargo of shingles, fish and passengers, the ''Marine City'' caught fire and sank, killing 9 people.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Marine City.png|150px]]
|Wooden steam barge
|On November 12, 1890 the ''Messenger'' caught fire in [[Rogers City, Michigan]]; she was then towed out into the lake where she sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Messenger ship.jpg|150px]]
|''M.F. Merrick''
|Wooden schooner
|On May 17, 1889 while loaded with a cargo of sand, the ''M.F. Merrick'' was rammed and sunk off [[Presque Isle, Michigan]] by the steamer ''R.P. Ranney''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|[[File:M.F. Merrick.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS Monohansett|''Monohansett'']]
|Wooden steam barge
|On November 23, 1907 while loaded with a cargo of coal, the ''Monohansett'' caught fire, burned to the waterline and sank south of [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[SS Montana|''Montana'']]
|Wooden steam barge
|On September 6, 1914 the ''Montana'' was heading from [[Detroit, Michigan]] to [[Georgian Bay]] to load lumber, when she caught fire, burned to the waterline and sank near North Point.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[SS Monrovia|''Monrovia'']]
|Steel ocean freighter
|On June 25, 1959 the ''Monrovia'' was on her way to [[Chicago, Illinois]] with a cargo of steel, when she was rammed and sunk by the freighter ''Royalton''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Monrovia ship.jpg|150px]]
|''Newell A. Eddy''
|Wooden schooner barge
|On April 22, 1893 the ''Newell A. Eddy'' was bound from [[Buffalo, New York]] for [[Chicago, Illinois]] with a cargo of wheat, when she encountered a storm and sank with all hands.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Newell A. Eddy.jpg|150px]]
|[[PS New Orleans|''New Orleans'']]
|Wooden paddle steamer
|On June 14, 1849 while upbound, the ''New Orleans'' ran aground on a reef west of [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:New Orleans ship.jpg|150px]]
|''New Orleans''
|Wooden bulk freighter
|On June 30, 1906 the ''New Orleans'' was rammed and sunk by the steamer ''William R. Linn'' north of [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:New Orleans.png|150px]]
|Steel ocean freighter
|On November 19, 1966 the ''Nordmeer'' ran aground 7 miles northeast of [[Thunder Bay Island]], eventually going to pieces.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Nordmeer bow.png|150px]]
|[[SS Norman|''Norman'']]
|Steel bulk freighter
|On May 30, 1895 while on her way to [[Escanaba, Michigan]] to load iron ore, the ''Norman'' was rammed and sunk by the steamer ''Jack''. Five lives were lost.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|[[SS Northern Light (1858)|''Northern Light'']]
|Wooden barge
|In August 1881 the ''Northern Light'' stranded near [[Harrisville, Michigan]], eventually going to pieces.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Northern Light.png|150px]]
|Wooden brig
|On September 30, 1850 the while laden with a cargo of salt, the ''Northwestern'' was rammed and sunk by the steamer ''Monticello''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Northwestern wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''O.E. Parks''
|Wooden steam barge
|On May 3, 1929 while bound from [[Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan]] for [[Alpena, Michigan]] with a cargo of pulpwood, the ''O.E. Parks'' encountered heavy seas and snow. She started taking on water and eventually sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:O.E. Parks.png|150px]]
|Wooden schooner barge
|On October 25, 1905 the ''Ogarita'' caught fire and sank north of [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[SS Ohio (1875)|''Ohio'']]
|Wooden bulk freighter
|On September 26, 1894 while bound from [[Duluth, Minnesota]] for [[Ogdensburg, New York]] with a cargo of corn, when she was rammed and sunk by the schooner ''Ironton'', which also sank.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Ohio ship.jpg|150px]]
|''Oscar T. Flint''
|Wooden steam barge
|On November 25, 1909 the ''Oscar T. Flint'' caught fire, burned to the waterline and sank east of [[Thunder Bay River]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Oscar T. Flint.png|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On September 16, 1868 the ''Persian'' was upbound with a cargo of wheat, when she was hit by the schooner ''E.B. Allen'', which tried to pass the her. The Captain of the ''Allen'' reported seeing the ''Persian'' head for land. She eventually sank, killing all on board.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Persian 1.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS Pewabic|''Pewabic'']]
|Wooden steamer
|On August 9, 1865 the ''Pewabic'' was bound from [[Houghton, Michigan]] for [[Cleveland, Ohio]] with a cargo of iron ore, copper and passengers when she was rammed and sunk by her sister ship, the ''Meteor''. The ''Pewabic'' eventually sank with the loss of about 125 lives.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Wooden schooner
|The ''Portland'' ran aground on October 13, 1877 near [[Presque Isle, Michigan]], and was destroyed by a storm shortly afterwards.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Portland wreck.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS Portsmouth|''Portsmouth'']]
|Wooden steamer
|On November 15, 1867 the ''Portsmouth'' was bound from [[Marquette, Michigan]] for [[Buffalo, New York]] with a load of pig iron, when she ran aground on [[Middle Island Light|Middle Island]] and broke up.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Portsmouth ship.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On November 17, 1869 while downbound from [[Marquette, Michigan]] with a load of iron ore, the ''Racer'' went aground southwest of [[Cheboygan, Michigan]], eventually breaking up.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Racer wreck.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On October 6, 1895 the ''Reindeer'' went ashore near [[Rogers City, Michigan]], eventually breaking up.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Reindeer wreck.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden steam barge
|On June 24, 1905 the ''Shamrock'' became waterlogged, and was towed to and beached in [[Black River, Michigan]]. She was later towed to [[Alpena, Michigan]] where she was abandoned and scuttled.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Shamrock wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''S.H. Lathrop''
|Wooden schooner
|The ''S.H. Lathrop'' was abandoned and scuttled near [[Alpena, Michigan]] on May 14, 1902.<ref name="Gilchrist"/><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:S.H. Lathrop.png|150px]]
|Spud barge
|Wooden barge
|Circa 1937
|Unidentified wooden barge abandoned sometime in the late 1930s.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Spud barge.jpg|150px]]
|Steel barge
|Steel barge
|Unidentified steel barge, believed to have foundered sometime in the mid 20th century.<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Steel barge.jpg|150px]]
|Wooden schooner
|On October 14, 1899 while loaded with a cargo of coal, the ''Typo'' was rammed and sunk by the steamer ''W.P. Ketcham'', eventually sinking with the loss of 5 lives.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Typo ship.png|150px]]
|Steel ocean freighter
|On October 31, 1935 the ''Viator'' was rammed and sunk by the ''Ormindale'' off [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Viator sonar.jpg|150px]]
|''W.C. Franz''
|Steel bulk freighter
|On November 21, 1934 the ''W.C. Franz'' was rammed in a heavy fog by the freighter ''Edward E. Loomis''. She sank with the loss of 4 lives.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:Uranus ship.jpg|150px]]
|''W.G. Mason''
|Wooden tug
|The ''W.G. Mason'' was dismantled, abandoned and scuttled near [[Rogers City, Michigan]] in 1926.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:W.G. Mason.jpg|150px]]
|[[SS W.H. Gilbert|''W.H. Gilbert]]
|Steel bulk freighter
|On May 22, 1914 while heading to [[Green Bay, Wisconsin]] with a cargo of coal, the ''W.H. Gilbert'' was rammed and sunk by the freighter ''Caldera''.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:W.H. Gilbert.jpg|150px]]
|''William Maxwell''
|Wooden fish tug
|On September 19, 1908 the ''William Maxwell'' went aground and became a total loss on a reef near [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:William Maxwell wreck.jpg|150px]]
|''William P. Rend''
|Wooden barge
|On September 22, 1917 the ''William P. Rend'' foundered off [[Alpena, Michigan]] with the loss of no lives.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:George G. Hadley.jpg|150px]]
|''William H. Rounds''
|Wooden schooner
|On May 2, 1905 the ''William H. Rounds'' ran aground near [[Black River, Michigan]] with a cargo of coal, becoming a total loss.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:William H. Rounds.jpg|150px]]
|''William H. Stevens''
|Wooden schooner
|On November 15, 1863 the ''William H. Stevens'' ran aground between Bird Island and [[Scarecrow Island]], eventually breaking up.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:William H. Stevens.jpg|150px]]
|''W.P. Thew''
|Wooden steam barge
|On June 22, 1909 while traveling light, the ''W.P. Thew'' was rammed and sunk by the freighter ''William Livingston'' east of [[Thunder Bay Island]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|Not listed
|[[File:W.P. Thew.png|150px]]
==See also==
*[[List of Great Lakes shipwrecks on the National Register of Historic Places]]
*[[List of shipwrecks in the Great Lakes]]
意味調べるالطاقة في المملكة المتحدة
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 06:30AM
الطاقة في المملكة المتحدة
JarBot: بوت:إضافة تصنيف كومنز (1.3)
يساوي هذا استهلاكًا للطاقة مقداره 43.82 ميغا واط في الساعة للفرد الواحد (3.00 طن من المكافئ النفطي) مقارنة بعام 2010 كان المعدل العالمي 21.54 ميغا واط في الساعة (1.85 طن من المكافئ النفطي).<ref></ref> كان الطلب على [[كهرباء|الكهرباء]] عام 2014 34.42 غيغا واط، وسطيًا (301.7 تيرا واط في الساعة على مدار العام) قادمة من توليد طاقة كلي مقداره 335.0 تيرا واط في الساعة.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
حددت حكومات [[المملكة المتحدة]] المتعاقبة العديد من التعهدات لتقليل انبعاثات غاز ثنائي أكسيد الكربون. أحدها كان خطة الانتقال إلى مصادر طاقة الكربون المنخفض الذي أطلقتها حكومة براون في شهر يوليو من عام 2009، والتي تهدف إلى توليد 30% من الكهرباء من مصادر متجددة، و40% من الوقود منخفض الكربون بحلول عام 2020. خاصة أن المملكة المتحدة واحدة من أفضل الأماكن في أوروبا لتوليد الطاقة الكهربائية من الرياح وهي الطريقة الأسرع نموًّا.<ref name="Roadmap">[https://ift.tt/2dOclFI UK Renewable Energy Roadmap Crown copyright, July 2011] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/1yIub2j RenewableUK News website article] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
ساهمت طاقة الرياح بنحو 15% من توليد الكهرباء في [[المملكة المتحدة]] عام 2017.<ref name="renewableuk.com"></ref>
تجري التزامات الحكومة بتخفيض الانبعاثات على خلفية الأزمة الاقتصادية في أنحاء [[أوروبا]].<ref></ref> خلال الأزمة المالية الأوروبية، تقلص استهلاك أوروبا من الكهرباء بمقدار 5%، كذلك واجه الإنتاج الأولي انخفاضًا ملحوظًا.
تقلص العجز التجاري البريطاني بمقدار 8% بفضل الانخفاض الكبير في واردات الطاقة.<ref></ref>
بين عام 2007 وعام 2015، انخفضت ذروة الطلب على الكهرباء في المملكة المتحدة من 61.5 غيغا واط إلى 52.7 غيغا واط.<ref name="NSE"></ref><ref></ref>
تهدف سياسة الطاقة في المملكة المتحدة إلى لعب دور أساسي في الحد من انبعاثات [[غازات دفيئة|الغازات الدفيئة]]، وتلبي في نفس الوقت الحاجة من الطاقة. تغيير مصادر الطاقة المتوفرة واستحداث التقنيات، غيّر أيضًا مزيج الطاقة المعتمد في البلاد من خلال التغيرات في الأسعار.
في عام 2018، صُنفت المملكة المتحدة السادسة عالميًا في مؤشر الأداء البيئي، الذي يقيس كيفية تولي البلاد لسياستها البيئية.<ref></ref>
== مصادر الطاقة ==
=== النفط ===
أُثير القلق إزاء ما يُعرف بذروة النفط من قِبل أصوات رفيعة المستوى في [[المملكة المتحدة]]، مثل السير دايفيد كينغ وفرقة عمل الصناعة المعنية بذروة النفط وتأمين الطاقة. ينص تقرير هذه الأخيرة عام [[2010]] على: «ستجدنا نواجه خلال الخمس سنوات القادمة أزمة أخرى هي أزمة النفط. هذه المرة، نملك الفرصة لنستعد. التحدي هو باستثمار ذلك الوقت جيدًا».<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>The Oil Crunch: A wake-up call for the UK economy, Second report of the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security (ITPOES) February 2010</ref>
=== الغاز الطبيعي ===
أنتجت المملكة المتحدة 60% من حاجتها من [[غاز طبيعي|الغاز الطبيعي]] عام 2010.
خلال خمس سنوات، انتقلت المملكة المتحدة من حالة الاكتفاء الذاتي تقريبًا إلى استيراد 40% من الغاز عام 2010.
شكّل الغاز 40% تقريبًا من إمدادات الطاقة الأولية الإجمالي (تي بّي إي إس) وشكّلت الكهرباء أكثر من 45% في عام [[2010]]. شكّل المخزون الجوفي 5% من الاحتياج السنوي وشكّلت الواردات الصافية أكثر من 10%.
هناك تعهد لاستخدام الوقود البديل في المملكة المتحدة.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2QJsDni Gas emergency policy: Where do IEA countries stand?] IEA 25 May 2011, figures Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
من حقول الغاز في المملكة المتحدة: حقل أميثيست وحقل أرمادا، وحقول إيسينغتن كاتشمنت أريا وإيست نابتن وحقل إيفيرست وحقل روم.
حدث تسرب في الغاز في شهر مارس من عام 2012 في حقول إلجن- فرانكلن، إذ كان يتسرب نحو 200,00 متر مكعب من [[غاز|الغاز]] يوميًا. فقدت شركة توتال نحو 83 مليون [[جنيه إسترليني]] من وارداتها المتوقعة.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2pMBdqc Elgin North Sea gas platform resumes production almost year after leak] The Guardian 11 March 2013 Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
=== الفحم ===
تناقصت الطاقة المُنتجة من الفحم في إنجلترا وويلز بقدر كبير في بداية القرن الواحد والعشرين. أُغلقت محطات الطاقة المعروفة باسم هينتن هيفيز، ومن المقرر أن ينتهي إغلاق أو تحويل مصانع الفحم المتبقية إلى [[وقود حيوي|الوقود الحيوي]] بحلول عام 2025.
كان إنتاج الكهرباء من الفحم في عام 2018 أقل من أي وقت مضى منذ الثورة الصناعية، مع أول «يوم دون فحم» عام 2017 وأول أسبوع دون فحم عام 2019. أمّن الفحم 5.4% من كهرباء المملكة المتحدة عام 2018، مُنخفضًا عن الأعوام السابقة، إذ كان 7% عام 2017، 9% عام 2016، 23% عام 2015، و30% عام 2014.<ref name="BBC News 9 May 2019"></ref><ref></ref>
=== الطاقة النووية ===
يتألف أسطول بريطانيا من المفاعلات المُشغلة من 14 مفاعلًا متطورًا يعمل بالتبريد الغازي في 6 مواقع متفرقة، ومجموعة طاقة واحدة في محطة سايزويل بي.
عمومًا، الطاقة الإنتاجية النووية المركبة في المملكة المتحدة هي 9 غيغا واط تقريبًا. إضافةً إلى ذلك، أجرت المملكة المتحدة التجارب في تقنيات مفاعل التوليد السريع في دونري في اسكتلندا؛ لكن، أُغلق آخر مولد سريع (بطاقة إنتاجية تقدر بنحو 250 ميغا واط كهربائي) عام 1994.<ref name="govuk-2017"></ref><ref></ref>
حتى مع التغيرات في نظام التخطيط لتسريع طلبات مصانع الطاقة النووية، هناك شكوك حول إمكانية تحقيق الجدول الزمني اللازم لزيادة إنتاج الطاقة النووية، وحول الجدوى المالية للطاقة النووية مع أسعار النفط والغاز الحالية.
من المحتمل أن يكون سبب عدم إنشاء مصانع [[طاقة نووية]] منذ إنشاء محطة سايزويل بي عام 1995، مُتعلقًا بمشاكل الطاقة الإنتاجية ضمن صناعة الطاقة النووية المحلية. يعاني مزود الطاقة النووية المخصخص، شركة بريتيش إينرجي، من مشكلة مالية منذ العام 2004.
في شهر أكتوبر من عام 2010 أعطت الحكومة البريطانية الضوء الأخضر لبناء ثماني محطات طاقة نووية جديدة. لكن، صرحت الحكومة الاسكتلندية وبدعم من البرلمان الاسكتلندي، بأنه لن تُبنَ أي من محطات الطاقة النووية الجديدة في اسكتلندا.<ref name="ScotsGov"></ref><ref name="ScotsParl"></ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/2KNzc4p Eight new nuclear power stations despite safety and clean-up concerns] Telegraph, published 2010-10-18, accessed 29 March 2011 Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
=== الطاقة المتجددة ===
في عام 2007، وافقت حكومة المملكة المتحدة على هدف الاتحاد الأوروبي الشامل بتوليد 20% من إمدادات الطاقة ل<nowiki/>[[الاتحاد الأوروبي|لاتحاد الأوروبي]] من مصادر متجددة بحلول عام 2020. أُعطيت كل دولة عضو في الاتحاد الأوروبي هدفها الخاص؛ بالنسبة للمملكة المتحدة الهدف هو 15%. أُعطي هذا الهدف طابعاً رسمياً في شهر يناير عام 2009 مع اعتماد توجيهات الطاقة المتجددة الصادرة من الاتحاد الأوروبي. باعتبار أن إنتاج الحرارة والوقود بالوسائل المتجددة هو في مستويات منخفضة جدًا، تقدّر مؤسسة المملكة المتحدة المتجددة أن هذا سيتطلب توليد 35-40% من كهرباء المملكة المتحدة من مصادر متجددة بحلول ذلك التاريخ، ويتعين تحقيقه عموماً بمقدار 33-35 غيغا واط من طاقة الرياح الإنتاجية المركبة.<ref></ref>
وصل إجمالي مصادر الكهرباء المتجددة التي زودت 14.9% من الكهرباء المتولدة في المملكة المتحدة عام 2013، إلى 53.7 تيرا واط في الساعة من الكهرباء المتولدة.<ref name="DUKES"></ref>
في يونيو من عام 2017 ولأول مرة، ولّدت [[طاقة متجددة|الطاقة المتجددة]] بالإضافة إلى الطاقة النووية كهرباء أكثر من الغاز والفحم مجتمعين. في عام 2017أصبحت طاقة الرياح البحرية الجديدة أرخص من الطاقة النووية الجديدة لأول مرة.<ref name="bbc-20171228"></ref>
=== طاقة الرياح ===
في شهر ديسمبر عام 2017، أعلنت المملكة المتحدة عن خطط لتوسيع كبير في إنتاج الطاقة من الرياح، عن طريق إجراء تقييم بيئي استراتيجي لِما قيمته 25 غيغا واط تأتي من مواقع المزارع البحرية للرياح في التحضير لمرحلة جديدة من التطوير. تُضاف هذه المواقع المُقترحة إلى المواقع المُقدمة من خلال اثنتين من المراحل السابقة من عملية رصد المواقع، والتي تولد 8 غيغا واط من الكهرباء، المرحلة 1 في عام 2001 والمرحلة 2 في العام 2003. بأخذهما معًا، من المقدر أن يُسفر هذا الأمر عن بناء أكثر من 7000 عنفة رياح بحرية.<ref></ref>
توفر طاقة الرياح زيادة ضئيلة من الطاقة في المملكة المتحدة. وفي بداية شهر نوفمبر من عام 2018، تكونت طاقة الرياح في المملكة المتحدة مما يقارب 10,000 عنفة رياح بطاقة إنتاجية كلية تفوق 20 غيغا واط: 12,254 ميغا واط من طاقة العنفات الموجودة على اليابسة و7,897 ميغا واط من طاقة العنفات البحرية.<ref></ref>
== المراجع ==
[[تصنيف:الطاقة في المملكة المتحدة]]
[[تصنيف:طاقة حسب البلد في الاتحاد الأوروبي]]
新規更新November 23, 2019 at 02:22AM
神津猛 ←新しいページ: 「'''神津 猛'''(こうづ たけし、1882年 - 1946年6月21日)は日本の実業家。 == 経歴 == 長野県北佐久郡志…」
== 経歴 ==
== 係累 ==
*[[神津邦太郎]] - [[神津牧場]]創業者。銀行家。(黒壁家)
*[[神津専三郎]] - 教育者。(黒壁家養子)
*[[神津善行]] - 作曲家。(黒壁家)
*[[神津藤平]] - [[長野電鉄]]創業者。(黒壁家)
*[[神津俶祐]] - 地質学者、東北帝大教授。(赤壁家)
*[[神津康雄]] - 医学者。(赤壁家)
== 参考文献 ==
== 外部リンク ==
*[https://ift.tt/2OaqVte 佐久の先人たち(27) 神津猛] 佐久市
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UCI Asia Tour de 2019
意味調べるKarl Christian Ernst von Bentzel-Sternau
新規更新November 22, 2019 at 08:29PM
Karl Christian Ernst von Bentzel-Sternau
LouisAlain: ←Created page with ' <center>Bentzel-Sternau, etching by Nordheim after [[Anton Graff (1793)</center>]] '''Karl Christian Ernst Graf von Bentz...'
[[File:Sternau.jpg|thumb|<center>Bentzel-Sternau, etching by Nordheim after [[Anton Graff]] (1793)</center>]]
'''Karl Christian Ernst Graf von Bentzel-Sternau''', pseud. ''Horatio Cocles'', (9 April 1767 – 13 August 1849) was a German statesman, editor and writer.
== Life ==
Bentzel-Sternau was born in [[Mainz]]. After jurisprudential studies, in 1791 Bentzel-Sternau became government counsellor of the [[Electorate of Mainz]] under [[Karl Theodor von Dalberg]] in [[Erfurt]]. In 1803 he was State councillor of the Kur-Erzkanzler in [[Regensburg]] and in 1804 Secret State councillor. In 1806 he entered the [[Baden]] services, became ministerial director in 1808 and president of the upper court in 1810 in [[Mannheim]].
Dalberg, now Grand Duke of Frankfurt appointed by [[Napoleon]], appointed him Minister of State and Finance in 1811. He was also responsible, among other things, for [[Jewish emancipation]] and its bourgeois equality.
After the [[Grand Duchy of Frankfurt]] had been occupied by the German powers allied against Napoleon in the autumn of 1813 - it was not dissolved until the summer of 1814 - Bentzel-Sternau withdrew into private life. He lived alternately on [[Schloss Emmerichshofen]] and his country estate on Lake Zurich. In the following years he worked as an editor and writer.
He again proved his liberal and committed attitude as a delegate of the [[Chamber of Deputies (Bavaria)| Bavarian Chamber of Estates]] in the years 1825 to 1828. In 1832 he sympathized with the participants of the [[Hambach Festival]] and sent them a letter to express his support.<ref name="books-TnhTAAAAMAAJ-27">[[Johann Georg August Wirth|Johann G. A. Wirth]]: ''Das Nationalfest der Deutschen zu Hambach.'' Heft 1. Christmann, Neustadt a/H. 1832, ().</ref>
In 1827 he converted from Catholicism to [[Protestant|evangelical]] [[faith]].
Bentzel-Sternau died in Mariahalden/[[Zürichsee]], Switzerland, at age 82.
== Work ==
Bentzel-Sternau is known to posterity above all as the editor of the magazine 'Jason' and as a novelist. In 1831 he founded the short-lived magazine ''Der Verfassungsfreund'', a newspaper of the Landtag for Germany.''<ref>Ewald Grothe: ''Verfassungsgebung und Verfassungskonflikt. Das Kurfürstentum Hessen in der ersten Ära Hassenpflug 1830–1837''. , Berlin 1996, .</ref>
He became famous for his work "Anti-Israel-Rede" (1818), a projective [[satire]] which made him particularly hated by nationalist forces. During the [[Wartburg Festival]] his works were symbolically burned with other [[book burning at the Wartburgfest 1817|books]].
This satire is a rare source for exploring the relationship between Jews and Christians in the 19th century. It is preserved today in only a small number of originals.<ref>Horatius Cocles: ''Anti-Israel. Eine Vorlesung in der geheimen Akademie zum grünen Esel als Entrittsrede gehalten.'' Sauerländer, Aarau 1818, [https://ift.tt/2XCwvYs Digitalisat], (Reprint: ''Anti-Israel. Eine projüdische Satire aus dem Jahre 1818. Nebst den antijüdischen Traktaten Friedrich Rühs' und Jakob Friedrich Fries' (1816)'' (''Exempla philosemitica.'' Vol. 4). Published with an epilogue by [[Johann Anselm Steiger]]. Manutius, Heidelberg 2004, ).</ref> His best-known work is probably the prose text "Das goldene Kalb. A Biography".
In this satire, Bentzel takes up the arguments and demands of the literary Jew hunt, which had found fertile ground after the [[Congress of Vienna]], and takes them to absurdity by exaggerating them.
Visionary, the author predicts a development that was soon caught up in the horrors of the anti-Jewish [[Hep-Hep riots]] in Germany. Bentzel was apparently aware of the pronounced anti-Jewish dynamics and the great potential for violence that had accumulated against the Jews in the period after the Congress of Vienna - spurred on by inflammatory writings and pamphlets published in many places. Exemplary here are the inflammatory writings of [[Friedrich Rühs]] and [[Jakob Friedrich Fries]].<ref>Also printed in the 2004 reprint by Manutius-Verlag.</ref>
In his literary publications he shows himself to be an "ingenious, outspoken and intelligent humorous writer" (Meyer 1858), often compared with [[Jean Paul]].
== Pseudonym ==
The pseudonym chosen by Bentzel-Sternau refers to [[Horatius Cocles]] (cocles: Latin for "one-eyed man"), who was a folk hero of Roman mythology. In 507 B.C. he is said to have defended the bridge over the [[Tiber]] to Rome alone against the Etruscans.
== Quotes ==
"The mixture, called man, is probably the greatest ragout that ever escaped a heavenly cookbook."<ref></ref>
== Source ==
* ''Der Verfassungsfreund, ein Landtagsblatt für Deutschland.'' Hanau 1831.
== Further reading ==
* Ewald Grothe: ''Verfassungsgebung und Verfassungskonflikt. Das Kurfürstentum Hessen in der ersten Ära Hassenpflug 1830–1837''. (''Schriften zur Verfassungsgeschichte.'' 48). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1996, .
== External links ==
* [https://ift.tt/2QExS7s Vorab-Hinweis] auf die Publikation im Manutius-Verlag
== References ==
[[Category:German editors]]
[[Category:19th-century German journalists]]
[[Category:Biedermeier writers]]
[[Category:German emigrants]]
[[Category:1767 births]]
[[Category:1849 deaths]]
[[Category:People from Mainz]]
No mad festival
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No mad festival
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حادثة 26 فبراير
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حادثة 26 فبراير
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650 الجادة الخامسة
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650 الجادة الخامسة
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意味調べるSteve Jurczyk
新規更新November 22, 2019 at 02:45PM
Steve Jurczyk
MarkZusab: added cat
== Education and career ==
Jurczyk is a graduate of the [[University of Virginia]] where he received [[Bachelor of Science]] and [[Master of Science]] degrees in [[Electrical engineering|Electrical Engineering]] in 1984 and 1986. He is an associate fellow of the [[American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics]].<ref name=":0"></ref>
Jurczyk began his NASA career in 1988 at Langley Research Center in the Electronic Systems Branch as a design, integration and testing engineer developing several space-based Earth remote sensing systems. From 2002 to 2004, Jurczyk was director of engineering, and from 2004 to 2006 he was director of research and technology at Langley where he led the organizations' contributions to a broad range of research, technology and engineering disciplines contributing to all NASA mission areas. From August 2006, Jurczyk served as Langley's Deputy Center Director. In May 2014, Jurczyk was appointed as Director at NASA's Langley Research Center. There, he headed NASA's first field Center, which plays a critical role in NASA's aeronautics research, exploration and science missions.<ref name=":0" />
After Langley, Jurczyk was the associate administrator of the Space Technology Mission Directorate, since June 2015. In this position he formulated and executed the agency's Space Technology programs, focusing on developing and demonstrating transformative technologies for human and [[robotic exploration]] of the [[Solar System|solar system]] in partnership with industry and academia. In May 2018, Jurczyk became NASA's associate administrator, the agency's highest-ranking [[Civil Servant|civil servant]] position.<ref name=":0" />
== Honors and awards ==
Jurczyk received several awards during his NASA career, including two NASA Outstanding Leadership Medals, the [[Presidential Rank Awards#Meritorious Executive|Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Executive]] in 2006, and the [[Presidential Rank Awards#Distinguished Executive|Presidential Rank Award for Distinguished Executive]] in 2016 -- the highest honors attainable for federal government leadership.<ref name=":0" />
== References ==
== Further reading ==
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:University of Virginia alumni]]
意味調べるFranz Heinrich Böckh
新規更新November 22, 2019 at 02:41PM
Franz Heinrich Böckh
LouisAlain: ←Created page with ''''Franz Heinrich Böckh''' (1787 – 4 November 1831) was an Austrian historian who wrote on Viennese local history. == Life == Born in Klagenfurt, Böckh...'
== Life ==
Born in [[Klagenfurt]], Böckh worked as "Book Printerey factor" for the printers Bernhard Philipp Bauer and from 1828 for Franz and Felix Stückholzer von Hirschfeld. He wrote some interesting local historical books about the city of Vienna.
Böckh died in [[Leopoldstadt (Wiener Bezirksteil)|Leopoldstadt]] near Vienna.
== Work ==
* ''Wiens lebende Schriftsteller, Künstler und Dilettanten'', Vienna: Bauer, 1821 [https://ift.tt/2XJaVBO (Numerised)]
* ''Merkwürdigkeiten der Haupt- und Residenz-Stadt Wien und ihrer nächsten Umgebungen. Ein Handbuch für Einheimische und Fremde'', Vienna: Bauer 1823 [https://ift.tt/2OApiUQ (Numerised)] – Reprint Vienna: Promedia, 2005
== Further reading ==
* [https://ift.tt/2OApiUQ Böckh, Franz Heinrich on BLKÖ]
* Böckh Franz Heinrich in '''' by [[Felix Czeike]] volume 1, , Vienna 1992, ,
== External links ==
* [[Constantin von Wurzbach]]: Böckh, Franz Heinrich. In ''Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich''. 2nd part. Published by the typographic-literary-artistic institution (L. C. Zamarski, C. Dittmarsch & Comp.), Vienna 1857, .<ref>[https://ift.tt/37myd4R ''Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich''] on GoogleBooks</ref>
* [https://ift.tt/34crybd Volltext von ''Wiens lebende Schriftsteller, Künstler und Dilettanten'']
== References ==
[[Category:Austrian historians]]
[[Category:19th-century historians]]
[[Category:1787 births]]
[[Category:1831 deaths]]
[[Category:People from Klagenfurt]]
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Notre-Dame (Moulins)
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Rue de Stalingrad (Bobigny)
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Walls (album của Barbra Streisand)
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Walls (album của Barbra Streisand)
新規更新November 22, 2019 at 12:51AM
Ghilt: '''Flockeneis''' (auch ''Eisschnee, Eisflocken'') bezeichet gemahlenes Eis mit einer Korngröße von wenigen Millimetern.
== Eigenschaften ==
Flockeneis besitzt im Vergleich zu [[Eiswürfel]]n eine größere Oberfläche und daher auch eine größere [[Kühlleistung]]. Im Falle einer Verwendung in einem [[Gemisch]] (z. B. in der [[Wurst]]herstellung) verteilt sich Flockeneis gleichmäßiger als Eiswürfel. Flockeneis wird meist in einem [[Flockeneisbereiter]] (auch ''Eisflockenbereiter'') hergestellt.
Flockeneis wird unter anderem in der [[Lebensmittelherstellung]], im [[Labor]] in einem [[Eisbad]]<ref name="books-nkFKDwAAQBAJ-54">Theodor C. H. Cole: ''Wörterbuch Labor / Laboratory Dictionary.'' Springer, 2018. ISBN 978-3-540-26216-9, S. 54.</ref> und in der [[Medizin]] in [[Kühlbeutel]]n und -umschlägen,<ref name="books-ydeiBgAAQBAJ-368">R. Günther, H. Jantsch: ''Physikalische Medizin.'' ISBN 978-3-662-00787-7, S. 368.</ref> bei der [[Kaltwasserimmersion]] und beim Transport von [[Organ (Biologie)]] für eine [[Transplantation]] verwendet.<ref name="books-PY5aDwAAQBAJ-">Margret Liehn, Jens Köpcke, Heike Richter, Leonid Kasakov: ''OTA-Lehrbuch.'' ISBN 3662561824. S. 439.</ref>
== Einzelnachweise ==
<references />
Adrian Scott Stokes
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Konary (powiat wołowski)
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意味調べるPhường 1, thị xã Hoài Nhơn
新規更新November 21, 2019 at 11:12PM
Phường 1, thị xã Hoài Nhơn
2001:EE0:4CD2:8A20:B047:3517:FBA2:9021: ←Trang mới: "Phường 1 ('''Bồng Sơn)''' là thị xã lỵ của Tx Hoài Nhơn, tỉnh Bình Định, Việt Nam. == Mục lục == * Bồng Sơn#%C4%90%…"
== Mục lục ==
* [[Bồng Sơn#%C4%90%E1%BB%8Ba%20l%C3%BD|1Địa lý]]
* [[Bồng Sơn#L%E1%BB%8Bch%20s%E1%BB%AD|2Lịch sử]]
* [[Bồng Sơn#Xem%20th%C3%AAm|3Xem thêm]]
* [[Bồng Sơn#Ch%C3%BA%20th%C3%ADch|4Chú thích]]
* [[Bồng Sơn#Tham%20kh%E1%BA%A3o|5Tham khảo]]
== Địa lý[sửa | sửa mã nguồn] ==
Thị trấn Bồng Sơn nằm ở phía tây nam huyện [[Hoài Nhơn]], có vị trí địa lý:
* Phía bắc giáp xã [[Hoài Tân]] và xã [[Hoài Xuân]]
* Phía nam giáp xã [[Hoài Đức]]
* Phía tây nam giáp huyện [[Hoài Ân]].
Thị trấn nằm gần sông Lại Giang, cách thành phố Quy Nhơn 90 km về phía bắc. Quốc lộ 1A chạy qua trung tâm thị trấn.
== Lịch sử[sửa | sửa mã nguồn] ==
Bồng Sơn xưa thuộc về vương quốc [[Chiêm Thành]]. Năm 1470 vua [[Lê Thánh Tông]] xuất quân đánh Chiêm Thành, chiếm được thì đặt thành huyện Bồng Sơn. Tên gọi Bồng Sơn vì đó đã có từ hơn 500 năm nay.
Năm 1826, [[nhà Nguyễn]] đặt [[tri phủ]] phủ [[Quy Nhơn]] lãnh coi 3 huyện Bồng Sơn, Tuy Viễn, Phù Ly. Năm 1832 thì chia huyện Phù Ly thành hai huyện Phù Cát và Phù Mỹ đều thuộc phủ Hoài Nhơn như năm trước, coi cả huyện Bồng Sơn. Năm 1890, đặt châu Hoài Ân ở thượng du huyện Bồng Sơn.
Ngày 19 tháng 2 năm 1986, chia xã Bồng Sơn thành thị trấn Bồng Sơn và xã Hoài Tiến.
Ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 1993, xã Hoài Tiến đổi tên thành xã Bồng Sơn Tây.
Ngày 11 tháng 7 năm 1994, sáp nhập xã Bồng Sơn Tây vào thị trấn Bồng Sơn.
Ngày 9 tháng 1 năm 2011, Bộ Xây dựng công nhận thị trấn Bồng Sơn là đô thị loại IV.
意味調べるKonary (powiat wołowski)
新規更新November 21, 2019 at 11:11PM
Konary (powiat wołowski)
MGR: Neu Konary, Zuarbeit Hartmut Boettcher
== Geographische Lage ==
Der Ortsteil liegt in Niederschlesien, etwa 13 km nördlich von [[Wolow]] (Wohlau) und 57 km nordwestlich von [[Wroclaw]] (Breslau).
== Geschichte ==
Cunern (später Kunern geschrieben) gehörte zum Herzogtum Wohlau, das bis 1675 von den [[schlesische Piasten|Schlesischen Piasten]] regiert wurde. Danach fiel es als „erledigtes Lehen" an die Krone [[Königreich Böhmen|Böhmen]] und 1742 an das [[Königreich Preußen]]. Dabei kam ein Teil der Orte zum nun kleineren Wohlauer Kreis, der 1815 dem [[Regierungsbezirk Breslau]] zugeordnet, 1818 als Kreis [[Wohlau]] noch einmal anders begrenzt und 1939 „reichseinheitlich" in Landkreis umbenannt wurde. Kunern blieb immer im Kerngebiet um Wohlau. Es bestand aus Ober- und Niederkunern mit 284 (1792) und 319 (1939) Einwohnern. Das Dorf hatte keine eigene Kirche. Die meist evangelischen Christen wurden durch die Pfarrei in Herrnmotschelnitz (ab 1945 Moczydlnica Dworska) seelsorglich betreut, die wenigen Katholiken gehörten zur Pfarrei in Krehlau (ab 1945 Krzelów).
== Franz Carl Achard ==
Das herrschaftliche Gut in Kunern mit fast 670 Hektar Fläche kaufte 1801 [[Franz Carl Achard]], ließ verstärkt die „Weiße schlesische Rübe" anbauen und ein Gebäude zur Rübenverarbeitung errichten. Im März 1802 begann hier die erste Kampagne zur Zuckergewinnung: aus 400 Tonnen Rüben der Vorjahresernte wurden 16 Tonnen Rohzucker (also eine Ausbeute von vier Prozent) gewonnen.<ref>[https://ift.tt/344LrRA Modell der ersten Rübenzuckerfabrik in Kunern (1802-1807) – Ausstellung im Deutschen Technikmuseum Berlin]</ref>
Im März 1807 brannte die Fabrik im Vierten Koalitionskrieg ab und wurde fünf Jahre später durch eine etwas kleinere Anlage ersetzt. Achard bildete weiter an dieser „Lehranstalt für Zuckergewinnung" interessierte Personen aus, musste aber aus gesundheitlichen Gründen im Jahre 1815 aufgeben. Er starb am 20. April 1821 und wurde auf dem evangelischen Friedhof von Herrnmotschelnitz beerdigt. Das Gut blieb noch zwei Generationen im Besitz der Familie und wechselte dann den Eigentümer.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2XJQF33 Bilder zu Herrnmotschelnitz (Moczydlnica Dworska)]</ref>
== Würdigung ==
Achard hatte in seiner Berliner Zeit bis zum Jahre 1800 neben vielen anderen Tätigkeiten und Erfolgen durch gezielte Auslese den Zuckergehalt bei schlesischen Futterrüben von 1,5 auf vier bis fünf Prozent gesteigert. Er entwickelte die Geräte und das Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Zucker aus [[Zuckerrüben|Rüben]] und betrieb ab 1802 in Kunern die dazu gehörige erste funktionsfähige Fabrik der Welt. Damit wurde die Verminderung bzw. Ablösung des Imports von [[Rohrzucker]] (sogen. Kolonialzucker) möglich. Leider breitete sich erst nach 1830 – also über 30 Jahre nach den Anfängen in Kunern - die Rübenzuckerherstellung in Deutschland durch den Bau neuer Fabriken stark aus. Der Verein für die Rüben-Zuckerindustrie des Deutschen Reiches stiftete 1886 einen Denkstein und ließ die Grabstelle Achards in Herrnmotschelnitz restaurieren.
Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurde das Gebäude der Lehr-Zuckerfabrik in Kunern abgerissen. Um 1960 kam es zur Umgestaltung des ehemaligen Geländes: die Grundmauern wurden konserviert, und seit 1964 gibt es eine Keramik-Gedenktafel für Achard mit der Inschrift: An dieser Stelle entstand 1802 die weltweit erste Rübenzuckerfabrik, deren Gründer F. C. Achard war.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2ObeWff Mehrsprachige Gedenktafel für Achard in Kunern, überlassen von Wolanda Jawer]</ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/2XA5jJM Gedenkplatte am Platz der ehemaligen Zuckerfabrik in Kunern]</ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/37pGCEz Achard als Relief am Platz der ehemaligen Zuckerfabrik in Kunern]</ref>
== Literatur (Auswahl) ==
*M. F. G. Leonhardi: Erdbeschreibung der Preußischen Monarchie. Zweyter Band, Halle 1792, S. 537.
*Johann Adam Valentin Weigel: Geographische, naturhistorische und technologische Beschreibung des souverainen Herzogthums Schlesien. Fünfter Theil. Die Fürstenthümer Liegnitz, Wohlau und Glogau, Berlin 1802, S. 114.
*Michael Rademacher: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte von der Reichseinigung 1871 bis zur Wiedervereinigung 1990. Landkreis Wohlau. Diss. Osnabrück 2006.
*Hans-Heinrich Müller, Corné J. Aertssens und Jürgen Wilke: Franz Carl Achard : 1753 – 1821. Biographie. Berlin 2002, 688 S.
== Weblinks ==
* [https://ift.tt/2s0yyd6 Landkreis Wohlau, einges. 6. Nov. 2019]
* [https://ift.tt/35oaX4G Michael Rademacher Dissertation]
* [https://ift.tt/2D6oyS4 Topographische Karte]
== Mit dem Ort verbundene Persönlichkeiten ==
* [[Franz Carl Achard]] (1753–1821), deutscher Naturwissenschaftler, entwickelte und betrieb die erste Fabrik zur Zuckergewinnung aus Rüben
== Einzelnachweise ==
<references />
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2402:6B00:4668:5F00:E0AD:C806:1EC7:9DF0: ←新しいページ: 「'''中村 藤一'''(なかむら とういち、1876年(明治9年)9月 - 没年不詳)は、日本の実業家。元日…」
== 人物・経歴 ==
[[長崎県]]出身<ref name="nd">[https://ift.tt/3434ATY 日本製粉會長 中村藤一/61]『次代を背負ふ財界人』(国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション)</ref>。[[長崎県立長崎中学校 (旧制)|長崎県立長崎中学校]]を経て、1899年[[東京高等商業学校|高等商業学校]](現[[一橋大学]])[[保険]]科専攻部卒業、[[三井物産]]入社<ref>[https://ift.tt/2QDXT6Q 東京商科大学卒業生名簿. 昭和16年5月末日現在]国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション</ref><ref name="Ji"/>。本店[[金物]]掛[[主任]]、[[大阪]]支店次席、[[神戸]][[支店長]]、本店営業[[部長]]等を経て<ref name="nd"/><ref name="Ji">[https://ift.tt/35kFtfv 中村藤一 (男性)]人事興信録データベース(名古屋大学)</ref>、1928年[[日本製粉]][[代表取締役]][[専務取締役]]<ref>[https://ift.tt/2QNYUcX 「日本製粉(株)『日本製粉株式会社七十年史』(1968.06)」]渋沢社史データベース</ref>。[[安川雄之助]]が三井財閥から退くと、1936年日本製粉[[取締役会長]]兼代表取締役専務取締役に就任した<ref name="nd"/>。1940年[[全国製粉協会]][[理事]]、[[全国製粉配給]]取締役、日本製粉取締役会長。1941年日本製粉[[相談役]]<ref>[https://ift.tt/2QFEsdR 日本製粉(株)『日本製粉株式会社七十年史』(1968.06)]渋沢社史データベース</ref>。
== 親族 ==
妻タケは[[佐竹作太郎]]の長女<ref name="Ji"/>。
== 脚注 ==
新規更新されました。 November 21, 2019 at 12:31PM
意味調べるCareer of Lana Del Rey
新規更新November 21, 2019 at 12:57PM
Career of Lana Del Rey
Ottamieh: Makes the most sense to separate the section into a sub-article so we can make her career section on her biography page more concise
After the international success of her debut major-label release, she released follow-up records ''[[Ultraviolence (album)|Ultraviolence]]'' (2014), ''[[Honeymoon (Lana Del Rey album)|Honeymoon]]'' (2015), and ''[[Lust for Life (Lana Del Rey album)|Lust for Life]]'' (2017). The albums spawned a series of singles, the most successful being "[[West Coast (Lana Del Rey song)|West Coast]]", "[[High By The Beach]]", "[[Love (Lana Del Rey song)|Love]]", and "[[Lust for Life (Lana Del Rey song)|Lust for Life]]". She also released the anthems for various movies including "[[Young and Beautiful (Lana Del Rey song)|Young and Beautiful]]" for ''[[The Great Gatsby (2013 film)|The Great Gatsby]]'' (2013), "[[Big Eyes (song)|Big Eyes]]" for ''[[Big Eyes]]'' (2014), "[[Once Upon a Dream (Lana Del Rey song)|Once Upon A Dream]]" for ''[[Maleficent (film)|Maleficent]]'' (2014), and "Elvis" for ''[[The King (documentary)|The King]]'' (2018). In 2019, Del Rey released her most critically acclaimed work to date, ''[[Norman Fucking Rockwell!]]''. The record received two Grammy nominations and spawned the commercially successful single, "[[Doin' Time]]".
==Early career==
===2004–07: Career beginnings===
In the fall of 2004, at age 19, Grant enrolled at [[Fordham University]] in [[The Bronx]] where she majored in [[philosophy]], with an emphasis on [[metaphysics]].<ref name="vbio"/> She has said she chose to study the subject because it "bridged the gap between God and science... I was interested in God and how technology could bring us closer to finding out where we came from and why."<ref name="vbio"/> In the spring of 2005, while still in college, Del Rey registered a seven-track extended play was under with the [[United States Copyright Office]]; the application title was ''Rock Me Stable'' with another title ''Young Like Me'' also listed.<ref></ref> A second extended play, titled ''From the End'', was also recorded under Del Rey's stage name at the time, May Jailer.<ref name=hellyer></ref> Between 2005 and 2006, she recorded an acoustic album titled ''[[Sirens (May Jailer album)|Sirens]]'' under the May Jailer project,<ref name=hellyer/> which later leaked on the internet in mid-2012.<ref name="sirens"></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
At her first public performance in 2006, for the Williamsburg Live Songwriting Competition, Del Rey met Van Wilson, an A&R representative for 5 Points Records,<ref name="wlsc2006"></ref><ref name="disappeared"></ref> an [[independent label]] owned by [[David Nichtern]].<ref name="disappeared"/> In 2007, while a senior at Fordham, she submitted a [[demo tape]] of acoustic tracks titled ''No Kung Fu'' to 5 Points,<ref name=hellyer/> who offered her a [[recording contract]] for $10,000.<ref name=hellyer/> She used the money to relocate to Manhattan Mobile Home Park, a trailer park in [[North Bergen, New Jersey]],<ref name="vbio"/><ref name=paradiselost/> and subsequently began working with producer [[David Kahne]].<ref name="disappeared"/> Executive Nichtern recalled: "Our plan was to get it all organized and have a record to go and she'd be touring right after she graduated from college. Like a lot of artists, she morphed. When she first came to us, she was playing plunky little acoustic guitar, [had] sort of straight blonde hair, very cute young woman. A little bit dark, but very intelligent. We heard that. But she very quickly kept evolving."<ref name=disappeared/>
[[File:Lana Turner 1944 photo.jpg|thumb|left|upright=.9|Film actress [[Lana Turner]] ''(pictured)'' inspired Del Rey's stage name]]
Del Rey graduated with a [[Bachelor of Arts]] degree from Fordham in 2008,<ref name=paradiselost/> after which she released a three-track [[EP (format)|EP]] titled ''[[Kill Kill]]'' in October as Lizzy Grant, featuring production from Kahne.<ref></ref> She explained that "David asked to work with me only a day after he got my demo. He is known as a producer with a lot of integrity and who had an interest in making music that wasn't just pop."<ref name="Quietus"></ref> Meanwhile, Del Rey was working doing community outreach work for the homeless and drug addicts<ref name="vbio"/>; she had become interested in community service work in college, when she had helped paint homes on an [[Indian reservation]] in [[Utah]].<ref name=nylon/><ref></ref>
===2008–10: Initial releases===
On choosing a [[stage name]] for her feature debut album, she said: "I wanted a name I could shape the music towards. I was going to Miami quite a lot at the time, speaking a lot of Spanish with my friends from Cuba – Lana Del Rey reminded us of the glamour of the seaside. It sounded gorgeous coming off the tip of the tongue."<ref></ref> The name was also inspired by actress [[Lana Turner]] and the [[Ford Del Rey]] sedan (produced and sold in Brazil).<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Initially, she had chosen the alternate spelling of Lana Del Ray, the name under which her [[Lana Del Ray (album)|self-titled debut album]] was released in January 2010.<ref name=disappeared/> Her father helped with the marketing of the album,<ref name="adirondackdailyenterprise"></ref> which was available for purchase on [[iTunes]] for a brief period before being withdrawn in April 2010.<ref name=disappeared/> Kahne, as well as previous label owner Nichtern both stated that Del Rey bought the rights back from the label, 5 Points, as she wanted it out of circulation to "stifle future opportunities to distribute it—an echo of rumors that the action was part of a calculated strategy."<ref name="disappeared"/><ref name="bbcoverstory"></ref>
Del Rey met her managers, Ben Mawson and Ed Millett, three months after ''Lana Del Ray'' was released, and they helped her get out of her contract with 5 Points Records, where, in her opinion, "nothing was happening." Shortly after, she moved to [[London]], and moved in with Mawson "for a few years."<ref name=nylon/> On September 1, 2010, Del Rey was featured by [[Mando Diao]] in their ''[[MTV Unplugged]]'' concert at Union Film-Studios in Berlin.<ref name="mandodiao"></ref> The same year, she acted in a short film titled ''Poolside'', which she made with several friends.<ref></ref>
===2011–12: Commercial success and ''Born to Die''===
[[File:Lana Del Rey Bowery 2011 P1150649.jpg|thumb|right|upright|190px|Del Rey performing at the [[Bowery Ballroom]] in December 2011]]
In 2011, Del Rey uploaded self-made music videos for her songs "[[Video Games (song)|Video Games]]" and "[[Blue Jeans (Lana Del Rey song)|Blue Jeans]]" to [[YouTube]], featuring vintage footage interspersed with shots of her singing on her webcam.<ref></ref> The "Video Games" music video became a viral internet sensation,<ref name=all></ref> which led to Del Rey being signed by Stranger Records to release the song as her debut single.<ref name="signstranger"></ref> She told ''[[The Observer]]'': "I just put that song online a few months ago because it was my favorite. To be honest, it wasn't going to be the single but people have really responded to it."<ref name="vbio" /> The song earned her a [[Q Awards|Q award]] for "Next Big Thing" in October 2011<ref></ref> and an [[Ivor Novello Awards|Ivor Novello]] for "Best Contemporary Song" in 2012.<ref name="novello"></ref> The same month, she signed a joint deal with [[Interscope Records]] and [[Polydor Records|Polydor]] to release her second studio album ''[[Born to Die]]''.<ref name="bbclovelaw" /><ref name="bbcover" /><ref name="debut"></ref><ref name="observer"></ref> Del Rey performed two songs from the album on ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' on January 14, 2012, and received a negative response from various critics and the general public, who deemed the performance uneven and vocally shaky.<ref name=montgomery></ref><ref></ref> She had earlier defended her spot on the program, saying: "I'm a good musician [...] I have been singing for a long time, and I think that [''SNL'' creator] [[Lorne Michaels]] knows that [...] it's not a fluke decision."<ref name=montgomery/>
''Born to Die'' was released on January 31, 2012, worldwide, and reached number one in 11 countries, though critical reaction was divided.<ref></ref><ref></ref> The same week, she announced she had bought back the rights to her 2010 debut album, and had plans to re-release it in the summer of 2012 under Interscope Records and Polydor.<ref name="albumrerelease"></ref> Contrary to Del Rey's press statement, her previous record label and producer David Kahne have both stated that she bought the rights to the album when she and the label parted company, due to the offer of a new deal, in April 2010.<ref name="bbcover"></ref> ''Born to Die'' sold 3.4 million copies in 2012, making it the fifth-best-selling album of 2012.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> In the United States, ''Born to Die'' charted on the [[Billboard 200|''Billboard'' 200 album chart]] well into 2012, lingering at number 76, after 36 weeks on the chart.<ref></ref>
===2012–13: ''Paradise'' and ''Tropico''===
[[File:Lana Del Rey "Burning Desire" Video 2013.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1|Del Rey at the [[2012 Paris Motor Show|Paris Motor Show]] endorsing the [[Jaguar F-Type]] in 2012]]
In September 2012, Del Rey unveiled the [[Jaguar Cars|Jaguar]] [[Jaguar F-Type|F-Type]] at the [[2012 Paris Motor Show|Paris Motor Show]].<ref name=Elliott/> Adrian Hallmark, Jaguar's global brand director, explained their choice, saying Del Rey had "a unique blend of authenticity and modernity."<ref name="Elliott"></ref> She also recorded the song "Burning Desire", which appeared in a promotional short film for the vehicle.<ref></ref><ref></ref> In late September 2012, a music video for Del Rey's cover version of "[[Blue Velvet (song)|Blue Velvet]]" was released as a promotional single for the [[H&M]] 2012 autumn campaign, which Del Rey also modeled for in print advertising.<ref></ref><ref name="Alexander"></ref> On September 25, Del Rey released the single "[[Ride (Lana Del Rey song)|Ride]]" in promotion of her upcoming [[extended play|EP]], ''[[Paradise (Lana Del Rey EP)|Paradise]]''.<ref name=bbparadise></ref> She subsequently premiered the music video for "Ride" at the [[American Cinematheque#The Cinematheque's two movie theatres|Aero Theatre]] in [[Santa Monica, California]] on October 10, 2012.<ref></ref><ref name="nme2">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Some critics panned the video for being allegedly pro-[[prostitution]]<ref name="nme2" /><ref name="ok!"></ref> and [[Antifeminism|antifeminist]], due to Del Rey's portrayal of a prostitute in a biker gang.<ref name="bbcfem"></ref><ref name=slant></ref>
''Paradise'' was released on November 12, 2012 as a standalone release, as well as ''Born to Die: The Paradise Edition'', which combined Del Rey's previous album with the additional eight tracks on ''Paradise''.<ref name=bbparadise/> ''Paradise'' marked Del Rey's second top 10 album in the United States, debuting at number 10 on the [[Billboard 200|''Billboard'' 200]] with 67,000 copies sold in its first week.<ref name="prnewswire"></ref> It was also later nominated for [[Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album|Best Pop Vocal Album]] at the [[56th Annual Grammy Awards]].<ref name=ldrgrammys></ref> Del Rey received several nominations at the [[2012 MTV Europe Music Awards]] in November, and won the award for [[MTV Europe Music Award for Best Alternative|Best Alternative]] performer.<ref></ref> At the [[2013 BRIT Awards|Brit Awards]] in February 2013, she won the award for International Female Solo Artist,<ref name="billboardbrit"></ref> followed by two [[Echo Music Prize|Echo Award]] wins, in the categories of Best International Newcomer and Best International Pop/Rock Artist.<ref></ref>
Over the next several months, she released videos of two cover songs: one of [[Leonard Cohen]]'s "[[New Skin for the Old Ceremony|Chelsea Hotel#2]]",<ref name="cohen"></ref> followed by a duet with her then-boyfriend, Barrie-James O'Neil, of [[Lee Hazlewood]] and [[Nancy Sinatra]]'s "[[Summer Wine]]".<ref></ref> In May 2013, Del Rey released an original song, "[[Young and Beautiful (Lana Del Rey song)|Young and Beautiful]]" for the [[The Great Gatsby (soundtrack)|soundtrack of the 2013 film adaptation of ''The Great Gatsby'']].<ref name="latimesgatsby"></ref> Following the song's release, it peaked at 22 on the [[Billboard Hot 100|''Billboard'' Hot 100]].<ref name="bbhot100"></ref> However, shortly after its release to contemporary hit radio, the label prematurely pulled it and decided to send a different song to that format; on July 2, 2013, a Cedric Gervais remix of Del Rey's "Summertime Sadness" was sent there; a sleeper hit, the song proved to be a success, surpassing "Young and Beautiful", reaching number 6 and becoming her first American top ten hit.<ref></ref> The remix won the [[Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical]] in 2013,<ref></ref> while "Young and Beautiful" was nominated for [[Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media|Best Song Written for Visual Media]].<ref name=ldrgrammys/>
In June 2013, Del Rey began filming ''[[Tropico (film)|Tropico]]'', a musical short film paired to tracks from ''Paradise'', directed by [[Anthony Mandler]].<ref name="tropico1"></ref><ref name="tropico2"></ref> Del Rey screened the film on December 4, 2013 at the [[Cinerama Dome]] in Hollywood, and presented the screening by stating that she wanted to "visually close out" this chapter of her career before releasing her next album.<ref></ref> On December 6, an EP, also titled ''Tropico'', was made available for purchase on iTunes, including a digital copy of the short film.<ref name="huffingtonpost"></ref><ref name="rollingstone"></ref>
==Subsequent releases==
===2014: ''Ultraviolence'' and soundtracks===
[[File:Lana Del Rey 2014 Coachella.jpg|thumb|left|upright|190px|Del Rey performing at [[Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival|Coachella Festival]] in 2014]]
On January 26, 2014, Del Rey released a cover of "[[Once Upon a Dream (Sleeping Beauty)#Lana Del Rey version|Once Upon a Dream]]" for the 2014 dark fantasy film ''[[Maleficent (film)|Maleficent]]''.<ref></ref> Following the completion of ''Paradise'', Del Rey began writing and recording her follow-up album, ''[[Ultraviolence (Lana Del Rey album)|Ultraviolence]]'', featuring production by [[Dan Auerbach]].<ref name="Guardian"></ref> ''Ultraviolence'' was released on June 13, 2014, and debuted at number one in 12 countries, including the United States and United Kingdom. The album sold 880,000 copies in its first week, worldwide.<ref></ref> The album was preceded by the singles "[[West Coast (Lana Del Rey song)|West Coast]]", "[[Shades of Cool]]",<ref></ref> "[[Ultraviolence (song)|Ultraviolence]]",<ref></ref> and "[[Brooklyn Baby]]".<ref></ref> Del Rey described the album as being "more stripped down but still cinematic and dark,"<ref></ref> while some critics characterized the record as [[psychedelic rock|psychedelic]]<ref></ref> and [[Desert rock music|desert rock]]-influenced, more prominently featuring guitar instrumentation than her previous releases.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
Two new songs by Del Rey, "Big Eyes" and "I Can Fly", were featured in [[Tim Burton]]'s 2014 biographical film ''[[Big Eyes]]'', which focused on the American artist [[Margaret Keane]], released in November that year.<ref></ref> In January 2015, Del Rey hinted that she had been in the process of writing and recording material for her next album.<ref></ref> She subsequently confirmed in an interview that her next record would be titled ''[[Honeymoon (Lana Del Rey album)|Honeymoon]]''.<ref></ref> On January 15, 2015, Del Rey received a [[BRIT Award]] nomination for International Female Solo Artist, her second nomination in the category and third overall.<ref></ref>
===2015: ''Honeymoon''===
Del Rey embarked on [[The Endless Summer Tour]] in May 2015, which featured [[Courtney Love]]<ref></ref> and [[Grimes (musician)|Grimes]] as opening acts.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> After the tour's conclusion in June, she shared "[[Honeymoon (Lana Del Rey song)|Honeymoon]]", the first and title track from her forthcoming third studio album, on YouTube.<ref></ref> In an August 2015 interview, Del Rey revealed that the album would contain fourteen tracks, describing the songs with "a muddy trap energy and some inspired by late-night [[Miles Davis]] drives".<ref name=milesdavis></ref> The first single from the album, "[[High by the Beach]]", was released August 10, followed by "[[Terrence Loves You]]", released as a promotional single, available instantly with the pre-order of the album.<ref></ref> Additionally, Del Rey co-wrote and provided guest vocals on the track "[[Prisoner (The Weeknd song)|Prisoner]]" from [[The Weeknd]]'s ''[[Beauty Behind the Madness]]'', released on August 28, 2015.<ref></ref>
''Honeymoon'' was released on September 18, 2015<ref></ref> to general acclaim from music critics.<ref></ref> Jessica Hopper of ''[[Pitchfork (website)|Pitchfork]]'' deemed it Del Rey's "most artistic" work yet, adding: "It is a dark work, darker even than ''Ultraviolence''. While she's obviously a pop artist, ''Honeymoon'' feels as though it belongs to a larger canon of Southern California Gothic albums, and synthesizes ideas she's been vamping on from the beginning into a unified work."<ref></ref> The album was included in several year-end lists, including ''[[Newsweek]]''s Top 20 Albums of the Year,<ref></ref> and ''Billboard''s 25 Best Albums of 2015<ref></ref>; it was also named the second-best pop album of the year by ''Rolling Stone''.<ref></ref>
In November 2015, Del Rey executive produced a short film ''[[Hi, How Are You Daniel Johnston?|Hi, How Are You Daniel Johnston]]'', documenting the life of singer-songwriter [[Daniel Johnston]].<ref name=dj></ref> Upon attending the film's premiere with Johnston and director [[Gabriel Sunday|Gabe Sunday]], she said: "The one thing I hoped is that he [Johnston] understood that while he's home alone doing his art stillhe says he writes every daythat he knows that he really did make a difference in people's lives. He made a difference in mine."<ref name=dj/> For the film, she also covered one of Johnston's songs, called "Some Things Last a Long Time", from his album ''[[1990 (Daniel Johnston album)|1990]]''.<ref></ref> Also in November 2015, Del Rey received the Trailblazer Award at the [[Billboard Women in Music|''Billboard'' Women in Music]] ceremony<ref></ref> and won the [[MTV Europe Music Award]] for Best Alternative.<ref></ref>
===2016–17: ''Lust for Life''===
[[File:Lana Del Rey at Flow Festival 2017 (5) (cropped).jpg|thumb|upright=.9|Del Rey performing at the Flow Festival in 2017]]
In January 2016, Del Rey was nominated with the "Favorite Female Artist" award at the [[People's Choice Awards]],<ref></ref> and she also received a [[Brit Awards|Brit Award]] nomination for International Female Solo Artist, her third nomination in the category and fourth overall.<ref></ref> The following month, on February 9, Del Rey premiered a music video for the song "[[Freak (Lana Del Rey song)|Freak]]" from ''Honeymoon'' at the [[Pellissier Building and Wiltern Theatre|Wiltern Theatre]] in Los Angeles.<ref></ref> In March 2016, Del Rey revealed that she had begun working on her fifth studio album, just months after releasing ''Honeymoon''.<ref></ref>
Del Rey again collaborated with The Weeknd for his third studio album ''[[Starboy (album)|Starboy]]'', released in December 2016,<ref></ref> providing backing vocals on "[[Party Monster (song)|Party Monster]]" and lead vocals on "Stargirl Interlude".<ref></ref> "Party Monster", which Del Rey also co-wrote, was released as a single<ref></ref> and subsequently reached the Top 20 on the [[Billboard Hot 100|''Billboard'' Hot 100]]<ref></ref> and went [[Platinum record|certified double-platinum]] in the US.<ref> ''If necessary, click Advanced, then click Format, then select Single, then click SEARCH.''</ref>
[[File:Lana Del Rey playing Gibson Flying V.png|thumb|left|upright=1.1|Del Rey playing a [[Gibson Flying V]] guitar live in 2017]]
On March 29, 2017, Del Rey released a trailer announcing her new record, ''[[Lust for Life (Lana Del Rey album)|Lust for Life]]''.<ref name="spin.com"/> About the album, Del Rey stated: "I made my first 4 albums for me, but this one is for my fans and about where I hope we are all headed."<ref></ref> "[[Love (Lana Del Rey song)|Love]]", the lead single, preceded the album's announcement when its<ref name="spin.com"></ref><ref></ref> [[Rich Lee]]-directed video was released in February on YouTube.<ref></ref> Robert Loss of ''[[PopMatters]]'' praised the song as "a gift to disappointed youth."<ref></ref> "[[Lust for Life (Lana Del Rey song)|Lust for Life]]", the eponymous single featuring The Weeknd, was released on April 19, 2017,<ref></ref> followed by the release of the [[Promo single|digital single]] "[[Coachella – Woodstock in My Mind]]" on May 15.<ref></ref> The following week, a music video for "Lust for Life" was released, which features Del Rey and The Weeknd sitting on the edge of the [[Hollywood Sign]], holding hands, and dancing.<ref></ref> To further promote the album, in mid-July, [[BBC Radio 1]] aired the track "[[Summer Bummer (Lana Del Rey song)|Summer Bummer]]", which features [[ASAP Rocky]] and [[Playboi Carti]], and "[[Groupie Love (Lana Del Rey song)|Groupie Love]]", which features Rocky as well.<ref></ref>
''Lust for Life'' was released on July 21, 2017.<ref></ref> In addition to the collaborations with Playboi Carti, ASAP Rocky, and The Weeknd, the album also featured guest performances from [[Stevie Nicks]]<ref></ref> and [[Sean Lennon|Sean Ono Lennon]],<ref></ref> marking the first time she has featured other artists on her own release. The album received generally favorable reviews<ref></ref> and became Del Rey's third number-one album in the United Kingdom, and second number-one album in the United States.<ref></ref><ref></ref> On September 27, 2017, Del Rey announced the [[LA to the Moon Tour]], an official concert tour with [[Jhené Aiko]] and [[Kali Uchis]] to further promote the album. The tour began in [[North America]] during January 2018<ref></ref> and concluded in August. ''Lust for Life'' was nominated for [[Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album|Best Pop Vocal Album]] for the [[60th Annual Grammy Awards|60th Grammy Awards]], marking Del Rey's second nomination in the category.<ref name="2018Grammys"></ref>
==Recent years==
=== 2018: Collaborations===
In January 2018, Del Rey announced that she was in a lawsuit with British rock band [[Radiohead]] over alleged similarities between their song "[[Creep (Radiohead song)|Creep]]" and her song "[[Get Free (Lana Del Rey song)|Get Free]]".<ref name=radiohead/> Following her announcement, legal representatives from their label [[Warner/Chappell]] denied the lawsuit as well as Del Rey's claims of the band asking for "100% of the song's royalties". Del Rey announced that summer while performing at [[Lollapalooza]] in Brazil that the lawsuit was "over."<ref name=radiohead></ref> In early 2018, Del Rey appeared as a guest vocalist on several tracks by other musicians, including on "Living with Myself" by [[Jonathan Wilson (musician)|Jonathan Wilson]] for ''Rare Birds'' (2018),<ref></ref> and on the songs "[[God Save Our Young Blood]]" and "Blue Madonna" by [[Børns]] for ''[[Blue Madonna]]''.<ref></ref> In August, Del Rey was featured on [[Cat Power|Cat Power's]] song "Woman" from her album ''[[Wanderer (Cat Power album)|Wanderer]]'', which was released in October.<ref></ref>
In November 2018, Del Rey was announced as face of [[Gucci]]'s Guilty Fragrances, and subsequently appeared in print and television advertisements with [[Jared Leto]] and Courtney Love.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref></ref>
===2019: ''Norman Fucking Rockwell!''===
In September 2018, Del Rey announced the title of her upcoming fifth studio album, ''[[Norman Fucking Rockwell!]]'', produced by Jack Antonoff.<ref name=papernfr/><ref></ref><ref></ref> That same month Del Rey premiered "[[Mariners Apartment Complex]]"<ref></ref> and "[[Venice Bitch]]"<ref name=papernfr></ref>. In 2019, Del Rey released the singles "[[Hope Is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman like Me to Have – but I Have It]]"<ref name=rshope></ref> and "[[Doin' Time]]"<ref></ref><ref></ref>. On August 22, Del Rey released a double music video for the album tracks "[[Fuck It, I Love You (Lana Del Rey song)|Fuck It, I Love You]]" and "[[The Greatest (Lana Del Rey song)|The Greatest]]", also releasing the songs as a joint-single.<ref></ref> The following week, she released a music video for "Doin' Time", which features a larger-than-life Del Rey walking through Los Angeles, in an homage to the film ''[[Attack of the 50 Foot Woman]]''.<ref></ref> Following the release of the video, "Doin' Time" debuted at number 59 on the [[Billboard Hot 100|''Billboard'' Hot 100]], four months after its release.<ref></ref> The track later peaked at number one on the ''Billboard'' [[Rock Airplay]] chart, becoming Del Rey's first number one on any ''Billboard'' chart.
[[File:Lana Del Rey performing live - Super Rock 2019.png|thumb|left|upright=.9|Del Rey performing at [[Super Bock Super Rock|Super Rock]] in Portugal, July 2019]]
On August 6, Del Rey presented filmmaker [[Guillermo del Toro]] with his star on the [[Hollywood Walk of Fame]], and subsequently released a cover of "[[Season of the Witch (song)|Season of the Witch]]" which was featured in the del Toro-produced film, ''[[Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (film)|Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark]]''.<ref></ref> On the same day, she released the non-album single "[[Looking for America (song)|Looking for America]]" which she spontaneously wrote and recorded earlier that week in response to the back-to-back mass shootings in [[2019 El Paso shooting|El Paso]] and [[2019 Dayton shooting|Dayton]].<ref></ref>
''Norman Fucking Rockwell!'' was released on August 30, 2019.<ref name=takeaways></ref> To promote the record, Del Rey made a series of appearances on various radio shows, as well as on BBC Radio One's ''Live Lounge''.<ref></ref><ref></ref> The album received overwhelming favorable reviews from critics, and, according on internet review aggregator [[Metacritic]], is her most favorably-reviewed album to date.<ref></ref> ''[[NME]]'' awarded the album a full five out of five stars,<ref></ref> In his review for ''Rolling Stone'', [[Rob Sheffield]] wrote that "the long-awaited ''Norman Fucking Rockwell'' is even more massive and majestic than everyone hoped it would be. Lana turns her fifth and finest album into a tour of sordid American dreams, going deep cover in all our nation's most twisted fantasies of glamour and danger," and ultimately deemed the album a "pop classic."<ref></ref> The album was nominated for two [[Grammy Award]]s, one for [[Album of the Year]] and the other for [[Song of the Year]] for [[Norman Fucking Rockwell (song)|its title track]].<ref>https://ift.tt/2KDarHN>
Del Rey was also featured on a collaboration with [[Ariana Grande]] and [[Miley Cyrus]], titled "[[Don't Call Me Angel]]", the lead single off the soundtrack for ''[[Charlie's Angels (2019 film)|Charlie's Angels]]'' (2019),<ref name="charlies angels"></ref> released on September 13, 2019, accompanied by an official video directed by [[Hannah Lux Davis]]. In its first week, the song debuted at number one in Greece, Hungary, and Scotland<ref></ref>, as well as in the top ten in territories including Australia,<ref></ref> New Zealand,<ref></ref> Ireland,<ref></ref> and the United Kingdom.<ref></ref> The song was later [[certified Gold]] in Australia and Canada.<ref>https://ift.tt/2XvJsDx>
Del Rey will appear in the Amazon Prime Special ''The Kacey Musgraves Christmas Show'' alongside special guests including [[Camila Cabello]], [[James Corden]], and [[Troye Sivan]].<ref>https://ift.tt/35n4y9W>
==Upcoming projects==
===''White Hot Forever''===
In an interview with ''[[The Independent]]'', Del Rey said she did not want to take a break between albums and confirmed that a new record titled ''White Hot Forever'' was slated for a 2020 release.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> She also announced that she was contributing to the soundtrack of a new adaptation of ''[[Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]]''.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
===Broadway musical===
In an interview for ''[[L'Officiel]]'' first American edition in early 2018, when asked about Del Rey's interest in making a movie she responded that she had been approached to write a [[Broadway theatre|Broadway musical]] and had recently begun work on it. When asked how long it would be until completion of the work, she replied, "I may finish in two or three years."<ref></ref><ref></ref>
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Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...
新規更新December 08, 2019 at 09:18PM 【外部リンク】 Bernard Wodon Balibarbu : Nouvelle page : Bernard Wodon est historien d'art et écriva...
新規更新September 20, 2019 at 07:43PM 【外部リンク】 John McMullin (silversmith) Daderot: ←Created page with 'Basket by John McMullin, c....
新規更新されました。 April 17, 2020 at 07:19PM 【外部リンク】 Hạch bạch huyết cổ https://ift.tt/2VzslAc
新規更新December 04, 2018 at 08:50AM 【外部リンク】 八束和廣 2402:6B00:4668:5F00:842C:26B1:20BB:ED96: '''八束 和廣'''(やつづか かずひろ、...
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...