
意味調べる(118290) 1998 SZ26

新規更新August 31, 2019 at 10:16PM

(118290) 1998 SZ26

JarBot: بوت:إنشاء مقالة

'''1998 أس زد 26''' (ويعرف أيضًا باسم '''(118290) 1998 أس زد 26''' وفق [[تسمية الكوكب الصغير]]) هو [[كويكب]] ضمن [[حزام الكويكبات]]؛ وترتيبه 118290 من حيث [[استكشاف الفضاء|الاكتشاف]].
اكتُشف هذا [[جرم فلكي|الجُرم الفلكي]] بواسطة في 20 سبتمبر 1998.<ref></ref><ref></ref>

== انظر أيضًا ==
* [[قائمة الكواكب الصغيرة]]

== مراجع ==

== وصلات خارجية ==

[[تصنيف:كواكب صغيرة مسماة]]


Манессон-Малле, Ален

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 08:17PM
Манессон-Малле, Ален

Gustav Adolf von Francois

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 08:13PM
Gustav Adolf von Francois

Michaelina Wautier

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 08:08PM
Michaelina Wautier

意味調べる(9644) 1994 WQ3

新規更新August 31, 2019 at 08:12PM

(9644) 1994 WQ3

JarBot: بوت:إنشاء مقالة

'''1994 دابليو كيو 3''' (ويعرف أيضًا باسم '''(9644) 1994 دابليو كيو 3''' وفق [[تسمية الكوكب الصغير]]) هو [[كويكب]] ضمن [[حزام الكويكبات]]؛ وترتيبه 9644 من حيث [[استكشاف الفضاء|الاكتشاف]].
اكتُشف هذا [[جرم فلكي|الجُرم الفلكي]] بواسطة في 26 نوفمبر 1994.<ref></ref><ref></ref>

== انظر أيضًا ==
* [[قائمة الكواكب الصغيرة]]

== مراجع ==

== وصلات خارجية ==

[[تصنيف:كواكب صغيرة مسماة]]


2019 European Diving Championships – Men's synchronized 10 metre platform

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 06:20PM
2019 European Diving Championships – Men's synchronized 10 metre platform

タロ (食品)

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 06:19PM
タロ (食品)

2019 European Diving Championships – Men's 10 metre platform

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 06:18PM
2019 European Diving Championships – Men's 10 metre platform

劉弘 (隋朝)

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 06:08PM
劉弘 (隋朝)


新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 06:03PM

U 732

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 05:55PM
U 732


新規更新August 31, 2019 at 05:57PM


Enrevseluj : Nouvelle page : * Dietmar Constantini (1955- ), joueur de football et entraineur autrichien ; * Lilian Constantini (1902-1982), actrice française ; * Nino Constantini…

* [[Dietmar Constantini]] (1955- ), joueur de football et entraineur autrichien ;
* [[Lilian Constantini]] (1902-1982), actrice française ;
* [[Nino Constantini]] (1904-1970), acteur et producteur français
* [[Richard Constantini]] (1965- ), acteur français ;
* [[Vincent Marie Constantini]] (1751-1825), général français.


27 avril 1993

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 03:53PM
27 avril 1993

(33369) 1999 BE11

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 04:06PM
(33369) 1999 BE11


新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 04:02PM


新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 03:47PM

意味調べるKiến tạo nắp

新規更新August 31, 2019 at 03:59PM

Kiến tạo nắp

Phuongdung1987: Tạo với bản dịch của trang "Lid tectonics"

'''Kiến tạo nắp,''' thường được coi là kiến tạo nắp ứ đọng, là loại [[kiến tạo]] được cho là tồn tại trên một số hành tinh và mặt trăng trong [[Hệ Mặt Trời|Hệ Mặt trời]] và có thể ở trên Trái đất, trong giai đoạn đầu của lịch sử. Nắp này tương đương với [[thạch quyển]] trong [[kiến tạo mảng]], được hình thành từ các khoáng vật [[silicat]] rắn (hoặc băng rắn trong trường hợp các hành tinh băng giá và mặt trăng). Sự ổn định tương đối và bất động của nắp làm mát mạnh dẫn đến kiến tạo nắp bị ứ đọng, đã làm giảm đáng kể lượng kiến tạo ngang so với kiến tạo mảng (cũng có thể được mô tả là "kiến tạo nắp di động").<ref name="ONeil&Roberts_2018"></ref> Sự hiện diện của một nắp ứ đọng phía trên lớp phủ đối lưu được ghi nhận là một chế độ ổn định có thể có đối lưu trên Trái đất, trái ngược với kiến tạo mảng di động được chứng thực tốt của eon hiện tại. <ref name="Gurnis1989">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

== Sự hình thành ==
Một chế độ kiến tạo nắp phát sinh vì thạch quyển lạnh phía trên quá nhớt để tham gia vào dòng chảy bên dưới của lớp phủ. <ref>Ogawa, M., Schubert, G., Zebib, A., 1991. Numerical simulations of three-dimensional thermal convection in a fluid with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity. J. Fluid Mech. 233, 299–328.</ref> <ref>Moresi, L., Solomatov, V.S., 1995. Numerical investigation of 2D convection with extremely large viscosity variations. Phys. Fluids 7, 2154–2162.</ref> <ref>Solomatov, V.S., Moresi, L., 1997. Three regimes of mantle convection with non-Newtonian viscosity and stagnant lid convection on the terrestrial planets. Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 1907–1910.</ref> <ref>Solomatov, V.S., Moresi, L., 2000. Scaling of time-dependent stagnant lid convection: application to small-scale convection on Earth and other terrestrial planets. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 21795–21818</ref> Cường độ năng suất của nắp đủ cao để nắp không bị hỏng. Mối quan hệ này phụ thuộc rất nhiều vào tỷ lệ cường độ thạch quyển với ứng suất đối lưu tự nhiên. <ref name=":0">O'Neill, C., Jellinek, A.M., Lenardic, A., 2007a. Conditions for the onset of plate tectonics on terrestrial planets and moons. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 261, 20–32.</ref> Do đó, nếu cường độ thạch quyển lớn hơn ứng suất đối lưu thì bạn sẽ có kiến tạo nắp ứ đọng.

== Các yếu tố góp phần kiến tạo nắp ==
Có nhiều đặc điểm của một cơ thể hành tinh có ảnh hưởng đến sự hiện diện và mức độ kiến tạo nắp. Nhiệt độ của [[Điểm gián đoạn Gutenberg|ranh giới lớp phủ lõi]] của cơ thể và sự hiện diện của nước ảnh hưởng mạnh đến các chẩn đoán lưu biến, thành phần và các chẩn đoán nhiệt của kiến tạo nắp.

Nắp sẽ không tham gia vào sự đối lưu cơ bản của lớp phủ. Ở đáy của thạch quyển, nơi nắp tiếp xúc với vật liệu ít nhớt hơn, tan chảy sẽ hình thành ở lớp ranh giới nhiệt và gây ra nhỏ giọt, được cho là có thành phần [[Peridotit|peridotite]] <ref name=":0">O'Neill, C., Jellinek, A.M., Lenardic, A., 2007a. Conditions for the onset of plate tectonics on terrestrial planets and moons. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 261, 20–32.</ref>. Chế độ nắp ứ đọng này sẽ không trộn hiệu quả một lớp phủ.

== Các cơ thể hành tinh khác ==
Chế độ nắp ứ đọng là loại phổ biến nhất của kiểu [[kiến tạo mảng]] tồn tại trong [[Hệ Mặt Trời|hệ mặt trời]] <ref name=":0">O'Neill, C., Jellinek, A.M., Lenardic, A., 2007a. Conditions for the onset of plate tectonics on terrestrial planets and moons. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 261, 20–32.</ref> <ref>Stern, R.J., 2008. Modern-style plate tectonics began in Neoproterozoic time: an alternative interpretation of Earth's tectonic history. In: Condie, K.C., Pease, V. (Eds.), When Did Plate Tectonics Begin on Planet Earth?. Geological Society of America Special Paper 440, pp. 265–280.</ref>. [[Sao Thủy]] , [[Mặt Trăng|Mặt trăng]] , [[Sao Kim]] <ref name=":1">Stern, R. J. (2005). Evidence from ophiolites, blueschists, and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terranes that the modern episode of subduction tectonics began in Neoproterozoic time. ''Geology'', ''33''(7), 557-560.</ref> và vệ tinh [[Io (vệ tinh)|Io]] đều được cho là đã bị chi phối bởi kiến tạo nắp trong toàn bộ lịch sử của chúng. Trong lớp phủ của cả Sao Thủy và Mặt Trăng, nhiệt chủ yếu bị mất do dẫn truyền qua nắp, dẫn đến dòng nhiệt thấp <ref>Louro Lourenço, D., Rozel, A. B., Ballmer, M. D., Gerya, T., & Tackley, P. J. (2018, April). Plutonic-squishy lid: a new global tectonic regime generated by intrusive magmatism on Earth-like planets. In ''EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts''(Vol. 20, p. 491).</ref> . Solomatov và Moresi đặt ra thuật ngữ "nắp ứ đọng" khi họ mô tả phong cách kiến tạo đã có mặt trên sao Kim vào năm 1996 <ref name=":2">Solomatov, V. S., & Moresi, L. N. (1996). Stagnant lid convection on Venus. ''Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets'', ''101''(E2), 4737-4753.</ref>. Họ tuyên bố rằng Sao Kim có các vệt tương tự Trái đất, sẽ nổi lên trên bề mặt và "những giọt" thạch quyển lạnh lẽo sẽ chìm xuống . Sao Hỏa cũng được cho là có kiến tạo nắp ứ đọng, mặc dù, chậm hơn nhiều so với Sao Kim <ref>Breuer, D., & Spohn, T. (2003). Early plate tectonics versus single‐plate tectonics on Mars: Evidence from magnetic field history and crust evolution. ''Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets'', ''108''(E7).</ref> .

== Tham khảo ==

[[Thể loại:Địa chất học hành tinh]]
[[Thể loại:Kiến tạo]]
[[Thể loại:Pages with unreviewed translations]]


سفارة فرنسا في السويد

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 01:56PM
سفارة فرنسا في السويد


新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 01:52PM

Bihar Mahila Udyog Sangh

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 01:52PM
Bihar Mahila Udyog Sangh

意味調べるCash, South Carolina

新規更新August 31, 2019 at 12:19PM

Cash, South Carolina

Gilliam: ←Created page with ' '''Cash''' is an unincorporated community in Chesterfield County, South Carolina|Chesterf...'

'''Cash''' is an [[unincorporated community]] in [[Chesterfield County, South Carolina|Chesterfield County]], in the [[U.S. state]] of [[South Carolina]].<ref name="GNIS"></ref>

The community was named after one Colonel E. B. Cash.<ref></ref> A variant name was "Cashs".<ref name=GNIS /> A post office called Cash's Depot was established in 1880, and remained in operation until 1917.<ref></ref>


[[Category:Unincorporated communities in South Carolina]]
[[Category:Unincorporated communities in Chesterfield County, South Carolina]]


意味調べるسورة الكهف (رمزية)

新規更新August 31, 2019 at 12:17PM

سورة الكهف (رمزية)

ابوالحسن مهدي عيدان:

[[ملف:The seven young men of Ephesus and their dog.jpg|تصغير|"فتيان [[أفسس|إفسُس]] السبعة النيام" (عن أيقونة [[الإمبراطورية البيزنطية|بيزنطية]]).]]
'''رَمزيَّة التحوُّل في سورَة الكهف'''، العنوان الفرعي ('''موجز في الخيمياء القديمة''') هي [[مقالة]] كتبها [[نفساني|عالم النفس]] [[سويسرا|السويسري]] [[كارل يونغ|كارل غوستاف يونغ]] يحلل فيها [[رمزية]] [[سورة الكهف]] النفسية/[[روحانية (ديانات)|الروحية]] من حيثية أنها ترمز الى موضوع نفسي/روحي مهم ألَا وهو التحول [[علم النفس|السيكولوجي]] (النفسي) للإنسان، وبأنَّ موضوع سر ([[ولادة ثانية|الولادة الثانية]]) هو الذي تركز عليه السورة، وأنَّ (الكهف) هو مكان هذه الولادة، حيث قال كارل يونغ في هذا الخصوص: "يستأثر بالسورة كلِّها سر ''الولادة الثانية'' أو الجديدة، و"الكهف" هو مكان هذه الولادة: ذلك التجويف السرِّي الذي يُغلَقُ فيه على المرء حيث تتم حضانتُه وتجديدُه".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

== المقالة ==
من الأمثلة التي تخيَّرتُها على ''[[تحول نفسي|التحول النفسي]]'' رمزٌ يلعب دورًا كبيرًا في [[صوفية|التصوف الإسلامي]]، وأعني به "[[الخضر]]" الذي يظهر في السورة الثامنة عشرة من [[القرآن]]، [[سورة الكهف]]. يستأثر بالسورة كلِّها سر ''[[ولادة ثانية|الولادة الثانية]]'' أو الجديدة، و"الكهف" هو مكان هذه الولادة: ذلك التجويف السرِّي الذي يُغلَقُ فيه على المرء حيث تتم حضانتُه وتجديدُه. ويصف القرآن الكهف بالقول (الآية 17):

و"الفجوة" هي المركز الذي ترقد فيه ''الجوهرة'' وتجري فيه الحضانةُ أو [[طقس التحول|طقس الذبيحة]] أو ''التحويل''. وإننا لنجد خير تمثيل لهذه الرمزية في [[ميثرائية|المحاريب الميثرائية]]، وفي [[خيمياء|الصور الخيميائية]] التي تتحدث عن "جوهر التحويل" الذي يُرى دائمًا بين الشمس والقمر. ثم إن تصوير فعل الصَّلْب كثيرًا ما يتبع النموذج نفسه. كذلك نجد لدى أقوام [[أساطير نافاجو|النافاجو]] Navajo ([[الشعوب الأصلية في الأمريكتين|هنود من أمريكا الشمالية]]) ترتيبًا رمزيًّا مماثلاً في احتفالات التحول أو الشفاء. إن مجرد كون هذا المكان المركزي أو التحويلي كهفًا كان قَصَدَهُ أولئك السبعة لكي يناموا فيه لا يحتاج منَّا إلى إعمالِ فكرٍ حتى نعلم أنهم مقبلون على اختبار يطيلون فيه عمرهم إطالةً تقف بهم على حافة الخلود. فلما استيقظوا علموا أنهم ناموا تسع سنوات وثلاثمائة (الآية 25).<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

==== معنى القصة ====
للقصة المعنى التالي: كل مَن يدخل الكهف - أي الكهف الذي لدى كلِّ إنسان مثلُهُ في نفسه، أو في الظلمة التي تقبع خلف الواعية (= [[وعي|الوعي]] consciousness) - يجد نفسه في [[عملية (توضيح)|سيرورة]] تحوُّل غير واع. وعندما يتوغل في أعماق الخافية (= [[عقل باطن|اللاوعي]] unconscious)، يعقد صلةً مع محتوياتها، مما قد ينتج عنه تغيُّر خطير في [[شخصية|الشخصية]]، إيجابي أو سلبي. وغالبًا ما يُفسَّر التحويل بمدٍّ في عمر الإنسان زيادةً على عمره العادي أو الطبيعي أو بخلود فعلي. يذهب إلى التفسير الأول كثيرٌ من أهل الخيمياء، والثاني نجد مثالَه في [[أسرار إلفسس|أسرار إلفْسِس]].
في أثناء النوم، يتحول النيامُ السبعة، الذين يدل عددُهم المقدس على أنهم [[إله|آلهة]]، ويحصلون بهذا التحول على شباب أبدي. وهذا يساعدنا، منذ البداية، على أن نعلم أننا هنا حيال قصة [[مسارية (غنوصية)|أسرارية]]. ثم إن المصير الذي آل إليه هؤلاء [[روحانية|الروحانيون]]، على نحو ما هو مدوَّن في القصة، يستولي على قلب السامع، لأن القصة تعبِّر عن سيرورات نفسية موازية لها موجودة في خافية السامع، ما تلبث حتى تعود فتتحد بواعيته، لأن استعادة الحالة الأصلية تساوي استعادة جِدَّة الشباب.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

==== ملاحظات أخلاقية ====
تأتي في أعقاب رواية هذه القصة بعضُ ملاحظات أخلاقية تبدو وكأن لا علاقة لها بها. لكن هذا الخروج عن السياق إنما يبدو كذلك في الظاهر فقط. والحق أن هذه الملاحظات البنَّاءة هي ما يحتاج إليه مَن لا يستطيعون أن "يلدوا أنفسهم" ثانية، وعليهم أن يكتفوا بالمسلك الأخلاقي، أي بالتمسك بالشريعة التي غالبًا ما يكون التمسكُ بها عِوَضًا من التحول الروحي. ثم تعقب هذه الملاحظات البنَّاءة [[موسى|قصةُ موسى وخادمه]] [[يوشع بن نون|يشوع بن نون]] (الآيات 60-82):

[[ملف:The seven sleeping young men of Ephesus (Byzantine icon).jpg|تصغير|"فتيان إفسُس السبعة النيام" (عن أيقونة [[الإمبراطورية البيزنطية|بيزنطية]]). ]]
هذه القصة توسِّع قصة [[أصحاب الكهف|النيام السبعة]] ومشكلة الولادة الثانية وتوضِّحها. إن [[موسى]] هنا '''هو الذي يبحث، هو الإنسان صاحب السؤال'''. وفي سفره يصحبه "ظلُّه" أو "فتاه" أو "الإنسان الدون" (الروحاني والجسداني في هيئة شخصين اثنين). ويشوع هو ابن "النون" – وهو اسم للحوت أو "السمك" بعامة –، مما يُشعِرنا بأن أصل يشوع يرتد إلى أعماق المياه، إلى ظلمة عالم الظل. و"[[مجمع البحرين (توضيح)|مجمع البحرين]]" هو [[السويس|برزخ السويس]]، حيث يدنو البحران الغربي والشرقي قربًا من بعضهما؛ بعبارة أخرى، هو "'''المكان الوسط'''" الذي مرَّ معنا في الافتتاحية الرمزية. لكن الرجل و"ظلَّه" لم يتعرَّفا معناه في المرة الأولى؛ فقد نسيا "حوتهما"، وهو مصدر طعام متواضع.

كذلك يشير الحوت إلى "أبي" الظل، الإنسان الجسداني، الذي يأتي من عالم الخالق المظلم. ذلك أن الحوت يعود إلى الحياة، ويقفز من السلَّة راجعًا إلى حيث موطنُه من البحر. بعبارة أخرى، إن سلف الحيوان وخالق الحياة ينفصلان عن الإنسان الواعي؛ وهذا الانفصال حادثةٌ تبلغ مقدار فقدان [[نفس غريزية|النفس الغريزية]]. وهذه السيرورة علامة على "[[فصام|الفُصام]]"، المعروف جدًّا في [[باثولوجيا نفسية حيوية|بسيكوباثولوجيا]] ([[علم النفس المرضي عند الطفل|علم النفس المرضي]]) [[عصاب|العُصاب]]، ومتصل دائمًا بأحادية موقف الواعية. لكنْ، بالنظر إلى أن الظاهرات العُصابية ليست غير مبالغات في السيرورات الطبيعية، لا عجب أن نجد ما يماثلها تمامًا في نطاق الحالات الطبيعية أو المعتادة: إنها ظاهرة "ضياع الروح"، المعروفة جدًّا لدى البدائيين، كما وصفتُها فيما تقدَّم من القسم المتعلق بضمور الشخصية؛ وفي اللغة العلمية، هو "هبوط في المستوى الذهني".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

==== تنبه موسى ====
سرعان ما يعرف موسى وفتاهُ بما قد حدث. لقد قعد موسى على الأرض، وقد نال منه التعب والجوع. كان واضحًا أنه قد شعر بالحاجة إلى الطعام. والتعب من أكثر الأعراض دلالة على فقدان الطاقة أو [[رغبة جنسية|الليبيدو]].
[[ملف:0702-05 ST alchemy nigredo.jpg|تصغير|'''برهة من شوط "السواد" من تدبير الإكسير الأعظم الكيميائي، يرمز إليه وجودُ الغرابين، حيث النفس "تغوص نازلةً فتحيي الجسمَ المطهَّر من أدرانه"''' (عن مخطوط كيميائي بعنوان ''مسبحة الفلاسفة الوردية''، 1550)'''. يلاحَظ الاندماج بين الأنثى والذكر، الملكة والملك، لتكوين أحديَّ الجنس الأقدس.''']]
تمثل السيرورةُ كلها لشيء نموذجيٍّ جدًّا، وأعني به العجز عن التعرف إلى لحظةٍ حاسمةِ الأهمية – وهو موضوع نصادفه في أشكال ميثية متنوعة جدًّا. يدرك موسى، عن غير وعي منه، أنه وجد ''ينبوع الحياة'' ثم أضاعه منه بعد ذلك – الأمر الذي يمكن لنا اعتبارُه كشفًا كبيرًا. والحوت الذي كان اعتزم موسى وخادمُه أن يأكلاه هو محتوى من الخافية، الذي بواسطته يُعاد إنشاءُ الصلة مع الأصل. فهو "المولود ثانية"، الذي أفاق على حياة جديدة. لقد حدث هذا، كما يقول المفسِّرون، من خلال الاتصال بـ"[[ماء الحياة]]": بانسراب الحوت ثانيةً في البحر، يعود ثانيةً فيصبح جزءًا من محتوى الخافية، وتتميز ذُريتُه بأن لها عينًا واحدة ونصف رأس.
لقد تكلم الخيميائيون أيضًا على سمكة غريبة في البحر: "السمكة المستديرة التي ليس لها عظم ولا جلد"، وترمز إلى "العنصر المستدير"، أصل "الحجر الحي"، ''ابن الفيلسوف'' ''filius philosophorum''. ولـ"ماء الحياة" مُوازٍ في ''الماء الدائم'' في الخيمياء. وهذا الماء مُعظَّمٌ لأن "منه جُعِلَ كلُّ شيء حي"، ناهيك عن أنه يملك خاصيَّة حلِّ جميع الأشياء الصلبة وتجميد جميع السوائل.

يقول مفسِّرو [[القرآن]] إنه في البقعة التي اختفى فيها الحوت تجمَّد البحرُ وتحوَّل أرضًا صلبة، حيث مازالت تُرى آثارُه إلى اليوم. وفوق الجزيرة التي تشكلتْ على هذا النحو، كان يجلس الخضر، في "المكان الوسط". ويقول تفسيرٌ [[صوفية|صوفي]] إنه كان يجلس "فوق البحر"، أيضًا في "المكان الوسط". ويبدو أن ظهور الخضر مرتبط باختفاء الحوت ارتباطًا خفيًّا. ويكاد الأمرُ يبدو كما لو أنه كان هو ''نفسه'' الحوت. يؤيد هذا الظن أن المفسرين يحيلون ينبوع الحياة إلى "مكان الظلمة" – وأعماق البحر مظلمة. وللظلمة مُوازٍ في شوط "السواد" ''nigredo''، المعروف عند الخيميائيين؛ وهي تحدث بعد الاقتران، عندما تضم الأنثى الذكرَ إلى نفسها. ومن السواد يخرج الحجر، رمز النفس الخالدة. يضاف إلى ذلك أن ظهوره الأول يُشبَّه بـ"عينَي السمكة".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

==== رمزية الخضر ====
ولعل الخضر يرمز إلى النفس (الكلِّية) أو "الذات" the Self. فصفاته تُبرِزُ فيه هذه السِّمة: يقال إنه وُلد في كهف، أي في الظلمة؛ وهو "ذو الحياة المديدة" الذي يجدد نفسه على الدوام، وهو في هذا مثل النبي [[إيليا|إلياس]]؛ كذلك هو مثل [[أوزيريس]]: تُقطَّع أطرافُه في آخر الزمان، يقطِّعها له [[عدو المسيح|المسيح الدجال]]، لكنه قادر على استعادة الحياة لنفسه؛ وهو يشبه "آدم الثاني"، الذي يتماهى مع السمكة التي تعود إليها الحياة؛ وهو المشير الناصح، "[[فارقليط|الفارقليط]]" Paraclêtos ([[الروح القدس|روح القدس]] بوصفه "المعزِّي") و"الأخ الخضر".

على كلِّ حال، يسلِّم له موسى بتفوق وعيه ويروم إلى التعلم منه. ثم يلي ذلك إتيانُ الخضر أفعالاً لا يفهمها موسى، تكشف عن كيفية رَجْع reaction الأنيَّة الواعية على الإرشاد الفائق الآتي من قِبَلِ النفس من خلال منعرجات القَدَر وتقلُّباته. فهذه القصة هي للمريد القادر على التحول سلوى وعزاء، وللمؤمن الملتزم حضٌّ على التسليم بقدرة الله التي لا يحيط بها فهم. والخضر فيها لا يرمز إلى ''الحكمة العليا'' وحسب، وإنما إلى طريق للعمل يتفق مع هذه الحكمة ويسمو على العقل أيضًا.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

==== تَمَثُّل موسى ====
[[ملف:Seven_sleepers_russia_XIX.jpeg|وصلة=https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:Seven_sleepers_russia_XIX.jpeg|يسار|تصغير|السبعة النيام]]
كل مَن يسمع هذه القصة لا بدَّ وأن يجد نفسَه في موسى السَّؤول وفي يوشع النسَّاء، ناهيك عن أنها تكشف له عن كيفية حصول التجديد الذي يجلب معه الخلود. لكن ما يلفت النظر أن الذي تحوَّل ليس هو موسى ولا فتاه، بل هو ''الحوت'' المنسي. فلقد كان المكان الذي اختفى فيه الحوت هو المكان الذي وُلد فيه الخضر. فالكائن الخالد يخرج من مكان متواضع ومنسيٍّ، بل من مصدر لا يخطر ببال أحد.

إن هذا هو "الثابت" المألوف في ولادة [[بطل|البطل]]، ولا نرى حاجة هنا لتأييده بالوثائق. فكل مَن يعرف [[الكتاب المقدس]] يتذكر آية سِفْر أشعيا 53: 2 وما بعدها، حيث نجد وصفًا لـ"عبد الله"، وحكاياتِ الإنجيل عن الولادة. فصفة "القوت" التي يتصف بها جوهرُ التحويل أو الألوهة نجدها في عدد من القصص الديني: [[مسيح|فالمسيح]] هو الخبز، وأوزيريس القمح، ومُنْدامين الذرة، إلخ.

تتفق هذه الرموز مع حقيقة نفسية من الواضح أنها، من وجهة نظر الواعية، تحمل معنى تمثُّلِ شيءٍ ما، لكنْ يُصرَف النظرُ عن طبيعته الحقيقية. وتُظهِرُ رمزيةُ الحوت مباشرةً ماهيةَ هذا الشيء: إنه التأثير "الغذائي" الآتي من قِبَلِ محتويات الخافية، التي تحافظ على حيوية الواعية عن طريق الدفق المستمر من الطاقة، من حيث إن الواعية لا تنتج طاقةً بنفسها. ما هو قادر على التحويل هو هذا الجذر الذي ترتبط به الواعية، ويُمِدُّ الواعيةَ بكلِّ طاقتها، وإنْ كان غير ظاهر، بل لَيكاد أن يكون غير مرئيٍّ (أي غير موعيٍّ). ولما كانت الخافية تُشعِرنا بأنها شيء غريب عنَّا، أي نوع من الـ"لا–أنيَّة" non-ego، كان من الطبيعي أن نرمز إليها بشيء غريب. فهي، من ناحية، أكثر الأشياء أهمية؛ وهي، بمقدار ما تحتوي بالقوة على تلك الكلِّية "المستديرة" التي تفتقر إليها الواعية، أهم شيء على الإطلاق. هذا الشيء "المستدير" هو الكنز العظيم الذي يختبئ في كهف الخافية، وتشخيصه هو ''الكائن الفرد'' الذي يمثل وحدة الواعية والخافية كلتيهما. وهذا الشخص يمكن مقارنته بهِرانيا گاربها وپوروشا وآتمن و<nowiki/>[[غوتاما بودا|بوذا]]. لهذا السبب رأيت أن أسميه "النفس" أو "الذات". وأريد بـ"الذات" كلِّية نفسية، هي في الوقت ذاته مركز لا يلتقي منه شيء مع الأنيَّة ego، بل هي تشتمل على هذه الأخيرة مثلما تحيط الدائرةُ الكبرى بدائرة أصغر منها.

==== حدس الخلود ====
إن حدس الخلود الذي يُشعِرُنا بنفسه في أثناء التحول مرتبط بما تتصف به الخافيةُ من طبيعة خاصة. فالخافية، بمعنى ما، غير مكانية وغير زمانية. والدليل التجريبي على ذلك حصولُ ما يسمَّى بالظاهرات [[تليباثية|التليباثية]] telepathy (= التخاطرية) التي مازال ينكرها النقادُ المتشككون، على الرغم من أن هذه الظاهرات هي، في الواقع، أكثر شيوعًا مما قد يُظن عمومًا. ولعل أصل الشعور بالخلود يرجع إلى شعور خاص بالامتداد في الزمان والمكان. وإني لأميل إلى اعتبار شعائر التأليه في ديانات الأسرار "إسقاطًا" projection لهذه الظاهرة النفسية بالذات. وصفة "النفس" أو "الذات"، باعتبارها شخصية، تظهر في صراحة بالغة في قصة الخضر. وقد عبَّرتْ عن هذا الملمح تعبيرًا يستلفت النظر كثيرًا القصصُ غير القرآنية المتعلقة بالخضر، وقد أعطى عنها فولرز بعض أمثلة صارخة.

==== رحلة كينيا ====
في أثناء رحلتي إلى [[كينيا]]، كان رئيسُ القافلة رجلاً من [[الصومال]] نشأ نشأةً صوفية، وكان الخضر عنده شخصًا حيًّا بكلِّ معنى الكلمة. وقد أكد لي أنني أستطيع أن ألقى الخضر في كلِّ وقت، لأني، كما عبَّر عن ذلك باللغة السواحلية، "مؤتو يا كتابو"، أي من "[[أهل الكتاب]]"، ويريد بذلك القرآن. ولقد استنتج من حديثي معه أنني أعرف القرآن خيرًا منه (وكان، للمناسبة، لا يقول شيئًا كثيرًا)؛ ولهذا السبب اعتبرني "إسلامو"، مسلمًا.

قال لي إنني أستطيع أن ألقى الخضر في الشارع في هيئة إنسان، أو ربما يظهر لي في الليل نورًا أبيض نقيًّا أو – واقتطف مبتسمًا نصلاً من عشب – ربما بدا الخضر حتى مثل هذا. قال لي إنه هو نفسه وجد من الخضر عزاءً ومَدَدًا عندما لم يستطع أن يجد عملاً بعد الحرب، وكان يشكو من الفقر. فبينما كان ينام في إحدى الليالي، إذ حلم بأنه رأى نورًا أبيض ساطعًا بالقرب من الباب، فعلم أنه الخضر، فهبَّ واقفًا على قدميه (في الحلم)، وسلَّم عليه باحترام بقوله "السلام عليكم"، ثم علم بأن أمنيته سوف تتحقق. ثم أضاف: بعد بضعة أيام عُرِضَ عليه منصبُ رئيس القافلة من قبل مكتب يتولَّى تجهيزَ المسافرين في [[نيروبي]].
هذا يدل على أن الخضر مازال، حتى في يومنا هذا، حيًّا في ديانة الناس، بوصفه وليًّا وناصحًا ومعلِّمًا لحكمة الوحي. ثم إن المنزلة التي تُنزله العقيدة منها هي، بحسب صديقي الصومالي، منزلة "ملايكو كوانزا يا مونغو"، أي "الملاك الأول عند الله"، أو "كبير الملائكة"، وهي منزلة رسول. أما صفة الخضر وليًّا، فتبيِّنها الآيات التالية من السورة الثامنة عشرة<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> [الآيات 83-101]:

==== صلة وصل ====
ما هي الصلة بين الخضر و"[[ذو القرنين|ذي القرنين]]"، وما الذي زجَّ بهذا الأخير هنا؟ إنهما صديقان قرينان، يشبهان زوجَي الذيوسكوري، كما يؤكد ذلك [[يوهان أوجست فولرز|فولرز]] بحق. لذلك يمكن لنا افتراضُ الرابطة البسيكولوجية كما يلي:

لقد عانى موسى من خبرة للنفس أو الذات في العمق وضعتْ سيرورات الخافية نصب عينيه في وضوح غامر. ولما عاد بعدئذٍ إلى قومه اليهود – وكانوا يومئذٍ من "الكافرين" – وأراد أن ينبئهم بخبرته، آثَر أن يعرضها بصيغة حكاية أسرارية، وبدلاً من أن يتكلم عن نفسه، تكلَّم عن ذي القرنين. وبما أن موسى كان هو نفسه "أقرن" أيضًا، يبدو من الواضح أن يكون ذو القرنين بدلاً منه. ثم كان عليه أن يروي حكاية هذه الصداقة وأن يصف مغرب الشمس وطلوعها، أي أن يصف طريقة تجدد الشمس من خلال الموت والظلمة والانبعاث الجديد. وهذا كله إشارةٌ إلى أن الخضر لا يقف إلى جانب الإنسان في احتياجاته البدنية وحسب، وإنما يُعينه أيضًا على بلوغ الولادة الجديدة.

صحيح أن القرآن لا يفرِّق في هذا الرواية بين الله الذي يتكلَّم بصيغة جمع المتكلم (الآيات 99-101) وبين الخضر، إلا أن من الجلي أن هذا المقطع ما هو إلا استمرار للأفعال المُسعِفة التي جاء وصفُها في الآيات السابقة، التي يتضح منها أن الخضر ترميز لله أو "تجسيد" له. وتلعب الصداقةُ بين الخضر والإسكندر دورًا بارزًا، خصوصًا في التفسيرات، مثلما تلعب الرابطةُ بين الخضر والنبي إلياس الدورَ ذاته. ولم يتردد فولرز في مدِّ المقارنة إلى ذينك الزوجين من الأصدقاء، [[ملحمة جلجامش|گلگامش]] و<nowiki/>[[إنكيدو|أنكيدو]].

==== إجمال القصة ====
[[ملف:Seven-sleepers_efesus_turkey.jpg|وصلة=https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:Seven-sleepers_efesus_turkey.jpg|تصغير|كهف [[أفسوس]] قرب [[إزمير]].]]
نُجمِلُ ما تقدم فيما يلي: كان على موسى أن يروي أفعال الصديقين إلى قومه بأسلوب حكاية أسرارية غير شخصية. وهذا يعني، پسيكولوجيًّا، أن التحول يجب أن نَصِفَه أو نشعر به حادثةً جرت للـ"آخر". فعلى الرغم من أن موسى نفسه كان هو الذي يحتل مكان ذي القرنين في خبرته مع الخضر، كان عليه أن يسمِّي هذا الأخير بدلاً من أن يسمِّي نفسه وهو يروي القصة. ليس هذا من قبيل المصادفة، لأن الخطر النفسي الأكبر الذي يتصل دائمًا بالتفردُن (الانتقال من الجزئية إلى الكلِّية أو من الانقسام إلى الجمعية) أو التطور إلى النفس أو الذات، يكمن في تماهي الأنيَّة الواعية مع النفس أو الذات. إن هذا يورِث انتفاخًا يهدد الواعية بالانحلال. وتُظهِرُ جميعُ الثقافات، ولاسيما أكثرها بدائية أو قِدَمًا، عن حسٍّ لطيف بـ"مخاطر الروح" وانتفاء مسؤولية الآلهة وما ينطوي عليه ذلك من خطر شامل. أي أنها مازالت محافِظةً على فطرتها النفسية أمام السيرورات الخفية والحيوية التي تحدث في الأغوار العميقة التي لا نكاد نسمع عنها شيئًا في ثقافتنا الحديثة. إثباتًا لذلك، أمام أعيننا تحذيرٌ مماثل تمامًا، هو ثنائي نيتشه وزرادشت الذي شوَّهه الانتفاخ، لكن هذا التحذير لم يلقَ ما يستحقه من مبالاة. ثم ماذا ترانا صانعين بفاوست ومفستوفيلِس؟ إن تعجرُف فاوست خطوةٌ أولى نحو الجنون. أن يكون بدء التحول عند فاوست كلبًا، لا سمكًا يؤكل، وأن يكون المتحول هو الشيطان، لا وليًّا حكيمًا، "آتيناه رحمة من عندنا وعلَّمناه من لدنَّا علمًا"، ربما يقدِّم لنا – كما أميل إلى الاعتقاد – مفتاحًا نفك بواسطته مغاليق الروح الجِرْمانية البالغة الغموض.

دون أن أدخل في تفصيلات أخرى تتعلق بالنص، أحب أن ألفت الانتباه إلى نقطة أخرى، وهي بناء السدِّ أمام يأجوج ومأجوج. فهذا "الثابت" تكرارٌ لآخر عمل قام به الخضر في القصة السابقة – وأعني إعادته لبناء جدار المدينة (الآية 77). لكن الجدار هذه المرة قُدِّرَ له أن يكون دفاعًا حصينًا أمام [[يأجوج ومأجوج]]. ولعل هذه الفقرة تشير إلى رؤيا القديس [[يوحنا المعمدان|يوحنا]] 20: 7-10:

[[ملف:7sleepersmedievalmanuscript.jpg|وصلة=https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:7sleepersmedievalmanuscript.jpg|يسار|تصغير|250x250بك|ديقيانوس يأمر بردم الكهف.]]
هنا يأخذ ذو القرنين دور الخضر ويبني السدَّ المنيع للقوم الذين يسكنون "بين الصَّدَفين" أو بين الجبلين. واضحٌ أن هذا المكان هو نفسه الواقع في الوسط الذي يجب حمايته من يأجوج ومأجوج، وهي الكتل العدوانية الفاقدة الملامح. پسيكولوجيًّا، المسألة أيضًا هي مسألة "النفس" أو "الذات"، المستوية على العرش في الوسط، التي أشير إليها في رؤيا يوحنا بـ"المدينة المحبوبة" (أورشليم، مركز الأرض)؛ والنفس أو الذات هي ''البطل''، الذي تهدِّده القوى الجماعية الحاسدة منذ ولادته، الجوهرة التي يتشهَّاها الجميع وتورِث العداوةَ والبغضاءَ وما ينجم عنهما من اقتتال؛ وهو أخيرًا الإله الذي تُقطِّع أوصالَه قوى الظلام الشريرة القديمة. سيرورة التفردُن Individuation Process، في معناها الپسيكولوجي، ''عمل مُنافٍ للطبيعة''، يوجِد هَلَعًا في طبقة المجموع، وهو مهيَّأ للانهيار تحت تأثير قوى النفس الجامعة. والقصة الأسرارية التي تحكي حكاية الصديقَين المتعاونَين تَعِدُ بالحماية مَن يجد الجوهرةَ في سعيه الدائب للعثور عليها. لكن زمانًا سوف يأتي، وفقًا لما رسمتْه العنايةُ الإلهية، ينهار فيه السدُّ الحديدي ويتفتت، أي في اليوم الذي سوف ينتهي فيه العالم، أو، بالمعنى الپسيكولوجي، عندما تنطفئ واعيةُ الإنسان في مياه الظلمات، أي عندما يشهد العالمُ نهايةً "ذاتية" له. والمُراد بذلك اللحظةُ التي تعود فيها الواعيةُ تغوص في الظلمة التي انبثقت منها أصلاً، مثل جزيرة الخضر: لحظة الموت.

ثم تمضي القصةُ على خطوط [[علم الآخرات|إسكاتولوجية]] (= نشورية، تتعلق بأحوال القيامة والآخرة): في ذلك اليوم يعود النورُ نورًا أبديًّا، والظلامُ ظلامًا أبديًّا، وتنفصل الأضدادُ بعضها عن بعض، وتبدأ حالةٌ من الديمومة ليس فيها زمان. وهي حالة من التوتر الشديد، بسبب الانفصال المطلق بين الأضداد. ولذلك تنطبق على الحالة البدئية الأولى. ويحدث هذا خلافًا للنظرة التي ترى النهايةَ جمعًا بين الأضداد.

==== خاتمة ====
بهذا المشهد من الأبدية، والجنة والنار، تأتي السورة الثامنة عشرة على نهايتها. وعلى الرغم مما تتصف به من انقطاع وإيحاء، تعرض لنا صورةً، تكاد أن تكون كاملة، عن التحول أو التجدد النفسي الذي صرنا اليوم نعرفه باسم "سيرورة التفردُن" بفضل تبصُّرنا الپسيكولوجي العظيم. وبسبب من قِدَم القصة، تحدث السيرورة كلها خارج نطاق الواعية، ويجري "إسقاطُها" في قصة أسرارية تحكي عن صديق أو عن زوجين من الأصدقاء وما يقومان به من أفعال. ومع ذلك تعبِّر القصة عن نموذج التحول الخفي تعبيرًا مذهلاً تجد فيه العاطفةُ الدينيةُ العربية ارتياحَها التام. وإنه لهذا السبب يلعبُ شخصُ الخضر هذا الدور الكبير في التصوف الإسلامي.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>

== هوامش ==
. [[ميثرا]] Mithra: إله إيراني نقع عليه في الديانة الهندية في العصر الڤيدي (حوالى 1300 ق م). انتشرت عبادتُه في [[عصر هلنستي|العصر الهلنستي]] في آسيا الصغرى، ثم انتقلت منها في القرن الأول ق م إلى روما، حيث عُدَّتْ من بين أهم [[مسارية (غنوصية)|ديانات الأسرار]]. كثيرًا ما مُثِّل لميثرا معتمرًا قبعةً ومضحيًا بثور. وقد نافست عبادتُه المسيحيةَ في بداياتها، إذ تضمنتْ عناصرُها الرئيسية مسارَرةً تشتمل على سبع درجات ومآدب مقدسة وقرابين حيوانية.

. [[خيمياء|الخيمياء]] أو الكيمياء Alchemy: علم باطني منسوب إلى المصريين القدماء (اسم مصر القديم هو''كِمي Kemi''، ويعني "الأرض السوداء")، الغاية منه التحصُّل على "[[حجر الفلاسفة]]" أو "الإكسير الأعظم" القادر على إحداث "تحويل" Transmutation جذري في الكيان وفي المادة، وبخاصة تحويل المعادن الخسيسة (كالرصاص) إلى معدن نفيس (فضة ثم ذهب)، وذلك عِبْر ثلاثة أشواط: شوط "السواد" ''nigredo''، شوط "البياض" ''albedo''، وشوط "الحَمار" ''rubedo''.

. إلفسِس Eleusis: بلدة بحرية في اليونان (شمال غرب أثينا) كان يُحتفى فيها قديمًا بأسرار روحية مكرسة لعبادة ذيمترا Dêmêter، إلهة الخصوبة، الصورة المؤلَّهة للأرض المرضعة، وأم [[بيرسيفون|برسفوني]] Persephone.

. يشير مصطلح ليبيدو libido في علم النفس التحليلي إلى ''الطاقة النفسية بعامة''، لا إلى الطاقة الجنسية حصرًا، كما في التحليل النفسي الفرويدي.

. هِرانيا گاربها Hiranyagarbha: "بيضة الكون" في الميثولوجيا الهندية، "الجنين الذهبي" الذي يولد في ''الكهف''، أي في "فجوة" القلب.

. پوروشا Purusha: "الرب"، الإله الشخصي في التراث الديني الهندوسي.

. آتمن Âtman: "الروح"، الذات الحق، شعاع فرد صادر عن الوجود المطلق، وبذلك يتصف بصفاته كلِّها؛ وهو أصل تجلِّيات الطبيعة كافة.

. الذيوسكوري Dioscuroi: "ابنا [[زيوس]]"، كبير الآلهة، لقب يُطلَق على كاستور Castor وپولوكس Pollux؛ هما، في [[ميثولوجيا إغريقية|الميثولوجيا الإغريقية]]، ابنان توأمان لزيوس Zeus من [[ليدا (توضيح)|ليدا]] Leda. يُطلَق اسماهما على كوكبتَي برج الجوزاء.

. هذه المقالة، أيضًا، منشورة على موقع (معابر)، ومن ترجمة (نهاد خياطة)، وتنضيد: (نسرين أحمد). رابط المقالة ([https://ift.tt/2HA4Ws8 هنا]).

== مراجع ==

[[تصنيف:علم النفس التحليلي]]
[[تصنيف:كارل يونغ]]
[[تصنيف:أسرار اليوسيس]]



新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 11:52AM

Kimberling Creek Cluster

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 11:46AM
Kimberling Creek Cluster


新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 11:51AM

يوهانس نيكولاس تيتنز

新規更新されました。 August 31, 2019 at 11:28AM
يوهانس نيكولاس تيتنز

意味調べる2018 in insect paleontology

新規更新August 31, 2019 at 09:48AM

2018 in insect paleontology


Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)

This '''list of [[fossil]] [[insect]]s described in 2018''' is a list of new [[taxon|taxa]] that were [[binomial nomenclature|described]] during the year 2018, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to insect paleontology that are scheduled to occur in the year 2018.

* New insect fossils, including the earliest definite [[Caddisfly#Cases|caddisfly cases]], [[Corixidae|water boatmen]], diverse [[polyphaga]]n beetles and [[Mecoptera|scorpionflies]], are reported from the [[Triassic]] ([[Ladinian]] and [[Carnian]]) deposits of [[China]] by Zheng ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Insect and plant inclusions are reported from amber from the uppermost [[Campanian]] [[Kabaw Formation]] of Tilin ([[Myanmar]]) by Zheng ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* [[Taphonomy|Taphonomic]] study aiming to determine whether decay and preservation potential of insects in amber, and therefore bias in the amber fossil record, is affected by resin-type, dehydration prior to entombment, and the composition of the gut microbiota, is published by McCoy ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the evolution of insects as indicated by the [[Morphology (biology)|morphological]] diversity of their mouthparts is published by Nel, Bertrand & Nel (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the atmospheric oxygen levels through the [[Phanerozoic]], evaluating whether [[Romer's gap]] and [[Arthropod gap|the concurrent gap in the fossil record of insects]] were caused by low oxygen levels, is published by Schachat ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Reevaluation of the [[Jurassic]] [[Ichnotaxon|ichnospecies]] ''[[Lunulipes]] obscurus'' is published by Getty & Loeb (2018), who interpret these trackways as most likely to be produced by a [[Corixidae|water boatman]] or an unknown insect that employed a similar method of swimming.<ref></ref>
* An ellipsoidal chamber composed of a thin organic layer, interpreted as a likely insect cocoon or pupation chamber, is described from the [[Lower Cretaceous]] [[Jinju Formation]] ([[South Korea]]) by Lee (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the body size of soil-dwelling insects across the [[Cretaceous]]-[[Paleogene]] boundary, inferred from burrows from the [[Big Bend National Park]] ([[Texas]], [[United States]]) which were likely produced by beetle larvae or cicada nymphs, is published by Wiest ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the impact of sampling standardization, or lack thereof, on comparisons of insect herbivory from two Lower Permian localities in [[Texas]] is published by Schachat, Labandeira & Maccracken (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the diversity, frequency and representation of insect damage of fossil plant specimens from the [[Permian]] [[La Golondrina Formation]] ([[Argentina]]) is published by Cariglino (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the insect herbivory on fossil [[Ginkgoales|ginkgoalean]] and [[Bennettitales|bennettitalean]] leaves from the [[Middle Jurassic]] [[Daohugou Beds]] ([[China]]), and on [[Plant defense against herbivory|defenses of these plants against insect herbivory]], is published by Na ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the plant–insect interactions in the European forest plant communities in the Upper [[Pliocene]] [[Lagerstätte]] of [[Willershausen (Kalefeld)|Willershausen]] ([[Lower Saxony]], [[Germany]]), the Upper Pliocene locality of Berga ([[Thuringia]], Germany) and the [[Pleistocene]] locality of Bernasso ([[France]]) is published by Adroit ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Description and analysis of insect borings on [[Hadrosaurid|hadrosaur]] bones from the late [[Campanian]] [[Cerro del Pueblo Formation]] ([[Mexico]]) is published by Serrano-Brañas, Espinosa-Chávez & Maccracken (2018), who name a new [[Ichnotaxon|ichnospecies]] ''Cubiculum atsintli''.<ref></ref>
* Insect trace fossils collected from the [[Pliocene]] deposits at [[Laetoli]] ([[Tanzania]]) are described by Genise & Harrison (2018), who name new [[Ichnotaxon|ichnotaxa]] ''[[Celliforma]] ritchiei'', ''[[Laetolichnus]] kwekai'' and ''[[Teisseirei]] linguatus''.<ref></ref>
* Trace fossil produced by a wingless jumping insect belonging to the order [[Monura]] is described from the lower [[Permian]] of Southern Alps ([[Italy]]) by Bernardi, Marchetti & Gobbi (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the [[Insect wing#Venation|venation]] in the forewing of the [[Triassic]] [[odonatoptera]]n ''[[Zygophlebia tongchuanensis]]'' and extant dragonfly ''[[Aeshna isoceles]]'' is published by Jacquelin ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Redescription of the [[Meganeuridae|meganeurid]] species ''[[Meganeurites]] gracilipes'' is published by Nel ''et al.'' (2018), who interpret this species as unlikely to have lived in densely forested environments, and more likely to be an open-space, [[ecotone]] or [[riparian forest]] predator, hunting in a way similar to extant [[Aeshnidae|hawkers]].<ref></ref>
* A study on the phylogenetic relationships of an Early Cretaceous [[plecoptera]]n ''"Rasnitsyrina" culonga'' Sinitshenkova (2011)<ref></ref> is published by Cui, Toussaint & Béthoux (2018).<ref></ref>
* A female specimen of the plecopteran genus ''[[Podmosta]]'', distinguished from other ''Podmosta'' females by the "rabbit-shaped" [[sclerite]] on [[Sternum (arthropod anatomy)|sternum]] 8, is described from the [[Lithuania]]n [[Baltic amber]] by Chen (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the structure of the wing base of the [[Spilapteridae|spilapterid]] [[palaeodictyoptera]]n ''[[Dunbaria (insect)|Dunbaria]]'' is published by Prokop ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the [[Morphology (biology)|morphology]] of [[ovipositor]]s of different fossil [[dictyoptera]]ns, on their possible reproductive strategies and on the evolution of the reproductive strategies within Dictyoptera is published by Hörnig ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Cui, Evangelista & Béthoux (2018) reinterpret putative fossil [[mantis]] ''[[Prochaeradodis]] enigmaticus'' as more likely to be a [[cockroach]] belonging to the family [[Blaberidae]].<ref></ref>
* A revision of the [[hymenoptera]]n fauna from the collection of the Cretaceous Burmese amber at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology (Chinese Academy of Sciences) is published by Zhang ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* An overview of the [[Eocene]] ([[Ypresian]]) hymenopteran assemblage of the [[Okanagan Highland]]s of [[British Columbia]] ([[Canada]]) and [[Washington (state)|Washington]] ([[United States]]) is published by Archibald ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A female of ''[[Dryinus janzeni]]'' is described from the Eocene [[Rovno amber]] ([[Ukraine]]) by Perkovsky & Olmi (2018), representing the first record of the [[Dryinidae|dryinid]] genus ''[[Dryinus]]'' from Rovno amber.<ref></ref>
* A study on the shape of the wing and the [[Insect wing#Venation|venational]] structures of the [[Eocene]] giant ants, including members of the genus ''[[Titanomyrma]]'', evaluating the possibilities of determining species and sex of individual specimens with the use of geometric [[morphometrics]], is published by Katzke ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Fossil ant species ''[[Eocenomyrma]] rugosostriata'' is reported for the first time from the [[Eocene]] [[Rovno amber]] by Radchenko & Perkovsky (2018).<ref></ref>
* A redescription of the Cretaceous [[Nevrorthidae|nevrorthid]] species ''[[Cretarophalis]] patrickmuelleri'' is published by Lu ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A redescription of the Cretaceous [[Psychopsidae|psychopsid]] species ''[[Grammapsychops]] lebedevi'' is published by Makarkin (2018).<ref></ref>
* The first definite [[Mesozoic]] [[strepsiptera]]n primary [[larva]] is reported from the [[Cretaceous]] amber from [[Myanmar]] by Pohl ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the phylogenetic relationships of the fossil [[rove beetle]]s ''[[Cretodeinopsis]]'' and ''[[Electrogymnusa]]'' is published by Yamamoto & Maruyama (2018), who also describe new fossil material of ''Cretodeinopsis'' and ''Electrogymnusa''.<ref></ref>
* Remains of fossil nests of [[dung beetle]]s, recorded in four formations of the Cenozoic of South America, are described by Cantil ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the phylogenetic placement of the fossil beetle ''"Spondylis" florissantensis'' is published by Vitali (2018), who transfers this species to the genus ''[[Neandra]]''.<ref></ref>
* The cosmopolitan beetle ''[[Necrobia violacea]]'', formerly thought to be introduced to the New World through European trade, is reported from the [[La Brea Tar Pits]] by Holden, Barclay & Angus (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the [[lepidoptera]]n scales from the [[Triassic]]-[[Jurassic]] transition ([[Rhaetian]]-[[Hettangian]]) of [[Germany]] and their implications for inferring the timing of the radiation of lepidopteran lineages is published by van Eldijk ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the architecture of [[Scale (insect anatomy)|scales]] of [[Jurassic]] lepidopterans from the [[United Kingdom]], [[Germany]], [[Kazakhstan]] and [[China]], and of [[tarachoptera]]ns from the [[Cretaceous]] amber from [[Myanmar]], is published by Zhang ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the [[macroevolution]]ary responses of [[Noctuidae|noctuid]] moths from the group [[Sesamiina]] and their associated host-[[Poaceae|grasses]] to environmental changes during the [[Neogene]] is published by Kergoat ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* A study on the anatomy of the digestive system of ''[[Saurophthirus]] longipes'' is published by Rasnitsyn & Strelnikova (2018).<ref></ref>
* Mecopteran species ''"[[Orthophlebia]]" martynovae'' from the [[Lower Jurassic]] of [[Siberia]] ([[Russia]]) is transferred to the family [[Austropanorpidae]] and to the genus ''[[Austropanorpa]]'' by Krzemiński ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
* Revision of the original type material and description of new fossils of the mecopteran species ''Chorista sobrina'' and ''Austropanorpa australis'' from the [[Paleogene]] Redbank Plains Formation ([[Australia]]) is published by Lambkin (2018).<ref></ref>
* Redescription of known members of the [[Peloropeodinae|peloropeodine]] genus ''[[Palaeomedeterus]]'' from [[Baltic amber]] is published by Grichanov & Negrobov (2018), who provide a key to species of ''Palaeomedeterus'' from Baltic amber.<ref></ref>
* A study on changes in [[insect biodiversity]] in terms of the number of families throughout the history of the group is published by Dmitriev ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>

===New taxa===

{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center" width="100%"
! Name
! Novelty
! Status
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! Unit
! Type Location
! Notes
! Images
''[[Acalyptopygus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 4 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Aepyceratinae]]. The type species is ''A. brevicornis''; genus also includes ''A. lingziae'',, ''A. elongatus'' and ''A. astriatus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Hsiao ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Tetratomidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. cretaceus''.
''[[Amberocula]]''<ref name=CRRipiphoridae></ref>
Gen. et 3 sp. nov
Batelka, [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]] & Prokop
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ripiphoridae]]. The type species is ''A. muelleri''; genus also includes ''A. costata'' and ''A. fallax''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Caterino & Maddison
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Histeridae]]. The type species is ''A. tenax''.
''[[Aphelonyssus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''A. latus''.
''[[Apotomoura]]''<ref name=CRApotomouridae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Bao ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Tenebrionoidea]] belonging to the new family [[Apotomouridae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. fortiscrura''.
''[[Archaeoheilus]]''<ref name=Archaeoheilus></ref>
Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]]. The type species is ''A. scudderi''; genus also includes new species ''A. ovalis'', as well as ''A. packardii'' (Scudder, 1893), ''A. provectus'' (Scudder, 1876), ''A. deleticius'' (Scudder, 1893) and ''A. lacoei'' (Scudder, 1893).
''[[Ataenius damzeni]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Bukejs & Alekseev
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A species of ''[[Ataenius]]''.
''[[Atomaria saxonica]]''<ref name=Shixitomaria></ref>
Sp. nov
Lyubarsky & Perkovsky
Late [[Eocene]]
Bitterfeld amber

A species of ''[[Atomaria]]''.
''[[Autosilis annisettaekoppelae]]''<ref name=Eridanula></ref>
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Silinae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Legalov & Bukejs
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Curculionidae]] and the tribe [[Ceutorhynchini]]. The type species is ''B. sontagae''.
''[[Baltocyba]]''<ref name=Baltocyba></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Prussian Formation]]<br>([[Baltic amber]])
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of the family [[Brentidae]], the subfamily [[Apioninae]] and the tribe [[Rhadinocybini]]. The type species is ''B. electrinus''.
''[[Baltonanophyes]]''<ref name=Baltocyba />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Prussian Formation]]<br>([[Baltic amber]])
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of the family [[Brentidae]], the subfamily [[Nanophyinae]] and the tribe [[Nanophyini]]. The type species is ''B. crassirostre''.
''[[Baltostigus|Baltostigus striatipennis]]''<ref name=ZJLSMastigitae></ref>
Sp. nov
Jałoszyński ''et al.''
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[Scydmaenidae|scydmaenine]] [[rove beetle]] belonging to the supertribe [[Mastigitae]].
''[[Bowangius]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 4 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''B. cyclops''; genus also includes ''B. tanaops'', ''B. zhenuai'' and ''B. glabratus''.
''[[Burmalestes]]''<ref name=Burmalestes></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Tomaszewska & Ślipiński ''in'' Tomaszewska ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Endomychidae]]. Genus includes new species ''B. albertalleni''.
''[[Burmitoma]]''<ref name=CRRipiphoridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Batelka, [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]] & Prokop
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ripiphoridae]]. The type species is ''B. nalae''.
''[[Burmocorynus]]''<ref name=Burmomacer></ref>
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

Originally described as a member of the family [[Belidae]],<ref name=Burmomacer /> but subsequently transferred to the [[weevil]] family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity /> The type species is ''B. jarzembowskii'' Legalov (2018); genus also includes ''B. longus'' Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.'' (2018).<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
''[[Burmomacer]]''<ref name=Burmomacer />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Nemonychidae]]. The type species is ''B. kirejtshuki''.
''[[Burmomiles]]''<ref name=Burmomiles></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[soldier beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''B. willerslevorum''.
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]], originally assigned to the subfamily [[Erirhininae]] and the tribe [[Arthrostenini]]; subsequently transferred to the weevil family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity /> Genus includes new species ''B. georgei'' Legalov (2018) and ''B. setosus'' Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.'' (2018).<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
''[[Cacomorphocerus bentifabrici]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]].
''[[Cacomorphocerus madseni]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]].
''[[Cacomorphocerus wiszniewskii]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Fanti & Kupryjanowicz
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[soldier beetle]].
''[[Calyptocis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Aepyceratinae]]. The type species is ''C. brevirostris''.
''[[Cantharis hanswerneri]]''<ref name=EEJ172Cantharidae></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic region]])
A species of ''[[Cantharis]]''.
''[[Cantharis hoffeinsorum]]''<ref name=EEJ172Cantharidae />
Sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic region]])
A species of ''[[Cantharis]]''.
''[[Cantharis mikkelsenorum]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Cantharis]]''.
''[[Cascomastigus|Cascomastigus minor]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Yin, Cai & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Scydmaenidae|Scydmaeninae]].
''[[Cetionyx]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 3 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''C. batiatus''; genus also includes ''C. terebrans'' and ''C. ursinus''.
''[[Colon burmiticum]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Yamamoto ''in'' Yamamoto & Takahashi
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Leiodidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Coloninae]].
''[[Compsopsarus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''C. reneae''.
''[[Cretaparamecus]]''<ref name=Burmalestes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Tomaszewska, Ślipiński, Bai & Zhang ''in'' Tomaszewska ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Endomychidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. tarsalis''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zhou ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of [[Histeroidea]] belonging to the new family [[Cretohisteridae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. sinensis''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cai, Maier & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[Elmidae|riffle beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''C. parva''.
''[[Cretolestes]]''<ref name=Burmalestes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Tomaszewska, Ślipiński & Ren ''in'' Tomaszewska ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Endomychidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. niger''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cai & Escalona ''in'' Cai ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Boganiidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Paracucujinae]]. The type species is ''C. cycadophilus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cai & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Cleroidea]] belonging to the family [[Thanerocleridae]] and the subfamily [[Zenodosinae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. fossilis''.
''[[Cryptarcha subglobosa|?Cryptarcha subglobosa]]''<ref name=ZT44021></ref>
Sp. nov
Kirejtshuk & Nel

Possibly a species of ''[[Cryptarcha]]''.
''[[Cyclaxyra cretacea]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Wu, Li & Ding
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Cucujoidea]] belonging to the family [[Cyclaxyridae]].
''[[Cyrtocis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''C. gibbus''.
''[[Debbia]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''D. gracilirostris''.
''[[Dignomus francescovitalii]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Bukejs, Bellés & Alekseev
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A [[spider beetle]].
''[[Dinoharpalus|Dinoharpalus martynovi]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Permosynidae]].
''[[Dysanabatium aenaum]]''<ref name=PPDysanabatium></ref>
Sp. nov
Bogri, Solodovnikov & Żyła
[[Baltic amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Paederinae]].
''[[Dysanabatium damgaardi]]''<ref name=PPDysanabatium />
Sp. nov
Bogri, Solodovnikov & Żyła
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Paederinae]].
''[[Dysanabatium johannesi]]''<ref name=PPDysanabatium />
Sp. nov
Bogri, Solodovnikov & Żyła
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Paederinae]].
''[[Dysanabatium kechrimparense]]''<ref name=PPDysanabatium />
Sp. nov
Bogri, Solodovnikov & Żyła
[[Baltic amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Paederinae]].
''[[Echogomphus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''E. viridescens''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Legalov, Nazarenko & Perkovsky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

A member of the family [[Anthribidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Choraginae]] and the tribe [[Valenfriesiini]]. The type species is ''E. unicus''.
''[[Electrocis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''E. dentitibialis''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Bai & Wang ''in'' Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Scarabaeidae]]. Genus includes new species ''E. beuteli''.
''[[Zimmiorhinus|Elwoodius]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Junior homonym
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''E. conicops''. The generic name is preoccupied by ''[[Elwoodius]]'' Colonnelli (2014); Clarke & Oberprieler (2019) coined a replacement name ''Zimmiorhinus''.<ref name=ClarkeOberprielerDiversity></ref>
''[[Erichia cretacea]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Yu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Limnichidae]].
''[[Eridanula]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]]. The type species is ''E. susannaebierae''.
''[[Eudiagogus vossi]]''<ref name=Archaeoheilus />
Sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]], a species of ''[[Eudiagogus]]''.
''[[Euroleptochromus|Euroleptochromus setifer]]''<ref name=ZJLSMastigitae />
Sp. nov
Jałoszyński ''et al.''
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[Scydmaenidae|scydmaenine]] [[rove beetle]] belonging to the supertribe [[Mastigitae]].
''[[Euroleptochromus|Euroleptochromus tuberculatus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Yin & Cai
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A [[Scydmaenidae|scydmaenine]] [[rove beetle]] belonging to the supertribe [[Mastigitae]].
''[[Euryepomus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''E. lophomerus''.
''[[Extinctocentrinus]]''<ref name=Extinctocentrinus></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Curculionidae]]. The type species is ''E. brevirostris''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Ponomarenko & Bashkuev
[[Middle Triassic]] ([[Anisian]])
[[Röt Formation]]

A member of [[Archostemata]] belonging to the family [[Permocupedidae]]. Genus includes new species ''F. ultimus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
[[George Poinar Jr.|Poinar]] & Brown
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Kateretidae]]. Genus includes new species ''F. burmanicum''.
''[[Geraeus anvilis]]''<ref name=Extinctocentrinus />
Sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A species of ''[[Geraeus]]''.
''[[Geraeus fossilis]]''<ref name=Extinctocentrinus />
Sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A species of ''[[Geraeus]]''.
''[[Giltine ampeensis|Giltine]]''<ref name=Giltine></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of [[Coccinelloidea]] belonging to the family [[Anamorphidae]]. The type species is ''G. ampeensis''.
''[[Glaresis burmitica]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Cai & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A species of ''[[Glaresis]]''.
''[[Globicornis groehni]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Bukejs & Háva
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A species of ''[[Globicornis]]''.
''[[Gnomus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''G. brevis''; genus also includes ''G. spinipes''.
''[[Gollandia planata|Gollandia]]''<ref></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Makranczy, Yamamoto & [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Oxytelinae]], tentatively placed in the tribe [[Coprophilini]]. The type species is ''G. planata''.
''[[Gonodera baygushevae]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Nabozhenko & Chigray
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A [[darkling beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Alleculinae]].
''[[Gramboale]]''<ref name=Giltine />
Gen. et sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of [[Coccinelloidea]] belonging to the family [[Anamorphidae]]. The type species is ''G. prutenorum''.
''[[Guillermorhinus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Nemonychidae]] and the subfamily [[Rhinorhynchinae]]. The type species is ''G. longitarsis''.
''[[Habropezus|Habropezus kimpulleni]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
''[[Habropezus|Habropezus ncoxatirostris]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
''[[Habropezus|Habropezus tenuicornis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti & Ellenberger
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[soldier beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''H. kyawkhaingwini''.
''[[Hukawngius]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''H. crassipes''.
''[[Hydrobiites|Hydrobiites permianus]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko></ref>
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Permosynidae]].
''[[Hymenorus campbelli]]''<ref></ref>
Nom. nov
Bouchard ''in'' Bousquet ''et al.''
[[Dominican amber]]

A [[darkling beetle]]; replacement name for ''Hymenorus oculatus'' Doyen & Poinar (1994).
''[[Juratelacrima]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]]. The type species is ''J. ballingi''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Yamamoto, Grebennikov & Takahashi
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ptiliidae]]. Genus includes new species ''K. jason''.
''[[Kleinzaches]]''<ref name=Giltine />
Gen. et sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
Bitterfeld amber

A member of [[Coccinelloidea]] belonging to the family [[Anamorphidae]]. The type species is ''K. germanicianus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Petrov & Perkovsky
[[Rovno amber]]

A [[bark beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''K. pubescens''.
''[[Kuafu borealis|Kuafu]]''<ref></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Yin ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[Scydmaenidae|ant-like stone beetle]] belonging to the [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem group]] of the tribe [[Scydmaenini]]. Genus includes new species ''K. borealis''.
''[[Kuskaella|Kuskaella bajerae]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Malthininae]].
''[[Leptopezus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''L. rastellipes''; genus also includes ''L. barbatus''.
''[[Limodromus emetikos]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Gamboa & Ortuño
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[ground beetle]] belonging to the tribe [[Platyninae|Platynini]].
''[[Lithogeraeus]]''<ref name=Extinctocentrinus />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]]. The type species is ''L. greenriverensis''.
''[[Louwiocis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''L. megalops''.
''[[Lycocerus christelae]]''<ref name=EEJ172Cantharidae />
Sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic region]])
A [[soldier beetle]].
''[[Lycocerus dentantennatus]]''<ref name=EEJ172Cantharidae />
Sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic region]])
A [[soldier beetle]].
''[[Malthinus rifbjergi]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Malthinus]]''.
''[[Malthodes aphidiphagus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Fanti & Michalski
[[Baltic amber]]

A species of ''[[Malthodes]]''.
''[[Malthodes henningseni]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Malthodes]]''.
''[[Malthodes meriae]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Eocene]] ([[Lutetian]] to [[Priabonian]])
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Malthodes]]''.
''[[Malthodes moellehavei]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Malthodes]]''.
''[[Markus karenae|Markus]]''<ref></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti & Pankowski
[[Eocene]] ([[Lutetian]] to [[Priabonian]])
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Silinae]] and the tribe [[Silini]]. The type species is ''M. karenae''.
''[[Malthodes josephi|Malthodes (Malthodes) josephi]]''<ref name=ZT44553></ref>
Sp. nov
Fanti & Pankowski
[[Eocene]] ([[Priabonian]])
[[Prussian Formation]]<br>([[Baltic amber]])
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Malthodes]]''.
''[[Mekorhamphus|Mekorhamphus beatae]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
''[[Mekorhamphus|Mekorhamphus gracilipes]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
''[[Mekorhamphus|Mekorhamphus poinari]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
''[[Mekorhamphus|Mekorhamphus tenuicornis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]].
''[[Menatoraea]]''<ref name=ZT44021 />
Gen. et 4 sp. nov
Kirejtshuk & Nel

A [[sap beetle]]. The type species is ''M. typica''; genus also includes ''M. angustitibialis'', ''M. laticollis'' and ''M. gracilis''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Lyubarsky & Perkovsky
[[Bitterfeld amber]]

A member of the family [[Erotylidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Xenoscelinae]]. The type species is ''M. saxonicum''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Middle [[Miocene]]
Upper Freshwater-Molasse Formation

A member of the family [[Brentidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cyladinae]]. Genus includes new species ''M. heeri''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Peris & Fanti
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Albian]])

A [[soldier beetle]] known from amber from the [[Cave of El Soplao]]. Genus includes new species ''M. albae''.
''[[Multispinus]]''<ref name=CRApotomouridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Bao ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Tenebrionoidea]] belonging to the new family [[Apotomouridae]]. Genus includes new species ''M. multispinosus''.
''[[Myanmarus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 4 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''M. caviventris''; genus also includes ''M. robustus'', ''M. dentifer'' and ''M. diversiunguis''.
''[[Nicentrus curvirostris]]''<ref name=Extinctocentrinus />
Sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A species of ''[[Nicentrus]]''.
''[[Nitoraeopsis]]''<ref name=ZT44021 />
Gen. et sp. nov
Kirejtshuk & Nel

A [[sap beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''N. mixta''.
''[[Noergaardia]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]]. The type species is ''N. dinae''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Yin, Cai & Newton
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[Glandulariini|glandulariine]] [[Scydmaenidae|ant-like stone beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''N. elongata''.
''[[Nugatorhinus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Aepyceratinae]]. The type species is ''N. chenyangi''; genus also includes ''N. albomaculatus''.
''[[Ocriocis]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''O. binodosus''.
''[[Opeatorhynchus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''O. comans''.
''[[Sanaungulus|Ornatomalthinus ruicheni]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Hsiao & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[soldier beetle]]. Originally described as a species of ''[[Ornatomalthinus]]''; Fanti (2018) transferred this species to the genus ''Sanaungulus''.<ref></ref>
''[[Orsunius electronefelus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kypke & Solodovnikov
[[Rovno amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Paederinae]], tribe [[Lathrobiini]] and subtribe [[Medonina]].
''[[Oxycorynoides bucklowae]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Legalov & Jarzembowski
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Barremian]])
Upper [[Weald Clay]] Formation

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Nemonychidae]].
''[[Palaecoryphus]]''<ref name=Giltine />
Gen. et sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of [[Coccinelloidea]] belonging to the family [[Anamorphidae]]. The type species is ''P. viktori''.
''[[Palaeolycra]]''<ref name=ZT44021 />
Gen. et sp. nov
Kirejtshuk & Nel

A [[sap beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''P. palaeocenica''.
''[[Palaeomallerus]]''<ref name=Extinctocentrinus />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]]. The type species is ''P. longirostris''.
''[[Palaeomycetes]]''<ref name=Burmalestes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Tomaszewska, Ślipiński & Ren ''in'' Tomaszewska ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Endomychidae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. foveolatus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
[[George Poinar Jr.|Poinar]], Vega & Legalov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

Originally described as an [[ambrosia beetle]]; subsequently considered to be unlikely to belong to [[Curculionoidea]] by Clarke ''et al.'' (2018).<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity /> Genus includes new species ''P. femoralis''.
''[[Palmnickeneoceras]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Gen. et sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]]. The type species is ''P. ejersboi''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Yin, Zhou & Cai ''in'' Yin ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[Scydmaenidae|ant-like stone beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''P. excavatus''.
''[[Paraodontomma|Paraodontomma szwedoi]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Jarzembowski, Wang & Zheng
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ommatidae]] belonging to the tribe [[Brochocoleini]].
''[[Perapion rasnitsyni]]''<ref name=Archaeoheilus />
Sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]], a species of ''[[Perapion]]''.
''[[Periosocerus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''P. deplanatus''; genus also includes ''P. crenulatus''.
''[[Perroudia manuherikia]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kaulfuss ''et al.''
Early [[Miocene]]
[[Manuherikia Group]]

A member of the family [[Brentidae]].
''[[Petalotarsus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et 3 sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''P. oxycorynoides''; genus also includes ''P. curculionoides'' and ''P. cylindricus''.
''[[Burmophyletis|Platychirus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Junior homonym
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Aepyceratinae]]. The type species is ''P. beloides''. The generic name is preoccupied by ''[[Platychirus]]'' Agassiz (1846); Clarke & Oberprieler (2019) coined a replacement name ''Burmophyletis''.<ref name=ClarkeOberprielerDiversity />
''[[Platypelochares electricus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov.
Hernando, Szawaryn & Ribera
[[Eocene]] ([[Lutetian]])
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Gdańsk Bay]] area)
A member of the family [[Limnichidae]].
''[[Plesiotoma]]''<ref name=CRRipiphoridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Batelka, [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]] & Prokop
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ripiphoridae]]. The type species is ''P. alissae''.
''[[Podistra kloevedali]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[Bostrichidae|auger beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Dinoderinae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. burmaensis''.
Nom. nov
Yan ''et al.''
Late [[Permian]]
Newcastle Coal Measures

A beetle of uncertain phylogenetic placement, assigned to the new family [[Ponomarenkiidae]]; a replacement name for ''Ponomarenkia'' Yan ''et al.'' (2017).
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Scydmaenidae|Scydmaeninae]] and the tribe [[Cephenniini]]. Genus includes new species ''P. carinatum''.
''[[Primocentron]]''<ref name=Archaeoheilus />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]]. The type species is ''P. wickhami''.
''[[Procleomenes gouverneuri]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A [[longhorn beetle]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Yamamoto, Caron & Bortoluzzi
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Piestinae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. archaicus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cai, Yin & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ripiphoridae]] and the subfamily [[Ripidiinae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. burmiticus''.
''[[Pseudochirotenon]]''<ref name=Archaeoheilus />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]]. The type species is ''P. eocaenicus''.
''[[Pseudochrysomelites|Pseudochrysomelites dvinensis]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Schizocoleidae]].
''[[Pseudophaops]]''<ref name=Archaeoheilus />
Gen. et comb. nov
[[Green River Formation]]

A [[weevil]]. The type species is ''"[[Otiorhynchus]]" perditus'' Scudder (1876).
''[[Rhadinomycter]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Mesophyletinae]]. The type species is ''R. perplexus''.
''[[Rhagonycha maryae|Rhagonycha (Rhagonycha) maryae]]''<ref name=ZT44553 />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Pankowski
[[Eocene]] ([[Priabonian]])
[[Prussian Formation]]<br>([[Baltic amber]])
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Rhagonycha]]''.
''[[Rhagonycha nielsenae]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Rhagonycha]]''.
''[[Rhynchitomimus]]''<ref name=ClarkeetalDiversity />
Gen. et sp. nov
Clarke & Oberprieler ''in'' Clarke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[weevil]] belonging to the family [[Mesophyletidae]] and the subfamily [[Aepyceratinae]]. The type species is ''R. chalybeus''.
''[[Sanaungulus]]''<ref name=Burmomiles />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[soldier beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''S. curtipennis'' and ''S. ghitaenoerbyae''.
''[[Scydmobisetia|Scydmobisetia loebli]]''<ref name=Scydmobisetia></ref>
Sp. nov
Yin, Zhou & Cai
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[Scydmaeninae|ant-like stone beetle]].
''[[Scydmobisetia|Scydmobisetia mengjiae]]''<ref name=Scydmobisetia />
Sp. nov
Yin, Zhou & Cai
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[Scydmaeninae|ant-like stone beetle]].
''[[Seidlitzella hoffeinsorum]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kolibáč & Alekseev
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A member of the family [[Trogossitidae]] belonging to the tribe [[Gymnochilini]].
''[[Serangium gedanicum]]''<ref name=PalZSerangium></ref>
Sp. nov
Szawaryn & Szwedo
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A member of the family [[Coccinellidae]].
''[[Serangium twardowskii]]''<ref name=PalZSerangium />
Sp. nov
Szawaryn & Szwedo
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A member of the family [[Coccinellidae]].
''[[Shixitomaria]]''<ref name=Shixitomaria />
Gen. et comb. nov
Lyubarsky & Perkovsky
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Aptian]]-[[Albian]])
[[Shixi Formation]]

A member of the family [[Cryptophagidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Atomariinae]]; a new genus for ''"[[Atomaria]]" cretacea'' Cai & Wang (2013).
''[[Sinochaetodus]]''<ref name=Sinochaetodus></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Lu ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of the family [[Hybosoridae]]. Genus includes new species ''S. tridentatus''.
''[[Sinohybosorus]]''<ref name=Sinochaetodus />
Gen. et sp. nov
Lu ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of the family [[Hybosoridae]]. Genus includes new species ''S. cheni''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Kirejtshuk & Chetverikov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[sap beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''S. angustipes''.
''[[Soronia menatensis]]''<ref name=ZT44021 />
Sp. nov
Kirejtshuk & Nel

A [[sap beetle]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Hsiao & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ripiphoridae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Pelecotominae]]. The type species is ''S. ruicheni''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Bao, Rust & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[water-penny beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Eubrianacinae]]. Genus includes new species is ''S. birmaniasis''.
''[[Sucinorhagonycha samsockorum]]''<ref name=ZT44553 />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Pankowski
[[Eocene]] ([[Priabonian]])
[[Prussian Formation]]<br>([[Baltic amber]])
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]] and the tribe [[Cantharini]].
''[[Symbiotes borussiaeorientalis]]''<ref name=Giltine />
Sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of [[Coccinelloidea]] belonging to the family [[Anamorphidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Nadein & Perkovsky
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Santonian]])
[[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber

A [[leaf beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Galerucinae]]. Genus includes new species ''T. calcarata''.
''[[Tetracoleus|Tetracoleus aristovi]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Asiocoleidae]].
''[[Tetracoleus|Tetracoleus meyeni]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Asiocoleidae]].
''[[Tetracoleus|Tetracoleus vasilenkoi]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Asiocoleidae]].
''[[Themus bennyianderseni]]''<ref name=Eridanula />
Sp. nov
Fanti & Damgaard
[[Baltic amber]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[soldier beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cantharinae]].
''[[Tomoxia succinea]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Bao ''et al.''
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A species of ''[[Tomoxia]]''.
''[[Trichodesma fennosarmatica]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Bukejs, Háva & Alekseev
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A species of ''[[Trichodesma (beetle)|Trichodesma]]''.
''[[Trochoideus koenigsbergicus]]''<ref name=Giltine />
Sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of the family [[Endomychidae]].
''[[Trochoideus resinatissimus]]''<ref name=Giltine />
Sp. nov
Alekseev & Tomaszewska
Late [[Eocene]]
Bitterfeld amber

A member of the family [[Endomychidae]].
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov
Yan, Beutel & Lawrence
[[Permian]] ([[Changhsingian]])
Lebedevskian Horizon

A beetle of uncertain phylogenetic placement; originally described as a [[whirligig beetle]], but subsequently argued to be a member of the family [[Triaplidae]] instead.<ref name=ER987></ref> The type species is ''T. planus''; genus also includes ''"[[Triaplus]]" sibiricus'' Volkov (2013).<ref name=ER987 />
''[[Tychtocoleus|Tychtocoleus popovi]]''<ref name=PJ526Ponomarenko />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]
Komarity Beds of the Salaraevo Formation

A member of the family [[Permosynidae]].
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Kypke ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Staphylininae]] and the tribe [[Othiini]]. Genus includes new species ''V. adelfiae'' and ''V. secretum''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cai ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[rove beetle]] belonging to the subfamily [[Dasycerinae]]. Genus includes new species ''V. burmiticus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cai & Huang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[water-penny beetle]]. Genus includes new species ''V. cretaceus''.
''[[Zemyna andreei|Zemyna]]''<ref name=Burmalestes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Tomaszewska ''in'' Tomaszewska ''et al.''
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of the family [[Endomychidae]]. Genus was originally named ''Laima'' Alekseev & Tomaszewska (2018);<ref name=Giltine /> however, this generic name turned out to be preoccupied by ''Laima'' Gravitis (1981). The type species is ''Z. andreei'' (Alekseev & Tomaszewska, 2018).

{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center" width="100%"
! Name
! Novelty
! Status
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! Age
! Unit
! Type Location
! Notes
! Images
''[[Acanthodiplatys]]''<ref name=Acanthodiplatys></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Ren ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Diplatyidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. leptocercus''.
''[[Brevicula|Brevicula maculata]]''<ref name=Dimapteron></ref>
Sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Sinemurian]])
[[Charmouth Mudstone]] Formation

An [[earwig]] belonging to the family [[Protodiplatyidae]].
''[[Dimapteron]]''<ref name=Dimapteron />
Gen. et sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Berriasian]])
[[Durlston Formation]]

An [[earwig]], possibly a member of the family [[Dermapteridae]]. The type species is ''D. corami''.
''[[Hirtidiplatys]]''<ref name=Acanthodiplatys />
Gen. et sp. nov
Ren ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Diplatyidae]]. Genus includes new species ''H. cardiophyllus''.
''[[Phanerogramma|Phanerogramma australis]]''<ref name=Dimapteron />
Sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Late Triassic]] ([[Carnian]])
Blackstone Formation

An [[earwig]], possibly a member of the family [[Dermapteridae]].
''[[Phanerogramma|Phanerogramma dunstani]]''<ref name=Dimapteron />
Sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Late Triassic]] ([[Carnian]])
Blackstone Formation

An [[earwig]], possibly a member of the family [[Dermapteridae]].
''[[Phanerogramma|Phanerogramma gouldsbroughi]]''<ref name=Dimapteron />
Sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Rhaetian]] or [[Hettangian]]

An [[earwig]], possibly a member of the family [[Dermapteridae]].
''[[Robustipygia]]''<ref name=Acanthodiplatys />
Gen. et sp. nov
Ren ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Pygidicranidae]]. Genus includes new species ''R. calvata''.
''[[Trivenapteron]]''<ref name=Dimapteron />
Gen. et sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Toarcian]])

An [[earwig]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is ''T. moorei''.
''[[Tytthodiplatys|Tytthodiplatys ortholabis]]''<ref name=Acanthodiplatys />
Sp. nov
Ren ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Diplatyidae]].
''[[Valdopteron]]''<ref name=Dimapteron />
Gen. et sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Barremian]])
Upper [[Weald Clay]]

An [[earwig]], possibly a member of the family [[Dermapteridae]]. The type species is ''V. woodi''.

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Gen. et sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. Genus includes new species ''A. stigmatica''.
''[[Alienopterix]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Mlynský, Vršanský & Wang ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''A. ocularis''.
''[[Apiblatta]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Barna & Bigalk ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Albian]])
[[Crato Formation]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''A. muratai''.
''[[Burmantis|Burmantis hexispinea]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Li & Huang
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[mantis]].
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Bai, Beutel & Wipfler ''in'' Bai ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''C. elegans''; genus also includes ''C. vidit'' Šmídová, Vršanský & Wang ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.'' (2018).<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
''[[Chimaeroblattina]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Barna ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
Middle [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''C. brevipes''.
''[[Cratovitisma|Cratovitisma bechlyi]]''<ref name=PAACratovitisma></ref>
Sp. nov
Podstrelená ''in'' Podstrelená & Sendi
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A beetle-like cockroach belonging to the family [[Umenocoleidae]].
''[[Cratovitisma|Cratovitisma cortexi]]''<ref name=PAACratovitisma />
Sp. nov
Sendi ''in'' Podstrelená & Sendi
[[Early Cretaceous]]
Lebanese amber

A beetle-like cockroach belonging to the family [[Umenocoleidae]].
Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov
Liang, Shih & Ren
Middle and Late Jurassic
[[Daohugou Beds]]<br>
[[Karabastau Svita]]

A [[cockroach]] belonging to the family [[Raphidiomimidae]]. Genus includes new species ''F. gracilis'' and ''F. qiandaohua'', as well as ''"[[Rhipidoblattina]]" karatavica'' Vishniakova (1968).
''[[Grant (genus)|Grant]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Aristov ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
Middle [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''G. viridifluvius''.
''[[Meilia]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Vršanský et Wang ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''M. jinghanae''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Li & Huang
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[cockroach]] belonging to the family [[Corydiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''N. burmanica''.
''[[Phyloblatta|Phyloblatta beijingensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Huang ''et al.''
[[Taiyuan Formation]]

A [[cockroach]].
''[[Piniblattella|Piniblattella yixianensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Gao, Shih & Ren ''in'' Gao ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[cockroach]]. Transferred to the genus ''[[Spinaeblattina]]'' by Hinkelman (2019).<ref></ref>
''[[Teyia]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Vršanský, Mlynský & Wang ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''T. branislav'' Vršanský & Wang (2018); genus also includes ''T. huangi'' Vršanský, Mlynský & Wang (2018).
''[[Vcelesvab]]''<ref name=BiologiaAlienopteridae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Vršanský, Barna & Bigalk ''in'' Vršanský ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Albian]])
[[Crato Formation]]

A relative of ''[[Alienopterus]]''. The type species is ''V. cratocretokrat''.

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''[[Acartophthalmites willii]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Pérez-de la Fuente, Hoffeins & Roháček
[[Baltic amber]]
[[Baltic Sea]] coast, probably ([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A member of [[Opomyzoidea]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
''[[Alonchoptera]]''<ref name=BAMNH423></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A member of the [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem group]] of [[Lonchopteroidea]]. The type species is ''A. lebanica''.
''[[Archilimonia|Archilimonia grauvogeliana]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Lukashevich & Ribeiro
[[Middle Triassic]] ([[Anisian]])

An early member of [[Tipuloidea]].
''[[Archipleciomima|Archipleciomima germanica]]''<ref name=Wolfsburg></ref>
Sp. nov
Kopeć ''et al.''
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Toarcian]])

A member of [[Mycetophiloidea]].
''[[Aschizomyia]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Syrphoidea]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is ''A. burmensis''.
''[[Austroconops perrichoti]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Dominiak, Szadziewski & Nel
[[Cretaceous]] (latest [[Albian]]-earliest [[Cenomanian]])

A member of the family [[Ceratopogonidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Leptoconopinae]].
''[[Burmapeza]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Platypezidae]]. The type species is ''B. radicis''.
''[[Burmazelmira|Burmazelmira grimaldii]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Arillo, Blagoderov & Peñalver
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Albian]])
Maestrat Basin

A member of [[Archizelmiridae]].
''[[Calvopeza]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Platypezidae]]. The type species is ''C. divergens''.
''[[Canadopeza]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]]

A member of the family [[Platypezidae]]. The type species is ''C. biacrosticha''.
''[[Chandleromyia]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Platypezidae]]. The type species is ''C. anomala''.
''[[Dacochile|Dacochile browni]]''<ref name=HBDacochile></ref>
Sp. nov
Skibińska & Krzemiński
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Tanyderidae]].
''[[Dacochile|Dacochile poinari]]''<ref name=HBDacochile />
Sp. nov
Skibińska & Krzemiński
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Tanyderidae]].
''[[Dicranomyia colombiana|Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) colombiana]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Krzemiński ''et al.''
Colombian copal

A species of ''[[Dicranomyia]]''.
''[[Dicranomyia indica|Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) indica]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kania ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
Cambay amber

A species of ''[[Dicranomyia]]''.
''[[Dicranomyia kukulai|Dicranomyia (Melanolimonia) kukulai]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Krzemiński, Kania & Wojtoń
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A species of ''[[Dicranomyia]]''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Myskowiak, Garrouste & Nel
Early [[Eocene]]
Oise amber

A member of the family [[Hybotidae]]. Genus includes new species ''E. pumilio''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Szadziewski, Sontag & Dominiak
[[Baltic amber]]
[[Baltic Sea]] region
A member of the family [[Chironomidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Tanypodinae]] and the tribe [[Procladiini]]. Genus includes new species ''E. hoffeinsorum''.
''[[Eosciadocera pauciseta]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A member of the family [[Phoridae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Sciadocerinae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Giłka & Zakrzewska ''in'' Zakrzewska ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
Cambay amber

A [[Chironomidae|non-biting midge]] belonging to the tribe [[Tanytarsini]]. Genus includes new species ''G. miripes''.
''[[Helius spiralensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kania, Krzemiński & Arillo
[[Early Cretaceous]]
Álava amber

A species of ''[[Helius (fly)|Helius]]''.
''[[Irwinimyia]]''<ref name=Irwinimyia></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Apsilocephalidae]]. Genus includes new species ''I. spinosa''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Lukashevich & Przhiboro
[[Early Cretaceous]]
Tsagan Tsab Formation

A member of the family [[Chironomidae]]. Genus includes new species ''L. cynaricaudatus''.
''[[Lebanopeza]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A member of the family [[Platypezidae]]. The type species is ''L. azari''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Azar, Azar & Maksoud
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A relative of members of the genus ''[[Sycorax (fly)|Sycorax]]''. Genus includes new species ''L. dimyi''.
''[[Lindneromyia dominicana]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Dominican amber]]

A species of ''[[Lindneromyia]]''.
''[[Lindneromyia neomedialis]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Dominican amber]]

A species of ''[[Lindneromyia]]''.
''[[Lonchopterites burmensis]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem group]] of [[Lonchopteroidea]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Li & Yeates
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ironomyiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''M. jiewenae''.
''[[Mailotrichocera|Mailotrichocera praedicta]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Krzemińska & Lukashevich
[[Early Jurassic]] (possibly [[Sinemurian]])
Dzil Formation

A member of the family [[Trichoceridae]].
''[[Mesorhyphus|Mesorhyphus ulrichi]]''<ref name=Wolfsburg />
Sp. nov
Kopeć ''et al.''
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Toarcian]])

A member of the family [[Anisopodidae]].
''[[Mesotipula slatteri]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Early Jurassic]]

A member of [[Limoniidae]].
''[[Myanmarpsilocephala]]''<ref name=Irwinimyia />
Gen. et sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Apsilocephalidae]]. Genus includes new species ''M. grimaldii''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Szadziewski, Krynicki & Krzemiński
Late Cretaceous ([[Campanian]])
[[Tar Heel Formation]]

A member of [[Ptychopteridae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Eoptychopterinae]]. Genus includes new species ''N. carolinensis''.
Gen et sp. nov
Nidergras, Hadrava & Nel ''in'' Nidergas ''et al.''

A [[hoverfly]]. The type species is ''O. quadriguttata''.
''[[Palaeopetia dorsalis]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ironomyiidae]].
''[[Palaeopetia terminus]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ironomyiidae]].
''[[Proironia]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Ironomyiidae]]. The type species is ''P. gibbera''; genus also includes ''P. burmitica''.
''[[Prophora]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomianian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Phoridae]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is ''P. dimorion''.
''[[Prosyrphus]]''<ref name=BAMNH423 />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[David Grimaldi (entomologist)|Grimaldi]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A possible [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem]]-[[hoverfly]]. The type species is ''P. thompsoni''.
''[[Serromyia errata]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Bitterfeld amber

A species of ''[[Serromyia]]''; a new species established for the specimens originally assigned to the species ''[[Serromyia alphea]]'' (Heyden, 1870).
''[[Similinannotanyderus|Similinannotanyderus zbigniewi]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Skibińska & Krzemiński
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Tanyderidae]].
''[[Sylvicola baltica]]''<ref name=AZ684Sylvicola></ref>
Sp. nov
Wojtoń, Kania & Kopeć
[[Baltic amber]]
[[Baltic Sea]] region
A species of ''[[Sylvicola]]''.
''[[Sylvicola hoffeinsorum]]''<ref name=AZ684Sylvicola />
Sp. nov
Wojtoń, Kania & Kopeć
[[Baltic amber]]<br>
Bitterfeld amber
[[Baltic Sea]] region<br>

A species of ''[[Sylvicola]]''.
''[[Sylvicola punctata]]''<ref name=AZ684Sylvicola />
Sp. nov
Wojtoń, Kania & Kopeć
[[Baltic amber]]
[[Baltic Sea]] region
A species of ''[[Sylvicola]]''.
''[[Tipula americana]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kania ''et al.''
[[Green River Formation]]

A species of ''[[Tipula]]''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Perkovsky, Sukhomlin & Zelenkov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Santonian]])
[[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber

A [[black fly]]. Genus includes new species ''U. kaluginae''.

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''[[Anthoscytina|Anthoscytina daidaleos]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Fu, Huang & [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]]
[[Middle Jurassic|Middle]] or [[Late Jurassic]]
[[Haifanggou Formation]]

A [[froghopper]] belonging to the family [[Procercopidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Yamada & Yamamoto ''in'' Yamada, Yamamoto & Takahashi
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Cimicomorpha]], probably belonging to the family [[Velocipedidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. anthocoroides''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Montagna ''et al.''
[[Middle Triassic]] ([[Ladinian]])
Meride Limestone

A member of the family [[Tingidae]]. The type species is ''A. ladinica''.
''[[Archipedionis]]''<ref name=Archipedionis></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Dietrich & Thomas
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[leafhopper]] belonging to the subfamily [[Eurymelinae]] and the tribe [[Macropsini]]. The type species is ''A. obscurus''.
''[[Burmacader|Burmacader lativentris]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Heiss & Guilbert
Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Tingidae]].
''[[Camuracicada]]''<ref name=Camuracicada></ref>
Gen. et comb. nov
[[Miocene]] ([[Serravallian]])

A [[cicada]]; a new genus for ''"[[Cicada (genus)|Cicada]]" aichhorni'' Heer (1853).
Gen. et sp. nov
Lis, Lis & Heiss
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Cydnidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. mixtus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Lin, Yao & Ren
[[Cretaceous]] ([[Albian]]-[[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of [[scale insect]]s belonging to the family [[Weitschatidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. longicumulus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Du & Yao
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Tingidae]]. The type species is ''C. biacantha''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Jiang, Szwedo & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[planthopper]] belonging to the family [[Mimarachnidae]]. Genus includes new species ''D. trimaculatus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Emeljanov & Shcherbakov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[planthopper]] belonging to the new family [[Dorytocidae]]. Genus includes new species ''D. ornithorhynchus''.
''[[Eoidiocerus]]''<ref name=Archipedionis />
Gen. et sp. nov
Dietrich & Thomas
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[leafhopper]] belonging to the subfamily [[Eurymelinae]] and the tribe [[Idiocerini]]. The type species is ''E. emarginatus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Chen, Szwedo & Wang ''in'' Chen ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[froghopper]] belonging to the family [[Sinoalidae]]. Genus includes new species ''F. xiai''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Węgierek & Wang ''in'' Węgierek ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[aphid]] belonging to the family [[Isolitaphidae]]. Genus includes new species ''H. lancigerens''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zhang, Ren & Yao
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[planthopper]] belonging to the family [[Mimarachnidae]]. Genus includes new species ''J. oligotrichus''.
''[[Leptopharsa antica]]''<ref name=ZT44443></ref>
Sp. nov
Golub & Heiss
[[Eocene]] or [[Miocene]]
[[Dominican amber]]

A species of ''[[Leptopharsa]]''.
''[[Leptopharsa colombiana]]''<ref name=ZT44443 />
Sp. nov
Golub & Heiss
[[Colombian copal]]

A species of ''[[Leptopharsa]]''.
''[[Luanpingia|Luanpingia daohugouensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Fu, Cai & Huang
Middle or Late Jurassic
[[Daohugou Beds]]

A [[froghopper]] belonging to the family [[Sinoalidae]].
''[[Paleopsalta]]''<ref name=Camuracicada />
Gen. et comb. nov
[[Miocene]] ([[Serravallian]])

A [[cicada]]; a new genus for ''"[[Cicada (genus)|Cicada]]" ungeri'' Heer (1853).
''[[Phatnoma pulchra]]''<ref name=ZT44443 />
Sp. nov
Golub & Heiss
[[Eocene]] or [[Miocene]]
[[Dominican amber]]

A member of the family [[Tingidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Liu, Qiao & Yao ''in'' Liu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[aphid]] belonging to the family [[Juraphididae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. munditia''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Fu & Huang
[[Jurassic]] ([[Callovian]] or [[Oxfordian (stage)|Oxfordian]])
[[Haifanggou Formation]]

A [[froghopper]] belonging to the family [[Sinoalidae]]. The type species is ''S. wuhuaensis''.
Gen. et sp. nov
[[George Poinar Jr.|Poinar]]
[[Burmese amber]]

An [[aphid]] belonging to the family [[Burmitaphidae]]. Genus includes new species ''T. caudisetula''.

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''[[Amplicella|Amplicella minor]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]].
''[[Angarosphex|Angarosphex saxosus]]''<ref name=PJ524Angarosphecidae></ref>
Sp. nov
Zhang, Rasnitsyn & Zhang
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of [[Apoidea]] belonging to the family [[Angarosphecidae]].
''[[Apis dalica|Apis (Synapis) dalica]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Michael S. Engel|Engel]] & Wappler ''in'' Engel ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]
[[Huazhige Formation]]

A [[honey bee]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus amabilis]]''<ref name=CRAptenoperissus></ref>
Sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus delicatus]]''<ref name=CRAptenoperissus />
Sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus etius]]''<ref name=CRAptenoperissus2></ref>
Sp. nov
Rasnitsyn & Öhm-Kühnle
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus formosus]]''<ref name=CRAptenoperissus />
Sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus magnifemoris]]''<ref name=CRAptenoperissus2 />
Sp. nov
Rasnitsyn & Öhm-Kühnle
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus pusillus]]''<ref name=CRAptenoperissus2 />
Sp. nov
Rasnitsyn & Öhm-Kühnle
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
''[[Aptenoperissus|Aptenoperissus zonalis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Zhang & Rasnitsyn ''in'' Zhang, Rasnitsyn & Zhang
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Aptenoperissidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Simutnik & Perkovsky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

A member of the family [[Encyrtidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. schuvachinae''.
''[[Auricleptes]]''<ref name=CRChrysididae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Lucena & Melo
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[cuckoo wasp]]. Genus includes new species ''A. nebulosus''.
''[[Azanichrum]]''<ref name=CRChrysididae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Lucena & Melo
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[cuckoo wasp]]. Genus includes new species ''A. pilosum''.
''[[Baeomorpha avamica]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha></ref>
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha baikurenis]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Cretaceous (late [[Albian]]–?early [[Cenomanian]])
[[Ognevka Formation]]?<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha bianellus]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha caeleps]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha gracilis]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha ingens]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha popovi]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha quattorduo]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha quattoruno]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha yantardakh]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Baeomorpha zherikhini]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Cretaceous (late [[Albian]]–?early [[Cenomanian]])
[[Ognevka Formation]]?<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]].
''[[Bohartiura]]''<ref name=CRChrysididae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Lucena & Melo
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[cuckoo wasp]]. Genus includes new species ''B. glabrata''.
''[[Brachysyntexis|Brachysyntexis tenebrosa]]''<ref name=ZT45143></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Middle Jurassic|Middle]]–[[Late Jurassic]]

A member of the family [[Anaxyelidae]].
''[[Brachysyntexis|Brachysyntexis tigris]]''<ref name=ZT45143 />
Sp. nov
[[Middle Jurassic|Middle]]–[[Late Jurassic]]

A member of the family [[Anaxyelidae]].
''[[Burmasega]]''<ref name=CRChrysididae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Lucena & Melo
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[cuckoo wasp]]. Genus includes new species ''B. ammirabilis''.
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Melo & Rosa
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Apoidea]] belonging to the family [[Angarosphecidae]]. The type species is ''B. sulcatus''; genus also includes ''B. pilosus''.
''[[Burminata]]''<ref name=Diversinitidae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Haas, Burks & Krogmann
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[chalcid wasp]] belonging to the new family [[Diversinitidae]]. The type species is ''B. caputaeria''.
Gen. et 3 sp. nov
Zhang & Rasnitsyn ''in'' Zhang, Rasnitsyn & Zhang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the group [[Pompiloidea]]. Genus includes new species ''B. nuwae'', ''B. fuxii'' and ''B. shennongii''.
''[[Carinibus]]''<ref name=PalZIchneumonidae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Spasojevic ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]]. The type species is ''C. molestus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zheng & Chen
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[sawfly]] belonging to the family [[Xyelydidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. robusta''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Cockx & McKellar
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[wasp]] belonging to the family [[Crabronidae]] and the subfamily [[Pemphredoninae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. cumcarena''.
''[[Conostigmus talamasi]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Mikó & Trietsch ''in'' Mikó ''et al.''
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe<br>([[Gdańsk Bay]])
A species of ''[[Conostigmus]]''.
''[[Coptera anka]]''<ref name=Xenomorphia></ref>
Sp. nov
Krogmann, van de Kamp & Schwermann ''in'' van de Kamp ''et al.''
[[Quercy Phosphorites Formation]]

A member of the family [[Diapriidae]].
''[[Cretevania|Cretevania tenuis]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]].
''[[Cretevania|Cretevania venae]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Wang ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[horntail]]. Genus includes new species ''C. xiaoi''.
''[[Crusopimpla]]''<ref name=Crusopimpla></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Kopylov, Spasojevic & Klopfstein
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Tadushi Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. tadushensis''.
''[[Curtevania]]''<ref name=Curtevania></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]]. Genus includes new species ''C. enervia''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Simutnik & Perkovsky
Late [[Eocene]]
Danish amber

A member of the family [[Encyrtidae]]. Genus includes new species ''D. vilhelmseni''.
''[[Dolichomitus saxeus|Dolichomitus? saxeus]]''<ref name=Crusopimpla />
Sp. nov
Kopylov, Spasojevic & Klopfstein
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Tadushi Formation]]

Possibly a species of ''[[Dolichomitus]]''.
''[[Dryinus maderai]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Guglielmino ''et al.''
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Dryinidae]].
''[[Diversinitus]]''<ref name=Diversinitidae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Haas, Burks & Krogmann
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[chalcid wasp]] belonging to the new family [[Diversinitidae]]. The type species is ''D. attenboroughi''.
''[[Electromyrmex|Electromyrmex wheeleri]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Radchenko & Dlussky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]<br>
Bitterfeld amber
[[Baltic Sea]] region<br>

''[[Epyris moulyi]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Falières & Nel
Early [[Eocene]]
Oise amber

A species of ''[[Epyris]]''.
''[[Epyris neolongiceps]]''<ref name=ZT44891></ref>
Nom. nov
Azevedo ''in'' Azevedo ''et al.''
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A species of ''[[Epyris]]''; a replacement name for ''Calyoza longiceps'' Brues (1923).
''[[Eupsenella neoeocenica]]''<ref name=ZT44891 />
Nom. nov
Ramos & Azevedo ''in'' Azevedo ''et al.''
Fushun amber

A member of the family [[Bethylidae]]; a replacement name for ''Fushunochrysites eocenicus'' Hong (2002).
''[[Eupsenella neohongi]]''<ref name=ZT44891 />
Nom. nov
Ramos & Azevedo ''in'' Azevedo ''et al.''
Fushun amber

A member of the family [[Bethylidae]]; a replacement name for ''Sinibethylus eocenicus'' Hong (2002).
''[[Exilaulacus]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]]. Genus includes new species ''E. loculatus'' and ''E. latus''.
''[[Fallomyrma anodonta]]''<ref name=PJ522Fallomyrma></ref>
Sp. nov
Radchenko & Dlussky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

An [[ant]] belonging to the subfamily [[Myrmicinae]].
''[[Fallomyrma marginata]]''<ref name=PJ522Fallomyrma />
Sp. nov
Radchenko & Dlussky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

An [[ant]] belonging to the subfamily [[Myrmicinae]].
''[[Fallomyrma robusta]]''<ref name=PJ522Fallomyrma />
Sp. nov
Radchenko & Dlussky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

An [[ant]] belonging to the subfamily [[Myrmicinae]].
''[[Glabiala]]''<ref name=Diversinitidae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Haas, Burks & Krogmann
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[chalcid wasp]] belonging to the new family [[Diversinitidae]]. The type species is ''G. barbata''.
''[[Heterobaissa]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Gen. et sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]]. Genus includes new species ''H. apetiola''.
''[[Ichninsum]]''<ref name=PalZIchneumonidae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Spasojevic ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]]. The type species is ''I. appendicrassum''.
''[[Kulbastavia|Kulbastavia grandis]]''<ref name=ZT45143 />
Sp. nov
[[Middle Jurassic|Middle]]–[[Late Jurassic]]

A member of the family [[Anaxyelidae]].
''Mesoclistus? yamataroti''<ref name=PalZIchneumonidae />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]].
''[[Mesornatus]]''<ref name=Mesornatus></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is ''M. markovici''.
''[[Miracorium]]''<ref name=CRChrysididae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Lucena & Melo
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[cuckoo wasp]]. Genus includes new species ''M. tetrafoveolatum''.
''[[Myanmarina]]''<ref name=Myanmarinidae></ref>
Gen. et 4 sp. nov
Zhang & Rasnitsyn ''in'' Zhang ''et al.''
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Apocrita]] belonging to the superfamily [[Stephanoidea]]. The type species is ''M. lisu''; genus also includes new species ''M. kachin'', ''M. lahu''<ref name=Myanmarinidae /> and ''M. jeannineae'' Li ''et al.'' (2018).<ref></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Lapolla & Barden
[[Paskapoo Formation]]

An [[ant]] belonging to the subfamily [[Aneuretinae]]. The type species is ''N. paskapooensis''.
''[[Newjersevania|Newjersevania brevis]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]].
''[[Newjersevania|Newjersevania longa]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]].
''[[Palaeortona]]''<ref name=Xenomorphia />
Gen. et sp. nov
Krogmann, van de Kamp & Schwermann ''in'' van de Kamp ''et al.''
[[Quercy Phosphorites Formation]]

A member of the family [[Diapriidae]]. The type species is ''P. quercyensis''.
''[[Parevania oculiseparata]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Jennings ''et al.''
[[Baltic amber]]

A member of the family [[Evaniidae]].
''[[Peleproctus]]''<ref name=Peleserphidae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[Basal (phylogenetics)|basal]] member of [[Proctotrupomorpha]]. Genus includes new species ''P. dolichurus''.
''[[Peleserphus]]''<ref name=Peleserphidae />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A basal member of Proctotrupomorpha. The type species is ''P. brachyurus''; genus also includes ''P. genalis''.
''[[Phanerotomella brevivena]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe<br>([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A member of the family [[Braconidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cheloninae]].
''[[Polyhelictes]]''<ref name=Mesornatus />
Gen. et sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is ''P. bipolarus''.
''[[Praeaulacus|Praeaulacus rectus]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]].
''[[Pristomyrmex archaios]]''<ref name=AZPristomyrmex></ref>
Sp. nov
Radchenko & Dlussky
Bitterfeld amber

An [[ant]], a species of ''[[Pristomyrmex]]''.
''[[Pristomyrmex elmesi]]''<ref name=AZPristomyrmex />
Sp. nov
Radchenko & Dlussky
[[Rovno amber]]

An [[ant]], a species of ''[[Pristomyrmex]]''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Radchenko, Dlussky & Perfilieva
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

An [[ant]]. Genus includes new species ''P. primitivus''.
''[[Rhyssella vera]]''<ref name=Mesornatus />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]], a species of ''[[Rhyssella]]''.
''[[Scambus fossilobus]]''<ref name=Mesornatus />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]], a species of ''[[Scambus]]''.
''Scambus? mandibularis''<ref name=PalZIchneumonidae />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]].
''Scambus? parachuti''<ref name=PalZIchneumonidae />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Michael S. Engel|Engel]] & Huang ''in'' Engel ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Braconidae]]. The type species is ''S. novalatus''.
''[[Sinuevania]]''<ref name=Curtevania />
Gen. et sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Evanioidea]]. Genus includes new species ''S. mira''.
''[[Taimyromorpha]]''<ref name=CR84Baeomorpha />
Gen. et sp. nov
Gumovsky ''in'' Gumovsky, Perkovsky & Rasnitsyn
Late Cretaceous (late [[Santonian]])
[[Kheta Formation]]<br>([[Taymyr Peninsula|Taimyr]] amber)

A member of the family [[Rotoitidae]]. Genus includes new species ''T. pusilla''.
''[[Trigonator]]''<ref name=Mesornatus />
Gen. et sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Labeninae]]. The type species is ''T. macrocheirus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Simutnik ''in'' Simutnik & Perkovsky
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Rovno amber]]

A member of the family [[Encyrtidae]]. Genus includes new species ''T. cylindrocerus''.
''[[Trymectus]]''<ref name=PalZIchneumonidae />
Gen. et comb. nov
Spasojevic ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
[[Green River Formation]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]]; a new genus for ''"Tryphon" amasidis'' Cockerell & LeVeque (1931).
Gen. et sp. nov
Burks & Krogmann ''in'' Burks, Krogmann & Heraty
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe<br>([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A member of the family [[Pteromalidae]]. Genus includes new species ''V. coriaceum''.
''[[Vitimosphex|Vitimosphex vividus]]''<ref name=PJ524Angarosphecidae />
Sp. nov
Zhang, Rasnitsyn & Zhang
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of [[Apoidea]] belonging to the family [[Angarosphecidae]].
''[[Xanthopimpla messelensis]]''<ref name=Mesornatus />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Pimplinae]] and the tribe [[Pimplini]].
''[[Xanthopimpla praeclara]]''<ref name=Mesornatus />
Sp. nov
Spasojevic, Wedmann & Klopfstein
[[Messel pit]]

A member of the family [[Ichneumonidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Pimplinae]] and the tribe [[Pimplini]].
''[[Xenomorphia]]''<ref name=Xenomorphia />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Krogmann, van de Kamp & Schwermann ''in'' van de Kamp ''et al.''
[[Quercy Phosphorites Formation]]

A member of the family [[Diapriidae]]. The type species is ''X. resurrecta''; genus also includes ''X. handschini''.

{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center" width="100%"
! Name
! Novelty
! Status
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! Images
''[[Bittacus lepiduscretaceus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Li ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[hangingfly]], a species of ''[[Bittacus]]''.
''[[Eomerope|Eomerope eonearctica]]''<ref name=TCEEumerope></ref>
Sp. nov
Archibald & Rasnitsyn
[[Eocene]] ([[Ypresian]])

A member of the family [[Eomeropidae]].
''[[Eomerope|Eomerope simpkinsae]]''<ref name=TCEEumerope />
Sp. nov
Archibald & Rasnitsyn
[[Eocene]] ([[Ypresian]])
[[Allenby Formation]]

A member of the family [[Eomeropidae]].
''[[Gigaphlebia]]''<ref name=Gigaphlebia></ref>
Gen. et comb. nov
Soszyńska-Maj ''et al.''
[[Dzil Formation]]<br>
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]<br>
[[Karabastau Svita]]

A member of the family [[Orthophlebiidae]]. Genus includes ''"[[Orthophlebia]]" riccardii'' Petrulevičius & Ren (2012), ''"Orthophlebia" grandis'' Martynov (1927) and ''"[[Mesopanorpa]]" palmaris'' Martynova (1948).
Nom. nov
[[Middle Triassic]]
[[Tongchuan Formation]]

A member of the family [[Permochoristidae]]; a replacement name for ''Choristites'' Hong (2005).
''[[Longiphlebia]]''<ref name=Gigaphlebia />
Gen. et comb. nov
Soszyńska-Maj ''et al.''
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]

A member of the family [[Orthophlebiidae]]. Genus includes ''"[[Orthophlebia]]" stigmosa'' Qiao, Shih & Ren (2012).
''[[Mesopanorpa|Mesopanorpa brooksorum]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Jarzembowski & Soszyńska-Maj
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Wealden Supergroup]]

A member of the family [[Orthophlebiidae]].
''[[Orthobittacus|Orthobittacus suni]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kopeć ''et al.''
[[Middle Jurassic]]

A [[hangingfly]].
Gen. et comb. nov
Soszyńska-Maj ''et al.''

A new genus for ''"[[Orthophlebia]]" gigantea'' Tillyard (1933) and ''"O." haradai'' Ueda (1991).

{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center" width="100%"
! Name
! Novelty
! Status
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! Unit
! Type Location
! Notes
! Images
''[[Aberrantochrysa]]''<ref name=Aberrantochrysa></ref>
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A [[Chrysopidae|green lacewing]]. Genus includes new species ''A. buryatica'' and ''A. pulchella''.
''[[Acanthopsychops]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano & [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]] ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Psychopsidae]]. The type species is ''A. triaina''.
''[[Adelpholeon]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano & Engel ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of [[antlion]]s and [[Ascalaphidae|owlflies]]. The type species is ''A. lithophorus''.
''[[Aphthartopsychops]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano & Engel ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Psychopsidae]]. The type species is ''A. scutatus''.
''[[Burmitus]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano, Engel & Wang ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of [[antlion]]s and [[Ascalaphidae|owlflies]]. The type species is ''B. tubulifer''.
''[[Burmogramma]]''<ref name=NCCretanallachiinae></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Liu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Kalligrammatidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cretanallachiinae]]. The type species is ''B. liui''.
''[[Burmopsychops|Burmopsychops labandeirai]]''<ref name=NCCretanallachiinae />
Sp. nov
Liu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Kalligrammatidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cretanallachiinae]].
''[[Caririneura|Caririneura macrothoracica]]''<ref name=CRCaririneura></ref>
Sp. nov
Makarkin, Wedmann & Heads
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Crato Formation]]

A member of [[Myrmeleontoidea]] belonging to the family [[Araripeneuridae]].
''[[Chorilingia|Chorilingia bakharica]]''<ref name=Opapanfilovia></ref>
Sp. nov
Khramov & Vasilenko

A member of the family [[Grammolingiidae]].
''[[Cladofer]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano, Engel & Wang ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem group]] of [[Myrmeleontiformia]]. The type species is ''C. huangi''.
''[[Cratoneura|Cratoneura minor]]''<ref name=CRCaririneura />
Sp. nov
Makarkin, Wedmann & Heads
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Crato Formation]]

A member of [[Myrmeleontoidea]] belonging to the family [[Araripeneuridae]].
''[[Cretogramma]]''<ref name=NCCretanallachiinae />
Gen. et sp. nov
Liu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Kalligrammatidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Cretanallachiinae]]. The type species is ''C. engeli''.
''[[Diodontognathus]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano, Engel & Wang ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of [[antlion]]s and [[Ascalaphidae|owlflies]]. The type species is ''D. papillatus''.
''[[Electrocaptivus]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano, Engel & Wang ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of [[antlion]]s and [[Ascalaphidae|owlflies]]. The type species is ''E. xui''.
''[[Haploberotha|Haploberotha carsteni]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Berothidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Nakamine & Yamamoto
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Santonian]])
[[Tamagawa Formation]]<br>([[Kuji amber]])

A [[Rhachiberothidae|thorny lacewing]]. The type species is ''K. teruyukii''.
''[[Laccosmylus|Laccosmylus cicatricatus]]''<ref name=ZooKeys790></ref>
Sp. nov
Fang ''et al.''
[[Middle Jurassic]] ([[Bathonian]]-[[Callovian]] boundary)
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]

A member of the family [[Saucrosmylidae]].
''[[Laccosmylus|Laccosmylus latizonus]]''<ref name=ZooKeys790 />
Sp. nov
Fang ''et al.''
[[Middle Jurassic]] ([[Bathonian]]-[[Callovian]] boundary)
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]

A member of the family [[Saucrosmylidae]].
''[[Longipronotum]]''<ref name=ZT44023></ref><ref></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Jepson, Khramov & Ohl
[[Late Jurassic]]

A member of the family [[Mantispidae]]. Genus includes new species ''L. benmaddoxi''. The original generic name, ''Longicollum'', turned out to be preoccupied by ''Longicollum'' Yamaguti (1935), necessitating creation of a replacement name.
''[[Macleodiella]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano & Engel ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem group]] of [[Myrmeleontiformia]]. The type species is ''M. electrina''.
''[[Mesoptynx]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano, Engel & Wang ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A relative of [[antlion]]s and [[Ascalaphidae|owlflies]]. The type species is ''M. unguiculatus''.
''[[Mesypochrysa|Mesypochrysa cannabina]]''<ref name=Aberrantochrysa />
Sp. nov
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A [[Chrysopidae|green lacewing]].
''[[Mesypochrysa|Mesypochrysa naranica]]''<ref name=Aberrantochrysa />
Sp. nov
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A [[Chrysopidae|green lacewing]].
''[[Nilionympha|Nilionympha shantouensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Li, Ren & Wang
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]

A member of the family [[Osmylidae]].
''[[Nymphavus]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano, Engel & Wang ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Nymphidae]]. The type species is ''N. progenitor''.
Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov
Chang ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Psychopsoidea]], possibly belonging to the family [[Kalligrammatidae]].<ref name=NCCretanallachiinae /> Genus includes new species ''O. penniformis'' Chang ''et al.'' (2018) and ''O. grandis'' Liu ''et al.'' (2018), as well as ''"[[Burmopsychops]]" groehni'' Makarkin (2017).<ref name=NCCretanallachiinae />
''[[Opapanfilovia]]''<ref name=Opapanfilovia />
Gen. et sp. nov
Khramov & Vasilenko

A member of the family [[Panfiloviidae]]. Genus includes new species ''O. bonata''.
''[[Ovalofemora]]''<ref name=ZT44023 />
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov
Jepson, Khramov & Ohl
[[Late Jurassic]]

A member of the family [[Mantispidae]]. Genus includes new species ''O. abbottae'', as well as ''"[[Mesithone]]" monstruosa'' Khramov (2013).
''[[Parababinskaia|Parababinskaia makarkini]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Hu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Myrmeleontoidea]] belonging to the family [[Babinskaiidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Lu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[Chrysopidae|green lacewing]]. Genus includes new species ''P. xingkei''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Liu ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Chrysopoidea]]. The type species is ''P. huangi''.
''[[Pristinofossor]]''<ref name=NCBadanoetal />
Gen. et sp. nov
Badano & Engel ''in'' Badano ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[Crown group#Stem groups|stem]]-[[antlion]]. The type species is ''P. rictus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Makarkin, Wedmann & Weiterschan
Late [[Eocene]]
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A [[Chrysopidae|green lacewing]]. The type species is ''P. baltica''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Yang ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Sisyridae]]. The type species is ''S. pennyi''.
[[File:Stictosisyra pennyi fig 1A.jpg|thumb|center|''[[Stictosisyra pennyi]]'']]
Gen. et sp. nov
Pérez‐de la Fuente ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]] (early [[Barremian]])

A member of [[Chrysopoidea]] of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is ''T. ovoruptora''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Pérez-de la Fuente ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Barremian]])

A member of the superfamily [[Chrysopoidea]]. The type species is ''T. melqart''.
''[[Wesmaelius makarkini]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Yang, Pang & Ren ''in'' Yang ''et al.''
Early [[Miocene]]
[[Garang Formation]]

A [[Hemerobiidae|brown lacewing]] belonging to the subfamily [[Hemerobiinae]].

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''[[Anglophlebia]]''<ref name=Anglophlebia></ref>
Gen. et comb. nov
Kelly & Nel
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Sinemurian]])
[[Charmouth Mudstone Formation]]

A member of [[Epiprocta]] belonging to the superfamily [[Heterophlebioidea]] and to the family [[Anglophlebiidae]]. The type species is ''"[[Liassophlebia]]" gigantea'' Zeuner (1962).
''[[Araripegomphus|Araripegomphus shai]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[dragonfly]].
''[[Burmahemiphlebia|Burmahemiphlebia hui]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Zheng & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[damselfly]] belonging to the family [[Hemiphlebiidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Zheng, Nel & Wang ''in'' Zheng ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[damselfly]]. Genus includes new species ''C. zhouae''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Huang, Azar & Nel
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Barremian]] – [[Aptian]])
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[damselfly]]. Genus includes new species ''C. sibelleae''.
''[[Cretastenophlebia|Cretastenophlebia jiuquanensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Albian|Lower Albian]])
Zhonggou Formation

A member of the family [[Stenophlebiidae]].
''[[Cymatophlebia|Cymatophlebia yixianensis]]''<ref name=CRCymatophlebiidae></ref>
Sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[dragonfly]] belonging to the family [[Cymatophlebiidae]].
''[[Erpetogomphus shii]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
Early [[Miocene]]
[[La Quinta Formation (Mexico)|La Quinta Formation]]<br>([[Mexican amber]])

A [[dragonfly]], a species of ''[[Erpetogomphus]]''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
[[Early Jurassic]]
[[Badaowan Formation]]

A damsel-dragonfly belonging to the family [[Campterophlebiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''H. xui''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Huang ''et al.''
[[Late Jurassic]] ([[Oxfordian (stage)|Oxfordian]])
[[Yangshuzhuang Formation]]

A damsel-dragonfly belonging to the group [[Isophlebioptera]] and the family [[Selenothemistidae]]. The type species is ''J. incompletus''.
Gen. et comb. nov
Kelly & Nel
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Sinemurian]])

A damsel-dragonfly belonging to the family [[Campterophlebiidae]]. The type species is ''"[[Petrophlebia]]" anglicanopsis'' Zeuner (1962).
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Eocene]] ([[Lutetian]])

A [[damselfly]] belonging to the family [[Synlestidae]]. The type species is ''M. delpueblo''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[dragonfly]]. Genus includes new species ''P. zhaoi''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zheng, Nel & Wang ''in'' Zheng ''et al.''
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[damselfly]] belonging to the group [[Pseudostigmatoidea]]. Genus includes new species ''P. deltoides''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Zheng, Nel & Zhang ''in'' Zheng ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Aptian]])
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[dragonfly]] belonging to the family [[Progobiaeshnidae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. liaoningensis''.
''[[Parazygokaratawia]]''<ref name=Parazygokaratawia></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Huang, Cai & Nel
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Daohugou Beds]]

A damsel-dragonfly belonging to the family [[Campterophlebiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. azari''.
''[[Proinogomphus|Proinogomphus kreuzerorum]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Early Jurassic]]

A [[dragonfly]] belonging to the family [[Liassogomphidae]].
''[[Rossiphlebia]]''<ref name=Anglophlebia />
Gen. et comb. nov
Kelly & Nel
[[Early Jurassic]] ([[Sinemurian]])
[[Charmouth Mudstone Formation]]

A member of [[Epiprocta]] belonging to the superfamily [[Heterophlebioidea]] and to the family [[Liassophlebiidae]]. The type species is ''"[[Liassophlebia]]" jacksoni'' Zeuner (1962).
Gen. et sp. nov
Huang, Cai & Nel
[[Late Jurassic]] (late [[Oxfordian (stage)|Oxfordian]] or early [[Kimmeridgian]])
[[Tiaojishan Formation]]

A damsel-dragonfly belonging to the group [[Isophlebioptera]] and the family [[Selenothemistidae]]. Genus includes new species ''S. difficilis''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Felker & Vasilenko
[[Early Cretaceous]]

A [[damselfly]] belonging to the family [[Ponomarenkiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''T. transbaikalica''.
''[[Valdaeshna|Valdaeshna mikei]]''<ref name=CRCymatophlebiidae />
Sp. nov
Zheng ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
Upper [[Weald Clay]]

A [[dragonfly]] belonging to the family [[Cymatophlebiidae]].
''[[Zygokaratawia|Zygokaratawia incompleta]]''<ref name=Parazygokaratawia />
Sp. nov
Huang, Cai & Nel
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Daohugou Beds]]

A damsel-dragonfly belonging to the family [[Campterophlebiidae]].

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Gen. et sp. nov
Fang ''et al.''
[[Late Triassic]] ([[Norian]])
[[Cow Branch Formation]]

A member of the family [[Elcanidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. virginiana''.
''[[Cascogryllus]]''<ref name=Cascogryllus></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
[[George Poinar Jr.|Poinar]]
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Tridactylidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. lobiferus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Heads, Thomas & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Elcanidae]]. Genus includes new species ''E. diana''.
''[[Ellipes dominicana]]''<ref name=Cascogryllus />
Sp. nov
[[George Poinar Jr.|Poinar]]
[[Eocene]] or [[Miocene]]
[[Dominican amber]]

A member of the family [[Tridactylidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Fang ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of [[Orthoptera]] belonging to the family [[Elcanidae]]. Genus includes new species ''J. yanensis''.
''[[Pseudaboilus|Pseudaboilus ningchengensis]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Wang ''et al.''
[[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Yixian Formation]]

A member of the family [[Prophalangopsidae]] belonging to the subfamily [[Termitidiinae]].
''[[Sigmaboilus|Sigmaboilus calophlebius]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Wang ''et al.''
Middle–Late Jurassic
[[Daohugou Beds]]

An [[orthoptera]]n belonging to the family [[Prophalangopsidae]].

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Gen. et sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] region)
A member of the family [[Taeniopterygidae]]. Genus includes new species ''B. dui''.
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Leuctridae]]. Genus includes new species ''B. foraminis''.
''[[Boreoperlidium|Boreoperlidium callopterus]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova></ref>
Sp. nov
[[Guadalupian|Middle Permian]]

A member of the family [[Eustheniidae]].
''[[Boreoperlidium|Boreoperlidium certus]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Eustheniidae]].
''[[Boreoperlidium|Boreoperlidium ramificans]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Eustheniidae]].
''[[Electroneuria]]''<ref name=Electroneuria></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Sroka, Staniczek & Kondratieff
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Perlidae]]. The type species is ''E. ronwoodi''.
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Baltic amber]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Leuctridae]]. Genus includes new species ''E. gillesi''.
''[[Kargaloperla|Kargaloperla fibrosa]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Palaeoperlidae]].
''[[Kargaloperla|Kargaloperla gratum]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Palaeoperlidae]].
''[[Kargaloperla|Kargaloperla postica]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Palaeoperlidae]].
''[[Kargaloperla|Kargaloperla queata]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Palaeoperlidae]].
''[[Lapisperla]]''<ref name=Electroneuria />
Gen. et sp. nov
Sroka, Staniczek & Kondratieff
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the group [[Arctoperlaria]], assigned to the new family [[Petroperlidae]]. The type species is ''L. keithrichardsi''.
Gen. et 11 sp. nov
Chen, Wang & Du
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Perlidae]]. Genus includes new species ''L. acus'' Chen, Wang & Du (2018), ''L. arcus'' Chen, Wang & Du (2018), ''L. flata'' Chen, Wang & Du (2018), ''L. difformitatem'' Chen (2018),<ref></ref> ''L. dewalti'' Chen (2018), ''L. borisi'' Chen (2018),<ref></ref> ''L. charliewattsi'' Sroka, Staniczek & Staniczek (2018), ''L. brianjonesi'' Sroka, Staniczek & Staniczek (2018), ''L. micktaylori'' Sroka, Staniczek & Staniczek (2018), ''L. billwymani'' Sroka, Staniczek & Staniczek (2018)<ref name=Electroneuria /> and ''L. crassus'' Chen (2018).<ref></ref>
''[[Palaeonemoura|Palaeonemoura benevola]]''<ref name=PJ5212Sinitshenkova></ref>
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

''[[Palaeonemourisca|Palaeonemourisca corrugata]]''<ref name=PJ5212Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

''[[Palaeotaeniopteryx|Palaeotaeniopteryx alligata]]''<ref name=PJ5212Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

''[[Palaeotaeniopteryx|Palaeotaeniopteryx trinerva]]''<ref name=PJ5212Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

Gen. et sp. et comb. nov
Cui & Béthoux ''in'' Cui, Ren & Béthoux
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Jiulongshan Formation]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Notonemouridae]]. The type species is ''P. zwicki''; genus also includes ''"[[Perlariopsis]]" fidelis'' Sinitshenkova (1987).
''[[Petroperla]]''<ref name=Electroneuria />
Gen. et sp. nov
Sroka, Staniczek & Kondratieff
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the group [[Arctoperlaria]], assigned to the new family [[Petroperlidae]]. The type species is ''P. mickjaggeri''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Plecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Perlidae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. yangzhouensis''.
''[[Properla|Properla incrassata]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Palaeoperlidae]].
''[[Properla|Properla umbrosa]]''<ref name=PJ5213Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of the family [[Palaeoperlidae]].
''[[Votaknemoura|Votaknemoura persuasibil]]''<ref name=PJ5212Sinitshenkova />
Sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]


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''[[Anisocalamus]]''<ref name=Anisocalamus></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Sukacheva & Vasilenko
Probably [[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Doronino Formation]]

A member of the family [[Calamoceratidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. mixtus''.
Gen. et comb. et sp. nov
Kelly, Ross & Coram
[[Late Triassic]] ([[Rhaetian]]) and [[Early Jurassic]] ([[Hettangian]] and [[Sinemurian]])
[[Penarth Group]]

A member of the family [[Necrotauliidae]]. The type species is ''"[[Orthophlebia]]" furcata'' Giebel (1856); genus also includes new species ''A. haustrum''.
''[[Burmapsyche]]''<ref name=CRDysoneuridae></ref>
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Wichard ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Integripalpia]] belonging to the family [[Dysoneuridae]]. Genus includes new species ''B. comosa'' and ''B. palpsfurcata''.
''[[Calamostavropolia]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

A member of the family [[Calamoceratidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. revolutionaria''.
''[[Cretaganonema]]''<ref name=Cretaganonema></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Wichard, Espeland & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Calamoceratidae]]. The type species is ''C. dongi''.
''[[Cretahelicopsyche]]''<ref name=Cretaganonema />
Gen. et sp. nov
Wichard, Espeland & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[snail-case caddisfly]]. The type species is ''C. liuyani''.
''[[Cretapsyche]]''<ref name=CRDysoneuridae />
Gen. et 3 sp. nov
Wichard ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Integripalpia]] belonging to the family [[Dysoneuridae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. circula'',''C. elegans'' and ''C. insueta''.
''[[Ecnomus cretacia]]''<ref name=EESTWichardAzar></ref>
Sp. nov
Wichard & Azar
[[Early Cretaceous]]
Lebanese amber

A member of the family [[Ecnomidae]].
''[[Electroadicella kuenowi]]''<ref name=PalZWichardetal></ref>
Sp. nov
Wichard, Neumann & Werneburg
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A member of the family [[Leptoceridae]].
''[[Halesus miocenicus]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

''Kempia''<ref name=Mesoviatrix />
Gen. et sp. nov
Junior homonym
Sukatcheva ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Late Jurassic]]–[[Early Cretaceous]]

A member of the family [[Philopotamidae]]. The type species is ''K. piotri''. The generic name is preoccupied by ''Kempia'' Mathews (1912), ''Kempia'' Kieffer (1913) and ''Kempia'' Preston (1913).
''[[Limnephilus antiquastepposus]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

A species of ''[[Limnephilus]]''.
''[[Limnephilus metakaspievi]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

A species of ''Limnephilus''.
''[[Limnephilus parakaspievi]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

A species of ''Limnephilus''.
''[[Limnephilus valliculacerasinus]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

A species of ''Limnephilus''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Robinson, Thomas & Heads
[[Eocene]] ([[Ypresian]])
[[Green River Formation]]

A caddisfly of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species ''L. yinani''.
''[[Mesoviatrix]]''<ref name=Mesoviatrix></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Sukatcheva ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Late Jurassic]]–[[Early Cretaceous]]

A member of the family [[Philopotamidae]]. The type species is ''M. paradoxa''.
''[[Miocenocosmoecus]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Gen. et sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

A member of the family [[Limnephilidae]]. Genus includes new species ''M. silvacaliginosus''.
''[[Palaeorheithrus]]''<ref name=Anisocalamus />
Gen. et sp. nov
Sukacheva & Vasilenko
Probably [[Early Cretaceous]]
[[Doronino Formation]]

A member of the family [[Philorheithridae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. sibiricus''.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus furcatis]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus></ref>
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family [[Psychomyiidae]].
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus gracilis]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus lepidus]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus spinosus]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus subgrandis]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus subglobolus]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus sukatchevae]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Palerasnitsynus|Palerasnitsynus vulgaris]]''<ref name=Palerasnitsynus />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Müller & Wang
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of the family Psychomyiidae.
''[[Phylocentropus succinolebanensis]]''<ref name=EESTWichardAzar />
Sp. nov
Wichard & Azar
[[Early Cretaceous]]
Lebanese amber

A member of the family [[Dipseudopsidae]].
''[[Polylongaevus]]''<ref name=Mesoviatrix />
Gen. et sp. nov
Sukatcheva ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Late Jurassic]]–[[Early Cretaceous]]

A member of the family [[Polycentropodidae]]. The type species is ''P. eskovi''.
''[[Potamophylax martynovorum]]''<ref name=Calamostavropolia />
Sp. nov
Sukatsheva ''et al.''
Middle [[Miocene]]

''[[Triaenodes simoni]]''<ref name=PalZWichardetal />
Sp. nov
Wichard, Neumann & Werneburg
[[Baltic amber]]
Europe ([[Baltic Sea]] coast)
A member of the family [[Leptoceridae]].

====Other insects====
{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center" width="100%"
! Name
! Novelty
! Status
! Authors
! Age
! Unit
! Type Location
! Notes
! Images
''[[Aiban kichineis|Aiban]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Middle Triassic]] ([[Ladinian]])
[[Madygen Formation]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea (an extinct group of insects of uncertain phylogenetic placement, might be related to [[plecoptera]]ns or [[orthoptera]]ns) belonging to the family [[Sylvabestiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. kichineis''.
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Hakim ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Psocodea]] belonging to the family [[Psyllipsocidae]]. Genus includes new species ''A. andreneli'' and ''A. inexspectatus''.
''[[Antiquatortia]]''<ref name=ZT43941></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Brown & Baixeras ''in'' Heikkilä ''et al.''
[[Miocene]] ([[Burdigalian]])
[[La Toca Formation]] ([[Dominican amber]])

A [[Tortricidae]] [[moth]]. The type species is ''A. histuroides''.
[[File:Antiquatortia histuroides AMNH DR8-43 Dominican amber fig A.jpg|thumb|center|upright|''[[Antiquatortia histuroides]]'']]
''[[Archaemegaptilus|Archaemegaptilus blakelyi]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Beckemeyer & [[Michael S. Engel|Engel]]
[[Carboniferous]] ([[Pennsylvanian (geology)|Pennsylvanian]])
[[Pottsville Formation]]

A member of [[Palaeodictyoptera]] belonging to the family [[Archaemegaptilidae]].
''[[Baltianania]]''<ref name=ZT44831></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Solis ''in'' Heikkilä, Simonsen & Solis
[[Eocene]] ([[Lutetian]])
[[Prussian Formation]] ([[Baltic amber]])
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])
A [[lepidoptera]]n, probably a member of the family [[Crambidae]]. The type species is ''B. yantarnia''.
''[[Carbohymen]]''<ref name=Carbohymen></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Pecharová & Prokop
Late [[Carboniferous]]
[[Mazon Creek fossil beds]]

A member of [[Megasecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Protohymenidae]]. Genus includes new species ''C. testai''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Early [[Permian]]
[[Wellington Formation]]

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Eoblattida]] and the family [[Blattogryllidae]]. The type species is ''C. taschi''.
''[[Cretaceomachilis|Cretaceomachilis longa]]''<ref name=Nullmeinertellus></ref>
Sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Archaeognatha]] belonging to the family [[Meinertellidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Late Triassic]] ([[Norian]])
Dinmore fossil insect locality

A member of [[Paraneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Permopsocida]] and the family [[Archipsyllidae]]. Genus includes new species ''D. semota''.
''[[Echmepteryx dominicanus|Echmepteryx (Loxopholia) dominicanus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Hakim, Huang & Azar
[[Dominican amber]]

A member of the family [[Lepidopsocidae]], a species of ''[[Echmepteryx]]''.
Gen. et sp. nov
Chen ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Phasmatodea]] belonging to the group [[Euphasmatodea]]. Genus includes new species ''E. stictum''.
''[[Eopyralis]]''<ref name=ZT44831 />
Gen. et sp. nov
Simonsen ''in'' Heikkilä, Simonsen & Solis
[[Eocene]] ([[Ypresian]])
[[Fur Formation]]

A [[lepidoptera]]n, probably a member of the family [[Pyralidae]]. The type species is ''E. morsae''.
''[[Griphopteron|Griphopteron iya]]''<ref name=Mesoviatrix />
Sp. nov
Aristov ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Cheremkhovo Formation]]

A member of [[Eoblattida]] belonging to the family [[Blattogryllidae]].
''[[Hexameropsis|Hexameropsis elongatus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Lin ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[mayfly]] belonging to the family [[Hexagenitidae]].
''[[Iblatta]]''<ref name=Iblatta></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Permian]] ([[Kungurian]])

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Eoblattida]]. Genus includes new species ''I. attrepida''.
''[[Issatermes]]''<ref name=Issatermes></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the new family [[Issatermitidae]]. Genus includes new species ''I. parvus''.
''[[Karga sakmarica|Karga]]''<ref></ref>
Nom. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Reculida]]; a replacement name for ''Kargalia'' Aristov (2009).
''[[Kinitocelis|Kinitocelis sparsella]]''<ref name=Retortocelis></ref>
Sp. nov
Mey ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Amphiesmenoptera]] belonging to the group [[Tarachoptera]].
''[[Lepismachilis eocaenica]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Kaplin & Perkovsky
[[Rovno amber]]

A member of [[Archaeognatha]] belonging to the family [[Machilidae]].
''[[Mazonopterum|Mazonopterum cooperi]]''<ref name=Vernooijia></ref>
Sp. nov
Prokop ''et al.''
[[Carboniferous]] ([[Pennsylvanian (geology)|Pennsylvanian]])

A member of [[Palaeodictyoptera]] belonging to the family [[Homoiopteridae]].
''[[Micropermula|Micropermula ceceya]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the family [[Sylvabestiidae]].
''[[Myanmarothrips]]''<ref name=ZT44864></ref>
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[thrips]] belonging to the family [[Merothripidae]]. The type species is ''M. pankowskiorum''.
''[[Nullmeinertellus]]''<ref name=Nullmeinertellus />
Gen. et sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Archaeognatha]] belonging to the family [[Meinertellidae]]. The type species is ''N. wenxuani''.
''[[Paleolepidopterites]]''<ref name=ZT43941 />
Gen. et comb. nov
Kozlov ''in'' Heikkilä ''et al.''
[[Eocene]] ([[Lutetian]] to [[Priabonian]])
[[Prussian Formation]] ([[Baltic amber]])<br>
[[Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument]]
<br>([[Kaliningrad Oblast]])<br>

A collective group name for Lepidoptera fossils that cannot be placed with certainty in any known family. <br/>Includes ''[[Tortrix? florissantana]]'' Cockerell (1907), ''[[Tortrix? destructus]]'' Cockerell (1916) and ''"[[Tortricites]]" sadilenkoi'' Kozlov (1988).
[[File:Paleolepidopterites florissantanus Cockerell 1907 UCNH-HT-no-8579.jpg|thumb|center|upright|''[[Paleolepidopterites florissantanus]]'']]
Gen. et sp. nov
Azar ''et al.''
Early [[Eocene]]
Fushun amber

A member of [[Psocodea]] belonging to the group [[Trogiomorpha]] and to the family [[Trogiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. fushunensis''.
''[[Protohymen|Protohymen novokshonovi]]''<ref name=Carbohymen />
Sp. nov
Pecharová & Prokop
Early [[Permian]]

A member of [[Megasecoptera]] belonging to the family [[Protohymenidae]].
Gen. et sp. nov
Lin ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[mayfly]] belonging to the family [[Prosopistomatidae]]. Genus includes new species ''P. rectivenius''.
''[[Retortocelis]]''<ref name=Retortocelis />
Gen. et 3 sp. nov
Mey ''et al.''
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Amphiesmenoptera]] belonging to the group [[Tarachoptera]]. Genus includes new species ''R. longella'', ''R. minimella'' and ''R. tyloptera''.
''[[Rohrthrips burmiticus]]''<ref name=ZT44864 />
Sp. nov
[[Late Cretaceous]] ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A [[thrips]] belonging to the family [[Rohrthripidae]].
''[[Sauk batkenicus|Sauk]]''<ref name=Mesoviatrix />
Gen. et sp. nov
Aristov ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Early Jurassic]]
Sauk-Tan'ga locality

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Reculida]] and the family [[Geinitziidae]]. The type species is ''S. batkenicus''.
''[[Say kirgizicus|Say]]''<ref name=Mesoviatrix />
Gen. et sp. nov
Aristov ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Early Jurassic|Early]]–[[Middle Jurassic]]
[[Sogul Formation]]

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Reculida]] and the family [[Geinitziidae]]. The type species is ''S. kirgizicus''.
''[[Shurabia|Shurabia tanga]]''<ref name=Mesoviatrix />
Sp. nov
Aristov ''in'' Aristov & Sukatcheva
[[Early Jurassic]]
Madygen Lagerstätte

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Reculida]] and the family [[Geinitziidae]].
''[[Sibestia]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the family [[Sylvabestiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''S. nana''.
Gen. et comb. et sp. nov
Lyu, Ren & Liu
[[Early Cretaceous]] ([[Barremian]])
[[Yixian Formation]]

A [[snakefly]] belonging to the family [[Mesoraphidiidae]]. Genus includes ''"[[Alloraphidia]]" obliquivenatica'' Ren (1994) and a new species ''S. longioccipitalis''.
''[[Tillyardembia|Tillyardembia zalazna]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the family [[Tillyardembiidae]].
''[[Tshekardushka]]''<ref name=Iblatta />
Gen. et sp. nov
[[Permian]] ([[Kungurian]])

A member of [[Polyneoptera]] belonging to the group [[Reculida]]. Genus includes new species ''T. artenatis''.
''[[Udembia]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the family [[Tillyardembiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''U. udmurtica''.
''[[Unimeinertellus]]''<ref name=Nullmeinertellus />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Zhang ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Archaeognatha]] belonging to the family [[Meinertellidae]]. The type species is ''U. abundus''; genus also includes ''U. bellus''.
''[[Vernooijia]]''<ref name=Vernooijia />
Gen. et sp. et comb. nov
Prokop ''et al.''
[[Carboniferous]] ([[Pennsylvanian (geology)|Pennsylvanian]])

A member of [[Palaeodictyoptera]] belonging to the family [[Breyeriidae]]. Genus includes new species ''V. sassoonae'', as well as ''"[[Breyeria]]" harlemensis'' Brauckmann & Gröning (1996).
''[[Vokhmia]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Gen. et 2 sp. nov
Late [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the family [[Sylvabestiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''V. pyriformis'' and ''V. laxa''.
''[[Votyak pictus|Votyak]]''<ref name=Issatermes />
Gen. et sp. nov
Middle [[Permian]]

A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea belonging to the family [[Sylvabestiidae]]. Genus includes new species ''V. pictus''.
''[[Zorotypus cenomanianus|Zorotypus (Octozoros) cenomanianus]]''<ref name=CRZoraptera></ref>
Sp. nov
Yin, Cai & Huang
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Zoraptera]].
''[[Zorotypus denticulatus|Zorotypus (s. str.) denticulatus]]''<ref name=CRZoraptera />
Sp. nov
Yin, Cai & Huang
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Zoraptera]].
''[[Zorotypus dilaticeps]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Yin ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Zoraptera]].
''[[Zorotypus hirsutus]]''<ref></ref>
Sp. nov
Mashimo ''in'' Mashimo ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Zoraptera]].
''[[Zorotypus oligophleps]]''<ref name=CRZorotypus></ref>
Sp. nov
Liu ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Zoraptera]].
''[[Zorotypus robustus]]''<ref name=CRZorotypus />
Sp. nov
Liu ''et al.''
Late Cretaceous ([[Cenomanian]])
[[Burmese amber]]

A member of [[Zoraptera]].


[[Category:2018 in paleontology]]
[[Category:2010s in paleontology]]
[[Category:2018 in science]]




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