新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 08:37PM
アブドゥル・カリーム (ヤルカンド・ハン国)
アブドゥル・カリーム (ヤルカンド・ハン国)
Cohors V Hispanorum
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 08:37PM
Cohors V Hispanorum
Соннабенд, Илеана
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 08:27PM
Соннабенд, Илеана
2022 FIFA World Cup qualification – CAF Second Round
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 08:27PM
2022 FIFA World Cup qualification – CAF Second Round
Amanda Randles
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 08:16PM
Amanda Randles
意味調べるLe Devoir (sculpture)
新規更新September 21, 2019 at 07:19PM
Le Devoir (sculpture)
TCY : Nouvelle page : La statue du Devoir, sur la tombe de Pierre Tirard, au cimetière du Père-Lachaise '''''Le Devoir''''' est une statue…
'''''Le Devoir''''' est une statue de pierre du sculpteur français [[René de Saint-Marceaux]] suite à une commande faite pour honorer la mémoire de [[Pierre Tirard]] (1827-1893), député républicain de la [[Seine (département)|Seine]] et [[président du Conseil]] et qui se trouve sur sa tombe au [[cimetière du Père-Lachaise]] (division 51) à Paris<ref name ="Marceaux"/>. Elle est protégée, comme plusieurs autres monuments funéraires de cette division, au titre des [[Monument historique (France)|Monuments historiques]]<ref></ref>.
Saint-Marceaux fit don d'une sculpture similaire en pierre au lycée de Reims (aujourd'hui le collège Université) où il avait été élève. Retirée pour la protéger au début de la Première Guerre mondiale, cette sculpture est probablement celle qui aujourd'hui se trouve dans les réserves du [[musée des beaux-arts et d'archéologie de Châlons-en-Champagne]]<ref name ="Marceaux">[https://ift.tt/2OdGGQI Le Devoir] sur le site consacré au sculpteur.</ref>.<br/>
Une sculpture en plâtre du ''Devoir'' a été donnée en 1928 par la [[salonnière]] et veuve du sculpteur [[Marguerite de Saint-Marceaux]], dont le fils, Georges Baugnies de Paul de Saint-Marceau, issu de son premier mariage avec le peintre Eugène Baugnies, était président de la [[Compagnie fermière de Vichy]], pour décorer le nouvel [[:fr:hôtel de ville de Vichy|hôtel de ville]], inauguré en 1928<ref name ="Ephemerides">''Éphémérides vichyssoises, 365 jours de l'histoire de Vichy'' par Nicole Périchon, éditions des monts d'Auvergne, Champetières, 2010, page 234.</ref>. Elle avait autorisé cette même année la réalisation d'une reproduction en bronze<ref name ="Ephemerides"/> pour le [[cimetière de Vichy#Monuments remarquables|monument du Souvenir français dans le cimetière de cette ville]]<ref name ="Marceaux"/>. Réalisée par le fondeur parisien [[Gustave Leblanc-Barbedienne|Barbedienne]], cette statue fut inaugurée cette année 1928<ref name ="Ephemerides"/>, au centre du carré militaire du [[cimetière de Vichy]], pour le anniversaire de l'Armistice.
==Galerie photos==
Fleury - Le Père Lachaise historique - 150 - Tirard.jpg|Carte postale ancienne de la collection ''Le Père Lachaise historique'' de Fernand Fleury (fin XIXe/début XXe)
Saint marceaux le devoir bmr 116.jpg|Statue au lycée de Reims avant la Première Guerre mondiale
Sculpture Le Devoir par Saint-Marceaux, cimetière des Bertins, Vichy 3.jpg|Statue de bronze du Monument du souvenir français au carré militaire du [[cimetière des Bartins]] à Vichy.
Sculpture Le Devoir par Saint-Marceaux, 2.jpg|Statue en plâtre à l'entrée arrière de l'[[hôtel de ville de Vichy]].
==Notes et références==
[[Catégorie:Cimetière du Père-Lachaise]]
[[Catégorie:Sculpture française du XIXe siècle]]
[[Catégorie:Sculpture funéraire]]
Dieta en el islam
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 04:14PM
Dieta en el islam
Elizaveta Shanaeva
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 02:06PM
Elizaveta Shanaeva
Harold Mabern/Diskografie
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 01:52PM
Harold Mabern/Diskografie
意味調べるLudvig Vibe
新規更新September 21, 2019 at 02:04PM
Ludvig Vibe
'''Frederik Ludvig Vibe''' (26 de setembro de 1803 - 21 de junho de 1881) foi um [[Estudos clássicos|filólogo]] e educador [[Estudos clássicos|clássico]] norueguês. Foi professor de língua grega na [[Universidade de Oslo|Royal Frederick University]] de 1838.
Nasceu em [[Bergen]] como filho do governador do condado, do [[Comissário Geral da Guerra]] e do camareiro [[Niels Andreas Vibe]] (1759-1814) e Margery Kierulff (1775-1852). Ele era sobrinho de Johan Vibe e Ditlev Wibe, irmão de [[Henriette Gislesen]], cunhado de [[Heinrich Arnold Thaulow]] e primo em segundo grau de [[Ludvig Cæsar Martin Aubert]]. A família mudou-se para [[Oslo|Christiania]] em 1811.<ref name="nbl2"></ref><ref name="nbl3"></ref>
Vibe fez seu [[Examen artium|exame]] em 1820 e se formou na [[Universidade de Oslo|Royal Frederick University]] com o [[cand.philol.]] diplomado em 1827. Em 1829, ele foi contratado como professor de [[latim]] na [[Escola da Catedral de Oslo|Christiania Cathedral School]]. Foi professor de [[Língua grega|grego]] na Universidade de 1830 e foi promovido a professor em 1838. <ref name="nbl2" /> Ele é conhecido por traduzir ''[[The Birds (play)|The Birds]]'' and ''[[Prometeu Acorrentado|Prometheus Bound]]'',<ref name="snl2"></ref> e também por um trabalho sobre governança [[Esparta|espartana]] chamado ''Hvad var Spartas Ekklesi?'' . Ele estava, no entanto, mais interessado em preservar a posição das línguas clássicas na sociedade. Foi conselheiro do político [[Hans Riddervold]] no final da década de 1840 e também presidiu a comissão pública ''Skolekommisjonen av 1847'' . Em 1848, ele começou o jornal conservador ''[[Christiania-Posten]]'' com Carl Arntzen e também deixou a universidade para se tornar diretor da Christiania Cathedral School.<ref name="nbl2" />
Vibe era conservador, enquanto o membro da comissão Hartvig Nissen era um reformador; o terceiro membro da comissão era Ludvig Cæsar Martin Aubert. Em geral, o Vibe era aliado a [[Frederik Moltke Bugge]], enquanto outras posições como [[Anton Schweigaard|Anton Martin Schweigaard]] e [[Herman Foss]] eram a favor das [[ciências naturais]]. Por volta de 1850, as ciências naturais foram introduzidas nas escolas secundárias da Noruega, exceto Christiania, [[Escola da Catedral de Trondhjem|Trondhjem]] e [[Bergen Cathedral School]]. Durante a carreira de Vibe como diretora na Christiania Cathedral School, o número de estudantes caiu.<ref name="nbl2" /> Ele adoeceu depois de 1870 e foi substituído por [[Emil Schreiner]].<ref></ref> Ficou claro que ele não poderia retornar e se aposentou em 1872.<ref name="nbl2" />
Vibe foi casado com Ferdinanda Augusta Wilhelmine Steensgaard (1812–1898) de dezembro de 1833. Foi bisavô de [[Inger Alver Gløersen]] e [[Gunnar Fougner Høst]]. Ele morreu em junho de 1881 em Kristiania.<ref name="nbl2" />
[[Categoria:Professores da Universidade de Oslo]]
[[Categoria:Alunos da Universidade de Oslo]]
[[Categoria:Tradutores da língua grega]]
[[Categoria:Tradutores da Noruega]]
[[Categoria:Mortos em 1881]]
[[Categoria:Nascidos em 1803]]
[[Categoria:!Páginas com traduções não revistas]]
新規更新September 21, 2019 at 01:58PM
浦川修史: ←新しいページ: 「曽呂利惣八は、愛知県春日井市から小牧市にかけて語り継がれている、盗賊の伝承である。 == 縁記 ==…」
== 縁記 ==
== 遺品 ==<ref>『春日井郷土史第4号』</ref>
== 参考文献 ==
*『春日井のむかし話 下』春日井郷土史研究会、2014年
*『尾張徇行記』樋口好古、1792 - 1822年編纂
== 脚注 ==
== 関連項目 ==
意味調べるA Nhĩ Thản Hãn
新規更新September 21, 2019 at 11:51AM
A Nhĩ Thản Hãn
'''A Nhĩ Thản Hãn''' (Altan Khan) của [[người Tümed]] (1507 - 1582; [[Tiếng Mông Cổ]]: Алтан хан), [[tiếng Trung Quốc]]: 阿爾坦汗), tên được đặt là '''Anda''' (trong tiếng Mông Cổ: ᠠᠨᠳᠠ; tiếng Trung Quốc: 俺答), là thủ lĩnh của người Mông Cổ Tümed<ref>John W. Dardess (2012).[https://ift.tt/30dqLJt ''Ming China, 1368-1644: A Concise History of a Resilient Empire'']. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 16–. </ref>, và nhà cai trị thực tế của các bộ lạc phương Tây của người Mông Cổ. Ông là cháu trai của [[Dayan Khan]] (1464 - 1543), hậu duệ của [[Hốt Tất Liệt]] (1215 - 1294), người đã hợp nhất một liên minh bộ lạc giữa [[người Khalkha]] ở phía bắc và [[người Chahar]] ở phía nam. Tên của ông có nghĩa là "[[Khả hãn]] vàng" trong tiếng Mông Cổ.
== Củng cố quyền lực ==
Borjigin Barsboladiin Altan là con trai thứ hai của [[Barsbolad Khan|Bars Bolud Jinong]], và là cháu trai của Batumongke [[Dayan Khan]], người đã tái thống nhất giới quý tộc Mông Cổ trong nỗ lực giành lại vinh quang của [[nhà Nguyên]]. Altan Khan cai trị Tümed và thuộc phe cánh hữu của người Mông Cổ cùng với anh trai [[Gün Bilig]], người trị vì [[Ordos (thành phố)|Ordos]]. Sau cái chết của Gün Bilig năm 1542, Altan trở thành thủ lĩnh thực tế của toàn bộ cánh hữu và được trao danh hiệu, "Tösheetü Sechen Khan".
[[Tập tin:Altan Khan.png|trái|nhỏ|Khu vực mà Altan Khan kiểm soát.]]
Khi [[Bodi Alagh Khan]], Khả hãn của người Mông Cổ từ Chahar, qua đời năm 1547, Altan buộc người kế vị của Bodi Alagh là [[Daraisung Guden Khan|Darayisung Küdeng Khan]] phải chạy trốn về phía đông. Năm 1551, Darayisung đã thỏa hiệp với Altan để đổi lấy việc trao danh hiệu "Gegeen Khan" cho ông. Altan Khan, người cai trị Ordos tumen của Hoàng Hà được đặt rất tốt để giữ áp lực đối với người Trung Quốc và người Mông Cổ [[Oirat]] ở [[Tây Tạng]] trong khi phát triển cả nông nghiệp và thương mại.
Altan Khan cũng thành lập thành phố Köke Khota ([[Hohhot]], nghĩa là "Thành phố xanh"), hiện là thủ phủ của [[Khu tự trị Nội Mông Cổ|Khu tự trị Nội Mông]] của [[Trung Quốc|Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa]]. Có một bức tượng ấn tượng về ông ở một trong những quảng trường chính của thành phố.
== Khai thác quân sự ==
Altan Khan đã sử dụng sức mạnh quân sự của mình để đe dọa [[Nhà Minh|vương triều Minh]] của Trung Quốc. Ông đã dẫn đầu các cuộc đột kích vào nội địa Trung Quốc vào năm 1529, 1530 và 1542 trở về với sự cướp bóc và chăn nuôi. Năm 1550, ông vượt qua [[Vạn Lý Trường Thành]] và bao vây Bắc Kinh, đốt cháy vùng ngoại ô. Năm 1552, Altan Khan giành quyền kiểm soát phần còn lại của [[Karakorum]], thủ đô cũ của Mông Cổ. Hoàng đế Trung Quốc đã buộc phải trao quyền thương mại đặc biệt cho hãn quốc, sau khi ký hiệp ước hòa bình với ông năm 1571, cho phép họ đổi ngựa lấy lụa, điều này càng củng cố kinh tế. Trong triều đại của mình, ông đã thực hiện một số chiến dịch quân sự thành công ở phía tây chống lại những người [[Oirat]] nổi loạn, [[người Kazakh]] và [[người Slovak]], đưa họ trở lại dưới sự cai trị của ông.
== Qua đời và người kế vị ==
[[Tập tin:Altan Khan statue in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.jpg|trái|nhỏ|Tượng của Altan Khan ở [[Hohhot]].]]
Altan Khan qua đời năm 1582, chỉ bốn năm sau cuộc gặp với Đức [[Đạt Lai Lạt Ma thứ 3|Đạt Lai Lạt Ma thứ ba]]. Lúc đó ông 74 hoặc 75 tuổi. Altan Khan được kế vị bởi con trai của ông, [[Sengge Düüreng]], người được triều đình nhà Minh ủng hộ. Cháu trai của Altan Khan, Yonten Gyatso, được chọn làm [[Đạt Lai Lạt Ma thứ 4.]]
== Xem thêm ==
* [[Altan Khan của người Khalkha]]
== Tham khảo ==
<references />
[[Thể loại:Đại hãn Mông Cổ]]
[[Thể loại:Hohhot]]
[[Thể loại:Sinh 1507]]
[[Thể loại:Mất 1582]]
Nuria Martín Picó
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 12:10PM
Nuria Martín Picó
Guanshaling station
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 12:09PM
Guanshaling station
زواج المثليين في باخا كاليفورنيا سور
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زواج المثليين في باخا كاليفورنيا سور
ملكة جمال العالم 2017
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 09:08AM
ملكة جمال العالم 2017
Giovanni Filippo de Marini
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 09:58AM
Giovanni Filippo de Marini
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عبد الباري الفرنجي محلي
新規更新されました。 September 21, 2019 at 09:07AM
عبد الباري الفرنجي محلي
1941 South Dakota Coyotes football team
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1941 South Dakota Coyotes football team
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Mannschaftsaufstellungen der Schacholympiade 2008
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意味調べるList of dramatic television series with LGBT characters (2010s)
新規更新September 21, 2019 at 07:49AM
List of dramatic television series with LGBT characters (2010s)
This is a list of '''[[dramatic television series]]''' (including [[web television]] and [[miniseries]]) in the 2010s that feature [[lesbian]], [[Male homosexuality|gay]], [[bisexual]] and [[transgender]] [[Character (arts)|characters]]. The orientation can be portrayed on-screen, described in the [[dialogue]] or mentioned.
<!-- "Visual" edits: Please be cautious when using VISUAL EDITOR to add a new row or edit rows. VE alters the Wikicode of table formatting (visible in Source screen and revision history). See Wikipedia:VisualEditor#Limitations for problems with using VE. -->
<!-- Stating a character is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual, Non-binary, or Pansexual is not enough — you need to support your edit with a published source (i.e. citation). -->
<!-- In addition to this list, LGBT characters are listed by orientation at [[List of LGBT characters in television and radio]]. -->
{| class="sortable wikitable" style="margins:auto; width=100%;"
! style="width:75px;"|Year
! style="width:200px;"|Show
! style="width:100px;"|Network
! style="width:200px;"|Character
! style="width:225px;"|Actor
! style="width:500px;"|Notes
|- valign="top"
|2010–2019 || ''[[Luther (TV series)|Luther]]'' || [[BBC]] || DS Emma Lane || [[Rose Leslie]] || Emma is a lesbian.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2010–2017 || ''[[Sherlock (TV series)|Sherlock]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Irene Adler <br /> Jim Moriarty <br /> Eurus Holmes || [[Lara Pulver]] <br /> [[Andrew Scott (actor)|Andrew Scott]] <br /> Sian Brooke || Irene Adler is a dominatrix who sells her services to both men and women and appears to have a girlfriend in "A Scandal in Belegravia". <br /> Jim Moriarty is Sherlock's arch enemy that was confirmed to be gay in the last episode of season 4 by Moriarty explaining which assistants of his are good with "stamina" and "aftercare". <br /> Eurus Holmes is Sherlock's lost sister that has been locked up in an institution since a young age and in S4/ep3, when she tells Sherlock that she'd had sex with one of the nurses and he asked how, she replied: "Afraid I didn't notice in the heat of the moment. And afterwards, well, you couldn't really tell." Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2015 || ''[[Rookie Blue]]'' || [[Global Television Network|Global]] || Gail Peck <br /> Holly Stewart <br /> Frankie Anderson || [[Charlotte Sullivan]] <br /> [[Aliyah O'Brien]] <br /> [[Katharine Isabelle]] || Gail is lesbian. Although she has a history with men in the first three seasons, in season 4 she comes out to herself after she meets forensic pathologist Holly Stewart. In 5x06, when a suspect asks if he can get dressed before going to the police station, Peck tells him that he will be escorted by her fellow officer (Nick Collins) because "I don't do the boys anymore." In 5x09, she tells Nick that going to the Peck family dinner was supposed to be her first dinner with them as a lesbian, and had hoped it would be with Holly. The romantic relationship with Holly ends when Gail turns down moving to America with Holly because of her intent to adopt a daughter (5x11). In season 6, Gail meets detective Frankie Anderson and becomes involved with her. <br /> (Showrunner Tassie Cameron, as well as Charlotte Sullivan, affirmed Gail's sexual orientation.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Co-exec producer/writer Sherry White, who was to become showrunner had the series been renewed for a seventh season, said Gail and Holly would have been reunited.<ref name=blue7></ref>) <br/> Holly is lesbian. In 4x07, after Gail tells her that, just like a cat who climbs up a tree then doesn't know how to get down from it, she creates emergency situations to get out of relationships, Holly responds that it used to be the same for her, but it turned out to be due to her not liking men because she was a lesbian.<ref></ref> <br /> Frankie is lesbian. In 6x09, she informs Gail that her brother (Steve Peck) once wanted to set them up because he thought they'd make a perfect match, then recounts her vexing experiences with women. In the series finale episode, Gail's roommates discover that she and Gail had spent the night together when Frankie comes out of Gail's bedroom to get a cup of coffee (6x11).<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2015 || ''[[Strike Back (TV series)|Strike Back]]'' || [[Sky1]] (season 1–5)<br />[[Cinemax]] (season 2–5) || James Leatherby <br /> Fahran|| [[Dougray Scott]] <br /> Daniel Ben Zenou || Leatherby is a former [[Special Air Service|SAS]] officer and an antagonist in season 4.<ref></ref> <br /> Fahran is Leatherby's lover.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2013 || ''[[Dance Academy]]'' || [[ABC1]]<br />[[ABC3]] || Sammy<br />Ollie<br />Jai<br />Rhys O'Leary || [[Tom Green (Australian actor)|Tom Green]]<br />[[Keiynan Lonsdale]]<br />Chris Foy<br />Richard Brancatisano || Jai asks Sammy for his number in Season 1. <br /> Sammy dates Ollie in season 2. <br /> Rhys is an actor and dates Ollie in Season 3. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2015 || ''[[Downton Abbey]]'' || [[ITV (TV channel)|ITV]]<br />[[PBS]] || Thomas Barrow<br />Philip, Duke of Crowborough || [[Rob James-Collier]]<br />[[Charlie Cox]] || Thomas is a [[footman]] in the aristocratic Crawley household. <br /> The Duke of Crowborough is Lady Mary's suitor and Thomas's lover.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2015 || ''[[Parenthood (2010 TV series)|Parenthood]]'' || [[NBC]] || Haddie Braverman<br />Lauren<br />|| [[Sarah Ramos]] || Haddie and Lauren are revealed to be dating at the end of the 5th season.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2015 || ''[[Lost Girl]]'' || [[Showcase (Canadian TV channel)|Showcase]] || [[Bo (Lost Girl)|Bo]] <br /> [[List of Lost Girl characters|Lauren]] <br /> [[List of Lost Girl characters|The Morrigan, Evony Fleurette Marquise]] <br /> [[List of Lost Girl characters|Vex]] <br /> Nadia <br /> [[List of Lost Girl characters|Tamsin]] <br /> Crystal <br /> Mark <br /> Dagny || [[Anna Silk]] <br /> [[Zoie Palmer]] <br /> [[Emmanuelle Vaugier]] <br /><br /> [[Paul Amos]] <br /> [[Athena Karkanis]] <br /> [[Rachel Skarsten]] <br /> [[Ali Liebert]] <br /> [[Luke Bilyk]] <br /> Olivia Scriven || Bo, a bisexual [[succubus]], is a Fae that survives by feeding from life force and the energy created from sex with males or females. She is a superhuman who did not know she was a member of the supernatural Fae world until she was discovered by them. Season 1: Bo becomes romantically and sexually involved with Dyson (heterosexual), a Light Fae detective, and Lauren (lesbian), a human doctor. (The three became known as the "Love Triangle" of the series.<ref></ref>) Season 3: Bo and Lauren entered into a committed relationship, but Lauren broke it off because she thought she would always be asking more from Bo than Bo could give. Season 5: Bo and Lauren made love again when alone together during a blackout. Bo thereafter asked Lauren to give their relationship another chance and Lauren consented; however, Lauren then broke it off from fear of becoming a burden to Bo as she aged in human years. At the end, Lauren reconsidered her decision and told Bo that she wanted to spend her life with her, and the two are united again, this time for good. The relationship between Bo and Lauren became popularly referred to as "Doccubus".<ref></ref> <br /> The Morrigan (aka Evony Fleurette Marquise), bisexual leader of the Dark Fae, was seduced by Lauren (Season 4). <br /> Vex, always risqué with both sexes throughout the series, was revealed to be attracted to Mark (Season 5). <br /> Nadia (lesbian), Lauren's girlfriend, awoke from a 5-year comatose state, was possessed by an evil entity, and Bo was forced to kill her (Season 2). <br /> Tamsin (bisexual) initiated a 'friends with benefits' relationship with Bo, but Bo subsequently ended it when she realized it had become romantic for Tamsin. (Season 5) <br /> Crystal (lesbian or bisexual). Lauren had a one-night stand with Crystal, a co-worker (Season 4). <br /> Mark (bisexual) returned Vex's attraction and they become a couple (Season 5). <br /> Dagny (lesbian or bisexual), Tamsin's daughter, is seen kissing another girl inside a car (Season 5). <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010– || '''' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || [[Tara Chambler]] <br /> Alisha <br /> Denise Cloyd <br /> [[Aaron (The Walking Dead)|Aaron]] <br /> Eric <br /> [[Paul "Jesus" Monroe]] || [[Alanna Masterson]] <br /> [[Juliana Harkavy]] <br /> [[Merritt Wever]] <br /> [[Ross Marquand]] <br /> Jordan Woods-Robinson <br /> [[Tom Payne (actor)|Tom Payne]] || Tara is lesbian. She enters into a brief relationship with former Marine Alisha. <br /> Alisha is lesbian and is killed in a firefight. <br /> Denise is lesbian. She began a relationship with Tara in the sixth season and is later killed. <br /> Aaron is gay and one of the residents of the Alexandria safe-zone. He is in a relationship with Eric. <br /> Eric is _____. <br /> Paul is gay. <br /> <ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2017 || ''[[Pretty Little Liars (TV series)|Pretty Little Liars]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || [[Emily Fields]] <br /> [[List of Pretty Little Liars characters#Maya St. Germain#|Maya St. Germain]] <br /> Paige McCullers <br /> Samara Cook <br /> Alison DiLaurentis <br /> Shana Fring <br /> Talia Sandoval <br /> Jenna Marshall <br /> Charlotte DiLaurentis || [[Shay Mitchell]] <br /> [[Bianca Lawson]] <br /> [[Lindsey Shaw]] <br /> [[Claire Holt]] <br /> [[Sasha Pieterse]] <br /> [[Aeriél Miranda]] <br /> [[Miranda Rae Mayo]] <br /> [[Tammin Sursok]] <br /> [[Vanessa Ray]] || Emily realizes that she is a lesbian in Season 1 when she begins a romance with Maya and comes out to her father. <br /> She later has a rocky relationship with Paige, then dates Samara and has some short relationships. <br /> Maya is bisexual.<ref></ref> <br> Shana and Jenna were dating, which makes Jenna bisexual. <br /> Alison kisses Emily before her disappearance, claiming she was "practicing" for kissing men. When she returns, she says Emily's feelings for her weren't one-sided and they sleep together. <br /> In season 7 Alison kisses Emily and she confesses her feelings for her and they start dating, finally accepting her bisexuality. <br /> Emily and Talia get involved with each other while working at Ezra's coffee shop. Emily finds out that Talia is married to a man and realizes their relationship was too complicated. <br /> Charlotte is Alison's transgender sister.<ref></ref> <br /> At the end of the show, Alison and Emily are living together. Alison proposes and they get engaged. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2014 || ''[[Boardwalk Empire]]'' || [[HBO]] || Angela Darmody<br />Mary Dittrich || [[Aleksa Palladino]]<br />Lisa Joyce || Angela is the fiancée of lead character Jimmy Darmody and uses his last name. <br /> Mary and her husband run a photography studio. <br> Angela and Mary have a lesbian affair in Season 1. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2012 || ''[[Lip Service (TV series)|Lip Service]]'' || [[BBC Three]] || Cat McKenzie<br />Frankie Alan<br />Tess Roberts<br />Detective Sgt Sam Murray<br />Sadie Anderson<br />Dr Lexy Price<br />Dr Declan Love || [[Laura Fraser]]<br />[[Ruta Gedmintas]]<br />[[Fiona Button]]<br />[[Heather Peace]]<br />[[Natasha O'Keeffe]]<br />[[Anna Skellern]]<br />[[Adam Sinclair (actor)|Adam Sinclair]] || A series about a group of 20s to 30s lesbians and their friends, set in [[Glasgow]], Scotland. <br /> Frankie returns from working in New York, NY for her Aunt's funeral having run away from a serious relationship with Cat two years prior. Frankie wishes to resume where they left off, but instead has a string of meaningless flings with other women as she grieves the loss of her Aunt and attempts to solve the mystery of her real identity. <br /> Tess is dumped by long-term girlfriend who had been cheating on her. <br /> Sam and Cat start to develop a serious relationship after their first (blind) date goes badly. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2013 || ''[[Spartacus (TV series)|Spartacus]]'' || [[Starz (TV channel)|Starz]] || Barca<br />Pietros<br />Auctus<br />Agron<br />Nasir<br />Tiberius<br />Saxa<br />Belesa<br />Sabinus<br />Castus<br />Gaia<br />Lucretia<br />Illythia || [[Antonio Te Maioha]]<br />[[Eka Darville]]<br />[[Josef Brown]]<br />[[Daniel Feuerriegel]]<br />[[Pana Hema Taylor]]<br />[[Christian Antidormi]]<br />[[Ellen Hollman]]<br />Luna Rioumina<br />Aaron Jakubenko<br />Blessing Mokgohloa<br />[[Jaime Murray]]<br />[[Lucy Lawless]]<br />[[Viva Bianca]] || Barca is falsely accused of disobedience and executed. <br /> Pietros, Barca's lover, commits suicide believing himself abandoned. <br /> Auctus was Barca's lover in the prequal, Gods of the Arena. <br /> Though Agron was initially one of those who raised voice that the former slave Nasir should be killed for attacking Spartacus, Agron and Nasir become lovers after Nasir proves his trustworthiness and skill as a fighter in the rebellion. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2013 || '''' || [[Showtime (TV network)|Showtime]] || Lee || [[Hugh Dancy]] || Lee is introduced in season two as a fellow patient in Cathy's ([[Laura Linney]]) melanoma clinical trial. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2012 || ''[[Upstairs Downstairs (2010 TV series)|Upstairs Downstairs]]'' || [[British Broadcasting Company|BBC]] || Dr Blanche Mottershead || [[Alex Kingston]] || Publication of a scandalous novel exposes Blanche's unconventional lifestyle and her former lover Lady Portia Alresford. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2011 || ''[[Gigantic (TV series)|Gigantic]]'' || [[TeenNick]] || Ryan Katins<br />Charlie Maddock || [[Greg Ellis (actor)|Greg Ellis]]<br />Don O. Knowlton || Ryan is the adoptive father of lead characters Piper and Finn. An action movie superstar, his children find him in bed with his boyfriend Charlie in the episode "Carpe Diem". Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2011 || ''[[Law & Order: LA]]'' || [[NBC]] || Lt. Arleen Gonzales || [[Wanda De Jesus]] (pilot)<br />[[Rachel Ticotin]] || In the episode "El Sereno", Gonzales is accused of racial bigotry in a murder investigation. At trial she comes out as a lesbian, testifying that the bigotry she has faced for being gay has led her to overcome her own bigotry. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010–2011 || ''[[Hellcats]]'' || || Darwin || Jeremy Wong || Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010 || ''[[Thorne (TV series)|Thorne]]'' || [[Sky1|Sky1 HD]] || Phil Hendricks || [[Aidan Gillen]] || Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010 || ''[[Undercovers (TV series)|Undercovers]]'' || [[NBC]] || Lance || [[Jay Scully]] || Lance is a chef at the catering company operated by the lead couple. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2010 || ''[[Outlaw (TV series)|Outlaw]]'' || [[NBC]] || Lucinda Pearl || [[Carly Pope]] || Lucinda is bisexual and a private investigator. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2010 || ''[[Rubicon (TV series)|Rubicon]]'' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || Kale Ingram<br />Walter || [[Arliss Howard]] || Kale is the supervisor of the series's lead character. <br /> Walter is Kale's younger partner. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2010 || '''' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Alejo Salazar || [[Anthony Ruivivar]] || Salazar is second-in-command at lead character Jimmy Brogan's ([[Rob Morrow]]) New York law firm. His husband is a lobbyist in Washington, DC. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2011– || ''[[Black Mirror]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Yorkie <br /> Kelly || [[Mackenzie Davis]] / Annabel Davis <br /> [[Gugu Mbatha-Raw]] / [[Denise Burse]] || In episode "[[San Junipero]]", Yorkie is a lesbian. <br /> Kelly is bisexual and was once married to a man. <br /> Yorkie and Kelly fall in love and choose to exist together permanently in San Junipero.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
|- valign="top"
|2011–2016 || ''[[Scott & Bailey]]'' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Helen Bartlett <br /> Anna Ran || [[Nicola Walker]] <br /> [[Jing Lusi]] || Helen Bartlett is ____. She appears in S3 only but is notable for her story and its impact. <br /> Anna is _____. She joins series in S5.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2016 || ''[[Person of Interest (TV series)|Person of Interest]]'' || [[CBS]] || Sameen Shaw<br />Root (Samantha Groves) || [[Sarah Shahi]]<br />[[Amy Acker]] || Root joins the series at the end of Season 1 and upon meeting Shaw in Season 2 is instantly attracted to her, which Shaw later reciprocates. Root flirts with Shaw throughout the show and follows the bury your gays trope an episode after being reunited with her lover in Season 5. It is unclear whether Root identifies as a lesbian or a bisexual character, as we never see her interact romantically with male characthers, but she falls in love with Sameen. <br /> Shaw is a bisexual character who is seen multiple times being responsive to male and female come-ons, but ends the series in love and mourning of Root, whom she slept with and died for just episodes earlier. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| rowspan="53" | 2011–
| rowspan="53" | ''[[American Horror Story]]''
| rowspan="53" | [[FX (TV network)|FX]]
| Chad Warwick ([[American Horror Story: Murder House|season 1]])
| [[Zachary Quinto]]
| rowspan="4" | In ''[[American Horror Story: Murder House|Murder House]]'', Chad and his partner Patrick are the former owners of the haunted house around which the first season centers. <br /> Peggy is described as Chad's "supportive lesbian friend".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Elizabeth Short is a ghost in the murder house who sees Moira O'Hara in her younger sensual form. Both of them had a brief hook up.
| Patrick ([[American Horror Story: Murder House|season 1]])
| [[Teddy Sears]]
| Peggy ([[American Horror Story: Murder House|season 1]])
| [[Kathleen Rose Perkins]]
|[[Black Dahlia|Elizabeth Short]] ([[American Horror Story: Murder House|season 1]])
|[[Mena Suvari]]
| Lana Winters ([[American Horror Story: Asylum|season 2]]/[[American Horror Story: Roanoke|6]])
| [[Sarah Paulson]]
| rowspan="3" | In ''[[American Horror Story: Asylum|Asylum]]'', Lana Winters is a closeted lesbian reporter seeking to break a story in Briarcliff Asylum. <br /> Wendy, Lana's lover, is a grade school teacher who is manipulated into having Lana committed to the asylum. <br /> Marion is Lana's current wife. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
| Wendy Peyser ([[American Horror Story: Asylum|season 2]])
| [[Clea DuVall]]
| Marion ([[American Horror Story: Asylum|season 2]])
| [[Joan Severance]]
| Quentin Fleming ([[American Horror Story: Coven|season 3]])
| [[Leslie Jordan]]
| In ''[[American Horror Story: Coven|Coven]]'', Quentin Fleming is a gay Witches' Council member. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
| Stanley ([[American Horror Story: Freak Show|season 4]])
| [[Denis O'Hare]]
| rowspan="6" | In ''[[American Horror Story: Freak Show|Freak Show]]'', Stanley is a con artist who is often seen in the company of male sex workers such as Thor. <br /> Dell Toledo is the strongman of the freakshow, married to Desiree and is a closeted bisexual, he had an affair with a hustler named Andy. <br /> Lucy had an affair with Alice and her husband, murdered her and her lover. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
| Thor ([[American Horror Story: Freak Show|season 4]])
| Michael Murray
| Dell Toledo ([[American Horror Story: Freak Show|season 4]])
| [[Michael Chiklis]]
| Andy ([[American Horror Story: Freak Show|season 4]])
| [[Matt Bomer]]
| Lucy Creb ([[American Horror Story: Freak Show|season 4]])
| Shauna Rappold
| Alice ([[American Horror Story: Freak Show|season 4]])
| [[Angela Sarafyan]]
| The Countess Elizabeth ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
| [[Lady Gaga]]
| rowspan="9" | In ''[[American Horror Story: Hotel|Hotel]]'', the Countess Elizabeth is a bisexual vampire who's had relationships with men and women. <br /> Ramona Royale is one of Countess Elizabeth's many former lovers. <br /> Natacha Rambova is bisexual and had a three-way relationship with the Countess and Rudolph Valentino, F.W. Murnau is a gay film director who turned Valentino into a vampire. (both of the characters are based on real life people). <br /> Will Drake identified himself as gay, but after starting a relationship with the Countess he confessed to being bisexual. <br /> Tristan claims to be straight but is possibly bisexual. He is the lover of Elizabeth and Liz Taylor, but it was also implied that he had an affair with Will, and many of his victims have been men. <br /> Liz Taylor is a transgender woman who works as a bartender at the Hotel Cortez.
Sally is a Hotel Cortez resident who fell in love and had a ménage with two musicians, a man and a woman,<br /> Aileen Wuornos is a bisexual serial killer (the character is based on the real life [[Aileen Wuornos|person]]). <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
| Ramona Royale ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
|[[Angela Bassett]]
|[[Natacha Rambova]] ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
|[[Alexandra Daddario]]
|[[F. W. Murnau|F.W. Murnau]] ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
|Henrik Rutgersson
| Will Drake ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
| [[Cheyenne Jackson]]
|Tristan Duffy ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
|[[Finn Wittrock]]
| Liz Taylor ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
| [[Denis O'Hare]]
|Sally McKenna ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
|[[Sarah Paulson]]
| [[Aileen Wuornos]] ([[American Horror Story: Hotel|season 5]])
| [[Lily Rabe]]
| Cricket Marlowe ([[American Horror Story: Roanoke|season 6]])
| [[Leslie Jordan]]
| rowspan="6" | In ''[[American Horror Story: Roanoke|Roanoke]]'', Cricket Marlowe is a famous gay medium who finds missing children (in the AHS in-universe "My Roanoke Nightmare" documentary he is portrayed by actor Ashley Gilbert.) <br /> Edward Philippe Mott is a wealthy aristocratic nobleman, he had a wife but left her with his child to live with his lover Guinness. <br /> Trixie Mattel is a drag queen who, along with Edward Hansen, co-hosted an interview with the "My Roanoke Nightmare" cast. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
| Ashley Gilbert ([[American Horror Story: Roanoke|season 6]])
|[[Leslie Jordan]]
| Edward Philippe Mott ([[American Horror Story: Roanoke|season 6]])
| [[Evan Peters]] / Elliott Ehlers
| Guinness ([[American Horror Story: Roanoke|season 6]])
| Henderson Wade
|[[Trixie Mattel]] ([[American Horror Story: Roanoke|season 6]])
| Trixie Mattel
| Edward Hansen ([[American Horror Story: Roanoke|season 6]])
| Edward Hansen
| Ally Mayfair-Richards ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Sarah Paulson]]
| rowspan="14" | In ''[[American Horror Story: Cult|Cult]]'', Ally is a woman suffering from the recent resurfacing of her multiple phobias, she is married to Ivy, who has an affair with Winter. <br /> Harrison is a gay man married to a woman, Meadow, whom he refers to as a fag hag. <br /> Detective Samuels is Harrison's lover. <br /> Kai is the cult leader and had sexual intercourse with both Jack and Harrison. <br /> Bob Thompson is a network news anchor, he has an affair with Serena but also kept a male gimp hostage in his attic. <br /> Valerie Solanas is the lesbian cult leader of SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men), a murderous radical feminist cult (the character is based on the real life [[Valerie Solanas|person]]). <br /> Bebe Babbitt is Valerie's former lover. <br /> Martha is a bisexual woman. <br /> Maurice and Bruce are gay men and former members of SCUM. <br /> Andy Warhol is a gay man (the character is based on the real life [[Andy Warhol|person]]). <br /> Erika is Ally's new girlfriend. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
| Ivy Mayfair-Richards ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Allison Pill]]
| Winter Anderson ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Billie Lourd]]
| Harrison Wilton ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Billy Eichner]]
| Jack Samuels ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Colton Haynes]]
| Kai Anderson ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Evan Peters]]
| Bob Thompson ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Dermot Mulroney]]
| Valerie Solanas ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Lena Dunham]]
| Bebe Babbitt ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
|[[Frances Conroy]] / Lyla Porter-Follows
| Martha ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| Shondalia White
| Maurice ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| Ryan Alvarez
| Bruce ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| Miguel Sagaz
| [[Andy Warhol]] ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Evan Peters]]
| Erika ([[American Horror Story: Cult|season 7]])
| [[Annie Ilonzeh]]
| Mr. Gallant ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
| [[Evan Peters]]
| rowspan="10" | In [[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|Apocalypse]], Mr. Gallant describes himself as gay in the second episode.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Walter, Morris and Mario are former gay friends of Mr. Gallant's grandmother and her role models of how a gay man should behave. <br /> Andre Stevens and Stu are lovers and two of the survivors in the outpost. <br /> Michael Langdon implied being physically attracted to Mr. Gallant, although he would never have sex with him. <br /> Behold Chablis is ____ and a member of the Warlock Council.
Jeff and Mutt are robotic scientist who have sex periodically with Victoria's Secret models and Ryan Reynolds<br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|Andre Stevens ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|[[Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman]]
|Stu ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|[[Chad James Buchanan]]
|Michael Langdon ([[American Horror Story: Murder House|season 1]]/[[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|8]])
|[[Cody Fern]]
|Walter ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|Jason Michael Snow
|Morris ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|Navaris Darson
|Mario Vestri ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|Chris Ferro
|Behold Chablis ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|Billy Porter
|Jeff ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|[[Evan Peters]]
|Mutt ([[American Horror Story: Apocalypse|season 8]])
|[[Billy Eichner]]
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2014 || ''[[Being Human (North American TV series)|Being Human]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Emily || [[Alison Louder]] || Emily is ____ and lead character Josh's sister.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2011–2014 || ''[[Borgia (TV series)|Borgia]]'' || [[Canal+]] || Francesco Gaset<br />[[Pope Julius II|Giuliano della Rovere]]<br />[[Francesco Alidosi]] ||| [[Art Malik]]<br />[[Dejan Čukić]]<br />[[Matt Di Angelo]] || After being falsely accused of sodomy in the episode "Palm Sunday", Francesco admits to Pope Alexander VI that he does have the desires of a sodomite. <br /> Giuliano is occasionally called a sodomite by the Pope and his fellow cardinals; his relationship with Alidosi is confirmed in the episode "The Seven Sorrows".Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2019 || ''[[Game of Thrones]]'' || [[HBO]] || Renly Baratheon <br /> Loras Tyrell <br /> Oberyn Martell <br /> Ellaria Sand <br /> Marei <br /> Master Torturer <br /> Olyvar <br /> Varys <br /> Yara Greyjoy || [[Gethin Anthony]] <br /> [[Finn Jones]] <br /> [[Pedro Pascal]] <br /> [[Indira Varma]] <br /> Josephine Gillan <br /> Michael Shelford <br /> [[Will Tudor]] <br /> [[Conleth Hill]] <br /> [[Gemma Whelan]] || Renly is the gay brother of King Robert. <br /> Loras is gay and the Knight of Flowers. <br /> Prince Oberyn, known as the Red Viper, is a member of House Martell of Dorne. He is bisexual. <br /> Ellaria is Prince Oberyn's paramour and also bisexual. <br /> Marei is bisexual. <br /> Olyvar is a gay male sex worker and spy working for Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish. <br /> Varys stated that, before being castrated, he had no romantic or sexual feelings for men or women. Because of this, it's assumed that he is asexual and aromantic. <br /> Yara is sexual with women. <br /> <ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2015 || ''[[Hart of Dixie]]'' || [[The CW|CW]] || Crickett Watts<br />Jaysene Charles || [[Brandi Burkhardt]]<br /> Erica Piccininni || Crickett is a recurring character and the leader of the Bluebell Belles, a local women's group. She comes out as a lesbian in the season finale of Season 3. In Season 4, Crickett divorces her husband and begins a romance with Jaysene. <br /> Jaysene is an open lesbian who is a volunteer firefighter.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2016 || ''[[Hell on Wheels (TV Series)|Hell on Wheels]]'' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || Louise Ellison || [[Jennifer Ferrin]] || Louise Ellison is a newspaper reporter sent by ''[[New York Tribune]]'' editor [[Horace Greeley]] to cover the building of the [[Union Pacific Railroad]]; she reveals that the assignment was a punishment for exhibiting attraction toward Greeley's daughter.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2014 || '''' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] (Seasons 1-3) <br /> [[Netflix]] (Season 4) || Regi Darnell <br /> Rachel "Bullet" Olmstead <br /> [[Nicole Jackson (The Killing)|Nicole Jackson]] <br /> Roberta Drays || [[Annie Corley]] <br /> [[Bex Taylor-Klaus]] <br /> Claudia Ferri <br /> Patti Kim || Darnell marries her female partner in the first episode of season 3. <br /> Bullet is a homeless teenage lesbian. She helps the detectives in their search for the killer of young women (season 3).<ref></ref> <br /> Nicole is lesbian and in a relationship with Roberta Drays. She's the head of the Kalimish tribe and manager of the Wapi Eagle Casino.<ref></ref> <br /> Roberta is lesbian and the girlfriend of Nicole Jackson. She's the security chief at the Wapi Eagle Casino.<ref></ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2018 || ''[[Once Upon a Time (TV series)|Once Upon a Time]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Mulan<br />Ruby Lucas<br />Dorothy Gale<br />Alice/Tilly<br />Robin || [[Jamie Chung]]<br />[[Meghan Ory]]<br />[[Teri Reeves]]<br />[[Rose Reynolds]]<br />[[Tiera Skovbye]] || Mulan is a female warrior who had feelings for Philip and Aurora. (Jamie Chung confirmed that she was a lesbian and in love with Aurora).<ref></ref> <br /> Ruby Lucas is a werewolf who once had a boyfriend named Peter, and later has a relationship with Dorothy Gale. <br /> Alice (under a curse as Tilly in Hyperion Heights) revealed that she had a girlfriend in her past. In Season 7 episode 10, "The Eighth Witch", Alice reveals her true love is Robin. They begin a romantic relationship.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
| 2011–2015 || ''[[Revenge (TV series)|Revenge]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Nolan Ross <br /> Tyler Barrol <br /> Marco Romero <br /> Patrick Osbourne <br /> Regina || [[Gabriel Mann]] <br /> [[Ashton Holmes]] <br /> [[E.J. Bonilla]] <br /> [[Justin Hartley]] <br /> [[Seychelle Gabriel]] || Nolan rates himself a "3" on the [[Kinsey scale]]. <br /> Tyler is a "sexually ambiguous [[Male prostitution|hustler]]" described in publicity material as a "[[Tom Ripley|''Talented Mister Ripley'']] type". <br /> Marco is a past boyfriend and CEO of Nolan Ross. Marco appears in flashbacks and in present-day in Season 2. <br /> Patrick is the illegitimate son of Victoria Greyson ([[Madeline Stowe]]). He and Nolan had feelings for each other in Season 3.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2011– || ''[[Shameless (U.S. TV series)|Shameless]]'' || [[Showtime (TV network)|Showtime]] || [[Ian Gallagher (Shameless)|Ian Gallagher]] <br /> Kash <br /> Mickey Milkovich <br /> Jess <br /> Monica Gallagher <br /> <br /> Lloyd Lishman <br /> Molly Milkovich <br /> Svetlana Milkovich <br /> Veronica Fisher <br /> Angela <br /> Jasmine Hollander <br /> Caleb <br /> Trevor <br /> Alan Kopchek <br /> Hal <br /> Abraham Paige <br /> Nessa <br /> Mel || [[Cameron Monaghan]] <br /> [[Pej Vahdat]] <br /> [[Noel Fisher (actor)|Noel Fisher]] <br /> [[Missy Doty]] <br /> [[Chloe Webb]] <br /> Carlease Burke <br /> [[Harry Hamlin]] <br /> Madison Rothschild <br /> [[Isidora Goreshter]] <br /> [[Shanola Hampton]] <br /> [[Dichen Lachman]] <br /> [[Amy Smart]] <br /> Jeff Pierre <br /> [[Elliot Fletcher]] <br /> Jonathan Schmock <br /> Bill Brochtrup <br /> Bradley Whitford <br /> [[Jessica Szohr]] <br /> Perry Mattfield || Ian is a gay teenager, who comes out in the first episode to his brother Lip. He is originally involved in a sexual relationship with Kash, his boss, who is married and a father. <br> Kash left his wife for a man (not Ian) and can be inferred to be bisexual. It was unclear at first if he identified as other than heterosexual, although he admitted to Ian that he did not like having sex with his wife (which can also be inferred that he is gay). <br> Mickey is a gay delinquent and the brother of Mandy, Ian's fake girlfriend. He and Ian begin a sexual relationship in season 1, although Mickey does not initially show any emotional attraction toward him. The two date privately with only a few people aware of it, until Mickey officially comes out in season 4. They date on and off again, for a while. <br> Jess is a ___ bartender at the neighborhood bar The Alibi Room. <br> Monica, the Gallagher clan mother, is ____ and in a relationship with Roberta which ends in season two. <br /> Roberta is ____. <br>Lloyd is ____. He picks up Ian in a gay bar in season two (he is the father of Jimmy, the boyfriend of Fiona, Ian's sister). <br /> Molly is androgynous. The cousin of Mickey and Mandy Milkovich, she is presented as a girl until it is discovered later that she is a boy. It is unclear in the episode whether Molly is transgender or the victim of her junkie mother's hatred of men.<br /> Svetlana is bisexual, Mickey's wife, and former sex worker. <br /> Veronica is ____. <br> Svetlana, Veronica, and Kev enter a polyamorous relationship in season 6. <br /> Angela is a lesbian that frequents the diner Fiona works at, but later leaves town (season 5). <br /> Jasmine is a bisexual friend of Fiona who is interested in her. After Fiona refuses to offer her financial help, Jasmine gets angry and leaves, never speaking to her again. <br /> Caleb is bisexual and was Ian's boyfriend. He cheated on him with a woman. <br /> Trevor is a transgender, bisexual male who became Ian's boyfriend. <br /> Alan is _____. <br /> Hal is Fiona's gay co-worker. <br /> Abraham is _____. <br /> Nessa is _____. <br /> Mel is _____. <br /> <ref></ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011–2017 || ''[[Switched at Birth (TV series)|Switched at Birth]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Matthew<br />Renzo<br />Josh Padden<br />Natalie Pierce<br />Hilary<br />Angelo Sorrentos || Daniel Durant<br />Alec Mapa<br />Austin Cauldwell<br />Stephanie Nogueras<br />Abby Walla || Matthew is revealed as gay and romantically interested in Emmett. <br /> Josh Padden is Daphne's friend who has a crush on Daphne's boyfriend Mingo. <br /> Natalie tells Bay in season two that she's gay, and she and her girlfriend Hillary are not allowed into prom because Hillary is wearing a suit. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011–2017 || ''[[Teen Wolf (2011 TV series)|Teen Wolf]]'' || [[MTV]] || Danny Mahealani<br />Ethan<br />Caitlin<br />Emily<br />Mason Hewitt<br />Brett Talbot<br />Corey<br />Lucas<br />Jackson Whittemore|| [[Keahu Kahuanui]]<br />[[Charlie Carver]]<br />[[Zelda Williams]]<br />[[Lauren McKnight]]<br />[[Khylin Rhambo]]<br />[[Cody Saintgnue]]<br />[[Michael Johnston (actor)|Michael Johnston]]<br />Eddie Ramos<br />[[Colton Haynes]] || Danny is on the lacrosse team with the titular character.<ref>[https://ift.tt/30h2AZC] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><br />Ethan is an "alpha" werewolf who becomes romantically involved with Danny in season three.<ref></ref> <br /> Caitlin is bisexual. <br /> Emily, Caitlin's ex-girlfriend, was sacrificed by the darach. <br /> Mason is an out and proud gay freshman athlete. <br /> Brett is a bisexual werewolf playing on another lacrosse team. <br /> Corey and Lucas were a couple, but Lucas was killed by the Doctors after becoming a chimera. Corey and Mason are now a couple. <br /> In the final season, Jackson and Ethan are a committed romantic couple. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011–2013 || ''[[Necessary Roughness (TV series)|Necessary Roughness]]'' || [[USA Network|USA]] || Rex Evans || Travis Smith || Evans is the quarterback for the New York Hawks. He comes out at the end of season 2, becoming the first openly gay active football player in the show's universe.<ref></ref>
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| 2011–2013 || '''' || [[Showtime (TV network)|Showtime]] || [[Micheletto Corella]] <br /> Augustino <br /> Pascal || [[Sean Harris]] <br /> [[Darwin Shaw]] <br /> Charlie Carrick || Micheletto is ____ and a [[condottiero]] in service to [[Cesare Borgia]]. <br> Augustino is ____. <br> Pascal is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011–2012 || ''[[Bedlam (2011 TV series)|Bedlam]]'' || [[Sky Living]] || Ryan || [[Will Young]] || Ryan is ___. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011–2012 || ''[[Ringer (TV series)|Ringer]]'' || || Olivia Charles<br />Catherine Martin || [[Jaime Murray]]<br />[[Andrea Roth]] || Olivia was the partner of Andrew Martin in an investment firm. Catherine is Andrew's ex-wife. Olivia and Catherine were in a secret relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011 || ''[[Crownies]]'' || [[ABC1]] || [[Janet King (fictional character)|Janet King]]<br />Ashleigh Larsson || [[Marta Dusseldorp]]<br />Aimee Pedersen || Janet King is a lesbian who lives with her partner Ashleigh Larsson, and she becomes pregnant via [[In vitro fertilisation|IVF]]. (The characters continue in the ''[[Janet King (TV series)|Janet King]]'' [[Spin-off (media)|spin-off]].) Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011 || '''' || [[NBC]] || Bunny Alice<br />Sean Beasley<br />Frances Dunhill || [[Leah Renee]]<br />[[Sean Maher]]<br />[[Cassidy Freeman]] || Alice is a [[Playboy Bunny]] and secretly lesbian. <br /> Sean is gay. <br /> Alice and Sean are in a [[sham marriage]].<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br /> Frances begins dating Nick Dalton to provide him with a politically acceptable public "girlfriend" and to make her appear heterosexual to her father. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2011–2015 || ''[[Waterloo Road (TV series)|Waterloo Road]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Martin Dunbar || Matt Greenwood || Martin is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2011 || ''[[Skins (U.S. TV series)|Skins]]'' || [[MTV]] || Tea Marvelli || [[Sofia Black D'Elia]] || Tea, a cheerleader, replaced the popular gay character Maxxie from the UK original (sparking outrage among fans).<ref></ref>
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| 2012–2015 || ''[[Continuum (TV series)|Continuum]]'' || [[Showcase (Canadian TV channel)|Showcase]] || Jasmine Garza || [[Luvia Petersen]] || Jasmine is bisexual.<ref></ref>
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|2012–2016 || ''[[Last Tango in Halifax]]'' || [[BBC One]] || [[Caroline Dawson]] <br> Kate McKenzie || [[Sarah Lancashire]] <br> [[Nina Sosanya]] || Caroline is lesbian. <br> Kate is lesbian. <br> Caroline and Kate were married before Kate's untimely death.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2012– || ''[[Call the Midwife]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Patience "Patsy" Mount<br />Delia Bubsy || [[Emerald Fennell]]<br />[[Kate Lamb]] || Patience and Delia fall in love. <br /> Delia is struck by a vehicle while riding a bicycle and awakens with amnesia, not remembering who Patsy is to her. She recovers and they are reunited, but Patsy had to go to Hong Kong to care for her terminally ill father. After her father's death, Patsy returns to Delia.<ref></ref><ref></ref><br />The characters exited the series when both actresses left the show.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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| 2012–2018 || ''[[Nashville (2012 TV series)|Nashville]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Will Lexington<br />Brent McKinney<br />Kevin Bicks<br />Zach Welles|| [[Chris Carmack]]<br />Derek Krantz<br />[[Kyle Dean Massey]]<br />Cameron Scoggins|| Will is a closeted up-and-coming country singer. <br /> Brent is an openly gay record executive. <br /> Kevin is an openly gay songwriter, stationed in Nashville.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012– || ''[[Arrow (TV series)|Arrow]]'' || || [[Sara Lance|Sara Lance / White Canary]] <br />[[Nyssa al Ghul]] <br />[[Mister Terrific (Michael Holt)|Curtis Holt]] <br />Paul <br />Nick Anastas <br />William <br />Kate Kane / [[Batwoman]] || [[Caity Lotz]] <br />[[Katrina Law]] <br />[[Echo Kellum]] <br />Chenier Hundal <br />Evan Roderick <br />Ben Lewis <br />[[Ruby Rose]] || Nyssa and Sara begin a relationship when Sara joins the league of assassins. <br /> Curtis is an openly gay employee of Felicity's at Palmer Tech and is married to Paul (introduced in season 4). <br /> Curtis asks police officer Nick out for a drink or dinner and he agrees (ep "The Thanatos Guild"). They've been dating after that. <br /> In a flash-forward, William mentions an ex-boyfriend (S7x02).<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Kate is lesbian. She is introduced in the season seven [[Arrowverse]] crossover episode "Elseworlds, Part 2".<ref></ref> (She was seen for the first time at the end of ''[[The Flash (2014 TV series)|The Flash]]'' season five Arrowverse episode "Elseworlds, Part 1".<ref name=Batwoman1 />) <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2013 || ''[[Bomb Girls]]'' || [[Global Television Network|Global]] || Betty McRae <br /> Teresa || [[Ali Liebert]] <br /> [[Rachel Wilson]] || Betty is a closeted lesbian with an unrequited love for her best friend Kate Andrews. After being rejected by Kate, Betty meets Teresa and they become romantically involved. <br /> Teresa is lesbian and a [[Canadian Women's Army Corps|Women's Army Corps]] sergeant.<ref></ref>
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| 2012–2016 || ''[[Ripper Street]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Fred Best || [[David Dawson (actor)|David Dawson]] || Fred is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012– || ''[[Chicago Fire (TV series)|Chicago Fire]]'' || [[NBC]] || Leslie Shay <br />Clarice Carthage <br />Devon <br />Emily Foster || [[Lauren German]] <br />[[Shiri Appleby]] <br />Vedette Lim <br />[[Annie Ilonzeh]] || Leslie Shay is a paramedic on Ambulance 61. <br /> Clarice is the pregnant ex-girlfriend of Leslie. <br /> Leslie and Clarice reconcile their relationship and Clarice moves back in with Leslie, only for Clarice to break up with Leslie for a second time and move to New York with her ex-husband to gain split-custody of her child. <br /> In season 2 Leslie briefly dates Devon, who robs her apartment and disappears. <br /> Devon returns near the end of season 2, apologizing and promising to pay Leslie back the money she stole. <br /> Emily said she's had sexual relationships with both males and females (Season 7, Episode 5). <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2017 || ''[[Girls (TV series)|Girls]]'' || [[HBO]] || Elijah Krantz <br /> George || [[Andrew Rannells]] <br /> Billy Morrissette || Elijah is the ex-boyfriend of lead character Hannah and she finds out that Elijah is gay. <br /> George is Elijah's boyfriend. In Season 2 they get into an argument leading to Elijah's questioning his sexuality and ends up sleeping with main character Marnie. Elijah then describes himself as bisexual.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2015 || '''' || [[Canal+]] || Julie<br />Laure || Céline Sallette<br />Alix Poisson || Julie is a nurse and Laure is a police lieutenant. They are former lovers but as of the series premiere had not seen each other for seven years. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2017 || ''[[Saving Hope (TV series)|Saving Hope]]'' || [[CTV Television Network|CTV]] (Canada)<br />[[NBC]] (US) || Shahir Hamza <br /> Victor Reis <br /> Maggie Lin <br /> Sydney Katz || [[Huse Madhavji]] <br /> [[Salvatore Antonio]] <br /> [[Julia Taylor Ross]] <br /> [[Stacey Farber]] || Shahir is gay and a neurosurgeon. <br /> Victor is gay and an OR nurse. Shahir and Victor are in a long-term relationship. <br /> Sydney is orthodox and a closeted lesbian. She is engaged to a man but develops romantic feelings for Maggie. In season 3 Sydney surprises Maggie by kissing her, which starts a complicated journey of self-discovery for Sydney. <br /> Maggie realizes that she's bisexual. She and Sydney kiss again after Sydney admits to Maggie that she likes women. <br /> At the end of the series, Maggie and Sydney enter into a relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2018 || ''[[Major Crimes (TV series)|Major Crimes]]'' || [[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]] || Rusty Beck<br />Gustavo Wallace || [[Graham Patrick Martin]]<br />Rene Rosado || Rusty is a gay young man who witnesses a crime. (He was introduced in the series finale of ''[[The Closer]]''.) Captain Shannon Raydor decides to assume custody of Rusty and later adopts him. <br /> In season 4 Gustavo and Rusty started dating. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2018 || ''[[Scandal (TV series)|Scandal]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Cyrus Beene<br />James Novak<br />Michael Ambruso<br />Fenton Glackland || [[Jeff Perry (American actor)|Jeff Perry]]<br />[[Dan Bucatinsky]]<br />[[Matthew Del Negro]]<br />[[Dean Norris]] || Cyrus is the White House Chief of Staff. He is openly gay and in a long-term relationship with (though not yet legally married to) James. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2013 || ''[[Underemployed (TV series)|Underemployed]]'' || MTV || Sophia Swanson || [[Michelle Ang]] || Sophia is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2013 || ''[[Emily Owens, M.D.]]'' || || Tyra Dupre || [[Kelly McCreary]] || Tyra, a first-year surgical intern and daughter of the chief resident, quickly befriends Emily. She is openly gay. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2013 || ''[[Smash (U.S. TV series)|Smash]]'' || [[NBC]] || Tom Levitt<br />Dennis<br />Bobby<br />Sam Strickland<br />John Goodwin<br />Ellis Boyd<br />Kyle Bishop<br />Blake || [[Christian Borle]]<br />Phillip Spaeth<br />[[Wesley Taylor]]<br />[[Leslie Odom, Jr.]]<br />[[Neal Bledsoe]]<br />Jaime Cepero<br />[[Andy Mientus]]<br />Daniel Abeles || Tom is a Broadway composer. <br /> Dennis, Bobby and Sam are ensemble members and Tom had a short-term relationship with Sam. <br /> John is a lawyer. He and Tom dated briefly. <br /> Ellis began as Tom's personal assistant before becoming assistant to Broadway producer Eileen Rand. He left the series after season one and an ex-girlfriend later [[Outing|outed]] him as gay. <br /> Kyle Bishop is the book writer for the rival show ''Hit List''. <br /> Blake is the lighting director for ''Hit List'' and he and Kyle became involved. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012 || ''[[Don't Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves]]'' || [[SVT1]] || Rasmus <br /> Paul <br /> Benjamin || [[Adam Pålsson]] <br /> [[Simon J. Berger]] <br /> [[Adam Lundgren]] || Rasmus is ____. <br> Paul is ____. <br> Benjamin is ____.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012 || ''[[Political Animals (miniseries)|Political Animals]]'' || [[USA (TV network)|USA]] || T.J. Hammond<br />Diane Nash<br />Sean Reeves || [[Sebastian Stan]]<br />[[Vanessa Redgrave]]<br />[[David Monahan]] || T.J. is the son of former President "Bud" Hammond and Elaine Barrish, the first openly gay child of a sitting President of the United States. <br /> Justice Diane Nash is the first openly gay Justice of the United States Supreme Court and a former mentor of Elaine's. <br /> Reeves is a married, closeted Congressman with whom T.J. has had an affair. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012 || ''[[GCB (TV series)|GCB]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Blake Reilly || [[Mark Deklin]] || Blake is a closeted homosexual and in a marriage of convenience with Cricket, who is aware of his sexual orientation. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012 || '''' || [[CTV Television Network|CTV]] (Canada)<br />[[Much (TV channel)|MuchMusic]] (Canada)<br />|| Kaldrick King<br />Tariq Muhammad<br />Christopher Taylor || [[Andra Fuller]]<br />Benjamin Charles Watson<br />Jarod Joseph || Kaldrick King is a closeted, black rapper known for his violence, yet his personality and real self is significantly deeper than what he openly shows. <br /> Tariq is an aspiring rapper working at the production company where Kaldrick records and the two start a secret relationship that ends in tears. <br /> Christopher Taylor is Kaldrick's openly gay lover who works as a lawyer. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2012–2015 || ''[[Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries]]'' || [[ABC (Australian TV channel)|ABC]] || Dr. Elizabeth 'Mac' MacMillan || [[Tammy MacIntosh]] || Mac is a lesbian. She doesn't conceal her orientation and sports menswear.<ref></ref>
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| 2013– || '''' || [[Sky Atlantic]]<br />[[Canal+]] || [[Elise Wassermann]]<br />Eryka Klein || [[Clémence Poésy]]<br />Laura De Boer || Elise (bisexual) has had sex with men out of practical necessity and has not experienced emotional involvement with any sex partner. Until she met Eryka Klein, Elise had never felt romantic attraction for someone. She falls in love with Eryka. <br /> Eryka (lesbian) falls in love with Elise.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
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| 2013–2017 || ''[[Broadchurch]]'' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Maggie Radcliffe <br /> Jocelyn Knight || [[Carolyn Pickles]] <br /> [[Charlotte Rampling]] || Maggie is ____. <br> Jocelyn is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2019 || ''[[Vikings (2013 TV series)|Vikings]]'' || [[History (Canadian TV network)|History]] || Ragnar Lothbrok <br /> Athelstan <br /> Charles of West Francia <br /> Lagertha <br /> Astrid <br /> Roland || [[Travis Fimmel]] <br /> [[George Blagden]] <br /> [[Lothaire Bluteau]] <br /> [[Katheryn Winnick]] <br />[[Josefin Asplund]] <br /> Huw Parmenter || Ragnar, on multiple occasions, has asked Athelstan to join him and Lagertha in bed, implying bisexuality. He also told Athelstan that he loved him. <br /> Athelstan considered joining Ragnar and Lagertha in a threesome but decided against it due to his religious vows. <br /> Charles is _____. <br /> Lagertha is bisexual. In the season 4 time jump, she has been with Astrid for about 7 years.<ref></ref> <br /> Astrid is bisexual. In season 5, she forces Lagertha to kill her. <br> The sex scene between Lagertha and Astrid in episode "The Outsider" (4x11) was edited for U.S. audiences and only showed them kissing.<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br /> Roland is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2016 || '''' || [[BBC Two]] || Danielle Ferrington<br />[[Stella Gibson|DSI Stella Gibson]] || [[Niamh McGrady]]<br />[[Gillian Anderson]] || Dani is a lesbian. <br /> Stella is bisexual. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013– || ''[[Peaky Blinders (TV series)|Peaky Blinders]]'' || [[BBC Two]] || James || Josh O'Connor || James is a gay writer who lives with Ada Shelby and her son, Karl. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013– || ''[[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Joey Gutierrez<br />Marcus Benson || [[Juan Pablo Raba]]<br />[[Barry Shabaka Henley]] || Joey is a gay Inhuman who can melt metals. <br /> Benson is a professor recruited to help with S.H.I.E.L.D science team in season 6. He had a husband. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013– || ''[[Wentworth (TV series)|Wentworth]]'' || [[SoHo (Australian TV channel)|SoHo]] || Franky Doyle<br />Erica Davidson<br />Kim Chang<br />Joan Ferguson<br />Maxine Conway<br />Bridget Westfall<br />Lucy Gambaro<br />Allie Novak<br />Bea Smith<br />Jodie Spiteri <br> Sean Brody <br> Jake Stewart || [[Nicole da Silva]]<br />[[Leeanna Walsman]]<br /> Ra Chapman<br />[[Pamela Rabe]]<br />Socratis Otto<br />[[Libby Tanner]]<br />Sally-Anne Upton<br />[[Kate Jenkinson]]<br />[[Danielle Cormack]]<br />[[Pia Miranda]] <br> Rick Donald <br> [[Bernard Curry]]|| Franky is lesbian. <br> Erica is bisexual. <br> Kim is ____. <br> Joan is ____. <br> Maxine is a transgender woman. <br> Bridget is ____. <br> Lucy is ____. <br> Allie is ____. <br> Bea is lesbian. <br> Jodie is ____. <br > Sean is gay and had a sexual relationship with Jake in the past. <br > Jake is revealed to be closeted gay or bisexual. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013–2015 || ''[[Defiance (TV series)|Defiance]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Stahma Tarr<br />Kenya Rosewater<br />Doc Meh Yewll<br />Lev<br />Ulysses<br />Skevur<br />Niles Pottinger<br />Sgt. Frei Poole<br />|| [[Jaime Murray]]<br />[[Mia Kirschner]]<br />[[Trenna Keating]]<br />Hannah Cheeseman<br />Rob Archer<br /> Michael Dyson<br />[[James Murray (English actor)|James Murray]]<br />Douglas Nyback<br />|| Kenya is a bisexual sex worker. <br /> Stahma begins seeing Kenya in 1x07 with ulterior political motives, but it is later clear that she developed genuine feelings for her. <br /> In 2x05, Yewll is haunted by hallucinations of her late wife, Lev. <br /> Ulysses and Skevur are minor henchmen of Datak Tarr's who are mentioned to be in a sexual relationship. <br /> In 2x05, it is revealed Pottinger attended the same boarding school as Amanda's ex-fiancé Connor Lang, and had an unrequited crush on him. <br /> Sex workers Tirra, Deirdre, and Gorath are mentioned to have both male and female clients. <br /> There are several characters who have only been shown in heterosexual relationships, but there have been comments that seem to suggest that bisexuality is very common. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013–2015 || ''[[Hemlock Grove (TV series)|Hemlock Grove]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Brooke Bluebell <br /> Mrs. Banks <br /> Dr. Clementine Chasseur <br /> Dr. Johann Pryce || [[Lorenza Izzo]] <br /> Jennifer Gidson <br /> [[Kandyse McClure]] <br /> [[Joel de la Fuente]] || In the pilot episode, Brooke has an affair with her female science teacher Mrs. Banks. <br /> Dr. Chasseur is a werewolf hunter, and is a lesbian. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013–2018 || ''[[Hit the Floor (TV series)|Hit the Floor]]'' || [[VH1]] || Jude Kinkade <br /> Zero <br /> Lucas <br> Noah || Brent Antonello <br /> [[Adam Senn]] <br /> [[Jonathan Bennett (actor)|Jonathan Bennett]] <br> Kristian Kordula || Zero is a closeted bisexual basketball player and Jude is his agent. <br /> Jude realises he is gay, and comes out to his father and stepmother. <br /> Jude and Zero begin a [[Casual sex|'friends with benefits']] arrangement in season 2, but feelings get involved and Jude gives Zero an ultimatum. In season 3, Zero comes out by kissing Jude in public, and the two are now in a committed relationship. <br /> Lucas had an affair with Jude. <br /> Noah is Jude's boyfriend in season 4. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2014 || ''[[Betrayal (TV series)|Betrayal]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Jules Whitman <br /> Valerie McAllister || [[Sofia Black D'Elia]] <br /> [[Elizabeth Sarah McLaughlin|Elizabeth McLaughlin]] || Jules is ____. <br> Valerie is ____. She begins dating her dad's new assistant Jules. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2014 || ''[[Dracula (2013 TV series)|Dracula]]'' || [[NBC]] || Lord Laurent<br />Daniel Davenport<br />[[Lucy Westenra]] || [[Anthony Howell (actor)|Anthony Howell]]<br />Lewis Rainer<br />[[Katie McGrath]]|| Laurent is a member of a secret society dedicated to opposing Dracula and Daniel is his lover.<ref></ref><br />Lucy is a rich society girl who harbors secret romantic feelings for her best friend, [[Mina Murray]] ([[Jessica De Gouw]]).<ref></ref>
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|2013–2017 || ''[[East Los High]]'' || [[Hulu]] || Camila Barrios<br />Jocelyn Reyes || [[Vannessa Vasquez]]<br />Andrea Sixtos || Camila and Jocelyn have been best friends since high school and begin a romantic relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2013 || ''[[Dates (TV series)|Dates]]'' || [[Channel 4]] || Erica <br /> Kate || [[Gemma Chan]] <br /> [[Katie McGrath]] || Erica is closeted. <br /> Kate is out and proud. <br> Erica goes on a blind date with Kate in one episode. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2014 || ''[[In the Flesh (TV series)|In the Flesh]]'' || [[BBC Three]] || Kieren Walker <br /> Rick Macy <br /> Simon Monroe || [[Luke Newberry]] <br /> David Walmsley <br /> Emmett J Scanlan || Kieren is a PDS sufferer (Partially Deceased Syndrome) who has come back to life. He committed suicide after his boyfriend Rick died in Afghanistan. <br /> Rick is found and is also a PDS sufferer. He comes back home but is killed by his father before anything can happen between him and Kieren in their new life. <br /> In the second season Simon is introduced and is thought to be straight since he is with Amy. He is believed to be one of the twelve disciples of the undead prophet and is a member of the Undead Liberation Army. He reveals himself to Kieren and they become a couple. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2018 || ''[[House of Cards (U.S. TV series)|House of Cards]]'' || [[Netflix]] || [[Frank Underwood (House of Cards)|Frank Underwood]]<br />Edward Meechum<br />Rachel Posner<br />Lisa Williams<br />Michael Corrigan<br />John Pasternak<br />Thomas Yates || [[Kevin Spacey]]<br />[[Nathan Darrow]]<br />[[Rachel Brosnahan]]<br />Kate Lyn Sheil<br />[[Christian Camargo]]<br />Todd Alan Crain<br />[[Paul Sparks]] || Frank has been shown to have sexual encounters with both men and women. The series creator claims that Frank ignores the label of being bisexual and is simply attracted to people regardless of their gender.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Meechum has a threesome with Claire and Frank in Chapter 24. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2016 || ''[[Masters of Sex]]'' || [[Showtime (TV network)|Showtime]] || Betty DeMillo <br /> Helen <br> Barton Scully <br /> Dale <br> Jonathan Laurents <br> Guy || [[Annaleigh Ashford]] <br> [[Sarah Silverman]] <br /> [[Beau Bridges]] <br /> [[Finn Wittrock]] <br> [[Rob Benedict]] <br> Nick Clifford || Betty is a lesbian sex worker and an early research subject in [[Masters and Johnson]]'s study.<ref></ref> <br /> Helen is lesbian. <br> Betty and Helen are in a long-term relationship. <br /> Barton is gay and the provost at the university where Masters initiates his study. Masters learns about his sexual orientation in episode "Standard Deviation". <br /> Dale is gay and a [[Male prostitution|hustler]] whom Scully patronizes. It is he who informs Masters of Barton's orientation.<ref></ref> <br> Jonathan is _____. <br> Guy is _____. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2018 || '''' || [[The CW]] || Josh Rosza <br /> Aiden <br /> Tristan de Martel <br /> Eddie <br /> Keelin <br /> Freya Mikaelson || [[Steven Krueger]] <br /> Colin Woodell <br /> [[Oliver Ackland]] <br /> [[Keahu Kahuanui]] <br /> [[Christina Moses]] <br /> [[Riley Voelkel]] || Josh is a newly-turned vampire and openly gay. <br> Aiden is gay and a werewolf. In Season 2, he and Josh date. <br /> Tristan is bisexual. (The writers were going to explore his sexual preference, but his current drive left little time for romance.)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br /> Eddie is Josh's boyfriend in season 4. <br /> Keelin is bisexual and a werewolf. She is the last of her clan, and becomes gradually involved with Freya. <br> Freya is bisexual and a witch. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2015 || ''[[Hannibal (TV series)|Hannibal]]'' || [[NBC]] || [[Hannibal Lecter]] <br /> [[Will Graham (character)|Will Graham]] <br /> Margot Verger <br /> Alana Bloom <br /> Francis Dolarhyde <br /> Jimmy Price || [[Mads Mikkelsen]] <br /> [[Hugh Dancy]] <br /> [[Katharine Isabelle]] <br /> [[Caroline Dhavernas]] <br /> [[Richard Armitage (actor)|Richard Armitage]] <br /> [[Scott Thompson (comedian)|Scott Thompson]] || Hannibal Lecter is omnisexual (according to series creator Bryan Fuller)<ref name="Radish"></ref> and is in love with Will Graham. <br /> Will is heterosexual<ref name="Radish" /> but demonstrates the feelings are mutual, replying to Bedelia's question of whether he reciprocates or not in the last episode of season 3. <br /> Since the inception of the show Fuller has repeatedly referred to the series as a love story between the two men; in addition to this he has confirmed that their relationship is one of mutual attraction.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="hitfix.com">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Margot Verger, introduced in season two, is a lesbian.<ref></ref> <br /> Alana Bloom, who is bisexual, begins a relationship with Margot in season three, and they eventually marry and have a son, Morgan.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Even though Francis Dolarhyde dates Reba McClane during the series, on his ledger he claims to be interested in establishing a romantic relationship with Hannibal by writing "I am so eager to please you to be your friend your lover perhaps".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Jimmy Price is openly gay (as Bryan Fuller stated on Twitter).<ref></ref> <br /> <ref name="variety.com">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref name="digitalspy.com">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref>
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| 2013–2014 || '''' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || Adriana Perez<br />Lucy || [[Emily Rios]]<br />[[Alyssa Diaz]] || Adriana reveals to coworker Daniel Frye that she is a lesbian when he asks her how she avoided getting tied down with children like other female members of her family. <br /> Lucy is Adriana's girlfriend, introduced in season 2. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013– || ''[[Ray Donovan (TV series)|Ray Donovan]]'' || [[Showtime (TV channel)|Showtime]] || Lena<br />Tommy Wheeler || [[Katherine Moennig]]<br />[[Austin Nichols]] || Lena is a personal assistant working for titular character Ray. <br /> Tommy is a closeted gay actor. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2018 || '''' || [[Channel 7 Australia|Channel 7]] || James Bligh<br />Harry Polson<br />Dr. Henry Fox <br /> Carolyn Bligh <br /> Delia Craig || David Berry<br />Dominic Allburn <br />Tim Draxl <br /> Sara Wiseman <br /> Maya Stange || In season 3, James meets a new love interest, Dr. Fox. <br /> In season 6, Carolyn is revealed to be bisexual when her friend and former lover, Delia, arrives in town.<ref>https://ift.tt/30h2Fwo> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2016 || ''[[Devious Maids]]'' || [[Lifetime (TV channel)|Lifetime]] || Alejandro Rubio || [[Matt Cedeño]] || Alejandro is a Latin music star and closeted homosexual.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2019 || ''[[Orange Is the New Black]]'' || [[Netflix]] || [[Piper Chapman]] <br /> Alex Vause <br /> Sophia Burset <br /> Nicky Nichols <br /> [[Crazy Eyes (character)|Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren]] <br /> Carrie "Big Boo" Black <br /> Tricia Miller <br /> Poussey Washington <br /> Lorna Morello <br /> Brook Soso <br /> Desi Piscatella <br /> Dayanara "Daya" Diaz <br /> Dominga "Daddy" Duarte || [[Taylor Schilling]] <br /> [[Laura Prepon]] <br /> [[Laverne Cox]] <br /> [[Natasha Lyonne]]<br /> [[Uzo Aduba]] <br /> [[Lea DeLaria]] <br /> [[Madeline Brewer]] <br /> [[Samira Wiley]] <br /> [[Yael Stone]] <br /> [[Kimiko Glenn]] <br /> [[Brad William Henke]] <br /> [[Dascha Polanco|Dasha Polanco]] <br /> [[Vicci Martinez]] || Piper is bisexual and the protagonist of the series. She was in a relationship with Alex before breaking up with her and becoming engaged to Larry Bloom. <br /> Alex is lesbian. <br /> Since they've been in prison, Piper has rekindled her relationship with Alex. <br /> Sophia is a transgender woman. <br /> (Laverne Cox is transgender in real life. ''[[The Advocate (LGBT magazine)|The Advocate]]'' suggested that ''Orange is the New Black'' is the first women-in-prison series that includes a real transgender woman playing the role of a transgender person.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>) <br /> Nicky, Suzanne, Big Boo, Tricia and Poussey are lesbians. <br /> Lorna is bisexual and has been involved with men and women. <br /> Brook is pansexual. She revealed that she is attracted to people, not genders. <br /> Desi is gay. <br /> Dayanara is _____. She is dating Dominga. <br /> Dominga identififes as non-binary (seasons 6 and 7).<br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2015 || ''[[Atlantis (TV series)|Atlantis]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Pythagoras <br /> Icarus || [[Robert Emms]] <br /> Joseph Timms || Pythagoras is ____. <br> Icarus is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2015 || ''[[Under the Dome (TV series)|Under the Dome]]'' || [[CBS]] || Carolyn Hill<br />Alice Calvert || [[Aisha Hinds]]<br />[[Samantha Mathis]] || Hill and Calvert are raising a daughter, Norrie Calvert-Hill, together.<ref></ref>
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| 2013–2018 || '''' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Stef Adams-Foster <br /> Lena Adams-Foster <br /> Jude Adams-Foster <br /> Connor Stevens <br /> Cole <br /> Noah <br /> Monte Porter <br /> Aaron <br /> Ximena Sinfuego || [[Teri Polo]] <br /> [[Sherri Saum]] <br /> [[Hayden Byerly]] <br /> [[Gavin MacIntosh]] <br /> Tom Phelan <br /> Kalama Epstein <br /> [[Annika Marks]] <br /> [[Elliot Fletcher]] <br /> Lisseth Chavez || Stef and Lena are a married lesbian couple. Stef has a son from a previous marriage to police department colleague Mike Foster. <br /> Stef and Lena serve as adoptive and foster parents to additional children. <br /> Jude is the youngest of their adopted children, who begins to question his sexuality after developing an attraction to his best friend Connor, who becomes his first boyfriend.<ref name="Hollywood.com">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br > It is revealed in Season 2 that Connor has feelings for Jude and has kissed him. <br /> Cole is a transitioning [[Trans man|FtM]] transgender teen runaway who lives at a group foster home. <br /> Noah is Jude's second boyfriend. <br /> Monte is bisexual and becomes the school principal of Lena's charter school in Season 2. <br /> Aaron is a transgender FtM who becomes Callie's boyfriend.<ref></ref> <br /> Ximena comes out as a lesbian to Callie in Season 5 episode "Sanctuary". <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2014 || '''' || || Walt Reynolds <br /> Bennet Wilcox <br /> Larissa Loughlin <br /> Samantha "Sam" Jones <br /> Jill "Mouse" Chen <br /> Dona LaDonna || [[Brendan Dooling]] <br /> Jake Robinson <br /> [[Freema Agyeman]] <br /> Lindsey Gort <br /> [[Ellen Wong]] <br /> [[Chloe Bridges]] || Walt (season 1 and 2) was in a heterosexual relationship, but seemed to always have inner struggle with his sexuality. After meeting Bennet, a columnist at ''[[Interview (magazine)|Interview]]'', Walt begins to explore his inner feelings after seeing how open Bennet is about being gay. Taking place in New York City in the mid 1980s, the environment was very welcoming and Walt finally admitted to himself and others that he was gay. <br /> Bennet (season 1 and 2) is openly gay and he protects LGBT rights, he and Walt are a couple later. <br> Larissa (season 1 and 2) is fluid, she doesn't have a problem having sex with women. <br /> Sam (season 2) could be bicurious or fluid, she claimed to have once had sex with Larissa since they were going to engage in a threesome, but the man never arrived. <br /> Mouse (season 1 and 2) may be bicurious. <br /> Donna (season 1 and 2) could be bicurious too, she and Mouse slept together at a party when they were drunk. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2017 || ''[[Orphan Black]]'' || [[Space (Canadian TV channel)|Space]] (Canada)<br />[[BBC America]] (USA) || Cosima Niehaus <br /> Felix Dawkins <br /> Delphine Cormier <br /> Tony Sawicki <br /> Shay Davydov <br /> Sarah Manning || [[Tatiana Maslany]] <br /> [[Jordan Gavaris]] <br /> [[Evelyne Brochu]] <br /> Tatiana Maslany <br /> [[Ksenia Solo]] <br /> [[Tatiana Maslany]] || Cosima is lesbian and a graduate student in biology, and one of the clones. <br /> Felix is gay and the foster brother and confidant of Sarah, the show's main protagonist. <br /> Delphine and Cosima are in a relationship. <br /> Tony (formerly Antoinette) is a transgender clone introduced in Season 2. <br /> In 4x07 Sarah has a one-night stand with a woman, indicating that she is bisexual. (This was later confirmed as true by Tatiana Maslany at Comic Con 2016.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>) <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2016 || ''[[Please Like Me]]'' || ABC (Australia) || Josh <br /> Geoffrey <br /> Patrick <br /> Arnold <br /> Hannah || Josh Thomas <br /> Wade Briggs <br /> Charles Cottier <br /> Keegan Joyce <br /> [[Hannah Gadsby]] || Josh is the main character of the show and he has different love interests through the seasons. <br /> Geoffrey is Josh's first love interest. Geoffrey and Josh were hanging out when they became tired, and Geoffrey suggested they sleep in the same bed. This led to Josh coming out of the closet. <br /> Patrick is Josh's new roommate and they have a very short relationship. <br /> Arnold is Josh's longest lasting love interest. <br /> Hannah is lesbian and a friend of Josh's mom. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2016 || ''[[Banshee (TV series)|Banshee]]'' || [[Cinemax]] || Job || [[Hoon Lee]] || Job is a computer hacker and confidant to the series' protagonist, Lucas Hood. The character has been described variously as transgender, a transvestite and a drag queen. (Hoon Lee believes the character is "constantly evolving" and is not interested in "figuring out the label of who he is and every aspect of that".<ref></ref>)
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| 2013–2015 || '''' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Paul Torres <br /> Jacob Wells <br /> Gina Mendez <br /> Jana Murphy <br /> Dawn || [[Adan Canto]] <br /> [[Nico Tortorella]] <br /> [[Valerie Cruz]] <br /> [[Leslie Bibb]] <br /> Kristen Bush || Paul and Jacob are initially introduced in season 1 as "Bill" and "Willy", neighbors of season one antagonist Joe Carroll's only surviving victim, Sarah. This is soon revealed as a ruse engineered by Joe, who believed Sarah would perceive gay neighbors as non-threatening. Both before and after they broke cover the pair were sexually involved but both characters were killed before the full extent of their relationship was clarified. <br /> Agent Mendez, introduced in season 2, is Ryan Hardy's boss. <br /> Jana Murphy is Mendez's ex-wife, with whom she has children. <br /> Jana turns out to be one of Joe's followers. <br /> Dawn is Mendez's new wife as of the season 3 opener, during which their wedding took place.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013–2015 || ''[[Da Vinci's Demons]]'' || [[Starz (TV network)|Starz]] || [[Leonardo da Vinci]]<br />[[Jacopo Saltarelli]]<br />Andrea del Verrocchio || [[Tom Riley (actor)|Tom Riley]]<br />Christopher Elson<br />[[Allan Corduner]] || While historical scholarship generally regards Leonardo as homosexual, the series depicts him as sexually active with a woman (making him bisexual). <br /> In the season one episode "The Tower", Leonardo declares that his involvement with Saltarelli was experimentation and that he refuses to label himself.<ref></ref>< br /> In 2x05 'The Sun and Moon' it is implied that Andrea has a sexual relationship with a young man who works in his workshop. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2013 || ''[[Camp (TV series)|Camp]]'' || [[NBC]] || Todd<br />Raffi || [[Adam Garcia]]<br />Christopher Kirby || Todd and Raffi are an interracial couple raising two adopted children.<ref></ref>
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| 2013–2015|| ''[[My Mad Fat Diary]]'' || [[E4 (TV channel)|E4]] || Archie || Dan Cohen || Rae Earl, the main character, discovers that Archie is gay when she catches him spying on the men's changing room in the leisure centre in which he works. However, in series 2 he has a relationship with Lois, a girl in Chloe's group, but she breaks up with him when Rae reveals his sexuality to Lois. He comes out subsequent to this. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2014–2016 || ''[[Faking It (U.S. TV series)|Faking It]]'' || [[MTV]] || Amy Raudenfeld <br /> Shane Harvey <br /> Lauren Cooper <br /> Reagan || [[Rita Volk]] <br /> [[Michael J. Willett|Michael Willett]] <br /> [[Bailey De Young]] <br /> [[Yvette Monreal]] || Amy has feelings towards women and men, but prefers not to label her sexuality. <br /> Shane is openly gay. <br /> Lauren is intersex. <br /> Reagan is Amy's girlfriend in season 2. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2014–2015 || ''[[Heartless (TV series)|Heartless]]'' || [[Kanal 5 (Denmark)|Kanal 5]] || Sofie <br> Emilie || Julie Zangenberg <br> Julie Christiansen || Sofie is a succubus lesbian that feeds on the life force of humans. She falls in love with Emilie. <br> Emilie is lesbian and falls in love with Sofie.<ref></ref>
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|2014– || ''[[Janet King (TV series)|Janet King]]'' || [[ABC1]] || [[Janet King (fictional character)|Janet King]] <br /> Ashleigh Larsson <br /> Bianca Grieve || [[Marta Dusseldorp]] <br /> Aimee Pedersen <br /> [[Anita Hegh]] || Janet and Ashleigh are a lesbian couple. <br /> In Season 2, after Ashleigh's death, Janet is leading a Royal Commission and AFP Sergeant Grieve is brought in to work undercover and thereafter protect Janet. Mutual attraction develops and they become sexually involved. <br /> In Season 3, Janet and Bianca enter into a relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014– || ''[[NCIS: New Orleans]]'' || [[CBS]] || [[List of NCIS: New Orleans characters#Tammy Gregorio|Tammy Gregorio]] || [[Vanessa Ferlito]] || She was married to a man, but later had a relationship with a woman. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2018 || '''' || [[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]] || Lt. Alisha Granderson || Christina Elmore || In season 1 Alisha mentions have a girlfriend back home. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014 || ''[[Øyevitne]]'' || [[NRK]] || Philip<br />Henning || Axel Bøyum<br />Odin Waage || Philip and Henning develop feelings for each other over the course of the show after witnessing a crime together. Philip has accepted his feelings but Henning needs more convincing. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2018 || '''' || [[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]] || Cassandra Killian || [[Lindy Booth]] || Cassandra is bisexual. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2016 || ''[[From Dusk till Dawn: The Series|From Dusk till Dawn]]'' || [[El Rey Network|El Rey]] || Santanico Pandemonium <br /> Amaru || [[Eiza González]] <br /> [[Natalie Martinez]] || Santanico is ____. <br> Amaru is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014– || ''[[Outlander (TV series)|Outlander]]'' ||[[Starz (TV channel)|Starz]] ||Duke of Sandringham <br /> Jonathan Randall (aka Black Jack) <br /> Lord John Grey || [[Simon Callow]] <br /> [[Tobias Menzies]] <br /> [[David Berry (actor)|David Berry]] || The Duke of Sandringham is _____. <br /> Randall derives sexual pleasure from abusing males or females, which by virtue makes him bisexual. (''Outlander'' author Diana Gabaldon stated that Black Jack Randall "is not a homosexual" but, rather, an "equal-opportunity" sexual sadist and the gender of his sexual victims does not matter.)<ref></ref> <br /> Lord John Grey is gay and was/is in love with Jamie Fraser. Grey also speaks about a past male lover. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014– || ''[[Grantchester (TV series)|Grantchester]]'' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Leonard Finch <br /> Daniel Marlowe || [[Al Weaver]] <br /> [[Oliver Dimsdale]] || Leonard is ____. <br> Daniel is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2015 || ''[[Finding Carter]]'' || [[MTV]] || Bird<br />Madison<br />|| [[Vanessa Morgan]]<br />Molly Kunz|| Bird and Madison are love interests. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014 || ''[[Glue (TV series)|Glue]]'' || [[E4 (TV channel)|E4]] || James Warwick <br /> Caleb "Cal" Bray || [[Billy Howle]] <br /> [[Tommy Lawrence Knight]] || James is ____. <br> Caleb is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2016 || ''[[Carmilla (web series)|Carmilla]]'' || [[Vervegirl]] || Carmilla Karnstein <br />Laura Hollis <br />Danny Lawrence <br />S. LaFontaine ||[[Natasha Negovanlis]] <br />[[Elise Bauman]] <br />[[Sharon Belle]] <br />[[Kaitlyn Alexander]]|| Carmilla is a 100+ year old lesbian vampire. <br />Laura Hollis is a lesbian. <br />Carmilla and Laura are in a relationship. <br />Danny Lawrence is a lesbian. <br />LaFontaine is non-binary. <br /> <ref name="odyssey">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2014– || '''' || [[The CW]] || Commander Lexa <br />Clarke Griffin <br />Niylah <br />Nathan Miller <br />Bryan <br />Eric Jackson ||[[Alycia Debnam-Carey]] <br />[[Eliza Taylor]] <br />[[Jessica Harmon]] <br />Jarod Joseph <br />Jonathan Whitesell <br />Sachin Sahel || Lexa revealed to Clarke that she was once in love with a girl named Costia. The writers revealed that Lexa is a lesbian.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br /> In Season 1, Clarke has a relationship with Finn, and in Season 2 Clarke and Lexa kiss. It was confirmed that Clarke is bisexual.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) In Season 3, Clarke has sex with a woman named Niylah, and later with Lexa. <br /> It is revealed in season 3 that Nathan has a boyfriend on Farm Station. <br /> Bryan is Nathan's boyfriend in Seasons 3 & 4. <br /> Eric and Nathan are together as of Season 5. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2019 || ''[[Jane the Virgin]]'' || [[The CW]] || Luisa Alver <br /> Rose Solano <br /> Wesley Masters <br /> Krishna <br /> Adam Alvaro <br /> Jane Ramos <br /> Petra Andel || [[Yara Martinez]] <br /> [[Bridget Regan]] <br /> Brian Jordan Alvarez <br /> Shelly Bhalla <br /> [[Tyler Posey]] <br /> [[Rosario Dawson]] <br /> [[Yael Grobglas]] || Luisa and Rose had an affair while Rose was married to Luisa's father, making Rose her stepmother. <br /> Wesley is an openly gay writer attending grad school with Jane. At the writers' retreat he mentions he had broken up with his boyfriend. <br /> Adam is revealed as bisexual in 4x05. <br /> Introduced in Season 4, Jane Ramos is a shady lawyer and is an open lesbian. <br /> Petra realized she's bisexual when she felt an attraction towards Jane Ramos leading to the two of them kissing, sleeping together, and starting a romance. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2019 || ''[[Transparent (TV series)|Transparent]]'' || [[Amazon.com]] || Maura Pfefferman <br /> Sarah Pfefferman <br /> Tammy Cashman <br /> Syd Feldman <br /> Ali Pfefferman <br /> Davina <br /> Shea <br /> Gittel <br /> Leslie <br /> Vicki <br /> Barb <br /> Lila <br /> Marcy <br /> Lyfe || [[Jeffrey Tambor]] <br /> [[Amy Landecker]] <br /> [[Melora Hardin]] <br /> [[Carrie Brownstein]] <br /> [[Gaby Hoffmann]] <br /> [[Alexandra Billings]] <br /> [[Trace Lysette]] <br /> [[Hari Nef]] <br /> [[Cherry Jones]] <br /> [[Anjelica Huston]] <br /> [[Tig Notaro]] <br /> [[Alia Shawkat]] <br /> [[Bradley Whitford]] <br /> Folake Olowofoyeku || Maura is ____. <br> Sarah is ____. <br> Tammy is ____. <br> Syd is ____. <br> Ali is ____. <br> Davina is ____. <br> Shea is ____. <br> Gittel is ____. <br> Leslie is ____. <br> Vicki is ____. <br> Barb is ____. <br> Lila is ____. <br> Marcy is ____. <br> Lyfe is ____. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014– || ''[[Madam Secretary (TV series)|Madam Secretary]]'' || [[CBS]] || Blake Moran <br> Kat Sandoval || [[Erich Bergen]] <br> Sara Ramirez || Blake comes out as bisexual at the end of season 3.<ref></ref> <br> Kat is bisexual.<ref></ref>
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|2014–2016 || '''' || [[NBC]] || Max Carnegie || [[Max Jenkins]] || Max is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014– || '''' || [[The CW]] || [[David Singh|Captain David Singh]] <br>Rob <br />[[Pied Piper (comics)|Hartley Rathaway / Pied Piper]] <br />Nora West-Allen / [[XS (comics)|XS]] <br />Kate Kane / [[Batwoman]] || [[Patrick Sabongui]] <br />Jeremy Schuetze <br />[[Andy Mientus]] <br />[[Jessica Parker Kennedy]] <br />[[Ruby Rose]] || David is openly gay and the Central City police commander. He is married to Rob. <br /> Rob is gay. <br /> Hartley is openly gay. <br /> Nora is _____. <br /> Kate is lesbian. She is seen for the first time at the end of the season five [[Arrowverse]] crossover episode "[[Elseworlds (Arrowverse)|Elseworlds, Part 1]]".<ref name=Batwoman1></ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2015 || ''[[Red Band Society]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Sarah Souders <br /> Kenji Gomez-Rejon || [[Andrea Parker]] <br /> [[Wilson Cruz]] || Sarah is ____. <br> Kenji is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2019 || ''[[Gotham (TV series)|Gotham]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || [[Renee Montoya]] <br />[[Barbara Kean]] <br />[[Tabitha Galavan]] <br />The Lady <br />[[Fish Mooney]] <br />[[Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)|Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin]] || [[Victoria Cartagena]] <br />[[Erin Richards]] <br />[[Jessica Lucas]] <br />[[Michelle Gomez]] <br />[[Jada Pinkett Smith]] <br />[[Robin Lord Taylor]] || Barbara is bisexual. <br /> Renee, similar to her comic book counterpart, is a lesbian, and is the ex-girlfriend of Barbara. <br /> Barbara Kean is seen flirting openly with The Lady at a ladies' club. The Lady flirts back and she and Barbara form an alliance to torture Jim Gordon. <br /> Fish is described to be "sexually fluid." She had feelings for Lazlo, but later on she would ask girls auditioning for a singing role, if they "liked girls or boys", then she'd tell them to seduce her. On one of these occasions, the girl kissed Fish. <br /> The Penguin is in love with Edward Nygma/The Riddler. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2017 || ''[[Kingdom (2014 TV series)|Kingdom]]'' || [[Audience Network]] || Nate Kulina< br /> Will || [[Nick Jonas]] <br /> [[Jonathan Howard (actor)|Jonathan Howard]] || Nate is ____. <br> Will is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014– || ''[[How to Get Away with Murder]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || [[Annalise Keating]] <br /> Eve Rothlo <br /> [[Connor Walsh (character)|Connor Walsh]] <br /> [[Oliver Hampton]] <br /> [[Bonnie Winterbottom]] <br /> Aiden Walker <br /> Simon Drake <br /> Tegan Price <br /> Jeff <br /> Ted || [[Viola Davis]] <br /> [[Famke Janssen]] <br /> [[Jack Falahee]] <br /> [[Conrad Ricamora]] <br /> [[Liza Weil]] <br /> [[Elliot Knight]] <br /> Behzad Dabu <br /> [[Amirah Vann]] <br /> [[D.W. Moffett]] <br /> Jim Abele || Annalise and Eve were in a relationship while in law school; Annalise left her for Sam Keating, whom she married. Annalise was confirmed by Davis as being pansexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Eve is lesbian. <br /> Connor is a gay law student. He had many sexual partners in the past. Connor and Oliver begin to date on and off throughout the seasons, culminating in their marriage in season 5. <br /> Oliver is gay and an I.T. specialist whom Connor first seduced to get information. Over time, the two develop feelings for each other. They marry in season 5, and remain happy. <br /> Bonnie is _____. She confessed her love for Annalise in season 4 and the two shared a kiss. <br /> Aiden is bisexual. He was engaged to Michaela Pratt, but also had a relationship with Connor. <br /> Simon is _____. <br /> Tegan is lesbian. <br /> Jeff is _____. <br /> Ted is _____. <br /> <ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2015 || ''[[Chasing Life]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Brenna Carver<br />Greer Danville<br />Margo|| [[Haley Ramm]]<br />[[Gracie Dzienny]]<br />[[Aurora Perrineau]] || Brenna is bisexual. She begins a relationship with out lesbian Greer, despite the fact that Brenna already had a boyfriend. Later she chooses Greer over her boyfriend and they begin a relationship. <br /> Margo is an older girl who graduated from the school and said she would help Brenna edit a video to enter in a video contest. Margo and Brenna kissed and decided to date. Later Brenna finds out that the woman Margo used to date is a 40-year-old woman who still lives with her, so she breaks up with Margo. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2017 || ''[[Halt and Catch Fire (TV series)|Halt and Catch Fire]]'' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || Joe MacMillan <br /> Lev <br /> Haley Clark || [[Lee Pace]] <br /> [[August Emerson]] <br /> Susanna Skaggs || Joe is bisexual and main character of the show. <br /> Lev is openly gay. <br /> Haley Clark is revealed to be lesbian in season 4. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2017 || '''' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || Dutch Velders <br /> Nikki || [[Ruta Gedmintas]] <br /> [[Nicola Correia-Damude]] || Dutch is ____. <br> Nikki is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2015 || ''[[Dominion (TV series)|Dominion]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Ethan Mack <br /> Uriel <br /> Arika || Jonathan Howard <br /> Katrine De Candole <br /> [[Shivani Ghai]] || Ethan is ____. <br> Uriel is ____. <br> Arika is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2016 || ''[[Tyrant (TV series)|Tyrant]]'' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || Sammy Al-Fayeed<br />Abdul<br />Haitham El-Amin|| Noah Silver<br />Mehdi Dehbi<br />Raphael Acloque || Sammy is the closeted son of Barry Al-Fayeed, who returns to his Middle Eastern home country where his unstable brother inherits their late father's throne. <br /> Abdul is a closeted young man whose family has long served as security for the Al-Fayeed family. <br /> Sammy and Abdul develop a connection, but when Abdul learns that Sammy's family has extended their visit, he discontinues their relationship, reminding Sammy that there are rules he has to follow. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2014–2017 || '''' || [[NBC]] || Drew Allister<br />Rick|| [[Brendan Fehr]]<br />[[Luke Macfarlane]] || Drew is gay. <br /> Rick is Drew's boyfriend, introduced in 1x06 when he and his platoon are involved in a bus accident. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2014–2016 || ''[[Penny Dreadful (TV series)|Penny Dreadful]]'' || [[Showtime (TV network)|Showtime]] || Dorian Gray <br /> Ethan Chandler <br /> Ferdinand Lyle <br /> Angelique <br /> Brona Croft/Lily Frankenstein <br /> Justine || [[Reeve Carney]] <br /> [[Josh Hartnett]] <br /> [[Simon Russell Beale]] <br /> Jonny Beauchamp <br /> [[Billie Piper]] <br /> [[Jessica Barden]] || Dorian, Ethan and Brona/Lily are bisexual or pansexual. <br /> Ferdinand is a (closeted) homosexual. <br /> Angelique is transgender. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2014–2017 || ''[[Black Sails (TV series)|Black Sails]]'' || [[Starz (TV channel)|Starz]] || James Flint <br /> Eleanor Guthrie <br /> Max <br /> Anne Bonny <br /> Thomas Hamilton || [[Toby Stephens]] <br /> [[Hannah New]] <br /> [[Jessica Parker Kennedy]] <br /> [[Clara Paget]] <br /> [[Rupert Penry-Jones]] || Flint was in a past relationship with Thomas (revealed in season two). Their separation was the reason for Flint waging war against the British empire.<ref name=blacksailsgay></ref> <br /> Eleanor is bisexual. In season one, she is in a relationship with Max.<ref></ref> <br /> Max is a lesbian. She is Eleanor's lover, then has a romantic relationship with Anne.<ref></ref> <br /> Anne is bisexual. She starts a relationship with Max in season two.<ref></ref> <br /> Thomas was Flint's lover.
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| 2014–2015 || ''[[Looking (TV series)|Looking]]'' || [[HBO]] || Patrick <br /> Agustín <br /> Dom <br /> Frank <br /> Lynn <br /> Richie <br /> Kevin || [[Jonathan Groff]] <br /> [[Frankie J. Alvarez]] <br /> [[Murray Bartlett]] <br /> [[O.T. Fagbenle]] <br /> [[Scott Bakula]] <br /> [[Raúl Castillo]] <br /> [[Russell Tovey]] || <ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> <br /> Most of the characters are gay men living in San Francisco. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2014 || ''[[Star-Crossed (TV series)|Star-Crossed]]'' || [[The CW]] || Sophia <br /> Taylor Beecham || [[Brina Palencia]] <br /> [[Natalie Hall]] || Sophia is pansexual and has a crush on Taylor. All Atrians are pansexual. <br /> Although Taylor is in a serious relationship with Drake and while they are temporarily broken up she kisses Sophia. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2014– || ''[[True Detective (TV series)|True Detective]]'' || [[HBO]] || Paul Woodrugh <br> Tom Purcell || |[[Taylor Kitsch]] <br> [[Scoot McNairy]] || Paul is a closeted gay detective and war veteran (season 2). He had an intimate relationship with a squadmate. He's in relationship with a woman but has to take viagra to have sex with her.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Tom is gay and closeted (3x06). He's the father of two missing children.<ref></ref>
<br />
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|2015– || '''' || [[Syfy]] || Eliot Waugh <br /> Quentin Coldwater <br /> Idri / King of Loria <br /> Margo Hanson <br /> Marina Andrieski || [[Hale Appleman]] <br /> [[Jason Ralph (actor)|Jason Ralph]] <br / > [[Leonard Roberts]] <br /> [[Summer Bishil]] <br /> [[Kacey Rohl]] || Eliot is gay.<ref></ref> <br /> Quentin is bisexual. He slept with Eliot and Margo in episode 1x11.<ref></ref> In 3x05, Quentin kissed Eliot and they spent their whole life growing old together having a family of their own in a separate timeline. In 4x05 it's revealed that Quentin asked Eliot to start a romantic relationship after their life together and, despite reciprocating his feelings, Eliot turned him down.<br /> Idri is probably bisexual. He became sexually involved with Elliot.<ref></ref> <br />Margo is bisexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Marina might be lesbian. She mentions she has a girlfriend in 4x06.
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|2015– || ''[[Unforgotten]]'' || [[ITV (TV channel)|ITV]] || Eric Slater <br> Jimmy Sullivan <br> Colin Osborne <br> Simon Osborne || [[Tom Courtenay]] <br> [[Harley Alexander-Sule]] <br> [[Mark Bonnar]] <br> [[Charlie Condou]] || In series 1, Eric Slater is a bisexual man who has spent his life in a heterosexual marriage. <br> Jimmy Sullivan was Eric's gay lover (along with another man named Nicholas seen only in a photograph). They were both murdered by Eric's wife.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> In series 2, Colin Osborne is gay and a barrister. <br> Simon Osborne is gay and Colin's husband.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[The Expanse (TV series)|The Expanse]]'' || [[SyFy]]<br />[[Amazon Studios]] || Anna Volovodov || [[Elizabeth Mitchell]] || Anna is a lesbian and has a wife and daughter. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[The Path (TV series)|The Path]]'' || [[Hulu]] || Hawk Lane <br /> Caleb Matthews <br> Mary Cox <br> Betsy || Kyle Allen <br /> Titus Makin Jr. <br> [[Emma Greenwell]] <br> Whitney Crowder || Hawk is the son of a family who are part of a cult-like movement called Meyerism. Although he has had girlfriends in the past, in the third season, he gets involved with a closeted gay Christian youth named Caleb. <br> Caleb is ____. <br> Mary joins the movement due to her infatuation with Cal, and is later involved with Cal as well as Sean, who eventually becomes her boyfriend. When Sean is briefly sent away, she seduces Betsy in order to steal drugs from the infirmary. <br> Betsy is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2017 || ''[[Narcos]]'' || [[Netflix]] || [[Hélmer Herrera|Hélmer "Pacho" Herrera]] || [[Alberto Ammann]] || Hélmer is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2019 || ''[[Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (TV series)|Crazy Ex-Girlfriend]]'' || [[The CW]] || 'White Josh' Wilson <br /> Darryl Whitefeather <br /> Maya <br /> Valencia Perez || [[David Hull (actor)|David Hull]] <br /> [[Pete Gardner]] <br /> [[Esther Povitsky]] <br /> [[Gabrielle Ruiz]] || White Josh is gay. <br /> Darryl is bisexual, and in a relationship with White Josh.<ref></ref> <br /> Maya is bisexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Valencia becomes aware that she is bisexual when she starts dating a woman named Beth ([[Emma Willmann]]) late in Season 3.<ref></ref>
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|2015–2017 || ''[[Dark Matter (TV series)|Dark Matter]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Two / Portia Lin / Rebecca <br /> Dr. Irena Shaw || [[Melissa O'Neil]] <br /> [[Zoie Palmer]] || Two/Portia is revealed to be bisexual in 3x01 when she hallucinates about another woman and kisses her. <br /> Irena Shaw is a lesbian. <br /> In 3x10, Portia and Irena are seen as having been in love. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Into the Badlands (TV series)|Into the Badlands]]'' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || Tilda <br /> Odessa || [[Ally Ioannides]] <br /> Maddison Jaizani || Tilda is ____. <br> Odessa is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2017 || ''[[Skam (TV series)|Skam]]'' || [[NRK]] || Eskild Tryggvasson <br> Isak Valtersen <br> Even Bech Næsheim || Carl Martin Eggesbø <br> [[Tarjei Sandvik Moe]] <br> Henrik Holm || Eskild is gay. He is Isak's 'guru' and helps him come to terms with his sexuality. <br> Isak is gay. He develops a crush on his best friend, Jonas, and sabotages his relationship with Eva. He tries dating girls while in denial of his sexuality, until he meets and falls for Even. <br> Even is pansexual. He has a long term girlfriend, but breaks up with her to be with Isak. They later move in together. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[12 Monkeys (TV series)|12 Monkeys]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Oliver Peters|| Ramon de Ocampo || In season 1, Episode 10 Oliver makes reference to certain Jason who is later known to be his husband. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Humans (TV series)|Humans]]'' || [[Channel 4]] || Niska<br />Astrid || [[Emily Berrington]] <br />[[Bella Dayne]] || In season 2 Niska, a synth (synthetic human), meets Astrid who is a human. <br /> Niska learns how to love through Astrid. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[È arrivata la felicità]]''|| [[Rai 1]] || Valeria Camilli<br />Rita Nardelli || [[Giulia Bevilacqua]]<br />[[Federica De Cola]] || Valeria and Rita are lesbians. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Westside (TV series)|Westside]]'' || [[TV3 (New Zealand)|TV3]] || Bjelke "Bilkey" van Heeder || Todd Emerson || Bjelke is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Supergirl (TV series)|Supergirl]]'' || [[The CW]] || [[Alex Danvers]] <br />[[Maggie Sawyer]] <br />[[Nia Nal]](Dreamer) <br /> [[Kelly Olsen]] ||[[Chyler Leigh]] <br /> [[Floriana Lima]] <br /> Nicole Maines <br /> [[Azie Tesfai]] || Alex Danvers comes out as a lesbian. She is the adopted sister of Supergirl and works at the DEO.<ref></ref> <br /> Maggie Sawyer is a lesbian and a police detective. She becomes involved with Alex. (Introduced in Season 2.)<ref></ref> <br /> Nia is a transgender woman working at CatCO. (Introduced in Season 4.)<ref></ref> <br /> Kelly is _____. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2019 || ''[[Killjoys (TV series)|Killjoys]]'' || [[Space (Canadian TV channel)|Space]] <br> [[SyFy]] || Prima "Pree" Dezz <br /> Delle Seyah Kendry <br /> Aneela Kin Ritt || Thom Allison <br /> [[Mayko Nguyen]] <br /> [[Hannah John-Kamen]] || Pree is gay. <br> Delle flirts with Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen throughout the series and even kisses her (Dutch is heterosexual). During season 3, Delle becomes interested in Aneela and they have sex. <br> Aneela may be lesbian or bisexual. It's unclear since the only sexual interest she has displayed has been towards Delle. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2017 || ''[[Stitchers]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Camille Engelson <br /> Amanda Weston || [[Allison Scagliotti]] <br /> [[Anna Akana]] || Camille is bisexual.<ref></ref> Her only known relationship in the series was with boyfriend Linus. In season 2 episode 4, she says "Dirk and I only dated for about a week. I dated his sister a lot longer." In season 3, Camille falls in love with medical examiner Amanda Weston and in episode 4 says to Amanda, "My life makes sense with you in it." <br /> Amanda's orientation appears to be lesbian. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[Merlí (TV3 series)|Merlí]]'' || [[TV3 (Catalonia)|TV3]] || Bruno <br /> Oliver <br /> Pol <br /> Quima || [[David Solans]] <br /> Iñaki Mur <br /> [[Carlos Cuevas]] <br /> Manel Barceló || Bruno is gay and hasn't come out of the closet. He is in love with Pol, with whom he made out at a party. Bruno left in Season 2 to begin a new life in Rome. <br /> Oliver is gay. <br /> Pol's sexual preference has been questioned as he made out with Bruno at a party claiming that "You have to try everything". In the second season Bruno and Pol have sex. After Bruno leaves, Pol begins to cry, implying he has feelings for Bruno. <br /> In the last episode's flashforward epilogue, Bruno and Pol are a couple and living together.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Quima is a transwoman and new English teacher. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Fear The Walking Dead]]'' || [[AMC Studios]] || Victor Strand<br />Thomas Abigail || [[Colman Domingo]]<br />[[Dougray Scott]] || Strand and Thomas were in a relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Cheetah In August (Series)]]'' || [[Vimeo]] || August Chandler || Andre Myers || August is a main character who struggles to understand his mental condition or sexual power. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2016 || ''[[This Life (2015 TV series)|This Life]]'' || [[CBC Television|CBC]] || Oliver Lawson || [[Kristopher Turner]] || Oliver is the brother of the main character, and his boyfriend is recently deceased. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[Deutschland 83]]'' || [[RTL Television]]<br>[[SundanceTV]] || Alexander Edel <br /> Tobias Tischbier <br> Felix von Schwerin || [[Ludwig Trepte]] <br /> [[Alexander Beyer]] <br /> Florian Bartholomäi|| Alexander is the rebellious son of General Edel and has sex with Tobias. <br /> Tobias is gay and works as a professor at the University of Bonn. He hosts anti-war rallies and is in a relationship with Felix, who's also gay. He makes advances towards Alex, who initially feels uncomfortable. <br /> Alex sleeps with Tobias following a heated argument with his father, thus revealing himself as gay. <br /> After Tobias learns that Felix is HIV positive he tells Alex (who thinks Tobias wants to rekindle their relationship) to get tested, in the sequel [[Deutschland 86]], Alex tells Tobias his test was negative.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=Hughes_83ep6>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2015–2018 || ''[[Versailles (TV series)|Versailles]]'' || [[Canal+]] || Philippe d'Orléans <br /> Chevalier de Lorraine <br /> Thomas Beaumont || [[Alexander Vlahos]] <br /> [[Evan Williams (actor)|Evan Williams]] <br /> [[Mark Rendall]] || Philippe is ____. <br> Chevalier is ____. <br> Thomas is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Blindspot (TV series)|Blindspot]]'' || [[NBC]] || Bethany Mayfair <br />Sofia Varma <br />Alexandra <br />Rich Dotcom <br />Boston ||[[Marianne Jean-Baptiste]] <br />[[Sarita Choudhury]] <br />[[Eisa Davis]] <br />[[Ennis Esmer]] <br />[[Josh Dean]]|| Assistant Director Mayfair is dating Sofia until they have an argument and Sofia commits suicide. After quite a while, Mayfair meets Alexandra and they are interested in each other. <br /> Rich is bisexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Boston is gay. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[Home Fires (UK TV series)|Home Fires]]'' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Teresa Fenchurch<br />Connie Ward || [[Leanne Best]]<br />[[Rachael Elizabeth]] || Teresa and Connie were lovers and taught at the same Liverpool school until the head master discovered their secret. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2019 || ''[[Jessica Jones (TV series)|Jessica Jones]]'' || [[Netflix]] || [[Jeryn Hogarth#In other media|Jeri Hogarth]] <br /> [[List of Jessica Jones characters#Wendy Ross-Hogarth|Wendy Ross-Hogarth]] <br />[[List of Jessica Jones characters#Pam|Pam]] <br />Inez Green <br /> Kith Lyonne <br /> Det. Eddy Costa || [[Carrie-Anne Moss]] <br />[[Robin Weigert]] <br />Susie Abromeit <br />[[Leah Gibson]] <br /> [[Sarita Choudhury]] <br /> [[John Ventimiglia]] || Jeri is lesbian. In season 2, she finds out that she has ALS and deals with the diagnosis by having an orgy with female sex workers.<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br /> (Jeri Hogarth is the first lesbian character in the [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> In [[Marvel Comics]] her character was named [[Jeryn Hogarth]] and was male.) <br /> Wendy is lesbian and Jeri's wife. They are divorcing.<ref></ref> <br /> Pam is lesbian, and Jeri's assistant and mistress.<ref></ref> <br /> Inez is bisexual and one of Jeri's former lovers. <br /> Kith is bisexual. She and Jeri were in a relationship that ended when Jeri cheated on her with Wendy. As a result, Kith married a man one year later and they have an [[open marriage]]. Twenty-five years later, Jeri deliberately finds her and tries to rekindle their former romance (season 3). <br /> Detective Costa is gay and in a same-sex marriage. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[Flesh and Bone (miniseries)|Flesh and Bones]]'' || [[Starz (TV channel)|Starz]] || Paul Grayson <br /> Trey <br /> Eduardo || [[Ben Daniels]] <br /> Karell Williams <br /> Anthony Lee Medina || Paul is ____. <br> Trey is ____. <br> Eduardo is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[London Spy]]'' || [[BBC Two]] || Danny Holt <br /> Alex <br /> Scottie || [[Ben Whishaw]] <br /> [[Edward Holcroft]] <br /> [[Jim Broadbent]] || Alex is ____. <br> Danny is ____. <br> Alex and Danny meet in episode one, but tragedy soon strikes, and Danny finds himself in the center of a conspiracy beyond belief. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2017 || ''[[Master of None]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Denise || [[Lena Waithe]] || Denise is the lesbian best friend of main character Dev. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[You, Me and the Apocalypse]]'' || [[Sky 1]] || Scotty McNeil <br /> Arnold Gaines || [[Kyle Soller]] <br /> [[Paterson Joseph]] || Scotty is ____. <br> Arnold is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[Cuffs (TV series)|Cuffs]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Jake Vickers <br /> Simon Reddington <br /> Donna Prager <br /> Alice Gove <br /> Corey Draper || [[Jacob Ifan]] <br /> Andrew Hawley <br /> [[Eleanor Matsuura]] <br /> [[Pippa Nixon]] || Jake is ____ and the main character of the series. He is a rookie police officer. <br /> Simon is ____ and the station's defense solicitor. <br /> Corey is ____ and the son of Jake's partner and Tutor Constable, Ryan. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[Code Black (TV series)|Code Black]]'' || [[CBS]] || Malaya Pineda <br />Carla Niven <br />Noa Kean ||[[Melanie Chandra]] <br />[[Shiri Appleby]] <br />Emily Tyra || Malaya is lesbian and a second year resident as of season 2.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Carla is her former girlfriend. <br /> Noa is a first-year resident who has stated she has dated both men and women in the past. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[Quantico (TV series)|Quantico]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Elias Harper <br />Hannah Wyland <br />Harry Doyle <br />Will Olsen <br />Sebastian Chen ||[[Rick Cosnett]] <br />[[Eliza Coupe]] <br / >[[Russell Tovey]] <br />[[Jay Armstrong Johnson]] <br />[[David Lim (actor)|David Lim]]|| Elias Harper is an openly gay intelligence analyst trainee at the FBI Academy. <br /> Hannah Wyland is Ryan Booth's ex-wife. She left him because she had fallen in love with a woman. <br /> Harry Doyle is an openly gay MI6 agent and CIA trainee at The Farm. He and Sebastian, another trainee, began having feelings for each other, despite Sebastian's attempt to suppress his feelings prior to leaving the training facility. <br /> Harry slept with Will Olsen as part of a personal mission during his time at The Farm.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2017 || ''[[Rosewood (TV series)|Rosewood]]'' || [[FOX]] || Pippy Rosewood <br /> Tara || [[Gabrielle Dennis]] <br /> Anna Konkle || Pippy is a lesbian. Her ex-girlfriend appears in several episodes. <br /> Tara is bisexual. She's shown kissing a man and has an ex-boyfriend. <br /> Pippy and Tara are engaged to be married in Season 1. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Club de Cuervos]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Aitor Cardoné || Alosian Vivancos || Aitor is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Glitch (TV series)|Glitch]]'' || [[ABC1]] || Charlie Thompson || [[Sean Keenan (actor)|Sean Keenan]] || Charlie is one of the characters who rises from the dead with no memory. Through a series of flashbacks he regains his memory and we learn that he was in love and in a relationship with one of his fellow soldiers. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2019 || ''[[Mr. Robot (TV series)|Mr. Robot]]'' || [[USA Network]] || Gideon Goddard <br />Tyrell Wellick <br />Whiterose <br />Harry <br />Anwar Raziz <br />Dominique DiPierro <br />Darlene Alderson ||[[Michel Gill]] <br />[[Martin Wallström]] <br />[[BD Wong]] <br />[[Randy Harrison]] <br />Mitchell Winter <br />[[Grace Gummer]] <br />[[Carly Chaikin]]|| Gideon is gay and the main character's boss. <br /> Tyrell does not self-identify with a sexual orientation but has had sex with men and women, though usually only to further his personal agenda. At the end of the second season Tyrell confesses that he is in love with Elliot. <br /> Whiterose is a transgender woman. <br /> Harry is Gideon's partner. <br /> Anwar is gay. <br /> Darlene is bisexual and sleeps with Dominique. <br /> Dominique is lesbian. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015– || ''[[Scream (TV series)|Scream]]'' || [[MTV]]<br /> [[VH1]] || Audrey Jensen <br /> Rachel Murray <br /> Gina <br /> Manny || [[Bex Taylor-Klaus]] <br /> [[Sosie Bacon]] <br /> [[Zena Grey]] <br /> [[Giullian Yao Gioiello]] || Audrey and Rachel are a lesbian couple before Rachel is killed. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015 || ''[[Complications (TV series)|Complications]]'' || [[USA Network]] || Gretchen Polk || [[Jessica Szohr]] || Gretchen is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[UnREAL]]'' || [[Lifetime (TV network)|Lifetime]] || Jay <br /> Faith <br /> Alexi Petrov <br /> Xavier <br /> Fiona || [[Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman]] <br /> Breeda Wool <br /> [[Alexey Vorobyov|Alex Sparrow]] <br /> [[Jaime Callica]] <br /> [[Tracie Thoms]] || Jay is a gay producer on Everlasting. <br /> Faith is a lesbian contestant from Everlasting. <br> Alexi is ____. <br> Xavier is ____. <br> Fiona is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2015–2018 || ''[[Sense8]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Capheus Onyango <br /> Sun Bak <br /> Nomi Marks <br /> Kala Dandekar <br /> Riley Blue <br /> Wolfgang Bogdanow <br /> Lito Rodriguez <br /> Will Gorski <br /> Hernando <br /> Amanita <br /> Raoul <br /> Zakia <br /> Rajan Rasal ||[[Aml Ameen]] / [[Toby Onwumere]] <br /> [[Doona Bae]] <br /> [[Jamie Clayton]] <br /> [[Tina Desai]] <br /> [[Tuppence Middleton]] <br /> [[Max Riemelt]] <br /> [[Miguel Angel Silvestre]] <br /> [[Brian J. Smith]] <br /> [[Alfonso Herrera]] <br /> [[Freema Agyeman]] <br /> [[Erik Hayser]] <br /> [[Mumbi Maina]] <br /> [[Purab Kohli]] || Capheus is ____. <br> Sun is ____. <br> Nomi is a trans woman. <br /> Kala is ____. <br> Riley is ____. <br> Wolfgang is ____. <br> Lito is ____.<br> Will is ____. <br> Hernando is Lito's boyfriend. <br /> Amanita is bisexual and Nomi's girlfriend. <br /> Raoul is Lito's first gay lover. <br /> Zakia is Capheus' lover and she confess to have loved a woman in the past. <br /> Rajan is Kala's husband and the two enter in a polyamorous relationship with Wolfgang. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br> In 2015, actor Brian J. Smith stated that Lana Wachowski "thinks all the [sensates] characters are pan-sexual."<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2015–2016 || ''[[Wayward Pines]]'' || [[FOX]] || Frank Armstrong|| Michael Garza || Frank is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015–2016 || ''[[Aquarius (U.S. TV series)|Aquarius]]'' || [[NBC]] || Charles Manson <br /> Ken Karn || [[Gethin Anthony]] <br /> [[Brian F. O'Byrne]] || Charles is ____. <br> Ken is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015– || ''[[Younger (TV series)|Younger]]'' || [[TV Land]] || Maggie <br /> Lauren Heller || [[Debi Mazar]] <br /> [[Molly Bernard]] || Maggie is ____. <br> Lauren is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015–2018 || '''' || [[E!]] || Princess Eleanor Henstridge <br /> Mandy/Samantha Cook <br /> Cyrus || [[Alexandra Park (actress)|Alexandra Park]] <br /> [[Sarah Dumont]] <br /> [[Jake Maskall]] || Eleanor is bisexual, and formerly involved with her bodyguard, Jasper. <br /> Mandy is bisexual and ex-girlfriend of Jasper, and his partner in a con to steal a diamond from Eleanor.<ref></ref> <br /> Cyrus is ________. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015|| ''[[Dig (TV series)|Dig]]'' || [[USA Network|USA]] || Detective Golan Cohen<br />Udi || Ori Pfeffer<br />Tsahi Halevi || Golan is a detective and friend of Peter. They work together to solve the show's mystery. He lives with his son and with Udi. <br /> Udi is Golan's boyfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015|| '''' || [[A&E Network|A&E]]<br />[[Netflix]] || Dr. Julie Han <br /> Deputy Nikki Banks || [[Sandrine Holt]] <br /> [[Agnes Bruckner]] || Julie is ____.<br> Nikki is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015–2017 || ''[[American Crime (TV series)|American Crime]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC Network]] || Eric Tanner <br /> Taylor Blaine <br /> Luke || [[Joey Pollari]] <br /> [[Connor Jessup]] <br /> Taylor John Smith || Eric is ____. <br> Taylor is ____. Luke is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015 || ''[[Olympus (TV series)|Olympus]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Lykos <br /> Kimon <br /> Adriadne || Wade Burns <br /> [[Levi Meaden]] <br /> Sophia Lauchlin Hirt || Kimon is Prince Lykos's manservent and lover. <br /> Adriadne is bisexual. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015 || ''[[Banana (TV series)|Banana]]'' || [[E4 (TV channel)|E4]] || Freddie Baxter <br /> Dean Monroe <br /> Henry Best <br /> Vivienne "Scotty" Scott <br /> Vanessa Moore <br /> Sian Moore <br /> Violet || [[Freddie Fox (actor)|Freddie Fox]] <br /> Fisayo Akinade <br /> [[Vincent Franklin]] <br /> Letitia Wright <br /> Lynn Hunter <br /> [[Georgia Henshaw]] <br /> [[Hannah John-Kamen]] || Freddie is ____. <br> Dean is ____. <br> Henry is ____. <br> Vivienne is ____. <br> Vanessa is ____. <br> Sian is ____. <br> Violet is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015 || ''[[Cucumber (TV series)|Cucumber]]'' || [[Channel 4]] || Henry Best <br /> Lance Sullivan <br /> Freddie Baxter <br /> Dean Monroe <br /> Cliff Costello <br /> Vivienne "Scotty" Scott || [[Vincent Franklin]] <br /> [[Cyril Nri]] <br /> [[Freddie Fox (actor)|Freddie Fox]] <br /> Fisayo Akinade <br /> [[Con O'Neill (actor)|Con O'Neill]] <br /> Letitia Wright || Henry is ____. <br> Lance is ____. <br> Freddie is ____. <br> Dean is ____. <br> Cliff is ____. <br> Vivienne is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015 || ''[[Backstrom (TV series)|Backstrom]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Gregory Valentine || [[Thomas Dekker (actor)|Thomas Dekker]] || Gregory is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015 || ''[[Eye Candy (TV series)|Eye Candy]]'' || [[MTV]] || Connor <br /> Oliver || John Garet Stoker <br /> Parker Pogue || Connor dates Oliver in Season 1. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2015– || ''[[Empire (2015 TV series)|Empire]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || [[Jamal Lyon]] <br /> Michael Sanchez <br /> Tiana Brown <br /> Ryan Morgan <br /> Mimi Whiteman <br /> Derek Major <br /> Tory Ash || [[Jussie Smollett]] <br /> [[Rafael de la Fuente]] <br /> [[Serayah McNeill]] <br /> [[Eka Darville]] <br /> [[Marisa Tomei]] <br /> [[Tobias Truvillion]] <br /> [[Rumer Willis]] || Jamal Lyon is the middle son of the Lyon family, a talented, gay singer-songwriter. <br /> Michael is Jamal's ex-boyfriend. <br /> Tiana engages in a relationship with a woman early in the first season. <br /> Australian videographer Ryan Morgan is another love interest for Jamal. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Preacher (TV series)|Preacher]]'' || [[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || Proinsias Cassidy <br> Eccarius|| [[Joseph Gilgun]] <br> [[Adam Croasdell]] || Proinsias is bisexual. <br> Eccarius is bisexual. <br> Proinsias and Eccarious have shown attraction to men and women and are romantically involved with each another. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2018 || ''[[Luke Cage (TV series)|Luke Cage]]'' || [[Netflix]] || [[Shades (comics)|Hernan "Shades" Alvarez]] <br />[[Comanche (comics)|Darius "Comanche" Jones]]||[[Theo Rossi]] <br />[[Thomas Jones (American football)|Thomas Q. Jones]]|| Shades is bisexual. <br> Comanche is gay. <br> Shades and Comanche were lovers while in prison.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2016–2018 || ''[[Falling Water (TV series)|Falling Water]]'' || [[USA Network]] || Alexis Simms <br /> Christine || Sepideh Moafi <br /> [[Parisa Fitz-Henley]] || Detective Alexis Simms is lesbian. She lives with Christine. <br /> Christine is lesbian and the girlfriend of Alexis.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[The Crown (TV series)|The Crown]]'' || [[Netflix]] || [[Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon|Antony Armstrong-Jones]] || [[Matthew Goode]] || Antony is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Victoria (UK TV series)|Victoria]]'' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Lord Alfred Paget <br /> Edward Drummond|| Jordan Waller <br /> [[Leo Suter]] || Lord Alfred is a minor character in the first series. In the second series, his part is expanded and Drummond is introduced as a potential love interest. They kiss. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[This Is Us (TV series)|This Is Us]]'' || [[NBC]] || William Hill <br />Jessie ||[[Ron Cephas Jones]] <br />[[Denis O'Hare]]|| William is bisexual and had a relationship with Jessie. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017 || ''[[Pure Genius]]'' || [[CBS]] || Jess Wallace <br /> Ally (Ali) || Taylor Rose <br /> Irene Choi || Jess is ____. <br> Ally is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Star (U.S. TV series)|Star]]'' || [[FOX]] || Simone Davis <br /> Cotton Brown <br /> Miss Bruce || Brittany O'Grady <br /> Amiyah Scott <br /> Miss Lawrence || Simone kissed her troubled friend, Karen, in the fifth episode of season 2. <br /> Cotton Brown is the transgender daughter of Carlota Brown .<br /> Miss Bruce is transgender. She and Cotton both work in Carlota Brown's beauty shop. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2018 || ''[[Timeless (TV Series)|Timeless]]'' || [[NBC]] || Denise Christopher || [[Sakina Jaffrey]] || Denise is a lesbian and a Special Agent. She's married to Michelle, with whom she has a son and daughter.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2016–2018 || ''[[Travelers (TV series)|Travelers]]'' || [[Showcase (Canadian TV channel)|Showcase]] <br /> [[Netflix]] || Joanne Yates <br /> Samantha Burns <br /> Amanda Myers || Kimberley Sustad <br/> Karen Holness <br /> Enid-Raye Adams || Yates is presumably lesbian. It's revealed that she's in a same-sex marriage when Yates asked Grant MacLaren if he was having wife problems and she said to him, "Same here" (season 3, ep 2). (Her wife does not appear in the series and her name is not spoken.) <br /> Burns is presumably a lesbian and is in a relationship with her colleague Myers (season 3). <br /> Myers appears in only one episode (season 3).<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2016– || '''' || [[Netflix]] || Buck Vu <br /> Alfonso "French" Sosa || Ian Alexander <br /> Brandon Perea || Buck is transgender.<ref></ref> <br /> Alfonso is gay.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || '''' || [[Fullscreen (company)|Fullscreen]] || Mason <br /> Landon <br /> Agatha <br /> Sophie <br /> Logan || [[Will Peltz]] <br /> Todd Maurer <br /> [[Madeline Brewer]] <br /> Julia Kelly <br /> [[Daniel Zovatto]] || Mason is ____. <br> Landon is ____. <br> Agatha is ____. <br> Sophie is ____. <br> Logan is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017 || ''[[Incorporated (TV series)|Incorporated]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Theo <br />Ant || Eddie Ramos <br />Matt Landry || Theo is one of the main characters of Incorporated. In the second episode Ant is introduced as Theo's partner. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[El marginal]]'' || [[Televisión Pública Argentina]] || Juan Pablo "Diosito" Borges <br /> Morcilla <br /> Fiorella || [[Nicolás Furtado]] <br /> Carlos Portaluppi <br /> Guido Botto Fiora || Juan's sexual orientation has not been specified, but is likely bisexual.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He is in love with Miguel Palacios/Osvaldo Peña. <br /> Morcilla is bisexual. <br /> Fiorella is gay.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> He is in a relationship with Morcilla. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Michel Gerard <br /> Donald || [[Yanic Truesdale]] <br /> [[Sam Pancake]] || Michel is from the original ''Gilmore Girls'' series and is married to Frederick (David Greenman), though he is not seen. <br /> Donald is a newer Stars Hollow resident introduced upon discussion of the first potential LGBT Pride festival for the town, where some more notable characters' sexualities are mentioned and/or danced around. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016|| ''[[The Young Pope]]'' || [[HBO]] || Cardinal Bernardo Gutierrez <br /> Cardinal Andrew Dussolier <br /> Cardinal Mario Assente <br /> Ángelo Sanchez <br /> Freddy Blakestone || [[Javier Cámara]] <br /> [[Scott Shepherd (actor)|Scott Shepherd]] <br /> Maurizio Lombardi <br /> Marcos Franz <br /> Alex Esola || Bernardo comes out as gay in the first season's final episode. <br /> Andrew is seen having sex with a man and a woman in episode 6 of season 1. <br /> Mario confirms his homosexuality in private conversation with Pope Pius XIII in episode 2 of season 1. <br /> Ángelo is accused of "sexual disturbances", which seems to be the euphemism for homosexual tendencies. He denies being gay and commits suicide in episode 6 of season 1. The truth about his sexuality remains unclear. <br /> Freddy is a young gay man fascinated by Monsignor Gutierrez at some point. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017|| ''[[No Tomorrow (TV series)|No Tomorrow]]'' || [[The CW]] || Kareema <br /> Sofia ||[[Sarayu Blue]] <br /> Marta Milans|| Kareema is pansexual; she has a sexual tryst with Sofia, an immigrant wanting to marry her brother for a green card. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Van Helsing (TV series)|Van Helsing]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Susan <br />Vanessa Helsing || Hilary Jardine <br />[[Kelly Overton (actress)|Kelly Overton]]|| Susan had a boyfriend before the vampire apocalypse. In episode 1.09 she kisses her friend Vanessa (Van) Helsing on the lips and attempts physical intimacy with her. Vanessa kisses Susan back.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016|| ''[[Notorious (2016 TV series)|Notorious]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Levi ||Ramon de Ocampo || Levi had romantic feelings towards his childhood best friend Oscar Keating and cat-fished him. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Goliath (TV series)|Goliath]]'' ||[[Amazon Studios]] ||Michelle McBride <br /> Callie Senate || [[Maria Bello]] <br /> [[Molly Parker]] || Michelle is ____. <br> Callie is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Class (2016 TV series)|Class]]'' || [[BBC Three (online)|BBC Three]] || Charlie Smith <br />Matteusz Andrzejewski||[[Greg Austin (actor)|Greg Austin]] <br />[[Jordan Renzo]]|| Charlie is an alien prince and is dating Matteusz, who comes from a very religious family that doesn't tolerate him having a boyfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Eyewitness (U.S. TV series)|Eyewitness]]'' || [[USA Network]] || Philip Shea <br /> Lukas Waldenbeck || [[Tyler Young (actor)|Tyler Young]] <br /> [[James Paxton (actor)|James Paxton]] || Phillip and Lukas are secretly in a relationship. Lukas is violently closeted while Philip is comfortable with his sexuality. Lukas has a girlfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Conviction (2016 TV series)|Conviction]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Hayes Morrison <br />Jackson Morrison <br />Franklin "Frankie" Cruz <br />Rey Armas <br />Naomi Golden ||[[Hayley Atwell]] <br />[[Daniel Franzese]] <br />[[Manny Montana]] <br />Ian Paola <br />[[Ilfenesh Hadera]]|| Hayes is bisexual and her brother, Jackson, is gay. <br /> Frankie and Rey had a romantic relationship while cellmates. <br /> Naomi is bisexual and Hayes' ex-girlfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017 || '''' || [[FOX]] || Katherine Rance <br /> Father Marcus Keane <br /> Verity <br /> Peter Morrow || Brianne Howey <br /> [[Ben Daniels]] <br /> [[Brianna Hildebrand]] <br /> [[Christopher Cousins]] || During a flashback, it is confirmed that Katherine is lesbian, and that she dated a friend from college before her death in a car accident that Katherine survived (another character references the girl as "the love of her life"). <br /> Marcus mentions that he has been "mostly" celibate after being excommunicated in season one, and he exchanges a flirtatious look with a man at a bar. A demon suggests that girls "aren't his type", indicating that he is gay. In season two, Marcus has a love interest in Peter Morrow, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife investigator, and the two men bond before sharing a kiss on Peter's boat. <br /> Verity mentions that she is gay in a conversation about her distrust of religion due to the fact she was sent to a conversion camp when she was younger. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Westworld (TV series)|Westworld]]'' || [[HBO]] || Logan <br /> Clementine Pennyfeather <br /> Elsie Hughes || [[Ben Barnes (actor)|Ben Barnes]] <br /> [[Angela Sarafyan]] <br /> [[Shannon Woodward]] || Logan is seen having sex with both a man and a woman in episode 2 of season 1, and is most likely bisexual. <br> Clementine is ____. <br> Elsie is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Bull (2016 TV series)|Bull]]'' || [[CBS]] || Chunk Palmer || [[Christopher Jackson (actor)|Chris Jackson]] || Chunk is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2019 || ''[[Easy (TV series)|Easy]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Jo <br /> Chase || [[Jacqueline Toboni]] <br /> [[Kiersey Clemons]] || Jo and Chase meet, fall in love, and become a lesbian couple in season 1 episode 2, "Vegan Cinderella".<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Berlin Station (TV series)|Berlin Station]]''|| Epix (TV network)|Epix || Hector DeJean <br /> Faisal Al-Fakeeh <br /> Hans Richter || [[Rhys Ifans]] <br /> Kerem Can <br /> Bernhard Schütz || Hector is ____. <br> Faisal is ____. <br> Hans is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Quarry (TV series)|Quarry]]'' || [[Cinemax]] || Buddy || [[Damon Herriman]] || Buddy is assumed to be gay because some of his partners in crime call him "queer", and in the third episode he is seen spending his time in a gay bar. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Better Things (TV series)|Better Things]]'' || [[FX (TV Network)|FX]] || Rick <br /> Tressa || [[Diedrich Bader]] <br /> Rebecca Merz || Rick is ____. <br> Tressa is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || '''' || [[Amazon Studios]]<br />[[BBC Worldwide]] || Claude Sabine || [[Tom Riley (actor)|Tom Riley]] || Claude is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017|| ''[[Too Close to Home (TV series)|Too Close to Home]]'' || [[TLC (TV network)|TLC]] || Dax <br /> Victor || [[Nick Ballard]] <br /> Charles Justo || Dax is ____. <br> Victor is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016|| ''[[Barracuda (TV series)|Barracuda]]'' || [[ABC (Australian TV channel)|ABC]] || Danny Kelly <br /> Martin Taylor <br /> Demet || Elias Anton <br /> Ben Kindon <br /> Nicole Gulasekharam || Danny and Martin masturbate together and kiss. Danny is gay and Martin is bisexual. <br /> Demet is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017 || '''' || [[Netflix]] || Marcus 'Dizzee' Kipling <br /> Thor || [[Jaden Smith]] <br /> Noah Le Gros || Dizzee and Thor are both popular graffiti artists who paint on trains. They end up at an exclusive underground LGBT club, and [[kiss]]. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Dead of Summer (TV series)|Dead of Summer]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]]|| Blair Ramos <br /> Drew Reeves || [[Mark Indelicato]] <br /> [[Zelda Williams]] || Blair is ____. <br> Drew is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016|| ''[[American Gothic (2016 TV series)|American Gothic]]'' || [[CBS]] || Alison Hawthorne-Price <br /> Naomi Flynn || [[Juliet Rylance]] <br /> Maureen Sebastian || Alison is ____. <br> Naomi is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Animal Kingdom (TV series)|Animal Kingdom]]'' || [[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]] || Deran Cody <br /> Adrian Dolan <br /> Janine "Smurf" Cody <br /> Mark Liston <br /> Linc || [[Jake Weary]] <br /> [[Spencer Treat Clark]] <br /> [[Ellen Barkin]] <br /> Andy Favreau <br /> Damon Erik Williams || Deran is in the closet in the beginning of the series but comes out to his family later on. <br /> Adrian is out. He and Deran are in a relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
| 2016– || ''[[Wynonna Earp (TV series)|Wynonna Earp]]'' || [[Syfy]] <br /> [[CHCH-DT]] <br /> [[Space (Canadian TV channel)|Space]] || Waverly Earp <br />Nicole Haught <br />Jeremy Chetri <br />Robin || [[Dominique Provost-Chalkley]] <br />[[Katherine Barrell]] <br />Varun Saranga <br />[[Justin Kelly (actor)|Justin Kelly]] || Waverly, the younger sister of Wynonna, had a boyfriend until she met Nicole Haught. She was caught off guard by her attraction towards her. <br /> Nicole Haught, a lesbian, is a deputy sheriff and was immediately captivated by Waverly. The two build a friendship which eventually becomes romantic. <br /> Waverly and Nicole Haught as a couple are known by the [[Fan (person)|fan]] [[portmanteau]] "Wayhaught".<ref></ref> <br /> Jeremy is gay. <br /> Robin is gay and gets involved with Jeremy in Season 3. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Hunters (TV series)|Hunters]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Dylan Briggs || [[Mark Coles Smith]] || Briggs had a lover killed by the hunters. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || '''' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Sven || Ulric von der Esch || Sven's feelings for Mrs. Durrell are being used to hide his homosexuality. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Damien (TV series)|Damien]]'' || [[A&E (TV channel)|A&E]] || James Shay <br /> Patrick|| [[David Meunier]] <br /> [[Michael Therriault]] || James and Patrick appear to be in a long-term committed relationship. They have a son, Jacob. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Marcella (TV series)|Marcella]]'' || [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] || Matthew Neil <br /> Yann Hall <br /> Cara Thomas <br> Alex Dier <br> Sascha Kyte <br> Jojo Baines || [[Ben Cura]] <br /> [[Tobias Santelmann]] <br /> [[Florence Pugh]] <br> [[Charlie Covell]] <br> Victoria Broom <br> [[Tamzin Malleson]] || Matthew is ____. <br> Yann is ____. <br> Cara is ____. <br> Alex is an [[Androgyny|androgynous]] woman. Her demeanor suggests she's lesbian, although her sexual preference has not been mentioned in the series.<ref></ref> <br> Sascha is a lesbian. <br> Jojo is lesbian and the partner of Sascha Kyte.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2018 || ''[[Hap and Leonard (TV series)|Hap and Leonard]]'' || [[SundanceTV]] || Leonard Pine <br /> Raoul || [[Michael K. Williams]] <br /> [[Enrique Murciano]] || Leonard is gay. <br /> Raoul is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017 || '''' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Margot Bishop <br /> Felicity <br /> Shawn <br /> Rhys Bishop <br /> Jamison || [[Sonya Walger]] <br /> [[Shivani Ghai]] <br /> Caleb Smith <br /> [[John Simm]] <br /> Nick Hounslow || Margot (bisexual) and Felicity (bisexual) have an affair. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || '''' || [[Starz (TV channel)|Starz]] || Christine Reade <br /> Avery Suhr || [[Riley Keough]] <br /> [[Kate Lyn Sheil]] || In a scene in an early episode of the series, Christine and Avery spend one night together while temporary flatmates. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Heartbeat (2016 TV series)|Heartbeat]]'' || [[NBC]] || Max Eliott || [[Joshua Leonard]] || Max is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Slasher (TV series)|Slasher]]'' || [[Super Channel (Canada)|Super Channel]] (season 1)<br />[[Netflix]] || Robin Turner <br /> Justin Faysal <br /> Antoine <br /> Renée <br /> Glenn Morgan/Benny Ironside || [[Christopher Jacot]] <br /> [[Mark Ghanimé]] <br /> [[Christopher Jacot]] <br /> [[Joanne Vannicola]] <br /> [[Ty Olsson]] || Robin is ____. <br> Justin is ____. <br> Antoine is ____. <br> Renée is ____. <br> Glenn/Benny is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || '''' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Willa Warren <br /> Bridey Cruz || [[Alison Pill]] <br /> [[Floriana Lima]] || Willa is ____. <br> Bridey is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || '''' || [[BBC One]]<br />[[SundanceTV]] || Tom Clarke || Matt Greenwood || Tom is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2018 || '''' || [[BBC One]] || Major Lance "Corky" Corkoran || [[Tom Hollander]] || Lance is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Recovery Road (TV series)|Recovery Road]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Vern Testaverde || [[Daniel Franzese]] || Vern is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016–2017 || '''' || [[MTV]] (season 1)<br />[[Spike (TV network)|Spike]] || Eretria <br /> Princess Lyria || [[Ivana Baquero]] <br /> [[Vanessa Morgan]] || Eretria is bisexual. She may have romantic feelings for Amberle in season 1. <br /> Princess Lyria was in a relationship with Eretria in season 2.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2016 || ''[[Crashing (UK TV series)|Crashing]]'' || [[Channel 4]] || Fred <br /> Sam <br /> Will || Amit Shah <br /> [[Jonathan Bailey (actor)|Jonathan Bailey]] <br /> Lachie Chapman || Fred is ____. <br> Sam is ____. <br> Will is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2016– || ''[[Lucifer (TV series)|Lucifer]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] (seasons 1–3) <br /> [[Netflix]] (seasons 4–5) || Lucifer Morningstar <br /> Mazikeen <br /> Eve || [[Tom Ellis (actor)|Tom Ellis]] <br /> [[Lesley-Ann Brandt]] <br /> [[Inbar Lavi]] || Lucifer is bisexual.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Maze is pansexual.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Eve may be bisexual. She is a widow (her husband was Adam) and is focused on Lucifer, but she's also open to playing around with females. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2016– || ''[[Legends of Tomorrow]]'' || [[The CW|CW]] || [[Sara Lance|Sara Lance/White Canary]] <br />[[Obsidian (comics)|Todd Rice/Obsidian]] <br />Lindsay Carlisle <br />Anne (Queen of France) <br />Guinevere <br />[[Alex Danvers]] <br />[[Captain Cold|Citizen Cold]] <br />[[Ray (Ray Terrill)|Ray Terrill]] <br />[[John Constantine]] <br />Ava Sharpe <br />Gary Green ||[[Caity Lotz]] <br />[[Lance Henriksen]] <br />[[Ali Liebert]] <br />[[Rebecca Eady]] <br />[[Elyse Levesque]] <br />[[Chyler Leigh]] <br />[[Wentworth Miller]] <br />[[Russell Tovey]] <br />[[Matt Ryan (actor)|Matt Ryan]] <br />[[Jes Macallan]] <br />Adam Tsekhman || Sara is bisexual. <br /> Todd Rice is homosexual. <br > Lindsay Carlisle is a nurse featured in episode "Night of the Hawk", who upon meeting Sara realizes that she has feelings towards women, and they kiss. <br > In episode "Out of Time", Sara sleeps with Anne, who later consummates her marriage to the King of France. <br > Guinevere is an English queen featured in episode "Camelot/3000" who develops a crush on Sara and they kiss. <br > In the crossover episode "Crisis on Earth-X, Part Four", Alex Danvers from ''[[Supergirl (TV series)]]'' has a one-night stand with Sara. <br /> Leonard Snart's doppelgänger, Citizen Cold, from Earth-X (another Earth) is gay and appears to be in a relationship with superhero Ray Terrill. <br> Ray Terrill is gay. <br /> John Constantine is bisexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Ava enters into a relationship with Sara Lance. In episode "Beebo the God of War", Ava says she's 'not the husband type', suggesting that she is a lesbian. <br /> Gary appears to be bisexual, evidenced by his interest in both Ava and Constantine. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2016– || ''[[Billions (TV series)|Billions]]'' || [[Showtime (TV network)|Showtime]] || Tara Mohr <br /> Donnie Caan <br /> Taylor Mason <br /> Walter || Annapurna Sriram <br /> [[David Cromer]] <br /> [[Asia Kate Dillon]] <br /> [[Matthew Humphreys]] || Tara Mohr is a lesbian. After a cocaine-snorting lesbian sex tryst that was secretly videotaped, she was blackmailed into spying on her employer. She was not seen again in the series after being caught snooping by a coworker. <br /> Donnie Caan was closeted until he met Walter. They are married. <br /> Taylor Mason is the first [[non-binary|gender neutral]] character on mainstream American television. <br /> Walter is the husband of Donnie Caan. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2016–2018 || ''[[Shades of Blue (TV series)|Shades of Blue]]'' || [[NBC]] || Lieutenant Matt Wozniak <br /> Donnie Pomp <br /> Nate Wozniak || [[Ray Liotta]] <br /> [[Michael Esper]] <br /> Cameron Scoggins || Wozniak is bisexual and the corrupt commander of the 64th Precinct, and the main target in an FBI anti-corruption investigation. He engages in random hook-ups with men that he meets in bars. He has a wife and hides his bisexuality from everyone. He also secretly dated Internal Affairs Lieutenant Donnie Pomp. <br /> Wozniak's son Nate is introduced in season 2. He has a boyfriend named Jay. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2016–2019 || ''[[Shadowhunters (TV series)|Shadowhunters]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || [[Alec Lightwood]] <br /> [[Magnus Bane]] <br /> [[List of The Mortal Instruments characters#Raphael Santiago|Raphael Santiago]] <br /> Meliorn <br /> Olivia (Ollie) Wilson <br /> Samantha <br /> Aline Penhallow <br /> Helen Blackthorn <br /> Underhill <br> Lorenzo Rey || [[Matthew Daddario]] <br /> [[Harry Shum, Jr.]] <br /> [[David Castro (actor)|David Castro]] <br> Jade Hassouné <br /> [[Alexandra Ordolis]] <br /> Tara Joshi <br /> Eileen Li / Jacky Lai <br /> Sydney Meyer <br /> [[Steve Byers]] <br /> [[Javier Muñoz (actor)|Javier Muñoz]] || Alec is gay. During season 1 he struggles with his attraction to men, especially after he meets Magnus, but eventually comes out as gay by kissing Magnus in front of his family. The two enter a serious relationship. <br /> Magnus is openly bisexual and a High Warlock. He has been in relationships with both men and women in the past. He is now in a committed relationship with Alec. <br /> Raphael is asexual and a Vampire. Though he is romantically attracted to Isabelle Lightwood, he told her that sex is not something he is interested in. <br> Meliorn is bisexual, as Seelies are generally bisexual. <br /> Olivia is an out lesbian and Luke Garroway's new detective partner at the precinct. She is in a relationship with Samantha. <br /> Samantha is Ollie's girlfriend. <br /> Aline is a closeted lesbian and a Shadowhunter. She becomes involved with Helen Blackthorn. <br> Helen is bisexual and a half-Shadowhunter/half-Seelie. She starts a relationship with Aline. <br /> Underhill is gay and a Shadowhunter. He comes out to Alec and said Alec's coming out and openness about his relationship with Magnus inspired him. <br /> In the series finale, it is hinted that Lorenzo may not be straight. <br /> <ref></ref><ref></ref><ref name="Ordolis">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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| 2016– || ''[[Degrassi: Next Class]]'' || [[Family Channel (Canadian TV network)|Family Channel]] || [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Miles Hollingsworth III]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Zoe Rivas]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Tristan Milligan]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Vijay Maraji]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Yael Baron]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Rasha Zuabi]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Esme Song]] <br /> [[List of Degrassi: Next Class characters|Francesca "Frankie" Hollingsworth]] || Eric Osborne <br /> [[Ana Golja]] <br /> Lyle Lettau <br /> Dante Scott <br /> Jamie Bloch <br /> Dalia Yegavian <br /> Chelsea Clark <br /> Sara Waisglass || Miles is bisexual. <br /> Zoe is a lesbian. <br /> Tristan is gay. <br /> Vijay is gay. <br /> Yael is non-binary/genderqueer and uses they/them pronouns. <br /> Rasha is a lesbian. <br /> Esme and Frankie enter a polyamorous relationship with Zig. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2016– || ''[[Stranger Things]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Robin || [[Maya Hawke]] || Robin is lesbian. Steve Harrington thought Robin was into him when they were in high school, but she came out when she revealed that the reason she hung around him was another girl, Tammy Thompson. She had wanted Tammy to gaze at her the way she stared at Steve. (Set in the 1980s, the word lesbian or gay is not mentioned in the episode's dialog).<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br> Robin, introduced in season 3, is the first non-straight character to be included in the series.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[The End of the F***ing World]]'' || [[Channel 4]] <br> [[Netflix]] || Eunice Noon <br> Teri Darego ||[[Gemma Whelan]] <br> [[Wunmi Mosaku]]|| DC Noon is a lesbian. <br> DC Darego is a lesbian. <br> Noon and Darego are police force partners.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Creeped Out]]'' || [[CBBC]] <br /> [[Family Channel (Canadian TV network)|Family Channel]] || Mrs. Tuthill <br> Mrs. Tuthill || Andrea Grant <br /> {uncredited} || In episode "Kindlesticks" (1x09), Esme promises to babysit twins Sissy and Missy while their same-sex parents go out that night. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[The Sinner (TV series)|The Sinner]]'' || [[USA Network]] || Heather Novack || [[Natalie Paul]] || Detective Novack is an out lesbian.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Dark (TV series)|Dark]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Peter Doppler <br> Agnes Nielsen <br> Doris Tiedemann <br> Bernadette Wöller|| [[Stephan Kampwirth]] <br> [[Antje Traue]] <br> [[Luise Heyer]] <br> || Peter is a closeted homosexual who has not come to terms with his orientation.<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> In 1953, Agnes and Doris were secret lovers.<ref></ref> <br>Bernadette is a trans woman.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
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|2017–2018 || ''[[Prison Playbook]]''|| [[tvN]] || Yoo Han Yang ("Looney") <br /> Song Ji Won || Lee Kyu Hyung <br /> Kim Joon Han || Han Yang is gay. <br> Ji Won is gay and Han Yang's boyfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Money Heist]] (La Casa de Papel)'' || [[Antena 3 (Spain)|Antena 3]] <br> [[Netflix]] || Helsinki <br /> Palermo || Darko Peric <br /> Rodrigo de la Serna || Helsinki is ____. <br> Palermo is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[Borderliner]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Nikolai Andreassen <br /> Kristoffer Lund || [[Tobias Santelmann]] <br /> Morten Svartveit || Nikolai, the lead character, is closeted and has a secret boyfriend, Kristoffer.<ref></ref>
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|2017–2019 || ''[[She's Gotta Have It (TV series)|She's Gotta Have It]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Nola Darling <br /> Opal Gilstrap || [[DeWanda Wise]] <br /> [[Ilfenesh Hadera]] || Nola describes herself as a pansexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Opal is a lesbian in a relationship with Nola.<ref></ref>
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| 2017 || ''[[The Frozen Dead (TV series)|The Frozen Dead]]'' || [[M6 (TV channel)|M6]] || Irène Ziegler <br /> Greta || [[Julia Piaton]] <br /> [[Sophie Guillemin]] || Ziegler is openly lesbian and the captain of the St. Martin detective squad.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Greta is Ziegler's [[significant other|partner]] and owner of a local inn where they reside together.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[S.W.A.T. (2017 TV series)|S.W.A.T]]'' || [[CBS]] || Christina "Chris" Alonso || [[Lina Esco]] || Officer III Alonso comes out as bisexual in episode "Homecoming" (1.07) when she says: "I love men. And I also love women. Why does a girl have to choose?"<ref></ref> <br /> She enters into a [[Polyamory|polyamorous]] relationship with _____ and _____ in season 2 (episode 6). Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Gone (TV series)|Gone]]'' || [[NBC]] || James || [[Andy Mientus]] || James was kicked out of his home after his father found out that he was gay and later got kidnapped because of it.<ref></ref>
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|2017 || ''[[Godless (TV series)|Godless]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Marie Agnes MacNue <br /> Callie Dunne || [[Merritt Weaver]] <br /> [[Tess Frazer]] || Mary Agnes is bisexual. The widow of the town's mayor, she wears her husband's clothes and is in a same-sex relationship with the town's schoolteacher, Callie Dunne.<ref></ref> <br /> Callie is a lesbian and the town's teacher. She was a prostitute in La Belle's brothel before it was turned into a school.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Runaways (TV series)|Runaways]]'' || [[Hulu]] || [[Karolina Dean]] <br />[[Nico Minoru]]||[[Virginia Gardner]] <br />[[Lyrica Okano]]|| Karolina is a lesbian and an alien descendant with superpowers.<ref></ref> <br /> Nico Minoru is bisexual. Formerly in a relationship with Alex Wilder, now reciprocates Karolina's attraction for her.<ref></ref>
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|2017–2019 || ''[[The Punisher (TV series)|The Punisher]]'' || [[Netflix]] || David Schuhltz <br /> Quentin Glass || Todd Alan Crain <br /> [[Will Patton]] || David is a U.S. senator and closeted homosexual. <br /> Quentin is _____ and the right hand man of Howards Saint. <!--Why is Saint mentioned??--> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017–2019 || ''[[Andi Mack]]'' || [[Disney Channel]] || [[Cyrus Goodman]] <br> TJ Kippen || [[Joshua Rush]] <br> [[Luke Mullen]] || Cyrus first comes out when he tells Buffy Driscoll that he had a crush on Jonah Beck. Later he tells Andi that she's not the only one who likes Jonah because he likes him, too. Eventually his feelings for Jonah subside and he comes out to him when he says he's gay. <br> TJ's gay orientation is confirmed in the final episode of the series, when he and Cyrus become a couple.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> <br> ''Andi Mack'' is the first Disney Channel series with a character that comes out as gay.<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Mindhunter (TV series)|Mindhunter]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Wendy Carr <br /> Annaliese Stilman || [[Anna Torv]] <br /> [[Lena Olin]] || Dr. Wendy Carr, a psychologist at a Boston university, is a [[closeted]] lesbian in a relationship with Dr. Stilman, the head of Wendy's university department. <br /> Annaliese is more open about who she and Wendy are to each other.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Suburra: Blood on Rome]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Alberto "Spadino" Anacleti || Giacomo Ferrara || Spadino is a gay man whose traditional family forces him into accepting a sham straight marriage.<ref></ref>
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|2017–2018 || ''[[Ghost Wars (TV series)|Ghost Wars]]'' || [[Syfy]] || Val McGrath-Dufresne <br /> Marilyn McGrath-Dufresne || [[Luvia Petersen]] <br /> [[Kristin Lehman]] || Val (the mayor of Port Moore) and Marilyn (the town doctor) are lesbians and married to each other.<ref></ref>
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|2017–2018 || ''[[Valor (TV series)|Valor]]'' || [[The CW]] || Thea <br /> Zoe Cho || [[Melissa Roxburgh]] <br /> Chelle Ramos || Thea is a closeted bisexual CIA agent. She has two short-term relationships with a female soldier named SSG Zoe Cho in Episode #3, and male pilot CPT Leland Gallo in Episode #7.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Dynasty (2017 TV series)|Dynasty]]'' || [[The CW]]<br />[[Netflix]] || [[Steven Carrington]] <br /> [[Sam Jones (Dynasty)|Sam "Sammy Jo" Jones]] || [[James Mackay (actor)|James Mackay]] <br /> [[Rafael de la Fuente]] || Steven has a one-night stand with Sam in the pilot episode. <br /> Sam is the nephew of Cristal Flores (in the original series the character was female). He is "a cute schemer" and helps himself to some of the cash in Steven's pocket during their one-night stand. <br /> Later, Steven and Sam realize that Cristal is Steven's new stepmother. <br /> This series is the remake of the 1980s series of the same name. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Star Trek: Discovery]]'' || [[CBS All Access]]<br />[[Netflix]] || Paul Stamets <br /> Hugh Culber || [[Anthony Rapp]] <br /> [[Wilson Cruz]] || Paul and Hugh are gay men and in a loving relationship.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2017–2019 || ''[[The Deuce (TV series)|The Deuce]]'' || [[HBO]] || Paul || [[Chris Coy]] || Paul is gay and a bartender at Vincent Martino's bar, the Hi-Hat.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[The Orville]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] ||Bortus <br /> Klyden || [[Peter Macon]] <br /> [[Chad Coleman|Chad L. Coleman]] || Bortus and Klyden are mates and members of an alien race, the Moclans, where homosexuality is the norm among their species.<ref></ref>
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|2017 || ''[[Man in an Orange Shirt]]'' ||[[BBC Two]] || Thomas March <br /> Michael Berryman <br /> Adam Berryman <br /> Steve || [[James McArdle]] <br /> [[Oliver Jackson-Cohen]] <br /> [[Julian Morris]] <br /> [[David Gyasi]] || The story of two gay relationships set in different eras: Thomas and Michael during the 1940s, and Adam and Steve in the present.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Mr. Mercedes (TV series)|Mr. Mercedes]]'' || [[Audience]] || Lou Linklatter || Breeda Wool || Lou is a butch lesbian subjected to overt homophobia.<ref></ref>
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|2017–2018 || ''[[Midnight, Texas]]'' || [[NBC]] || Joe Strong <br /> Chuy Strong <br /> Walker Chisum || [[Jason Lewis (actor)|Jason Lewis]] <br /> Bernardo Saracino <br /> Josh Kelly || Joe is gay and a fallen angel. <br /> Chuy is half-demon and Joe's husband. <br /> Walker is gay. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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||2017– || ''[[Ozark (TV series)|Ozark]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Roy Petty <br /> Russ Langmore || [[Jason Butler Harner]] <br /> Marc Menchaca || Roy is ____. <br> Russ is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[The Bold Type]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Adena El-Amin <br /> Kat Edison <br /> Leila/Lelia <br /> Tia Clayton || [[Nikohl Boosheri]] <br /> [[Aisha Dee]] <br /> Katerina Tannembaum <br /> Alexis Floyd || Adena is a lesbian Muslim feminist and professional photographer who begins a romance with Kat.<ref></ref> <br /> Kat realizes she's bisexual when she falls in love with Adena.<ref></ref> <br /> Leila is Adena's ex. <br /> Tia is ___?___. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[Will (TV series)|Will]]'' || [[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]] || [[Christopher Marlowe]] <br /> Thomas Walsingham || [[Jamie Campbell Bower]] <br /> Edward Hayter || Christopher is ____. <br> Thomas is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[Gypsy (TV series)|Gypsy]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Jean Holloway <br />Sidney Pierce <br />Dolly Holloway ||[[Naomi Watts]] <br />[[Sophie Cookson]] <br />Maren Heary || Jean is bisexual, married to a man, and becomes obsessed with Sidney.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Sidney is bisexual and the former girlfriend of one of Jean's male patients.<ref></ref> <br /> Dolly is Jean's daughter and may be lesbian or transgender.<ref></ref>
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|2017 || ''[[Blood Drive (TV series)|Blood Drive]]'' || [[SyFy]] || The Scholar <br /> The Gentleman || Darren Kent <br /> Andrew James Hall || The Scholar is ____. <br> The Gentleman is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[The Mist (TV series)|The Mist]]'' || [[Spike (TV channel)|Spike]] || Adrian Garf <br /> Tyler Denton || Russell Posner <br /> Christopher Gray || Adrian is pansexual. <br /> Tyler is deeply in the closet. <br /> Adrian and Tyler have a brief relationship before things drive them apart. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Las chicas del cable]] (Cable Girls)'' || [[Netflix]] || Carlota Rodríguez de Senillosa <br /> Sara Millán/Oscar Ruiz || [[Ana Fernández García|Ana Fernández]] <br /> Ana Polvorosa || Carlota is bisexual. <br> Sara/Oscar is a bisexual trans man who falls in love with Carlota.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Carlota and Sara have a [[Polyamory|polyamorous]] relationship together with Carlota's husband, Miguel.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Ackley Bridge]]'' || [[Channel 4]] || Nasreen Paracha <br /> Lila Shariff <br /> Naveed Haider <br> Sam Murgatroyd <br /> Cory Wilson || [[Amy-Leigh Hickman]] <br /> Anneika Rose <br> Gurjeet Singh <br> Megan Parkinson <br /> Sam Retford || Nasreen comes out to her mother as a lesbian and tells her she's in love with another woman (series 1, episode 5). <br> Lila is a lesbian and Nasreen's science teacher. <br> Nasreen and Lila become involved in a relationship for a short while. <br> Naveed is gay. He and Nasreen were engaged as part of a sham marriage to hide their homosexuality. <br> Sam is lesbian and Nasreen's girlfriend. <br /> Cory is Naveed's best friend and is questioning his orientation. In series 2, episode 5, he and Naveed kissed and slept together. Afterwards he said he was lucky to have Naveed in his life (series 2, episode 10). Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Claws (TV series)|Claws]]'' || [[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]] || Quiet Ann <br /> Uncle Daddy <br /> Toby || [[Judy Reyes]] <br /> [[Dean Norris]] <br /> Evan Daigle|| Quiet Ann is ____. <br> Uncle Daddy is ____. <br> Toby is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[Daytime Divas]]'' || [[VH1]] || Kibby Ainsley || [[Chloe Bridges]] || Kibby is bisexual. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[American Gods (TV series)|American Gods]]'' || [[Starz (TV channel)|Starz]] || [[Bilquis]] <br /> [[Jinn]] <br /> Salim <br> Samantha ("Sam") Black Crow || [[Yetide Badaki]] <br /> [[Mousa Kraish]] <br /> [[Omid Abtahi]] <br> [[Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs|Devery Jacobs]] || Bilquis is pansexual and a goddess. <br> Jinn is gay. <br> Salim is gay. Jinn and Salim become romantically involved. <br> Sam is lesbian.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Dear White People (TV series)|Dear White People]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Lionel Higgins <br /> Silvio Romo <br /> Neika Hobbs <br /> Monique <br /> Conner <br /> Kelsey Phillips <br /> Wesley Alvarez <br /> P. Ninny || DeRon Horton <br /> D.J. Blickenstaff <br /> [[Nia Long]] <br /> Zee James <br /> Luke O'Sullivan <br /> Nia Jervier <br /> Rudy Martinez <br /> [[Lena Waithe]] || Lionel is a gay main character. <br /> Silvio is gay and Lionel's love interest. <br /> Neika and Monique are a lesbian couple. <br /> Conner is a conflicted gay man. <br /> In season 2, episode 4, Kelsey tells Coco that she's a [[Lesbian#Sexuality and lesbian identity|"gold star" lesbian]].<ref name=bowen29></ref> <br /> Wesley is gay and Lionel's love interest. <br /> P. Ninny is a butch lesbian character in a [[Story within a story|show within the show]] who at first denies her sexual orientation but later admits that she is.<ref name=bowen29 /> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || '''' || [[Hulu]] || Moira <br /> Emily <br /> Sylvia <br /> Peter <br /> Dan <br /> Odette || [[Samira Wiley]] <br /> [[Alexis Bledel]] <br /> [[Clea DuVall]] <br /> [[Ben Lewis (actor)|Ben Lewis]] <br /> [[John Carroll Lynch]] <br /> [[Rebecca Rittenhouse]] || Moira had a girlfriend "before".<ref></ref> <br /> Emily and Sylvia were married and had a kid "before". Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[APB (TV series)|APB]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Tasha Goss || Tamberla Perry || Tasha is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Prison Break (season 5)|Prison Break: Resurrection]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Sid <br /> A&W || Kunal Sharma <br /> [[Marina Benedict]] || Sid is ____. <br> A&W is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017–2018 || ''[[Famous in Love]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Alexis Glenn <br /> Rachel Davis || Niki Koss <br /> [[Katelyn Tarver]] || Alexis is bisexual and has an affair with Rachel. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Feud (TV series)|Feud]]'' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || [[Victor Buono]] || [[Dominic Burgess]] || Victor is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || '' [[Charité (TV series)|Charité]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Sister Therese <br> Otto Marquardt <br> Martin Schelling || Klara Deutschmann <br> Jannik Schümann <br> Jacob Matschenz || Therese is lesbian. <br> Otto is gay.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Martin is gay.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[13 Reasons Why]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Courtney Crimsen <br /> Todd Crimsen <br /> Steve Crimsen <br /> Ryan Shaver <br /> Tony Padilla <br /> Brad <br /> Caleb <br /> Tamika <br /> Montgomery "Monty" de la Cruz <br /> Winston Williams || Michele Selene Ang <br /> [[Robert Gant]] <br /> Alex Quijano <br /> [[Tommy Dorfman]] <br /> [[Christian Navarro]] <br /> [[Henry Zaga]] <br /> R.J. Brown <br /> Clarke Hollingsworth <br /> Timothy Granaderos <br /> Deaken Bluman || Courtney is a lesbian. She was closeted until the finale episode of season 2 ("Bye"), when she came out to her adoptive gay parents.<ref name=brabaw></ref> <br> Todd and Steve are gay and Courtney's parents. <br /> Ryan told Hannah he was gay in season 1, episode 8. <br /> Tony used to date Ryan and now he's dating Brad (episode 8). <br /> Brad is gay. <br> Caleb is _____. <br> Tamika is Courtney's girlfriend.<ref name=brabaw /> <br /> Monty is gay. He has sex with Winston. <br> Winston is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[When We Rise]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || [[Cleve Jones]] <br /> (young) [[Cleve Jones]] <br /> [[Roma Guy]] <br /> (young) [[Roma Guy]] <br /> Diane <br /> (young) Diane <br /> [[Ken Jones (activist)|Ken Jones]] <br /> (young) Ken Jones <br /> Matt <br /> Michael <br /> [[Pat Norman (activist)|Pat Norman]] <br /> [[Del Martin]] <br /> [[Phyllis Lyon]] <br /> Jean <br /> [[Cecilia Chung]] <br /> Scott <br /> [[José Sarria]] <br /> [[Bobbi Jean Baker]] <br /> [[Anne Kronenberg]] <br /> [[Sally Miller Gearhart|Sally Gearhart]] || [[Guy Pearce]] <br /> [[Austin P. McKenzie]] <br /> [[Mary-Louise Parker]] <br /> [[Emily Skeggs]] <br /> [[Rachel Griffiths]] <br /> [[Fiona Dourif]] <br /> [[Michael K. Williams]] <br /> [[Jonathan Majors]] <br /> [[Tyler Young (actor)|Tyler Young]] <br /> [[Charlie Carver]] <br /> [[Whoopi Goldberg]] <br /> [[Rosie O'Donnell]] <br /> [[Maddie Corman]] <br /> [[Caitlin Gerard]] <br /> [[Ivory Aquino]] <br /> [[Nick Eversman]] <br /> [[Michael DeLorenzo]] <br /> [[Jazzmun]] <br /> [[Britt Irvin]] <br /> [[Carrie Preston]] || Cleve Jones is Gay and an [[AIDS]] activist. <br /> Roma Guy is a feminist [[Lesbian]] and social justice activist. <br /> Ken Jones is a Gay activist. <br /> Pat Norman is a Lesbian activist, founder of the Lesbian Mothers Union and first openly gay employee of the [[San Francisco Health Department]]. <br /> Del Martin is a feminist Lesbian and activist, and co-founder of ''[[Daughters of Bilitis]]''. <br /> Phyllis Lyon is a feminist Lesbian and activist, and co-founder of ''Daughters of Bilitis''. <br /> Cecilia Chung is a [[trans woman]] and political activist. <br /> José Sarria is a Gay political activist and founder of the [[Imperial Court System]]. <br /> Bobbi Jean Baker is a [[transgender]] activist. <br /> Anne Kronenberg is the campaign manager for [[Harvey Milk]] and his aide on the [[San Francisco Board of Supervisors]]. <br /> Sally Gearhart is a feminist Lesbian and political activist. <br /> <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> <br /> The miniseries is about the growth of the [[LGBT]] civil rights movement in San Francisco, and America, from the 1970s until the 2010s, with characters based on actual persons.
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|2017– || ''[[Legion (TV series)|Legion]]'' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || Lenny Busker <br /> Clark || [[Aubrey Plaza]] <br /> [[Hamish Linklater]] || Lenny is ____. <br> Clark has a husband and a child.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || '''' || [[CBS All Access]] || Maia Rindell <br /> Amy Breslin || [[Rose Leslie]] <br /> [[Heléne Yorke]] || Maia is lesbian.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Amy is Maia's girlfriend.<ref></ref>
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|2017 || ''[[24 Legacy]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Andy Shalowitz <br /> Thomas Locke || [[Dan Bucatinsky]] <br /> [[Bailey Chase]] || Andy Shalowitz is openly gay. He is a communication analyst at CTU. <br /> Thomas Locke is closeted and implied to be gay or bisexual. He is a CTU agent and the head of field operations. Andy and Thomas had a short tryst (off-camera) some time prior to the series which Thomas abruptly ended out of fear of his sexual orientation being discovered.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Mary Kills People]]'' || [[Global Television Network|Global]] || Jess <br /> Naomi || Abigail Winter <br /> Katie Douglas || Jess is ____. <br> Naomi is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Taboo (2017 TV series)|Taboo]]'' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || Godfrey || [[Edward Hogg]] || Godfrey is secretary at the East India Company and lives in a London [[Molly House]]. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || '''' || [[ITV (TV channel)|ITV]] || Toby Hamilton <br /> Adil Joshi || [[Edward Bluemel]] <br /> Akshay Kumar || Toby is the younger son of the family who owns the titular hotel. <br /> Adil and Toby have feelings for each other. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Riverdale (2017 TV series)|Riverdale]]'' || [[The CW]] || [[Kevin Keller (comics)|Kevin Keller]] <br />Moose Mason <br />Joaquin <br />Toni Topaz <br />[[Cheryl Blossom]] <br /> Fangs Fogarty <br /> Chic <br /> Peaches 'N Cream || [[Casey Cott]] <br /> Cody Kearsley <br /> Rob Raco <br /> [[Vanessa Morgan]] <br /> [[Madelaine Petsch]] <br /> Drew Ray Tanner <br /> Hart Denton <br /> Bernadette Beck || Kevin is openly gay and had relationships with Moose and Joaquin; he also hooked up with a jogger (Chris Carson) while [[cruising for sex|cruising]].<ref name="GayTimes-Riverdale"></ref> <br /> Moose is either gay or bisexual. He was in a relationship with Kevin and dated Midge.<ref name="GayTimes-Riverdale"/><ref></ref> <br> Joaquin has been described as gay. He becomes romantically involved with Kevin.<ref name="GayTimes-Riverdale"/><ref></ref> <br /> Toni is bisexual and in a relationship with Cheryl. She kissed Jughead, but later stated she preferred girls. She almost had a threesome with Sweet Pea and Peaches.<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br /> Cheryl is lesbian and in a relationship with Toni. She has described herself as "openly lesbian" in the series. (Although fans, and actress Madelaine Petsch, had previously thought Cheryl might be bisexual, in part due to showing attraction for Archie in season 1, Petsch later described Cheryl as "definitely a lesbian".)<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Fangs is either gay or bisexual. He and Kevin kissed and participated in what appeared to be a marriage-like ceremony on The Farm.<ref></ref><ref></ref> Fangs and Kevin went to the prom together.<ref></ref> <br /> Chic's sexuality is never mentioned, but there are hints that he may be pansexual. Denton stated that "Chic loves anything and everything, he's all about everybody".<ref></ref><ref name="GayTimes-Riverdale"/> <br /> Peaches has been described as "queer". She almost participated in a threesome with Toni and Sweet Pea.<ref></ref>
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|2017– || ''[[Harlots (TV series)|Harlots]]'' || [[ITV Encore]]<br />[[Hulu]] || Margaret Wells <br /> Charlotte Wells <br /> Nancy Birch <br /> Violet Cross <br /> Amelia Scanwell <br /> Prince Rasselas <br /> Lady Isabella Fitzwilliam || [[Samantha Morton]] <br /> [[Jessica Brown Findlay]] <br /> [[Kate Fleetwood]] <br /> Rosalind Eleazar <br /> Jordon Stevens <br /> [[Josef Altin]] <br /> [[Liv Tyler]] || Margaret is bisexual. She and William North are common law wife and husband, and she reciprocates Nancy Birch's interest in her. <br /> Charlotte is bisexual, and she has both male and female love interests in the first two seasons. <br /> Nancy is a lesbian. She kisses Margaret in season two, and it is revealed that she considers Margaret her true love. <br /> Violet and Amelia are in a romantic relationship.<ref></ref> <br /> Prince Rasselas is a "[[Molly house|molly boy]]" and lives with his male partner. <br /> Lady Isabella is Charlotte's love interest in season two. <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017 || ''[[Emerald City (TV series)|Emerald City]]'' || [[NBC]] || The Witch of the West || [[Ana Ularu]] || The Witch is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017–2019 || '''' || [[Netflix]] || Charles <br /> Sir <br /> Jerome Squalor <br /> Babs || [[Rhys Darby]] <br /> [[Don Johnson]] <br /> [[Tony Hale]] <br /> [[Kerri Kenney-Silver|Kerri Kenney]] || Charles is gay and in a relationship with Sir. <br /> Sir is gay and partner of Charles in both business and marriage. <br /> Jerome is bisexual. <br /> Babs is lesbian. She said she found a new lover but "she's in prison". <br /><ref></ref> <br /> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[One Day at a Time (2017 TV series)|One Day at a Time]]'' || [[Netflix]] (S1–3) <br> [[Pop (American TV channel)|Pop]] (S4) || Elena Alvarez <br /> Ramona <br /> Syd ||[[Isabella Gomez]] <br /> [[Judy Reyes]] <br /> Sheridan Pierce || Elena is lesbian and the teenage daughter in the family, she comes out during the series first season.<ref></ref> <br /> Ramona is lesbian. <br /> Syd is non-binary. Syd is befriended by Elena and they eventually date.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Atypical (TV series)|Atypical]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Casey <br /> Izzie || Birgette Lundy-Paine <br /> [[Fivel Stewart]] || Casey and/or Izzie may be lesbian or bisexual. In season 2, Izzie and Casey almost kissed but were interrupted, at the end of the season they held hands in a car. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2017– || ''[[Anne with an E]]'' || [[CBC Television|CBC]] <br> [[Netflix]] || Josephine Barry <br> Cole Mackenzie || Deborah Grover <br> Cory Grüter-Andrew || Aunt Josephine is a lesbian. She had a long-term partner, Gertrude, now deceased. <br> It's implied that Cole is gay.<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''[[A Discovery of Witches (TV series)|A Discovery of Witches]]''|| [[Sky One]] || Sarah Bishop <br> Emily Mather || [[Alex Kingston]] <br> [[Valarie Pettiford]] || Sarah and Emily are a lesbian couple.<ref></ref>
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|2018 || ''[[The Innocents (TV series)|The Innocents]]''|| [[Netflix]] || Lil <br> Kam <br> Sigrid || [[Sabrina Bartlett]] <br> [[Abigail Hardingham]] <br> Lise Risom Olsen || Lil kisses June. (She may be lesbian or bisexual.) <br> Kam has a boyfriend, but is also involved with women. (She appears to be bisexual.) <br> Sigrid has feelings for a woman back home. (She may be lesbian or bisexual.) <br> <ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Insatiable (TV series)|Insatiable]]''|| [[Netflix]] || Bob Barnard <br> Bob Armstrong <br> Nonnie Thompson <br> Deborah "Dee" Marshall || [[Christopher Gorham]] <br> [[Dallas Roberts]] <br> Kimmy Shields <br> Ashley D. Kelley || Bob Barnard claims to enjoy sex with women but self-identifies as gay. He has been in love with Bob Armstrong since they were teenagers. <br> Bob Armstrong self-identifies as bisexual. He loves his wife Coralee, but realises that he also loves Bob Barnard. <br> Nonnie is a closeted lesbian. She was in love with best friend Patricia "Patty" Bladell (series main character), but eventually starts dating Dee. <br> Dee is a lesbian. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Vida (TV series)|Vida]]'' || [[Starz]] || Emma Hernandez <br> Eddy Martínez <br> Cruz <br> Sam || [[Mishel Prada]] <br> [[Ser Anzoategui]] <br> Maria-Elena Laas <br> Michelle Badillo || Emma is bisexual (she has sex with both women and men). <br> Eddy is a [[Butch and femme|butch]] lesbian and Vida's widow.<ref></ref> <br> Cruz is lesbian. <br> Sam is non-binary.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Condor (TV series)|Condor]]'' || [[Audience (TV network)|Audience]] || Sarah Tan <br> Sharla Shepard || [[Ellen Wong]] <br> [[Christina Moses]] || Sarah is ____. <br> Sharla is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[La casa de las flores|The House of Flowers]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Julián de la Mora <br> Diego <br> María José <br> Paulina de la Mora || Darío Yazbek Bernal <br> [[Juan Pablo Medina]] <br> [[Paco León]] <br> [[Cecilia Suárez]] || Julián is bisexual. He was in a relationship with a woman while secretly dating Diego. <br> Diego is gay.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> María José (formerly José María) is a transgender woman who was previously married to Paulina and had a son with her. <br> Although years have passed since their divorce, Paulina seems to still have feelings for María José, regardless of her gender. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Pose (TV series)|Pose]]'' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || Blanca Rodriguez-Evangelista <br> Angel Evangelista <br> Elektra Abundance <br> Pray Tell <br> Damon Richards-Evangelista <br> Ricky Evangelista <br> Candy Abundance <br> Lulu Abundance <br> Martinez 'Lil Papi' Evangelista || [[Mj Rodriguez]] <br> [[Indya Moore]] <br> [[Dominique Jackson (model)|Dominique Jackson]] <br> [[Billy Porter (entertainer)|Billy Porter]] <br> [[Ryan Jamaal Swain]] <br> [[Dyllón Burnside]] <br> [[Angelica Ross]] <br> [[Hailie Sahar]] <br> Angel Bismark Curiel || Blanca is a transgender woman.<ref name="AV-Pose-S1E1"></ref> <br> Angel is a transgender woman.<ref name="AV-Pose-S1E1"/> <br> Elektra is a transgender woman.<ref></ref> <br> Pray is gay.<ref name="them-Pose-blackgaylove"/> <br> Damon is gay.<ref name="AV-Pose-S1E1"/> <br> Ricky is gay and Damon's boyfriend.<ref name="them-Pose-blackgaylove"></ref> <br> Candy is a transgender woman.<ref name=LAWeekly-Pose></ref> <br> Lulu is a transgender woman.<ref name=LAWeekly-Pose/> <br> Lil Papi described himself as an "equal opportunity lover".<ref></ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018 || ''[[Picnic at Hanging Rock (TV series)|Picnic at Hanging Rock]]''|| [[Showcase (Australian TV channel)|Showcase (AU)]] || Michael Fitzhubert <br /> Irma Leopold <br /> Miranda Reid <br> Greta McGraw <br /> Marion Quade ||[[Harrison Gilbertson]] <br /> [[Samara Weaving]] <br> [[Lily Sullivan]] <br /> [[Anna McGahan]] <br /> [[Madeleine Madden]] || Michael is in love with Albert Crundall. <br> Irma kisses Miranda Reid. <br> Greta is a geography teacher whose father exiled her from home for being a lesbian. <br> Marion is lesbian. <br> Greta and Marion are in a relationship.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[SKAM Austin]]'' || [[Facebook Watch]] || Shay Dixon <br> Tyler Nunez || La'Keisha Slade <br> [[Giovanni Niubo]] || Shay is lesbian. She develops a crush on Megan, the girlfriend of her best friend (Marlon). <br> Tyler is gay and Shay's best friend. He has a boyfriend in season 2. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Safe (TV series)|Safe]]''|| [[Canal 8 (TV channel)|Canal 8]] <br /> [[Netflix]] || Pete Mayfield || [[Marc Warren]] || Pete is gay.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2018– || ''[[Sweetbitter (TV series)|Sweetbitter]]'' || [[Starz]] || Ariel ("Ari") <br /> Sasha || Eden Epstein <br /> Daniyar || Ariel is a lesbian and a womanizer.<ref></ref> <br /> Sasha is a gay Russian immigrant who befriends Tess.<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''[[Killing Eve]]'' || [[BBC America]] || Villanelle <br /> Bill Pargrave || [[Jodie Comer]] <br /> [[David Haig]] || Villanelle is a bisexual assassin.<ref></ref> <br /> Bill is bisexual, but was predominantly involved with men in the past. He chose to enter into a heterosexual marriage by arrangement because he wanted to father a child, and occasionally has sex with his wife who knows about his history with men. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[For the People (2018 TV series)|For the People]]'' || [[ABC Studios|ABC]] || Kate Littlejohn <br /> Anya Ooms || Susannah Flood <br /> [[Caitlin Stasey]] || Kate is lesbian and a prosecutor. <br /> Anya is lesbian and an ATF agent. <br /> Kate and Anya are involved romantically.<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''[[Krypton (TV series)|Krypton]]'' || [[SyFy]] || [[Adam Strange]] <br /> Nyssa-Vex || [[Shaun Sipos]] <br /> Wallis Day || Adam is human and might be gay or bisexual. In season 1 episode "House of Zod", a passing moment between him and another man suggested he may not be heterosexual.<ref></ref> <br /> Nyssa is bisexual and was in a same-sex relationship in the past.<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''[[Step Up: High Water]]'' ||[[YouTube Red]] ||Tal Baker <br /> Johnny One || Petrice Jones <br /> Al Calderon || Tal is ____ and a super talented dancer. He is a current student of High Water. <br /> Johnny One is ____ and a social media genius, benefiting from his computer programming skills. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[The Terror (TV series)|The Terror]]'' ||[[AMC (TV channel)|AMC]] || Cornelius Hickey <br /> William Gibson <br /> John Bridgens <br /> Henry Peglar || [[Adam Nagaitis]] <br /> Edward Ashley <br /> [[John Lynch (actor)|John Lynch]] <br /> Kevin Guthrie || Cornelius is the main antagonist of the show and has a secret relationship with William. Although they break up in episode 3 they remain close and still seem to have feelings for each other.<ref></ref> <br> William is ____. <br> John is ____. <br> Henry is ____. John and Henry are minor characters sharing a passion for literature. Their relationship is mostly implied. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Station 19 (TV series)|Station 19]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Travis Montgomery <br />Maya Bishop ||[[Jay Hayden]] <br />[[Danielle Savre]]|| Travis is the "heart" of the Fire Station, who acknowledged his husband during the pilot episode, and in episode 2 we find out his husband was a firefighter who died on the job. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br />Maya is revealed as bisexual in "Contain the Flame" (s1/e3) when she, Andy Herrera, and Victoria Hughes are kicking back on Andy's porch and when asked what she does for self-care, Maya responds that for her it's "lots of sex" with "a series of ladies and gents".<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''DRUCK'' || funk || Matteo Florenzi <br /> David Schreibner <br /> Hans Brecht <br /> Mia Winter || Michelangelo Fortuzzi <br /> Lukas Alexander von Horbatschewsky<br /> Florian Appelius <br /> Milena Tscharntke || Matteo is gay. <br /> David is a transgender boy and Matteo's boyfriend. <br /> Hans is gay. <br /> Mia is bisexual. She has dated a girl in the past. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Harrow (TV series)|Harrow]]'' ||[[ABC (Australian TV channel)|ABC]] || Simon Van Reyk || [[Remy Hii]] || Simon is Dr.Harrow's assistant and he has a boyfriend named David. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Instinct (2017 TV series)|Instinct]]'' ||[[CBS]] || Dylan Reinhart <br /> Andy Wilson|| [[Alan Cumming]]<br /> [[Daniel Ings]] || Dylan is gay. A former CIA operative-turned-university professor and best-selling author now helping the [[New York Police Department]]. <br /> Andy is gay. <br /> Dylan and Andy are married. <br> Dylan Reinhart is the first openly Gay lead character in an American prime time television drama.<ref></ref> (''[[HeartBeat (1988 TV series)|HeartBeat]]'' is the first American prime time drama series to include a main character that was openly Lesbian, and also in a lesbian relationship.)
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|2018 || ''[[Collateral (miniseries)|Collateral]]'' || [[BBC Two]] <br /> [[Netflix]] || Jane Oliver <br /> Linh Xuan Huy || [[Nicola Walker]] <br /> Kae Alexander || Jane is a [[Vicar (Anglicanism)|vicar]] in a lesbian relationship with an illegal immigrant, Linh Xuan Huy. <br /> Linh is Jane's lover.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
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|2018 || ''[[Life Sentence (TV series)|Life Sentence]]'' || [[The CW]] || Ida Abbott <br /> Poppy || [[Gillian Vigman]] <br /> Claudia Rocafort || Ida is bisexual. She leaves her husband to be with her friend, Poppy.<ref></ref> <br /> Poppy is Ida's girlfriend and Stella's godmother. <br> Poppy is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018 || ''[[Rise (U.S. TV series)|Rise]]'' || [[NBC]] || Simon Saunders <br /> Michael Hallowell <br /> Jeremy || Ted Sutherland <br /> Ellie Desautels <br /> [[Sean Grandillo]] || Simon is a closeted gay student raised by a very conservative religious family. <br /> Jeremy is Simon's co-star in the play, and potential love interest. <br /> Michael is transgender.<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Burden of Truth (TV series)|Burden of Truth]]'' || [[CBC Television|CBC]] || Molly Ross <br />Luna Spence || Sara Thompson <br />Star Slade || Molly is lesbian. <br />Luna is lesbian and a First Nation native. <br />Molly and Luna are in a relationship and attend the same high school. In season 1 episode "Witch Hunt" they go to the prom as a couple, holding hands as they enter and afterwards dance together. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018 || ''[[Seven Seconds (TV series)|Seven Seconds]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Kadeuce Porter <br /> Brenton Butler || Corey Champagne <br /> Daykwon Gaines ||
Kadeuce is ____. <br> Brenton is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''This Close'' || [[SundanceNow]] || Michael <br /> Ryan || Josh Feldman <br /> Colt Prattes || Michael is a graphic novelist, and Ryan is a real estate agent. The series starts after their engagement to be married is broken. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''Skam España'' || [[Movistar+]] || Cristina "Cris" Soto Peña <br /> Joana Bianchi <br /> Lucas Rubio Fernández || Irene Ferreiro <br /> Tamara Ronchese <br /> Alejandro Reina || Cristina is bisexual.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> She is the protagonist of season 2 and the plot follows her discovering her sexuality. <br /> Joana is bisexual. She is Cristina's love interest but was dating a guy, Eloy, earlier in the season. <br /> Lucas came out as gay in season 1. He is a part of their group of friends.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018 || ''[[Everything Sucks!]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Kate Messner <br />Emaline Addario ||[[Peyton Kennedy]] <br />[[Sydney Sweeney]]|| Kate spends the season struggling with her sexual identity, before coming to terms that she's a lesbian. <br />Emaline might be bisexual. She is seen dating a male classmate, but then she and Kate reveal their attraction towards one another and later share a kiss.<ref></ref>
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|2018 || ''[[The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story]]'' || [[FX (TV channel)|FX]] || [[Gianni Versace]] <br /> [[Andrew Cunanan]] <br /> [[Antonio D'Amico]] <br /> [[Lee Miglin]] <br /> Jeffrey Trail <br /> David Madson || [[Édgar Ramírez]] <br /> [[Darren Criss]] <br /> [[Ricky Martin]] <br /> [[Mike Farrell]] <br /> [[Finn Wittrock]] <br /> [[Cody Fern]] || Gianni Versace was gay. <br /> Andrew Cunanan was a gay serial/spree killer and he murdered Versace.<ref></ref> <br /> Antonio D'Amico is gay and Versace's partner at the time of his death. <br /> Lee Miglin was bisexual and married to the same woman for 38 years before he was murdered by Cunanan, his former escort.<ref></ref> <br /> Jeffrey Trail was gay and murdered by Cunanan. <br /> David Madson was gay, witnessed the murder of Jeffrey Trail, and is thereafter also killed by Cunanan.<ref></ref>
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|2018 || ''[[The Alienist (TV series)|The Alienist]]'' ||[[TNT (U.S. TV network)|TNT]]<br />[[Netflix]] || Willem Van Burgen || [[Josef Altin]] || Willem is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018 || ''[[Here and Now (2018 TV series)|Here and Now]]'' || [[HBO]] || Ramon Bayer-Boatwright <br /> Henry <br /> Navid Shokrani || [[Daniel Zovatto]] <br /> Andy Bean <br /> Marwan Salama || Ramon and Henry are a gay couple.<ref></ref> <br /> Navid is [[Genderqueer|gender fluid]].<ref></ref>
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|2018–2019 || ''[[Counterpart (TV series)|Counterpart]]'' || [[Starz]] || Nadia Fierro/Baldwin <br /> Clare <br /> Greta <br /> Claude Lambert || [[Sara Serraiocco]] <br /> [[Nazanin Boniadi]] <br /> Liv Lisa Fries <br /> [[Guy Burnet]] || Nadia/Baldwin is ____. <br> Clare is ____. <br> Greta is ____. <br> Claude is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Altered Carbon (TV series)|Altered Carbon]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Isaac Bancroft <br /> Sergei Brevlov || Antonio Marziale <br /> Chris McNally || Isaac is ____. <br> Sergei is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
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|2018– || ''[[Black Lightning (TV series)|Black Lightning]]'' || [[The CW]] || Anissa Pierce / [[Thunder (comics)|Thunder]] <br />[[Grace Choi]] <br />Chenoa ||[[Nafessa Williams]] <br />[[Chantal Thuy]] <br />Shein Mompremier || Anissa is a lesbian superhero.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> <br />Grace Choi is bisexual and Anissa's love interest.<ref></ref> <br />Chenoa is a lesbian and was Anissa's girlfriend. They were together for one year before Anissa became involved with Grace.<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''[[9-1-1 (TV series)|9-1-1]]'' || [[FOX]] || Michael Grant <br /> Henrietta "Hen" Wilson || [[Rockmond Dunbar]] <br /> [[Aisha Hinds]] || Michael is gay.<ref></ref> <br /> Henrietta is lesbian and married to a woman. They are raising a child together.<ref></ref>
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|2018– || ''[[The Purge (TV series)|The Purge]]'' || [[USA Network|USA]] || Jenna <br /> Lila || Hannah Anderson <br /> [[Lili Simmons]] || Jenna is married to Rick, they have a threesome with Lila. Jenna and Lila might have developed feelings for each other. Their sexual orientation is not confirmed. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Elite (TV series)|Élite]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Ander Muñoz <br /> Omar Shanaa <br /> Polo <br /> Christian Varela Expósito || Arón Piper <br /> Omar Ayuso <br /> Álvaro Rico <br /> Miguel Herrán || Ander is gay and in a relationship with Omar. <br> Omar is gay but has to hide his sexuality from his parents due to their Muslim faith.<ref></ref> <br> Polo realizes he is bisexual after he and his girlfriend, Carla, initiate a sexual relationship with Christian. He and Ander share a sexual moment together, claiming it to be two friends jerking off together (season 2). <br> Christian's sexuality is undefined, although he hooked up with Polo without Carla being involved. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[The Haunting of Hill House (TV series)|The Haunting of Hill House]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Theodora "Theo" Crain <br>Trish Park ||[[Kate Siegel]] <br>Levy Tran || Theodora (the middle child of the Crain family) and Trish are a lesbian couple.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Light as a Feather (TV series)|Light as a Feather]]'' || [[Hulu]] || Alex Portnoy <br> Peri || [[Brianne Tju]] <br> Adriyan Rae || Alex is a lesbian.<ref></ref> <br> Peri is lesbian.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''Skam Italia'' || [[TIMvision]] || Martino Rametta <br> Filippo Sava <br> Niccolò Fares || Federico Cesari <br> Pietro Turano <br> Rocco Fasano|| Martino is discovering his sexuality. He meets Niccolò and develops feelings for him. <br> Filippo is gay. <br> Niccolò has a girlfriend, but is also interested in Martino. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[You (TV series)|You]]'' || [[Lifetime (TV network)|Lifetime]] <br> [[Netflix]] (Season 2–) || Peach Salinger <br> Lucy <br> Sunrise || [[Shay Mitchell]] <br> Marielle Scott <br> Melanie Field || Peach has been interpreted to be either a lesbian<ref></ref> or a bisexual.<ref></ref> <br /> (In [[You (Kepnes novel)|the novel the series is based on]] she is lesbian.<ref></ref><ref></ref>) <br> Lucy is lesbian and a literary agent in L.A. married to Sunrise.<ref></ref> <br> Sunrise, wife of Lucy, is lesbian and a stay at home lifestyle blogger.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2018 || ''[[Deutschland 86]]'' || [[SundanceTV]] || Tim Avery <br> Rose Seithathi <br> Lenora Rauch <br> Alex Edel <br> Tobias Tischbier || Chris Veres <br> [[Florence Kasumba]] <br> [[Maria Schrader]] <br> [[Ludwig Trepte]] <br /> [[Alexander Beyer]] || Tim is a closeted gay American G.I.<ref></ref> <br> Rose is lesbian and in a relationship with Lenora. <br> Lenora is openly bisexual, having been seen kissing a man in the previous season. <br> Alex is gay. He slept with Tobias in the previous season.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br /> Tobias is gay. He tries to make a move on Alex in the first season, and later becomes sexually involved with him even though he was in a relationship with a man named Felix.<ref name=Hughes_83ep6 /> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Manifest (TV series)|Manifest]]'' || [[NBC]] || Bethany Collins <br> Georgia <br> Thomas || Mugga <br> Eva Kaminsky <br> Sheldon Best || Bethany is lesbian and a flight attendant on Flight 828. <br> Georgia is lesbian and married to Bethany. <br> Thomas is gay and smuggled on Flight 828 to escape homophobic persecution in Jamaica. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[New Amsterdam (2018 TV series)|New Amsterdam]]'' || [[NBC]] || Iggy Frome <br> Martin McIntyre || [[Tyler Labine]] <br> [[Mike Doyle (actor)|Mike Doyle]]|| Iggy and Martin are married and have adopted three children from Bangladesh (season 1 episodes 5 & 6). Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Charmed (2018 TV series)|Charmed]]'' || [[The CW (TV network)|The CW]] || Melanie "Mel" Vera <br> Nico Hamada <br> Jada Shields || [[Melonie Diaz]] <br> Ellen Tamaki <br> Aleyse Shannon || Mel is a lesbian witch. She's a Women's Studies graduate student. <br> Niko Hamada is lesbian and a police detective. <br> Mel and Nico are in a relationship.<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br> Jada is ?____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV series)|Chilling Adventures of Sabrina]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Theo Putnam <br>Ambrose Spellman <br>Luke Chalfant <br>Carl Tapper || Lachlan Watson <br>Chance Perdomo <br>Darren Mann <br>Peter Bundic || Theo, one of Sabrina's friends, is a trans man in season 2. In season 1, he was known as Susie Putnam and was reported as non-binary.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> <br> Ambrose, a warlock, has been described as pansexual, but has been shown only engaging in sex with Luke, Pandora, and the witch sisters Dorcas and Agatha (1x07).<ref></ref><ref></ref> <br> Luke is a bisexual warlock and told Ambrose he was in love with him. He was included in the orgy scene with Ambrose, Nick, Pandora, and the witch sisters (1x07). <br> Carl is either closeted gay or bisexual. In 1x09, after harassing Susie about her sexuality, he is confronted by Hilda Spellman, Sabrina's aunt, and she unmasks Carl as lusting after his teammate Billy Marlin, which was an apparent secret.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
| 2018 || ''[[A Very English Scandal (TV series)|A Very English Scandal]]'' || [[BBC One]] || [[Jeremy Thorpe]] <br> [[Norman Josiffe|Norman Scott]] || [[Hugh Grant]] <br> [[Ben Whishaw]] || Thorpe, leader of the Liberal Party for nine years, was a closeted homosexual who had affairs with men and was in a secret relationship with Norman. <br> Norman was Thorpe's lover.<ref></ref>
|- valign="top"
|2018 || ''[[Origin (TV series)|Origin]]'' || [[YouTube Premium]] || Agnes "Lee" Lebachi <br> Evelyn Rey <br> Baum Arndt || [[Adelayo Adedayo]] <br> [[Nora Arnezeder]] <br> Philipp Christopher || Lee has a relationship with a female AI.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br> Rey mentioned that she once had a relationship with a woman.<ref name="aoutube_vwuw30zWJt0|"></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) She has also had a relationship with a man.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br> Baum had a relationship with a man and a woman.<ref name="aoutube_vwuw30zWJt0|"/> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018 || ''[[Nightflyers (TV series)|Nightflyers]]'' || [[SyFy]] || Melantha Jhirl <br> Lommie || Jodie Turner-Smith <br> [[Maya Eshet]] || Melantha and Lommie begin a casual lesbian relationship but they end it a few episodes later. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Legacies (TV series)|Legacies]] '' || [[The CW]] || Josie Saltzman <br> Penelope Park || Kaylee Bryant <br> [[Lulu Antariksa]] || Josie is pansexual. <br> Penelope defines herself as pansexual after kissing a guy in one scene. She is the ex-girlfriend of Josie. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Baby (Italian TV series)|Baby]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Fabio Fedeli || [[Brando Pacitto]] || Fabio is gay and comes out to his father near the end of the first season. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Dogs of Berlin (TV series)|Dogs of Berlin]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Erol Birkan <br> Guido Mack || [[Fahri Yardim]] <br> Sebastian Achilles || Erol is gay. <br> Guido is gay and Erol's partner.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''[[Siren (TV series)|Siren]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Ryn <br>Maddie Bishop ||[[Eline Powell]] <br>Fola Evans-Akingbola || Ryn is a bisexual mermaid. She is attracted to both Maddie and her boyfriend Ben. <br>Maddie is revealed to be bisexual, as she is receptive to Ryn's attraction for her.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
|- valign="top"
|2018– || ''Skam France'' || [[France 4]] || Lucas Lallemant <br> Eliott Demaury <br> Mike <br> Lisa <br> Alexia Martineau
|| [[Axel Auriant]] <br> [[Maxence Danet-Fauvel]] <br> ___?___ <br> ___?___ <br> Coline Preher || Lucas is discovering his sexuality and comes out as gay. <br> Elliot is a love interest of Lucas' and is pansexual.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Mike is an openly gay roommate. <br> Lisa may be asexual. <br> Alexia is openly bisexual. She has a boyfriend but also used to date a girl. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2018– ||''[[The Rookie (TV series)|The Rookie]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Jackson West <br> Gino Brown || Titus Makin <br> Cameron J. Armstrong || Jackson is gay. He's a rookie police officer and the son of a high-ranking police official. In s1/ep12, "Heartbreak", he flirts with Gino Brown, a hospital nurse. <br> Gino is gay. <br> In s1/ep17, "The Shake Up", we find out that Jackson and Gino are in a serious relationship. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Good Trouble (TV series)|Good Trouble]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || Alice Kwan <br> Gael <br> Bryan <br> Elijah Adrieux || Sherry Cola <br> Tommy Martinez <br> Michael Galante <br> Denim Richards || Alice is lesbian. <br> Gael is bisexual.<ref></ref> <br> Bryan is gay. <br> Elijah is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Sex Education (TV series)|Sex Education]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Eric Effiong <br>Anwar <br>Adam Groff <br>Ruthie <br>Tanya || [[Ncuti Gatwa]] <br>Chaneil Kular <br>[[Connor Swindells]] <br>Lily Newmark <br>Alice Hewkin || Eric is openly gay.<ref></ref> <br>Anwar is gay. <br>Adam is presumed bisexual. He's in a relationship with Aimee in the start of season 1 but later kisses Eric.<ref></ref> <br>Ruthie is lesbian. <br>Tanya is ?____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Roswell, New Mexico (TV series)|Roswell, New Mexico]]'' || [[The CW]] || Michael Guerin <br> Alex Manes || Michael Vlamis <br> [[Tyler Blackburn]] || Michael is a bisexual alien. <br> Alex is a gay human soldier.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Weird City (TV series)|Weird City]]'' || [[YouTube Premium]] || Stu <br> Burt <br> Liquia <br> Jathryn || [[Dylan O'Brien]] <br> [[Ed O'Neill]] <br> [[Laverne Cox]] <br> [[Sara Gilbert]] || Stu and Burt are in a sexual and romantic relationship.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br> Liquia and Jathryn are in a committed romantic and sexual relationship.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[The Umbrella Academy (TV series)|The Umbrella Academy]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Klaus Hargreeves / The Séance / Number Four <br> Dave || [[Robert Sheehan]] <br> Cody Ray Thompson || Klaus is pansexual.<ref></ref> In episode 2, he tells Number 5 that his longest relationship was for three weeks with a guy. <br> Dave and Klaus kiss during the opening sequence of Episode 6.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Doom Patrol (TV series)|Doom Patrol]]'' || [[DC Universe (streaming service)|DC Universe]] || [[Negative Man|Larry Trainor / Negative Man]] <br> John Bowers <br> Danny the Street || [[Matt Bomer]] <br> [[Kyle Clements]] <br> N/A || Larry is gay. <br> John is gay. <br> Larry and John were in a relationship before Larry's accident.<ref></ref> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br> Danny is a sentient genderqueer street.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Coroner (TV series)|Coroner]]'' || [[CBC Television|CBC]] || Ross Khalighi <br> Matteo || Ehren Kassam <br> Graeme Jokic || Ross is ?___. <br> Matteo is ?___. Ross and Matteo are dating. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019 || ''[[Proven Innocent]]'' || [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] || Madeline Scott <br> Wren || [[Rachelle Lefevre]] <br> Candice Coke || Madeline is bisexual.<ref></ref> She was with Wren during her time in prison (season 1, episode 4). <br> Wren is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Osmosis (TV series)|Osmosis]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Lucas Apert <br> Billie Tual || Stéphane Pitti <br> Yuming Hey || Lucas is an openly gay man. He is one of the beta testers of the Osmosis program. <br> Billie is [[Genderqueer#Definitions and identity|agender]]. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists]]'' || [[Freeform (TV channel)|Freeform]] || [[Alison DiLaurentis]] <br> Dylan Walker <br> Andrew Villareal <br> Nolan Hotchkiss || [[Sasha Pieterse]] <br> Eli Brown <br> Evan Bittencourt <br> Chris Mason || Alison is bisexual. She was in a relationship with Emily Fields in the first [[Pretty Little Liars|series]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <br> Dylan is gay. He was in a relationship with Andrew in the beginning of season one. <br> Andrew is ____. <br> Nolan is bisexual. He had a one night stand with Dylan, but is (was) in a long term relationship with Ava. <br>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[In the Dark (U.S. TV series)|In the Dark]]'' || [[The CW]] || Jess Damon <br> Vanessa || Brooke Markham <br> Humberly Gonzalez || Jess is a lesbian veterinarian. She's the roommate and best friend of Murphy Mason.<ref></ref> <br> Vanessa is either lesbian, or bisexual (she has been with males in the past).<ref></ref> <br> Jess and Vanessa are in a romantic relationship. In s1e2, they admit that they love each other.
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Special (TV series)|Special]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Ryan Hayes || [[Ryan O'Connell]] || Ryan is an openly gay man with mild cerebral palsy. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Bonding (TV series)|Bonding]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Pete || Brendan Scannell || Pete is an openly gay man who becomes an assistant to his dominatrix friend, Tiff. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019 || ''[[Now Apocalypse]]'' || [[Starz]] || Ulysses Zane <br> Gabriel <br> Isaac || [[Avan Jogia]] <br> [[Tyler Posey]] <br> [[Jacob Artist]] || Ulysses is pansexual. <br> Gabriel is an openly gay man. <br> Isaac is gay.<br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019 || ''[[The Red Line (TV series)|The Red Line]]'' || [[CBS]] || Harrison Brennan <br> Daniel Calder <br> Liam Bhatt <br> Riley Hooper || [[Corey Reynolds]] <br> [[Noah Wyle]] <br> Vinny Chhibber <br> J.J. Hawkins || Harrison and Daniel are married. <br> Liam is a gay teacher who works with Daniel. <br> Riley is a non-binary high school student. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Gentleman Jack (TV series)|Gentleman Jack]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Anne Lister <br> Ann Walker || [[Suranne Jones]] <br> [[Sophie Rundle]] || Anne and Ann are a couple. In s01e03 Ann admits that she loves Anne. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[The Society (TV series)|The Society]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Sam <br> Grizz || [[Sean Berdy]] <br> Jack Mulhern || Sam is gay. <br> Grizz is gay. <br> They are romantically interested in each other. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Euphoria (American TV series)|Euphoria]]'' || [[HBO]] || Rue <br> Jules <br> Cal Jacobs|| [[Zendaya]] <br> [[Hunter Schafer]] <br> [[Eric Dane]] || Rue has a crush on Jules and might be pansexual. <br> Jules is transgender.<ref></ref> <br> Cal is married but has a secret [[Grindr]] profile, indicating he may be closeted gay or bisexual.<ref name=Pape></ref> <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[What/If]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Marcos <br> Lionel <br> Kevin || Juan Castano <br> John Clarence Stewart <br> Derek Smith || Marcos (public defender) and Lionel (real estate agent) are a couple. <br> Kevin (go go dancer) was a one time hook-up for the couple, but became a good friend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Years and Years (TV series)|Years and Years]]'' || [[BBC One]] || Daniel Lyons <br> Ralph Cousins <br> Viktor Goraya <br> Edith Lyons <br> Fran Baxter || [[Russell Tovey]] <br> [[Dino Fetscher]] <br> [[Maxim Baldry]] <br> [[Jessica Hynes]] <br> [[Sharon Duncan-Brewster]] || Daniel is gay. He was married to Ralph and is in a relationship with Viktor. <br> Ralph is gay. He is Daniel's ex-husband. <br> Viktor is gay. He is in a relationship with Daniel. <br> Edith is _____. She and Fran are in a relationship. <br> Fran is _____. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– ||''[[The InBetween]]'' || [[NBC]] || Tom Hackett <br> Brian Currie || [[Paul Blackthorne]] <br> Michael B. Silver || Tom is a gay detective in the Seattle police department and married to Brian, a gay therapist. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019 ||''[[Tales of the City (2019 miniseries)|Tales of the City]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Shawna Hawkins <br> Michael 'Mouse' Tolliver <br> Ben Marshall <br> Anna Madrigal <br> Jake Rodriguez <br> Margot Park <br> Samuel Garland <br> DeDe Halcyon Day <br> Claire Duncan <br> Ida Best <br> Harrison <br> Flaco Ramirez <br> Mateo <br> Inka Gisladottior <br> Eli Heller || [[Ellen Page]] <br> [[Murray Bartlett]] <br> [[Charlie Barnett (actor)|Charlie Barnett]] <br> [[Olympia Dukakis]] / [[Jen Richards]] <br> Garcia <br> May Hong <br> [[Victor Garber]] <br> [[Barbara Garrick]] <br> [[Zosia Mamet]] <br> [[Bob the Drag Queen|Caldwell Tidicue]] <br> Matthew Risch <br> Juan Castano <br> Dickie Hearts <br> [[Samantha Soule]] <br> Benjamin Thys <br> || Shawna is bisexual. <br> Michael is gay. <br> Ben is Michael's boyfriend. <br> Anna is a [[transsexual]] woman.<ref name=Compton's /> <br> Jake is a transgender male. <br> Margot is lesbian. <br> Samuel is gay. <br> DeDe is lesbian. <br> Claire is Shawna's love interest. <br> Ida is gay and a [[drag queen]]. <br> Harrison is gay. <br> Flaco is gay. <br> Mateo is gay and deaf. <br> Inka is bisexual. <br> Eli is bisexual. <br> Ysela is a transgender woman.<ref name=Compton's></ref> <br> (N/A) is a lesbian. <br> Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) <br> Miniseries is the sequel to 1993's ''[[Tales of the City (1993 miniseries)|Tales of the City]]'', set 20 years later.
|- valign="top"
|2019– ||''[[Trinkets (TV series)|Trinkets]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Elodie Davis || [[Brianna Hildebrand]] || Elodie is lesbian and a kleptomaniac.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
|- valign="top"
|2019 || ''[[Swamp Thing (2019 TV series)|Swamp Thing]]'' || [[DC Universe (streaming service)|DC Universe]] || Liz Tremayne <br> Harlan Edwards <br> Margaux || [[Maria Sten]] <br> [[Leonardo Nam]] <br> Kelly Walker || Liz is a lesbian bartender and newspaper reporter. <br> Harlan is a gay CDC specialist. <br> Margaux is Liz's girlfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Grand Hotel (TV series)|Grand Hotel]]'' || [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] || Yolanda ("Yoli") Renna <br> Sky Garibaldi <br> Marisa || Justina Adorno <br> [[Arielle Kebbel]] <br> Sabrina Texidor || Yolanda comes out to Alicia when she tells her that she's in a relationship with Marisa, although she hasn't yet figured out if she's lesbian or bisexual (season 1, ep 5). She was in a relationship with Sky before Marisa.<ref></ref> In ep. 7 she tells her mother that she is queer, answering the question from episode 5 of her orientation.<ref></ref> <br> Sky is ____. <br> Marisa is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Made in Heaven (TV series)|Made In Heaven]]'' ||[[Amazon Prime]]|| Karan Mehra ||[[Arjun Mathur]]|| Karan is a gay wedding planner in Delhi. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Five Bedrooms]]'' ||[[Network Ten]]|| Harry <br> Pete Portelli || Roy Joseph <br> Adam Fiorentino || Harry is a gay surgeon and one of the homeowners. <br> Pete is a gay cop in the neighborhood. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[The Boys (2019 TV series)|The Boys]]'' ||[[Amazon Prime]]|| Ezekiel <br> Queen Maeve <br> Elena || [[Shaun Benson]] <br> [[Dominique McElligott]] <br> [[Nicola Correia-Damude]] || Ezekiel is an elastic superhero and closeted homosexual. <br> Queen Maeve is bisexual. She had romances with Elena and Homelander. <br> Elena is Maeve's lesbian ex-girlfriend. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Another Life (2019 TV series)|Another Life]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Bernie <br> Zayne <br> Beauchamp || A.J. Rivera <br> JayR Tinaco <br> Greg Hovanessian || Bernie is ____. <br> Zayne is ____. <br> Beauchamp is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Carnival Row]]'' || [[Prime Video]] || Vignette Stonemoss <br> Tourmaline Larou <br> Costin Finch <br> Dr. Morange || [[Cara Delevingne]] <br> [[Karla Crome]] <br> Gregory Gudgeon <br> John Malafronte || Vignette is bisexual and a Fae.<ref></ref> <br> Tourmaline is either bisexual or lesbian, and a Fae. <br> Vignette and Tourmaline were once lovers and are now close friends.<ref></ref> <br> Costin was a closeted gay and the Headmaster of an orphanage. <br> Morange was a closeted gay and the coroner for the Constabulary. <br> Costin and Morange were longtime lovers and would meet in secret at the Fae brothel, using the establishment as a "straight" cover. (S1, episode 5).
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[El Juego de las Llaves]]'' || [[Prime Video]] || Valentín <br> Daniel <br> Siena || [[Horacio Pancheri]] <br> [[Manuel Vega]] <br> [[Ela Velden]] || Valentín is ____. <br> Daniel is ____. <br> Siena is ____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[Pandora (TV series)|Pandora]]'' || [[The CW]] || Jacqueline "Jax" Zhou / Pandora <br> Cordelia Fried || Priscilla Quintana <br> Isabelle Bonfrer || Jax is bisexual. She dated Cordelia in the past. In episode #1.8; ''Under the Red Sun'', she is forced to rekindle her former relationship with Cordelia as part of a covert mission. <br> Cordelia is _____. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
|- valign="top"
|2019– || ''[[The I-Land]]'' || [[Netflix]] || Blair || [[Sibylla Deen]] || Blair was married to a woman. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
==See also==
* [[List of LGBT characters in television and radio]]
* [[List of animated television programs with LGBT characters]]
* [[List of comedy television series with LGBT characters]]
* [[List of made-for-television films with LGBT characters]]
* [[List of news and information television programs featuring LGBT subjects]]
* [[List of reality television programs with LGBT cast members]]
* [[List of soap operas with LGBT characters]]
* [[List of television series with bisexual characters]]
* [[List of fictional asexual characters]]
* [[List of fictional non-binary characters]]
* [[List of fictional pansexual characters]]
* [[Lists of television programs with LGBT characters]]
* [[Television works about intersex]]
* [[List of films with LGBT characters]]
==Further reading==
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
* [[GLAAD]] Primetime Television Season Report:
[[Category:Lists of LGBT fictional characters]]
[[Category:Lists of LGBT-related television programs|Dramatic]]
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...
新規更新December 08, 2019 at 09:18PM 【外部リンク】 Bernard Wodon Balibarbu : Nouvelle page : Bernard Wodon est historien d'art et écriva...
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新規更新されました。 April 17, 2020 at 07:19PM 【外部リンク】 Hạch bạch huyết cổ https://ift.tt/2VzslAc
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Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...