新規更新されました。 October 27, 2018 at 09:06PM
Asociación Maria Mitchell
Asociación Maria Mitchell
Oh Yeah (canção)
新規更新されました。 October 27, 2018 at 08:54PM
Oh Yeah (canção)
Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación
新規更新されました。 October 27, 2018 at 02:34PM
Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación
Chùa Đậu (Bắc Ninh)
新規更新されました。 October 27, 2018 at 11:50AM
Chùa Đậu (Bắc Ninh)
Nicola Dal Verme
新規更新されました。 October 27, 2018 at 10:36AM
Nicola Dal Verme
意味調べるWigand de Marbourg
新規更新October 27, 2018 at 04:35AM
Wigand de Marbourg
Gothus : Nouvelle page : '''Wigand de Marbourg''' (en latin : ''Wigandus Marburgensis'' ; en allemand : ''Wigand von Marburg'')<ref name=BNF>[http...
'''Wigand de [[Marbourg]]''' (en [[latin]] : ''Wigandus Marburgensis'' ; en [[allemand]] : ''Wigand von Marburg'')<ref name=BNF>[https://ift.tt/2OagYcb Notice] de la [[BnF]].</ref> est un [[héraut d'armes]] de l'[[Ordre Teutonique]]<ref> [https://ift.tt/2OOWnPC « Wigand von Marburg »] sur ''geschichtsquellen.de''</ref>, auteur d'une [[chronique]] rimée intitulée ''Chronica nova Prutenica''<ref name=BNF/> ; couvrant la période allant de 1293 à 1394, la chronique est l'une des principales sources d'informations sur l'[[Prusse#La_Prusse_avant_les_chevaliers_teutoniques|ancienne Prusse]] et le [[grand-duché de Lituanie]] des et siècles. Elle sera notamment utilisée par l'historien polonais [[Jan Długosz]]<ref name=Champollion>[[Jacques-Joseph Champollion]], ''Bulletin des sciences historiques, antiquités, philologie'', Tome X, Treuttel et Wurtz, Paris, 1828, ([https://ift.tt/2O8DzFK lire en ligne])</ref>.
On estime que le travail original comprenait environ [[vers]], dont environ subsistent encore aujourd'hui<ref>, ''Foreword to the Past : A Cultural History of the Baltic People'', Central European University Press, Budapest, 1999, . </ref>.
Le manuscrit de cet ouvrage précieux est longtemps resté caché dans la bibliothèque des [[Bernardin (ordre religieux)|Bernardins]] de [[Toruń|Thorn]]<ref name=Champollion/>.
== Notes et références ==
<references />
== Liens externes ==
* , [https://ift.tt/2OOpNxv « Marburg, Wigand von »], ''[[Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie]]'', Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1884.
* Gisela Vollmann-Profe, [https://ift.tt/2Oah03N « Wigand von Marburg »], ''Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle'', 2016.
* [https://ift.tt/2OOAMXH « Wigand of Marburg (Wigand von Marburg) »] sur le site Online Medieval Sources Bibliography
[[Catégorie:Chroniqueur du Moyen Âge]]
[[Catégorie:Écrivain médiéval de langue latine]]
[[Catégorie:Historien du XIVe siècle]]
[[Catégorie:Historien allemand]]
[[Catégorie:Officier d'armes]]
[[Catégorie:Ordre Teutonique]]
[[Catégorie:Date de naissance incertaine (XIVe siècle)]]
[[Catégorie:Date de décès incertaine (XVe siècle)]]
[[de:Wigand von Marburg]]
[[en:Wigand of Marburg]]
[[hu:Wigand von Marburg]]
[[lt:Vygandas Marburgietis]]
[[pl:Wigand z Marburga]]
[[ru:Виганд Марбургский]]
意味調べるSugar Grove Station
新規更新October 27, 2018 at 02:31AM
Sugar Grove Station
Martin-78 : Nouvelle page : '''Sugar Grove Station''' est un site de communication de la National Security Agency (NSA) situé près de Sugar Grove, dans le Comté de Pendlet...
== History ==
Le site a été développé pour la première fois par le [[Naval Research Laboratory|Laboratoire de recherche navale]] au début des années 1960 sur le site d'un [[radiotélescope]] de 182,88 m,<ref>[https://ift.tt/2JhQhRW "New Radio Telescope Is Man's Biggest Machine."] ''Popular Science'', December 1959, pp. 85-86/250.</ref> afin de réunir des [[Renseignement d'origine électromagnétique|renseignements]] sur les signaux radar et radio soviétiques réfléchis par la Lune et des données radioastronomiques sur l'espace, mais le projet a été arrêté en 1962 avant l'achèvement de la construction du télescope.</ref>|group=nb}}<ref>David K. van Keuren, "Cold War Science in Black and White: US Intelligence Gathering and Its Scientific Cover at the Naval Research Laboratory, 1948-62," ''Social Studies of Science'', vol. 31, no. 2, ''Science in the Cold War'', (2001): 207-229.</ref> Le site a ensuite été développé en tant que station de réception radio. Le site a été activé en tant que "station de radio navale Sugar Grove" le 10 mai 1969 et deux antennes réseau CDAA (CDAA) Wullenweber AN/FRD-10 ont été achevées le 8 novembre 1969. De nombreuses autres antennes, antennes paraboliques, dômes, et d'autres installations ont été construites dans les années suivantes. Parmi les radios télescopes les plus importants sur le site, citons une parabole de 18,3 m (le plus ancien télescope du site), une parabole de 32 m avec récepteur spécial du guide d'onde et une antenne de 45,72 m ( plus grand télescope sur place).
Le site faisait partie du réseau de communication [[Echelon|ECHELON]] exploité par les États-Unis et leurs alliés pour intercepter et traiter les télécommunications électroniques.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Le réseau exploite de nombreux sites à travers le monde, notamment [[Station de Waihopai|Waihopai Valley]] en [[Nouvelle-Zélande]], [[RAF Menwith Hill|Menwith Hill]] au [[Royaume-Uni]] et [[Yakima (ville)|Yakima]] (Washington).
Sugar Grove est situé dans une zone officiellement désignée "[[United States National Radio Quiet Zone]]" qui couvre 34 000 kilomètres carrés en [[Virginie-Occidentale|Virginie occidentale]] et en [[Virginie (États-Unis)|Virginie]]. La zone a été créée par le [[Congrès des États-Unis|Congrès]] en 1958 pour faciliter sa mission et celle de l'[[National Radio Astronomy Observatory|observatoire national de radioastronomie]], situé à 48 km de [[Green Bank]] dans le [[Comté de Pocahontas (Virginie-Occidentale)|comté de Pocahontas]], en Virginie-Occidentale.
Le 26 juillet 2016, il a été signalé que la vente aux enchères en ligne de Sugar Grove Station s'était terminée le 25 juillet avec une enchère gagnante de 11,2 millions de dollars.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Depuis, cette transaction a échoué et les enchères ont été rouvertes le 13 septembre 2016..<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>En 2017, la deuxième enchère a permis à un groupe d'investisseurs basé en Alabama de racheter 4 millions de dollars et envisage de convertir la base en un établissement de soins de santé destiné aux militaires en service actif, aux anciens combattants et à leurs familles.<ref name="Gazette" />
== Notes et références ==
[[Catégorie:National Security Agency]]
[[Catégorie:Station terrienne]]
[[Catégorie:Installation militaire fermée de l'United States Navy]]
意味調べるListed buildings in Oswestry Rural
新規更新October 27, 2018 at 02:23AM
Listed buildings in Oswestry Rural
Peter I. Vardy: New list
{| class="wikitable"
! Grade
! Criteria
|align="center" |II*
| Particularly important buildings of more than special interest
|align="center" |II
| Buildings of national importance and special interest
{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders" style="width:100%; border:0; text-align:left; line-height:150%;"
! scope="col" style="width:150px" |Name and location
! scope="col" style="width:100px" class="unsortable"|Photograph
! scope="col" style="width:120px" |Date
! scope="col" style="width:650px" class="unsortable"|Notes
! scope="col" style="width:50px" |Grade
|Barn north of Bryn Pentre Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|A longhouse, later a barn, it was originally [[timber framed]] with [[cruck]] construction, it has been rebuilt in [[limestone]], and has a corrugated iron roof. There is one storey and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows date from the 20th century, and inside are two true cruck trusses.
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|Oak Tree Cottage<br/><small></small>
|The cottage was remodelled in the 17th century and altered in the 20th century. It is [[timber framed]] with [[cruck]] construction, most of it has been [[stucco|rendered]], and it has a [[slate]] roof. There is one storey and an attic, the windows are 20th-century [[casement window|casements]], and there is a [[gable]]d porch. At the left gable end is an exposed cruck truss, and there is another cruck truss inside the cottage.
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|Redwith Cottages<br/><small></small>
|The cottages, later a house, were remodelled in the 19th century and further altered in the 20th century. The house has a basic [[cruck]] construction that has been partly concealed by, and partly rebuilt, in [[stucco|rendered]] brick, and it has a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, two [[gable]]d [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and flanking lean-tos. The windows date from the 20th century, and inside are two true cruck trusses.
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|Barn northwest of The Fields<br/><small></small>
|The oldest part of the barn is one [[bay (architecture)|bay]] of an open hall house containing [[cruck]] trusses. The rest of the barn dates from the 19th century, and is in [[limestone]] and brick with some [[weatherboarding]] and a [[slate]] roof, [[hip roof|hipped]] to the west.
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|Pentre Isaf<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse with a range added in the 17th century to give an L-shaped plan. The original range is in stone and has some [[timber framing]] with brick [[infill]]. The later range is in stone with two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and has a [[slate]] roof. There is a later service range to the west and the rear, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]].
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|St. Winifred's Well<br/><small></small>
|[[File:St Winifreds Well Woolston.JPG|100px|centre]]
|This consists of a [[holy well]] and a cottage that originated as a chapel. The cottage is [[timber framed]] with brick [[infill]] on a [[sandstone]] [[plinth]], and has a [[slate]] roof. It has one storey and a T-shaped plan, with a [[gable]]d extension over the well. Beyond the extension is a square basin with steps on both sides. The water drains through a hole at the bottom to another square basin flanked by steps, and through another hole into the stream below.
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|The farmhouse was later remodelled and then extended. The early part is [[timber framed]] with red brick [[infill]], the rest is in [[limestone]], and the roof is [[slate]]d. There is one storey and an attic, to the rear is a short [[gable]]d wing, and against the gable end of the main range is a farm building. On the front is a gabled porch, to the left is a [[casement window]], and above that is a gabled [[eaves]] [[dormer]].
|align="center" |
|The Pentre Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was extensively remodelled in 1695, and later extended and altered. It is in brick and stone, replacing [[timber framing]], on a stone [[plinth]], and with [[slate]] roofs. There are two storeys, and the farmhouse consists of a hall range with a [[gable]]d two-storey porch, flanking gabled cross-wings, and a rear lean-to. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], there is a datestone in the gable of the porch, and pigeon nesting holes and ledges in the gables of the cross-wings. Inside the farmhouse is an [[inglenook]] fireplace.
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|Wootton Castle<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse, later a private house, with considerable later alterations and extensions. It is partly [[timber framed]], partly in [[sandstone]] and brick, largely [[roughcast]], and has [[slate]] roofs. Originally there was a hall range of two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], with a two-bay cross-wing added to the south, and a further bay later added to this. The house has one storey and an attic, the windows are [[casement window|casements]], and there are two [[gable]]d [[eaves]] [[dormer]]s.
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|A farmhouse, later a private house, with a [[timber framed]] core encased in [[limestone]], and with a [[slate]] roof. It consists of a hall range with one storey and an attic and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a flush cross-wing with two storeys. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], and there is a [[gable]]d [[eaves]] [[dormer]].
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|A [[timber framed]] farmhouse with brick [[infill]], largely rebuilt in [[limestone]], and with a [[slate]] roof. There is one storey and an attic, two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a low stone outshut at the rear. In the centre is a [[gable]]d brick porch, the windows are three-light [[casement window|casements]], and there are two flat-roofed [[dormer]]s.
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|East Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|[[File:East Farm, Crickheath.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[timber framed]] farmhouse with brick and plaster [[infill]], some cladding in red brick, and a [[slate]] roof. It has a T-shaped plan, and consists of a two-storey hall range, a [[gable]]d cross-wing with two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], two storeys and an attic, and a rear lean-to. On the front is a gabled porch dated 1677, with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[bressumer]] and a gabled hood. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], and many internal features have been retained.
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|Barn, Upper Sweeney Farm<br/><small></small>
|The barn is [[timber framed]] with [[weatherboarding]] on a [[plinth]] of [[limestone]] and [[Conglomerate (geology)|conglomerate]], and has a corrugated iron roof. It contains two double doors and two [[eaves]] hatches.
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|Crickheath Hall<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse that was later extended and altered, it is partly [[timber framed]] and partly in [[roughcast]] brick, and has [[slate]] roofs. The house has a U-shaped plan, with extensions at the rear. The hall range has two storeys and the [[gable]]d cross-wings also have attics. In the centre of the hall range is a gabled porch, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|The Hollies<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse that was later altered and extended, it is [[timber framed]] with plaster and brick [[infill]], partly rebuilt in red brick and [[limestone]], extensions in yellow brick and stone, and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, a main range of four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], an extension at right angles on the left, and an outshut at the rear with single-storey extensions behind. The windows are [[casement window|casements]].
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|Old Cottage<br/><small></small>
|A [[timber framed]] cottage with brick [[infill]], the [[gable]] ends in stone, and a [[slate]] roof. There is one storey and an attic, and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The cottage contains a fixed window and a gabled [[eaves]] [[dormer]].
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|Pentre Cefn Bach<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse originating as a [[timber framed]] building with [[cruck]] construction, it was largely replaced in stone in the 18th century, and it has a [[slate]] roof. There is a single storey and an attic, with a main block of three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], a further range to the northwest, and later [[conservatory (greenhouse)|conservatories]]. On the later wing is a porch, and there is a [[dormer]] on the north slope. Inside the farmhouse is an [[inglenook]] fireplace.
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|A farmhouse, later a private house, it has been remodelled, extended and altered. Originally [[timber framed]], it has been mainly replaced by [[limestone]], and it has a [[slate]] roof. There is one storey and an attic, it originally had a hall range of 2½ [[bay (architecture)|bays]] and a cross-wing of two bays, and later a range at right angles to the hall was added. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], and there is a [[gable]]d [[eaves]] [[dormer]]. Inside is an [[inglenook]] fireplace.
|align="center" |
|Upper Sweeney Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was refaced in red brick in the 18th century, encasing or replacing [[timber framing]], the [[gable]]s are timber framed with plaster [[infill]], and the roof is [[slate]]d. There are two storeys and an H-shaped plan, consisting of a hall range with two unequal [[bay (architecture)|bays]], a two-bay cross-wing on the right, and a later gabled projection on the left. At the rear is a full-length stone outshut, and there are two lean-tos to the right of the right gable. In the right angle is a lean-to porch, the windows in the upper floor are [[casement window|casements]], and in the ground flooor they are [[sash window|sashes]] with segmental heads.
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|Weston Cotton<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse that was later extended and altered. The original part is [[timber framed]] with [[infill]] including brick, the later parts are in red brick, and the roofs are in Welsh [[slate]]. There are two storeys and an attic, a main range of two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and later ranges to the north, east and south. The original range has a [[jettied]] north front with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[bressumer]]. At the rear is a [[conservatory (greenhouse)|conservatory]], and inside the main range is an [[inglenook]] fireplace.
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|Outbuilding, Wootton Castle<br/><small></small>
|The outbuilding to the south of the farmhouse is [[timber framed]] with plaster and brick [[infill]] and a corrugated iron roof. The right [[gable]] end has been rebuilt in red brick. There are two storeys and one framed [[bay (architecture)|bay]].
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|Pool Cottage<br/><small></small>
|A cottage and attached outbuilding that was estended and remodelled in the 19th century. It is in stone with dressings in red brick, some rebuilding in yellow [[engineering brick]], with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a corrugated iron roof. It has two storeys, four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a single storey extension, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]]. The doorways and ground floor windows have segmental heads.
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|Gibraltar Inn<br/><small></small>
|A house, at one time an inn, originally with a [[longhouse]] plan, it is in [[limestone]], and has a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, and the house consists of a main range with a short parallel rear range. Thre are two lean-to porches on the front, and the windows are a mix of [[sash window|sashes]], one horizontally-sliding, [[casement window|casements]], and one fixed window. Inside is an [[inglenook]] fireplace.
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|Manor Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse, which has been altered and extended, is in red brick, mainly [[roughcast]], with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a [[slate]] roof with crow-stepped [[gable]]s. There are two storeys and attics, and a [[cruciform#cruciform architectural plan|cruciform]] plan. On the front are three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the middle bay projecting and gabled, and a doorway with a flat hood. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with stone wedge [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and sills.
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|Middle Cynynion Farmhouse and outbuilding<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was extended in the 18th century and remodelled in the 19th century. It is in [[limestone]] with a [[slate]] roof, and has an L-shaped plan, with the later range at right angles to the rear. There are two storeys, and a [[gable]]d extension to the right. The windows are [[cast iron]] [[casement window|casements]], and all the openings have segmental heads.
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|Plas Pentre-Cefn<br/><small></small>
|A [[limestone]] farmhouse with a [[slate]] roof, it consists of a central hall range with two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and [[gable]]d cross-wings with two storeys and attics. There is a gabled staircase projection and flanking lean-tos. In the right angle is a porch with an elliptical arch, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]].
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|Treflach Hall<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse with possibly an earlier core, it is in [[limestone]] with [[chamfer]]ed angle [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], a [[belt course|floor band]], and a [[slate]] roof, half-[[hip roof|hipped]] on the [[gable]]s. It has an H-shaped plan, and consists of a hall range with two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and gabled cross-wings with two storeys and attics, and two bays. There is a central flat-roofed porch, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with segmental heads.
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|Wootton House<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse that was later extended and altered, it is in painted brick with a [[dentil]]led [[belt course|floor band]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and an attic, originally an L-shaped plan, with a later lean-to in the angle, and a single-storey rear kitchen range. On the front is a [[gable]]d porch, above it is a datestone, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with segmental heads.
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|Barn east of Nant-y-Gollen<br/><small></small>
|The barn is [[timber framed]] with [[weatherboarding]] on a high [[plinth]] of stone and brick. The [[gable]] ends are in stone, and the barn has a corrugated iron roof. There are four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and above the northern bay is a loft.
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|Barn and stables, Pentre'r-gaer-henblas<br/><small></small>
|The farm buildings are [[timber framed]], with plank [[infill]] on the east side, [[weatherboarding]] on the west side, on a [[limestone]] [[plinth]]. The [[gable]] ends are in stone, the south gable is crow-stepped, and the roof is [[slate]]d. The buildings form an L-shaped plan, and contain various openings.
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|The farmhouse was extended in the 19th century, and is in [[limestone]] with a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and an L-shaped plan, with a main range, a range at right angles to the left, and a stone outshut at the rear. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], some with segmental heads.
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|Gate piers, wall and railings, Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|The gate [[pier (architecture)|piers]] and wall are in [[limestone]]. The piers at the entrance to the drive have a square section, and each has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]] and capping, panelled sides and a pointed [[finial]]. The low stone wall was partly rebuilt in about 1860, and contains an arched entrance on the north side. On the wall are [[wrought iron]] railings.
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|Maesbury Hall and stables<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was largely remodelled in about 1830. It is in red brick on a [[sandstone]] [[plinth]], partly [[stucco|rendered]], and has a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a semicircular [[Doric order|Doric]] [[portico]] with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[entablature]], and above the door is a [[fanlight]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and there are two flat-roofed [[dormer]]s. Attached to the house and set back to the left are stables with three blind windows, and in the angle is a brick lean-to.
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|Llwyn-y-mapsis Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse is in red brick on a stepped [[plinth]], and has a [[belt course|band]] and a [[slate]] roof with a shaped [[gable]]. There is one storey and an attic, the openings have segmental heads, there is a flat-roofed trellised porch, and a gabled [[eaves]] [[dormer]]. Inside are large [[inglenook]] fireplaces.
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|The farmhouse, which was extended in the 19th century, is in [[limestone]] with dressings in red brick, and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and a T-shaped plan, with a main range of three unequal [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a later rear wing. On the front is a wide [[gable]]d porch with a round arch, and a datestone, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]] with segmental brick heads and surrounds.
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|The Fields and wall<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse, which was remodelled in the 19th century is in red brick and has a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, a three-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] range, and a range at the rear connecting to an older three-bay range at an oblique angle. On the front is a [[Doric order|Doric]] porch and a doorway with a rectangular [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]]. At the rear is a red brick garden wall enclosing an area about by .
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|Domestic chapel,<br/>Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Derelict Chapel at Aston Hall - geograph.org.uk - 204139.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The north porch was added in 1887, and the chapel is now ruinous. It is in red brick with [[sandstone]] dressings, and consists of a [[nave]] and [[chancel]] in one cell, a north porch, and a west tower. The tower has three stages, angle [[pilaster]]s, a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]], a [[parapet]], and urn [[finial]]s on the corners. Some windows are round-headed and some are circular, and they have [[Gibbs surround]]s.
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|Maesbury House<br/><small></small>
|The remodelling of an earlier house, it is in brick with a [[belt course|floor band]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a porch, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with segmental heads.
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|Middleton Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|A red brick farmhouse with a [[slate]] roof, three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has [[pilaster]]s and a rectangular [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with stone wedge [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and sills.
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|Farm buildings, Pentre Isaf<br/><small></small>
|The farm buildings consist of a barn with an L-shaped plan, a cowhouse, a pigsty range with a hen house above, and a stable with a granary above, approached by external steps. They are mainly in [[limestone]], the east side of the barn is [[timber framed]] with [[weatherboarding]], and they have [[slate]] roofs. The openings include loading hatches, ventilation slits, and pigeon holes.
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|Barn, Pool Farm<br/><small></small>
|The barn is in red brick and has a [[slate]] roof with crow-step [[gable]]s. There are two levels, and the barn contains two tiers of ventilation slits and an [[eaves]] hatch.
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|Barn east of Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|The barn is in red brick on a [[limestone]] [[plinth]], with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]], shaped [[gable]] ends, and a [[slate]] roof. It has a wide entrance with a segmental head, [[buttress]]es, and two segmental-headed windows.
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|Trefonen Hall<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was remodelled in the 19th century and further altered in the 20th century. It is in [[limestone]] with a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and an attic, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a parallel rear range set back to the right. On the front is a [[gable]]d trellised porch, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]].
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|The Wharfinger's House<br/><small></small>
|The house was remodelled in about 1830. The ground floor is in [[sandstone]], above it is in red brick, and it has a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three wide [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the central bay projecting and five-sided. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with cambered heads, and there are two doorways, one in the projection and the other in the angle between it and the main range, both with rectangular [[fanlight]]s and hoods on brackets.
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|A small [[English country house|country house]] that was extended in about 1900, it is in red brick with a [[triglyph]] [[frieze]], a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roofs. It is in two and three storeys with attics, and has an east front of eight [[bay (architecture)|bays]], a later square projection at the northwest corner, and service ranges at the rear. The entrance has double doors and a moulded [[entablature]] on four decorated [[corbel|consoles]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]]. In the projection is a hip roofed [[dormer]].
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|Stables, Woodhill<br/><small></small>
|The stables are to the northeast of the house, they are in red brick with some stone, and have a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two levels, a central [[bay (architecture)|bay]] that has a [[pediment]] with a [[modillion]]ed [[frieze]], and flanking two-bay wings. The building contains stable doors, round-arched [[casement window]]s, and a blind roundel. On the roof is a [[cupola]] with a lead spire and a [[weathervane]].
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|Pool Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse was extended in the late 19th century. It is in red brick with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a later single-storey rear range. The windows are [[casement window|casements]] with stone [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and projecting [[keystone (architecture)|keystones]], and the doorway has a bracketed hood.
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|Ha-ha and cemetery, Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|The [[ha-ha]] runs to the west and southwest of the hall and has an irregular course. It is in [[limestone]] and has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[coping (architecture)|coping]]. Running from the ha-ha is a low stone wall with ornamental [[wrought iron]] railings enclosing an area containing five recumbant grave slabs of [[Nonconformism|Nonconformist]] people, the legible dates of which are in the 17th century.
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|Wall, Woodhill<br/><small></small>
|A boundary wall attached to the house, it is in red brick and has a stone-capped [[crenellation|crenellated]] [[parapet]] and an end [[pier (architecture)|pier]]. The wall is about long, and curves slightly to the northeast.
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|Kitchen garden wall,<br/>Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|The wall encloses a rectangular kitchen garden about long by wide. It is in red brick and has narrow [[buttress]]es and [[slate]] [[coping (architecture)|coping]].
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|Urn (north), Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|The decorative urn is in the garden of the hall. It is in [[sandstone]], and consists of bowl with four lions' heads and drapery at the top, it has a scalloped underside, and a decorative [[finial]].
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|Urn (south), Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|The decorative urn is in the garden of the hall. It is in [[sandstone]], and consists of bowl with four lions' heads and drapery at the top, it has a scalloped underside, and a decorative [[finial]].
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|Bridge at SJ 3197 2735<br/><small></small>
|The bridge, which was partly rebuilt in the 19th century, carries a road over a stream. It is in red brick with a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[parapet]], and consists of three segmental arches. The bridge has a flat [[string course]] and square corner [[pilaster]]s.
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|A farmhouse in [[limestone]] with a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys, and an L-shaped plan consisting of a main range and a parallel range in the angle at the rear. It has a central entrance with a trellised porch, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]], those in the lower two floors with segmental heads.
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|Fowl house and dovecote, Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|The building is in red brick with a [[corbel]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[pediment]]ed [[slate]] roof. The central block has a square plan, and there are lower flanking lean-tos. In the centre is a doorway, there is a segmental-headed doorway in the left lean-to, and in the pediment are nesting holes and ledges.
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|Kitchen garden wall, Sweeney Hall<br/><small>
|The wall encloses the kitchen garden, and is in red brick with stone [[coping (architecture)|coping]]. The area enclosed measures about by . The corners are rounded, there are segmental-headed entrances on three sides, and on the north side are heating flues. There is a short spur to the north linking with a building adjoining the barn.
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|Outbuilding and wall, Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|Thr outbuilding is in red brick with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a doorway, the windows are [[casement window|casements]], and to the west is a short brick wall with stone [[coping (architecture)|coping]].
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|Wall to east of Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|The wall extends from the east wing of the hall to a barn towards the east. It is in red brick with stone [[coping (architecture)|coping]], and is ramped down at the angles.
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|Originally a squatter's cottage, it is in [[limestone]] and [[sandstone]], and has a [[slate]] roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] verges. There is one storey and an attic, and the building consists of a single cell with a stone lean-to at the left [[gable]] end. In the centre is an open gabled porch with brick pillars, and there is a [[casement window]] to the left. Above is a gabled [[eaves]] [[dormer]].
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|Cowhouse, Upper Sweeney Farm<br/><small></small>
|The cowhouse is in [[limestone]], and has a corrugated iron roof with [[coping (architecture)coped]] verges on stone kneelers. There are two levels, and the building contains four flat-headed doorways, an [[eaves]] hatch, and square nesting holes.
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|Kitchen garden wall, Woodhill<br/><small></small>
|The wall encloses the kitchen garden to the west of the hall. It is in red brick on the inside, and in [[limestone]] on the outside.
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|Sundial, Woodhill<br/><small></small>
|The [[sundial]] is in the grounds of Woodhill. It is in [[sandstone]] and is [[baluster]]-shaped with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]] and capping, on a circular base. On the top is a brass plate and a [[gnomon]].
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|Pedestal tomb,<br/>Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|The tomb is in the grounds of the domestic chapel, and is to the memory of members of the Lloyd family. It is in [[sandstone]] with a square section, and has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]] and capping, and a moulded [[finial]].
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|Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Aston Hall Oswestry - geograph.org.uk - 204135.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[English country house|country house]] designed by [[James Wyatt]], it is in [[sandstone]] with a [[parapet]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and an L-shaped plan, with a front of seven [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. At the corners are [[pilaster]]s containing round-headed [[niche (architecture)|niches]] and oval medallions with garlands. In the centre is a recessed [[portico]] with two giant [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] [[Ionic order|Ionic]] columns between fluted Ionic pilasters, and the doorway has a segmental [[tympanum (architecture)|tympanum]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], those in the ground floor are tripartite with segmental heads. The south front has three bays, and at the rear is a re-set [[Doric order|Doric]] porch.
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|Morda Hall<br/><small></small>
|Originally the wing of a hospital, later converted into a house, it is in red brick with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[parapet]]. There are two storeys, and fronts of six and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the north and soouth fronts are single-storey round-arched blind [[arcade (architecture)|arcades]], and the windows are [[casement window|casements]].
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|A [[limestone]] house with yellow brick window heads and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], those in the lower two floors with segmental heads, and there is a datestone between the windows in the middle floor.
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|Bridge No. 79<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Bridge No. 79, Montgomery Canal.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The bridge carries a road over the [[Montgomery Canal]]. It is in red brick, and consists of a single segmental arch. The bridge has a [[string course]], a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[parapet]], and corner [[pier (architecture)|piers]].
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|Corbett's Bridge<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Corbett's Bridge, Montgomery Canal - geograph.org.uk - 1001996.jpg|100px|centre]]
|This is bridge No. 74, an [[accommodation bridge]] over the [[Montgomery Canal]]. It is in red brick, and consists of a single segmental arch. The bridge has a [[string course]], a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[parapet]], and corner [[pier (architecture)|piers]].
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|Navigation Inn and warehouse<br/><small></small>
|The public house and warehouse are in red brick, partly [[stucco|rendered]], with a [[pantile]] roof. There are two ranges at right angles, the public house facing the road, and the warehouse facing the [[Montgomery Canal]]. They have two storeys, and a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]]. The public house has an angled north corner and a porch with a [[gable]]d [[dormer]] above. The windows are [[casement window|casements]], those in the gound floor with segmental heads. The warehouse has casement windows and segmental-headed doorways.
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|Beaconsfield Terrace<br/><small></small>
|A terrace of six red brick cottages, with an [[eaves]] [[cornice]] partly [[dentil]]led and partly [[molding (architecture)|moulded]], and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, and each cottage has one [[bay (architecture)|bay]]. The doorways are paired, each cottage but one has a [[pediment]]ed hood, and most of the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|Sweeney Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Sweeney Hall by Morda - geograph.org.uk - 149847.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[English country house|country house]] incorporating earlier material, later a hotel, by [[John Hiram Haycock|J. H. Haycock]], with a rear wing by [[Samuel Pountney Smith|S. Pountney Smith]] in [[Jacobean architecture|Jacobean]] style added in about 1860. The house is in [[sandstone]], with an earlier red brick service wing and outbuildings at the rear, a [[belt course|floor band]], a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[parapet]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, and fronts of five and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], with giant [[Tuscan order|Tuscan]] [[pilaster]]s at the corners and flanking the entrance. The doorway has pilasters and a rectangular [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|Bridge at SJ 24113 30772<br/><small></small>
|The bridge carries the B5480 road over the River Cynlaith, which forms the border between England and Wales. It is in [[limestone]] and consists of a single slightly recessed segmental arch. The bridge has [[voussoir]]s, a projecting [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]] and a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[parapet]].
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|A [[limestone]] farmhouse, [[stucco|rendered]] at the front, with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], a single-storey flat-roofed extension to the right, and a rear [[gable]]d extension. The central doorway has a gabled porch, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]], one of them blind.
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|Ball Mill<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Ball Mill - geograph.org.uk - 551600.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The [[watermill]], which was extended later in the century, is in [[limestone]] with dressings and the extension in red brick, and a [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and seven [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the middle bay [[gable]]d and with a gabled hoist projection. The windows and doorways have segmental heads. At the rear is a [[mill race]] in an iron channel, two wooden [[overshot wheel]]s with iron spokes, and cog mechanism between.
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|Milestone at N.G.R. SJ 3299 2742<br/><small></small>
|The milestone is on the southwest side of the [[A5 road (Great Britain)|A5 road]]. It is in [[sandstone]], and has a recessed [[cast iron]] plate inscribed with the distances in miles and [[furlong]]s to [[Holyhead]] and to "SALOP" ([[Shrewsbury]]).
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|Morda Mill<br/><small></small>
|The mill, later disued, is in [[limestone]] with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[slate]] roof. There are four storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the middle bay with a [[pediment]]. There are four tiers of central loading doors, and the windows are [[casement window]]s, all with red brick segmental heads.
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|Morton Bridge<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Morton Bridge over the River Morda - geograph.org.uk - 533668.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The bridge carries the B4396 road over the [[River Morda]]. It is in [[sandstone]] and consists of a single segmental arch. The bridge has [[voussoir]]s, a raised [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]], a [[string course]], and rectangular end [[pilaster]]s with shallow pyramidal [[finial]]s. The south [[parapet]] is [[coping (architecture)|coped]].
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|Trafalgar House<br/><small></small>
|A farmhouse, later a private house, it is in [[limestone]] and has a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has a [[pediment]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|Treflach Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse, possibly with an earlier core, is in [[limestone]], and has [[buttress]]es and a [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a rear range. Above the central doorway is a flat hood, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
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|Milestone at N.G.R. SJ 3155 2791<br/><small></small>
|The milestone is on the south side of Shrewsbury Road, the former [[A5 road (Great Britain)|A5 road]]. It is in [[limestone]], and has a recessed [[cast iron]] plate inscribed with the distances in miles and [[furlong]]s to [[Holyhead]] and to "SALOP" ([[Shrewsbury]]).
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|Bridge near Llwyn-y-maen Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The bridge carries a road over the [[River Morda]]. It is in [[limestone]], and consists of a single segmental arch. The bridge has raised [[keystone (architecture)|keystones]] and [[voussoir]]s, a flat [[string course]] and square corner [[pier (architecture)|piers]].
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|Pen-y-Llan Hall<br/><small>
|A house in the style of an [[Italianate architecture|Italianate]] villa, it is in [[stucco]]ed brick on a stone [[plinth]], with [[belt course|bands]], wide [[eaves]] on [[corbel]]led brackets, and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys and a front of seven [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the middle three bays projecting under a [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], those in the middle bay with pediments, and above them is a [[lunette]]. There is a slightly projecting garden range on the right, and in the angle is a porch that has a segmental arch with a projecting [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]], and a doorway with [[pilaster]]s and a flat hood on decorative brackets.
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|Former Baptist Chapel, Upper Sweeney<br/><small></small>
|The chapel is in [[limestone]] with [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]] and a [[slate]] roof. There is one storey and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway and windows have pointed arches with [[voussoir]]s, and overlights with glazing bars in the [[tympanum|tympana]].
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|Entrance gateway,<br/>Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Entrance Gateway, Aston Hall.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The gateway at the entrance to the drive was designed by [[Edward Haycock Sr.|Edward Haycock]]. It is in [[sandstone]], and has two giant [[Doric|Greek Doric]] columns carrying a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[entablature]]. The gateway contains delicate ornamental [[wrought iron]] gates.
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|Pen-y-Dyffryn Hall<br/><small></small>
|A rectory, later extended and used for other purposes, it is in [[limestone]] with wide spreading [[eaves]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are two storeys, a main block with fronts of three and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and two similar rear blocks. The central doorway is in an arched recess and has a [[fanlight]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with wedge [[lintel (architecture)|lintels]] and stone sills.
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|Lower Sweeney Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse is in [[sandstone]] with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and a [[slate]] roof with [[coping (architecture)|coped]] verges. There are two storeys and an H-shaped plan, consisting of a two-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] hall range and flanking [[gable]]d cross-wings. In the left angle is a gabled porch with an elliptical arch and an [[armorial]] shield above. The windows are [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] with moulded [[hood mould]]s, and there is one [[oriel window]].
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|Outbuildings, Aston Hall<br/><small></small>
|The outbuildings consist of a coach house and former stables. They are in brick with a [[dentil]]led [[eaves]] [[cornice]] and [[slate]] roofs. There are two storeys, and two ranges at right angles, forming an L-shaped plan. The openings include double doors, [[casement window]]s, and a vehicle entrance, and on the roof of the north range is a reconstructed bell lantern.
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|The Firs and Weston Mill<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Weston Mill, Morda - geograph.org.uk - 551596.jpg|80px|centre]]
|The [[watermill]] and mill house are in [[limestone]] with yellow brick dressings and [[slate]] roofs. The mill has a rectangular plan, four storeys, and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[mullion]]ed and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]] with [[casement window|casements]] and segmental heads, and there is a [[weatherboarding|weatherboarded]] hoist projection. At the rear of the adjacent house is an iron [[undershot wheel]]. The house has two storeys, four bays, casement windows, and a doorway with [[pilaster]]s and a rectangular [[fanlight]].
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|Pump and basin,<br/>Maesbury House<br/><small></small>
|The pump and basin are to the southeast of the house. The pump is in [[cast iron]] and has the maker's emblem on the shaft, a [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] cap with a formerly pointed dome [[finial]], a curved handle, and a decorated spout. The basin is rectangular and in stone.
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|Pump and basin,<br/>The Hollies<br/><small></small>
|The pump and basin are to the south of the house. The pump is in [[cast iron]] and has the maker's emblem on the shaft, a [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] cap with a pointed dome [[finial]], a curved handle, and a decorated spout. The basin is rectangular and in stone.
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|Pump and basin,<br/>Wootton House<br/><small></small>
|The pump and basin are to the southwest of the house. The pump is in [[cast iron]] and has the maker's emblem on the shaft, a [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] cap with a pointed dome [[finial]], a curved handle, and a decorated spout. The basin is rectangular and in stone.
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|Canal crane<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Crane at Maesbury Marsh Wharf, Montgomery Canal - geograph.org.uk - 46950.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The crane is on the north side of the [[Montgomery Canal]]. It consists of a [[cast iron]] [[winch]] with a wooden shaft.
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*<span class="plainlinks"></span>
[[Category:Lists of buildings and structures in Shropshire]]
Luciano Ferreira de Paula
新規更新されました。 October 26, 2018 at 03:58PM
Luciano Ferreira de Paula
Estádio Joaquim de Almeida Flores
新規更新されました。 October 26, 2018 at 11:07AM
Estádio Joaquim de Almeida Flores
ماريا لاسكارينا
新規更新されました。 October 26, 2018 at 10:05AM
ماريا لاسكارينا
Fabricio Rodriguez
新規更新されました。 October 26, 2018 at 10:04AM
Fabricio Rodriguez
意味調べるMeilenstein (Aseleben)
新規更新October 26, 2018 at 05:23AM
Meilenstein (Aseleben)
Hallogen: AZ: Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: Ganzmeilenobelisk in Aseleben Der Königr…
Der [[Königreich Preußen|preußische]] '''Meilenstein in Aseleben''' ist ein [[Denkmalschutz|denkmalgeschützter]] [[Meilenstein]] an der Eislebener Straße im Westen von [[Aseleben]] (Gemeinde [[Seegebiet Mansfelder Land]]) im [[Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz]] in [[Sachsen-Anhalt]].
Die von [[Halle (Saale)]] nach [[Lutherstadt Eisleben|Eisleben]] führende [[Preußische Staatschaussee|preußische Chaussee]] war ein Teilstück der Chaussee [[Berlin]]-[[Kassel]], das in den Jahren 1824 bis 1826 entstand. Daher beziehen sich die Inschriften des Ganzmeilensteins zum einen auf diese beiden Städte ("Eisleben 1 1/2 Meile", "Halle 2 3/4 Meile"), zum anderen auf die Hauptstadt Berlin, von der er 25 Meilen entfernt steht und in der sich der Nullpunkt am [[Dönhoffplatz]] befand.<ref name=Grell>Olaf Grell: ''Beschriftung der Meilensteine an der alten Halle-Casseler Chaussee'', in: Das Meilenstein-Journal 25 (2005) 50, S. 13-17, hier S. 13</ref>
Die alte Chaussee ist hier identisch mit der heutigen [[Bundesstraße 80]], der Standort musste allerdings in den frühen 1990er Jahren um 70 Meter verrückt werden.<ref>Hilmar Burghardt: ''1826-2006. 180 Jahre Bau der Preußischen Kunststraße Langenbogen-Nordhausen; 180 Jahre Meilensteinsetzung im Mansfelder Land'', in: Zeitschrift für Heimatforschung 14 (2005), S. 76-83, hier S. 80.</ref> Neben dem Meilenstein, der an der Einfahrt einer Tankstelle steht, befindet sich ein hierher geretteter Kilometerstein mit der Inschrift "23,0". Er stand ursprünglich an einer anderen Stelle, denn eine [[Alte Maße und Gewichte (Preußen)#Wegemaß (Preußische Meile)|preußische Meile]] entspricht 7,532 Kilometern. Von Halle aus steht der kleine Stein heute bei Kilometer 23,6.<ref name=Grell />
Mit Ausnahme des [[Meilenstein (Langenbogen)|Ganzmeilensteins in Langenbogen]] haben die Meilensteine westlich von Halle alle einen identischen Aufbau. Sie bestehen aus zwei Ruhebänken und einem Obelisken, an dem sich der preußische Adler als Hoheitszeichen befindet. Zudem steht er wie alle Meilensteine zwischen Halle und Eisleben an der Südseite der Straße. Im [[Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Seegebiet Mansfelder Land#Aseleben|Denkmalverzeichnis]] hat der Stein die Erfassungsnummer 094 08076.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2hXUyfc ''Kleine Anfrage und Antwort Olaf Meister (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Kultusministerium 19. 03. 2015 Drucksache 6/3905 (KA 6/8670) Denkmalverzeichnis Sachsen-Anhalt'']</ref> In den Jahren 2005 und 2006 wurde der Stein, neben dem sich auch eine Informationstafel der Forschungsgruppe Meilensteine befindet, umfassend restauriert.<ref>Hilmar Burghardt: ''Sanierung des preußischen Ganzmeilensteines Aseleben'', in: Das Meilenstein-Journal 26 (2006) 52, S. 28-30.</ref>
== Einzelnachweise ==
<references />
[[Kategorie:Kulturdenkmal im Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz]]
[[Kategorie:Meilenstein in Sachsen-Anhalt]]
[[Kategorie:Verkehrsbauwerk in Seegebiet Mansfelder Land]]
[[Kategorie:Kulturdenkmal in Seegebiet Mansfelder Land]]
[[Kategorie:Bauwerk in Seegebiet Mansfelder Land]]
意味調べるPortete de Tarqui
新規更新October 25, 2018 at 11:05PM
Portete de Tarqui
2800:4B0:8002:40B9:913E:6DDC:C528:772D: Página creada con «El Portete de Tarqui esta una alta colina con una quebrada a su frente que no permite el paso sino hombro a hombro; a su derecha unas breñas escarpadas, y a su izquierda u…»
Este lugar fue escenario de las contiendas militares ocurridas el 27 de febrero de 1829, la Gloriosa Batalla de Tarqui, en la cual El Batallón Yaguachi había pasado reforzando a Rifles y batido ya la división del General Plaza, cuando apareció sobre la colina una fuerte columna conducida personalmente por el General La Mar que restableció instantáneamente el combate.
Parte de la historia del Portete de Tarqui es el valle del Girón, esta es una villa de recordación histórica pues está dentro del territorio en la que se libró la Batalla de Tarqui.
La Colina que Constituye el Portete de Tarqui se encuentra ubicado a 5 Km al Noroeste del Cantón Girón, en la provincia del Azuay.
El clima en la zona es templado, la temperatura es de 16 grados centígrados.
Military rule in Burma
新規更新されました。 October 25, 2018 at 05:17PM
Military rule in Burma
意味調べるCharles Wentworth Dilke
新規更新October 25, 2018 at 04:44PM
Charles Wentworth Dilke
Ange Gabriel : Ajout rapide de : + littérature britannique
'''Charles Wentworth Dilke''' (1789–1864) est un critique littéraire et un écrivain anglais de tendance libérale.
== Vie professionnelle ==
travaille au service de la paie de la [[Royal Navy|Marine royale anglaise]], qu'il quitte en 1830 pour se consacrer à la littérature.
== Littérature ==
Les opinions libérales de Charles Wentworth Dilke et son intérêt pour la littérature lui font rencontrer [[Leigh Hunt]], le rédacteur en chef du journal ''''. De 1814 à 1816, il poursuit la série de [[Robert Dodsley]], ''''. En 1829 il prend des parts dans le magazine '''', en devient le rédacteur en chef et en augmente grandement l'influence. En 1846 il quitte la rédaction et est engagé au '''', mais contribue encore au journal ''Athenaeum'' avec notamment [[Alexander Pope]], [[Edmund Burke]] et [[:en:Junius|Junius]]. Son petit-fils, Sir [[Charles Dilke]], publie ses écrits en 1875 dans un recueil nommé ''''.
== Wentworth Place==
Vers octobre 1816, Charles Wentworth Dilke et son ami [[Charles Armitage Brown]] emménage dans des maisons mitoyennes qui seront appelés plus tard à [[Hampstead (Angleterre)|Hampstead]] près de [[Londres]]. Le poète [[John Keats]] vit chez Charles Brown de 1818 à 1820 et a bien connu Charles Dilke. En 1822 Charles Brown part en [[Italie]], et vend sa maison à Charles Dilke. Aujourd'hui, est devenue '''', un musée dédié à [[John Keats]].
== Vie personnelle ==
Charles Wentworth Dilke épouse Maria Dover Walker (1790–1850). Maria est la fille de Edward Walker et de son épouse Frances Davis, tapissiers à à Soho quartier de Londres. Après le décés de son épouse puis celui de sa belle-fille en 1853, il se consacre à l'ascension de son petit-fils qui porte le même nom que lui [[Charles Dilke]], futur politicien de premier plan.
* .
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2).
* Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2).
== Références ==
== Liens externes ==
[[Catégorie:Naissance en 1789]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en 1864]]
[[Catégorie:Personnalité inhumée au cimetière de Kensal Green]]
[[Catégorie:Journaliste anglais]]
[[Catégorie:Critique littéraire britannique]]
新規更新October 25, 2018 at 12:28PM
[[Image:DZ 35 Khemis El Khechna District.svg|right|thumb]]
Dung dịch đường tiêm tĩnh mạch
新規更新されました。 October 25, 2018 at 10:52AM
Dung dịch đường tiêm tĩnh mạch
Ipratropium bromide
新規更新されました。 October 25, 2018 at 10:32AM
Ipratropium bromide
European Open 2003
新規更新されました。 October 25, 2018 at 08:42AM
European Open 2003
Christoph Auffarth
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 06:10PM
Christoph Auffarth
意味調べるСражение при Гамонале (1820)
新規更新October 24, 2018 at 05:46PM
Сражение при Гамонале (1820)
Scorpio835: ← Новая страница: «'''Сражение при Гамо…»
== История ==
== См.также ==
* [[Битва при Павоне]]
== Примечания ==
<references />
[[Категория:Сражения XIX века]]
[[Категория:Провинция Санта-Фе]]
Hôtel d'Espagnet
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 04:02PM
Hôtel d'Espagnet
Đài quan sát Đăng Phong Quan
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 01:31PM
Đài quan sát Đăng Phong Quan
意味調べるManuel Oswaldo Neciosup Rivera
新規更新October 24, 2018 at 01:43PM
Manuel Oswaldo Neciosup Rivera
Mis estudios primarios lo cursé en el colegio Mixto "10052", y secundarios en la Institución Educativa "Diego Ferré Sosa", del distrito de Reque.
Realicé mis estudios superiores en la Universidad Particular de Chiclayo (UPCH), obteniendo el grado de Arquitecto, aprobando por unanimidad la tesis: "Plan Director de la ciudad de Bagua Grande y la propuesta Arquitectónica: "Terminal Terrestre".
Miembro y fundador del grupo de arte, cultura y música: "CERNO", en la que se organizó en compañía de amigos "El Primer Festival de la Canción".
Gestor del proyecto: Parque de la ciudad de Carache – Santa Cruz.
En el 2000 fuí Jefe de DIDUR en la municipalidad provincial de Bambamarca, dentro de las gestiones se hizo realidad el Complejo Turístico "Santa Rosa de Lima".
En el 2002 Presidente de la Casa de la Cultura de Reque, impulsando el Primer Encuentro de Músicos Regionales denominado "José Desiderio Incio", reconociendo a los músicos recanos, y del mismo modo al creador de la Casa de Piedra Luis Esquives.
En el 2003 Gestor del grupo de teatro de jóvenes, denominado "Uno en un Millón".
Dirigente de la Hermandad San Martín de Thours, presentando el proyecto "Capilla para el Santo Patrón", ubicado en el sector la Clake.
2004 Jefe del proyecto de Catastro Urbano, en la ciudad de Chachapoyas
Jefe de patrimonio Arquitectónico del Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), participando en el diseño técnico en Kuelap.
Inspector técnico en Defensa civil.
2005 Residente del proyecto Mirador: "Cristo Redentor", ubicado en el sector Simón Bolívar – Chiclayo
Supervisor de obras de alcantarillado, pistas y veredas en la Municipalidad Provincial de Chiclayo.
2006 Jefe de la DIDU en la Municipalidad distrital de San Luis de Lucma – Cajamarca
2007 Supervisor de obra del proyecto: "Construcción del C.E. del distrito de kallima - provincia de Ferreñafe.
2008 Subgerente de control urbano y fiscalización de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chiclayo.
Miembro del equipo técnico de la presidencia colegiada del Frente de Defensa de Reque, en la lucha contra la empresa minera "Rio Tinto".
2009 – 2011 Jefe de Unidad de Infraestructura del Sistema Metropolitano de la Solidaridad - Municipalidad de Lima.
2012 Jefe de Infraestructura para el mejoramiento de los laboratorios de tuberculosis de las DISAS – Ministerio de Salud.
2013 Consultor en la formulación de proyectos arquitectónicos en los establecimientos de salud: Oxapampa, Yanahuanca y Atalaya.
2014 Creador y promotor de la Academia Preuniversitaria "Manuel Neciosup", actualmente "Cumbre", la que posteriormente se consolidó como una empresa privada con terceras personas.
2015 Jefe de la Unidad de Infraestructura del Sistema Metropolitano de la Solidaridad, a nivel nacional.
Diseñador y supervisor de los policlínicos privados, como el de Trujillo, Surquillo, Los Olivos, estos dos últimos con gestión de resolución de aprobación nivel II – E ante la Dirección de Salud.
2017 – 2018 Jefe de Mantenimiento e Infraestructura del Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, en la ciudad de Lima.
En toda mi vida profesional siempre apoyé a mi distrito, destaca la culminación del expediente técnico para 7 sectores como son: Repector, Magnal, Miraflores, Casuarinas, Siete Techos, Monte Grande, la Calera, tuvieran luz por primera vez.
Apoyé con maquinaria para la realización de trabajos de zanjas y corte para el desagüe y el pozo para la laguna de oxidación del sector Las Delicias, trabajos con maquinaria para zanjas de alcantarillado en tramos finales en el sector Diego Ferre, entre otros.
Con toda esta experiencia estatales y las buenas relaciones empresariales, me presento ante mi pueblo de Reque para pedirles la oportunidad, y ser su servidor y demostrar a mi pueblo la realización de un gobierno, honesto, responsable y transparente.
Danh sách súng trường chiến đấu
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 11:16AM
Danh sách súng trường chiến đấu
الهجوم الساحلي للمتمردين الليبيين 2011
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 08:46AM
الهجوم الساحلي للمتمردين الليبيين 2011
Silver & Black (film)
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 07:26AM
Silver & Black (film)
Mary Bateson (historian)
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 07:08AM
Mary Bateson (historian)
Ronny david quispe huanca
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 05:33AM
Ronny david quispe huanca
Прекрасная Амми из Мариенталя и Михель-киргиз
新規更新されました。 October 24, 2018 at 05:24AM
Прекрасная Амми из Мариенталя и Михель-киргиз
意味調べるHôtel Klapovskaïa
新規更新October 23, 2018 at 09:01PM
Hôtel Klapovskaïa
Meissen :
L''''hôtel particulier Klapovskaïa''' (Усадьба Клаповской) est un [[hôtel particulier]] de [[Moscou]] situé au 14-16 [[rue Gontcharnaïa]]. Il s'agit d'un monument protégé au niveau fédéral<ref> [https://ift.tt/2CZ5uqD Registre des monuments protégés de Moscou]</ref> et d'un ensemble remarquable du style Empire moscovite<ref> Zinaïda Odollamskaïa, [https://ift.tt/2PPkaeZ Histoire et description], site Ouznaï Moskvou (Découvre Moscou)</ref>.
== Présentation ==
L'ensemble architectural comprend un logis de maître avec deux ailes, le tout clôturé d'une grille finement ajourée de [[fer forgé]] et auquel on accède par deux portails d'entrée. Le logis de maître consiste en une demeure rectangulaire de style néo-classique (appelé en Russie) d'un étage supérieur présentant sur sa façade un [[Fronton (architecture)|fronton]] [[hexastyle]] [[Ordre ionique|ionique]], datant des années 1800. L'aile Nord date des mêmes années, semblable à une aile du palais Batachev situé à proximité. Il semble que l'hôtel particulier ait été construit sur les fondations d'un palais sans étage construit au XVIIe siècle. Il a pris son aspect néo-classique (Empire) après la reconstruction de Moscou ayant fait suite au [[Prise de Moscou|grand incendie de 1812]] pour freiner l'arrivée des troupes napoléoniennes. C'est le propriétaire de l'époque, le marchand I. S. Rakhmanov, qui a commandé les travaux effectués entre 1816 et 1823. L'aile Sud est ajoutée alors, tandis que la [[cour d'honneur]] est dessinée sous sa forme actuelle. Le propriétaire fait installer la grille de fer forgé qui sépare l'hôtel particulier de la rue sur un mur bosselé. Les portails d'entrée sont encadrés de [[Pylône (Égypte antique)|pylônes]] monumentaux. Ainsi, malgré ses dimensions peu importantes, l'ensemble donne une impression de grandeur. Les murs massifs de couleur jaune sont soulignés par des [[stuc]]s fins et élégants peints en blanc. la décoration de la frise du [[portique]] et des pylônes des portails ne possède pas d'analogues et les fenêtres de la façade du logis principal sont décorées de [[Lunette (architecture)|lunettes]] ornementales<ref> Zinaïda Odollamskaïa, [https://ift.tt/2PPkaeZ Histoire et description], site Ouznaï Moskvou (Découvre Moscou)</ref>.
Le marchand<ref>La société russe était sous l'Ancien régime divisée en états (classes): noblesse, clergé, marchands (divisés en guildes) paysans libres, serfs, etc... auxquelles on appartenait tout au long de sa vie dès la naissance.</ref> P. Molochnikov acquiert l'hôtel particulier dans les années 1830 ; c'est lui qui fait installer sur le fronton du logis de maître son [[monogramme]], consistant en ses initiales entrelacées «П» et «М» (P et M). La dernière propriétaire de l'hôtel particulier avant la [[Révolution de 1917]] est M. P. Klapovskaïa dont on a gardé le nom pour nommer cet ensemble monumental. Le pouvoir soviétique y installe la (religion officielle du régime) ; après la [[péréstroïka]] on y ouvre un <ref> Zinaïda Odollamskaïa, [https://ift.tt/2PPkaeZ Histoire et description], site Ouznaï Moskvou (Découvre Moscou)</ref>.
Aujourd'hui l'hôtel particulier abrite la compagnie [[Safinat]] (Сафинат<ref>Le groupe logistique d'investissement Safinat est spécialisé dans le domaine de la logistique de transport et réalise des projets d'investissements en Russie, dans l'Union européenne, en [[Afrique du Sud]], en [[Iran]], en [[Arabie saoudite]] et au [[Turkménistan]].</ref>) qui mène à son installation des travaux de restauration de fond du logis principal. Les plans d'origine sont restaurés, on retrouve les fresques et les stucs des plafonds, ainsi que le dessin des parquets. Le mobilier et les détails de la décoration intérieure sont refaits selon des dessins conservés<ref> Zinaïda Odollamskaïa, [https://ift.tt/2PPkaeZ Histoire et description], site Ouznaï Moskvou (Découvre Moscou)</ref>.
Image:Moscow Goncharnaya 16 2015 2.JPG|[[Fronton]] du logis de maître
Image:Moscow Goncharnaya 16 2015 3.JPG|Éléments du décor du logis de maître
Image:Moscow Goncharnaya 16 2015 4.JPG|Aile gauche
== Notes et références ==
== Source de la traduction ==
[[Catégorie:Architecture néo-classique à Moscou]]
[[Catégorie:Hôtel particulier à Moscou|Klapovskaia]]
Luis María Díez-Picazo Giménez
新規更新されました。 October 23, 2018 at 04:40PM
Luis María Díez-Picazo Giménez
意味調べるTahnun bin Shakhbut Al Nahyan
新規更新October 23, 2018 at 04:49PM
Tahnun bin Shakhbut Al Nahyan
Alexandermcnabb: Create
== Accession ==
Tahnun acceded after having driven his brother Muhammad into exile with his father Shakhbut's support. It was, in fact, Shakhbut who was signatory to the landmark [[General Maritime Treaty of 1820]] with the British, following the sack of [[Ras Al Khaimah]] and bombardment of coastal communities which took place during the punitive [[British Raj|British]] [[Persian Gulf campaign of 1819|Persian Gulf Campaign of 1819]]. However, in an 1824 peace agreement with [[Sultan bin Saqr Al Qasimi]] of [[Sharjah]] over the forts at [[Al Buraimi Governorate|Buraimi Oasis]], it was Tahnun who signed.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref>
== Abu Dhabi attacked ==
The exiled Sheikh Muhammad bin Shakhbut returned to Abu Dhabi in late 1823, together with a force of Manasir [[Bedouin]] and sacked the town. He was driven out, with the loss of 35 men, by Tahnun, who had raced from the interior to meet him. Muhammad made for Sharjah, but was followed by Tahnun and his force and Tahnun demanded Sultan bin Saqr of Sharjah hand him over. Sultan was saved the dilemma when Muhammad once again fled into exile.<ref></ref>
== Buraimi ==
As Abu Dhabi grew, many of its inhabitants maintained links to the inland oasis town of Buraimi (which would in time be split into Buraimi and the Abu Dhabi city of [[Al Ain]]) and Tahnun worked to establish his influence there, brokering a peace between the [[Na'im]] of the oasis and their breakaway relatives, the [[Al Nuaimi|Al Nuami]] of [[Ajman]] and the [[Al Bu Shamis]]. A number of interests jostled for Buraimi, including the [[List of rulers of Oman|Sultan of Muscat]], the [[Emirate of Nejd|Wahhabis]] (who had made a number of incursions) and Sultan bin Saqr of Sharjah, who had established a number of forts in the oasis. Tahnun commanded the loyalty of many of the Bedouin families in the area ('You will be aware that [[Ad Dhahirah Governorate|Dhahirah]] belongs to us' he told the British in 1839) and established his primacy there when, in 1824, an agreement was forced on Sharjah in which Sultan bin Saqr recognised Tahnun's claim to Buraimi and then demolished the forts he had built there.<ref name=":0" />
Tahnun had three sons, Hamdan, [[Said bin Tahnun Al Nahyan]] and Saqr.<ref name=":0" />
== Death ==
Mistrusting his uncles Sheikh [[Khalifah bin Shakbut Al Nahyan]] and Sultan bin Shakhbut, Tahnun kept them away from Abu Dhabi but his father persuaded him to let them return. He discovered them plotting to remove him and imprisoned a number of the plotters. This action spurred the conspirators to action and Tahnun was killed in 1833, by his two uncles. Khalifah became the next Ruler.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref>
== References ==
[[Category:History of the United Arab Emirates]]
[[Category:19th-century monarchs in the Middle East]]
[[Category:Sheikhs of Abu Dhabi]]
意味調べるHenri Brugnot
新規更新October 23, 2018 at 04:43PM
Henri Brugnot
Enrevseluj : Changement
'''Henri Brugnot''', né à [[Lyon]] le et mort à [[Uzès]] le , est un peintre français.
== Biographie ==
Élève de [[Jean-Baptiste Poncet]] à l'[[école des beaux-arts de Lyon]] (1890), puis de [[Fernand Cormon]] et [[Gustave Moreau]] à [[Paris]], on lui doit des paysages et des portraits.
Sociétaire du [[Salon d'automne]], il reçoit une mention honorable au [[Salon des artistes français]] de 1901<ref>René Édouard-Joseph, ''Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporains'', tome 1, A-E, Art & Édition, 1930, </ref>.
== Bibliographie ==
* René Édouard-Joseph, ''Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporains'', tome 1, A-E, Art & Édition, 1930,
* André Bernardy, ''Les artistes gardois: Peintres, sculpteurs, architectes, de 1820 à 1920'', 1980 ([https://ift.tt/2EFKUgD Lire en ligne])
* Gérald Schurr, ''Les Petits maîtres de la peinture, valeur de demain'', vol. 3, 1976,
* ''Bénézit'', 1999
== Notes et références ==
== Liens externes ==
[[Catégorie:Peintre français du XXe siècle]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance en mars 1874]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance à Lyon]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en janvier 1940]]
[[Catégorie:Décès à Uzès]]
Viện Quốc tế Nghiên cứu chiến lược
新規更新されました。 October 23, 2018 at 02:41PM
Viện Quốc tế Nghiên cứu chiến lược
意味調べるWorld Skate Europe – Rink Hockey
新規更新October 23, 2018 at 02:07PM
World Skate Europe – Rink Hockey /* Competições de clubes */
==Competições organizadas pelo World Skate Europe – Rink Hockey==
===Competições de clubes===
*[[Liga Europeia de Hóquei em Patins|Liga Europeia]]
*[[Taça World Skate Europe]]
*[[Taça Europeia Feminina de Hóquei em Patins|Taça Europeia Feminina]]
*[[Taça Continental de Hóquei em Patins|Taça Continental]]
===Competições de seleções===
*[[Campeonato Europeu de Hóquei em Patins|Campeonato Europeu]]
*[[Taça Latina (hóquei em patins)|Taça Latina]]
*[[Campeonato Europeu de Hóquei em Patins sub20|Campeonato Europeu de Sub-20]]
*[[Campeonato Europeu de Hóquei em Patins sub17|Campeonato Europeu de Sub-17]]
*[[Campeonato Europeu de hóquei em patins feminino|Campeonato Europeu Feminino]]
[[Categoria:Hóquei em patins]]
意味調べるFriedrich Wilhelm Becker
新規更新October 23, 2018 at 08:36AM
Friedrich Wilhelm Becker Basierend auf Angaben in Christian Gottfried Becker, DNB, VIAF, BBLD.
Seine Ehefrau war die Anna Margarethe Friederike Becker, geborene von Hueck (* 4. Juli 1788 in Reval ([[Tallinn]]); † 30. Oktober 1847 in Kiew). Friedrich Wilhelm Becker hatte drei Söhne:
* [[Paul Adam von Becker]] ([[Paula Modersohn-Becker]]s Großvater), Professor und Direktor des französischen [[Lycée Richelieu]] in [[Odessa]]<ref>Die erste Ehefrau und Mutter von Paulas Vater, [[Carl Woldemar Becker]] war Elise Wilhelmine Becker, geborene Dörstling (* 10. Februar 1818 [[Chemnitz]]; † 16. Januar 1844 [[Odessa]]). Die beiden heirateten in [[Wien]] am 25. Mai 1838. Seine Ehefrau ist eine [[Verwandtschaftsbeziehung#Cousins und Cousinen n. Grades|Cousine 1. Grades]], denn die Mutter seiner Ehefrau die Gottliebe Wilhelmine Doerstling, geborene Becker (* 10. August 1790 in [[Mittweida]]; 6. Juni 1855 in Chemnitz) war eine Tochter eben des Chemnitzer Textilfabrikanten Christian Gottfried Becker, der der Bruder des Vaters von Paul Adam von Becker ist ([[Nepotismus]])</ref>
* [[Wilhelm Gustav Becker]] () (1811–1874), Arzt
* Friedrich Woldemar Adam Becker (1825–1848), Jurist<ref>Biografische Daten, https://ift.tt/2R5qS0o [http://drw.saw-leipzig.de/30062]</ref><ref>[http://dokumente.ios-regensburg.de/amburger/?id=653 Friedrich Wilhelm Becker] in der Erik-Amburger-Datenbank. Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung.</ref> Sein Sohn [[Carl Woldemar Becker|Carl Woldemar]] war [[Ingenieur]] von Beruf und der Vater der Malerin Paula Modersohn-Becker.<ref>Barbara Beuys: ''Paula Modersohn-Becker. Oder: Wenn die Kunst das Leben ist.'' TB 3419, Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main / Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-458-35119-1, S. 9 f., [https://ift.tt/2q7jhmz Textauszug] (PDF; 294 kB).</ref>
* https://ift.tt/2R5dTMn
* https://ift.tt/2q7jhTB (dort 1775)
意味調べるСанта-Моника (залив)
新規更新October 23, 2018 at 04:13AM
Санта-Моника (залив)
Borzirina: ← Новая страница: «Залив Санта-Моника '''Залив Санта-Моника''' - бух…»
'''Залив Санта-Моника''' - бухта Тихого океана в Южной Калифорнии, США. Его границы однозначно не определены, но, как правило, считается частью Тихого океана в воображаемой линии, проведенной между [https://ift.tt/2Cy5jl9 мысом Дюм] в Малибу и полуостровом Палос Вердес Пенинсула. Он был создан [[Лос-Анджелес (река)|рекой Лос-Анджелес]] 1825 году в следствие ее катастрофического изменения. В этот залив впадает несколько водных каналов: Баллона-Крик, Малибу-Крик и Топанга-Крик.
На берегу залива Санта-Моника располагаются некоторые известные пляжи в мире: пляж залива Малибу (Surfrider), пляж штата Уилл Роджерс, пляж штата Санта-Моника и пляж штата Доквайлер.
В залив входят несколько причалов, включая пирс Малибу, пирс Санта-Моника, пирс Венеции, пирс Манхэттен-Бич, пирс Хермоса-Бич и пристань Редондо-Бич. Марина-дель-Рей - это дноуглубительная пристань. Залив также является очень популярным местом для рыбалки круглый год. А также здесь создан серфинговый риф - Chevron Reef.
== История ==
Когда-то крупный промысловый промысел, качество воды в заливе Санта-Моника резко сократилось в 20-м веке, так как развитие [[Лос-Анджелес (округ)|округа Лос-Анджелес]] привело к тому, что в его воды сбросили большое количество сточных вод. Благодаря реставрационным проектам, утвержденным Законом о чистой воде и защитными группами, как «Исцеляющий залив»<ref></ref> и «Фонд серфинга». Качество воды в заливе значительно улучшилось в начале 1980-х годов. Производительность завода по производству очистных сооружений Hyperion теперь намного выше, чем раньше. Тем не менее, во время дождливой зимы в регионе залив страдает от цветения водорослей, которое связанно с загрязнением воды, заставляя в то время закрыть большинство знаменитых пляжей вдоль его берега.
<references />
== Смотрите также ==
* [[Санта-Моника]]
* [[Лос-Анджелес (округ)]]
* [[Лос-Анджелес]]
* [[Лос-Анджелес (река)]]
* [[Катастрофа Boeing 727 под Лос-Анджелесом]]
* [[Катастрофа DC-8 под Лос-Анджелесом]]
Coronacion del emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico
新規更新されました。 October 22, 2018 at 09:48PM
Coronacion del emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico
2018-19 曼菲斯灰熊賽季
新規更新されました。 October 22, 2018 at 07:54PM
2018-19 曼菲斯灰熊賽季
Johann Geusendam
新規更新されました。 October 22, 2018 at 07:43PM
Johann Geusendam
Vụ xe lửa bị trật bánh tại Nghi Lan, 2018
新規更新されました。 October 22, 2018 at 05:41PM
Vụ xe lửa bị trật bánh tại Nghi Lan, 2018
意味調べるAl Mualla
新規更新October 22, 2018 at 03:51PM
Al Mualla
Alexandermcnabb: dar
The family was traditionally at the head of the Al Ali tribe. The Al Ali (singular, Aliyi), were some 6,750 strong at the turn of the 19th century<ref></ref> and were almost all settled either at Umm Al Quwain (1,000 families) or the inland town of Falaj Al Ali (later to be known as [[Falaj Al-Mu'alla|Falaj Al Mualla]]). Some 200 settled Al Ali families lived in [[Sharjah]] and 150 in [[Ras Al Khaimah]], although there was also a small Bedouin section of some 140 families who roamed a ''dar'' between [[Al Jazirah Al Hamra|Jazirat Al Hamra]] and Falaj Al Ali. There was a [[Persian people|Persian]] group of Al Ali, who referred to the Umm Al Quwain section as 'Al Mualla'. The tribe originated in [[Najd|Nejd]].<ref></ref>
== Founding Umm Al Quwain ==
The first known head of the Al Ali when they settled at Umm Al Quwain was [[Rashid bin Majid Al Mualla|Sheikh Rashid bin Majid Al Mualla]]. Sheikh Rashid was responsible for the construction of [[Umm Al Quwain Fort]] in the town in 1768,<ref name=":0">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> today home to Umm Al Qawain musuem.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref>
The fort and its watchtower were built after the Al Ali tribe moved from the island of Sinniyah to the mainland after water supplies on the island were exhausted.<ref></ref>
== Rulers ==
The successive Al Mualla rulers of Umm Al Quwain were:<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)</ref>
* 1768–1820: [[Rashid bin Majid Al Mualla|Sheikh Rashid bin Majid Al Mualla]]
* 1820–1853: [[Abdullah bin Rashid Al Mualla|Sheikh Abdullah bin Rashid Al Mualla]]
* 1853–1873: [[Ali bin Abdullah Al Mualla|Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al Mualla]]
* 1873–1904: [[Ahmad bin Abdullah Al Mualla|Sheikh Ahmad bin Abdullah Al Mualla]] (b. 18?? – d. 1904)
* 13 June 1904 – 1922: [[Rashid bin Ahmad Al Mualla|Sheikh Rashid bin Ahmad Al Mualla]] (b. 1876 – d. 1922)
* 1922 – October 1923: [[Abdullah bin Rashid Al Mualla II|Sheikh Abdullah bin Rashid Al Mualla II]]
* October 1923 – 9 February 1929: [[Hamad bin Ibrahim Al Mualla|Sheikh Hamad bin Ibrahim Al Mualla]]
* 9 February 1929 – 21 February 1981: Sheikh [[Ahmad bin Rashid Al Mualla]] (b. 1904 – d. 1981)
* 21 February 1981 – 2 January 2009: [[Rashid bin Ahmad Al Mualla II|Sheikh Rashid bin Ahmad Al Mualla]] II (b. 1932 – d. 2009)
* 2 January 2009–present: Sheikh [[Saud bin Rashid Al Mualla]] (b. 1952)
== References ==
[[Category:Middle Eastern royal families]]
[[Category:Tribes of the United Arab Emirates]]
[[Category:Royal families]]
[[Category:Arab dynasties]]
[[Category:History of the United Arab Emirates]]
意味調べるGobernación de Arcángel
新規更新October 22, 2018 at 11:48AM
Gobernación de Arcángel
Shadowxfox: Desambiguando enlaces a Mezén (enlace cambiado a Mezén (ciudad); enlace cambiado a Mezén (ciudad)) con DisamAssist.
El área de la gobernación es actualmente repartido entre las óblast de [[Óblast de Arcángel|Arcángel]] y [[Óblast de Múrmansk|Múrmansk]], las repúblicas de [[República de Komi|Komi]] y [[República de Carelia|Carelia]], y el distrito autónomo de[[Distrito autónomo de Nenetsia| Nenetsia]].
== Historia ==
[[Archivo:Nakolka_(Arkhangelsk_Governorate_late_19th_early_20th_century).jpg|miniaturadeimagen|Mujer "Nakolka" de la gobernación de Arcángel, finales del siglo XIX.]]
En 1780 fue abolida la [[gobernación de Arjangelgorod]], con capital en Arcángel, y transformada en el [[virreinato de Vólogda]]. El virreinato estaba subdividido en tres [[Óblast|óblasts]]: Vólogda, Veliki Ústiug, y Arcángel. El 26 de marzo de 1784, la [[óblast de Arcángel]] fue segregado y se formó con su territorio el [[virreinato de Arcángel]]'''.''' El zar [[Pablo I de Rusia|Pablo I]] emitió un decreto el 12 de diciembre de 1796 transformó el virreinato de Arcángel en una [[gobernación]]. Simultáneamente, el [[virreinato de Olónets]] fue abolido, y los uyezd de Kem y Povenet fueron transferidos a la gobernación de Arcángel.<ref name="arxiv"></ref>
En 1780, la [[óblast de Arcángel]] (y más tarde el [[virreinato de Arcángel]]) estaba subdividida en siete [[Uyezd|uyezds]]:
* [[Arcángel (Rusia)|Arcángel]]
* Kholmogory
* [[Kola (ciudad)|Kola]]
* [[Mezén (ciudad)|Mezén]]
* [[Onega (ciudad)|Onega]]
* [[Pinega]]
* [[Shénkursk]]
Mezén, Onega, y Pinega fueron incorporadas como ciudades en 1780. Kola fue incorporada en 1784.
[[Archivo:Zapadnye_gubernii_Rossii_1917.png|izquierda|miniaturadeimagen|La parte europea del Imperio ruso en 1917. La gobernación de Arcángel se muestra arriba del mapa en amarillo.]]
En 1801, porciones del uyezd de Povenet fueron transferidos a la [[gobernación de Olónets]], mientras el de Kem quedó en la de Arcángel. En 1854, la ciudad de Kola fue destruida durante la [[guerra de Crimea]], y el uyezd de Kola fue fusionado con el de Kem. En 1883, el uyezd de Kola fue restaurado.
La estructura de la gobernación permaneció después de la [[Revolución de Octubre|revolción de 1917]]. En 1918, la parte occidental del uyezd de [[Aleksandrov]] fue transferido a [[Finlandia]], y el resto del uyezd fue incorporado a la [[gobernación de Múrmansk]]. En 1920, el uyez de Kem fue transferido a la Comuna Laboral de Carelia, que más tarde fue convertida en la [[República Socialista Soviética Carelo-Finesa]]. En 1922, la parte más importante del uyezd de Pechora fue movido al recién establecido [[óblast autónomo Komi-Ziriano]].
En el periodo siguiente, los cambios administrativos en la gobernación ocurrieron casi de forma anual. En 1928, la gobernación constaba de cinco uyezds: [[Arcángel (Rusia)|Arcángel]],
[[Mezén (ciudad)|Mezén]], [[Onega]], [[Pinega]], y [[Shénkursk]].
El 14 de enero de 1929, por orden del [[Comité Ejecutivo Central Panruso]], tres [[Gobernación|gobernaciones]] (Arcángel, Vólogda, y Dvina Septentrional) y la [[Óblast autónomo Komi-Ziriano|óblast autónomo Komi-Zirian]] fueron fusionadas en el [[krai del Norte]].
== Demografía ==
=== Lengua ===
{| class="wikitable plainlinks TablePager" align="center" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"
!Porcentaje (%)
|[[Idioma ruso|Ruso]]
|294 865
|139 174
|155 691
|[[Idioma komi|Ziriano]]
|23 259
|11 058
|12 201
|[[Idioma carelio|Carelia]]
|19 522
|[[Lenguas samoyedas|Samoyeda]]
|3 874
|2 030
|1 844
|[[Lenguas sami|Lapi]]
|1 742
|[[Idioma finés|Finlandés]]
|1 276
|[[Idioma polaco|Polaco]]
|[[Idioma bielorruso|Bieloruso]]
|Noruego y danés
|[[Idioma romaní|Romaní]]
|[[Idioma lituano|Lituano]]
|[[Idioma ucraniano|Ucraniano]]
|[[Idioma estonio|Estoniano]]
|346 536
|163 784
|182 752
== Referencias ==
[[Categoría:Estados y territorios desaparecidos en 1929]]
[[Categoría:Estados y territorios fundados en 1796]]
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