新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 07:56PM
Giải vô địch bóng đá thế giới các câu lạc bộ 2017
Giải vô địch bóng đá thế giới các câu lạc bộ 2017
Lista de planetas menores descubiertos
新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 06:08PM
Lista de planetas menores descubiertos
الأسرار المقدسة في الكنيسة الكاثوليكية
新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 04:22PM
الأسرار المقدسة في الكنيسة الكاثوليكية
意味を調べるScion qD
新規更新May 19, 2018 at 03:40PM
Scion qD : Nouvelle page : Le '''QD''' (en 2017 sous le nom de '''RAV 1230''') est une compacte produite par Scion-Toyota et PSA depuis 2010
新規更新May 19, 2018 at 01:10PM
No1lovesu:补救12个来源,并将0个来源标记为失效。 #IABot (v1.6.5)
[[粵港澳大灣區]]是由 [[香港]]、[[澳門]]、[[广州市|廣州]]、[[深圳市|深圳]]、[[珠海市|珠海]]、[[佛山市|佛山]]、[[中山市|中山]]、[[东莞市|東莞]]、[[肇庆市|肇慶]]、[[惠州市|惠州]]和[[江门市|江門]]組成的[[城市群]],是繼[[美國]][[紐約都會區]]、[[舊金山灣區]]和[[日本]][[首都圈 (日本)|東京都市圈]]之後世界第四大[[灣區]]<ref>[https://ift.tt/2rOhDHV 城市资讯 | 2018年,粤港澳大湾区将全面爆发!] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="南方日报">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
2015年,中國[[國家發展改革委]],[[中國外交部|外交部]],[[中國商務部|商務部]]聯合發表《推動共建絲綢之路經濟帶和21世紀海上絲綢之路的願景與行動》,當中提出了「大灣區」概念,目標是「充分發揮深圳前海、廣州[[南沙區|南沙]]、珠海[[橫琴]]、[[福建]][[平潭]]等開放合作區作用,深化與港澳台合作,打造粵港澳大灣區。」中國總理[[李克強]]在第十二屆全國人民代表大會會議上提及要「推動內地與港澳深化合作」,以「提升在國家經濟發展和對外開放中的地位與功能。」<ref name="端01">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
2017年7月1日,[[中國共產黨中央委員會總書記]][[習近平]]在[[習近平總書記視察香港|訪港]]期間見證了[[國家發展和改革委員會]]與粵港澳三地政府簽署了《深化粵港澳合作 推進大灣區建設框架協議》。[[香港行政長官]][[林鄭月娥]]指,香港將按[[十三五规划]]為粵港澳大灣區提供[[金融]]、[[航運]]和[[貿易]]服務,而大灣區亦將有助[[香港經濟]]多元發展,特別是在[[創新]]科技和[[創意產業]]方面<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>。
2018年5月,在大灣區發展規劃細節即將出台前,[[全國政協委員]]、[[香港中華總商會]]會長[[蔡冠深]]接受《[[經濟日報]]》專訪,蔡冠深表示,香港是一個很小的地方,市場規模有限,[[香港人]]應想如何融入國家大局,又表示「將來我們不是香港人,是大灣區人,所以不要只想香港的利益,應循一體化的角度去想」,認為要以「大灣區人」的角色去思考,才能發掘更多機遇<ref name="政協蔡冠深">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>。
蔡冠深提出的「大灣區人」說法隨之引起社會熱論和爭議,《[[蘋果日報]]》有評論文章引述專業界人士指,不少年輕人和大學生對粵港澳大灣區認識不多,他們對大灣區說不上支持,但又不至於反感,如果有發展機會,未嘗不可一試,但自從蔡冠深叫香港人日後要做「大灣區人」,並引起社會熱議,學生們便開始對大灣區和大灣區人的看法變得負面,質疑為甚麼為了發展就要放棄香港人身份<ref name="洪為民"/><ref name="季陶">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>。
同月,[[全國人民代表大會代表|全國人大代表]]、深圳前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官[[洪為民]]於《[[環球時報]]》以〈「大灣區人」是機遇,莫再錯失〉為題撰文,指自己與蔡冠深「英雄所見略同」,他認為「未來隨著大灣區的發展,基建的完善,也可以做到和加州灣一樣,公司總部在深圳,孩子在香港上學,自己在佛山上班,而週末到珠海的房子休息」。他認為「灣區人」概念的好處是使人不再以城市本位思考,而是以「最科學最適合」自己的方式選擇就業、置業和生活的地區。他續指,香港在20年前也有機會提出「香港大灣區」的概念,以香港為中心帶動整個[[珠三角]]的發展,「可惜自己放棄了這個機會」。又說香港如果要把握粵港澳大灣區的機遇,一定要放棄過去「香港本位」的傲慢態度<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>。
另外,《蘋果日報》專欄作家李平說,早在2017年4月29日,同為蘋果日報專欄作家的陳也撰文揶揄:「香港人改口自稱大灣區人,拗口得很,但很快被迫接受了,在大灣區區管下,從出生到讀書、工作、結婚、生仔,一條龍必須在大灣區完成。」李平表示想不到如此諷刺「竟然被親共人士、媒體視為正面概念而笑納」<ref name="李平">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>。
《蘋果日報》專欄作家盧峯在2018年05月10日發表以〈港人變「大灣區人」的噩夢〉為標題的評論文章,文中說:「紐約居民以身為『紐約客』(New Yorker)為榮就是這個道理。香港是享譽全球的東方之珠,是巨龍口中的明珠,把它混進所謂大灣區內,還把港人說成大灣區人等同拆掉自己的百年品牌,消滅自己的『資本』。」他批評「蔡冠深之流」把香港人說成「大灣區人」這建議背後是為了「矮化香港……把香港說成跟東莞、深圳、廣州一樣的中國城市,削弱甚至埋葬香港的特殊國際位置及性格,令香港失去特殊的位置與優勢,硬生生嵌入中國經濟社會體制中……蔡冠深之流希望香港全面納入大灣區,接受中國模式由政府主導及安排的做法,讓香港不再是自由經濟、自由社會的範例而是中國模式大灣區的一隻棋子。這樣下來,香港這塊『招牌』自然不需要,香港人自然該變身『大灣區人』。」<ref name="蘋論">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
前[[香港行政長官]]兼[[中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會副主席|全國政協副主席]][[梁振英]]隨後在[[臉書]]針對上述說法撰文表示「大灣區的交通愈來愈發達,一小時生活圈正在形成,『大灣區人』作為一個概念有什麼問題?」他說蔡冠深沒有説香港人要放棄「[[一國兩制]]」,「港人治港」,高度自治,更沒有説香港要放寬[[中國內地]]居民進入香港的限制。他反問,「香港人拿一張[[回鄉證]],自己選擇把生活圏擴展到大灣區其他城市有什麼問題?怎樣出賣香港了?」又批評盧峯文章的作用,是把香港人在感情和生活上和大灣區切割,和整個內地切割,在青年人當中散播「[[香港獨立|獨港]]」思想。<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
他續指有不少持有外國護照的香港人在大灣區出入和生活,有數十萬名香港和[[台灣人|台灣人士]]在中國長期定居,近年香港註冊的婚姻中,亦有三至四成是香港和內地居民通婚。梁振英稱,「今天,如果沒有內地市場,會有數以千計的香港專業人士失業」,呼籲「要防止被誤導、被人在香港的青年人心中砌高墻、被人為香港人劃地為牢、被人把香港邊緣化」。<ref name="羅家晴">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
《蘋果日報》分別在5月11日和16日登出馮睎乾和李平兩名專欄作家的評論文章,馮睎乾說:「梁振英不是說『香港自古以來是中國一部分』嗎?既然是一部分,又何來『切割』和『獨港』呢?如果梁先生這批評成立,我們也可以按照同一邏輯批評他:強調「大灣區人」身分的作用,是令大灣區人在感情和生活上跟區外整個內地切割,在青年人當中散播「獨灣」的思想。」,他續說,「梁振英擔心香港人忘記『港獨』,以往總把『港獨』掛在嘴邊,最近再獻新猷,提出『獨港』一說,可謂用心良苦。但相形之下,『獨灣』和『灣獨』範圍更大,影響更深,顯然是更嚴峻的問題,我們是不是更須提防呢?當然,我深信梁先生並非想成為『獨灣之父』,但人言可畏,自稱「大灣區人」,有數典忘宗之嫌,說到底也是不對的。」<ref name="馮睎乾">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
李平說,在2017年12月11日,[[香港中聯辦]]副主任[[陳冬]]向全國青聯港區委員宣講中共[[十九大]]時,建議青年領袖發起「大灣區共同家園青年行動」,當時就有多個親共團體負責人表示,以自稱大灣區人為傲、要把自己當作一個大灣區人。他批評自稱為「大灣區人」的絲路智谷研究院院長[[梁海明]]和蔡冠深不是「傳統意義上的香港人」:「香港只是他們(梁海明和蔡冠深)賺錢的地方,他們的根不在香港,現在或將來不是香港人而是大灣區人,有何奇怪?」他批評梁振英「大灣區人作為一個概念有甚麼問題」的說法:「梁振英是黨的人,當然不會理解、不會理會香港人為甚麼看重自己是香港人的身份、為甚麼看重粵語是母語。他把香港人對大灣區人概念的反感稱為散播『獨港』的思想,更是摸準了中共把獨台視同台獨嚴打的脈搏,拋出『獨港』概念,又可以打擊一批異見組織、異見人士,可以再向中共邀功請賞。」<ref name="李平"/>
《[[眾新聞]]》有評論文章說:「香港和中國大陸的制度十分不同……一位中國民營企業家平日的時間多數花在與各級官員吃喝玩樂,以求與官員建立良好的關係。這種現象的出現,無非是因為中國大陸的法制並不健全,官員擁有過大的權力。民營企業家如果與官員關係不夠好,很可能會被官員通過制度差別對待,在瞬息萬變的商場中失利,因此民營企業家必需花費大量的時間與官員打好關係以利營商。」文章又以昔日的「[[西部大開發]]」與「大灣區」比較,認為都是欺騙香港人的騙局:「香港人到大灣區發展,根本上是無可能獲得任何長遠利益!大灣區絕不適合港人發展,香港人請不要再次上當!」<ref name="大灣區絕非天堂">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Too Much (chanson des Spice Girls)
新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 11:40AM
Too Much (chanson des Spice Girls)
Marie Fredriksson discography
新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 10:10AM
Marie Fredriksson discography
Athenaeus Mechanicus
新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 03:18AM
Athenaeus Mechanicus
意味を調べるVoo Cubana de Aviación 18 de maio de 2018
新規更新May 19, 2018 at 03:01AM
Voo Cubana de Aviación 18 de maio de 2018
A aeronave era um [[Boeing 737]] da companhia aérea italiana [[Blue Panorama]] que estava arrendada para a empresa cubana. <ref>[https://ift.tt/2KzNYsO Avião com mais de 100 passageiros cai no aeroporto de Havana] PÚBLICO.PT</ref>
[[Categoria:Desastres aéreos]]
5-هيدروكسي سايتوسين
新規更新されました。 May 19, 2018 at 01:42AM
5-هيدروكسي سايتوسين
意味を調べるShams al-Din Isfahani
新規更新May 17, 2018 at 10:04PM
Shams al-Din Isfahani
LouisAragon: Hold the trigger.
(1227–1255) in Anatolia. He later reached the apex of his power when he became the new [[vizier]] of the Sultanate of Rum, and its ''[[de facto]]'' ruler for some time after Kaykhusraw's death.
After the humiliating defeat at the [[Battle of Köse Dağ]], the Sultanate of Rum had become a property of the [[Mongol Empire]]. The Sultan, Kaykhusraw II, fled in the aftermath of the battle, while the Mongol commander [[Baiju]] destroyed [[Sivas]] and [[Kayseri]]. In the meantime, Kaykhusraw's vizier, [[Muhadhdhab al-Din Ali al-Dailami]], tried to negotiate with Baiju.
Afterwards, the Seljuks sent a diplomatic mission to the Mongol ruler [[Batu Khan]]. This mission was led by Shams al-Din Isfahani, the deputy (''na'eb'') of Kaykhusraw II and the commander-in-chief of the Sultanate's army. Eventually, Batu decided to come to terms; he allowed Kaykhusraw II to stay in "power" as a subject ruler of the Mongols in return for a significant annual tribute. For his efforts, Isfahani was lavishly rewarded; he was made Batu Khan's deputy in Anatolia. When Kaykhusraw's vizier Mohadhdhab al-Din died, Isfahani became the new vizier of the [[Sultanate of Rum]], thus cementing his power over Anatolia.
After Kaykhusraw II died in 1246, Isfahani installed his eldest son, known regnally as [[Kaykaus II]], on the Sultanate's throne. In the meantime, Isfahani appointed his own allies to key positions within the Sultanate's realm. He also married Kaykhusraw's widow, Prodoulia, which reportedly induced condemnation and antipathy from his contemporaries. According to [[Bar Hebraeus]], the two reportedly had a son, about whom nothing is known.
Things were going well for Isfahani, until Mongol ruler [[Güyük Khan]] (1246-1248) decided to confirm Kaykhusraw's 2nd son, known regnally as [[Kilij Arslan IV]], as the new sultan. In all likelihood, Güyük "was probably trying to use this appointment to undermine his rival Batu who had claimed sovereignty over Anatolia".
Isfahani was eventually arrested and murdered in 1249 by supporters of Kilij Arslan IV. He was succeeded by Jalal al-Din Qaratay, one of his former allies.
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
[[Category:1249 deaths]]
[[Category:13th-century Iranian people]]
[[Category:People of the Sultanate of Rum]]
新規更新May 17, 2018 at 10:04PM
F1309471232:/* 首段 */
[[File:Series Yi 5 Sen Bank of Japan note - front.jpg|右|无框|159x159像素|い号券正面]]
== い号券 ==
* 面值:五钱
[[File:Series Yi 5 Sen Bank of Japan note - back.jpg|右|无框|159x159像素]]
* 正面:[[楠木正成]]像
* 背面:彩色花纹
* 尺寸:宽48mm,长100mm<ref name=":0"></ref>
* 开始发行日:[[1944年]]([[昭和]]19年)[[11月1日]]
* 停止流通日:[[1953年]](昭和28年)[[12月31日]]
* [[水印]]:桐
[[太平洋战争]]时期,日本金属不足,因此发行了小面额的日本银行券<ref name=":0" />。
[[File:Series A 5 sen Bank of Japan note - front.jpg|右|无框|165x165像素]]
== A号券 ==
[[File:Series A 5 sen Bank of Japan note - back.jpg|右|无框|164x164像素]]
* 面值:五钱
* 正面:[[梅|梅花]]
* 背面:彩色花纹
* 尺寸:宽48mm,长94mm<ref></ref>
* 开始发行日:[[1948年]](昭和23年)[[5月25日]]
* 停止流通日:1953年(昭和28年)12月31日
* 水印:无
== 参考资料 ==
<references />
意味を調べるAniello Montano
新規更新May 17, 2018 at 10:03PM
Aniello Montano
ClaudiaIorio: ←Nuova pagina: Aniello Montano (Acerra, 3 dicembre 1941- Acerra, 13 dicembre 2015) è stato uno storico della filosofia, professore associato presso l'Università di Genova e po...
Per la sua ricerca e per la sua attività di saggista a favore della crescita della coscienza civile ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti.
Il liceo "Alfonso M. de' Liguori" di Acerra, da lui voluto e sempre curato, dall'anno scolastico 2017-18, insieme all'Università di Salerno cura un ciclo di studi sulla sua opera rivolto a studenti liceali e a docenti di filosofia.
== '''Biografia''' ==
Formatosi nella Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'[[Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II|Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"]], conseguì la laurea in Filosofia con il prof. Giuseppe Martano, antichista, a cui rimase legato per la sua propensione verso la cultura e la civiltà classiche. Ha insegnato nei Licei statali dal 1968 al 1980 e, dopo essere stato Ricercatore presso l'Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" dal 1981 al 1987, è stato Professore Associato di Storia della Filosofia nell'[[Università degli Studi di Genova]] dal 1987 al 1991 e successivamente Professore Ordinario nella Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell'[[Università degli Studi di Salerno]] e fino al 31 dicembre 2010 ne è stato Direttore del Dipartimento di Filosofia. È stato Presidente della fondazione regionale "Parco Letterario Giordano Bruno" e gli sono stati assegnati numerosi premi, tra i più importanti il "Premio Capri" per il volume I Testimoni del tempo. Filosofia e vita civile a Napoli dal Settecento al Novecento e nell'aprile del 2014, in occasione della pubblicazione del volume Methodos. Aspetti dei metodi e dei processi cognitivi nella Grecia antica, gli fu assegnato il premio "Adelphi Philosophi" a Roma in Campidoglio.
Ha svolto una intensa attività di critico d'arte.
Le Città di [[Nola]] e di [[Palma Campania]] gli hanno conferito la cittadinanza onoraria.
== '''Pensiero''' ==
Aniello Montano ha dato un appassionato contributo alla storiografia filosofica; sulla scia dei suoi maestri napoletani (Martano, Masullo, Piovani), ha seguito una linea di pensiero "storica" e non "filosofica", secondo una sua stessa definizione. Egli, infatti, privilegiava una visione della storia della filosofia legata all'esperienza individuale e a contesti storici definiti; in più saggi ha definito tale impostazione storicismo non dialettico e non continuista.
Non condivideva la tesi idealistica dell'esistenza di una sola filosofia realizzantesi secondo una dialettica continuistica e progressiva; infatti preferiva parlare di storia delle filosofie piuttosto di una storia della filosofia intesa come esplicazione di un essere in sé; egli credeva che la filosofia è sempre e soltanto espressione della storia che il singolo vive. Alla base del suo pensiero vi era la concezione di una storia non ideale ed eterna ma reale, che si svolge in luoghi e tempi determinati e regolata non da un ordine prestabilito ed immanente, ma dagli uomini che secondo le proprie scelte ideali determinano la storia. Prese le distanze da tutti quei sistemi filosofici chiusi che di fatto limitano la funzione dell'individuo, la sua libertà e si interessò di quei filosofi come [[Anassagora]], Bruno, [[Spinoza]], [[Montaigne]] e come gli esistenzialisti [[Sartre]] e [[Camus]] che, al contrario, esaltano l'esercizio delle facoltà del singolo. La sua ricerca filosofica, infatti, è stata da sempre connotata da una profonda ispirazione etica ben rappresentata dalla endiade mente-mano, ricorrente nei suoi scritti. Tale motivazione, unita ad una connaturata fede politica democratica, lo avvicinò allo studio delle fonti filosofiche della civiltà giuridica moderna per far emergere la funzione formativa della coscienza civile da parte della cultura e soprattutto della filosofia. In tale prospettiva, assumono particolare importanza i suoi studi su [[Hobbes]], sui grandi personaggi del Settecento napoletano e, in particolare, su [[Vico]]. Anche sulla scorta degli studi vichiani di Piovani, di Capograssi, negli ultimi anni della sua attività ha proposto una lettura innovativa della filosofia di questo pensatore napoletano. Montano ha intravisto in Vico quella impostazione culturale che assegna esclusivamente all'uomo, all'individuo reale la responsabilità dello svolgimento della Storia nonché della interpretazione di essa.
La riflessione su questi grandi pensatori lo portarono a riproporre all'attenzione degli studiosi importanti figure del mondo accademico italiano e soprattutto meridionale: Rensi, Covotti, Masci, Trojano, Aliotta, Capograssi. Gli studi di Montano ad essi dedicati riaccendono l'attenzione sull'importante contributo dato ai grandi dibattiti del mondo contemporaneo dalla cultura filosofica che faceva capo all'Università di Napoli e, in genere, al Mezzogiorno italiano.
In coerenza con l'impostazione del suo pensiero, si impegnò costantemente per la crescita umana e sociale della sua città con una instancabile attività culturale rivolta a sollecitare soprattutto nei più giovani una fattiva coscienza civile.
== '''Bibliografia''' ==
'''1'''. Una proposta metodologica per lo studio di Parmenide (1977)
'''2'''. Il metodo ex hypotheseos nel Menone platonico (1978)
'''3'''. Il rapporto coscienza-mondo in J.P.Sartre (1979)
'''4'''. Atteggiamenti scettici ed esiti fideistici in M. de Montaigne (1979)
'''5'''. Il metodo induttivo in Democrito? (1980)
'''6'''. Le filosofie moderne - vol II di Casertano - Montano – Tortora Storia delle filosofie (1981 La cultura filosofica rinascimentale tra magia e scienza (1981)
'''7'''. Mathesis e noos in Eraclito (1981)
'''8'''. Il fenomeno e il discorso: il modello epistemologico di Democrito (1983)
'''9.''' Sartre. Le tensioni inquiete della coscienza (1984)
'''10'''. Note sartriane per una morale (1984)
'''11'''. La genesi della credenza religiosa secondo Democrito (1984)
'''12'''. Logos ed aisthesis nel discorso gorgiano sulla realtà (1985)
'''13'''. Gaspare Schopp a Corrado Rittershausen: l'unica testimonianza sulla morte di Giordano Bruno (1988)
'''14'''. Hobbes Logica Antropologia Politica (traduzione e commento a cura di A. Montano) (1988)
'''15'''. I fatti "rifatti" dalla mente. La metodologia della ricerca in Pietro Siciliani (1988)
'''16.''' Religione e morale in P.H. Thiry d'Holbach (1988)
'''17'''. Liberismo Liberalismo Socialismo (1988)
'''18'''. Dal Rinascimento a Kant. La storia della filosofia moderna attraverso i testi (1989)
'''19'''. La sosta di Isabella del Balzo e il giardino del principe Federico "a la Cerra" (1989)
'''20'''. Della Liburia antica (1990)
'''21'''. Άρμονια e ομολογια nei Coniugalia praecepta di Plutarco (1991)
'''22'''. Il realismo scientifico nel marxismo (1991)
'''23'''. José Gaos tra fenomenologia ed esistenzialismo (1992)
'''24'''. Spinoza Trattato politico (traduzione e commento a cura di A. Montano) (1992)
'''25'''. Hegel lettore di Spinoza (1992)
'''26'''. Gli scritti postumi di Sartre (a cura di G. Invitto e A. Montano) (1993)
'''27'''. Una stranissima variante di commedia cinquecentesca Il Candelaio di Giordano Bruno (1993)
'''28'''. Magia Astrologia Filosofia nel V sec. a.C. Aspetti di una polemica (1993)
'''29'''. Introduzione a G. Rensi Spinoza (1993)
'''30'''. Spinoza Trattato politico (a cura di A. Montano) (1993)
'''31'''. Il palazzo del cittadino (C. De Seta – A. Montano – P. Belfiore) (1993)
'''32'''. Pulcinella: tra mito e storia (A. Montano – V. Piscopo) (1993)
'''33'''. Il disincanto della modernità. Saggi su Sartre (1994)
'''34'''. Attualità del pensiero di Giuseppe Rensi (1994)
'''35'''. Giuseppe Rensi interprete di Spinoza (1994)
'''36.''' Acerra. Momenti di storia passata e recenti attività culturali (1994)
'''37'''. Il Clanio un fiume da ricordare (1995)
'''38'''. "Quei benedetti Normanni" (1995)
'''39'''. Storia e convenzione. Vico contra Hobbes (1996)
'''40'''. Il Natale. Due riflessioni (1996)
'''41'''. Dal passato un varco per l'avvenire: monumenti, territori antichi e rinnovato impegno culturale (A. Montano – C. Robotti) (1996)
'''42'''. L'amicizia secondo Pitagora di Samos (1997)
'''43'''. Aspetti delle vicende storiche e della vita civile nel Castello Baronale di Acerra tra XII e XIV secolo (1997)
'''44'''. Il Castello Baronale di Acerra. Storia Architettura Ambiente (C. Robotti – A. Montano) (1997)
'''45'''. L'"esperienza pensata". Filosofia e storia della filosofia in Filippo Masci (1998)
'''46'''. Oltre Aristotele. Bacone lettore dei Presocratici (1998)
'''47'''. Le cinquecentine della Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Acerra ed altri documenti (a cura di A. Montano e G. Niola) (1998)
'''48'''. Acerra. Luoghi Eventi Figure (a cura di A. Montano) (1998)
'''49'''. Sartre e la musica (1999)
'''50'''. La proposta di Nicola Valletta nel dibattito settecentesco sulla riforma dell'Università di Napoli (1999)
'''51'''. Paolo Raffaele Trojano "scolaro" di Filippo Masci (1999)
'''52'''. Giuseppe Rensi e Giacomo Leopardi. L'irrazionalità del reale e la storia come caso (1999)
'''53'''. Dalle Ricerche di Gaetano Caporale una lezione di storia e un auspicio per il futuro (1999)
'''54'''. Gaetano Caporale (a cura di A. Montano) (1999)
'''55'''. Gaetano Caporale: l'uomo e il cittadino (1999)
'''56'''. Anno 1886. La quistione dell'ateneo classico innanzi al Consiglio Comunale di Acerra (1999)
'''57'''. Giordano Bruno e Tommaso Campanella (1999)
'''58'''. J.P. Sartre Spaesamento. Napoli e Capri. Introduzione e traduzione a cura di A. Montano (2000)
'''59'''. La mente e la mano. Aspetti della storicità del sapere e del primato del fare in Giordano Bruno (2000)
'''60'''. Il dono divino della ragione. Il rimedio salutare della fede (2000)
'''61'''. Le seicentine della Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Acerra (a cura di A. Montano e G. Niola) (2000)
'''62.''' Il nome e presagio: due storie bibliche per Sara (2000)
'''63'''. Da Sartre a Merleau Ponty (2001)
'''64'''. Il guaritore ferito. L'etica della vita e della salute tra responsabilità e speranza (2001)
'''65'''. L'affermazione normanna nell'Italia meridionale (V. Cuomo - A. Montano – F. Starace) (2001)
'''66.''' Il prisma a specchio. Percorsi di filosofia italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento (2002)
'''67'''. Pulcinella. Dal mimo classico alla maschera moderna (2002)
'''68'''. Giuseppe Martano (2002)
'''69.''' Problematicità dell'esistenza e isostenia dei contrari nella riflessione di Giuseppe Martano (2002)
'''70'''. Camus. Un mistico senza Dio (2003)
'''71'''. Sartre turista engagé in Italia (2003)
'''72'''. Giordano Bruno e Pitagora (2003)
'''73'''. La fiamma e la farfalla. Saggi su Giordano Bruno (2003)
'''74'''. Aspetti di una storia della filosofia non dialettica e non continuista (2003)
'''75'''. G. Rensi Autorità e libertà (a cura di A. Montano) (2003)
'''76'''. Bruno e Empedocle (2004)
'''77'''. Delle Trasposizioni dell'antico in Vincenzo Cilento (2004)
'''78'''. Il guaritore ferito. L'etica della vita e della salute tra responsabilità e speranza (2004)
'''79'''. Opsis Idea. Figure e temi della cultura filosofica europea da Hobbes a Croce (2005)
'''80.''' Civitas et civilitas. Conoscenze dei beni culturali e formazione del cittadino (2005)
'''81.''' Giordano Bruno, Ambrogio Leone e i Gigli (2005)
'''82'''. Benedetto Croce "… io lettore amoroso di De Sanctis". Della radice del neoidealismo italiano (2005)
'''83.''' Vico e le repubbliche di "mercadanti" (2005)
'''84'''. La morale nel pensiero di Giuseppe Rensi (2005)
'''85'''. Monadi e monadologie: il mondo degli individui tra Bruno, Leibniz, Husserl (B.M. D'Ippolito, A. Montano – F. Piro) (2005)
'''86'''. Camus e il pensiero meridiano (2006)
'''87'''. Solitudine e solidarietà. Saggi su Sartre, Merleau Ponty e Camus (2006)
'''88'''. Giuseppe Rensi La morale come pazzia (ristampa a cura di A. Montano) (2006)
'''89'''. Giuseppe Rensi. Ethica ed etiche (2006)
'''90'''. Giovanbattista Vico poeta dell'alba (2006)
'''91'''. Discutiamo … Filosofia e storia della filosofia. Un rapporto difficile (2007)
'''92'''. Incontri con Marcello Gigante (2008)
'''93'''. All'origine della cittadinanza attiva. Opinione pubblica, libertà di stampa e l'origine della classe dirigente in Gaetano Filangieri (2008)
'''94'''. La Scuola Medica Salernitana (2008)
'''95'''. Sartre e Spinoza (2008)
'''96'''. Sartre e le arti (2008)
'''97'''. Eraclito e Bruno (2009)
'''98.''' Mario Montuori. Una vita per Socrate (2009)
'''99.''' Giuseppe Capograssi. Oltre le interpretazioni cattoliche di Vico (2009)
'''100'''. Le Accademie private e la libera ricerca a Napoli in età moderna (2009)
'''101'''. Il Futurismo di Vittorio Piscopo (a cura di A. Montano) (2009)
'''102'''. Vittorio Piscopo e il Futurismo (2009)
'''103'''. Vittorio Piscopo e Giacomo Balla nel segno del Futurismo (2009)
'''104'''. Irrazionalismo e impoliticità in Giuseppe Rensi (F. Mancuso – A. Montano) (2009)
'''105'''. Medicina, economia ed etica nella sanità del terzo millennio (2010)
'''106'''. Michele Federico Sciacca. Dall'attualismo allo spiritualismo critico (2010)
'''107'''. I testimoni del tempo. Filosofia e vita civile a Napoli tra Settecento e Novecento (2010)
'''108'''. G. Rensi Il troppo (a cura di A. Montano) (2010)
'''109'''. Per Aldo Trione. Mistica Impura (a cura di A. Montano) (2010)
'''110'''. Note di bioetica. La persona umana tra natura e norma (2010)
'''111'''. Dal conflitto all'ordine. Annotazioni su "Stato di natura" e genesi della società civile in Hobbes e Spinoza (2011)
'''112'''. La filosofia nella Calabria della Magna Grecia (2011)
'''113.''' In difesa del "classico" (2011)
'''114.''' Spinoza e i filosofi (2011)
'''115.''' Sirene Sibille Streghe Sante Semplicemente donne (2011)
'''116.''' Psicogenesi Pedagogia sperimentale Axiologia nel realismo critico di Guido Della Valle (2012)
'''117.''' Sermo civilis. Note di etica pubblica tra storia e vita (2012)
'''118.''' Autobiografia intellettuale (2012)
'''119'''. Le radici presocratiche di Giordano Bruno (2013)
'''120'''. Croce. Oltre la "metafisica della mente". La filosofia come "storicismo assoluto" (2013)
'''121'''. L'autorità e la sua crisi in Giuseppe Rensi e Giuseppe Capograssi (2013)
'''1222.''' Methodos. Aspetti dei metodi e dei processi cognitivi nella Grecia Antica (2014)
'''123'''. Ontologia e Storia. Vico versus Spinoza (2014)
'''124'''. Giordano Bruno tra teologia civile e teologia negativa (2015)
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意味を調べるList of first women lawyers and judges in Africa
新規更新May 16, 2018 at 08:17AM
List of first women lawyers and judges in Africa
Montgomery28: Created page
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
!Country Name
!Attorney Name (Year) / Historical Significance
* [[Blanche Azouley]] (1908):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Algeria
* Belmihoub Aziz:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female magistrate in Algeria (c. 1960s)
* [[Maria do Carmo Medina]] (1948):<ref></ref><ref name="Gazeta do Advogado nº 10"></ref> First female lawyer in Angola
* [[Francisca Van Dunem]] (1977):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref> First Black female appointed as the Minister of Justice in Angola (2015)
* [[Hélène Aholou Keke]] (1974):<ref name="barreaucameroun.org">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Benin
* [[Elisabeth Ekoué Pognon]] (c. 1962):<ref name=":5" /> First female judge in Benin (1993)
* [[Athaliah Molokomme]] (1981):<ref name=":19">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer to become the Attorney General of Botswana (2005)
* [[Unity Dow]] (1983):<ref name=":19" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Botswana (upon her appointment to the High Court of Botswana in 1998)
|'''[[Burkina Faso]]'''
* [[Antoinette Ouédraogo]]:<ref></ref><ref></ref> First female lawyer in Burkina Faso. She later became the first female Bâtonnier of the Burkina Faso Bar Association (2006).<ref></ref>
* [[:fr:Amina_Moussou_Ouédraogo_Traoré|Amina Moussou Ouédraogo Traoré]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female appointed as the Vice President of the Supreme Court of Burkina Faso (1992) and [https://ift.tt/2IlVLxE Mediator of Burkina Faso] (2005)
* [[Espérance Musirimu]] (c. 1997):<ref name="barreaucameroun.org" /> First female lawyer in Burundi
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* [[Lucie Nizigama|Lucie Nizigama (2001)]]:<ref></ref> First female judge in the rural province of Karuzi, Burundi
* [[Alice Nkom]] (1969):<ref></ref><ref></ref> First female lawyer in Cameroon
* [[Florence Rita Arrey]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal in Cameroon (1990). She was also the first female appointed as the Prosecutor of the Court of First Instance (1974).
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* Juliana Djenga:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Kumba, Cameroon (2006)
|'''[[Cape Verde]]'''
* [[Vera Duarte]]<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>: First female magistrate in Cabo Verde (1993)
* [[Lígia Fonseca|Lígia Lubrino Dias Fonseca]] (1989):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref><ref></ref> First Bastonária of the Cape Verde Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados de Cabo Verde) from 2001-2004. She became [[First Lady of Cape Verde]] in 2011.
* [[Maria de Fátima Coronel]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female appointed as the President of the Supreme Court of Justice in Cape Verde (2015)
|'''[[Central African Republic]]'''
* Thérèse Dejean (c. 1970s):<ref></ref><ref></ref> First female magistrate in the Central African Republic
* [[Catherine Samba-Panza]] (c. 1990s): First female (a lawyer) Interim President of the Central African Republic (2014–2016)
* Ngonyam Béradinfar:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female magistrate in Chad (1983)
* Nadingar Ekoue Thérèse, [[Jacqueline Moudeina]] (1995), and [[Delphine Djiraibe]]:<ref name="barreaucameroun.org" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyers in Chad respectively
* [[Harimia Ahmed]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Comoros
|'''[[Democratic Republic of the Congo]]'''
* [[Marie-Thérèse Nlandu Mpolo Nene]] (1982):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female (a lawyer) Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* [[Viviane Bikuba Cibalonza]]:<ref name=":0"></ref><ref> WikiPeaceWomen – Français|website=wikipeacewomen.org|language=fr-FR|access-date=2017-10-19}}</ref> First female lawyer from the ancient South Kivu region
* Otshumba Kandolo:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Ntumba Kaja:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer to become a Bâtonnier for the Lubumbashi Bar of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2014)
* [[Korane Ahmed Aouled]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First Djiboutian woman to start a legal practice in the private sector
* [[Hawa Ahmed Youssouf]]:<ref></ref> First female (a lawyer) cabinet member in Djibouti (1999)
* [[Naima Ilyas al-Ayyubi]] (1933):<ref> Chronicles Lady lawyer|last=Rizk|first=Yunan Labib|website=weekly.ahram.org.eg|access-date=2016-09-29}}</ref> First female lawyer in Egypt
* [[:ar:مفيدة_عبد_الرحمن|Mufidah Abdul Rahman]] (1939):<ref> Egypt Obituary: Lady of the law|website=weekly.ahram.org.eg|access-date=2017-10-12}}</ref> First female lawyer to take cases to the Court of Cassation. She was also the first woman to practice law in Cairo, Egypt.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Aisha Rateb]] (1955):<ref name=":19" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female (a lawyer) ambassador in Egypt (1979). She was also the first female law professor in Egypt.
* [[Tahani al-Gebali]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Egypt (upon her appointment to the Supreme Constitutional Court in 2003)
* Sally al-Saidi:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the Criminal Court (2009) and the Head of the Court of Cassation in Egypt (2013)
* Dalia al-Namaky:<ref></ref> First female appointed as the Chief Judge of the Family Courts in Egypt (2010)
|'''[[Equatorial Guinea]]'''
* [[Fernandino peoples|Ana María Dougan Thomson]] (1957):<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> One of the practicing female lawyers around the time of Equatorial Guinea's independence in 1968. She later served as the Dean of the Bar Association of Equatorial Guinea (1990).
* [[Fozia Hashim]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as the Minister of Justice for Eritrea (1993). She served as the Chief Justice of the High Court of Eritrea prior to her appointment.
* [[Atsedeweine Tekle]] (1978):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female judge in Ethiopia
* [[Marylise Issembé]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Gabon (after having registered in Gabon's Libreville Bar)
* [[Rose Francine Rogombé]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Gabon (1967). She later became the first female Acting President of Gabon (2009).
* [[Mariam Jack-Denton]] (c. 1980s)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>: First female lawyer in Gambia
* [[Mary Sey]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> First female judge in Gambia (upon her appointment to the High Court of Gambia in the 1990s)
* [[Mabel Agyemang]] (Ghana Bar, 1987):<ref name="Gainako">[https://ift.tt/2IleucW "Editorial: Will Appointment of Ghanaian Justice Mabel Agyemang as Chief Justice bring Judicial reform in Gambia?"], Gainako, 23 July 2013.</ref><ref name="[The Observer]">[https://ift.tt/2KqUZMp "Agyemang Confirmed Chief Justice"] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2), ''The Daily Observer''.</ref> First female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Gambia (2013-2014)
* [[Annie Jiagge]] (1950):<ref></ref> First female lawyer in Ghana. She later became the first female judge, as well as the first female Justice of the Supreme Court in Ghana.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Joyce Bamford-Addo]] (1962):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female (a former justice) appointed as the Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana (2009-2013)
* [[Georgina Theodora Wood]] (c. 1970s):<ref name=":5">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana (2007)
* [[Fatoumata Binta Diallo]] (1998):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First woman who registered to practice law in the Bar of the Republic of Guinea Conakry (Barreau de la République de Guinée)
* [[Maria do Céu Monteiro]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female justice elected as the President of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Superior Council of Guinea-Bissau
|'''[[Ivory Coast]]'''
* [[Kwassi Béatrice Cowplli-Boni]]:<ref name="barreaucameroun.org" /> First female lawyer in Ivory Coast
* Mazohin Marguerite:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Ivory Coast
* [[Effie Owuor]] (c. 1960s):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female judge of Kenya (upon her appointment as a Judge of the High Court in 1982). She was also the first female to be appointed as a state counsel (c. 1960s), magistrate (1971), and Judge of the Court of Appeal (2003) in Kenya.
* [[Kalpana Rawal]] (1975):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female lawyer in Kenya (upon her establishment of a law practice in 1978). She later became the first female judge of Asian descent in Kenya (2000).
* [[Martha Karua]] (1981):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female (a lawyer) elected by the people to serve as a Member of the Kenyan Parliament (1992)
* [['Masechele Caroline Ntseliseng Khaketla]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Although she was an educator and not a lawyer, she was the first female High Court Assessor in Lesotho (1979)
* [[Kellelo Justina Mafoso-Guni|Kelello Justina Mafoso-Guni]]:<ref name=":26">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the High Court in Lesotho
* [['Neile Alina 'Mantoa Fanana]] (1980):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First woman to hold the post of ombudsman in Lesotho (2010)
* [[Nthomeng Majara]] (1997):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Lesotho (2014)
* Hlalefang Motinyane:<ref></ref> First female appointed as the Acting Director of Public Prosecutions for Lesotho (2017)
* [[Angie Brooks]] (1953):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":34">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Liberia. She later became the first female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia (1977).
* [[Emma Shannon Walser]] (1969):<ref name=":34" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Liberia (upon her appointment as a Judge of the Circuit Court of Liberia in 1971)
* [[Karima El Hadi Turki]]:<ref> بلد الطيوب|publisher=tieob.com|language=ar|access-date=2017-10-17}}</ref><ref></ref> First female lawyer in Libya
* Rafia al-Obeidi:<ref></ref><ref></ref> First female judge in Libya (1989)
* [[Berthe Raharijaona]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Madagascar
* Fanirisoa Ernaivo:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female elected as the President of the Union of Magistrates of Madagascar (2016)
* [[Vera Chirwa]] (1959):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Malawi
* [[Anastasia Msosa]] (1975):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals (1992-1997), Judge of the High Court (1993-1998), and Chief Justice (2013-2015)
* [[Chanju Samantha Mwale]] (c. 2002):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer (who is a Lieutenant Colonel) in Malawi's army (2004)
* Fatoumata Sylla (1982):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref name=":63">Fomba, M. (2013, December 19). La profession de magistrat au Mali. La difficile quête d'indépendance du juge. UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX UNIVERSITÉ MONTESQUIEU – BORDEAUX IV / SCIENCES PO BORDEAUX ECOLE DOCTORALE DE SCIENCE POLITIQUE DE BORDEAUX - E.D. 208 LAM-Les Afriques dans le Monde (UMR 5115 du CNRS). </ref><ref></ref> First female lawyer in Mali. She later became the first female justice of the peace (1985), first female Bâtonnière of the Bar Association in Mali (1998-2004), and the first female appointed as the Minister of Justice in Mali (2004-2007).
* [[Kaïta Kayentao Diallo]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref name=":63" /> First female appointed as the President of the Supreme Court of Mali (2006)
* Diakité Manassa Danioko:<ref name=":5" /><ref name=":63" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as the President of the Constitutional Court of Mali (2015). She was also the first female appointed as the Attorney General of Mali (1995).
* [[Fatimata M'Baye]] (c. 1985):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Mauritania
* Amamah Bint Cheikh Sidya:<ref></ref><ref></ref> First female judge in Mauritania (2013)
* [[Laure Pillay]] (1955):<ref></ref> First female lawyer in Mauritius. She later became the first female judge in Mauritius (1967).<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Saheda Peeroo]] (1972):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First Muslim female lawyer in Mauritius
* Vidya Narayan:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Mauritius (1993)
* [[Fatima Ousseni]] (c. 1997):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Mayotte
* [[Hélène Cazès-Benatar]] (c. 1929):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Morocco
* Zaynab Abd al-Razzaq:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Morocco (1960)
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* Najat Chraibi Berrada (1966):<ref></ref> First female registered in the Bar Association of Rabat, Morocco
* Noémia Neves Anacleto (c. 1953):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Mozambique
* [[Gita Honwana Welch]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref> First female academic lawyer in Mozambique. She was also one of Mozambique's first female judges (sometime between 1978-1989).
* Luísa Chadraca (c. 1990):<ref></ref> First woman to enroll with the Bar Association of Mozambique (Ordem dos Advogados de Moçambique)
* Karen Goldblatt Marshall (1966):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer (non-native) in Namibia (upon being called to the Bar of Windhoek). She later became the first female judge in Namibia.
* [[Bience Gawanas]] (c. 1993):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First native-born female lawyer in Namibia. She was also the first female appointed as the Head of the Office of the Namibian Ombudsman (1996-2003).
* [[Mavis Gibson]]:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the High Court of Namibia (1995)
* [[Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana]] (1999):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as the Attorney General of Namibia (2001)
* Martha Imalwa:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as the Prosecutor General of Namibia (2004)
* [[Adji Fati Kountche]]:<ref name="barreaucameroun.org" /> First female lawyer in Niger
* [[Salifou Fatimata Bazeye|Fatimata Bazeye Salifou]] (1979):<ref name=":5" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female magistrate in Niger. She later became the first female appointed as the President of the Constitutional Court of Niger (2007).
* [[Stella Thomas]] (1935):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Nigeria. She later became the first female magistrate in Nigeria (1943).
* [[Modupe Omo-Eboh]] (1952):<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Nigeria (upon her appointment as a Judge of the High Court in Nigeria in 1969)
* [[Folake Solanke]] (1962): First female lawyer in Nigeria to become Senior Advocate of Nigeria and Senior Counsel (1981)
* Victoria Ayodele Uzoamaka Onejeme (1965):<ref></ref> First female Attorney General of Nigeria (1978)
* [[Aloma Mariam Mukhtar]] (1967):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and its Chief Justice (2009-2014).<ref name=":5" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> She was also the first female lawyer in Northern Nigeria, as well as the first female Judge of the Kano High Court, Nigeria. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* [[Roseline Ukeje]] (1971):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female justice appointed as the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court in Nigeria (2001)
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* [[Mary Slessor]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> First female (non-attorney of Scottish descent) magistrate in what was then Southern Nigeria (c. 1890s). She was also known as being the first female magistrate in the British Empire.
* [[Hauwa Ibrahim]] (c. 1999):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First Muslim female lawyer in the Yamaltu District in the Gombe State, Nigeria
* [[Dulcie Ethel Adunola Oguntoye]]:<ref></ref> First female judge in [[Lagos State]], Nigeria (1976)
* Rahila Hadea Cudjoe (1972):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the High Court, as well as the Chief Judge of Kaduna State, Nigeria
* [[Aisha Alhassan|Aisha Jumai Alhassan]]:<ref></ref> First female lawyer to become Taraba State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, as well as the first woman to become Secretary of the Federal Capital Territory Judicial Council in Nigeria
|'''[[Republic of the Congo]]'''
* [[Agathe Pembellot]] (1969): First female magistrate in the Republic of the Congo (1970)
* [[Marie Collardeau]] (1930):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Réunion
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* Gracieuse Lacoste-Etcheverry:<ref></ref><ref></ref> First female appointed as the President of the Court of Appeal of Saint-Denis (Réunion; 2015)
* Valérie Lebreton:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as the President of the Court of Appeal of Saint-Pierre (Réunion; 2017)
* [[Agnes Mukabaranga]] (1994):<ref></ref> First woman that registered to practice law in the Rwanda Bar Association
* Immaculée Nyirinkwaya:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Rwanda (1997)
* Aloysia Cyanzayire:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":5" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female justice elected as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rwanda (2003)
|'''''[[Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha]]'''''
* [[Jane E Crulci|Jane Hamilton-White]]:<ref name=":03">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as the [[Politics of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha|Public Solicitor for Saint Helena]], Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (2006)
|'''[[São Tomé and Príncipe]]'''
* [[Alice Vera Cruz]]:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge and President of the Supreme Court of São Tomé and Príncipe (2001)
* [[Mame Bassine Niang]] (1975):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Senegal
* Marie José Crespin:<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Senegal
* Dior Fall Sow (1968):<ref></ref> First female prosecutor in Senegal (upon her appointment to the Republic at the Court of First Instance of Saint-Louis in 1976)
* [[Mame Madior Boye]]:<ref></ref> First female (a lawyer) appointed as the Prime Minister of Senegal (2001)
* [[Danielle Rasool]] (c. 1970s):<ref></ref><ref></ref> Reputed to be the first female lawyer in Seychelles
* [[Mathilda Twomey]] (1987):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Seychelles. She is also the first female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of the Seychelles Supreme Court (2015).
* Fiona Robinson:<ref></ref> First female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Seychelles (2013)
* [[Alexia Amesbury]] (c. 1988):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female (a lawyer) presidential candidate in Seychelles (2015)
|'''[[Sierra Leone]]'''
* [[Frances Claudia Wright]] (1943): First female lawyer in Sierra Leone
* Agnes Macaulay (1956):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Sierra Leone (c. 1970)
* Patricia Macaulay:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone (c. 1994)
* [[Umu Hawa Tejan-Jalloh]] (c. 1970s):<ref name=":5" /> First female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone (2008)
* [[Caasha-Kin Duale]] (1979):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> One of the few female lawyers in Somalia during the 1970s and 1980s
* Ifrah Aden Omar:<ref></ref><ref></ref> First practicing female lawyer in Somaliland
* [[Khadra Hussein Mohammad]]:<ref></ref> First female lawyer to become the National Deputy Prosecutor in Somaliland (2014)
* [[Aswan Harmud]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer to become the Prosecutor of Somaliland (2015)
|'''[[South Africa]]'''
* [[Irene Antoinette Geffen]] (1923):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female barrister in South Africa
* Leonora van den Heever (1952):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in South Africa (1969)
* [[Navi Pillay|Navanethem Pillay]] (1967):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref><ref></ref> First Tamil-Indian female appointed as a Judge of the High Court of South Africa (1995). She was also the first female lawyer to start a law practice in the Natal Province.
* [[Desiree Finca]] (1967):<ref> South African Government|publisher=gov.za|access-date=2016-09-27}}</ref> First Black female lawyer in South Africa
* [[Eulalia Salgado]] (1978):<ref></ref> First Portuguese female lawyer in South Africa
* [[Yvonne Mokgoro]] (1987) and [[Kate O'Regan]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref> Duke University School of Law|website=law.duke.edu|language=en|access-date=2018-02-27}}</ref><ref></ref> First females appointed as Justices of the Constitutional Court of South Africa (1994). Mokgoro is also known as the first Black female judge in South Africa.
* Lucy Mailula:<ref></ref><ref></ref> First Black female appointed as a Judge of the High Court of South Africa (1995)
* [[Mandisa Maya]]:<ref> Africanews|last=AfricaNews|work=Africanews|access-date=2018-05-08|language=en}}</ref> First female (and Black female) appointed as President of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa (2017)
''First(s) in a particular region:''
* [[Leona Theron]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First Black female appointed as a Judge of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, South Africa (1999)
* [[Sania Mustafa/Saniya Mustafa|Sania Mustafa]] (c. 1960s):<ref name=":1">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Sudan
* Ihsan Mohamed Fakhri:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":30"></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female judge in Sudan (1965)
* Nagwa Kamal Farid:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the Shari'a Court in Sudan (1970)
* [[Qinisile Mabuza]] (1978):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Swaziland. She later became the first female judge in Swaziland.
* [[Julie Manning]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Tanzania. She later became the first female judge in Tanzania.
* [[Acouetey Massan Lorette]]:<ref name="barreaucameroun.org" /> First female lawyer in Togo
* Biyémi Brigitte Brym-Kekeh:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> First female magistrate in Togo (c. 1960s)
* [[Juliette Smaja Zerah]] (1916):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer in Tunisia
* Joudeh Jijah:<ref name="Souria">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="OECD">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name=":30" /> First female judge in Tunisia (1968)
* [[Aïda Ajimi]] (1973):<ref name="Souria" /> First Muslim female lawyer in Tunisia
* [[Princess Elizabeth of Toro|Princess Elizabeth Christobel Edith Bagaaya Akiiki of Toro]] (1965): First female lawyer in Uganda
* [[Laeticia Kikonyogo]] (1968): First female magistrate in Uganda (upon being appointed to Grade I from 1971–1973). She was also the first female Chief Magistrate (1973-1986), Judge of the High Court (1986), and Deputy Chief Justice of Uganda.
* [[Julia Sebutinde]] (1978): First Ugandan female appointed as a Judge of the International Court of Justice (2012)
* [[Florence Ndagire]] (2009):<ref> The Beijing Platform for Action<br />Turns 20|access-date=2017-10-09}}</ref> First female lawyer with visual impairment in Uganda
* [[J. J. McGrowther]] (c. 1950s):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female barrister when the country was known as Northern Rhodesia
* [[Lombe Chibesakunda|Lombe P. Chibesakunda]] (1969):<ref></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First Zambian female lawyer and first female Solicitor General (1973) in Zambia. She was the first female to serve as Acting Chief Justice of Zambia (2012-2015).
* [[Florence Mumba]] (1973):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref> Ad Hoc Tribunals Oral History Project Ethics Center Brandeis University|website=www.brandeis.edu|language=en|access-date=2018-05-01}}</ref><ref> Justices Mumba, Phiri praised|website=www.times.co.zm|language=en-US|access-date=2018-05-01}}</ref> First female judge in Zambia (upon her appointment as a Judge of the High Court in Zambia in 1980).
* [[Irene Mambilima]]:<ref></ref> First female justice appointed as the Chief Justice of Zambia (2015)
* Janet Sekihola:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Primary Court Magistrate in Zanzibar (c. 1980s)
* [[Phyllis Mackendrick]] (c. 1928):<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female lawyer when the country was known as Rhodesia
* [[Kellelo Justina Mafoso-Guni|Kelello Justina Mafoso-Guni]]:<ref name=":26" /><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female magistrate in Zimbabwe (1980)
* [[Thérèse Striggner Scott]]:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Judge of the High Court in Zimbabwe (c. 1983)
* Vernanda Ziyambi:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> First female appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (2001)
<div class="reflist " style=" list-style-type: decimal;">
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First women lawyers and judges in Australia and Oceania
新規更新されました。 May 16, 2018 at 08:38AM
First women lawyers and judges in Australia and Oceania
新規更新May 16, 2018 at 04:01AM
Jamiri: neu
'''Øvrevollen''' (norwegisch für ''Obere Wand'') ist ein [[Kliff (Geomorphologie)|Kliff]] aus Fels und Eis im ostantarktischen [[Königin-Maud-Land]]. Im [[Mühlig-Hofmann-Gebirge]] ragt es südlich des [[Ruhnkeberg]]s auf.
Norwegische Kartographen, die das Kliff auch benannten, kartierten es anhand von Vermessungen und Luftaufnahmen der [[Dritte Norwegische Antarktisexpedition|Dritten Norwegischen Antarktisexpedition]] (1956–1960).
== Weblinks ==
* (englisch)
* [https://ift.tt/2rJmUQT Øvrevollen Bluff] auf geographic.org (englisch)
[[Kategorie:Geographie (Antarktika)]]
Hovhannes Draskhanakerttsi
新規更新されました。 May 15, 2018 at 04:02PM
Hovhannes Draskhanakerttsi
意味を調べるПарламентские выборы в Ираке (2018)
新規更新May 15, 2018 at 11:08AM
Парламентские выборы в Ираке (2018)
== Фон ==
Выборы состоялись через шесть месяцев после [[Референдум о независимости Иракского Курдистана (2017)|референдума о независимости]] в [[Иракский Курдистан|иракском Курдистане]], в которых 93% проголосовали за независимость. В ответ Иракское правительство во главе с [[Аль-Абади, Хайдер|Хайдаром Абади]] закрыло аэропорт Эрбиль , взяло под контроль все пограничные переходы между Курдистаном и соседними странами, и, с помощью [[Силы народной мобилизации|Хашд Аль-Шааби]] военным путем захватило контроль над спорными территориями, в том числе богатый нефтью город [[Киркук]]..<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Выборы были первоначально запланированы на сентябрь 2017 года, но были отложены на полгода из-за гражданской войны с ИГИЛ .<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Избирательная система ==
Члены Совета представителей избираются путем по открытым [[Партийный список|партийным спискам пропорционального представительства]], используя 18 [[Административное деление Ирака|провинций]] в [[Ирак|Ираке]] в качестве округов. .<ref></ref> восемь мест остаются зарезервированы для меньшинств на национальном уровне: пять для [[Ассирийцы|ассирийцев]] и одной для Мандеев, Езидов, Шабаков и на провинциальном уровне для Курдов.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2CtrJoc Iraq Amends Its Electoral Law and Is Ready for Parliamentary Elections in April 2014], ''historiae'', 4 November 2013</ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/2C7rprD 2013 Report on Iraq], [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Commission_on_International_Religious_Freedom United States Commission on International Religious Freedom], p. 7.</ref>
== голосование за рубежом ==
[[Файл:Holding_Iraqi_parliamentary_elections_in_Tehran_02.jpg|мини|Проведение иракских парламентских выборов в [[Тегеран|Тегеране]]]]
Независимая Высшая избирательная комиссия объявила, что иракцы, проживающие за пределами Ирака смогут проголосовать в любом из 130 избирательных участках, которые были созданы в 21 стране. 18 участков были в [[Соединённые Штаты Америки|США]], 15 в [[Швеция|Швеции]], 15-в [[Турция|Турции]], 14 в [[Иран]], 13 в [[Иордания|Иордании]], 8-в [[Великобритания|Великобритании]], 8 в [[Австралия|Австралии]], 7-в [[Германия|Германии]], 7-в [[Канада|Канаде]], 5-в [[Египет|Египте]], 4-В [[Дания|Дании]], 2 в [[Ливан|Ливане]], и по одному во [[Франция|Франции]], [[Сирия|Сирии]], [[Финляндия|Финляндии]], [[Бельгия|Бельгии]], [[Австрия]], [[Норвегия]]<nowiki/>и [[Новая Зеландия]].<ref></ref>
== День выборов ==
[[Файл:Iraqi_parliamentary_election,_12_May_2018_-_Governmental_Center_for_Elections_in_the_Green_Zone,_Baghdad_17.jpg|мини|Иракский Президент [[Масум, Фуад|Фуад Масум]] показывает палец после голосования на центральном избирательном участке в [[Зелёная зона (Багдад)|"зеленой зоне"]] в [[Багдад|Багдаде]], столице Ирака, 12 мая 2018.]]
== Распределение Мест по округам ==
Места распределяются в мухафазах следующим образом:
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"
|[[Анбар (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Анбар]]
|[[Бабиль (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Бабиль]]
|[[Багдад (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Багдад]]
|[[Басра (мухафаза)|Басра]]
|[[Дахук (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Дахук]]
|[[Ди-Кар (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Ди-Кар]]
|[[Дияла (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Дияла]]
|[[Эрбиль (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Эрбиль]]
|[[Кербела (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Кербела]]
|[[Киркук (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Киркук]]
|[[Майсан|Мухафаза Майсан]]
|[[Мутанна (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Мутанна]]
|[[Наджаф (мухафаза)|Наджаф]]
|[[Найнава (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Найнава]]
|[[Кадисия (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Аль-Кадисия]]
|[[Салах-эд-Дин (мухафаза)|Провинция Саладин]]
|[[Сулеймания (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Сулеймания]]
|[[Васит (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Васит]]
|от Меньшинств
== Кампания ==
[[Файл:The_joy_of_the_supporters_of_various_Iraqi_parties_after_the_parliamentary_elections_06.jpg|мини|Сторонники Садра празднуют после успешной избирательной кампании]]
В общей сложности 6,904 кандидатов приняли участие в выборах, ,<ref></ref><ref></ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"
!Число кандидатов
|[[Анбар (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Анбар]]
|[[Бабиль (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Бабиль]]
|[[Багдад (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Багдад]]
|[[Басра (мухафаза)|Басра]]
|[[Дахук (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Дахук]]
|[[Ди-Кар (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Ди-Кар]]
|[[Дияла (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Дияла]]
|[[Эрбиль (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Эрбиль]]
|[[Кербела (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Кербела]]
|[[Киркук (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Киркук]]
|[[Майсан|Мухафаза Майсан]]
|[[Мутанна (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Мутанна]]
|[[Наджаф (мухафаза)|Наджаф]]
|[[Найнава (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Найнава]]
|[[Кадисия (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Аль-Кадисия]]
|[[Салах-эд-Дин (мухафаза)|Провинции Саладин]]
|[[Сулеймания (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Сулеймания]]
|[[Васит (мухафаза)|Мухафаза Васит]]
|от Меньшинств
== Результаты ==
== Ссылки ==
[[Категория:Выборы в Ираке]]
[[Категория:Выборы 2018 года]]
[[Категория:2018 год в Ираке]]
Diritti LGBT in Sudan del Sud
新規更新されました。 May 15, 2018 at 01:19AM
Diritti LGBT in Sudan del Sud
Grzegorz Jankowicz
新規更新されました。 May 15, 2018 at 01:18AM
Grzegorz Jankowicz
Henri Gouraud (comandante militar)
新規更新されました。 May 14, 2018 at 08:49PM
Henri Gouraud (comandante militar)
新規更新May 14, 2018 at 08:28PM
Master.styles: 6, Сімферопольський провулок, Харьков, Харьковская область, 61000
We are company "Masterstyles"
We have been working in the
field of trade equipments in Ukrainian market for 10 years
("Masterstyles Ltd" was founded in July of 2006). The company
«MS-Masterstyle is a large manufacturer of commercial equipment and
complex solutions for the trade. Our company is situated in Kharkov,
Ukraine. Our company's staff consists of high-skill professionals:<mapframe latitude="49.781" longitude="36.409" zoom="7" width="400" height="300" align="right" />our managers, constructors , engineers have experience of working in
this sphere more than 7 years, they were working in Ukraine as well as
in Europe. Among our clients are the biggest nets of supermarkets in
Ukraine, Russian Federation and Belarus. We also sell our products to
France, Poland and OUA (Dubai, Emiraty, Katar, and Barhem). We
produce checkouts of any kind. They are characterized by perfect
quality, modern design, easy and suitable control, also trolleys and
baskets of trade brand "Viz". Thereby, it helps us to equip stores of
any format. All products are certified according to international
safety and quality standards. We suggest you familiarize with the
list of products that we produce and supply for domestic and foreign
trade trading networks, as well as retail customers.
Sales & Languages Sales
and Portugal
+ 380504034450
Commercial Manager
Factory address in Ukraine
OOO "Masterstiles"
Kharkiv, 61052 PO Box 25
per.Simferopolsky 6.
意味を調べるАрну, Амбруаз-Мари
新規更新May 14, 2018 at 08:21PM
Арну, Амбруаз-Мари
Образование получил в родном городе, после чего переехал в Париж, где занимался экономическими и финансовыми исследованиями. Был активным участником Великой французской революции и с того момента занимался политикой, включая периоды Революции, Директории, Консулата и Первой Империи. В частности, в 1791 году был назначен заместителем главы бюро метрологии и торговли, затем состоял членом [[Национальный конвент|Национального конвента]] и после падения Робеспьера был вынужден на некоторое время бежать из страны. Затем вошёл в состав комитета по финансам в [[Совет старейшин|Совете старейшин]], где занимался вопросами торговли и выступал за восстановление налога на соль; спустя год покинул этот орган и вошёл в состав Совета пятисот от Парижа. После прихода к власти Наполеона Бонапарта вошёл в состав временной законодательной комиссии, а затем [[Трибунат]]а, будучи его секретарём<ref>[https://ift.tt/2Ie1fKW Proclamation de l'Empire : Fiche signalétique de la collection originale]</ref>. После упразднения Трибуната стал главным контролёром счётной палаты в чине государственного советника, а в мае 1808 года получил почётное звание рыцаря Империи.
Всю свою жизнь параллельно с политической карьерой он занимался политической экономией и в первую очередьизвестен как автор пяти крупных и значимых для совего времени трудов по данной области знаний. В 1791 году им было выпущено сочинение «De la balance du commerce…», в 1795 году переизданное в Париже в двух томах формата in-4 с приложением большого количества карт и таблиц. Эта книга, охватывающая большое количество тем, примечательна в первую очередь обилием приводимых в ней фактов и высоко оценивалась современниками, а также использовалась и в XIX веке. В 1797 году вышла вторая книга его авторства, «Système maritime politique» (1 том в формате in-8), в которой подвергался критике существовавший в то время торговый баланс. В 1806 году была выпущена работа «Histoire générale des finances de France» (Париж, формат in-4), уже в XIX веке оценивавшая исследователями крайне негативно из-за обилия ошибок, допущенных автором по причине больших пробелов в знаниях тогдашней исторической науки о древней истории Франции в целом и малого количества исторических данных о становлении в стране финансового дела. Кроме того, им были написаны два памфлета, опубликованных во время Революции: «Répartition de la contribution foncière» (Париж, 1791, формат in-8), «Point de terrorisme contre les assignats» (Париж, 1794, формат in-8).
== Примечания ==
== Ссылки ==
* [https://ift.tt/2IhJbeY Арну, Амбруаз-Мари] // La grande encyclopédie
* «[https://ift.tt/2IgO4ZA Arnould (Ambroise-Henry, Chevalier)]», dans Adolphe Robert et Gaston Cougny, Dictionnaire des parlementaires français, Edgar Bourloton, 1889-1891.
[[Категория:Экономисты Франции]]
Nông nghiệp Mông Cổ
新規更新されました。 May 14, 2018 at 06:35PM
Nông nghiệp Mông Cổ
Матч СССР — США по лёгкой атлетике 1973
新規更新されました。 May 14, 2018 at 05:02PM
Матч СССР — США по лёгкой атлетике 1973
意味を調べるFrota da Marinha Italiana
新規更新May 14, 2018 at 01:22PM
Frota da Marinha Italiana
Lucas S.C.:
A Frota da [[Marina Militare]] mantêm aproximadamente 181 navios em serviço em 2018,<ref>https://ift.tt/2rHL3Xd> incluindo navais menores auxiliares. A frota começou um processo de renovação no qual 50 navios serão aposentados até 2025 e substituídos por 30 navios multi missão.<ref></ref> A frota inclui (a exceção de navios de operação costeira): 2 [[porta-aviões]], três pequenas docas de transporte anfíbio de 8 000 toneladas, quatro [[contra-torpedeiro]]s de defesa aérea, quatro [[fragata]]s de propósito geral, 10 fragatas anti-submarinas e oito submarinos de ataque. Unidades de guerra litorânea e patrulha incluem uma fragata leve de patrulha, 10 navios de patrulha e duas corvetas. No suporte da frota estão dez navios de contra medidas à minas, quatro barcos de patrulha costeira e vários navios auxiliares.
== Frota de submarinos==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=4| [[Tipo 212|classe ''Todaro'']]
|rowspan=4| [[Ficheiro:Mmi S527.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=4| [[submarino de ataque]]
| Salvatore Todaro
| S 526
|rowspan=4| 1 830 toneladas
|style="text-align:left;" rowspan=4|
| Scirè
| S 527
| Pietro Venuti
| S 528
| Romeo Romei
| S 529
|rowspan=4| [[Classe Sauro]]
|rowspan=4| [[Imagem:Sauro class.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=4| [[submarino de ataque]]
| Salvatore Pelosi
| S 522
|rowspan=4| 1 862 toneladas
| Giuliano Prini
| S 523
| Primo Longobardo
| S 524
| Gianfranco Gazzana Priaroggia
| S 525
== Frota de superfície==
=== Porta-aviões ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:Cavour Napoli 2010.jpg|200px]]
| [[Porta-aviões]]<br />([[V/STOL]])
| Cavour
| 550
| 28 100 toneladas <ref>https://ift.tt/2L06njC>
| [[Imagem:ITS Giuseppe Garibaldi (C 551).jpg|200px]]
| [[Porta-aviões]]<br />([[V/STOL]])
| Giuseppe Garibaldi
| 551
| 13 850 toneladas
|style="text-align:left;"| Será substituído por volta de 2022 pelo [[LHA Trieste]] de 33,000t<ref name="decomplan"></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
=== Guerra anfíbia ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=3| [[Classe San Giorgio]]
|rowspan=3| [[Imagem:San Marco (L9893) underway in the Mediterranean Sea on 16 June 2016.JPG|200px]]
|rowspan=3| [[Doca de transporte anfíbio|LPD – Doca de transporte anfíbio ]]<br />(Small)
| San Giorgio
| L 9892
|rowspan=3| 8 000 toneladas
|style="text-align:left;"| Se aposenta em 2019<ref name="decomplan" /><br>Classe será substituída por dois LPDs de 20 000 toneladas
| San Marco
| L 9893
|style="text-align:left;"| Se aposenta em 2020<ref name="decomplan" />
| San Giusto
| L 9894
|style="text-align:left;"| Se aposenta em 2022<ref name="decomplan" />
=== Combatentes maiores de superfície===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=2|[[Classe Orizzonte]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Nave Caio Duilio.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=2| [[Contra-torpedeiro]] de defesa aérea
| Andrea Doria
| D 553
|rowspan=2| 7 050 toneladas
| Caio Duilio
| D 554
|rowspan=2| [[ Classe Durand de la Penne]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Durand de la Penne D560.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=2| [[Contra-torpedeiro]] de defesa aérea
| Luigi Durand de la Penne
| D 560
|rowspan=2| 5 560 toneladas
| Se aposenta em 2024
| Francesco Mimbelli
| D 561
|rowspan=8| [[Classe FREMM|Classe ''Bergamini'']]<br />(FREMM)
|rowspan=8| [[Imagem:Carlo Margottini (F 592) 05.JPG|200px]]
|rowspan=4| [[fragata]] de propósito geral
| Carlo Bergamini
| F 590
|rowspan=8| 6 700 toneladas
|rowspan=8| Mais duas serão comissionadas
| Luigi Rizzo
| F 595
| Federico Martinengo
| F 596
| Antonio Marcegaglia
| F 597 <ref>https://ift.tt/2rHfjS7>
|rowspan=4| [[fragata]] anti-submarina
| Virginio Fasan
| F 591
| Carlo Margottini
| F 592
| Carabiniere
| F 593
| Alpino
| F 594
|rowspan=6| [[Classe Maestrale]]
|rowspan=6| [[Imagem:Maestrale-Class MAESTRALE (F 570).jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=6| Anti-submarine [[fragata]]
| Grecale<br />
| F 571
|rowspan=6| 3 040 toneladas
|rowspan=6| Serão retiradas entre 2015–24<ref name="decomplan" /> e substituídas pelas [[FREMM]].
| Libeccio
| F 572
| Scirocco
| F 573
| Euro
| F 575
| Espero
| F 576
| Zeffiro
| F 577
|rowspan=1| [[Classe Lupo]]<br />(também conhecida como Classe ''Soldati'')
|rowspan=1| [[Imagem:MM Sagittario Distant Drum 1983.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=1| [[fragata]] de patrulha leve
| Aviere
| F 583
|rowspan=1| 2 506 toneladas
|rowspan=1| Se aposentarão em 2018<ref name="decomplan" /> e substituídas pelas [[PPA, Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura|PPA]]
|rowspan=2| {[[Classe Minerva]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Urania F552.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=2| [[Corveta]]
| Driade
| F 555
|rowspan=2| 1 285 toneladas
|rowspan=2| Se retirando entre 2016–17<ref name="decomplan" /> e substituídas pelas [[PPA, Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura|PPA]]
| Chimera
| F 556
=== Patrulha ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Note
|rowspan=4| [[Classe Comandanti]]
|rowspan=4| [[Image:US Navy 100528-N-3136P-207 An Italian Navy visit, board, search and seizure team returns to the Italian Navy offshore patrol vessel ITS Comandante Foscari (P-493) .jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=4| [[Navio patrulha]]
| Comandante Cigala Fulgosi
| P 490
|rowspan=4| 1 520 toneladas
| Será aposentada em 2023<ref name="decomplan" />
| Comandante Borsini
| P 491
| Será aposentada em 2023<ref name="decomplan" />
| Comandante Bettica
| P 492
| Será aposentada em 2025<ref name="decomplan" />
| Comandante Foscari
| P 493
| Será aposentada em 2024<ref name="decomplan" />
|rowspan=2| [[Classe Sirio]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Mmi P409.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=2| [[Navio aptrulha]]
| Sirio
| P 409
|rowspan=2| 1 549 toneladas
| Será aposentada em 2025<ref name="decomplan" />
| Orione
| P 410
|Será aposentada em 2024<ref name="decomplan" />
|rowspan=4| [[Classe Cassiopea]]
|rowspan=4| [[Imagem:Spica P403.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=4| [[Navio patrulha]]
| Cassiopea
| P 401
|rowspan=4| 1 499 toneladas
|rowspan=4| Serão aposentados em 2022–23;<ref name="decomplan" />
| Libra
| P 402
| Spica
| P 403
| Vega
| P 404
=== Contra medidas à minas ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=2| [[Classe Lerici]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Vieste M5553.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=2| [[caça-minas]]
| Milazzo
| M 5552
|rowspan=2| 503 toneladas
| Se aposenta em 2019<ref name="decomplan" />
| Vieste
| M 5553
| Se aposenta em 2018<ref name="decomplan" />
|rowspan=8| [[Classe Lerici|Classe ''Gaeta'']]
|rowspan=8| [[Imagem:MM Crotone M5558.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=8| [[Caça-minas]]
| Gaeta
| M 5554
|rowspan=8| 720 toneladas
|rowspan=8| Se aposentam em 2019–22<ref name="decomplan" />
| Termoli
| M 5555
| Alghero
| M 5556
| Numana
| M 5557
| Crotone
| M 5558
| Viareggio
| M 5559
| Chioggia
| M 5560
| Rimini
| M 5561
=== Patrulha costal ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Boat
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=4| [[Classe Esploratore]]
|rowspan=4| [[Imagem:Vedetta (P 407).jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=4| [[Navio patrulha]]
| Esploratore
| P 405
|rowspan=4| 188 toneladas
| Sentinella
| P 406
| Vedetta
| P 407
| Staffetta
| P 408
== Frota auxiliar ==
A [[Marina Militare]] mantêm em serviço um número de navios auxiliares e de suporte. Eles incluem:<ref></ref>
=== Navios de reabastecimento ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=1|[[Classe Etna]]
| [[Imagem:AOR Etna.jpg|200px]]
| [[Navio tanque]
| Etna
| A 5326
| 13 400 toneladas
| Navio suporte de comando e logística, Se aposenta em 2025<ref name="decomplan" />
|rowspan=2|[[Classe Stromboli]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Nave da rifornimento Vesuvio A 5329.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=2| [[Navio tanque]] (pequeno)
| Stromboli
| A 5327
|rowspan=2| 9 100 toneladas
|rowspan=2| Serão substituídos entre 2018–20;<ref name="decomplan" /> pelo [[Vulcano (A 5335)]] em 2019.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
| Vesuvio
| A 5329
===Navio de suporte e resgate submarino===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:Ae dq mmi A5309.jpg|200px]]
| [[Navio de resgate submarino]]
| Anteo
| A 5309
| 3 874 toneladas
| Equipado com um veículo submarino de resgate profundo: DRASS-Galeazzi SRV-300; Será aposentado em 2020, planeja-se que seja substituído pela Unità Supporto Subacqueo Polivalente ([[USSP]])
=== Navios de apoio a mergulho===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=2| [[Classe Marino]]
|rowspan=2| [[Navio de apoio ao mergulho]]
| Mario Marino
| Y 498
|rowspan=2| 97 toneladas
|rowspan=2| sendo substituído pela [[Classe UNPAV|UNPAV]]
| Alcide Pedretti
| Y 499
=== Navio de suporte eletrônico ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:Elettra A5340.jpg|200px]]
| [[Navio espião]]
| Elettra
| A 5340
| 3,180 toneladas
=== Navio hidrográficos ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:Magnaghi (A 5303) 08.JPG|200px]]
| [[navio oceanográfico]]
| Ammiraglio Magnaghi
| A 5303
| 1 744 toneladas
| Sendo substituído a partir de 2020 pela [[Unità Idro Oceanografica Maggiore]]
|rowspan=2| [[Classe Ninfe]]
|rowspan=2| [[Imagem:Galatea (A 5308) 05.JPG|200px]]
|rowspan=2|[[navio oceanográfico]]
| Aretusa
| A 5304
|rowspan=2| 415 toneladas
| Galatea
| A 5308
=== Navios multi-propósito e de pesquisa ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:NATO Research vessel Alliance.jpg|200px]]
| [[Navio de pesquisa]]
| Alliance
| A 5345
| 2,920 toneladas
| Sob bandeira italiana e tripulação da Marina Militare desde 1 de janeiro de 2016; operada para CMRE – La Spezia<ref>[https://ift.tt/2IdHbZa New operating model for CMRE research vessels], www.cmre.nato.int</ref><ref>http://www.naviearmatori.net/albums/userpics/13326/1458674356.jpg</ref>
| [[Imagem:Leonardo (A 5301) 06 @chesi.JPG|200px]]
| [[Navio de pesquisa]] costal
| Leonardo
| A 5301
| 433 toneladas
|rowspan=2| [[Classe Rossetti]]
|rowspan=2| [[Navio de pesquisa]] costal
| Raffaele Rossetti
| A 5315
|rowspan=2| 324 toneladas
| Vincenzo Martellotta
| A 5320
=== Navios tanque de água ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| Navio tanque de água
| Bormida
| A 5359
| 763 toneladas
| ex GGS 1011
|rowspan=2| [[Classe Simeto]]
|rowspan=2| Navio tanque de água
| Ticino
| A 5376
|rowspan=2| 2 027 toneladas
| Tirso
| A 5377
=== Navios tanque costais===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=6| [[Classe Panarea]]
|rowspan=6| [[Imagem:Favignana (A 5372).JPG|200px]]
|rowspan=6| Navio tanque costal
| Panarea
| A 5370
|rowspan=6| 863 toneladas
| Linosa
| A 5371
| Favignana
| A 5372
| Salina
| A 5373
=== Navios de transporte costais ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=6| [[Classe Gorgona]]
|rowspan=6| [[Imagem:Mmi A5353.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=6| [[Navio de transporte]] costal
| Gorgona
| A 5347
|rowspan=6| 631 / 799,6 toneladas
|rowspan=6| capacidade de lançar minas
| Tremiti
| A 5348
| Caprera
| A 5349
| Pantelleria
| A 5351
| Lipari
| A 5352
| Capri
| A 5353
=== Navios de suporte logístico tender===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=5| [[Classe Ponza]]
|rowspan=5| [[Imagem:Mmi A5368.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=5| Navio de transporte costal
| Ponza
| A 5364
|rowspan=5| 685 toneladas
|rowspan=5| capacidade lança minas
| Levanzo
| A 5366
| Tavolara
| A 5367
| Palmaria
| A 5368
| Procida
| A 5383
=== Lanchas de desembarque ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=9| [[Classe LCM62]] <br />MTM C828
|rowspan=9| [[Lancha de desembarque]]
| LCM62
| GIS62
|rowspan=9| 76 toneladas
| LCM63
| GIS63
| LCM64
| GIS64
| LCM65
| GIS65
| LCM66
| GIS66
| LCM67
| GIS67
| LCM68
| GIS68
| LCM69
| GIS69
| LCM60
| GIS70
|rowspan=8| [[Classe MTM217]]
|rowspan=8| [[Lancha de desembarque]]
| MTM217
| MEN217
|rowspan=8| 65 toneladas
| MTM218
| MEN218
| MTM219
| MEN219
| MTM220
| MEN220
| MTM221
| MEN221
| MTM222
| MEN222
| MTM227
| MEN227
| MTM228
| MEN228
|rowspan=1| [[Classe MTP96]]
|rowspan=1| [[Lancha de desembarque]]
| 20 x MTP96
| MDN94/MDN104<br />MDN108/MDN109<br />MDN114/MDN120
|rowspan=1| 14 toneladas
|rowspan=1| comissionados nos anos 1990
=== Iates presidenciais ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Iate presidencial]]
| Argo
| MEN 209
| 65 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1971; usado como navio espião nos anos da [[Guerra Fria]]
| [[Iate]]
| Sanjir
| 261 toneladas
| lançado em 2006; Comissionado em 2014; em update
=== Rebocadores de alto mar ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=7| [[lasse Ciclope]]
|rowspan=7| [[Imagem:Mmi A5330.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=7| [[rebocador]]
| A 5319
|rowspan=7| 660 toneladas
| Titano
| A 5324
| Polifemo
| A 5325
| Gigante
| A 5328
| Saturno
| A 5330
| Tenace
| A 5365
=== Rebocadores costais ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| Rebocador costal
| Ercole
| Y 430
| 540 toneladas
| Lançado em 2002 pela Damen Navioyards; Comissiondo em 2014
|rowspan=9| [[Classe Porto]]
|rowspan=9| [[Imagem:Mm Carabiniere F 581.jpg|200px]]
|rowspan=9| Rebocador costal
|Porto Fossone
| Y 415
|rowspan=9| 412 toneladas
|rowspan=9| Portofino (Y 436) e Riva Trigoso (Y 443) descomissionados
|Porto Torres
| Y 416
|Porto Corsini
| Y 417
|Porto Empedocle
| Y 421
|Porto Pisano
| Y 422
|Porto Conte
| Y 423
| Y 425
| Y 426
|Porto Salvo
| Y 428
=== Rebocadores de porto ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=10| [[Classe RP 101]]
|rowspan=10| Rebocadores de porto
|RP 101
| Y403
|rowspan=10| 85 toneladas
|rowspan=10| I lote
|RP 102
| Y404
|RP 104
| Y407
|RP 106
| Y410
|RP 107
| Y413
|RP 108
| Y452
|RP 109
| Y456
|RP 110
| Y458
|RP 111
| Y460
|RP 112
| Y462
|rowspan=2| [[Classe RP 113]]
|rowspan=2| rebocadores de porto
|RP 113
| Y463
|rowspan=2| 120 toneladas
|rowspan=2| II lote
|RP 116
| Y466
|rowspan=6| [[Classe RP 118]]
|rowspan=6| rebocadores de porto
|RP 118
| Y468
|rowspan=6| 85 toneladas
|rowspan=6| III lote
|RP 119
| Y470
|RP 120
| Y471
|RP 122
| Y473
|RP 123
| Y476
|RP 124
| Y477
|rowspan=10| [[lasse RP 125]]
|rowspan=10| rebocadores de porto
|RP 125
| Y478
|rowspan=10| 76,4 toneladas
|rowspan=10| IV lote
|RP 126
| Y479
|RP 127
| Y480
|RP 128
| Y481
|RP 129
| Y482
|RP 130
| Y483
|RP 131
| Y484
|RP 134
| Y487
|RP 132
| Y485
|RP 133
| Y486
=== navios tanque de combustível e água de porto ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
|rowspan=7| [[Classe GGS 1012]]
|rowspan=7| Navio tanque
| GGS1012
| GGS 1012
|rowspan=7| 500 toneladas
| GGS1013
| GGS 1013
| GGS1014
| GGS 1014
| GRS/G 1010
| GRS/G 1010
| GRS/G 1011
| GRS/G 1011
| GRS/G 1012
| GRS/G 1012
| GRS/J 1013
| GRS/J 1013
=== Navio balsa ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Balsa]]
| Cheradi
| Y402
| 180 toneladas
=== Navios vela de treinamento===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classa
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:Amerigo vespucci 1976 nyc aufgetakelt.jpg|200px]]
| [[Amerigo Vespucci (navio)]]
| A 5312
| 4,300 toneladas
| lançado em fevereiro de 1931; última modernização pesada em 2013/2016
| [[Imagem:Nave scuola Palinuro (A5311).jpg|200px]]
| [[Palinuro (Navio)|Palinuro]]
| A 5311
| 1,341 toneladas
| lançado em março de 1934
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Imagem:Italia (A 5314) IMO 8872825 01.JPG|200px]]
| Italia
| A 5314
| 404 toneladas
| Lançado em 1993; comissionado em 2007; comprimento de 61 m
| [[Imagem:Navire école ORSA MAGGIRE.jpg|200px]]
| Orsa Maggiore
| A 5323
| 80 toneladas
| Caroly
| A 5302
| 56 toneladas
| Capricia
| A 5322
| 55 toneladas
| [[Imagem:Stella Polare (Navio, 1965), Sète cf01.jpg|200px]]
| Stella Polare
| A 5313
| 48 toneladas
| [[Imagem:Mmi A5316.jpg|200px]]
| Corsaro II|A 5316|2}}
| A 5316
| 47 toneladas
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Deslocamento
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| Albatros
| Andromeda
| Antares
| Aquarius
| Aquilante
| Aquilone
| Artica II
| 7 toneladas
| lançado em 1956; comprimento de 12,94 m
| Bellatrix
| Calypso
| Canopus
| Chaplin
| 15 toneladas
| lançado em 1974; comissionado em 2008; comprimento de 16,75 m
| Cignus
| Cobalt
| S/Y
| Deneb
| Dragone
| Fomalhaut
| Gabbiano
| Gemini
| Grifone bianco
| Nausica
| Pegaso
| Pellicano
| Penelope
| Quadrante
| Sagittario
| 11 toneladas
| lançado em 1972; comprimento de 15,74 m
| Scorpione
| Sestante
| Seven seas
| Tara
| Ussaro
=== Docas flutuantes ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:15%;"| Classe
!style="width: 9%;"| Imagem
!style="width:19%;"| Tipo
!style="width:24%;"| Navio
!style="width: 5%; line-height:1.2em;"|
!style="width:10%;"| Lifting<br />capacity
!style="width:20%;"| Notas
| [[Doca flutuante]]
| [[GO 60]]
| GO 60
| 1,000 tonns
| Lançada em 17 de fevereiro de 2018 pela Megaride dockyards em Napoli;
| [[Doca flutuante]]
| [[GO 59]]
| GO 59
| 1 000 toneladas
| Comissionados em 2014
| [[Doca flutuante]]
| [[GO 58]]
| GO 58
| 2 000 toneladas
| Comissionados em on 1996
| [[Classe GO 55]]
| Doca flutuante
|GO 55<br />GO 56<br />GO 57
| GO 55<br />GO 56<br />GO 57
| 850 toneladas
| Comissionados entre 1995/1996
| [[Classe GO 52]]
| Doca flutuante
| GO 52<br />GO 53<br />GO 54
| GO 52<br />GO 53<br />GO 54
| 6,000 toneladas
| Comissionados em 1988/1993<br />GO53 em 2018 com base em Augusta <ref>https://ift.tt/2IejrEo>
| Doca flutuante
| GO 51
| GO 51
| 2 000 toneladas
| Comissionados em 1971<br />comprimento de 80 m<br />estabelecido em [[La Maddalena]] ([[Olbia]])
| [[Classe GO 22]]
| Doca flutuante
| GO 23
| GO 23
| 1 000 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1935
| Doca flutuante
| [[GO 20]]
| GO 20
| 1,600 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1935
| Doca flutuante
| GO 188
| GO 188
| 600 t
| Comissionado em 1920
| Doca flutuante
| GO 18A
| GO18A
| 800 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1920<br />on 2015 based to [[Brindisi]] Naval Station<ref></ref>
| Doca flutuante
| GO 11
| GO 11
| 2,700 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1920
| Doca flutuante
| GO 5
| GO 5
| 100 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1893
| Doca flutuante
| GO 1
| GO 1
| 1 000 toneladas
| Comissionado em 1942
== Ver também ==
* [[Marina Militare]]
* [[Forças Armadas da Itália]]
== Links externos ==
* [https://ift.tt/2rGzWho Italian Navy Navios (marina.difesa.it)]
* [https://ift.tt/2KYFAEr Italian Navy submarines (marina.difesa.it)]
* [https://ift.tt/2rMaO95 Italian Navy aircraft (marina.difesa.it)]
* [https://ift.tt/2IejtMw Italian Navy new projects (marina.difesa.it)]
[[Categoria:Listas de navios]]
[[Categoria:Marinha Italiana]]
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...
新規更新December 08, 2019 at 09:18PM 【外部リンク】 Bernard Wodon Balibarbu : Nouvelle page : Bernard Wodon est historien d'art et écriva...
新規更新September 20, 2019 at 07:43PM 【外部リンク】 John McMullin (silversmith) Daderot: ←Created page with 'Basket by John McMullin, c....
新規更新されました。 April 17, 2020 at 07:19PM 【外部リンク】 Hạch bạch huyết cổ https://ift.tt/2VzslAc
新規更新December 04, 2018 at 08:50AM 【外部リンク】 八束和廣 2402:6B00:4668:5F00:842C:26B1:20BB:ED96: '''八束 和廣'''(やつづか かずひろ、...
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...