新規更新されました。 March 24, 2018 at 08:34PM
Elevaciones del patinaje artístico sobre hielo
新規更新されました。 March 24, 2018 at 08:34PM
Elevaciones del patinaje artístico sobre hielo
意味を調べるElizabeth Chambers (piloto)
新規更新March 24, 2018 at 07:34PM
Elizabeth Chambers (piloto)
MarisaLR: Wikipedia:Wikiconcurso/La mujer que nunca conociste 2018 Traducción de en [https://ift.tt/2pDaIiP] Elizabeth Chambers (piloto)
'''Elizabeth "Betty" Maxine Chambers''' ([[25 de agosto]] de [[1920]] - [[11 de mayo]] de [[1961]]),<ref name="FamilySearch-CABirthIndex-1920">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> fue una de las primeras mujeres piloto en el programa de [[Pilotos del Servicio de la Fuerza Aérea]] (WASP) en el que las mujeres asumieron tareas de vuelo sin combate por lo que más pilotos hombres estaban disponibles para el combate.<ref name="NARA-70thAnniversaryWASPs-2014">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="NARAPiecesOfHistory-BettyChambers-2014">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Ella estaba en la clase WASP de 44-W-3 como parte del Destacamento de Entrenamiento de Vuelo de las Fuerzas Aéreas 318a.<ref name="WASP-Graduates-1944">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="TWU-Class44W3-1944">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Se convirtió en piloto poco después de que su esposo perdiera la vida mientras volaba, a pesar del hecho de que ella tenía un bebé recién nacido,<ref name="NARA-70thAnniversaryWASPs-2014" /> y fue la única viuda y madre reciente que sirvió como WASP.
== Carrera ==
Chambers nació en [[Los Angeles]], [[California]]<ref name="FamilySearch-Marriage-1947">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> y pasó su infancia en [[Hollywood]], California.<ref name="FamilySearch-USCensus-1940">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="Avenger-DonAmecheMikeVisits-1944">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="WASPClassBooks-1944"></ref>
Antes de la [[Segunda Guerra Mundial]], Chambers trabajó para [[Walt Disney Company]] y [[Universal Pictures]], donde realizó trabajos de postproducción que incluyeron la confección de contornos para celdas de celuloide de dibujos animados en preparación para pintar durante la etapa del proceso fotográfico de la producción cinematográfica.<ref name="NARAPiecesOfHistory-BettyChambers-2014" /><ref name="FamilySearch-USCensus-1940" /><ref name="Avenger-SonAmeche-1943">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Chambers estaba casada con Robert William Chambers, un piloto del [[ejército de los Estados Unidos]] que había trabajado anteriormente en [[Lockheed Corporation]] en el departamento de ingeniería.<ref name="FamilySearch-Marriage-1941">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Más tarde, durante su servicio como WASP, Chambers sería enviada a una misión a una planta de Lockheed.<ref name="Avenger-Lockheed-1944">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
En 1942, durante la guerra, Robert murió en un accidente aéreo.<ref name="FamilySearch-CADeathIndex-1942">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="FindAGrave-Husband-1942">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Después de su muerte, Chambers y su bebé se mudaron con sus padres y ella consiguió un trabajo como telefonista en Southern California Telephone Company.<ref name="NARAPiecesOfHistory-BettyChambers-2014" />
Solicitó ser un [[Pilotos del Servicio de la Fuerza Aérea|Piloto del servicio de la Fuerza Aéra (WASP)]]. Ella dijo: «Justo el día antes del accidente [de mi esposo], Bob había oído hablar de los WASP y quería que yo volara ... de hecho, él quería enseñarme, pero no pudo ser de esa manera. Me encanta volar como lo él lo hizo, y espero poder reemplazar a un hombre para hacer el trabajo que Bob quería hacer».<ref name="Avenger-SonAmeche-1943" /> Ingresó el 4 de octubre de 1943 y se graduó el 15 de abril de 1944.<ref name="WASP-Graduation-1944">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Recibió entrenamiento en Avenger Field en [[Sweetwater (Texas)|Sweetwater, Texas]], y luego fue enviada a Turner Field en [[Albany (Georgia)|Albany, Georgia]], después siguió su formación en la Escuela Táctica de la Fuerza Aérea del Ejército en [[Orlando (Florida)|Orlando, Florida]].<ref name="NARA-70thAnniversaryWASPs-2014" /><ref name="NARAPiecesOfHistory-BettyChambers-2014" /> Ella se encontraba ubicada en Greenwood Army Air Field en [[Greenwood (Misisipi)|Greenwood, Misisipi]],<ref name="TMU-WASPs-Greenwood"></ref> donde acumuló más de 420 horas de vuelo hasta el 20 de diciembre de 1944.<ref name="TWU-WASPHistory-GreenwoodMS-1944">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
Como piloto, voló en [[Avión de entrenamiento |aviones de entrenamiento avanzados]] [[North American T-6 Texan]], de entrenamiento primarios [[biplano]]s [[Boeing-Stearman Modelo 75]] y los aviones de entrenamiento gemelos [[Beechcraft AT-10 Wichita]] y el BT-25.<ref name="TWU-WASPs-Biofile"></ref> El servicio de Chambers terminó cuando el programa WASP se disolvió a fines de 1944.<ref name="TWU-WASPs-Biofile"></ref>
Después de la guerra, Chambers trabajó en [[American Airlines]] en el [[aeropuerto LaGuardia]] en la ciudad de [[Nueva York]] hasta 1946. Con el tiempo perdió contacto con la comunidad WASP, un grupo muy unido que a menudo celebraba reuniones y reuniones.ref name="WASP-Newsletters-Feb1946">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Honores ==
El 2 de noviembre de 1977, el presidente [[Jimmy Carter]] aprobó la Ley Pública 95-202, que otorgaba a los que formaron parte del programa de veteranos militares del programa WASP. —Anteriormente fueron considerados civiles—..<ref name="NARA-70thAnniversaryWASPs-2014" /> En julio de 2009, el presidente [[Barack Obama]] firmó un proyecto de ley que otorgó a los WASP la [[Medalla de Oro del Congreso de los Estados Unidos]].<ref name="NPR-AllThingsConsidered-GoldMedal-2010">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="USCongress-WASP-Medal-2009">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) </ref>
== Referencias ==
== Enlaces externos ==
*[https://ift.tt/2I33WdT Elizabeth M. Chambers] at the [https://ift.tt/2IOPGqi Women's Airforce Service Pilots Digital Archive] at Texas Woman's University
[[Categoría:Medalla de oro del Congreso ]]
[[Categoría:Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos]]
Ikemen Sengoku イケメン戦国◇夏の陣(仮)
Ikemen Sengoku
I personaggi sono:
•Nobunaga Oda (voce: Tomokazu Sugita) (disponibile)
•Masamune Date (voce: Kazuki Kato) (disponibile)
•Ieyasu Tokugawa (voce: Toshiki Masuta) (disponibile)
•Hideyoshi Toyotomi (voce: Kohsuke Toriumi) (disponibile)
•Mistunari Ishida (voce: Yoshitaka Yamaya) (non disponibile)
•Mitsuhide Akechi (voce: Shunsuke Takeuchi) (non disponibile)
•Yukimura Sanada (voce: Kensho Ono) (disponibile)
•Shingen Takeda (voce: Yuuichiro Umehara) (non disponibile)
•Kenshin Uesugi (voce: Hiroaki Miura) (non disponibile)
•Kennyo (voce: Tarusuke Shingaki) (non disponibile)
•Sasuke Sarutobi (voce: Kenji Akabane) (non disponibile)
Dal gioco è stata tratta una serie tv intitolata "Ikemen Sengoku : toki wo kakeru ga koi wa hajimaranai" svikuppata da: TMS Entertainment e Jinnis Animation Studios. La serie è composta da 12 episodi ciascuno con una durata di 3 minuti circa.
4月1日より「イケメン戦国◇夏の陣(仮)」BD封入2次先行!アニメイト17店舗にてTVアニメ「イケメン戦国◆時をかけるが恋ははじまらない」Blu-ray Discの販売を開始!
2017/05/09 お知らせ
2次先行期間 2018年4月1日(日)0:00〜2018年5月31日(木)18:00
※ゲームオフィシャル2次先行購入方法:App Store/Google Play ストアにて「イケメン戦国」で検索 ⇒ アプリ内お知らせのリンクからご購入いただけます。
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イケメン戦国 三成 攻略
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新規更新されました。 March 24, 2018 at 09:24AM
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意味を調べるISO-IR 209
新規更新March 24, 2018 at 09:04AM
ISO-IR 209
ISO-IR 209 (proposed as [[ISO/IEC 8859-14|ISO 8859-14]] and later, [[ISO/IEC 8859-15|ISO 8859-15]]) was proposed for the [[Sami languages]] in 1996, but that was eventually rejected, but sill exists as '''ISO-IR 209''' (with an update that replaced the guillemets at OxAB and 0xBB with the letter H with caron to add [[Finnish Romani]] support). It is a slight modification of [[ISO/IEC 8859-1|ISO 8859-1]].<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
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Nhạc sĩ Dương Cầm
新規更新されました。 March 24, 2018 at 05:51AM
Nhạc sĩ Dương Cầm
Живописная железная дорога Сагано
新規更新されました。 March 24, 2018 at 05:49AM
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Scalable Video Coding
新規更新されました。 March 24, 2018 at 03:48AM
Scalable Video Coding
意味を調べるHistory of children in the military
新規更新March 24, 2018 at 02:51AM
History of children in the military
Gog the Mild: Moving from Children in the military
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
[[File:Chinesechildsoldier.jpg|thumb|250px|upright|A [[Kuomintang|Chinese Nationalist]] soldier, age 10, from the Chinese Army in India waiting to board a plane in Burma, May 1944]]
'''Children in the military''' are children (defined by the [[Convention on the Rights of the Child]] as persons under the age of 18) who are associated with military organizations, such as state [[Military|armed forces]] and [[Violent non-state actor|non-state armed groups]].<ref name=":2">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Throughout history and in many cultures, children have been involved in military campaigns.<ref name="Wessells">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> For example, thousands of children participated on all sides of the First World War and the Second World War.<ref name=":41"></ref><ref name=":43">[[Norman Davies]], [https://ift.tt/2FWA85U ''Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw,''] Pan Books 2004 p.603</ref><ref name="Rosen2005">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="Kucherenko2011">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Children may be trained and used for combat, assigned to support roles such as porters or messengers, or used for tactical advantage as [[human shield]]s or for political advantage in [[propaganda]].<ref name=":2" /><ref></ref>
Children are easy targets for [[military recruitment]] due to their greater susceptibility to influence compared to adults.<ref name="ReferenceB" /><ref name=":32">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref><ref name="Wessells" /><ref name=":22"></ref> Some children are recruited by force while others choose to join up, often to escape poverty or because they expect military life to offer a [[rite of passage]] to maturity.<ref name="Wessells" /><ref name=":12" /><ref name=":103"/>
==Pre-20th century==
[[File:NinoHeroe.jpg|thumb|200px|upright|left|Mexico honors [[Niños Héroes|its cadets]] who died in the Battle of Chapultepec (1847).]]
[[File:UnionPowderMonkey.jpg|thumb|200px|upright|left|A [[powder monkey]] on a Union vessel, American Civil War.]]
Throughout history and in many cultures, children have been extensively involved in military campaigns.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
The earliest mentions of minors being involved in wars come from antiquity. It was customary for youths in the Mediterranean basin to serve as aides, charioteers and armor bearers to adult warriors. Examples of this practice can be found in the Bible, such as David's service to King Saul, in Hittite and ancient Egyptian art, and in ancient Greek [[Greek mythology|mythology]] (such as the story of Hercules and Hylas), philosophy and literature.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) In a practice dating back to antiquity, children were routinely taken on a campaign, together with the rest of a military man's family, as part of the baggage.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
The Roman Empire made use of youths in war, though it was understood that it was unwise and cruel to use children in war, and Plutarch implies that regulations required youths to be at least sixteen years of age.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
In medieval Europe young boys from about twelve years of age were used as military aides ("[[squires]]"), though in theory their role in actual combat was limited. The so-called [[Children's Crusade]] in 1212 recruited thousands of children as untrained soldiers under the assumption that divine power would enable them to conquer the enemy, although none of the children entered combat. According to the legend, they were instead sold into slavery. While most scholars no longer believe that the Children's Crusade consisted solely, or even mostly, of children, it nonetheless exemplifies an era in which entire families took part in a war effort.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Young boys often took part in battles during early modern warfare. When Napoleon was faced with invasion by a massive Allied force in 1814 he conscripted many teenagers for his armies. Orphans of the Imperial Guard fought in the Netherlands with Marshal MacDonald and were between the ages of 14 and 17.<ref>Michael Leggiere, The Fall of Napoleon: The Allied Invasion of France 1813–1814, pg.99–100</ref> Many of the conscripts who reported to the ranks in 1814 were referred to as Marie Louises after the Empress Marie Louise of France; they were also known as "The Infants of the Emperor". These soldiers were in their mid-teens.<ref>Stephen Pope, Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars, p. 318</ref> One of their more visible roles was as the ubiquitous "[[Drummer boy (military)|drummer boy]]". The film ''Waterloo'', based on the Battle of Waterloo, depicts French drummer boys leading Napoleon's initial attack, only to be gunned down by Allied soldiers.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
During the age of sail, young boys formed part of the crew of British Royal Navy ships and were responsible for many essential tasks including bringing powder and shot from the [[Magazine (artillery)#Naval magazines|ship's magazine]] to the gun crews. These children were called "powder monkeys."Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
[[File:Child soldier in the US Civil War.jpg|thumb|200px|upright|Drummer boy [[John Clem]] during the American Civil War.]]
During the American Civil War a young boy, Bugler John Cook, served in the US Army at the age of 15 and received the Medal of Honor for his acts during the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American history.<ref>Slinger, P. W. Children at War. New York: Pantheon Books, 2005.</ref> Several other minors, including 11-year-old [[Willie Johnston (Medal of Honor recipient)|Willie Johnston]], have also received the Medal of Honor.<ref></ref>
By a law signed by Nicholas I of Russia in 1827 a disproportionate number of Jewish boys, known as the [[cantonist]]s, were forced into military training establishments to serve in the army. The 25-year conscription term officially commenced at the age of 18, but boys as young as eight were routinely taken to fulfill the quota. Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
In the final stages of the Paraguayan War, children fought in the Battle of Acosta Ñu against the Allied forces of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The day is commemorated as a national holiday in Paraguay.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
During the Boshin War, the pro-''shōgun'' Aizu Domain formed the , which was made up of the 16 to 17-year-old sons of Aizu samurai. During the Battle of Bonari Pass and the Battle of Aizu they fought the Satcho forces who supported the Imperial cause. A detached unit of Byakottai was cut off from the rest of the unit and retreated to Iimori Hill, which overlooked Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle. From there, they saw what they thought was the castle on fire. 20 of the detached unit committed ''seppuku'' while [[Iinuma Sadakichi|one was unsuccessful]]. He was saved by a local peasant.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
==World War I==
[[File:Momčilo Gavrić i major Stevan Tucović.jpg|thumbnail|Momčilo Gavrić and another soldier reporting to major Stevan Tucović, 1916.]]
The youngest known soldier of World War I was [[Momčilo Gavrić (soldier)|Momčilo Gavrić]], who joined the 6th Artillery Division of the Serbian Army at the age of 8, after Austro-Hungarian troops in August 1914 killed his parents, grandmother, and seven of his siblings.<ref name="novosti">[https://ift.tt/2G340cV Momčilo Gavrić – najmlađi vojnik Prvog svetskog rata] ("Večernje novosti", 31 August 2013)</ref><ref name=AuntieMabel></ref><ref name=BiografskiRecnik></ref>
In the West, boys [[Youngest British soldier in World War I|as young as 12]] were caught up in the overwhelming tide of patriotism and in huge numbers enlisted for active service. Others enlisted to avoid harsh and dreary lives. Typically many were able to pass themselves off as older men, such as George Thomas Paget, who at 17 joined a [[Bantam (military)|Bantam]] battalion in the Welsh Regiment. The last surviving combat veteran of the War was [[Claude Choules]], who enlisted in the [[Royal Navy]] at age 14 and saw his first action at the Battle of Jutland at 15.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) In the Gallipoli campaign, otherwise known as "Çanakkale", children as young as 15 fought in the trenches. 120 children fought in the "15'liler" or "The 15s" company, with no known survivors.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
==Spanish Civil War==
Many child soldiers fought in the Spanish Civil War:
Chapter 3 |url=https://ift.tt/2G0MpGq |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://ift.tt/2pF1vGW |archivedate=18 March 2015 |df=dmy }}</ref>}}
==World War II==
In World War II, children frequently fought in insurrections in both the Allied and Axis forces.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
In World War II the youngest member of the United States Military was 12-year-old [[Calvin Graham]]. He lied about his age when he enlisted in the US Navy, and his real age was not known until after he was wounded.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
===Legality of child soldiers in World War II===
The legality relating to the use of children in armed conflicts, as soldiers or in other capacities, has changed significantly in the last century.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) Following World War I, in 1924 the [[League of Nations]] adopted the [[Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child]].<ref name="auto"></ref> Despite this attempt to protect children's rights, stating they must be "protected against every form of exploitation,"<ref name="auto"/> the rise of [[fascism]] that led to the start of World War II left millions of children again unprotected – gassed, killed or orphaned.<ref></ref>
===Definition of a Child===
The lack of legal protection for children in times of war, which allows for their exploitation, can be linked to the lack of a universally recognized definition of a child during World War II.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) Prior to the creation of the United Nations during World War II, protection of child welfare was predominantly embodied in the laws of war, [[jus in bello]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> These laws sought to outlaw war.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In relation to protecting the rights of children involved in the conflict, this concept failed to address the idea of a child-soldier at the time of World War II.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) Furthermore, there was virtually no criminal liability placed on the child where a breach of jus in Bello occurred.<ref></ref> No legal limits excluded children being involved in armed conflicts, nor was there any definition of what a child was in relation to their ability to be involved in conflicts.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Now, by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the definition of a child is "a human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
===Hitler Youth===
The Hitler Youth (''Hitlerjugend'') was established as an organisation in Nazi Germany that physically trained young people and indoctrinated them with Nazi ideology. At the start of the war the Hitler Youth totalled 8.8 million members. Numbers decreased significantly (to just over one million) once the war began as many local and district leaders were drafted for the national army. Previous average age for local and district leaders was 24, but this changed to those who were 16 and 17 years of age. These youths were in command of up to 500 boys.<ref name="historyplace"/> Even younger boys from the ages of 10–14 years could be involved in the Hitler Youth movement, under the [[Deutsches Jungvolk]].<ref name="historyplace"/><ref name="auto2"></ref>
Huge numbers of youths were removed from school in early 1945 and sent on, essentially, suicide missions.<ref name="Express"/>
One Hitler Youth soldier, Heinz Shuetze, aged 15, was only given a half day of training with [[Panzerfaust|a primitive form of anti-tank grenade launcher]]. He was immediately given an SS uniform and directed to the front lines to fight.<ref name="Express"></ref> Hitler Youth activities often included learning to throw grenades, dig trenches, bayonet drills and moving under barbed wire under pistol fire.<ref name="auto2"/> The Hitler Youth was essentially an army of fit, young Germans that Hitler created and trained to fight for their country. They had the choice to either follow Nazi party orders or face trial with the possibility of execution.<ref name="auto2"/>
The boys of Hitler Youth first saw action following the British Air Raids on Berlin in 1940. In 1942 the Wehrertüchtigungslager or WELS (Defense Strengthening Camps) were created in Germany, which was designed to train Hitler Youth boys aged 16–18. By 1943, Hitler Youth boys were facing the forces of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Russia.<ref name="historyplace"/>
Girls were also involved in Hitler Youth operations, although in a limited capacity, through the [[Bund Deutscher Mädel]] (BDM, the [[League of German Girls]]). Avoiding direct armed conflict, their primary role was to produce healthy, racially pure baby boys.<ref name="historyplace"/> They were also required to run 60 metres in 14 seconds, throw a ball at least 12 metres, march for 2 hours and swim 100 metres.<ref name="historyplace"/>
===SS Youth Division===
Towards the end of the war, the Germans established an entire tank division with the majority of its recruits being 16 and 17-year-old boys from the Hitler Youth.<ref name=Scpritamus>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> In the 1st Battalion over 65% were under 18 years old, and only 3% were over 25.<ref name="History Net"></ref> There were more than 10,000 boys in this division,<ref name="historyplace"/> the [[12th SS Panzer Division]] of the ''Hitlerjugend''. In the Battle of the Normandy the division suffered 60% casualties, most of whom were teenagers.<ref name="History Net"/> These young soldiers acquired a formidable reputation for their violent and unforgiving practices, such as shooting prisoners, and were responsible for at least 64 deaths of British and Canadian prisoners-of-war between June7–16, 1944.<ref name="historyplace">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Towards the end of World War II, as Germany suffered more casualties, more young people volunteered. These children saw extensive action and were among the fiercest and most effective German defenders in the [[Battle of Berlin]].<ref name=Scpritamus/>
===Other German Involvement===
In late 1944 the [[Volkssturm|People's Militia]] ("Volkssturm") was formed in Germany in anticipation of an Allied invasion. Men of ages 16–60 were conscripted into this militia.<ref name="historyplace"/> Children as young as 8 were reported captured by American troops, with boys aged 12 and under used to man artillery units. Even girls were being used in combat, operating anti-aircraft guns alongside the boys.<ref name="historyplace"/>
===Jewish Resistance===
During the Holocaust Jews of all ages participated in the Jewish resistance. Most Jewish resistance took place after 1942 when the Nazi atrocities became clear.<ref name="auto6"></ref> Many Polish political leaders fled Warsaw at the onset of war, and those who remained were generally executed, jailed or forced to serve on the Jewish Council (''Judenrat'').<ref name="auto7"></ref> More than 100,000 young Jews participated in the resistance movement, despite the Germans outlawing such activity.<ref>International School for Holocaust Studies. [https://ift.tt/2G0MycW "Youth Movements"], ''Shoah Resource Center'', Retrieved on 22 April 2015.</ref> Many members of the youth movement [[Hashomer Hatzair]] fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943. The participation of children in this armed resistance is usually regarded as heroic.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
===Soviet Union (Red Army)===
A number of child soldiers served in the Soviet Union's armed forces during World War II. In some cases orphans also unofficially joined the Soviet Red Army. Such children were affectionately known as "sons of the regiment" (Russian: сын полка) and sometimes willingly performed military missions such as reconnaissance. Officially the age of military conscription was 18 for those without secondary education and 19 for those who had been educated beyond that. .<ref>Simkin, John. [https://ift.tt/1GCZD6L "The Red Army"], ''Spartacus Educational'', Retrieved on 23 April 2015.</ref>
===Home Guard (UK)===
In the United Kingdom boys of 17 were accepted into the Home Guard when it was formed in 1940 in preparation for a German invasion and as a last line of defence.<ref name="The Real Dad's Army"></ref> On 27September 1942 the minimum age was lowered to 16 provided there was parental consent.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
===Japanese Youth Military Groups===
In anticipation of the possible Allied invasion of Japan Japanese military authorities trained teenagers to fight the enemy with bamboo spears and other improvised weapons. Some Japanese children aged 17 years volunteered to be Kamikaze suicide pilots.<ref name=Scpritamus/> Prior to this Japanese school children experienced increased military training introduced through their physical education classes, with military drills becoming a staple part of their curriculum.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
The Japanese Imperial Army mobilized students aged 14–17 years on Okinawa island for the Battle of Okinawa. This mobilization was conducted by the Ministry of the Army. The military authorities ordered schools to force almost all students to "volunteer" as soldiers. Sometimes they counterfeited the necessary documents.
After losing the Battle of Okinawa in June 1945, the Japanese government enacted new laws in preparation for the decisive battles in the main islands. They were the laws that made it possible for boys aged 15 or older and girls aged 17 or older to be drafted into the army as combat troops. Those who escaped the draft were punished by imprisonment.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)<ref name="auto8">Eigen, Louis D. [https://ift.tt/2pBK4XB "Child soldiers are unfortunately nothing new"], ''Scriptamus.wordpress.com'', Retrieved on 26 April 2015.</ref>
===Changes since WWII to protect children===
The introduction of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child in 1989 was the first time that any formal commitment was entered into that specified and protected the human rights of children.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> This Convention set out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Currently the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) defines a child soldier as "any child – boy or girl – under eighteen years of age, who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity".<ref>[https://ift.tt/1x58Z0b "Fact sheet: Child Soldiers"] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2), ''UNICEF'', Retrieved on 26 April 2015.</ref> The age limit of 18 is relatively new, only introduced in 2002 under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Prior to 2002 the 1949 Geneva Convention and the 1977 Additional Protocols set 15 as the minimum age to participate in armed conflict.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
===Convicting children of World War II crimes===
It is a contentious issue whether children should be able to be prosecuted for committing [[war crimes]].<ref>McCollough, Lauren. [https://ift.tt/2G75AKT "The Military Trial of Omar Khadr: Child Soldiers and the Law"] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2), [https://ift.tt/2pzEFjO "Crimes of War Project"] Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2), Retrieved on 26 April 2015.</ref> Following the creation of the United Nations in 1945, and subsequent international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, childrens' rights have been asserted and protected.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Immediately following the Second World War children involved in the conflict were not able to be prosecuted, as the legislative instruments did not exist to do so. Currently international law does not prohibit children from being prosecuted for war crimes they commit, although article 37 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child does limit the punishment a child can receive. This stipulates "neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment without possibility of release shall be imposed for offences committed by persons below eighteen years of age".<ref></ref>
Under Article 8(2)(b)(xxvi) of the [[Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court]] (ICC), which was adopted in 1998, and came into force in 2002, "Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of fifteen years into the national armed forces or using them to participate actively in hostilities" is a war crime.<ref>[https://ift.tt/1JpAkEe "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court"], ''International Criminal Court'', Retrieved on 27 April 2015.</ref>
Under the Paris Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces or armed groups those children accused of war crimes should primarily be treated as victims and treated in accordance with international law under [[restorative justice]], rehabilitation that is consistent with child protection treaties and principles.<ref name=":2" />
There were some cases from World War II where children were prosecuted for war crimes for actions undertaken during the war. Two 15-year-old ex-Hitler Youth members were convicted of violating the laws of war by being party to a shooting of a prisoner of war. The youths' age was a mitigating factor in their sentencing.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> No child has been prosecuted for a war crime since World War II, by any court or military tribunal.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
<gallery heights="250px" widths="300px" mode="nolines">
File:Polish Boy Scouts fighting in the Warsaw Uprising.jpg|Polish ''[[Szare Szeregi]]'' fighters during the Warsaw Uprising 1944.
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-J28536, Volkssturm, Einsatz einer Hitler-Jugend-Kompanie.jpg|Members of a ''Hitlerjugend'' company of the ''Volkssturm'', February 1945
File:Soviet Child Soldier.JPG|Child soldier in the Soviet Union, 1944.<ref></ref>
==Post World War II==
===Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos===
In a notorious case the ''Khmer Rouge'' group exploited thousands of desensitized conscripted children to commit mass murders and other inhuman acts during the Cambodian genocide. The indoctrinated child soldiers were taught to follow any order without hesitation.<ref></ref>
=== Northern Ireland ===
During the [[The Troubles|Troubles]] (c. 1960s to 1998), it was common for paramilitary groups to recruit and use children, including as combatants.<ref name=":27">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref></ref> Five children in Republican [[Paramilitary|paramilitary groups]], seven in Loyalist paramilitary groups, and five in the [[British Armed Forces|British armed forces]], died during the conflict.<ref name=":27" /> The youngest, Cathleen McCartland, was recruited by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and was aged 12 when she was killed in Belfast.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
===Sierra Leone===
Thousands of children were recruited and used by all sides during Sierra Leone's conflict (1991–2002), including the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), and the pro-government Civil Defense Forces (CDF). Children were often forcibly recruited, given drugs and used to commit atrocities. Thousands of girls were also recruited as soldiers and often subjected to sexual exploitation. Many of the children were survivors of attacks on village, while others were found abandoned. In his book ''[[A Long Way Gone|A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Child Soldier]]'', Ishmael Beah chronicles his life during the conflict in Sierra Leone.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
In June 2007 the Special Court for Sierra Leone found three men from the rebel Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious violations of international humanitarian law, including the recruitment of children under the age of 15 years into the armed forces. With this the Special Court became the first-ever UN backed tribunal to deliver a guilty verdict for the military conscription of children.<ref> , press release from the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 20 June 2007; [https://ift.tt/2G4S4XX "Sierra Leone Convicts 3 of War Crimes"], ''[[Associated Press]]'', 20 June 2007 (hosted by ''[[The Washington Post]]''); Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The issue is also discussed in the ''[[Bones (TV series)|Bones]]'' episode, "[[Bones (season 8)|The Survivor In The Soap]]".
[[Joseph Kony]] began the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in 1987, originally to protect northern Ugandans from the 1986 military coup by the People's National Resistance Army,. Stating that he "received messages from God" Kony began attacking his own people, the Acholi, to establish a new theocratic government in Uganda based on the principles of the "Ten Commandments of God". This attempt by the LRA to gain control of the Ugandan government via roaming armies has used boy as well as girl-children as soldiers,<ref></ref> such as [[Grace Akallo]].<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
The LRA expansion into South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo has used large numbers of children as active combatants and participants in extreme violence. On the 21October 2008 an appeal by the UN Security Council was made asking for the LRA to cease all military action in the DRC immediately.<ref></ref> On 14June 2002 Uganda deposited its instrument of ratification of the [[Rome Statute]], and on 16December 2003 the Government of Uganda referred the situation concerning northern Uganda to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC).<ref></ref> The ICC investigated the situation<ref></ref> and on 14October 2005 issued indictments against Lord's Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and four other commanders: Vincent Otti; Raska Lukwiya (indictment terminated, deceased); Okot Odhiambo; and Dominic Ongwen) for war crimes. The warrant for Kony, Otti and Odhiambo includes the alleged crime of the forced enlisting of children contorary to the Rome Statute Art. 8(2) (e)(vii).<ref>Yasmin Anwar [https://ift.tt/2G0MPwu Damning report on Uganda war crimes], [https://ift.tt/2G6c8JM UC Berkeley NewsCenter]</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
The National Resistance Army also made use of child soldiers.<ref name=green47></ref>
意味を調べるComparison of handheld game consoles
新規更新March 24, 2018 at 02:50AM
Comparison of handheld game consoles
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== Información general ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center; width: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;"
! [[Videoconsola|Manufacturer]]
! abbr="Release" | First public release date
! Product line
! data-sort-type="currency" | Launch price ([[Dólar estadounidense|USD]])
! abbr="Units Sold" | Units sold
! [[Atari Lynx]]
| [[Atari]]
| 00011-10-1989 [[1989 de octubre]]<span id="cxmwHA" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[11]]
| Atari Lynx
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0189.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwIA" tabindex="0">189</span>
| &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwIg" tabindex="0">3 000 000</span>
! [[Atari Lynx|Atari Lynx II]]
| Atari
| style="" | <strong class="error" id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «{» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong><strong class="error" id="cxmwKA" tabindex="0">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «{» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>
| Atari Lynx
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0179.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwLA" tabindex="0">179</span>
| &&&&&&&&&0500000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwLg" tabindex="0">500 000</span>
! [[Dingoo|Dingoo A320]]
| Dingoo Digital Technology
| style="display: none;" |
| Dingoo
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&082.800000<span id="cxmwOQ" tabindex="0">82,80</span>
| &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwOw" tabindex="0">1 000 000</span>
! Epoch Game Pocket Computer
| Epoch Co.
| Epoch Game Pocket Computer
! [[Gamate]]
| [[Bit Corporation]]
| Gamate
! GameKing
| Timetop
| GameKing
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&010.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwWw" tabindex="0">10</span>–20 (depending on retailer's subsidies and special offers)
! GameKing II
| Timetop
| GameKing
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&015.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwZg" tabindex="0">15</span>–30 (depending on retailer's subsidies and special offers)
! [[Game Boy]]
| [[Nintendo]]
| 00021-04-1989 [[1989 de abril]]<span id="cxmwbg" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[21]]
| [[Línea Game Boy|Game Boy line]]
| $89.99
| &&&&&&&070000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwdA" tabindex="0">70 000 000</span>
! [[Game Boy Advance]]
| Nintendo
| 00021-03-2001 [[2001 de marzo]]<span id="cxmwfA" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[21]]
| Game Boy line
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0100.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwgA" tabindex="0">100</span>
| &&&&&&&037700000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwgg" tabindex="0">37 700 000</span>
! [[Game Boy Advance SP]]
| Nintendo
| 00014-02-2003 [[2003 de febrero]]<span id="cxmwiA" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[14]]
| Game Boy line
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&099.990000<span id="cxmwjA" tabindex="0">99,99</span>
| &&&&&&&043020000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwjg" tabindex="0">43 020 000</span>
! [[Game Boy Advance SP]] (backlit model)
| Nintendo
| 00013-09-2005 [[2005 de septiembre]]<span id="cxmwlA" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[13]]
| Game Boy line
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&079.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwmA" tabindex="0">79</span>
! [[Game Boy Color]]
| Nintendo
| 00021-10-1998 [[1998 de octubre]]<span id="cxmwnw" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[21]]
| Game Boy line
| $69.99<ref name="used"></ref>
| &&&&&&&048600000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwpA" tabindex="0">48 600 000</span>
! [[Game Boy|Game Boy Light]]
| Nintendo
| <small>(solo en Japón )</small>
| Game Boy line
! [[Game Boy Micro]]
| Nintendo
| 00013-09-2005 [[2005 de septiembre]]<span id="cxmwtw" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[13]]
| Game Boy line
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&099.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwuw" tabindex="0">99</span>
| &&&&&&&&02500000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwvQ" tabindex="0">2 500 000</span>
! [[Game Boy|Game Boy Pocket]]
| Nintendo
| Game Boy line
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&059.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwxw" tabindex="0">59</span>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
! [[Game.com]]
| Tiger Electronics
| <strong class="error" id="cxmw0Q" tabindex="0">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «{» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>
| Game.com
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&059.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw1Q" tabindex="0">59</span>–69<ref>[https://ift.tt/2G09IQP Game Boy Competitors: Part 2 ::: Kombo.com – Video Games, News, Zelda, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Super Smash Bros. Brawl]</ref>
| &&&&&&&&&0300000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw1w" tabindex="0">300 000</span>
! GCW Zero
| Game Consoles Worldwide
| <strong class="error" id="cxmw3g" tabindex="0">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «{» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0150.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw4g" tabindex="0">150</span>
! [[Gizmondo]]
| Tiger Telematics
| <strong class="error" id="cxmw6g" tabindex="0">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «{» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>
| Gizmondo
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0229.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw7g" tabindex="0">229</span>–400 (depending on advertising subsidies)
| &&&&&&&&&&025000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw8A" tabindex="0">25 000</span>
! [[GP2X]]
| GamePark Holdings
| 00009-11-2005 [[2005 de noviembre]]<span id="cxmw9w" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[9]]
| GP2X
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0185.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw-w" tabindex="0">185</span>
| &&&&&&&&&&060000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmw_Q" tabindex="0">60 000</span><ref name="gp2x sales">Mrozek, Michael (official German distributor posting as "EvilDragon". Source: [https://ift.tt/2pC04ZP). [https://ift.tt/2FZNq1L Post on GP32x.com forum]. August 31, 2008. Accessed on: September 5, 2008.</ref> <small>(inc. GP2X F200 sales)</small>
! [[GP2X|GP2X F200]]
| GamePark Holdings
| 00030-10-2007 [[2007 de octubre]]<span id="cxmwAQU" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[30]]<ref>Martin, Joe. [https://ift.tt/2pCjeOW Gamepark GP2X F200 released at last]. ''Bit-tech''. October 30, 2007. Accessed on: September 15, 2008.</ref>
| GP2X
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0169.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAQk" tabindex="0">169</span>
| &&&&&&&&&&060000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAQs" tabindex="0">60 000</span> <small>(inc. original GP2X sales)</small>
! [[GP2X Wiz]]
| GamePark Holdings
| 00013-05-2009 [[2009 de mayo]]<span id="cxmwARM" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[13]]
| GP2X
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0179.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwARc" tabindex="0">179</span>
! [[GP2X Caanoo]]
| GamePark Holdings
| 00016-08-2010 [[2010 de agosto]]<span id="cxmwAR8" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[16]]<ref></ref>
| GP2X
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0150.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwASM" tabindex="0">150</span>
! [[GP32]]
| [[Game Park]]
| 00023-11-2001 [[2001 de noviembre]]<span id="cxmwASs" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[23]]
| GP32
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0239.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAS8" tabindex="0">239</span>
| &&&&&&&&&&030000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwATE" tabindex="0">30 000</span><ref name="clockerz">[https://ift.tt/2FYP7fI GP2X Q&A, With Craig Rothwell]([[Ayuda:Cómo recuperar un enlace roto|enlace roto]] disponible en [[Internet Archive]]; véase el [//web.archive.org/web/*/} historial] y la [//web.archive.org/web/2/} última versión]).
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Artículos con enlaces externos rotos]]
. ''Clockerz''. Retrieved March 24, 2008.</ref>
! GPD Win
| GamePad Digital
| GPD Win
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0350.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwATs" tabindex="0">350</span>–400<ref></ref><ref></ref>
! GPD Win 2
| GamePad Digital
| GPD Win
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0649.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAUU" tabindex="0">649</span>-899 (pre-order, and tentative release prices)
! Mega Duck/Cougar Boy
| Creatonic, Videojet, and Timlex
| Mega Duck/Cougar Boy
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&050.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAU8" tabindex="0">50</span>
! [[Milton Bradley Microvision|Microvision]]
| [[Milton Bradley Company]]
| Microvision
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&049.990000<span id="cxmwAVs" tabindex="0">49,99</span>
! Mi2
| Planet interactive
| Pocket Dream Console
| €&&&&&&&&&&&&&070.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAWc" tabindex="0">70</span>
! [[Neo Geo Pocket]]
| [[SNK|SNK Playmore]]
| [[Neo-Geo|Neo Geo]]
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&069.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAXQ" tabindex="0">69</span>
! Neo Geo Pocket Color
| SNK Playmore
| 00016-03-1999 [[1999 de marzo]]<span id="cxmwAXs" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[16]]
| Neo Geo
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&069.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAX8" tabindex="0">69</span><ref name="Neo-Geo">[https://ift.tt/2G4rGO8 Game Boy Competitors: Part 2 ::: Kombo.com – Video Games, News, Zelda, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Super Smash Bros. Brawl]Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
! Neo Geo X
| SNK Playmore
| 00018-12-2012 [[2012 de diciembre]]<span id="cxmwAYY" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[18]]
| Neo Geo
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0199.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAYo" tabindex="0">199</span>
! Nintendo DS
| Nintendo
| 00021-11-2004 [[2004 de noviembre]]<span id="cxmwAZE" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[21]]
| Nintendo DS
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0149.990000<span id="cxmwAZU" tabindex="0">149,99</span>
| &&&&&&&018820000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAZc" tabindex="0">18 820 000</span>
! Nintendo DS Lite
| Nintendo
| 00002-03-2006 [[2006 de marzo]]<span id="cxmwAZ0" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[2]]
| Nintendo DS
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0129.990000<span id="cxmwAaE" tabindex="0">129,99</span>
| 0<strong class="error">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «,» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>.<strong class="error">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «,» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong><span id="cxmwAaM" tabindex="0">84 490 000</span><ref name="earnings release Q4 2007"></ref>
! Nintendo DSi
| Nintendo
| 00001-11-2008 [[2008 de noviembre]]<span id="cxmwAak" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[1]]<ref><code>|autor=</code> y <code>|apellido=</code> redundantes ([[Ayuda:Errores en las referencias#redundant parameters|ayuda]])
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros redundantes]]</ref>
| Nintendo DS
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0169.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAa0" tabindex="0">169</span><ref></ref>
|0<strong class="error">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «,» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>.<strong class="error">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «,» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong><span id="cxmwAa8" tabindex="0">16 430 000</span><ref><code>|autor=</code> y <code>|apellido=</code> redundantes ([[Ayuda:Errores en las referencias#redundant parameters|ayuda]])
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros redundantes]]</ref>
! Nintendo 3DS
| Nintendo
| 00026-02-2011 [[2011 de febrero]]<span id="cxmwAbU" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[26]]<ref></ref>
| Nintendo DS
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0249.990000<span id="cxmwAbk" tabindex="0">249,99</span><ref></ref>
| &&&&&&&065000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAbs" tabindex="0">65 000 000</span> (as of 2017)
!Nintendo Switch
!3 March 2017
!Nintendo Switch
!10,000,000 as of 2017
!Nintendo 2DS
!12 October 2013
!Nintendo DS
!Nintendo 2DS XL
!Nintendo DS
! N-Gage
| Nokia
| 00007-10-2003 [[2003 de octubre]]<span id="cxmwAdc" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[7]]
| N-Gage
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0299.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAds" tabindex="0">299</span>
| &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAd0" tabindex="0">3 000 000</span>
! N-Gage QD
| Nokia
| 00027-07-2004 [[2004 de julio]]<span id="cxmwAeM" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[27]]
| N-Gage
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAec" tabindex="0">0</span>–245 (depending on cell provider subsidies)
! Pandora
| OpenPandora
| 00022-05-2010 [[2010 de mayo]]<span id="cxmwAe4" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[22]]
| Pandora
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0349.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAfI" tabindex="0">349</span><ref></ref> (1st and 2nd batch)<br />
Rebirth edition: €370 (€440 incl. VAT)
| &&&&&&&&&&&06000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAfU" tabindex="0">6000</span><ref></ref>
! PlayStation Portable
| Sony Computer Entertainment
| 00012-12-2004 [[2004 de diciembre]]<span id="cxmwAfw" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[12]]
| PlayStation
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0249.990000<span id="cxmwAgE" tabindex="0">249,99</span>
| 0<strong class="error">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «,» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong>.<strong class="error">Expresión errónea: carácter de puntuación «,» desconocido.
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con errores en el analizador sintáctico relativos a expresiones]]</strong><span id="cxmwAgM" tabindex="0">51 260 000</span>[https://ift.tt/2G111pD]
! PlayStation Portable Slim and Lite
| Sony Computer Entertainment
| 00005-09-2007 [[2007 de septiembre]]<span id="cxmwAgo" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[5]]
| PlayStation
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0199.990000<span id="cxmwAg4" tabindex="0">199,99</span>
! PlayStation Vita
| Sony Computer Entertainment
| 00017-12-2011 [[2011 de diciembre]]<span id="cxmwAhY" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[17]]
| PlayStation
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0299.990000<span id="cxmwAhs" tabindex="0">299,99</span> Wi-Fi+3G<br />
$249.99 Wi-Fi Only
| &&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAh4" tabindex="0">4 000 000</span> (as of 2015)
! PocketFami
| GameTech
| PocketFami
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&080.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAig" tabindex="0">80</span>
! Sega Game Gear
| Sega
| 00006-10-1990 [[1990 de octubre]]<span id="cxmwAjA" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[6]]
| Sega Game Gear
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0150.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAjQ" tabindex="0">150</span>
| &&&&&&&011000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAjY" tabindex="0">11 000 000</span>
! Sega Nomad
| Sega
| Sega Nomad
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0180.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAkA" tabindex="0">180</span>
| &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAkI" tabindex="0">1 000 000</span>
! SwanCrystal
| Bandai
| 00016-11-2002 [[2002 de noviembre]]<span id="cxmwAkk" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[16]]
| WonderSwan
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&065.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAk4" tabindex="0">65</span>
! Tapwave Zodiac
| Tapwave
| 00001-11-2003 [[2003 de noviembre]]<span id="cxmwAlY" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[1]]
| Tapwave Zodiac
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0300.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAlo" tabindex="0">300</span>–400 (depending on configuration)
| &&&&&&&&&0200000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAlw" tabindex="0">200 000</span>
! TurboExpress
| TurboExpress
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&0349.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAmc" tabindex="0">349</span>
| &&&&&&&&01500000.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAmk" tabindex="0">1 500 000</span><ref name="gamepro"><code>|autor=</code> y <code>|apellido=</code> redundantes ([[Ayuda:Errores en las referencias#redundant parameters|ayuda]])
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros redundantes]]</ref>
! VG Pocket
| Pelican Accessories
| VG Pocket
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&039.990000<span id="cxmwAnQ" tabindex="0">39,99</span>
! Watara Supervision
| Watara
| Supervision
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&050.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwAn8" tabindex="0">50</span><ref>[https://ift.tt/2G75z9N Game Boy Competitors: Part 2 ::: Kombo.com – Video Games, News, Zelda, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Super Smash Bros. Brawl]</ref>
! WonderSwan
| Bandai
| 00004-03-1999 [[1999 de marzo]]<span id="cxmwAoY" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[4]]<ref>[https://ift.tt/2G09N75 Bandai's WonderSwan]([[Ayuda:Cómo recuperar un enlace roto|enlace roto]] disponible en [[Internet Archive]]; véase el [//web.archive.org/web/*/} historial] y la [//web.archive.org/web/2/} última versión]).
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Artículos con enlaces externos rotos]]
. ''Destroy Tokyo.'' Accessed on: September 15, 2008.</ref>
| WonderSwan
! WonderSwan Color
| Bandai
| 00030-12-2000 [[2000 de diciembre]]<span id="cxmwApA" tabindex="0"> de </span>[[30]]
| WonderSwan
| $&&&&&&&&&&&&&065.&&&&&0<span id="cxmwApQ" tabindex="0">65</span>
== Especificaciones ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center; width: auto;"
![[Unidad central de procesamiento|Main processor]]
! data-sort-type="number" |[[Frecuencia de reloj|Clock speed]]
! data-sort-type="number" |Main memory
! data-sort-type="number" |Video memory
! [[Game Boy Micro]]
| Sharp ARM7TDMI
| 16.78 MHz
| 32 KB (32 [[Kibibyte|KiB]]), 256 KB external
| None
| 96 KB
! GPD Win
| 64-bit [[Intel Atom]] x7-Z8750
| 1.60–2.56GHz max (with [[Intel Turbo Boost|Turbo Boost]])
| 64GB [[MultiMediaCard|eMMC]] ROM<br />
[[Secure Digital|MicroSD]]
| [[Intel HD Graphics|Intel HD 405]] integrated
! GPD Win 2
| 64-bit Intel Core M3-7Y30
| 1.00 GHz/2.60 GHz max (with [[Intel Turbo Boost|Turbo Boost]])
| 128GB [[M.2]] [[Unidad de estado sólido|SSD]]<br />
| [[Intel HD Graphics| Intel HD 615]] integrated
! [[Gizmondo]]
| 32-bit ARM9 / 128-bit Nvidia GPU
| 400 MHz
| data-sort-value="65536" |64 MB (64 [[Mebibyte|MiB]])
| 64 MB flash (shared with program stack), [[Secure Digital|SD]] slot
| 1204 KB
! [[PlayStation Portable]]
| MIPS R4000 32-bit RISC
| 1 – 333 MHz (variable clock speed)
| data-sort-value="32768" |32 MB [[EDRAM]] (8 MB reserved for kernel)
| [[Memory Stick|Memory Stick Duo]] slot, [[Universal Media Disc]]
| data-sort-value="2048" |2 MB EDRAM
! GCW Zero
| 32-bit Ingenic JZ4770 ([[MIPS (procesador)|MIPS]])
| 1000 MHz
| data-sort-value="524288" |512 MB [[DDR2 SDRAM|DDR2]]
| internal 16GB microSD (replaceable), external microSD slot
| ?
! [[Nintendo DS]]
| 67 MHz and 33 MHz
| data-sort-value="4096" |4 MB [[SRAM]]
| None
| 656 KB
! N-Gage QD
| ARM9
| 104 MHz
| data-sort-value="3400" |3.4 MB
| 4 MB flash, [[MultiMediaCard|MMC]] slot
| N/A
! Timetop Gameking 1 & 2
| [[WDC 65C02|65C02]]
| 6 MHz
| Unknown
| None
| N/A
! [[GP2X]]
| ARM920T(host) and ARM940T(video)
| 200 MHz default, overclockable in software (maximum varies)
| data-sort-value="65536" |64 MB [[SDRAM]], 64 MB NAND flash memory
| SD memory cards, NAND flash ([[Secure Digital|SDHC]] supported in F200 model)
| Depends on program used, no dedicated 3D
! [[GP32]]
| ARM920T
| 22–133 MHz default,<ref>[https://ift.tt/2pBQMNk GP32 Devfaqs]. Retrieved March 24, 2008.</ref> overclockable in software (maximum varies)
| data-sort-value="8096" |8 MB SDRAM
| [[SmartMedia]] 8–128 MB
| ?
! [[Dingoo|Dingoo A320]]
| 32-bit Ingenic jz4740 (MIPS R3000 Clone) with XBurst SIMD
| 336 MHz (Reliably clocks to 430 MHz)
| data-sort-value="32768" |32 MB (32 [[Mebibyte|MiB]])
| 4 GB flash, [[Secure Digital|miniSD]] slot
| N/A
! [[Pandora (consola)|Pandora]]
| ARM Cortex-A8
| 600 MHz + 430 MHz TMS320C64x+ Core (can be reliably overclocked to 900 MHz), 1 GHz model goes to 1.2 GHz
| data-sort-value="262144" |256 MB / Rebirth edition: 512 MB
| 512 MB onboard Flash, 2 SDHC cards: up to 2 times 512 GB (SDXC cards work, but only at SDHC speed [https://ift.tt/2G022OC], so 1 TB is possible)
! [[Tapwave Zodiac]]
| Motorola i. Mxi ARM9
| 200 MHz
| data-sort-value="32768" |32 MB or 128 MB
| 32 MB or 128 MB (shared with program stack), 2 [[Secure Digital|SD]] slots
| data-sort-value="8096" |8 MB
! [[N-Gage (dispositivo)|N-Gage]]
| ARM9
| 104 MHz
| data-sort-value="3400" |3.4 MB, 32–128 MB external
| 4 MB flash, [[MultiMediaCard|MMC]] slot
| N/A
! [[Game Boy Advance SP]]
| Sharp ARM7TDMI and Z80
| 16.78 MHz and 4.194 MHz
| 32 KB, 256 KB external
| None
| 96 KB
! [[Game Boy Advance]]
| Sharp ARM7TDMI and Z80
| 16.78 MHz and 4.194 MHz
| 32 KB, 256 KB external
| None
| 96 KB
! [[WonderSwan|Swan Crystal]]
| SPGY-1002
| 3.072 MHz
| 512 KB
| None
| ?
! [[WonderSwan|WonderSwan Color]]
| SPGY-1002
| 3.072 MHz
| 512 KB
| None
| ?
! [[WonderSwan]]
| SPGY-1002
| 3.072 MHz
| 512 KB
| None
| ?
! [[Game Boy Color]]
| LR35902
| 4 MHz (single), 8 MHz (double)
| 32 KB, 128 KB external
| None
| 16 KB
! Neo Geo Pocket Color
| Toshiba TLCS900H
| 6.144 MHz
| 64 KB
| None
| 12 KB
! [[Neo Geo Pocket]]
| Toshiba TLCS900H
| 6.144 MHz
| 64 KB
| None
| 12 KB
! [[Game.com]]
| Sharp 8-bit CPU
| ?
| ?
| None
| ?
! [[Game Boy|Game Boy Light]]
| LR35902
| 4.194 MHz
| 8 KB
| None
| 8 KB
! [[Game Boy|Game Boy Pocket]]
| LR35902
| 4.194 MHz
| 8 KB
| None
| 8 KB
! Sega Nomad
| Motorola M68000 & Zilog Z80
| 7.67 MHz & 4 MHz
| 64 KB
| None
| 64 KB
! Mega Duck/Cougar Boy
| unknown VLSI processor
| 4.194304 MHz
| 16 KB
| ?
| ?
! Watara Supervision
| 8-bit 65C02 or M65C02 VLSI processor
| 4 MHz
| Varied by model<ref>[https://ift.tt/2G75z9N Advanced Media Network ::: GameCube Advanced – Super Mario 128, Geist, Battalion Wars, Mario Baseball, Mario Soccer]</ref>
| ?
| ?
! [[Atari Lynx|Atari Lynx II]]
| Mikey & Suzy (2 16-bit custom CMOS chips)
| 16 MHz & 16 MHz
| 64 KB DRAM, 128–512 KB external
| None
| (uses main memory)
! Game Gear
| Zilog Z80 (8-bit)
| 3.58 MHz
| 8 KB
| 16 KB
! TurboExpress
| Hudson HuC6280 (8-bit)
| 7.159090 MHz
| 8KB
| None
| 64 KB
! [[Game Boy]]
| LR35902
| 4.194304 MHz
| 8 KB internal, 256 KB – 8 MB external
| None
| 8 KB
! [[Atari Lynx]]
| Mikey & Suzy (2 16-bit custom CMOS chips)
| 16 MHz & 16 MHz
| 64 KB DRAM, 128–512 KB External
| None
| (uses main memory)
! Game Pocket Computer
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
! [[Milton Bradley Microvision|Microvision]]
| Intel 8021/TI TMS1100 (on cartridge)
| data-sort-value="0.1" |100 kHz
| data-sort-value="16" |16 bytes, integrated into CPU
| N/A
| N/A
! Mi2
| unknown 32-bit MIPS-based CPU
| unknown
| unknown
| 16 GB of Flash + SD-card slot
| unknown
== Especificaciones (continuados) ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center; width: auto;"
![[Controlador de videojuego|Controller]]
!Game [[Multimedia|media]]
! data-sort-type="number" |[[Resolución de pantalla|Resolution]]
! data-sort-type="number" |[[Profundidad de color|Colors]]
! [[GP2X]]
| Eight-Directional Digital Stick
| [[Secure Digital]] Memory Cards
| 3.5" Backlit TFT LCD
| 320 x 240
| 260,000 colors (F100) ; 16.77 million colors (F200)
! GPD Win
| 2x analog sticks, [[Cruceta|D-pad]], 4 face buttons, 4 shoulder buttons, 67-button QWERTY keyboard, touchscreen
| Various, incl. but not limited to: Digital download, [[Imagen ROM|video game ROM]] .[[Organización Internacional de Normalización|ISO]] image, [[Secure Digital|MicroSD]] card
| 5.5" backlit H-IPS touchscreen
| 1280×720
! GPD Win 2
| 2x analog sticks, D-pad, 4 face buttons, 6 shoulder buttons, 80-button QWERTY keyboard, touchscreen
| Various, incl. but not limited to: Digital download, [[Imagen ROM|video game ROM]] .[[Organización Internacional de Normalización|ISO]] image, [[Secure Digital|MicroSD]] card
| 6" backlit H-IPS touchscreen (w/wireless [[Miracast]] and [[WiDi|Intel WiDi]] support)
| 1280x720 (w/4K video support, 4096x2304 max)
! [[Pandora (consola)|Pandora]]
| Two analogue nubs, 4-Way D-pad, 2 shoulder buttons, 46 key qwerty keyboard, touchscreen
| [[Secure Digital|SD]], [[Secure Digital|SDHC]] and [[Secure Digital|SDXC]]
| 4.3" Backlit LCD touchscreen
| 800 x 480
| 16,700,000 colours
! [[Game Boy Micro]]
| [[Cruceta|D-pad]]
| Proprietary solid-state [[Cartucho (informática)|cartridge]]
| 2 in. [[Pantalla de cristal líquido|LCD]]
| 240 x 160
| 32,768 colors
! [[Gizmondo]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| [[Secure Digital|SD]] card or downloadable
| 2.8 in. LCD
| 240 x 320
| 65,536 colors
! [[PlayStation Portable]]
| Four-directional digital pad, analog thumbstick
| [[Universal Media Disc|UMD]] or memory stick
| 4.3 in. LCD
| 480 x 272
| 16,700,000 colours
! GCW Zero
| 8-directional digital pad, analog joystick, L/R shoulder buttons, ABXY action buttons, start & select buttons, power slider
| micro [[Secure Digital|SDHC]] and micro [[Secure Digital|SDXC]]
| 3.5" Backlit TFT LCD
| 320 x 240
| 260,000 colors
! [[Nintendo DS]]
| D-pad, stylus-driven [[Pantalla táctil|touchscreen]]
| Proprietary matrix memory cards
| Two 3 in. LCDs
| 256 x 192 (X2)
| 260,000 colors
! N-Gage QD
| Four-directional digital pad
| [[MultiMediaCard|MMC]] or downloadable
| 2.1 in. LCD
| 176 x 208
| 4,096 colors
! Timetop Gameking 1 & 2
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2.1 in. Reflective LCD (Backlit in Gameking 2).
| 48 x 32
| 4 shades of gray
! [[GP32]]
| Four-directional digital stick
| Rewritable [[SmartMedia]]
| 3.5 in. [[Thin-film transistor|TFT]]
| 320 x 240
| 65,536 colors
! [[Dingoo|Dingoo A320]]
| Four-directional digital pad, shoulder buttons, action buttons, start & select buttons
| Built-in, [[Secure Digital|miniSD]] card or downloadable
| 2.8 in. LCD
| 240 x 320
| 65,536 colors
! [[Tapwave Zodiac]]
| 8-directional analog thumbstick, stylus-driven touchscreen
| [[Secure Digital|SD]] card or downloadable
| 3.8 in. LCD
| 480 x 320
| 65,536 colors
! [[N-Gage (dispositivo)|N-Gage]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| [[MultiMediaCard|MMC]] or downloadable
| 2.1 in. LCD
| 176 x 208
| 4,096 colors
! [[Game Boy Advance SP]]
| D-Pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2.9 in. LCD
| 240 x 160
| 32,768 colors
! [[Game Boy Advance]]
| D-Pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2.9 in. LCD
| 240 x 160
| 32,768 colors
! [[WonderSwan|Swan Crystal]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2.8 in. TFT LCD
| 224x144
| 4,096 colors, 241 simultaneous
! [[WonderSwan|WonderSwan Color]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2.8 in. FSTN reflective LCD
| 224x144
| 4,096 colors, 241 simultaneous
! [[WonderSwan]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2.49 in. FSTN Reflection LCD
| 224 X 144
! [[Game Boy Color]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 160 x 144
| 32,768 colors; 10, 32 or 56 simultaneous
! Neo Geo Pocket Color
| 8-directional digital thumbstick
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 160 x 152
| 4,096 colors, 146 simultaneous
! [[Neo Geo Pocket]]
| 8-directional digital thumbstick
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 160 x 152
| 16 palettes per plane?
! [[game.com]]
| Four-directional digital pad, touchscreen
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 3.9 in. LCD
| 200 x 160
| 4
! [[Game Boy|Game Boy Light]]
| D-Pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| Backlit Reflective LCD
| 160 x 144
| 4
! [[Game Boy|Game Boy Pocket]]
| D-Pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| Reflective LCD
| 160 x 144
| 4
! Sega Nomad
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge (compatible with Sega Genesis)
| 3 in. LCD
| 320 x 224
| 512 available, 64 simultaneous
! Mega Duck/Cougar Boy
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 2,7" (48 (h) x 51 (w) mm) STN dot matriix
| unknown
| 4 monochrome green shades
! Watara Supervision
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 61 mm x 61 mm (2.37" x 2.37") LCD <sup>[https://ift.tt/2pBK3D1 SuperVision FAQ]</sup>
| 160 x 160 pixel display
| 4 monochrome green shades
! [[Atari Lynx|Atari Lynx II]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 3.5" LCD
| 160 x 102
| 4096 (12-bit), 16 per scanline
! Game Gear
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 3.2 in. LCD
| 160 x 144
| 4,096 available, 32 simultaneous
! TurboExpress
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge (compatible with TurboGrafx-16)
| 256x256
| 512
! [[Game Boy]]
| D-Pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| Reflective LCD
| 160 x 144
| 4
! [[Atari Lynx]]
| Four-directional digital pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 3.5" LCD (diagonal); <br />
3.25" x 1.88"<ref></ref>
| 160 x 102
| 4096 (12-bit), 16 per scanline
! Game Pocket Computer
| Four-directional control pad
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 75 x 64
| 1
! [[Milton Bradley Microvision|Microvision]]
| 12 button keypad, one paddle
| Proprietary solid-state cartridge
| 16 x 16
| 4
! Mi2 console
| Four-directional digital pad, shoulder buttons, action buttons, menu buttons, touch-screen, camera and motion sense
| built in, [[Secure Digital|SD]] card or downloadable
| 3.5 in. LCD
| 240 x 320
| "full color"
== Ve también ==
* [[Anexo:Consolas de Nintendo|Comparación de consolas de Nintendo portátiles]]
* Lista de videoconsolas de consolas portatiles
* [[Historia de los videojuegos|Historia de videojuegos]]
[[Categoría:Videoconsolas portátiles]]
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各国宪法法院列表* Z */
== A ==
* '''[[阿尔巴尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[阿尔巴尼亚]]
* '''[[阿尔及利亚宪法法院]]''' - [[阿尔及利亚]]
* '''[[阿富汗宪法法院]]''' - [[阿富汗]]
* '''[[阿根廷宪法法院]]''' - [[阿根廷]]
* '''[[阿拉伯联合酋长国宪法法院]]''' - [[阿拉伯联合酋长国]]
* '''[[阿曼宪法法院]]''' - [[阿曼]]
* '''[[阿塞拜疆宪法法院]]''' - [[阿塞拜疆]]
* '''[[埃及宪法法院]]''' - [[埃及]]
* '''[[埃塞俄比亚宪法法院]]''' - [[埃塞俄比亚]]
* '''[[爱尔兰共和国宪法法院]]''' - [[爱尔兰共和国]]
* '''[[爱沙尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[爱沙尼亚]]
* '''[[安道尔宪法法院]]''' - [[安道尔]]
* '''[[安哥拉宪法法院]]''' - [[安哥拉]]
* '''[[安提瓜和巴布达宪法法院]]''' - [[安提瓜和巴布达]]
* '''[[奥地利宪法法院]]''' - [[奥地利]]
* '''[[澳大利亚宪法法院]]''' - [[澳大利亚]]
* '''[[澳門終審法院]]''' - [[澳門特別行政區]] <!-- 本文按漢語拼音排序,故放於A欄 -->
== B ==
* '''[[巴巴多斯宪法法院]]''' - [[巴巴多斯]]
* '''[[巴布亚新几内亚宪法法院]]''' - [[巴布亚新几内亚]]
* '''[[巴哈马宪法法院]]''' - [[巴哈马]]
* '''[[巴基斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[巴基斯坦]]
* '''[[巴拉圭宪法法院]]''' - [[巴拉圭]]
* '''[[巴勒斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[巴勒斯坦]]
* '''[[巴林宪法法院]]''' - [[巴林]]
* '''[[巴拿马宪法法院]]''' - [[巴拿马]]
* '''[[巴西宪法法院]]''' - [[巴西]]
* '''[[白俄罗斯宪法法院]]''' - [[白俄罗斯]]
* '''[[保加利亚宪法法院]]''' - [[保加利亚]]
* '''[[贝宁宪法法院]]''' - [[贝宁]]
* '''[[比利时宪法法院]]''' - [[比利时]]
* '''[[秘鲁宪法法院]]''' - [[秘鲁]]
* '''[[冰岛宪法法院]]''' - [[冰岛]]
* '''[[波兰宪法法院]]''' - [[波兰]]
* '''[[波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那宪法法院]]''' - [[波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那]]
* '''[[玻利维亚宪法法院]]''' - [[玻利维亚]]
* '''[[伯利兹宪法法院]]''' - [[伯利兹]]
* '''[[博茨瓦纳宪法法院]]''' - [[博茨瓦纳]]
* '''[[不丹宪法法院]]''' - [[不丹]]
* '''[[布基纳法索宪法法院]]''' - [[布基纳法索]]
* '''[[布隆迪宪法法院]]''' - [[布隆迪]]
== C ==
* '''[[朝鲜宪法法院|朝鲜民主主义人民共和国宪法法院]]''' - [[朝鲜民主主义人民共和国]]
* '''[[赤道几内亚宪法法院]]''' - [[赤道几内亚]]
== D ==
* '''[[丹麦宪法法院]]''' - [[丹麦]]
* '''[[德国宪法法院]]''' - [[德国]]
* '''[[东帝汶宪法法院]]''' - [[东帝汶]]
* '''[[多哥宪法法院]]''' - [[多哥]]
* '''[[多明尼加宪法法院]]''' - [[多明尼加]]
* '''[[多米尼克宪法法院]]''' - [[多米尼克]]
== E ==
* '''[[俄罗斯宪法法院]]''' - [[俄罗斯]]
* '''[[厄瓜多尔宪法法院]]''' - [[厄瓜多尔]]
* '''[[厄立特里亚宪法法院]]''' - [[厄立特里亚]]
== F ==
* '''[[法国宪法法院]]''' - [[法国]]
* '''[[梵蒂冈宪法法院]]''' - [[梵蒂冈]]
* '''[[菲律宾宪法法院]]''' - [[菲律宾]]
* '''[[斐济宪法法院]]''' - [[斐济]]
* '''[[芬兰宪法法院]]''' - [[芬兰]]
* '''[[佛得角宪法法院]]''' - [[佛得角]]
== G ==
* '''[[冈比亚宪法法院]]''' - [[冈比亚]]
* '''[[刚果共和国宪法法院]]''' - [[刚果共和国]]
* '''[[刚果民主共和国宪法法院]]''' - [[刚果民主共和国]]
* '''[[哥伦比亚宪法法院]]''' - [[哥伦比亚]]
* '''[[哥斯达黎加宪法法院]]''' - [[哥斯达黎加]]
* '''[[格林纳达宪法法院]]''' - [[格林纳达]]
* '''[[格鲁吉亚宪法法院]]''' - [[格鲁吉亚]]
* '''[[根西岛宪法法院]]''' - [[根西岛]](英国)
* '''[[古巴宪法法院]]''' - [[古巴]]
* '''[[圭亚那宪法法院]]''' - [[圭亚那]]
== H ==
* '''[[哈萨克斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[哈萨克斯坦]]
* '''[[海地宪法法院]]''' - [[海地]]
* '''[[韩国宪法法院]]''' - [[大韩民国]]
* '''[[荷兰宪法法院]]''' - [[荷兰]]
* '''[[黑山宪法法院]]'''- [[蒙特內哥羅]]
* '''[[洪都拉斯宪法法院]]''' - [[洪都拉斯]]
== J ==
* '''[[基里巴斯宪法法院]]''' - [[基里巴斯]]
* '''[[吉布提宪法法院]]''' - [[吉布提]]
* '''[[吉尔吉斯斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[吉尔吉斯斯坦]]
* '''[[几内亚宪法法院]]''' - [[几内亚]]
* '''[[几内亚比绍宪法法院]]''' - [[几内亚比绍]]
* '''[[加拿大宪法法院]]''' - [[加拿大]]
* '''[[加纳宪法法院]]''' - [[加纳]]
* '''[[加蓬宪法法院]]''' - [[加蓬]]
* '''[[柬埔寨宪法法院]]''' - [[柬埔寨]]
* '''[[捷克宪法法院]]''' - [[捷克]]
* '''[[津巴布韦宪法法院]]''' - [[津巴布韦]]
== K ==
* '''[[喀麦隆宪法法院]]''' - [[喀麦隆]]
* '''[[卡塔尔宪法法院]]''' - [[卡塔尔]]
* '''[[科摩罗宪法法院]]''' - [[科摩罗]]
* '''[[科特迪瓦宪法法院]]''' - [[科特迪瓦]]
* '''[[科威特宪法法院]]''' - [[科威特]]
* '''[[克罗地亚宪法法院]]''' - [[克罗地亚]]
* '''[[肯尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[肯尼亚]]
== L ==
* '''[[拉脱维亚宪法法院]]''' - [[拉脱维亚]]
* '''[[莱索托宪法法院]]''' - [[莱索托]]
* '''[[老挝宪法法院]]''' - [[老挝]]
* '''[[黎巴嫩宪法法院]]''' - [[黎巴嫩]]
* '''[[立陶宛宪法法院]]''' - [[立陶宛]]
* '''[[利比里亚宪法法院]]''' - [[利比里亚]]
* '''[[利比亚宪法法院]]''' - [[利比亚]]
* '''[[列支敦士登宪法法院]]''' - [[列支敦士登]]
* '''[[卢森堡宪法法院]]''' - [[卢森堡]]
* '''[[卢旺达宪法法院]]''' - [[卢旺达]]
* '''[[罗马尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[罗马尼亚]]
== M ==
* '''[[马达加斯加宪法法院]]''' - [[马达加斯加]]
* '''[[马尔代夫宪法法院]]''' - [[马尔代夫]]
* '''[[马耳他宪法法院]]''' - [[马耳他]]
* '''[[马拉维宪法法院]]''' - [[马拉维]]
* '''[[马来西亚宪法法院]]''' - [[马来西亚]]
* '''[[马里宪法法院]]''' - [[马里]]
* '''[[马其顿宪法法院]]''' - [[马其顿]]
* '''[[马绍尔群岛宪法法院]]''' - [[马绍尔群岛]]
* '''[[毛里求斯宪法法院]]''' - [[毛里求斯]]
* '''[[毛里塔尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[毛里塔尼亚]]
* '''[[美国宪法法院]]''' - [[美国]]
* '''[[蒙古宪法法院]]''' - [[蒙古国]]
* '''[[孟加拉国宪法法院]]''' - [[孟加拉国]]
* '''[[密克罗尼西亚联邦宪法法院]]''' - [[密克罗尼西亚联邦]]
* '''[[缅甸宪法法院]]''' - [[缅甸]]
* '''[[摩尔多瓦宪法法院]]''' - [[摩尔多瓦]]
* '''[[摩洛哥宪法法院]]''' - [[摩洛哥]]
* '''[[摩纳哥宪法法院]]''' - [[摩纳哥]]
* '''[[莫桑比克宪法法院]]''' - [[莫桑比克]]
* '''[[墨西哥宪法法院]]''' - [[墨西哥]]
== N ==
* '''[[纳米比亚宪法法院]]''' - [[纳米比亚]]
* '''[[南非宪法法院]]''' - [[南非]]
* '''[[瑙鲁宪法法院]]''' - [[瑙鲁]]
* '''[[尼泊尔宪法法院]]''' - [[尼泊尔]]
* '''[[尼加拉瓜宪法法院]]''' - [[尼加拉瓜]]
* '''[[尼日尔宪法法院]]''' - [[尼日尔]]
* '''[[奈及利亞宪法法院|-{zh-hans:尼日利亚; zh-hant:奈及利亞;}-宪法法院]]''' - [[奈及利亞|-{zh-hans:尼日利亚; zh-hant:奈及利亞;}-]]
* '''[[纽埃宪法法院]]''' - [[纽埃]]
* '''[[挪威宪法法院]]''' - [[挪威]]
== P ==
* '''[[帕劳宪法法院]]''' - [[帕劳]]
* '''[[葡萄牙宪法法院]]''' - [[葡萄牙]]
== R ==
* '''[[日本国宪法法院]]''' - [[日本]]
* '''[[瑞典宪法法院]]''' - [[瑞典]]
* '''[[瑞士宪法法院]]''' - [[瑞士]]
== S ==
* '''[[萨尔瓦多宪法法院]]''' - [[萨尔瓦多]]
* '''[[萨摩亚宪法法院]]''' - [[萨摩亚]]
* '''[[塞尔维亚宪法法院]]''' - [[塞尔维亚]]
* '''[[塞拉利昂宪法法院]]''' - [[塞拉利昂]]
* '''[[塞内加尔宪法法院]]''' - [[塞内加尔]]
* '''[[塞浦路斯宪法法院]]''' - [[塞浦路斯]]
* '''[[塞舌尔宪法法院]]''' - [[塞舌尔]]
* '''[[沙特阿拉伯宪法法院]]''' - [[沙特阿拉伯]]
* '''[[圣多美和普林西比宪法法院]]''' - [[圣多美和普林西比]]
* '''[[圣基茨和尼维斯宪法法院]]''' - [[圣基茨和尼维斯]]
* '''[[圣卢西亚宪法法院]]''' - [[圣卢西亚]]
* '''[[圣马力诺宪法法院]]''' - [[圣马力诺]]
* '''[[圣文森特和格林纳丁斯宪法法院]]''' - [[圣文森特和格林纳丁斯]]
* '''[[斯里兰卡宪法法院]]''' - [[斯里兰卡]]
* '''[[斯洛伐克宪法法院]]''' - [[斯洛伐克]]
* '''[[斯洛文尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[斯洛文尼亚]]
* '''[[斯威士兰宪法法院]]''' - [[斯威士兰]]
* '''[[苏丹共和国宪法法院|苏丹宪法法院]]''' - [[苏丹共和国|苏丹]]
* '''[[苏里南宪法法院]]''' - [[苏里南]]
* '''[[所罗门群岛宪法法院]]''' - [[所罗门群岛]]
* '''[[索马里宪法法院]]''' - [[索马里]]
== T ==
* '''[[塔吉克斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[塔吉克斯坦]]
* '''[[泰国宪法法院]]''' - [[泰国]]
* '''[[坦桑尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[坦桑尼亚]]
* '''[[汤加宪法法院]]''' - [[汤加]]
* '''[[特立尼达和多巴哥宪法法院]]''' - [[特立尼达和多巴哥]]
* '''[[突尼斯宪法法院]]''' - [[突尼斯]]
* '''[[图瓦卢宪法法院]]''' - [[图瓦卢]]
* '''[[土耳其宪法法院]]''' - [[土耳其]]
* '''[[土库曼斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[土库曼斯坦]]
* '''[[台湾宪法法院]]''' - [[台湾]]
== W ==
* '''[[瓦努阿图宪法法院]]''' - [[瓦努阿图]]
* '''[[危地马拉宪法法院]]''' - [[危地马拉]]
* '''[[委内瑞拉宪法法院]]''' - [[委内瑞拉]]
* '''[[文莱宪法法院]]''' - [[文莱]]
* '''[[乌干达宪法法院]]''' - [[乌干达]]
* '''[[乌克兰宪法法院]]''' - [[乌克兰]]
* '''[[乌拉圭宪法法院]]''' - [[乌拉圭]]
* '''[[乌兹别克斯坦宪法法院]]''' - [[乌兹别克斯坦]]
== X ==
* '''[[西班牙宪法法院]]''' - [[西班牙]]
* '''[[西撒哈拉宪法法院]]''' - [[西撒哈拉]]
* '''[[希腊宪法法院]]''' - [[希腊]]
* '''[[香港終審法院]]''' - [[香港特別行政區]] <!-- 本文按漢語拼音排序,故放於X欄 -->
* '''[[新加坡宪法法院]]''' - [[新加坡]]
* '''[[新西兰宪法法院]]''' - [[新西兰]]
* '''[[匈牙利宪法法院]]''' - [[匈牙利]]
* '''[[叙利亚宪法法院]]''' - [[叙利亚]]
== Y ==
* '''[[牙买加宪法法院]]''' - [[牙买加]]
* '''[[亚美尼亚宪法法院]]''' - [[亚美尼亚]]
* '''[[也门宪法法院]]''' - [[也门]]
* '''[[伊拉克宪法法院]]''' - [[伊拉克]]
* '''[[伊朗宪法法院]]''' - [[伊朗]]
* '''[[以色列宪法法院]]''' - [[以色列]]
* '''[[意大利宪法法院]]''' - [[意大利]]
* '''[[印度宪法法院]]''' - [[印度]]
* '''[[印度尼西亚宪法法院]]''' - [[印度尼西亚]]
* '''[[英国宪法法院]]''' - [[英国]]
* '''[[约旦宪法法院]]''' - [[约旦]]
* '''[[越南宪法法院]]''' - [[越南]]
== Z ==
* '''[[赞比亚宪法法院]]''' - [[赞比亚]]
* '''[[乍得宪法法院]]''' - [[乍得]]
* '''[[智利宪法法院]]''' - [[智利]]
* '''[[中非共和國宪法法院|中非宪法法院]]''' - [[中非共和國|中非]]
* '''[[中華民國司法院]]''' - [[中华民国]]
* '''[[最高人民法院]]''' - [[中华人民共和国]]
== 参看 ==
* [[Portal:宪法法院|法律主题页]]
* [[世界地理索引]]
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意味を調べるEditando Lista da Dinastias Hassídicas
新規更新March 23, 2018 at 03:54AM
Editando Lista da Dinastias Hassídicas
Ishua'a Luis Fernando Oliveira da Silva.PARSBR: nova página: Uma '''Dinastia hassídica''' é uma dinastia liderada por Hassídico Judaísmo líderes espirituais conhe...
Uma '''Dinastia hassídica''' é uma [[dinastia]] liderada por [[Judaísmo Hassídico|Hassídico]] [[Judeus|Judaísmo]] líderes espirituais conhecidos como [[rebbe]]s,<ref></ref> e geralmente tem algumas ou todas as seguintes características:
#Cada líder da dinastia é conhecido como um''ADMOR''<ref></ref> (abreviação de'''AD'''oneinu '''MO'''reinu '''R'''abeinu'' - "nosso mestre, nosso professor e nosso rabino rabbi") ou simplesmente como ''[[Rebbe]]'' (ou "o Rebbe"), e às vezes chamou o "Rav" ("rabbi"), e às vezes se referiu em português como "Grande Rabino";
#A dinastia continua além do tempo de vida do líder inicial por sucessão (geralmente por um descendente de família);
#A dinastia é geralmente nomeada em homenagem a uma cidade chave na Europa Oriental, onde o fundador pode ter nascido ou vivido, ou onde o grupo começou a crescer e florescer;
#A dinastia tem (ou já teve) seguidores que, com o tempo, continuam seguindo líderes sucessivos (rebes) ou podem até continuar como um grupo sem um líder, seguindo os preceitos de um líder falecido.
Um '''Grupo hassídico''' tem as seguintes características:
#Foi fundada por um líder que não nomeou ou deixou um sucessor;
#Pode ser nomeado em homenagem a uma cidade chave da Europa Oriental, onde o fundador pode ter nascido ou vivido, ou onde o grupo começou a crescer e florescer, ou pode ter o nome do próprio fundador;
#Tem seguidores que continuam como um grupo sob a direção de rabinos que expõem e interpretam os preceitos do falecido fundador.
==Dinastias com maior número de seguidores==
Dinastias hassídicas (organizadas alfabeticamente) com um grande número de seguidores incluem:
{|class="toccolours" border="1" cellpadding="8" style="border-collapse: collapse;"
!Rebbe (ou último) atual
!Sediada em
!Cidade/Cidade de Origem
|'''[[Belz (Hasidic dynasty)|Belz]]'''
|[[Yissachar Dov Rokeach (fifth Belzer rebbe)|Yissachar Dov Rokeach]]
|[[Sholom Rokeach]] (1781–1855)
|[[Jerusalem]], [[Israel]]
|[[Belz]], Galícia, Áustria-Hungria / Polônia (agora na [[Ucrânia]])
|'''[[Bobov (Hasidic dynasty)|Bobov]]'''
|[[Ben Zion Aryeh Leibish Halberstam]]
|[[Shlomo Halberstam (first Bobover rebbe)|Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov]] (1847–1905)
|[[Borough Park, Brooklyn|Borough Park]], [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Bobowa]] e[[Nowy Sącz|Sanz]], Galícia, Áustria-Hungria (agora na Polônia)
|[[Mordechai Dovid Unger]] (b.1954)
|[[Mordechai Dovid Unger]] (2005)
|[[Borough Park, Brooklyn|Borough Park]], [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Borough Park, Brooklyn]]
|'''[[Chabad|Chabad Lubavitch]]'''
|[[Menachem Mendel Schneerson]] (b. 1902)
|[[Schneur Zalman of Liadi]] (1745–1812)
|[[Crown Heights, Brooklyn]]
|[[Lyubavichi, Rudnyansky District, Smolensk Oblast|Lyubavichi]], Russia
|'''[[Ger (Hasidic dynasty)|Ger]]'''
|[[Yaakov Aryeh Alter]] (b. 1939)
|[[Yitzchak Meir Alter]] (1799–1866)
|Jerusalem, Israel
|[[Góra Kalwaria]], Império Russo (agora na Polônia)
|'''[[Karlin-Stolin (Hasidic dynasty)|Karlin-Stolin]]'''
|[[Baruch Meir Yaakov Shochet]]
|[[Aaron ben Jacob of Karlin]] (1736–1772)
|[[Givat Zeev]], [[West Bank]]; <br />Jerusalem, Israel
|[[Karlin (Pinsk)|Karlin]], [[Belarus]]
|'''[[Klausenberg (Hasidic dynasty)|Sanz Klausenberg]]'''
|[[Tzvi Elimelech Halberstam]]; <br /> [[Shmuel Dovid Halberstam]]
|[[Chaim Halberstam]] of Sanz (1796–1876)
|[[Boro Park]], [[Brooklyn]];<br />[[Kiryat Sanz, Netanya]], Israel
|[[Cluj-Napoca]], Hungria (agora [[Romênia]]), e [[Nowy Sącz|Sanz]], Galícia (agora na Polônia)
|'''[[Satmar (Hasidic dynasty)|Satmar]]'''
|[[Aaron Teitelbaum]] (b. 1947); <br />[[Zalman Leib Teitelbaum]] (b. 1952)
|[[Joel Teitelbaum|Yoel Teitelbaum]] (1887–1979)
|[[Kiryas Joel]], [[New York (state)|New York]];<br />[[Williamsburg, Brooklyn]]
|[[Satu Mare]], Hungary (now in [[Romênia]])
|'''[[Skver (Hasidic dynasty)|Skver]]'''
|[[David Twersky (Skverer Rebbe)|David Twersky]] (b. 1940)
|[[Yitzchak Twersky]]
|[[New Square, New York]]
|[[Skvira]], Russian Empire (now in [[Ukraine]])
|'''[[Vizhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Vizhnitz]]'''
|[[Yisrael Hager II|Yisrael Hager]];<br />[[Mordechai Hager]];<br />[[Menachem Mendel Hager 2nd]]
|[[Rabbi Yackov Koppel Chusid]]
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel;<br />[[Kaser, New York]];<br />[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Vyzhnytsia]], Bukovina, Austria-Hungary (now in [[Ukraine]])
==Dinastias com menor sequência==
Dinastias hassídicas (organizadas alfabeticamente) com um pequeno número de seguidores incluem:
{|class="toccolours" border="1" cellpadding="8" style="border-collapse: collapse;"
!Rebbe (ou último) atual
!Sediada em
!Cidade/Região de Origem
|'''[[Aleksander (Hasidic dynasty)|Aleksander]]'''
|[[Yisroel Tzvi Yair Danziger]]
|[[Yechiel Dancyger]] (1828–1894)
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Aleksandrów Łódzki]], Poland
|'''[[Ungvar (Hasidic dynasty)|Ungvar]]'''
|[[Amram Klein]]
|[[Yossef Elimelech Khanh]] (1931)
|[[Brooklyn]], US
|[[Ungvar]], Hungary,
(now Ukraine)
|'''[[Amshinov (Hasidic dynasty)|Amshinov]]'''
|[[Yosef Kalish]];<br />[[Yaakov Aryeh Milikowsky]]
|[[Yaakov Dovid Kalish]] of Amshinov (1814–1878)
|Borough Park, [[Brooklyn]]; <br>Jerusalem, Israel
|[[Mszczonów]], Poland
|'''[[Ashlag (Hasidic dynasty)|Ashlag]]'''
|[[Simcha Avraham Ashlag]]
|[[Yehuda Ashlag|Yehuda Leib Ha-Levi Ashlag]] (1885–1954)
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Warsaw]], Poland
|'''[[Berditchev (Hasidic dynasty)|Berditchev]]'''
|[[Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev]] (1740–1810)
|[[Berdychiv]], [[Ukraine]]
|'''[[Bergsass (Hasidic dynasty)|Bergsass]]'''
|[[Aaron Pollak]]
|[[Abraham Alter Pollak]] (died 2007)
|[[El'ad|Elad]], Israel
|[[Berehove|Beregszász]], Hungary (now Ukraine)
|'''[[Biala (Hasidic dynasty)|Biala]]'''
|Avraham Yerachmiel Rabinowicz;<br>Yaakov Menachem Rabinowicz;<br>Aaron Rabinowicz
|[[Yitzchok Yaakov Rabinowicz]] (died 1905)
|Jerusalem, Israel;<br />[[Bnei Brak]], Israel;<br />Borough Park, [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Biała Podlaska]], Poland
|'''[[Boston (Hasidic dynasty)|Boston]]'''
|Pinchas David Horowitz;<br>[[Mayer Alter Horowitz]];<br>[[Naftali Yehuda Horowitz]];<br>[[Chaim Avrohom Horowitz]]
|[[Pinchas David Horowitz]] (1876–1941)
|[[Brookline, Massachusetts]];<br />Jerusalem, Israel
|'''[[Boyan (Hasidic dynasty)|Boyan]]'''
|[[Nachum Dov Brayer]]
|[[Yitzchok Friedman]] (1850–1917)
|Jerusalem, Israel
|[[Boiany]], Bukovina (now in [[Ukraine]])
|'''[[Chernobyl (Hasidic dynasty)|Chernobyl]]'''
|[[Menachem Nachum Twersky|Menachem Nachum Twerski of Chernobyl]] (1730–1797)
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel;<br />[[Ashdod]], Israel;<br />[[Boro Park]], [[Brooklyn]], [[Lawrence, Nassau County, New York|Lawrence, NY]]
|[[Chernobyl]], [[Ukraine]]
|[[Yisroel Moshe Rosenfeld]]
|[[Shmuel Frenkel-Komarda of Dorog]]
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Hajdudorog]], Hungary
|'''[[Dushinsky (Hasidic dynasty)|Dushinsky]]'''
|[[Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (third Dushinsky rebbe)|Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky]]
|[[Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (first Dushinsky rebbe)|Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky]] (1867–1948)
|Jerusalem, Israel
|Jerusalem, Israel
|'''[[Machnovka (Hasidic dynasty)|Machnovka]]'''
|[[Yehoshua Rokeach of Machnovka|Yehoshua Rokeach]]
|[[Yosef Meir Twersky]] of Machnovka
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Komsomolske (Makhnovka) Village|Machnovka]], [[Ukraine]]
|'''[[Melitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Melitz]] '''
|[[Naftali Asher Yeshayahu Moscowitz]]
|[[Yaakov Horowitz of Melitz|Yaakov Horowitz]] of Melitz<br>(son of [[Naftali Zvi of Ropshitz]])
|[[Ashdod]], Israel
|[[Mielec]], Galicia (now in Poland)
|'''[[Modzitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Modzitz]]'''
|[[Chaim Shaul Taub]]
|[[Yechezkel Taub]] of Kuzmir (1755–1856)
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Dęblin]], Poland
|'''[[Munkacz (Hasidic dynasty)|Munkacz]] '''
|[[Moshe Leib Rabinovich]]
|[[Shlomo Spira]] ("Shem Shlomo") of Munkacz
|Borough Park, [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Mukacheve|Munkács]], Hungary (now in [[Ukraine]])
|'''[[Nadvorna (Hasidic dynasty)|Nadvorna]]'''
|[[Mordechai of Nadvorna|Mordechai Leifer]] (1835–1894)
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Nadvirna]], Galicia (now in [[Ukraine]])
|'''[[Nikolsburg (Monsey)|Nikolsburg]]'''
|[[Yosef Yechiel Mechel Lebovits]]
|[[Shmelke of Nikolsburg|Shmuel Shmelke ben Hirsh Halevi Horowitz]] of Nikolsburg (1726–1778),
||[[Monsey, New York]]
|[[Mikulov|Nikolsburg]], Moravia
|'''[[Novominsk (Hasidic dynasty)|Novominsk]]'''
|[[Yaakov Perlow]]
|Borough Park, [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Mińsk Mazowiecki]], Poland
|'''[[Karlin (Hasidic dynasty)|Pinsk-Karlin]]'''
|[[Aryeh Rosenfeld]]
|[[Aharon the Great of Karlin]] (1736–1772)
|Jerusalem, Israel
|[[Karlin (Pinsk)|Karlin]], [[Belarus]]
|'''[[Puppa (Hasidic dynasty)|Puppa]]'''
|[[Yaakov Yechezkia Greenwald]]
|[[Moshe Greenwald]]
|[[Williamsburg, Brooklyn]]
|[[Pápa]], Hungary
|'''[[Rachmastrivka (Hasidic dynasty)|Rachmastrivka]]'''
|[[Yitzchak Twerski]];<br />[[David Twerski (Rachmastrivka)|David Twerski]]
|[[Yochanan Twerski]] of Rachmastrivka
|[[Boro Park]], [[Brooklyn]];<br />Jerusalem, Israel
|[[Rachmastrivka]], [[Ukraine]]
|'''[[Izhbitza - Radzin (Hasidic dynasty)|Radzin]]''' or '''[[Izhbitza - Radzin (Hasidic dynasty)|Izhbitza - Radzin]]'''
|[[Shlomo Yosef Englard]]
|[[Mordechai Yosef Leiner]] of Izhbitza
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Izbica]], [[Poland]]; <br />[[Radzyń Podlaski]], Poland
|'''[[Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty)|Sadigura]] '''
|Tzvi Yisrael Moshe Friedman
|[[Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (first Sadigura rebbe)|Avrohom Yaakov Friedman]] of Sadigura (1820–1883)
|[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Sadagóra]], Bukovina (now in [[Ukraine]])
|'''[[Shomer Emunim (Hasidic dynasty)|Shomer Emunim<br>Toldos Aharon<br>Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok]]'''
|[[Avrohom Chaim Roth]]; <br/>[[Dovid Kohn]]; <br/>[[Shmuel Yaakov Kohn]]
|[[Aharon Roth]] ("Reb Ahrele") (1894–1947)
|[[Kiryat Shomrei Emunim]], Jerusalem<br>[[Mea Shearim]], Jerusalem
|Jerusalem, Israel
|'''[[Slonim (Hasidic dynasty)|Slonim]] '''
|[[Shmuel Brozovosky]];<br>[[Avrohom Weinberg]]
|[[Avraham of Slonim]]
|Jerusalem, Israel;<br>[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Slonim]], [[Belarus]]
|'''[[Skolye (Hasidic dynasty)|Skolye]] '''
|[[Avrohm Moshe Rabinowitz]]
|Borough Park, [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Skole]], Galicia, [[Ukraine]]
|'''[[Skulen (Hasidic dynasty)|Skulen]] '''
|[[Yisroel Avrohom Portugal]]
|[[Eliezer Zusia Portugal]] (1898–1982)
|Borough Park, [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Sculeni]], Bessarabia (now in [[Moldova]])
|'''[[Spinka (Hasidic dynasty)|Spinka]]'''
|[[Joseph Meir Weiss]] (1838–1909)
|[[Williamsburg, Brooklyn]];<br />Jerusalem, Israel;<br />[[Bnei Brak]], Israel
|[[Săpânţa]], [[Maramureş]], [[Romania]],
[[previously]], [[Hungary]]
|'''[[Stropkov (Hasidic dynasty)|Stropkov]]'''
|[[Avrohom Sholom Halberstam II]]
|[[Avrohom Sholom Halberstam]] (1856–1940)
|Jerusalem, Israel;<br />[[Bnei Brak]], Israel;<br />[[Ramle]], Israel;<br />[[Williamsburg, Brooklyn]]
|[[Stropkov]], Hungary (now in [[Slovakia]])
|'''[[Tosh (Hasidic dynasty)|Tosh]]'''
|[[Elimelch Segal-Loewy]]
|[[AMeshulam Feish Segal-Loewy I]]
|[[Boisbriand]], QC
|[[Nyírtass]], Hungary
|'''[[Zvhil (Hasidic dynasty)|Zvhil]] (See also [[Mezhbizh (Hasidic dynasty)|Zvhil-Mezbuz]]) '''
|[[Avraham Goldman]];<br>[[Shlomo Goldman]];<br>[[Yitzhak Aharon Korff]]
|[[Moshe of Zvhil]] (died 1831)
|Jerusalem, Israel;<br>[[Union City, New Jersey]];<br>[[Boston, Massachusetts]]
|Zvyahel, Volhynia (now [[Novohrad-Volynskyi]], Ukraine)
==Outras dinastias==
Muitas destas dinastias têm atualmente poucos ou nenhuns devotos devido à maior parte dos grupos hassídicos serem destruídos durante o Holocausto , 1939-1945. Outras comunidades estão florescendo e têm crescentes seitas hassídicas. Há muitas dinastias cujos seguidores são em torno de cinco a quinze pessoas e não estão listadas aqui.
=== A ===
* [[Alesk (Hasidic dynasty)|Alesk]] (de [[Olesko]], Ukraine)
* [[Amdur (Hasidic dynasty)|Amdur]] (de [[Indura]], Belarus)
* [[Zusha of Hanipol|Anipoli]] (de [[Annopol]], Ukraine)
* [[Apta (Hasidic dynasty)|Apt/Zinkov/Mezhbizh]] (from [[Opatów]], Poland)
=== B ===
* [[Ropshitz (Hasidic dynasty)#Lineage|Beitsh]] (de [[Biecz]], Poland)
* [[Bender (Hasidic dynasty)|Bender]] (from [[Bender, Moldova|Bender]], Moldova)
* [[Bertch (Hasidic dynasty)|Bertch]] (from [[Bircza]], Poland)
* [[Białystok (Hasidic dynasty)|Białystok]] (from [[Białystok]])
* [[Bialobrzeg (Hasidic dynasty)|Bialobrzeg]] (from [[Białobrzegi]], Poland)
* [[Bluzhev (Hasidic dynasty)|Bluzhev]] (from [[Błażowa]], Poland)
* [[Bobov (Hasidic dynasty)#Outline of Bobov's Hasidic rabbinical lineage|Bikovsk]] (from [[Bukowsko|Bikofsk]])
* [[Bohush (Hasidic dynasty)|Bohush]] (from [[Buhuși]], Romania)
* [[Bonia (Hasidic dynasty)|Bonia]]
* [[Botoshan (Hasidic dynasty)|Botoshan]] (from [[Botoşani]], Romania)
* [[Brod (Hasidic dynasty)|Brod]] (from [[Brody]], Ukraine) (several)
* [[Brizdovitz]] (from [[Berezdivtsi]], Ukraine)
* [[Bucharest (Hasidic dynasty)|Bucharest]] (from [[Bucharest|Bucureşti]], Romania) (several)
* [[Burshtin (Hasidic dynasty)|Burshtin]] (from [[Burshtyn]], Ukraine)
=== C ===
* Chabad-[[Avrutsh (Hasidic dynasty)|Avrutsh]] (from [[Ovruch]], Ukraine)
* Chabad-[[Bobroisk]] (from [[Bobrujsk]], Belarus)
* Chabad-[[Kapust]]
* Chabad-[[Lyady, Dubrovna District|Liadi]]
* Chabad-[[Nezhin]]
* Chabad-[[Strashelye]]
* [[Chernovitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Chernovitz]] (from [[Chernivtsi]]) (several)
* [[Chortkov (Hasidic dynasty)|Czortkow]] (from [[Chortkiv]])
* [[Chust (Hasidic dynasty)|Chust]] (from [[Khust]]) (several)
* [[Nadvorna (Hasidic dynasty)|Cleveland]]
* [[Cracow (Hasidic dynasty)|Cracow]] (from [[Kraków]])
* [[Crasna (Hasidic dynasty)|Crasna]]
=== D ===
* [[Deyzh (Hasidic dynasty)|Deyzh]] (from [[Dej]], Romania,)(previously, [[Hungary]])
* [[Dinov (Hasidic dynasty)|Dinov]] (from [[Dynów]], Poland)
* [[Dombrov (Hasidic dynasty)|Dombrova]] (from [[Dąbrowa Tarnowska]], Poland)
* [[Drubitsh (Hasidic dynasty)|Drubitsh]] (from [[Drohobych]], Poland) (several)
* [[Dzirka (Hasidic dynasty)|Dzirka]] (from Györke/[[Ďurkov]], Slovakia)(previously [[Hungary]])
* [[Ropshitz (Hasidic dynasty)#Lineage|Dzikov]] (from [[Tarnobrzeg]], Poland)
=== E ===
* [[Erlau (Hasidic dynasty)|Erlau]] (from [[Eger|Eger/Erlau]], Hungary)
* [[Etched (Hasidic dynasty)|Etched]] (from [[Nagyecsed]], Hungary)
=== F ===
* [[Faltichan (Hasidic dynasty)|Faltichan]] (from [[Fălticeni]], Romania)
=== G ===
* [[Sanz (Hasidic dynasty)#Sanz-Gorlitz|Gorlitz]] (from [[Gorlice]], Poland)
* [[Gustinin (Hasidic dynasty)|Gostynin]] (from [[Gostynin]], Poland)
* [[Gvodzitz]] (from [[Hvizdets]])
* [[Sanz (Hasidic dynasty)#Sanz-Gribov|Gribov]] (from [[Grybów]], Poland)
=== H ===
* [[Hornsteipl (Hasidic dynasty)|Hornsteipel]] (from [[Hornostaypil']], near [[Chernobyl]])
* [[Huvniv (Hasidic dynasty)|Huvniv]] (from [[Uhniv|Hivniv]], Ukraine)
* [[Husiatyn (Hasidic dynasty)|Husiatyn]]
=== K ===
* [[Kalov (Hasidic dynasty)|Kaliv]] (from [[Nagykálló]], Hungary)
* [[Kaminke (Hasidic dynasty)|Kaminke]] (the unrelated Ukrainian Kaminke dynasty from [[Kamianka (Cherkasy Oblast)|Kamianka]], Ukraine and Galician Kaminke dynasty from [[Kamianka-Buzka]], Ukraine)
* [[Kaminetz (Hasidic dynasty)|Kaminetz]]
* [[Kunskvola (Hasidic dynasty)|Kunskvola]] (from [[Końskowola]], Poland)
* [[Karlihaz (Hasidic dynasty)|Karlihaz]]
* [[Kashou (Hasidic dynasty)|Kashou]]
* [[Kerestir (Hasidic dynasty)|Kerestir]] (from [[Bodrogkeresztur]], Hungary)
* [[Khentshin]] (from [[Chęciny]], Poland)
* [[Kielce (Hasidic dynasty)|Kielce]] (from [[Kielce]], Poland)
* [[Koidanov (Hasidic dynasty)|Koidanov]] (from [[Dzyarzhynsk|Koidanava]], Belarus)
* [[Kolbasov]]
* [[Komarno (Hasidic dynasty)|Komarno]] (from [[Komarno (Ukraine)|Komarno]], Ukraine)
* [[Apta (Hasidic dynasty)|Kopyczynitz]] (from [[Kopychyntsi]], Ukraine)
* [[Korets (Hasidic dynasty)|Korets]] (from [[Korets]], Ukraine)
* [[Koson (Hasidic dynasty)|Koson]] (from [[Koson, Zakarpattia oblast|Koson]], Ukraine)
* [[Kosov (Hasidic dynasty)|Kosov]] (from [[Kosiv]], Ukraine)
* [[Menachem Mendel of Kotzk|Kotsk]] (from [[Kock]], Poland)
* [[Kozlov (Hasidic dynasty)|Kozlov]]
* [[Kozhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Kozhnitz]] (from [[Kozienice]], Poland)
* [[Krasna (Hasidic dynasty)|Krasna]]
* [[Spinka (Hasidic dynasty)#Spinka rebbes|Krula]]
* [[Kshanov (Hasidic dynasty)|Kshanov]] (from [[Chrzanów]], Poland)
* [[Kuzmir (Hasidic dynasty)|Kuzmir]] (from [[Kazimierz Dolny]], near Warsaw) (several)
=== L ===
* [[Łańcut (Hasidic dynasty)|Łańcut]] (from [[Łańcut]], Poland)
* [[Lashkovitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Lashkovitz]] (from [[Ulashkivtsi]], Ukraine)
* [[Lelov (Hasidic dynasty)|Lelov]] (from [[Lelów]], Poland)
* [[Lechovitch (Hasidic dynasty)|Lechovitch]] (from [[Lyakhavichy]], Belarus)
* [[Linitz]]
* [[Liske (Hasidic dynasty)|Liske]] (Olaszliszka, [[Hungary]])
* [[Lizhensk (Hasidic dynasty)|Lizhensk]] (from [[Leżajsk]], Poland)
* [[Leva (Hasidic dynasty)|Leva]]
* [[Liozna (Hasidic dynasty)|Liozna]]
* [[Lublin (Hasidic dynasty)|Lublin]] (from [[Lublin]], Poland) (several)
* [[Yochanan Shochet|Lutsk]] (from [[Lutsk]], Ukraine) (several)
=== M ===
* [[Margareten (Hasidic dynasty)|Margareten]] (from [[Marghita/Margitta]], Romania) (previously, [[Hungary]])
* [[Mattersdorf (Hasidic dynasty)|Mattersdorf]] (from [[Mattersburg]], Austria)
* [[Mezhbizh (Hasidic dynasty)|Mezhbizh]] (from [[Medzhybizh]]), Ukraine; Also see [[Apter Rebbe|Apter Rov]]
* [[Mishkoltz (Hasidic dynasty)|Mishkoltz]] (from [[Miskolc]], Hungary) (several)
* [[Kozhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)#Lineage|Mogelnitz]] (from [[Mogielnica]], Poland)
* [[Manestrishtze (Hasidic dynasty)|Manestrishtze]]
=== N ===
* [[Nadvorna (Hasidic dynasty)|Nadvorna]](previously [[Poland]], [[Austria-Hungary]]), (now in, Ukraine)
* [[Narol (Hasidic dynasty)|Narol]], (Galicia, [[Austria-Hungary]], (now in, Poland)
* [[Neshchiz (Hasidic dynasty)|Neshchiz]] (from [[Nesukhoyezhe]], Ukraine)
* [[Nikolsburg (Hasidic dynasty)|Nikolsburg]] (from [[Mikulov|Mikulov/Nikolsburg]]), (Czech Republic)
=== O ===
* Ostrof
* [[Osrov-Henzin (Hasidic dynasty)|Ozherov]] (from [[Ożarów]], Poland)
=== P ===
* [[Pabianice]], (Poland)
* [[Pashkan (Hasidic dynasty)|Pashkan]] (from [[Paşcani]], Romania)
* [[Philadelphia (Hasidic dynasty)|Philadelphia]] (from [[Philadelphia]], Pennsylvania)
* [[Kalonymus Kalman Shapira of Piasetzno|Piasetzne]]
* [[Pietrokov]] (from [[Piotrków Trybunalski]], Poland)
* [[Pilts]] (from [[Pilica, Silesian Voivodeship|Pilica]], Poland)
* [[Pilzno (Hasidic dynasty)|Pilzno]] (named for [[Pilzno]], Poland)
* [[Pintchiv]] (from [[Pińczów]], Poland)
* [[Pittsburg (Hasidic dynasty)|Pittsburgh]] (from [[Pittsburgh]], Pennsylvania)
* [[Porisov]] (from [[Parysów]], Poland)
* [[Premishlan (Hasidic dynasty)|Premishlan]] (from [[Peremyshliany]], Ukraine)
* [[Pshemishl (Hasidic dynasty)|Pshemishl]] (from [[Przemyśl]], Poland)
* [[Pshevorsk (Hasidic dynasty)|Pshevorsk]] (from [[Przeworsk]], Poland)
* [[Pshiskhe]] (from [[Przysucha]], Poland) (two)
=== R ===
* [[Radomsk (Hasidic dynasty)|Radomsk]] (from [[Radomsko]], Poland)
* [[Radoshitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Radoshitz]] (from [[Radoszyce, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship|Radoszyce]], Poland)
* [[Radvil (Hasidic dynasty)|Radvil]] (from [[Radyvyliv]], Ukraine)
* [[Ratzfert (Hasidic dynasty)|Ratzfert]] (from [[Újfehértó]], Hungary)
* [[Rimenov (Hasidic dynasty)|Rimenov]] (from [[Rymanów]], Poland)
* [[Roman (Hasidic dynasty)|Roman]] (from [[Roman, Romania|Roman]], Romania)
* [[Ropshitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Ropshitz]] (from [[Ropczyce]], Poland)
* [[Ruzhin (Hasidic dynasty)|Ruzhin]] (from [[Ruzhyn (urban-type settlement)|Ruzhyn]], Ukraine)
* [[Rzeszów (Hasidic dynasty)|Rzeszów]] ([[Rzeszów]], Galicia, Poland)
=== S ===
* [[Sambur (Hasidic dynasty)|Sambur]] (from [[Sambir]], Ukraine) (several)
* [[Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty)|Sadigura]] (from [[Sadhora]], Ukraine)
* [[Sanz (Hasidic dynasty)|Sanz]] (from [[Nowy Sącz]], Poland)
* [[Sasregen (Hasidic dynasty)|Sasregen]] (from [[Reghin|Szászrégen/Reghin]], Romania)(previously [[Hungary]])
* [[Sassov (Hasidic dynasty)|Sassov]] (from [[Sasiv]], Ukraine)
* [[Savran (Hasidic dynasty)|Savran]]
* [[Seret (Hasidic dynasty)|Seret]] (from [[Siret]], Romania)
* [[Shedlitz]] (from [[Siedlce]], Poland)
* [[Shotz]] (from [[Suceava]], Romania)
* [[Biala (Hasidic dynasty)|Shidlovtza]] (from [[Szydłowiec]], Poland)
* [[Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam|Shineva]] (from [[Sieniawa]], Poland)
* [[Shpikov (Hasidic dynasty)|Shpikov]] (from [[Shpykiv]], Ukraine)
* [[Shtefanesht (Hasidic dynasty)|Shtefanesht]] (from [[Ştefăneşti, Botoşani|Ştefăneşti]], Romania)
* [[Siget (Hasidic dynasty)|Siget]] ([[Sighetu-Marmaţiei|Sighetu-Marmaţiei/Máramarossziget]], Romania)(previously [[Hungary]])(parent of, now sharing leadership with, Satmar dynasty above)
* [[Sochatchov (Hasidic dynasty)|Sochatchov]] (from [[Sochaczew]], Poland)
* [[Sokolov (Hasidic dynasty)|Sokolov]] (from [[Sokołów Podlaski]], Poland - there was a branch of the [[Ropshitz (Hasidic dynasty)|Ropshitz]] dynasty in [[Sokołów Małopolski]], Poland, as well)
* [[Stanislov (Hasidic dynasty)|Stanislov]] (from [[Ivano-Frankivsk|Stanyslaviv]], Ukraine) (several)
* [[Stepan (Hasidic dynasty)|Stepan]] (from [[Stepan]], Ukraine)
* [[Ropshitz (Hasidic dynasty)#Lineage|Stitshin]] (from [[Szczucin]], Poland)
* [[Stretin (Hasidic dynasty)|Stretin]] (from [[Stratin]], Ukraine)
* [[Strikov (Hasidic dynasty)|Strikov]] (from [[Stryków]], Poland)
* [[Strizhov (Hasidic dynasty)|Strizhov]]
* [[Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Sudilkov|Sudilkov]] (from [[Sudylkiv]], Ukraine)
* [[Sulitza (Hasidic dynasty)#Lineage|Sulitza]] (from [[Suliţa]], Romania) (there was also a branch of the [[Shotz (Hasidic dynasty)|Shotz dynasty]] in Sulitza)
=== T ===
* [[Tetsh (Hasidic dynasty)|Tetsh]] (from Técső - now [[Tyachiv]], Ukraine)
* [[Nadvorna (Hasidic dynasty)#Reb Yosef of Borsha|Temeshvar]] (from [[Timişoara]], Romania)(previously [[Hungary]])
* [[Tolna (Hasidic dynasty)|Tolna]] (from [[Talne]], Ukraine)
* [[Spinka (Hasidic dynasty)#Lineage of Spinka rebbes (Horowitz branch)|Toldos Tzvi]]
* [[Trisk (Hasidic dysnasty)|Trisk]] (from [[Turiisk]], Ukraine)
* [[Tseshenov]] (from [[Cieszanów]], Poland)
* [[Sanz#Sanz-Zhmigrod|Tshakova]] (from [[Szczakowa]], Poland)
=== U ===
* [[Ujhel (Hasidic dynasty)|Ujhel]] (from [[Sátoraljaújhely|Újhely]], Hungary)
* [[Menashe Klein|Ungvar]] (from [[Ungvár]], Hungary)
* [[Ushpitzin (Hasidic dynasty)|Ushpitzin]] (from [[Oświęcim]], Poland)
=== V ===
* [[Vasloi (Hasidic dynasty)|Vasloi]] (from [[Vaslui]], Romania)
* [[Vien (Rabbinical dynasty)|Vien]] (from [[Vienna|Wien/Vienna]])
* [[Volova (Hasidic dynasty)|Volova]] (from [[Mizhhirya]], Ukraine)
* [[Israel Yitzhak Kalish|Vorka]] from [[Warka]], Poland
* [[Vulkan (Hasidic dynasty)|Vulkan]] (from [[Vulcan, Hunedoara]], Romania)(previously [[Hungary]])
=== Y ===
* [[Yeruslav (Hasidic dynasty)|Yeruslav]] (from [[Jarosław]], Poland) (several)
=== Z ===
* [[Kosov (Hasidic dynasty)#Dynasty|Zablitov]] ([[Zabolotiv]], Ukraine)
* [[Zbarz (Hasidic dynasty)|Zbarz]] (from [[Zbarazh]], Ukraine) (several)
* [[Senta|Zenta]] (break-off from Satmar)(from, Serbia) (previously [[Hungary]])
* [[Sanz (Hasidic dynasty)#Sanz-Zhmigrod|Zhmigrid]] (from [[Nowy Żmigród]], Poland)
* [[Zhitomir (Hasidic dynasty)|Zhitomir]] (from [[Zhytomyr]])
* [[Zidichov (Hasidic dynasty)|Zidichov]]
* [[Avraham Yehoshua Heshel#The Hasidic dynasty of Mezhbizh/Zinkov|Zinkov]]
* [[Zlatipol (Hasidic dynasty)|Zlatipol]] (from [[Zlatopol]])
* [[Zlotshov (Hasidic dynasty)|Zlotchov]] (from [[Zolochiv]])
* [[Zaliztsi|Zolozitz]] (Hasidic dynasty)]
* [[Zychlin (Hasidic dynasty)|Zychlin]]
==Grupos hassídicos (não-dinásticos)==
{|class="toccolours" border="1" cellpadding="8" style="border-collapse: collapse;"
!Sediada em
!Cidade/Região de Origem
|'''[[Breslov (Hasidic group)|Breslov]]'''
|[[Nachman of Breslov]] (1772–1810)
|[[Jerusalem]], [[Israel]]
|[[Bratslav]], [[Ukraine]]
|'''[[Lev Tahor]]'''
|[[Shlomo Helbrans]]
|[[Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts]], [[Quebec]]. [[Guatemala City]], [[Guatemala]]
|Jerusalem, Israel
|'''[[Malachim (Hasidic group)|Malachim]]'''
|[[Chaim Avraham Dov Ber Levine haCohen]] (1860–1938)
|[[Williamsburg, Brooklyn|Williamsburg]], [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Brooklyn]], [[New York (state)|New York]]
|'''[[Rybnitza (Hasidic dynasty)|Rybnitza]]'''
|[[Chaim Zanvl Abramowitz]] (d. 1995)
|[[Monsey, New York]]
|[[Rybnitsa]], [[Moldova]]/[[Transnistria]]
|'''[[Vien (Hasidic community)|Vien]]'''
|[[Klonumos Karl Richter]]
|[[Williamsburg, Brooklyn|Williamsburg]], [[Brooklyn]]
|[[Vienna]], [[Austria]]
|'''Shuva Yisrael'''
|[[Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto]]
| [[New York City]]
| [[Ashdod]], [[Israel]]
== Referências ==
* Rabinowicz, Tzvi M. ''The Encyclopedia of Hasidism'' Jason Aronson, Inc., 1996.
* Alfasi, Yitschak. ''החסידות מדור לדור'' ''Hachasidut miDor leDor'' (2 vols)
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...
新規更新December 08, 2019 at 09:18PM 【外部リンク】 Bernard Wodon Balibarbu : Nouvelle page : Bernard Wodon est historien d'art et écriva...
新規更新September 20, 2019 at 07:43PM 【外部リンク】 John McMullin (silversmith) Daderot: ←Created page with 'Basket by John McMullin, c....
新規更新されました。 April 17, 2020 at 07:19PM 【外部リンク】 Hạch bạch huyết cổ https://ift.tt/2VzslAc
新規更新December 04, 2018 at 08:50AM 【外部リンク】 八束和廣 2402:6B00:4668:5F00:842C:26B1:20BB:ED96: '''八束 和廣'''(やつづか かずひろ、...
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...