新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 08:57PM
مرام البتيري
حرب المئة عام العثمانية الكرواتية
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 08:43PM
حرب المئة عام العثمانية الكرواتية
意味調べるAlexander Dick (disambiguation)
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 09:38PM
Alexander Dick (disambiguation)
ScottDavis: create disambiguation page
Other people named Alexander or Alec Dick include:
*[[Alexander Dick (politician)]] (1827–1867), Australian politician
*[[Alec Dick (footballer)]] (1865–1925), Scottish footballer
*[[Alexander Dick (silversmith)]] (1791–1843), Scottish-Australian silversmith[https://ift.tt/2QvOTNS]
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 07:29PM
Uruk: /* Véase también */
'''''Lanval''''' es uno de los [[Lais de María de Francia]]. Escrito en lengua [[Idioma anglonormando|anglo-normanda]], cuenta la historia de Lanval, un caballero de la corte del [[rey Arturo]], quien no es tenido en cuenta por el rey, cortejado por una [[hada]], quien le concede todo tipo de presentes, y posteriormente rechaza las insinuaciones amorosas de la reina [[Guinevere]]. La trama se complica por la promesa de Lanval de no revelar la identidad de su amante, la cual rompe cuando Guinevere le acusa de "no sentir deseo por las mujeres". Guinevere acusa a Lanval con Arturo de avergonzarla, y Arturo, en una prolongada escena de juicio, le exije que revele quien es su amante. A pesar que la promesa había sido quebrada, finalmente aparece el hada amante para dar cuenta de la verdad de los dichos de Lanval, y llevarlo con ella a [[Avalon]]. El cuento era popular, y fue adaptado al idioma ingles con el titulo de ''Sir Landevale'', ''[[Sir Launfal]]'', y ''Sir Lambewell''.<ref>Colette Stévanovitch, "Enquiries into the Textual History of the Seventeenth-Century Sir Lambewell (British Library, Additional 27897)", in ''Palimpsests and the Literary Imagination of Medieval England'', eds. Leo Carruthers, Raeleen Chai-Elsholz, Tatjana Silec. New York: Palgrave, 2011. 193-204.</ref>
Lanval, a knight in [[King Arthur]]'s court, envied for "his valor, his generosity, his beauty, his prowess", is forgotten from being invited to a banquet where the King distributed rewards, and falls into penury. Lanval rode out to a meadow one day and lay down by a stream. Two women appear and direct him to a tent to see their lady, who is in love with him. Lanval is immediately struck by the lady's beauty (who is never mentioned by name) and they become lovers. She blesses him that, "the more richly he spends, the more gold and silver he will have," and that she will come when he wants her, but only on the condition that he does not tell anyone else of her.
Lanval goes home and gives gifts, and they continue to meet. After a while he is invited to join the knights by [[Gawain]]. The Queen ([[Guinevere]]) makes advances to Lanval, which he rebuffs, and the Queen accuses him of [[homosexuality]]. He protests by saying he has a mistress, even whose handmaidens more beautiful than the queen, thus breaking his oath of secrecy to the [[fairy]] mistress, and defaming the queen at the same time.
The queen then complains to Arthur that Lanval asked to be her lover and when she refused him he said he loved someone more beautiful, and Arthur puts Lanval on trial. It is decided that if his lady comes then they will know that Lanval would not have made advances on the queen. Lanval has been calling to her, to no avail. Lanval becomes very sullen and almost depressed because he is longing for his lover to come and prove herself and to prove that the promise that they made with each other was true. A lot of the barons and other knights believed Lanval, but they did not want to go against their king so they agree to the trial. Lanval at this point is all on his own until there is a shift in the narrative. The day of the trial arrives and first her maidens come, then her. By her beauty and request, Lanval is freed and hops up behind her on her horse to go to [[Avalon]].<ref></ref>
The work was written in eight-syllable couplets, the standard form of French narrative verse.<ref>"Lanval," ''Norton Anthology of English Literature'', Stephen Greenblatt, General Editor. New York, 2006.</ref> ''Lanval'' is related to two other anonymous lais: ''[[Graelent]]'' and ''[[Guingamor]]''.<ref></ref> With ''Graelent'' it shares a plot structure involving a fair lover whose identity must not be revealed if her love is to be kept.
==Historical context==
''Lanval'' is one of [[Marie de France]]'s 12-[[Lai (poetic form)|lai]] collection, and only one explicitly set in Arthur's court with reference to the [[Round Table (Camelot)|Round Table]] and the isle of Avalon](although the lai ''[[Chevrefoil]]'' too can be classed as Arthurian material).<ref>; cited in </ref> It was composed after [[Geoffrey of Monmouth|Geoffrey of Monmouth's]] who wrote of King Arthur in ''[[History of the Kings of Britain]]'' (ca. 1136) and of Avalon in ''[[Vita Merlini|Life of Merlin]]'' (ca. 1150).<ref></ref> A lai is a lyrical, narrative written in octosyllabic couplets that often deals with tales of adventure and romance. Lais were mainly composed in France and Germany, during the 13th and 14th centuries.
Marie's lays despite the [[fairy tale]] atmosphere all feature ordinary humans, except for ''Lanval'' which features an immortal "fairy mistress". Here too, she is not "particularly supernatural" in her described manners and guises. However, she is evidently from the [[Otherworld]] and able to confer everlasting life on her lover.<ref></ref> Lanval is rescued from Arthur's judgment by his mistress, which reverses the traditional gender roles of the knight in shining armor and the damsel in distress—at the conclusion, Lanval leaps onto the back of his mistress's horse and they ride off to Avalon.
Having composed Lanval around 1170-1215, Marie wrote near the time of the Third Lateran Council 1179, which prescribed excommunication for those guilty of [[sodomy]]. This was following a tradition derived from a misreading of the Bible that the innocent in [[Sodom and Gomorrah]] were killed as well as the guilty for homosexuality, although it states that God only slew the wicked. Thus, homosexuality became a sin not just against oneself, as with other sexual sin, but an endangerment to everyone near the person. In France it was punishable by hanging. The only way to prove sexuality was to have open mistresses, and so abstinence or not condemning the sin led to imagined guilt. Lanval, by saying that he did not want to betray the king implied that the queen was behaving traitorously. By declaring him a homosexual, Guinevere reflected that charge back on him because everyone was endangered by that sin, according to common belief.<ref>Juraisinski, Stefan. "[https://ift.tt/2zV4dOQ Treason and the Charge of Sodomy in the Lai de Lanval]." Romance Quarterly. November 1, 2010: pg. 290-302.</ref>
Lanval's economic situation at the beginning of the Lai also has basis in history. Lanval is depicted as a knight that experiences personal alienation in reflection of the actual alienation of twelfth century lower nobility that primarily consisted of younger, unmarried sons. During the crisis of aristocracy, caused by the reconstitution of monarchy and through the rise of the urban bourgeoisie, the ''bacheliers'' or ''jeunes'' found themselves in a position of being without land or in the need to sell that which they did own in order to pay off their debts. Lanval is poor not just because of neglect but also because he has spent all that he has inherited.<ref></ref> His condition reflects both a class and generation whose dispossession is the result of a matrimonial model that works against the interest of women and younger sons. Under which if the eldest son survived to the age of marriage and reproduction, the younger siblings were left to wander far from home, much like depicted within the opening lines of ''Lanval''. His wandering into the countryside and encounter with the fairy mistress represent the dream of possession. She serves as a foil to reality, while he is exiled, she has left her own country to find him and while he is neglected by Arthur, she holds him above all other knights. Most importantly while Lanval is poor, she is rich beyond measure. ''Lanval'' can be read as a sort of parody of the numerous damsel in distress tales in which a valiant knight rescues a maiden. As within ''Lanval'' it is the fairy mistress saving the valiant knight from distress instead. She is the literary incarnation of a fantasized solution to class issues which persisted in actual history during the twelfth century for young knights.<ref></ref>
This lai makes a number of references to ancient history. When describing the opulence of the fairy lady's lodgings, Marie de France describes them as being superior to those of the [[Assyria]]n queen [[Semiramis]] and the Roman emperor [[Augustus|Octavian]]. Another example is Guinevere's denouncement of Lanval, which is an allusion to the story found in [[Book of Genesis|Genesis]] 39:7, where the wife of the powerful [[Potiphar]] falsely accuses [[Joseph (Hebrew Bible)|Joseph]] of trying to seduce her against her will.<ref>Marie de France, "Les Lais de Marie de France", p. 151, traduits et annotés par Harf-Lancner, L., Livre de Poche 1990.</ref>
The idea of the woman being more beautiful than any other woman is an allusion to her being a fairy. Which in this story shows that this story is more fairy tale than factual.
One reading of the text introduces the theme that such a devoted love as Lanval's can't exist within the society of the day. This is first symbolized when Lanval abandons his horse to go into the woods to see the lady. This represents his willingness to leave behind the world he knows and the world which makes him an outcast. As he forsakes the world he knows he is well rewarded by the unnamed lady who only asks that he keep their love a secret. His "love" becomes that more impassioned and he is willing to drift away from the world he knows. This is seen when Gawain invites him to spend time with him and the other knights—however it is not long before Lanval drifts off to be by himself."Marie wishes us to realize, however, the tragedy that such an intensely personal love will always be at odds with the world, so dedicated to society of others. Consider how no other characters ever act or are seen alone in the poem. The only other valiant character, Gawain, is nevertheless always described as being part of a company, even when they are nameless, as though to suggest he cannot act without his buddies. Arthur cannot decide Lanval's fate without calling together his men, who then request that they contact more men to facilitate the process." <ref></ref>
Another reading can be seen from a sexual standpoint. Marie de France's story begins with a young knight of the Arthurian court named Lanval. Lanval is a "king's son" who feels he has great potential because of lineage. He is a knight possessed of great qualities including both beauty and valor, and as a result is envied by many other knights who would not have grieved had he suffered misfortune. Arthur never grants him anything, despite his loyal service, and neither do the other knights make any effort to help him. As he was born far away and has long since spent his inheritance, Lanval lives a sad, lonely life.<ref>https://ift.tt/2zUipHC> In search of fulfillment and help from his "sorrows",
Lanval saddles a horse and rides off into the forest in search of enlightenment as to the meaning of his life. Marie de France's understanding of Lanval's, and most adolescents', psychology is impressive. She continues to follow this psychology and Lanval's transition from boy to man throughout her lais, but does it in a more symbolic and cryptic form. Lanval enters the forest in search of something. The forest is a common representation of the unknown or discovery that we later see in early American literature, and that still exists today (Peterson). Once Lanval enters the forest, it is clear the forest truly represents discovery. As he enters the forest he finds a nameless woman who "[grants] him her love and her body", facilitating his transition from boyhood to manhood. However, this relationship that Lanval has with the unknown woman is more like that of masturbation. It is a way of self-gratification and done in secret. Though this relationship he feels more like a man but is unable to tell other the source of his confidence. This transition comes strictly from finding his sexuality, which will later be threatened by the very court that caused him his previous turmoil.
By realizing the whole purpose of Lanval's journey to the woods, and his new found sexuality we also understand the purpose of the unnamed woman. Her whole existence is based upon Lanval and awaking his sex drive. This gives great insight into how many women felt throughout this time period, but also how they were viewed: as necessary objects for the future generation. By the end of the poem Lanval's ultimate lover still has no name. Nevertheless, she shows Lanval mercy by saving him from a terrible fate, despite his having broken his only promise to her. Many people view "Lanval" as being a rather revolutionary story for its time in regard to feminism because of the unnamed woman's heroic ending. She saves Lanval instead of the traditional knight who saves the damsel in distress.Though this is one possible solution, it is also important to remember that this woman is no more than a nameless beauty with no personality. Her only role within the story is to gratify Lanval, but she also has the power to withhold that gratification. This is what is most different and makes steps to changing the game of romance so to say. Now women have a voice, though not much of one. They might not be able to simply refuse a man, but they are now able to set conditions through which men can obtain their gratification. Here Marie has set women on a pedestal causing them to appear more desirable while also setting parameters in order to achieve that beauty. Another point of interest is when she comes to rescue Lanval and comes riding upon a [[palfrey]] and putting Lanval behind her. The story ends with "No one ever hear[ing] another word of him".
Lanval has a fairy-tale like simplicity, and leaves the realm of reality for a "happily ever after." Avalon remains the utopic place accessed only through rejection of and by the real world. As readers of Lanval in the twenty-first century, we only have one reaction: Happiness, and maybe relief at the justice the story offers Lanval.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
In Lanval there is a parallel between Lanval's relationship with Arthur, and with lady. Lanval was a foreigner, and Arthur would not give him gifts despite Lanval being his vassal. This was a break of the traditional lord and vassal relationship, and Arthur possibly did it to ensure that Lanval would not leave once he had enough money. However, Lanval swears undying love to his lady, breaks his promise to her in order to prove his love for her. This is a break from courtly love, in that Lanval's love is not adulterous. His love forgives him, and even takes him to Avalon in contrast to Arthur's unwillingness to fulfill a lord's obligations.<ref>Ireland, Patrick John. "[https://ift.tt/2BZNnj1 The Narrative Unity of Marie de France]", ''Studies in Philology''. April 1, 1997: pp. 130–145.</ref>
==Véase también==
*[[Literatura anglonormanda]]
*[[Literatura medieval]]
*[[Literatura francesa en la Edad Media]]
*Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
*|author=Marie de France |others=Shoaf, Judith P. (translator)|title=Lanval|year=1990 |url=http://www.clas.ufl.edu/~jshoaf/Marie/lanval.pdf}}
[[Category:Literatura anglonormanda]]
[[Category:Caballeros de la mesa redonda]]
意味調べるFelix de Salm-Salm
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 07:24PM
Felix de Salm-Salm
== Une principauté dans la révolution ==
Le prince Félix est issu de la [[Maison de Salm]], princes possessionés dans l'actuel département des Vosges. La principauté fut annexée à la France en 1793. Le prince [[Frédéric III de Salm-Kyrbourg]] fut condamné à mort par le tribunal révolutionnaire en 1794. Sa sœur [[Amélie Zéphyrine de Salm-Kyrbourg]], épouse du prince souverain [[Antoine Aloys de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen]], était une proche amie de la [[Joséphine de Beauharnais|vicomtesse de Beauharnais]] dont le mari, amant de la princesse, était monté à l'échafaud avec le prince de Salm. Cette jeune veuve était la maîtresse du ci-devant [[Paul Barras|vicomte de Barras]], homme fort du régime qui, désirant s'en séparer, la maria à un général sans fortune [[Napoléon Ier|Napoléon Bonaparte]]. Ces relations permirent aux princes de Salm de retrouver en 1803 un état souverain à partir des dépouilles de l'évêché de Münster en [[Westphalie]]. Le pouvoir fut partagé entre les branches de Salm-Kyrbourg et leurs cousins vosgiens de la branche de Salm-Salm. Le prince Florentin de Salm-Salm (1786-1846) épousa Flaminia Di Rossi (1795-1840), une nièce d'[[Élisa Bonaparte]]. En 1815, le [[Congrès de Vienne]] médiatisa les états de ces princes trop compromis avec l'envahisseur.
== Un prince aventurier ==
Le prince Félix est leur troisième fils. Sujet du roi de Prusse, il fut élevé pour devenir officier. En 1846, il intégra le 11è régiment de Hussards et s'illustra durant la première guerre du Schleswig où il fut sérieusement blessé. En 1859, il rejoignit l'armée Autrichienne et combattit contre les sardes. Cependant sa vie dissolue, émaillée de scandales et de duels, choquait sa famille. Il tenta alors sa chance en Amérique où venait d'éclater la guerre de sécession. Il offrit ses services à l'Union.
Au cours d'une soirée donnée par le président [[Abraham Lincoln]] en 1861, il rencontre Agnès Leclerq Joy, une funambuliste qui s'était rendue célèbre par ses prouesses vertigineuses. Les deux aventuriers s'éprirent l'un de l'autre et s'épousèrent l'année suivante. La princesse de Salm-Salm, particulièrement attachée à son mari, le suivait sur les champs de bataille et ne pouvant s'enrôler, devint infirmière militaire. En juin 1864, le prince Félix fut promu colonel.
Les états confédérés ayant été vaincus et la paix signée, le prince offrit ses services à [[Maximilien Ier (empereur du Mexique)|Maximilien Ier (empereur du Mexique) dont la présence était contestée par les rebelles de]] [[Benito Juárez]]. Promu [[aide-de-camp]] du souverain, il fut fait prisonnier avec lui et avec lui condamné à mort. Cependant, l'action de la princesse Agnès porta en partie ses fruits. N'ayant pu sauver l'empereur, elle obtint néanmoins la grâce de son mari qui fut libéré en décembre 1867.
== Retour en Europe et fin des aventures ==
Le couple retourna en Europe. En 1870, le prince combattit une dernière fois sous l'uniforme Prussien. Il tomba lors de [[Bataille de Saint-Privat]] le 18 août 1870.Sa dépouille fut inhumée sur le champ de bataille et son nom figure sur une plaque commémorative d'un des cimetières militaires du village. La princesse Agnès lui survécut 42 ans. elle s'éteignit en 1912 à l'âge de 75 ans.
[[Catégorie: Naissance en 1828]]
[[Catégorie: Décès en 1870]]
[[Catégorie: Bataille de Moselle]]
意味調べるВсеобщие выборы в Донецкой Народной Республике (2018)
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 03:21PM
Всеобщие выборы в Донецкой Народной Республике (2018) ← Новая страница: « '''Всеобщие выборы в Донецк…»
'''Всеобщие выборы в Донецкой Народной Республики''' состоятся [[11 ноября]] [[2018 год|2018 года]], аналогичные выборы состоятся в ЛНР.
== Структура выборов ==
Temi LGBT nella fiction speculativa
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 03:28PM
Temi LGBT nella fiction speculativa
Шумкина, Елена Юрьевна
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 02:56PM
Шумкина, Елена Юрьевна
Queda de Mogadíscio
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 12:26PM
Queda de Mogadíscio
意味調べるOperación Vellocino de Oro
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 11:06AM
Operación Vellocino de Oro
Lordthe6: Creado al traducir la página «Operation Golden Fleece»
== Griegos en Abjasia ==
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los griegos étnicos de la ASR abjasia fueron deportados por orden de Joseph Stalin en 1949-1950. Se les permitió regresar a fines de la década de 1950, sin embargo, su número nunca alcanzó el nivel previo a la deportación..<ref></ref>
La mayoría de los griegos huyeron de Abjasia (principalmente a Grecia y Rusia) durante y después de la guerra de 1992-1993, por lo que su número disminuyó de 14.664 en 1989 a solo 1.486 en 2003.<ref name="2003 Census statistics (in Russian)">[https://ift.tt/1GHpqra 2003 Census statistics] </ref>
== Referencias ==
== Enlaces externos ==
* Caucasus, 15 años desde entonces la operación Dorada Fleece(en griego) [[Category:Articles with Greek-language external links|Category:Articles with Greek-language external links]]
* [https://ift.tt/2NoB1Dn Abkhazia archivo: fuego de guerra, cenizas de historia]
* [https://ift.tt/2y2v21U Abkhazia: Tragedia cultural Revisited]
[[Conflicto georgiano-abjasio|Conflicto Georgiano-Abjasio]]
[[Categoría:Grecia en 1993]]
[[Categoría:Conflicto georgiano-abjasio]]
[[Categoría:Diáspora griega]]
[[Categoría:Operaciones militares de Grecia]]
محظورات الطعام والشراب
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 10:12AM
محظورات الطعام والشراب
Anatoli Filatow (Pokerspieler)
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 09:12AM
Anatoli Filatow (Pokerspieler)
意味調べるطرزان مانيسا
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 11:01AM
طرزان مانيسا
JarBot: بوت:صيانة 4.V2، أضاف وسم يتيمة
[[ملف:ManisaTarzanStatue_AhmetBedevi_ManisaTurkey.jpg|وصلة=https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:ManisaTarzanStatue_AhmetBedevi_ManisaTurkey.jpg|تصغير|تمثال طرزان مانيسا (أحمد بدوي), [[مانيسا (مدينة)|مانيسا]]]]
'''أحمد بدوي''' (طرزان مانيسا)''',''' '''أحمد الدين كارلاك''' وفقاً للسجلات الرسمية للدولة العثمانية (مواليد 1899 [[سامراء]]، [[العراق تحت الحكم العثماني]] - الوفاة 31 مايو 1963 [[مانيسا (مدينة)|مانيسا]], [[تركيا]])، من أصل [[تركمان|تركماني]] من [[كركوك]]. يحمل ميدالية الاستقلال وحارب في [[حرب الاستقلال التركية|حرب الاستقلال]].
يعتبر طرزان مانيسا أول [[عالم بيئة|عالم بيئي]] في تركيا وقد زرع آلاف الأشجار في مانيسا. حصل على لقب كارلاك بسبب ملابسه الهزيلة، ويعيش في جبل سبيل ويتجول فقط في شوارع مانيسا، وسمي بطرزان مانيسا بعد ظهوره في فيلم [[طرزان مانيسا (فيلم)|طرزان مانيسا]] عام 1934.
تحول طرزان مانيسا إلى أسطورة في عام 1963 وأقيمت له العديد من التماثيل في المقاطعة. في [[31 مايو]] تقام أحتفالات في مانيسا، من كل عام في ذكرى وفاته.
== حياته ==
ولد كارلاك عام 1899. وفقاً للتقارير، إما في [[بغداد]] أو [[سامراء]]. شارك كارلاك في [[حرب الاستقلال التركية|حرب الأستقلال التركية]] في [[عنتاب]] وكان واحداً من تلك القوات التي غزت [[إزمير|أزمير]].
وأُصيب في الحرب وحصل على ميدالية الأستقلال لشجاعته. مباشرة بعد الحرب أستقر كارلاك في مانيسا. هناك تعجب من آثار حريق كبير. وكانت إعادة تشجير المنطقة منذ ذلك الحين مضمون حياته. زرع أحمد بدوي عدد لا يحصى من الأشجار. ومنذ عام 1924 لم يحلق لحيته بعدها. لهذا السبب، دعاه الناس أولاً Hacı ("[[حاج (حج)|حاج]]"). وسرعان ما أرتدى كارلاك السراويل القصيرة. وترك جسده العلوي مكشوفًا.
عاش وحيدًا في كوخ لمدة 40 عامًا، وأُطلق عليه أسم "طوبكالي" (قلعة المدفع)، وأستخدم أسم أحمد بدوي. ربما كان أحد سكان مانيسا قد أعطاه لقب أحمد بدوي.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2y2xgP7 Tarzan ve 'Haşlaklar'] https://ift.tt/2NoAKAl vom 2. Juni 2014</ref> تعلم بدوي في Halk Mektepleri (المدارس الأبتدائية) النص اللاتيني التركي وشارك في الحياة العامة. وزار المدينة بأنتظام، حيث كان يعمل في ديدي نيازيس المحلي. في المقابل، كان أحمد بدوي يحضر الماء من الجبل إلى المطعم. في بعض الأحيان، كان بدوي يقوم بعمل إضافي لإدارة المدينة. في عام 1933، تعاقد براتب شهري بـ30 [[ليرة تركية]] كمساعد بستاني.
في عام 1934، تم عرض فيلم للرد على فيلم طرزان في دور عرض مانيسا، وأطلق على بدوي لقب "طرزان مانيسا".
وقد شارك بدوي في مسيرات أنتصارية رسمية أحتفالاً بالحرب الثورية. أرتدى بدوي الميدالية على ورقة من النخيل زخرفية التي ربطها حول رقبته.
كان بدوي متسلق جبال. جنباً إلى جنب مع أعضاء نادي تسلق الجبال المحلي أنضم إلى [[جبل أرارات|أرارات]]، و جبل جيلو (1957)، و جبال أنتي-طوروس و جبل دميركازيك (1959).<ref>[https://ift.tt/2y2uE3E Torunları tarzan dedelerini unuttular] Manisahaberleri vom 31. Mai 2015</ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/2NpZVSX Türkiye'nin İlk Dağcılık kulübü Manisa'da Kuruldu] www.manisahaberleri.com vom 14. Juli 2014</ref>
في عام 1959، زار أحمد بدوي، جنباً إلى جنب مع نادي تسلق مانيسل [[قونية]] و<nowiki/>[[نيدا]]. جذب ظهوره عشرات الآلاف من المتفرجين. في البداية أراد بدوي دخول متحف [[جلال الدين الرومي|مولانا]] وتم منعه بسبب جسمه العلوي العاري. من ناحية أخرى، أشار بدوي إلى نقش فوق الباب، والذي كتب عليه: "تعالوا إلي، أياً كنت!" ، ودخل.
== الوفاة ==
توفي أحمد بدوي في 31 مايو 1963 في مستشفى الدولة من [[قصور القلب]]. أفادت صحيفة ''حريت'' في 1 يونيو 1963 تحت عنوان "''وفاة طرزان مانيسا''" عن وفاته. دفن كارلاك في المقبرة العصرية في مانيسا، على الرغم من أن أمنيته الأخيرة كانت هي أن يدفن في "توبكالي".<ref>Hürriyet vom 1. Juni 1963 [https://ift.tt/2y2uEAG Online]</ref>
== مقتطفات ==
* يُدعى أسبوع العمل البيئي في مانيسا بـ"أسبوع بيئة طرزان مانيسا". جوائز مجلس المدينة "جوائز طرزان".
* مشجعو [[مانيساسبور]] تشير إلى بدوي بأسم "Tarzanlar" (طرزان).
* وتسمى مدرسة مانيسا الأبتدائية "مدرسة أحمد بدوي طرزان مانيسا".
* تم تصوير حياة أحمد بدوي عام 1994 من قبل أورهان أوغوز بعنوان "[[طرزان مانيسا (فيلم)|طرزان مانيسا]]". يعتبر الفيلم أول فيلم بيئي في تركيا.
* يسمى شارع في مانيسا بـ"شارع طرزان".
* تحتوي حديقة الفاتح في مانيسا على نصب تذكاري يعرض أحمد بدوي بالحجم الطبيعي، "تمثال طرزان".
* كان يسمى حدث عبر البلاد في مانيسا في عام 2015 بـ"طرزان مانيسا".
* ويزعم بأن أحمد بدوي يظهر يومياً في الساعة 12:00 بتوقيت أطلاق المدفع.
* يقال إن بدوي قد تلقى العديد من رسائل الحب التي فقدت بعد وفاته.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2NqVzv1 O bir halk kahramanı!] manisainternethaber.com vom 30. Mai 2014</ref>
== المراجع ==
'''مواقع المصدر'''
* https://ift.tt/2y60UTq
'''الكتب المرجعية والمطبوعات'''
* "''كانوا دائماً هناك''" المؤلف: سوناي أكين
* ''نشر مكتب حاكم مانيسا من أجل الترويج للمنشورات المختلفة.''
<references />
== الأدب ==
* Bedriye Aksakal: Yeşilin Atası Manisa Tarzanı. 1993
[[تصنيف:أتراك من أصل عراقي]]
[[تصنيف:محافظة مانيسا]]
[[تصنيف:مواليد 1899]]
[[تصنيف:وفيات 1963]]
意味調べるVilla Malta
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 10:48AM
Villa Malta
[[Imagem:Villa Malta on Pincio by Domenico Quaglio 1830.jpg|thumb|direita|upright=1.2|Pintura da ''Villa Malta'' (1830) por [[Domenico Quaglio]].]]
'''''Villa Malta''''', conhecida também como '''''Villa del Pino''''' ou '''''Villa della Rose''''', é uma ''[[villa]]'' localizada na ''Via di Porta Pinciana'', no [[rione]] [[Campo Marzio (rione)|Campo Marzio]] de [[Roma]], no [[monte Pincio]]<ref name=IR></ref>.
== História ==
Esta grande ''[[villa]]'' surge num terreno onde em tempos antigos ficavam os [[Jardins de Lúculo]] () e a estrutura original remonta ao século XVI. Conta a lenda que, em abril de 1503, o cozinheiro do [[cardeal]] [[Giovanni Michiel]], proprietário do terreno e que tinha sua residência no local desde 1468, o envenenou instigado por [[Cesare Borgia]], que conseguiu adquirir depois a propriedade<ref name=IR/>. Logo depois os [[Orsini]] ali construíram um palacete com uma [[torre medieval|torre fortificada]]<ref name=RS/>.
[[Imagem:Johan Christian Dahl - Scene from the Villa Malta - Google Art Project.jpg|thumb|direita|upright=1.2|Outra vista, por [[Johan Christian Dahl]] (1821).]]
Em 1581, Latino Orsini vendeu a propriedade para os [[Mattei]] e, em 1611, Lavinia Calvi Mattei<ref name=IR/> a vendeu aos [[Frades Mínimos]] do convento da ''[[Trinità dei Monti|Santissima Trinità dei Monti]]'', que acrescentaram aos edifícios rústicos pré-existentes uma pequena casa de caça com apenas um andar, conhecida como '''''La Vignola''''', com uma [[torre de observação]] (''belvedere'') quadrangular e um bosque. Os frades preferiram, para aumentar a renda da propriedade, alugar a ''villa'', na época conhecida como ''Giardino del Pino'' por causa de um gigantesco [[pinheiro]] que ficava no local. Desta forma, a partir de 1611, a ''villa'' foi habitada por vários locatários: o [[monsenhor]] Poggi, o cardeal [[Ludovico Ludovisi]] e, a partir de 1634, o cardeal [[Cosimo De Torres]], que recebeu o direito de transformar o aluguel em [[enfiteuse]] vitalícia. Entre os vários sublocatários do cardeal De Torres estavam [[Maria Casimira Sobieski]], [[rainha da Polônia]], que havia tentado adquirir a ''villa'' dos frades sem sucesso. Ainda assim, ela mandou construir uma ponte de madeira por cima da ''Via Sistina'' (antiga ''[[Strada Felice]]'') o chamado ''[[Arco della Regina]]'' para poder chegar à ''villa'' diretamente do ''[[Palazzetto Zuccari]]'', sua residência em Roma. Na primeira metade do século XVIII, o palácio foi habitado por [[Jacques-Laure Le Tonnelier]], xerife de [[Bréteuil]], representante da [[Ordem Soberana de Malta]] entre 1759 e 1777<ref name=RAL></ref>, motivo pelo qual ela é ainda hoje chamada de ''Villa Malta''. Depois de De Torres, que manteve o controle da ''villa'' até 1764, alugaram a propriedade outros ricos romanos, entre os quais Antonio Parmegiani. Na segunda metade do século, o local transformou-se num local de encontro da comunidade alemã de Roma, incluindo o ''Circolo Artistico Tedesco''. Por conta disto, pernoitaram ali [[Goethe]], a duquesa [[Anna Amalia de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]] (1789) e [[Giovanni Goffredo Herder]]. Outro hóspede ilustre foi [[Giuseppe Balsamo]], o conde de [[Cagliostro]], que realizou ali, em 1789, algumas reuniões secretas. Por conta delas, a [[polícia pontifícia]] invadiu o palácio na época e o levou preso para o ''[[Castel Sant'Angelo]]''. No século XIX, a ''villa'' foi habitada pela poetisa [[Federica Brun]] e por [[Wilhelm von Humboldt]], embaixador em Roma do [[Reino da Prússia]], uma época na qual a ''villa'' é era um centro intelectual da Itália, frequentado pelos pintores [[Vincenzo Camuccini]], [[Joseph Anton Koch]] e [[Angelica Kauffman]] e pelos escultores [[Antonio Canova]] e [[Bertel Thorvaldsen]]<ref name=RS></ref>.
Em 1818, a [[enfiteuse]] passou para o escultor sueco [[Nicola Bystrom]], que criou ali o seu estúdio, restaurando o palacete e abrindo o acesso à ''villa'' a partir da ''Via Sistina''. Em 1827, a ''villa'' foi alugada para o rei [[Luís I da Baviera]], o que fez com que ela perdesse muito de sua vitalidade, uma vez que a propriedade só era visitada quando o rei estava em Roma. Depois da morte de Luís I, a casa real manteve a posse da ''villa'' até 1873, quando a casa baviera obteve das novas proprietárias, as irmãs do Sagrado Coração, a venda definitiva da propriedade por [[franco de ouro|francos de ouro]]. Em 1878, a ''villa'' foi adquirida pelo príncipe russo [[Alexei Bobrinski]], bisneto da [[czar]]ina [[Catarina II da Rússia]], que transformou completamente a propriedade, conferindo-lhe um ar [[neorromantismo|neorromântico]]. A torre foi demolida, o grande salão foi decorado com um rico teto e por uma rica [[lareira]] de mármore adquirida da família [[Altemps]] e os jardins foram decorados com magníficas roseiras, o que fez com a ''villa'' passasse a ser chamada ''Villa della Rose''. Em 1907, a propriedade passou para o príncipe [[Bernhard von Bülow]], antigo [[chanceler]] da Alemanha, que viveu ali com sua esposa, filha do ministro italiano [[Marco Minghetti]]. Depois da [[Segunda Guerra Mundial]], a ''villa'' foi adquirida pelos [[jesuítas]], que ali abrigaram a sede da revista ''"[[La Civiltà Cattolica]]"'', contratando, na época, uma importante reforma para ampliar e modernizar o espaço, mas sem, contudo, alterar o estilo do edifício. Foram criados o grandioso [[átrio (arquitetura)|átrio]] e a escadaria de ingresso, a nova ala meridional para abrigar escritórios e, sob ela, a estrutura da grande biblioteca com cinco pisos subterrâneos. O salão monumental foi transformado em [[capela]], deixando, contudo, inalterada a decoração do piso das paredes, ao passo que a lareira foi transferida para uma sede da [[Sociedade de Jesus|Sociedade]] na ''Via Sicilia'', onde foi instalada numa parede do pátio interno e transformada em fonte<ref name=RS/>. Segundo a tradição, duas palmeiras do jardim foram plantadas a pedido de [[Goethe]] no final de sua segunda estadia em Roma, pouco antes de ele alugar a vila em nome da duquesa Anna Amalia de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel<ref name=RAL/>.
[[Categoria:Palácios de Roma|Malta]]
[[Categoria:Villas de Roma]]
[[Categoria:Família Orsini]]
[[Categoria:Companhia de Jesus]]
意味調べるAlfred Siegfried (homme politique)
新規更新October 06, 2018 at 06:59AM
Alfred Siegfried (homme politique)
Mathieudu68 :
'''Alfred Siegfried''', né le à [[Karben]] et mort le à ([[Sambie]]), est un [[propriétaire terrien]] et [[Personnalité politique|homme politique]] [[Allemagne|allemand]], membre du [[Reichstag (Empire allemand)|Reichstag]] de l'[[Empire allemand]] de 1874 à 1876.
== Biographie ==
Siegfried est scolarisé au ''[[Gymnasium]]'' à [[Braniewo|Braunsberg]], puis il étudie le droit aux universités de [[université de Königsberg|Königsberg]] et de [[Université Humboldt de Berlin|Berlin]]. En 1844 et 1845, il effectue un stage dans les tribunaux municipaux de Berlin et de Königsberg. Il devient agriculteur en 1846 et acquiert en 1850 le domaine de dans l' (aujourd'hui Verchinino dans l'[[oblast de Kaliningrad]]).
De 1870 à 1871, il est membre du de la [[province de Prusse]].
De 1874 à 1876, Siegfried est député de la circonscription de l'arrondissement de Königsberg}} au [[Reichstag (Empire allemand)|Reichstag]] pour le [[Parti national-libéral (Allemagne)|Parti national-libéral]]. Il démissionne de cette fonction le 9 janvier 1876 en raison de problèmes de santé<ref>.</ref>.
== Notes et références ==
=== Bibliographie ===
== Voir aussi ==
=== Liens externes ===
[[Catégorie:Naissance en novembre 1820]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance en Allemagne]]
[[Catégorie:Membre du Reichstag (Empire allemand)]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en juin 1896]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en Prusse-Orientale]]
[[Catégorie:Décès dans l'Empire allemand]]
[[Catégorie:Décès à 75 ans]]
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 01:56AM
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Thiết bị bảo hộ cá nhân
新規更新されました。 October 06, 2018 at 01:03AM
Thiết bị bảo hộ cá nhân
Tuchfabrik Nellessen
新規更新されました。 October 05, 2018 at 11:59PM
Tuchfabrik Nellessen
Melanoma Acrale Lentigginoso
新規更新されました。 October 05, 2018 at 07:47PM
Melanoma Acrale Lentigginoso
意味調べるListe von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum in Herne
新規更新October 05, 2018 at 08:06AM
Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum in Herne
Slaney: ausgegliedert aus Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum im Ruhrgebiet.
Die '''Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum in Herne''' gibt einen Überblick über [[Kunst]] im [[Öffentlicher Raum|öffentlichen Raum]], unter anderem [[Skulptur]]en, [[Plastik (Kunst)|Plastiken]], [[Landmarke]]n und andere Kunstwerke in [[Herne]]. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.
== Kunstwerke in Herne ==
<!-- Vorlage zum Erzeugen einer neuen Tabellenzeile:
| Figurname
| Stadt, Straße/Platz <small>()</small>
| align="center" | [[Datei:Dateiname.jpg|200x200px|Figurname]]<br />[[Commons:Category:Kategoriename|weitere Bilder]]
* nicht zutreffendes löschen,
* Figurname, Dateiname, Kategoriename usw. anpassen,
* falls bekannt, Koordinaten (NS und EW) eintragen, ansonsten leer lassen (Koordinatenvorlage nicht löschen!)
{| class="wikitable sortable toptextcells"
! style="width:15%"|Bezeichnung
! style="width:20%"|Standort
! style="width:5%"|errichtet
! style="width:15%"|Künstler
! style="width:25%"|Anmerkungen
! style="width:10%"|Bild
|''Spielende Kinder''
|Kreisverkehr an der Kreuzung Sodinger- und Castroper Straße im Ortsteil Börnig
| 2008 <ref></ref>
| Schüler der Realschule Sodingen und der Jugendkunstschule
| Sieben Stahlfiguren im Kreisverkehr
| [[Datei:Herne Kreisverkehr Spielende Kinder (1).jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
|Glückauf - Bergarbeiterproteste im Ruhrgebiet
|Faulturm der ehemaligen Kläranlage zwischen Rhein-Herne-Kanal und Emscher, Nähe Bochumer Straße
| 2010
| [[Silke Wagner]]
| Wandmosaik, Höhe: 9,30 m, Umfang: 66,6 m
| [[Datei:Herne - Am Stadthafen - Kläranlage - Glückauf 06 ies.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Auftauchen oder Versinken
| Herne-Wanne, Künstlerzeche Unser Fritz 2/3, zur Künstlerzeche 10 / Grimberger Feld
| 2012
| [[Günther Zins]]
| Edelstahl
| [[Datei:Herne Zins Auftauchen oder Versinken.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Reemrenreh (Kaum Gesang) / Leben
| Schleuse Herne-Ost, sog. „Herner Meer", Gneisenaustraße 202
| 2010
| [[Bogomir Ecker]]
| Klangskulptur, Aluminiumbleche, Aluminiumguss, Stahl, Lack. Wurde ergänzt durch Skulptur "Leben" des Komponisten Bülent Kullukcu.
| [[Datei:Herne - Schleuse Herne-Ost - Vorhafen - Reemrenreh 02 ies.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Licht-Tor
| Einmündung der Neustraße in die Bahnhofstraße
| 2001
| [[Günter Dohr]]
| Stahl, Glas, Leuchtstoffröhren, Höhe: 7 m
| [[Datei:Herne Licht-Tor.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Blaues Lichtoval
| Akademie Mont Cenis
| 1999
| [[Mischa Kuball]]
| Stahl, LED,
| [[Datei:Herne Kuball Blaues Lichtoval.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Lindenbaum
| Bahnhofstraße, vor dem City-Center
| 1973
| [[Günter Tollmann]]
| Edelstahl, Höhe: ca. 6 m
|[[Datei:Herne Tollmann-Brunnen.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Drawing #1
| Flottmannstraße 94, Außengelände Flottmann-Hallen
| 2010
| Herbert Hofer
| Betonstahl
| [[Datei:Herne - Straße des Bohrhammers - Flottmannpark (13) 02 ies.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Stahlschnitt
| Flottmannstraße 94, Außengelände Flottmann-Hallen
| 2004
| [[Peter Schwickerath]]
| [[Datei:Herne Stahlschnitt 1.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Zeit des Schweigens
| Flottmannstraße 94, Außengelände Flottmann-Hallen
| 1992
| [[Heinrich Brockmeier]]
| Bronzeplatten
| [[Datei:Skulptur Zeit des Schweigens.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Herner Ronden
| Friedrich-Ebert-Platz
| 2004
| [[Heinz-Günter Prager]]
| Corten-Stahl, Durchmesser: 60–160 cm
| [[Datei:Herner Ronden.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Cubecracks
| 6 Standorte: Schlosspark Strünkede, Bahnhof Herne, Robert-Brauner-Platz, Kreuzkirche, Hölkeskampring/Flottmannstraße, Straße des Bohrhammers
| 1995
| [[HD Schrader]]
| Stahl, rot lackiert, Höhe: 1,50 – 7,50 m
[[commons:Category:Cubecracks in Herne|weitere Cubecracks in Herne]]
| [[Datei:HD Schrader-1996-Cubecrack Nr 1-Herne.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| [[Bergmannskuh]]
| Hölkeskampring Höhe Haus Nr. 35
| 1960
| [[Hubert Nietsch]]
| Bronzeguss
| [[Datei:Statue of coal miners domestic goat 1.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Stelzenläufer
| Sodinger Straße Ecke Goethestraße, westlich der Feuerwehr
| 1964
| Luise Pielsticker-Groner
| Bronzeguss
| [[Datei:Herne stilt walkers sculptures.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Torschrei beim Fußballspiel
| Schulhof der Mont-Cenis Gesamtschule, Sodingen
| 1958
| [[Elisabeth Hoffmann (Künstlerin)|Elisabeth Hoffmann]]
| Grüner Sandstein
| [[Datei:Sculpture goalscore at the soccer game 01.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| St. Florian
| Sodinger Straße 9, am Feuerwehrgebäude
| 1969
| Hermann Gesing
| Polyester
| [[Datei:Herne Gesing Florian.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Genius des Guten
| Bebelstraße, auf der Wiese gegenüber der Hauptpost
| 1959
| [[Zoltan Székessy]]
| Bronze
| [[Datei:Herne Denkmal für Widerstand.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Alltagsmenschen
| Bochumer Straße, vor dem Haus Nr. 35
| 2013
| [[Christel Lechner]]
| Beton
| [[Datei:Herne Lechner Alltagsmenschen (1).jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Licht unter der Brücke
| Bahnhofstraße unter der Brücke am Bahnhof
| 1999/2000
| [[Günter Dohr]]
| Granit, Beleuchtung
| [[Datei:Herne Dohr railway underpass.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| [[Bahnhof Herne|Fenster im Herner Bahnhof]]
| Bahnhofstraße Herne
| 1953
| [[Jupp Gesing]]
| farbiges Glas, Bleistege
| [[Datei:Herne Gesing train station window.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| [[Drei-Männer-Eck]]
| Emschertal Museum, Heimat- und Naturkundemuseum Unser-Fritz-Str.
| 1927
| [[Wilhelm Braun (Bildhauer)]]
| Muschelkalk
| [[Datei:Herne Heimatmuseum statues.jpg|120px|zentriert]]
| Licht-Punkt
| Kreuzung Bahnhofstraße / Vinckestraße
| 2001
| [[Peter Brdenk]] und [[Jürgen LIT Fischer]]
|[[Datei:Herne Fischer Brdenk Licht-Punkt.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Büste von [[Robert Brauner]]
| Stadtgalerie, Robert-Prauner-Platz, in der Bahnhofstraße
| 1992
| [[Heinrich Brockmeier]]
| Bronze
|[[Datei:Robert Brauner bronze figure.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Büste von [[Wilhelm Pohlmann]]
| Willi-Pohlman-Platz, vor dem Restaurant ''Zille'', im Herner Kulturzentrum Shamrockstraße
| ca. 2000
| [[Heinrich Brockmeier]]
| Bronze
|[[Datei:Wilhelm Pohlmann.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Steinstuhl
| Revierpark Gysenberg, Herne, neben dem großen Sandspielplatz
| ca. 1984
| [[Will Brands]]
| Ruhrsandstein, gemauert
|[[Datei:Herne Brands Steinstuhl.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Skulptur "Genesis"
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| ca. 1998
| [[Ludwig Dinnendahl]]
| Aluminium
|[[Datei:Herne Dinnendahl Genesis.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Homburger
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| ca. 2006
| [[Andreas Bee (Bildhauer)]]
| Stahl, Kunststoff
|[[Datei:Herne Homburger Bee.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Fabrikhaus
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2017
| [[Max Scholz (Bildhauer)|Max Scholz]]
| Stahl, Aluminium
|[[Datei:Herne Scholz Fabrikhaus.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Sesto
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2005
| [[Reiner Seliger]]
| Ziegel, Stahl
|[[Datei:Herne Seliger Sesto.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Faltung
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2010
| [[Peter Schwickerath]]
| Stahl
|[[Datei:Herne Schwickerath Faltung.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Gitterraumtürme
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 1976
| [[William Brauhauser]]
| Edelstahlgitter
|[[Datei:Herne Brauhauser Gitterraumtürme.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Hochstand
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2014
| [[Gerda Schlembach]]
| Glasfasergewebe, Kunstharz, Stahl
|[[Datei:Herne Schlembach Hochstand.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Kontur
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2010
| [[Ulrich Möckel]]
| Corten-Stahl
|[[Datei:Herne Möckel Kontur 2.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Bestimmte Formen
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2000
| [[Ekkehard Neumann]]
| Stahl, Farbe
|[[Datei:Herne Neumann Bestimmte Formen (2).jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Eiche-Eisen
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 1990er Jahre
| [[Balduin Romberg]]
| Eichenholz, Stahl
|[[Datei:Herne Romberg Eichen-Eisen.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Atlas
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| aufgestellt etwa 2015 <ref></ref>
| [[Bruno Unkhoff]]
| Stahl, geschweißt, Schlacke
|[[Datei:Herne Unkhoff Atlas.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Körper
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| aufgestellt etwa 2015
| [[Bruno Unkhoff]]
| Stahl, geschweißt, Schlacke
|[[Datei:Herne Unkhoff Körper.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Vitaminkreuz
| Kunst im Flottmannpark, Flottmannstraße
| 2013
| [[Peter Grzan]]
| Verkehrsschild, bedruckt, Obstbäume
|[[Datei:Herne Grzan Vitaminkreuz.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
== Siehe auch ==
* [[Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum im Ruhrgebiet]]
== Einzelnachweise ==
<references />
== Weblinks ==
[[Kategorie:Kultur (Herne)|!]]
[[Kategorie:Liste (Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum in Nordrhein-Westfalen)|Herne]]
意味調べるListe von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum in Hagen
新規更新October 05, 2018 at 08:05AM
Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum in Hagen
Slaney: ausgegliedert aus Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum im Ruhrgebiet.
Die '''Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum in Hagen''' gibt einen Überblick über [[Kunst]] im [[Öffentlicher Raum|öffentlichen Raum]], unter anderem [[Skulptur]]en, [[Plastik (Kunst)|Plastiken]], [[Landmarke]]n und andere Kunstwerke in [[Hagen]]. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.
== Kunstwerke in Hagen ==
<!-- Vorlage zum Erzeugen einer neuen Tabellenzeile:
| Figurname
| Stadt, Straße/Platz <small>()</small>
| align="center" | [[Datei:Dateiname.jpg|200x200px|Figurname]]<br />[[Commons:Category:Kategoriename|weitere Bilder]]
* nicht zutreffendes löschen,
* Figurname, Dateiname, Kategoriename usw. anpassen,
* falls bekannt, Koordinaten (NS und EW) eintragen, ansonsten leer lassen (Koordinatenvorlage nicht löschen!)
{| class="wikitable sortable toptextcells"
! style="width:15%"|Bezeichnung
! style="width:20%"|Standort
! style="width:5%"|errichtet
! style="width:15%"|Künstler
! style="width:25%"|Anmerkungen
! style="width:10%"|Bild
|Kriegerdenkmal Dahl
|Dahler Straße 65, Park neben der Kath. Kirche Dahl
|[[Ewald Mataré]]
|Stahlkugel mit Mosaikspruchband, 24 Stahlplatten mit Namen gefallener Soldaten
|[[Datei:Hagen-Dahl-IMG 2089.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
|[[Ewald Mataré]]
|Eisen, Beton, Durchmesser 10 m, ca. 4 m hoch
|[[Datei:Hagen Matare Brunnen.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Scherbenmosaik
| Eppenhauser Straße 65 A, Hauswand Jugendherberge
| 1956
| [[Emil Schumacher]]
| Mosaik in Eisen gefasst, 3,50 × 2,50 m
| [[Datei:Hagen, Jugendherberge Mosaik.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Scherbenmosaik
| Stadtgartenallee, Wehringhausen
| 1957
| [[Emil Schumacher]]
| Mosaik aus Fliesenscherben an Hauswand von Restaurant, 7 × 3 m
| [[Datei:Hagen, Parkhaus Mosaik.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
|Hauptbahnhof, Ausgang Innenstadt
| 1910
| [[Jan Thorn Prikker (Künstler)|Jan Thorn Prikker]]
| Glasgemälde, Breite 9 Meter, Höhe 3,60 Meter
| [[Datei:Thorn-Prikker, Jan-Hagen-Bhf-Der-Kuenstler-als-Lehrer-für-Handel-und-Gewerbe-(1910).jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Dorfbrunnen
| Holthausen, Klippchen 3
| Brunnen mit zwei Kühen aus Bronze
| [[Datei:Holthausen Dorfplatz.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Streetart
| Schlachthofstraße 1, Wehringhausen
| 2016
| [[Guido Zimmermann]]
| Freiluftgalerie „Urban Heroes Art-Festival"
| [[Datei:Freiluftgalerie Hagen 3.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Streetart
| Christian-Rohlfs-Straße 14, Wehringhausen
| 2016
| David Radon, [[Rockie The Weird.|Rockie ''The Weird''.]]
| Freiluftgalerie „Urban Heroes Art-Festival"
| [[Datei:Freiluftgalerie Hagen 7.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Streetart
| Schillerstraße 2, Eckesey
| 2016
| Martin Bender
| Freiluftgalerie „Urban Heroes Art-Festival"
| [[Datei:Freiluftgalerie Hagen 8.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
| Lennepark, Hohenlimburg
| 1963
| [[Theo Akkermann]]
| Bronze-Skulptur, 160 cm hoch
| [[Datei:Hohenlimburg, Brüderchen und Schwesterchen.jpg|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Kaltwalzer-Denkmal
| Lennepark, Stennertbrücke, Hohenlimburg
| 1960/1961
| [[Theo Akkermann]]
| Bronze-Skulptur, 202 cm hoch. Kaltwalzer in seiner typischen Schutzkleidung mit einer Bandstahlrolle
| [[Datei:Hohenlimburg, Kaltwalzer.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Warmwalzer-Denkmal
| Stennertbrücke, Hohenlimburg
| 1959
| Engelbert Kaps
| Bronze-Skulptur, 3 m hoch, 700 kg schwer. Ein Arbeiter der Stahlband schleudert – ein typischer Arbeitsschritt beim Warmwalzen
| [[Datei:Hohenlimburg, Warmwalzer.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Abstrakte Skulptur
| Bahnstraßen-Kreisel, Hohenlimburg
| 2015
| Peter Müller (Neuss)
| [[COR-TEN-Stahl|Corten-Stahl]], 5,30 m hoch, 3,5 Tonnen schwer
| [[Datei:Hohenlimburg, Stahlskulptur.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Relief
| Fernmeldeamt, Theaterplatz
| 1988
| [[Helmut Lander]]
| Auf hochglanzpolierte spiegelnde Edelstahlplatten sind in Bronzeguss ausgeführte Figuren montiert, die sich durch Spiegelung verdoppeln. 5 × 14 m
| [[Datei:Fernmeldeamt Hagen, Theaterplatz.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Vier stehende weibliche Figuren
| Stadttheater, Theaterplatz
| 1911
| [[Milly Steger]]
| Statuen aus Sandstein über dem Eingangsportal, 4 m hoch
| [[Datei:Eingang Stadttheater.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Drei figurative Plastiken
| Buschey-Friedhof, Grünstraße 2, Wehringhausen
| 1903, 1904, 1907
| [[George Minne]]
| Ruhestätte der Familie [[Karl Ernst Osthaus|Osthaus]], Marmor und Kalksandstein. „Auferstehender Jüngling", „Büste einer jungen Frau" und „Unsterblichkeit"
| [[Datei:Buschey-Friedhof 12.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Skulpturen-Gruppe
| Dr.-Ferdinand-David-Park, Rathausstraße
| 1968
| Eva Niestrath-Berger
| Steinblöcke aus Rotlava, 7tlg., 250 × 680 × 90 cm
| [[Datei:Steinblöcke-Skulptur Hagen.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Die große Kniende
| Badstraße, in der Grünfläche vom Ricarda-Huch-Gymnasium
| 1929
| Margret Dorn-Malin
| Bronze-Skulptur, 133 cm hoch
| [[Datei:Dorn-Malin Die große Kniende.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Skulptur „Aufsteigend"
| Haldener Straße 182, vor der [[Fachhochschule Südwestfalen]], Standort Hagen
| 1963
| [[Waldemar Wien]]
| Vogel aus Bronze, 3,50 m hoch
| [[Datei:Fachhochschule Hagen, Skulptur 2.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Kirmesbauer mit Gefolge
| Kölner Straße 1, Haspe
| 1996
| [[Bonifatius Stirnberg]]
| [[Datei:Hagen-Haspe, Kirmesbauer mit Gefolge.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Raumzeichen alpha
| Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Straße 47, Emst
| 1973
| [[K-L Schmaltz]]
| 255 × 140 × 100 cm
| [[Datei:K-L Schmaltz Raumzeichen alpha.JPG|200x200px|zentriert]]
| Makrokern
| Am Bügel 20
| 1974
| [[K-L Schmaltz]]
== Siehe auch ==
* [[Liste von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum im Ruhrgebiet]]
== Einzelnachweise ==
<references />
== Weblinks ==
[[Kategorie:Kultur (Hagen)|!]]
[[Kategorie:Liste (Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum in Nordrhein-Westfalen)|Hagen]]
新規更新されました。 October 05, 2018 at 06:24AM
意味調べるDanelle Umstead
新規更新October 05, 2018 at 06:15AM
Danelle Umstead
Sie ist Teil des [[Paralympics]]-Teams der USA.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2OGPEGA Danelle Umstead's Blog - Meet Team Vision4Gold], [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Paralympic_Team U.S. Paralympic Team], August 10, 2009</ref> Sie startete in Slalom, Riesenslalom, Abfahrt, Super-G und Kombination bei den [[Winter-Paralympics 2010]] in Vancouver, mit ihrem Mann Rob Umstead als ihrem [[Begleitläufer]]. Sie gewannen in Abfahrt und Kombination die Bronzemedaille.<ref>[https://ift.tt/2NogoqH Team Vision4Gold in Vancouver], [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Paralympic_Team U.S. Paralympic Team], April 16, 2010</ref> Sie nahm auch an den [[Winter-Paralympics 2014]] in Sotschi teil und gewann eine Bronzemedaille in der [[Super-Kombination]]. Bei den [[Winter-Paralympics 2018]] in Pyeongchang nahm sie in den Disziplinen [[Abfahrt]], [[Slalom]], [[Riesenslalom]], [[Super-G]], und Super-Kombination teil.<ref>(en)<span id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0">.</span> <span id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0">In: </span>''Team USA''<span id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0">.</span> <span id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0">Abgerufen am 1.</span> <span id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0">März 2018.</span><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rft.type=newspaperArticle&rft.subject=News&rft.title=Danelle+Umstead&rft.identifier=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.teamusa.org%2Fpara-alpine-skiing%2Fathletes%2FDanelle-Umstead&rft.source=Team+USA&rft.language=en" id="cxmwKQ" tabindex="0"> </span></ref>
Sie hat eine genetisch bedingte Augenerkrankung namens [[Retinopathia pigmentosa]].
Am 12. September 2018 wurde Umstead als eine der Prominenten der 27. Staffel von ''[[Dancing with the Stars]]'' angekündigt. Ihr professioneller Partner ist Artem Chigvintsev.<ref></ref>
== Einzelnachweise ==
<references />
== Weblinks ==
* [https://ift.tt/2OBNKqQ Team Vision4Gold] - Offizielle Webseite von Danelle und Rob Umstead (englisch)
* [https://ift.tt/2NnBMfW Danelle Umstead] - Profil auf der Seite des US-Paralympics-Teams
[[Kategorie:Geboren 1972]]
新規更新October 05, 2018 at 06:03AM
AirScott:←建立内容为" '''圣西学校'''(),音译为"'''圣西莱科勒'''",是法国伊夫林…"的新页面
'''圣西学校'''(),音译为"'''圣西莱科勒'''",是[[法国]][[伊夫林省]]的一个[[市镇 (法国)|市镇]],位于该省东部,属于[[凡尔赛区]]。该市镇总面积5.01平方公里,2015年时的人口为18221人。<ref>[https://ift.tt/2OzXEtc 法国INSEE人口数据-2015年]</ref>
== 人口 ==
[[File:Population - Municipality code 78545.svg|left|400px|]]
== 参见 ==
* [[伊夫林省市镇列表]]
* [[圣西站]]
== 参考文献 ==
برج سنترال بارك
新規更新されました。 October 05, 2018 at 04:43AM
برج سنترال بارك
Pauline Delabroy-Allard
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 08:22PM
Pauline Delabroy-Allard
Michael Morgan (direttore d'orchestra)
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 04:11PM
Michael Morgan (direttore d'orchestra)
Huisun Forest Recreation Area
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 12:11PM
Huisun Forest Recreation Area
Nitơ oxit (dược phẩm)
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 12:09PM
Nitơ oxit (dược phẩm)
Десантно-вертолётные корабли-доки типа «Тарлак»
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 09:55AM
Десантно-вертолётные корабли-доки типа «Тарлак»
International Championship 2018
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 09:50AM
International Championship 2018
Танзамская железная дорога
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 07:54AM
Танзамская железная дорога
Selección femenina de fútbol sub-17 de Rumania
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 05:45AM
Selección femenina de fútbol sub-17 de Rumania
Chiesa e monastero di Santa Elisabetta
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 03:36AM
Chiesa e monastero di Santa Elisabetta
La Danse de la vie humaine
新規更新されました。 October 04, 2018 at 01:36AM
La Danse de la vie humaine
Shanghai–Xi'an high-speed train
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 11:39PM
Shanghai–Xi'an high-speed train
新規更新October 03, 2018 at 08:55PM
[[Archivo:Sg_fexx_04.JPG|miniaturadeimagen|El castillo Schloss Drachenburg es uno de los hitos de Seven Hills]]
El '''Siebengebirge''', ocasionalmente las '''montañas Sieben''', es una cadena montañosa de las tierras altas centrales alemanas en la orilla este del [[Rin]] Medio, al sureste de [[Bonn]].
<ref>Arnold Gawlik, Karl-Heinz Ribbert: ''Ältestes Naturschutzgebiet Mitteleuropas''. In: Ernst-Rüdiger Look, Ludger Feldmann (Hrsg.): ''Faszination Geologie. Die bedeutende Geotope Deutschlands'', E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-510-65219-3,</ref>
== Descripción ==
El área, ubicada en los municipios de [[Bad Honnef]] y [[Königswinter]], consta de más de 40 colinas. Las colinas son de origen volcánico antiguo y surgieron hace entre 28 y 15 millones de años. Gran parte del territorio cubierto por las montañas Sieben pertenece al Parque Natural Sieben Hills (''Naturpark Siebengebirge''), que se encuentra bajo protección ambiental.
El pico más alto es el Ölberg a 460 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Es un destino turístico muy popular para el senderismo, debido a su entorno natural.
== Colinas ==
Las colinas más importantes:
* Großer Ölberg (460 m)
* Löwenburg (455 m)
* Lohrberg (435 m)
* Nonnenstromberg (335m)
* Petersberg (331 m, nombre Anterior: ''Stromberg'')
* Wolkenburg (324 m)
* [[Drachenfels]] (321 m)
Otras colinas:
* Himmerich (366 m)
* Trenkeberg (430 m)
* Weilberg (297 m)
* Stenzelberg (287 m)
* Broderkonsberg (378 m)
* Mittelberg (353 m)
* Leyberg (359 m)
* Jungfernhardt (320 m)
* Geisberg (324 m)
* Schallenberg (310 m)
* Großer Breiberg (313 m)
* Kleiner Breiberg (288 m)
* Wasserfall (338 m)
* Kleiner Ölberg (332 m)
* Limperichsberg
* Scharfenberg
* Zickelburg (182 m)
== Referencias ==
== Enlaces externos ==
* [https://ift.tt/2NihGDG Información y cuadros sobre el Siebengebirge]
* [https://ift.tt/2RopV4y Rhine Dragón Las Siete Montañas: una visita virtual, historia, leyendas viejas y nuevas, naturaleza]
* [https://ift.tt/2Nk0Sfn Honnefer Bilderbogen Con cuadros del Siebengebirge]
[[Categoría:Montañas de Renania del Norte-Westfalia]]
Schloss Excideuil
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 07:24PM
Schloss Excideuil
Крокос (Греция)
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 07:20PM
Крокос (Греция)
Epinephrine (medication)
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 12:50PM
Epinephrine (medication)
عبد المنعم أحمد صالح
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 08:29AM
عبد المنعم أحمد صالح
Скрынник, Александр Иванович
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 07:49AM
Скрынник, Александр Иванович
Gran Premio de Australia de Motociclismo de 1990
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 06:45AM
Gran Premio de Australia de Motociclismo de 1990
Độ ổn định bên trong
新規更新されました。 October 03, 2018 at 04:01AM
Độ ổn định bên trong
意味調べるЧемпионат Европы по лёгкой атлетике 2018 — прыжки в высоту (женщины)
新規更新October 03, 2018 at 04:10AM
Чемпионат Европы по лёгкой атлетике 2018 — прыжки в высоту (женщины)
АлексИзз: ← Новая страница: « Соревнования в '''Прыжок в высоту|пры…»
Соревнования в '''[[Прыжок в высоту|прыжке в высоту]] у женщин на [[Чемпионат Европы по лёгкой атлетике 2018|чемпионате Европы по лёгкой атлетике 2018 года]]''' прошли 8 и 10 августа в [[Берлин]]е на [[Олимпийский стадион (Берлин)|Олимпийском стадионе]].
Действующей чемпионкой Европы в прыжке в высоту являлась [[Бейтиа, Рут|Рут Бейтия]] из [[Испания|Испании]]. Она не защищала свой титул, так как завершила спортивную карьеру в октябре 2017 года<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.
== Медалисты ==
{| class="standard"
|- align=center
|width=210 bgcolor=gold|'''Золото'''
|width=210 bgcolor=silver|'''Серебро'''
|width=210 bgcolor=cc9966|'''Бронза'''
|[[Ласицкене, Мария Александровна|Мария Ласицкене]] <br> <small>Нейтральный атлет</small>
| [[Демирева, Мирела|Мирела Демирева]] <br> <small>[[Болгария]]</small>
| [[Юнгфляйш, Мари-Лоренс|Мари-Лоренс Юнгфляйш]] <br> <small>[[Германия]]</small>
== Рекорды ==
До начала соревнований действующими были следующие рекорды.
{| class="wikitable"
|'''[[Мировые рекорды в лёгкой атлетике|Мировой рекорд]]'''
|rowspan=2| [[Костадинова, Стефка|Стефка Костадинова]] <br> <small>[[Болгария]]</small>
|rowspan=2|'''2,09 м'''
|rowspan=2|30 августа 1987
|'''[[Список рекордов Европы по лёгкой атлетике|Рекорд Европы]]'''
|rowspan=3|'''Рекорд чемпионатов Европы'''
| [[Венева, Венелина|Венелина Венева-Матеева]] <br> <small>[[Болгария]]</small>
|rowspan=3|'''2,03 м'''
|rowspan=2|11 августа 2006
| [[Хеллебаут, Тиа|Тиа Хеллебаут]] <br> <small>[[Бельгия]]</small>
| [[Влашич, Бланка|Бланка Влашич]] <br> <small>[[Хорватия]]</small>
|1 августа 2010
|rowspan=2|'''Лучший результат сезона в мире'''<br>'''Лучший результат сезона в Европе'''
|rowspan=2|[[Ласицкене, Мария Александровна|Мария Ласицкене]] <br> <small>Нейтральный атлет</small>
|rowspan=2|'''2,04 м'''
|30 июня 2018
|22 июля 2018
== Расписание ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Дата
! Время
! Раунд соревнований
|8 августа 2018 || 18:25 || Квалификация
|10 августа 2018 || 19:22 || Финал
<small>Время местное ([[UTC+2:00]])</small>
== Результаты ==
'''Обозначения:''' '''Q''' — Автоматическая квалификация | '''q''' — Квалификация по показанному результату | '''WR''' — Мировой рекорд | '''ER''' — Рекорд Европы | '''CR''' — Рекорд чемпионатов Европы | '''NR''' — Национальный рекорд | '''NU23R''' — Национальный рекорд среди молодёжи | '''WL''' — Лучший результат сезона в мире | '''EL''' — Лучший результат сезона в Европе | '''PB''' — Личный рекорд | '''SB''' — Лучший результат в сезоне | '''DNS''' — Не вышла в сектор | '''NM''' — Без результата | '''DQ''' — Дисквалифицирована
=== Квалификация ===
Квалификация: квалификационный норматив 1,92 м (Q) или обладатели 12 лучших результатов (q)<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.<br>
Соревнования прошли одновременно в двух квалификационных группах 8 августа 2018 года. В сектор вышли 25 участниц. Главной неожиданностью квалификации стала неудача итальянки [[Валлортигара, Елена|Елены Валлортигары]]. В 2018 году она показывала стабильно высокие результаты, впервые в карьере прыгнула выше 2 метров — 2,02 м (второе место в мировом рейтинге), а в Берлине осталась за чертой финалистов, не взяв 1,90 м.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! Место !! Группа !! Спортсмен !! Гражданство !! 1,76 !! 1,81 !! 1,86 !! 1,90 !! Результат !!class="unsortable"| Примечания
| 1 || A || align="left" | [[Демирева, Мирела|Мирела Демирева]] || align="left" |
| || || o || '''o''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 1 || B || align="left" | [[Ласицкене, Мария Александровна|Мария Ласицкене]] || align="left" | Нейтральный атлет
| || o || o || '''o''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 1 || B || align="left" | [[Лейк, Морган|Морган Лейк]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''o''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 1 || B || align="left" | [[Пальшите, Айрине|Айрине Пальшите]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''o''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 1 || B || align="left" | [[Табашник, Екатерина Александровна|Екатерина Табашник]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''o''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 1 || B || align="left" | [[Юнгфляйш, Мари-Лоренс|Мари-Лоренс Юнгфляйш]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''o''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 7 || A || align="left" | [[Оннен, Имке|Имке Оннен]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''xo''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 7 || A || align="left" | [[Шимич, Ана|Ана Шимич]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''xo''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 9 || A || align="left" | [[Кинси, Эрика|Эрика Кинси]] || align="left" |
| o || o || o || '''xxo''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 9 || A || align="left" | [[Левченко, Юлия Андреевна|Юлия Левченко]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || '''xxo''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 9 || A || align="left" | [[Трост, Алессия|Алессия Трост]] || align="left" |
| o || o || o || '''xxo''' || '''1,90 м''' || q
| 12 || B || align="left" | [[Грубая, Михаэла|Михаэла Грубая]] || align="left" |
| o || o || '''o''' || xxx || '''1,86 м''' || q
| 12 || A || align="left" | [[Окунева, Оксана Григорьевна|Оксана Окунева]] || align="left" |
| o || o || '''o''' || xxx || '''1,86 м''' || q
| 12 || B || align="left" | [[Таранда, Карина Олеговна|Карина Таранда]] || align="left" |
| o || o || '''o''' || xxx || '''1,86 м''' || q
| 15 || B || align="left" | [[Валлортигара, Елена|Елена Валлортигара]] || align="left" |
| o || o || '''xo''' || xxx || '''1,86 м''' ||
| 16 || B || align="left" | [[Скуг, Софи|Софи Скуг]] || align="left" |
| || xo || '''xo''' || xxx || '''1,86 м''' ||
| 17 || A || align="left" | [[Юннила, Элла|Элла Юннила]] || align="left" |
| xo || o || '''xxo''' || xxx || '''1,86 м''' ||
| 18 || B || align="left" | [[Вукович, Мария|Мария Вукович]] || align="left" |
| || '''o''' || xxx || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 18 || A || align="left" | [[Мэнсон, Никки|Никки Мэнсон]] || align="left" |
| o || '''o''' || xxx || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 18 || A || align="left" | [[Пейхалова, Лада|Лада Пейхалова]] || align="left" |
| o || '''o''' || xxx || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 18 || A || align="left" | [[Россит, Дезире|Дезире Россит]] || align="left" |
| o || '''o''' || xxx || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 18 || B || align="left" | [[Станчу, Даниэла|Даниэла Станчу]] || align="left" |
| o || '''o''' || xxx || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 23 || A || align="left" | [[Орсель, Клер|Клер Орсель]] || align="left" |
| xo || '''o''' || xx− || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 24 || B || align="left" | [[Ангельсен, Тонье|Тонье Ангельсен]] || align="left" |
| o || '''xxo''' || xxx || || '''1,81 м''' ||
| 25 || A || align="left" | [[Хаас, Элерийн|Элерийн Хаас]] || align="left" |
| '''o''' || xxx || || || '''1,76 м''' ||
=== Финал ===
Основные соревнования в прыжке в высоту у женщин состоялись 10 августа 2018 года<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>. Безоговорочным фаворитом чемпионата считалась россиянка [[Ласицкене, Мария Александровна|Мария Ласицкене]], выступавшая в качестве нейтрального атлета. За последние два года она не смогла выиграть только один старт из 48. В 2018 году Мария семь раз брала высоту 2 метра и выше, в то время как все остальные соперницы по финалу вместе взятые — лишь один. Этот единственный прыжок на 2,00 м принадлежал [[Демирева, Мирела|Миреле Демиревой]] из Болгарии — именно она нанесла единственное поражение Ласицкене и стала ей главной соперницей на чемпионате Европы.
Болгарская легкоатлетка после удачной попытки на 1,94 м приняла решение пропустить 1,96 м и 1,98 м. В результате на высоте 2,00 м она соперничала только с Ласицкене, но шла в протоколе на пятом месте. Россиянка преодолела 2,00 м со второй попытки, представительница Болгарии — с третьей и сразу поправила своё положение, войдя в число призёров. Обе девушки следом пытались покорить 2,04 м (рекорд соревнований), но безрезультатно.
Двукратная чемпионка мира Мария Ласицкене впервые выиграла летнее континентальное первенство. До этого её лучшим достижением была серебряная медаль, добытая [[Чемпионат Европы по лёгкой атлетике 2014|четырьмя годами ранее]]. Несмотря на победу, она осталась крайне недовольна собственным выступлением, главным образом показанным результатом<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.
Серебряная медаль Мирелы Демиревой оказалась единственной для Болгарии на чемпионате Европы 2018 года. Бронзу с лучшим результатом в сезоне (1,96 м) завоевала [[Юнгфляйш, Мари-Лоренс|Мари-Лоренс Юнгфляйш]] из Германии<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
! Место !! Спортсмен !! Гражданство !! 1,82 !! 1,87 !! 1,91 !! 1,94 !! 1,96 !! 1,98 !! 2,00 !! 2,02 !! 2,04 !! Результат !!class="unsortable"| Примечания
| 1 || align="left" | [[Ласицкене, Мария Александровна|Мария Ласицкене]] || align="left" | Нейтральный атлет
| || o || o || o || xo || o || '''xo''' || || xxx || '''2,00 м''' ||
| 2 || align="left" | [[Демирева, Мирела|Мирела Демирева]] || align="left" |
| || o || o || xo || || || '''xxo''' || || xxx || '''2,00 м''' || '''='''
| 3 || align="left" | [[Юнгфляйш, Мари-Лоренс|Мари-Лоренс Юнгфляйш]] || align="left" |
| o || o || o || o || '''o''' || xxx || || || || '''1,96 м''' || '''='''
| 4 || align="left" | [[Пальшите, Айрине|Айрине Пальшите]] || align="left" |
| o || xo || o || o || '''xo''' || xxx || || || || '''1,96 м''' || ''''''
| 5 || align="left" | [[Табашник, Екатерина Александровна|Екатерина Табашник]] || align="left" |
| o || o || o || '''o''' || xxx || || || || || '''1,94 м''' ||
| 6 || align="left" | [[Грубая, Михаэла|Михаэла Грубая]] || align="left" |
| o || xxo || '''o''' || xxx || || || || || || '''1,91 м''' || ''''''
| 7 || align="left" | [[Лейк, Морган|Морган Лейк]] || align="left" |
| o || o || '''xo''' || xxx || || || || || || '''1,91 м''' ||
| 8 || align="left" | [[Трост, Алессия|Алессия Трост]] || align="left" |
| o || o || '''xxo''' || xxx || || || || || || '''1,91 м''' || '''='''
| 9 || align="left" | [[Левченко, Юлия Андреевна|Юлия Левченко]] || align="left" |
| o || xo || '''xxo''' || xxx || || || || || || '''1,91 м''' ||
| 10 || align="left" | [[Окунева, Оксана Григорьевна|Оксана Окунева]] || align="left" |
| o || '''o''' || xxx || || || || || || || '''1,87 м''' ||
| 10 || align="left" | [[Шимич, Ана|Ана Шимич]] || align="left" |
| o || '''o''' || xxx || || || || || || || '''1,87 м''' ||
| 12 || align="left" | [[Таранда, Карина Олеговна|Карина Таранда]] || align="left" |
| xo || '''xo''' || xxx || || || || || || || '''1,87 м''' ||
| 13 || align="left" | [[Кинси, Эрика|Эрика Кинси]] || align="left" |
| o || '''xxo''' || xxx || || || || || || || '''1,87 м''' ||
| 14 || align="left" | [[Оннен, Имке|Имке Оннен]] || align="left" |
| '''xxo''' || xxx || || || || || || || || '''1,82 м''' ||
== Примечания ==
== Ссылки ==
[[Категория:Чемпионат Европы по лёгкой атлетике 2018|прыжки]]
意味調べるListed buildings in Norton in Hales
新規更新October 03, 2018 at 12:02AM
Listed buildings in Norton in Hales
Peter I. Vardy: New list
{| class="wikitable"
! Grade
! Criteria
|align="center" |II*
| Particularly important buildings of more than special interest
|align="center" |II
| Buildings of national importance and special interest
{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders" style="width:100%; border:0; text-align:left; line-height:150%;"
! scope="col" style="width:150px" |Name and location
! scope="col" style="width:100px" class="unsortable"|Photograph
! scope="col" style="width:120px" |Date
! scope="col" style="width:650px" class="unsortable"|Notes
! scope="col" style="width:50px" |Grade
|St Chad's Church and archway<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Church of St Chad, Norton-in-Hales.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The oldest part of the church is the [[chancel]], the tower dates from the late 14th century, most of the church was restored and rebuilt in 1864–65, and the north [[transept]] and archway were added in 1872. The church is built in [[sandstone]] with [[slate]] roofs, and consists of a [[nave]] with a [[clerestory]], north and south [[aisle#Church architecture|aisles]], a north [[baptistry]], a north transept with an attached archway, a chancel with a north [[vestry]], and a west tower. The tower has three stages, diagonal [[buttress]]es, a clock face on the south front, [[gargoyle]]s, and an [[embattled]] [[parapet]] with [[crocket]]ed corner [[pinnacle]]s.
|align="center" |
|Churchyard cross<br/><small></small>
|The cross is in the churchyard of St Chad's Church. It is in red [[sandstone]], and has a square base and an octagonal shaft, surmounted by a 19th-century [[cast iron]] cross.
|align="center" |
|Betton Old Hall<br/><small></small>
|A [[timber framed]] house with plaster [[infill]] on a brick [[plinth]] with a tile roof, that has been extended in brick with applied timbers. The central [[bay (architecture)|bay]] is [[gable]]d and has two storeys and an attic, and is flanked by single-story wings. The upper floor of the central bay is [[jettied]] and has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[bressumer]], the gable is also jettied and has plain [[bargeboard]]s and a [[finial]]. The windows are [[casement window|casements]].
|align="center" |
|Ridgwardine Manor<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse has been remodelled and extended. Originally [[timber framed]], it has been largely encased and extended in red brick, and has a tile roof. There are two storeys and an attic, and the house consists of a one-[[bay (architecture)|bay]] range, with a one-bay [[gable]]d cross-wing on the left, a projecting two-bay gabled cross-wing on the right, and a further extension to the left. The gables have plain [[bargeboard]]s and [[finial]]s, the doorway has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surround and a gabled porch, and the windows are [[casement window|casements]].
|align="center" |
|Bellaport Old Hall<br/><small></small>
|Part of a large house on a [[moat]]ed site that was largely demolished in the 19th century. It is in stone and red brick, partly [[stucco|rendered]], and with a tile roof. It has an L-shaped plan, with a two-storey range, and a single-storey wing. The doorway has a [[chamfer]]ed surround, and the windows are [[mullion]]ed.
|align="center" |
|Old font<br/><small></small>
|The former [[baptismal font|font]] is in the churchyard of St Chad's Church. It is in grey [[sandstone]], and has a circular stem, and a circular bowl with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] bottom edge.
|align="center" |
|Barn south of Brand Hall<br/><small></small>
|The barn is [[timber framed]] with red [[brick nog]]ging on a red brick [[plinth]], partly rebuilt and extended in red brick and with a tile roof. It has three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], with an extension of half a bay at each end, and there is a central cart entrance.
|align="center" |
|Brand Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Brand Hall (geograph 4129955).jpg|100px|centre]]
|A [[English country house|country house]] with a 17th-century core, that was later extended. It is in red brick with grey [[sandstone]] dressings, and some [[timber framing]] with plaster [[infill]] at the rear, and with tile roofs. It is on a [[chamfer]]ed [[plinth]],with chamfered [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]], and a [[coping (architecture)|coped]] [[parapet]] with sections of [[balustrade|balustrading]]. The house has two storeys and an attic, with a front of seven [[bay (architecture)|bays]], flanked by two-storey wings, and with a rear wing. In the middle three bays are [[fluting (architecture)|unfluted]] [[Doric order|Doric]] [[pilaster]]s, and an [[entablature]] with a triangular [[pediment]] containing a coat of arms between loops of drapery.
|align="center" |
|Archway southeast of Brand Hall (north)<br/><small></small>
|The archway is in red brick with grey [[sandstone]] dressings. It consists of an elliptical arch that has [[pier (architecture)|piers]] with [[plinth]]s, [[chamfer]]ed [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], and [[impost (architecture)|impost]] bands, and on the arch is an open triangular [[pediment]].
|align="center" |
|Archway southeast of Brand Hall (south)<br/><small></small>
|The archway is in red brick with grey [[sandstone]] dressings. It consists of an elliptical arch that has [[pier (architecture)|piers]] with [[plinth]]s, [[chamfer]]ed [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], and [[impost (architecture)|impost]] bands, and on the arch is an open triangular [[pediment]].
|align="center" |
|Ha-ha southeast of Brand Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Brand Hall (geograph 4129955).jpg|100px|centre]]
|The [[ha-ha]] is at the end of the lawn in front of the hall and is in red [[sandstone]] with [[coping (architecture)|coping]] blocks. It is about long and high, and is ramped down at the ends where there are globe [[finial]]s.
|align="center" |
|Stable block southeast of Brand Hall<br/><small></small>
|The stable block is in red brick with grey [[sandstone]] dressings on a brick [[plinth]] with a [[chamfer]]ed sandstone top. There is a [[string course]], and a [[hip roof|hipped]] tile roof with a triangular [[pediment]] and a clock face in the [[tympanum (architecture)|tympanum]]. The block has two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. In the centre is a blocked round-headed archway, and above is an octagonal wooden [[cupola]] with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] base, square [[pier (architecture)|piers]], a moulded [[cornice]], and an [[ogee]] lead cap with a globe [[finial]] and [[weathervane]].
|align="center" |
|Tunstall Hall<br/><small></small>
|A [[English country house|country house]] in red brick with [[sandstone]] dressings on a [[chamfer]]ed stone [[plinth]], with two [[string course]]s, a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]] and [[parapet]], and a two-span [[hip roof|hipped]] tile roof. There are three storeys, a front of nine [[bay (architecture)|bays]] and sides of four bays. The central doorway in the west front has a moulded [[architrave]], [[pilaster]] strips, a [[frieze]], and a segmental [[pediment]] on [[corbel|consoles]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with moulded architraves, those in the ground floor with triangular pediments. In the east front is a doorway with a [[Gibbs surround]] and a triangular pediment, and in the south front is a full-height, five-sided [[bay window]].
|align="center" |
|Betton House<br/><small></small>
|A red brick house with grey [[sandstone]] dressings on a stone [[plinth]], with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]] and a [[hip roof|hipped]] [[slate]] roof. There are three storeys and seven [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The outer bays contain full-height [[bow window]]s with conical roofs. The central doorway has [[Ionic order|Ionic]] three-quarter columns, a radial [[fanlight]], a [[fluting (architecture)|fluted]] [[frieze]], and an open triangular [[pediment]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]]; those in the middle bay have moulded [[architrave]]s, and in the middle floor they have [[balustrade|balustrading]] beneath, a frieze with [[patera]]e and a moulded cornice.
|align="center" |
|Chest tomb<br/><small></small>
|The chest tomb is in the churchyard of St Chad's Church. It is in [[sandstone]], and has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[plinth]], shaped corner [[baluster]]s, and a moulded [[cornice]] to a flat top. There are recessed circular side and end panels, and the inscription is illegible.
|align="center" |
|Shifford's Bridge<br/><small></small>
|The bridge carries the [[A53 road]] over the [[River Tern]]. It is in [[sandstone]], and consists of a single wide segmental arch. The bridge has a projecting [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]] on the north side, a flat [[string course]], and curved ends on the south side.
|align="center" |
|Victoria Bridge<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Victoria Bridge, Market Drayton.jpg|100px|centre]]
|Bridge No. 65 carries Maer Lane over the [[Shropshire Union Canal]]. It is in stone with some brick, and consists of a single elliptical arch. The bridge has [[voussoir]]s, a [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]], a [[belt course|band]], a slightly [[camber]]ed [[parapet]] with [[coping (architecture)|coping]], and square [[pier (architecture)|piers]], also with coping.
|align="center" |
|Bettonwood Bridge<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Bettonwood Bridge.jpg|100px|centre]]
|Bridge No. 66 is an [[accommodation bridge]] over the [[Shropshire Union Canal]]. It is in [[sandstone]], and consists of a single elliptical arch. The bridge is hump-backed, and has [[voussoir]]s, a flush [[keystone (architecture)|keystone]], a [[chamfer]]ed [[string course]], a [[parapet]] with rounded [[coping (architecture)|coping]], and square end [[pier (architecture)|piers]].
|align="center" |
|Milepost south of Bridge No. 66<br/><small></small>
|The milepost is on the towpath of the [[Shropshire Union Canal]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and consists of a cylindrical round-topped post with curved rectangular plates. The plates are inscribed with the distances in miles to [[Autherley Junction]], [[Nantwich]], and [[Norbury Junction]].
|align="center" |
|Milepost south of Bridge No. 67<br/><small></small>
|The milepost is on the towpath of the [[Shropshire Union Canal]]. It is in [[cast iron]], and consists of a cylindrical round-topped post with curved rectangular plates. The plates are inscribed with the distances in miles to [[Autherley Junction]], [[Nantwich]], and [[Norbury Junction]].
|align="center" |
[[Category:Lists of buildings and structures in Shropshire]]
Complexo de Nuvens Moleculares de Órion
新規更新されました。 October 02, 2018 at 08:21PM
Complexo de Nuvens Moleculares de Órion
List of ambassadors of Italy to Slovakia
新規更新されました。 October 02, 2018 at 11:53AM
List of ambassadors of Italy to Slovakia
意味調べるArava (Souccot)
新規更新October 02, 2018 at 09:13AM
Arava (Souccot) : Nouvelle page : Arava est une des quatres espèces récoltée et mis sur la table lors de la fête juive, Souccot.
意味調べるErnest Preston Lane
新規更新October 02, 2018 at 03:17AM
Ernest Preston Lane
Suslindisambiguator: created page with 3 book reviews
==Education and career==
He received in 1909 his bachelor's degree in from the [[University of Tennessee]] and in 1913 his master's degree from the [[University of Virginia]].<ref name=GF></ref> He taught mathematics at several academic institutions before receiving in 1918 from the [[University of Chicago]] his PhD under [[Ernest Julius Wilczynski]] with thesis '' Conjugate systems with indeterminate axis curves''.<ref></ref> At the [[University of Wisconsin]] Lane was from 1919 to 1923 an assistant professor. At the University of Chicago he was from 1923 to 1927 an assistant professor, from 1927 to 1928 an associate professor, and from 1928 to 1952 a full professor, retiring in 1952 as professor emeritus. He was the chair of the University of Chicago's mathematics department from 1941 to 1946.
Lane was a Guggenheim Fellow for the academic year 1926–1927.<ref name=GF/> His doctoral students include [[Alice T. Schafer]] and [[Sun Guangyuan]].
==Selected publications==
[[Category:1886 births]]
[[Category:1969 deaths]]
[[Category:University of Tennessee alumni]]
[[Category:University of Virginia alumni]]
[[Category:University of Chicago alumni]]
[[Category:University of Chicago faculty]]
[[Category:20th-century American mathematicians]]
[[Category:Differential geometers]]
[[Category:Guggenheim Fellows]]
[[Category:People from Hamblen County, Tennessee]]
San Giuseppe la Rena
新規更新されました。 October 01, 2018 at 09:10PM
San Giuseppe la Rena
تأملات حول الثورة في فرنسا
新規更新されました。 October 01, 2018 at 06:56PM
تأملات حول الثورة في فرنسا
Carles Solà Ferrando
新規更新されました。 October 01, 2018 at 05:20PM
Carles Solà Ferrando
Daniel W. Stroock
新規更新されました。 October 01, 2018 at 05:20PM
Daniel W. Stroock
Listed buildings in Newport, Shropshire
新規更新されました。 October 01, 2018 at 12:19AM
Listed buildings in Newport, Shropshire
意味調べるハインリヒ9世・ロイス・ツー・ケストリッツ (1827-1898)
新規更新September 30, 2018 at 11:45PM
ハインリヒ9世・ロイス・ツー・ケストリッツ (1827-1898)
ロイス=ケストリッツ侯子[[ハインリヒ74世・ロイス・ツー・ケストリッツ|ハインリヒ74世]]とその最初の妻の伯爵令嬢クレメンティーネ・フォン・ライヒェンバッハ=ゴシュッツ(1805年 - 1849年)の間の第2子、長男。の中等教育学校で学び、[[ライン・フリードリヒ・ヴィルヘルム大学ボン|ボン大学]]に進んだ。1849年の会員となる<ref>Kösener Korpslisten 1910, '''19''', 274</ref>。及びノイホーフの領主であり、1874年から1894年までの郡長を務めた。プロイセン陸軍士官でもあり、、[[シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン戦争|ドイツ=デンマーク戦争]]、[[普墺戦争|ドイツ戦争]]、[[普仏戦争|ドイツ=フランス戦争]]に従軍し、最終的に(名誉的な)陸軍少将に至った。1879年から1882年までリーグニッツ7区(ヒルシュベルク、シェーナウ)選出の[[プロイセン衆議院]]議員を務めた。に所属した。またシュレージエン州議会議員でもあった。
1852年5月12日、ツュルツェンドルフ(Zülzendorf)で男爵令嬢アンナ・フォン・ツェトリッツ・ウント・ライペ(1829年 - 1907年)と結婚し、7人の子をもうけた。
*ハインリヒ21世(1853年 - 1856年)
*ハインリヒ22世(1854年 - 1858年)
*ハインリヒ23世(1855年 - 1886年)
*ハインリヒ26世(1857年 - 1913年) - 1885年伯爵令嬢ヴィクトリア・フォン・フュルステンシュタインと結婚
*'''マリー'''・クレメンティーネ・イェニー・アンナ(1860年 - 1914年) - 1883年伯爵と結婚
*ハインリヒ29世(1862年 - 1892年)
*ハインリヒ30世(1864年 - 1939年) - 1898年ザクセン=マイニンゲン公女[[フェオドラ・フォン・ザクセン=マイニンゲン (1879-1945)|フェオドラ]]と結婚
四男ハインリヒ26世は相続を辞退し、子孫は1887年プラウエン伯爵(Graf/Gräfin von Plauen)と改姓し、序数のナンバリングから外れた。しかし最年長の男子ハインリヒ・ハリー(1890年 - 1951年)は1927年叔父ハインリヒ30世の養子となり、ロイス侯子の姓に復帰している。彼の孫ハインリヒ・ルッツォ(1950年 - 1999年)は[[アンニ=フリッド・リングスタッド]]の夫となった。
== 参考文献 ==
* Friedrich Karl Devens: ''Biographisches Corpsalbum der Borussia zu Bonn 1827–1902''. Düsseldorf, 1902, S. 130.
* G. G. Winkel: ''Biographisches Corpsalbum der Borussia zu Bonn 1821–1928''. Aschaffenburg 1928, S. 121.
* Bernhard Mann: ''Biographisches Handbuch für das Preußische Abgeordnetenhaus 1867–1918'' (= Handbücher zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der Politischen Parteien. Band 3). Droste, Düsseldorf 1988, ISBN 3-7700-5146-7, S. 318.
== 引用 ==
<references />
[[Category:プロイセンの政治家|ろいす はいんりひ9]]
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...
新規更新December 08, 2019 at 09:18PM 【外部リンク】 Bernard Wodon Balibarbu : Nouvelle page : Bernard Wodon est historien d'art et écriva...
新規更新September 20, 2019 at 07:43PM 【外部リンク】 John McMullin (silversmith) Daderot: ←Created page with 'Basket by John McMullin, c....
新規更新されました。 April 17, 2020 at 07:19PM 【外部リンク】 Hạch bạch huyết cổ https://ift.tt/2VzslAc
新規更新December 04, 2018 at 08:50AM 【外部リンク】 八束和廣 2402:6B00:4668:5F00:842C:26B1:20BB:ED96: '''八束 和廣'''(やつづか かずひろ、...
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...