新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 06:23PM
Ключ 69
التضخم المفرط في روسيا السوفيتية المبكرة
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 06:23PM
التضخم المفرط في روسيا السوفيتية المبكرة
باراكودا الصفراء
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 06:30PM
باراكودا الصفراء
意味調べるFerdinand Laufberger
新規更新January 18, 2020 at 06:42PM
Ferdinand Laufberger
Foscolo :
== Biographie ==
Laufberger s'est formé dans les académies de [[Académie des beaux-arts de Prague|Prague]] et de [[Académie des beaux-arts de Vienne|Vienne]]. Il a d'abord peint des scènes de genre ; puis en 1855, il se rend dans les principautés du Danube et à Constantinople, envoyé par l'Österreichischen Lloyd afin de dessiner une série de vues picturales destinées à la [[:Catégorie:Gravure|gravure]], lesquelles ont été très bien accueillies.
[[Fichier:Ferdinand_Laufberger_Blinde-Kuh-Spiel_1865.jpg|vignette| Le jeu des vaches aveugles, 1865 ]]
Une bourse de voyage de deux ans de l'Académie de Vienne lui permet de visiter les sites d'art majeurs. Il voyage en Allemagne et en Belgique, puis se rend à Londres, à Paris (en 1862) et enfin en Italie. Il est resté à Paris pendant 15 mois et a peint ''au [[Musée du Louvre|Louvre]]'' . En 1865, il a été chargé de réaliser le rideau pour l'opéra comique. En 1868, il est nommé professeur de dessin et de peinture de figures à la nouvelle école d'art et d'artisanat du Musée autrichien, pour laquelle il méritait de s'épanouir.
Après avoir terminé le rideau, qui a été gravé pour la Society for Reproductive Art, il a réalisé plusieurs petites œuvres décoratives jusqu'à ce que le nouveau bâtiment du [[Musée des arts appliqués (Vienne)|Musée autrichien]] lui donne l'occasion d'ajouter une [[Frise (architecture)|frise]] en [[sgraffite]] et des [[Fresque|fresques]] sur la voûte en miroir de la cage d'escalier (Vénus sortant de la mer, entourée par les arts). Laufberger a également réalisé des scènes de genre qui ont pour la plupart un caractère humoristique.
== Œuvres ==
** Ein Privatgelehrter beobachtet eine Sonnenfinsternis (1858),
** Gebirgsreisende vor einem Bauernhaus(1859),
** Alter Junggeselle (1860),
** Ein gemütliches Plätzchen und
** Genoveva im Wald (beide 1861),
** Sommerabend im Prater (1864).
Laufberger a fourni l'encadrement pour la fenêtre en verre conçue par Carl Geyling au-dessus de l'entrée sud du hall industriel du bâtiment d'exposition mondiale à Vienne.
Ferdinand Laufberger est mort le 16 Juillet 1881 à Vienne.
En 1889 à Vienne, le [[Leopoldstadt]] (2e District) prend le nom de ''Laufbergergasse'' .
== Bibliographie ==
== Liens externes ==
* Eintrag zu Ferdinand Laufberger im Austria-Forum (im AEIOU-Österreich-Lexikon)
<br />
[[Catégorie:Personnalité masculine]]
[[Catégorie:Naissance en février 1829]]
[[Catégorie:Décès en juillet 1881]]
[[Catégorie:Décès à 52 ans]]
[[Catégorie:Personnalité austro-hongroise]]
[[Catégorie:Peintre autrichien]]
Magister equitum per Gallias
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Институт исследования тоталитарных режимов (Чехия)
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Институт исследования тоталитарных режимов (Чехия)
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Anton Grafwallner
意味調べるObservatoire aéroporté
新規更新January 18, 2020 at 09:04AM
Observatoire aéroporté
SenseiAC : + Catégorie:Observatoire aéroporté
[[Fichier:SOFIA_ED10-0182-01_full.jpg|alt=|vignette| L'[[Observatoire stratosphérique pour l'astronomie infrarouge]] (SOFIA) est un observatoire aéroporté actuellement exploité par la [[National Aeronautics and Space Administration|NASA]]. ]]
Un '''observatoire aéroporté''' est un [[avion]], un [[Ballon dirigeable|dirigeable]] ou un [[ Ballon de recherche |ballon]] avec un [[télescope]] astronomique. En portant le télescope à une altitude suffisamment élevée, le télescope peut éviter la [[Nuage#Nébulosité et opacité|couverture nuageuse]], la [[pollution]] et effectuer des [[Astronomie d'observation|observations]] dans le spectre [[infrarouge]], au-dessus de la [[vapeur d'eau]] de l'[[Atmosphère planétaire|atmosphère]] qui [[Absorption du rayonnement électromagnétique par l'eau|absorbe]] le rayonnement infrarouge. Certains inconvénients de cette approche sont l'instabilité de la plate-forme de levage, les restrictions de poids sur l'instrument, la nécessité de récupérer le matériel en toute sécurité par la suite et le coût par rapport à un observatoire au sol comparable.
<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" data-ve-ignore="true" style="white-space:nowrap;">[ ''[[Aide:Référence nécessaire|<span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources in the body of the article. (July 2012)">non vérifié dans le corps</span>]]'' ]</sup>
== Histoire ==
Les [[ Télescope à ballon |télescopes portés par ballon]] sont utilisés pour l'observation depuis la [[stratosphère]] depuis le [[Lancement (astronautique)|lancement]] du [[ Stratoscope |Stratoscope I]] en 1957. Un certain nombre d'instruments différents ont depuis été transportés en altitude par des ballons pour l'observation dans les bandes [[infrarouges]], [[Micro-onde|micro-ondes]], [[rayons X]] et [[Rayon gamma|gamma]]. L'[[BOOMERanG|expérience BOOMERanG]], réalisée entre 1997 et 2003, et [[MAXIMA]], qui a effectué des vols en 1998 et 1999, ont été utilisées pour cartographier le [[Fond diffus cosmologique|rayonnement du fond diffus de micro-ondes]].
En [[1965 en science|1965]] (jour ?), un laboratoire de vol [[Forces armées des États-Unis|militaire américain]] [[Boeing NC-135]] a effectué sa première mission d'[[Astronomie d'observation|observation]] d'une [[éclipse solaire]]. L'avion a également été utilisé pour d'autres missions d'astronomie aéroportée dans le cadre d'un programme scientifique (lequel) se poursuivant jusqu'en [[1975 en astronomie|1975]]. Les missions d'étude d'éclipses solaires se sont poursuivies jusqu'en [[1980 en science|1980]].
En 1973, le prototype français du [[Concorde (avion)|Concorde]], c/n 001, a été modifié avec des [[Hublot|hublots]] de toit pour une mission d'observation de l'[[éclipse solaire du 30 juin 1973]], à l'issue du programme d'essais français. Des instruments d'observation ont été installés à bord et l'avion a survolé l'[[Afrique]] pendant 74 minutes. L'avion est maintenant exposé au [[Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace|musée de l'air et de l'espace du Bourget]] en exposition permanente en livrée éclipse, avec les hublots affichés.
L'[[Kuiper Airborne Observatory|observatoire aéroporté Kuiper]], qui a effectué son premier vol en 1974, se composait d'un [[télescope de type Cassegrain]] de d'ouverture transporté en altitude sur un [[avion à réaction]] [[Lockheed C-141 Starlifter|C-141A]] pour effectuer des [[Astronomie infrarouge|observations infrarouges]]. En termes d'ouverture, le plus gros instrument embarqué à ce jour est un télescope de 2,7 mètres porté par un [[Boeing 747]] modifié pour le projet de l'[[Observatoire stratosphérique pour l'astronomie infrarouge]] (SOFIA). Cet instrument a été mis en service pour l'observation astronomique en 2010Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2). Le 29 juin 2015, la [[planète naine]] [[Pluton (planète naine)|Pluton]] est [[Occultation|passée entre]] une [[étoile]] lointaine et la [[Terre]], produisant une ombre sur la Terre près de la [[Nouvelle-Zélande]], ce qui a permis à SOFIA d'étudier l'[[atmosphère de Pluton]]<ref name="NASA-20150629">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>.
== Liste d'observatoires aéroportés spécialement construits pour ça ==
=== Observatoires basés sur les avions ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Observatoire
! Avion
! Queue#
! En service
! Hors service
! Remarques
| Observatoire aéroporté Galileo – NASA
| [[Convair 990]]
| N711NA
| 1965
| 1973
| Détruit dans une collision en vol
| <ref name="AwoB-FTS-TK"></ref> <ref name="SpaceRip-2016-11-23">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
| [[Kuiper Airborne Observatory|Observatoire aéroporté Kuiper]] (KAO) – NASA
| [[Lockheed C-141 Starlifter|Lockheed C-141A Starlifter]]
| N714NA
| 1974
| 1995
| A remplacé Galileo, remplacé par SOFIA
| [[Observatoire stratosphérique pour l'astronomie infrarouge]] (SOFIA) – NASA-DLR
| [[Boeing 747]]
| N747NA
| 2010
| en service
| KAO remplacé
== Article connexe ==
* [[Observatoire astronomique]]
* [[Télescope spatial]]
* Chronologie des télescopes, des observatoires et de la technologie d'observation
== Références ==
<ref name=np48_1_243></ref>
<ref name=rsi77_7>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>}}
[[Catégorie:Observatoire aéroporté|*]]
تاريخ اليهود في المجر
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 07:49AM
تاريخ اليهود في المجر
Jewgenija Nikolajewna Alissowa-Klobukowa
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 07:36AM
Jewgenija Nikolajewna Alissowa-Klobukowa
اليونان القديمة والنبيذ
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 07:43AM
اليونان القديمة والنبيذ
St. Vincent (альбом)
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 07:21AM
St. Vincent (альбом)
Hotel Termal das Caldas de Monchique
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 05:09AM
Hotel Termal das Caldas de Monchique
2019–20 North Texas Mean Green men's basketball team
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Deux capitaines (roman)
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 05:29AM
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意味調べるListed buildings in Sheen, Staffordshire
新規更新January 18, 2020 at 02:19AM
Listed buildings in Sheen, Staffordshire
Peter I. Vardy: New list
{| class="wikitable"
! Grade
! Criteria
|align="center" |II*
| Particularly important buildings of more than special interest
|align="center" |II
| Buildings of national importance and special interest
{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders" style="width:100%; border:0; text-align:left; line-height:150%;"
! scope="col" style="width:150px" |Name and location
! scope="col" style="width:100px" class="unsortable"|Photograph
! scope="col" style="width:120px" |Date
! scope="col" style="width:650px" class="unsortable"|Notes
! scope="col" style="width:50px" |Grade
|[[Church of St Luke, Sheen, Staffordshire|St Luke's Church]], gargoyles and effigy<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Sheen Church - geograph.org.uk - 235639.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The church was largely rebuilt from 1850, first by C. W. Burleigh, followed by [[William Butterfield]]. It is built in stone with a blue [[slate]] roof, and consists of a [[nave]], a south porch, a [[chancel]], a north [[vestry]], and a west tower. The tower has three stages, angle [[buttress]]es, a [[frieze]] [[parapet]] with [[gargoyle]]s, and a short recessed lead-covered pyramidal spire. Outside the east end of the church is an [[effigy]], and on the north side are gargoyles moved from elsewhere.
|align="center" |
|Knowsley Cross<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Knowsley Cross, Sheen.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The cross, which was restored in 1897, is in [[gritstone]]. It consists of a rough-hewn square base block and a short slightly tapered square shaft standing on a 19th-century base of three inscribed steps.
|align="center" |
|Village cross and corner posts<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Village Cross, Sheen.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The cross has a [[England in the Middle Ages|medieval]] base, and the upper parts date from the 19th century. The [[plinth]] is on five square steps, it has angle spurs, and on it is a square tapering shaft, at the top of which is a small cross. The corner posts are in [[cast iron]].
|align="center" |
|New House Farm and gate piers<br/><small></small>
|[[File:New House Farm, Brund.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The farmhouse, which was rebuilt in 1830, is in stone with [[chamfer]]ed [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[eaves]] [[cornice]], and a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. There are three storeys, and a T-shaped plan, with a front range of three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], a large rear wing, and a single-storey lean-to. The doorway has a moulded surround, an arched head, and a [[fanlight]]. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]], and in the middle of the top floor is an oval inscribed panel. The gate [[pier (architecture)|piers]] are about high, and each has a moulded surbase and a ball [[finial]].
|align="center" |
|Beresford Manor<br/><small></small>
|A [[manor house]] that was extended in the 19th century, it is in stone with a tile roof and two storeys. There is an L-shaped plan, with a 17th-century range, and a 19th-century cross-wing. The original part has a [[string course]], [[modillion]] [[eaves]], and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway has a [[Tudor arch]]ed head, to the right is a [[cant (architecture)|canted]] [[bay window]] with an [[embattled]] [[parapet]], and the other windows are [[sash window|sashes]]. The cross-wing is taller, with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] eaves, a [[hipped roof]], [[chamfer]]ed [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]], and a two-storey canted bay window.
|align="center" |
|Broadmeadow Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Broadmeadow Hall - geograph.org.uk - 145564.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The farmhouse is in stone with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[string course]]s, and a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s and ball [[finial]]s. There are two storeys and an attic, an L-shaped plan, and an entrance front of two [[gable]]d [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The windows are [[chamfer]]ed, [[mullion]]ed, and [[transom (architecture)|transomed]], and the doorway has a round-arched head, a cabled surround and a [[fanlight]]. At the rear is a gabled stair turret and a later lean-to.
|align="center" |
|Barn and stable north west of Broadmeadow Hall<br/><small></small>
|The barn and stable were largely rebuilt in the 19th century. They are in stone with [[quoin (architecture)|quoins]] and a blue tile roof. There are two levels, and in the [[gable]] end is a vent over an opening with a [[Tudor arch]]ed [[lintel (architecture)|lintel]] and a [[hood mould]]. The building is about long, and the front contains a simpler Tudor arched doorway, [[casement window]]s, and two hay loft doors.
|align="center" |
|High Sheen Farmhouse and stables<br/><small></small>
|The building was altered and extended in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is in stone, the house has a [[slate]] roof, and elsewhere the roofs are tiled. The house has two storeys, three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a single-storey [[gable]]d projection in the centre. The windows vary; some have [[chamfer]]ed surrounds, some have aluminium surrounds, some are [[casement window|casements]], and others are [[sash window|sashes]]. Attached are two stables with sash windows, hay loft openings, and a vented door.
|align="center" |
|Scaldersitch Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|Much of the farmhouse was rebuilt in the 19th century. It is in stone and has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s and a [[fleur-de-lys]] [[finial]]. Thee are two storeys, four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a short rear wing. The doorway has a [[Tudor arch]]ed head and a dated [[lintel (architecture)|lintel]], and the windows are [[sash window]]s with [[mullion]]s, one replaced by a [[casement window]].
|align="center" |
|1 Staffordshire Knot Cottages<br/><small></small>
|The house, which was remodelled in the 19th century, is in stone, and has a blue tile roof with a verge [[parapet]] to the left. There are two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway has a [[Tudor arch]]ed head with a dated [[lintel (architecture)|lintel]], and the windows are two-light [[mullion]]ed [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|Palace Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse, which was substantially rebuilt in the 19th century, is in stone and has a tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. There are two storeys and four [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the left bay recessed. The doorway has a [[Tudor arch]]ed head, a dated [[lintel (architecture)|lintel]], and a stepped [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[hood mould]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]] with [[mullion]]s.
|align="center" |
|Field Barn north of Manor Farm<br/><small></small>
|A cottage, later a barn, it is in stone and without a roof. There are two storeys and it contains a two-light window and a [[Tudor arch]]ed doorway.
|align="center" |
|Barn northwest of Low End Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The barn and byre were restored in the 19th century. The building is in stone with a blue tile roof, two levels, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. It contains two doorways with [[Tudor arch]]ed heads, vent slits, and [[casement window]]s. Inside, there are three raised [[cruck]] trusses.
|align="center" |
|Barn south of Rose Cottage<br/><small></small>
|A stone barn that has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s, two levels and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the front are two entrances, one with a [[Tudor arch]]ed head, a [[sash window]], two pitching doors, and slit vents. There is another Tudor-arched entrance at the rear, this with a dated [[lintel (architecture)|lintel]].
|align="center" |
|Hillside Cottage<br/><small></small>
|The cottage is in stone, and has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s and shaped kneelers. There are two storeys and one [[bay (architecture)|bay]]. Above the door is a hood, and the windows are [[mullion]]ed.
|align="center" |
|Ridge End Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|A stone farmhouse with a blue tile roof, two storeys, and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The doorway has an elliptical head, above it is a datestone, and the windows are [[mullion]]ed [[casement window|casement]]s.
|align="center" |
|2 Staffordshire Knot Cottages<br/><small></small>
|A stone house that was altered and extended in the 20th century, it has a [[slate]] roof with verge [[parapet]]s on shaped kneelers. There are two storeys and one [[bay (architecture)|bay]]. On the front is a lean-to porch, and the windows are [[mullion]]ed [[casement window|casements]].
|align="center" |
|Plum Tree Cottage<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Old cottage, the Brund - geograph.org.uk - 778313.jpg|100px|centre]]
|A stone cottage that has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. There are two storeys and one [[bay (architecture)|bay]]. The doorway has a [[Tudor arch]]ed head, and the windows have two lights and [[mullion]]s.
|align="center" |
|Bridge over River Manifold<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Bridge over River Manifold, Hulme End.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The bridge carries the B5054 road over the [[River Manifold]]. It is in stone and consists of a single shallow arch on an [[impost (architecture)|impost]] band. There is a [[string course]] at carriageway level with [[molding (architecture)|moulding]] above, and the [[parapet]] and [[coping (architecture)|coping]] are cambered over the span.
|align="center" |
|Cross Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse, which has an earlier core, is in stone with a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[string course]], and has a tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. There are two storeys, and L-shaped plan, and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the right bay [[gable]]d and projecting. The windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|Stable, cart shed and hay loft southwest of Cross Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The building is in stone with a stone slate roof, it has two levels, and the stable is on the left. The stable contains a doorway and [[casement window]]s, to the right are external steps leading up to a [[granary]] door, and further to the right are two cart entries with elliptical heads, and a loft opening.
|align="center" |
|Stable north of Low End Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The stable and hayloft incorporate some earlier material, including a datestone. The building is in stone and has a blue tile roof with [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] verge [[parapet]]s on shaped kneelers. The front is [[gable]]d, with two storeys, and is flanked by a lean-to on both sides. There is a [[Tudor arch]]ed doorway with a dated [[lintel (architecture)|lintel]], and external steps leading to the hayloft. Under the steps and to the right are further doorways, and in the gable apex is a [[dovecote]] with six boxes and three ledges.
|align="center" |
|Lower Boothlow Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse is in stone with a stone slate roof. There are three storeys, and an L-shaped plan, with a main range of two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a rear outshut. The central doorway has a [[corbel]]led hood, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|Manor Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse is in stone, and has a blue tile roof and verge [[parapet]]s. There are two storeys, a front of three [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and a two-bay rear wing. The doorway has reeded [[pilaster]]s with [[fleuron]]s at the angles, and a hood, and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|Over Boothlow Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|A stone farmhouse that has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. There are three storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has a [[fanlight]] and a [[hood mould]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]].
|align="center" |
|Stable east of Plum Tree Cottage<br/><small></small>
|The stable is in stone with a blue tile roof, a single storey with a loft, and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the front are two stable doors, and two top-hung [[casement window]]s. The right [[gable]] end has external steps leading to a hay loft, and on the left side is a lean-to.
|align="center" |
|Stable and Barn southwest of Rose Cottage<br/><small></small>
|The stable and barn are in stone and have a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. The barn has a single cell, with a catslide roof to the stable. On the front facing the drive are two windows and a stable door, all elliptically-arched.
|align="center" |
|The Raikes Farmhouse and stables<br/><small></small>
|The farmhouse and stables are in stone with a blue tile roof. The farmhouse has two storeys and three [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. On the front is a porch with a [[hipped roof]], and the windows are [[sash window|sashes]]. The stables to the left contain a doorway, a sash window, and a hay loft door.
|align="center" |
|Rose Cottage<br/><small></small>
|The cottage, which contains earlier material, is in stone, and has a stone flag roof. There are two storeys and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway is dated, the windows are top-hung [[casement window|casements]], and at the rear is a [[Tudor arch]]ed doorway.
|align="center" |
|Harris Close<br/><small></small>
|A stone farmhouse that has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s, two storeys, and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]]. The central doorway has [[corbel]]led hood, above it is a datestone, and the windows have four panes; the door and windows have [[chamfer]]ed [[quoin (architecture)|quoin]] surrounds.
|align="center" |
|Gate piers, gates and approaches, Beresford Hall<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Entrance to Lower Hurst Farm - geograph.org.uk - 326482.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The entrance was to Beresford Hall, which has been demolished. It consists of two square stone gate [[pier (architecture)|piers]] about high. Each pier has a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] surbase to a ball [[finial]]. The gates are in [[cast iron]].
|align="center" |
|Barn southeast of Palace Farmhouse<br/><small></small>
|The barn and shippon, which has retained some 18th-century material, is in stone, and has a blue tile roof with verge [[parapet]]s. There are two levels, and it contains four hay loft doors, five [[casement window]]s, and a doorway, and at the left end is a 20th-century lean-to.
|align="center" |
|School and School House<br/><small></small>
|[[File:The old school and schoolhouse. - geograph.org.uk - 310947.jpg|100px|centre]]
|The school and the school house to the right are in stone with blue tile roofs, and are in [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] style. The school has a single storey with the [[gable]] end facing the road. This contains two pairs of [[trefoil]]-headed windows and a similar single window above. The school house has one storey and an attic, and two [[bay (architecture)|bays]], the right bay gabled and projecting, In the angle is a porch, the windows are small-pane [[mullion]]ed [[casement window|casements]], and in the left bay is a gabled half-[[dormer]].
|align="center" |
|The Old Rectory<br/><small></small>
|The former rectory, which was designed by [[William Butterfield]] in [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] style, is in stone and has a half-[[hip roof|hipped]] blue tile roof, with crested ridge tiles. The entrance front has five [[bay (architecture)|bays]], and consists of a block with two storeys and an attic to the left, a block with one storey and an attic to the right, and between is a lower polygonal stair turret. On the front is a lean-to porch, and the windows vary; some arr [[mullion]]ed [[casement window|casements]] with [[hood mould]]s, some have [[trefoil]] heads, and there is a [[dormer]]. On the garden front is a two-storey [[bay window]], the lower storey [[cant (architecture)|canted]], the upper storey square on [[corbel]]s.
|align="center" |
|Former Old Rectory Coach House<br/><small></small>
|The coach house, designed by [[William Butterfield]], has been altered, extended, and used for other purposes. It is in stone and has a steeply pitched tile roof. There is one storey with flanking walls, and a central stair turret with a steeply pitched conical roof.
|align="center" |
|Critchlow Memorial and railings<br/><small></small>
|The memorial is in the churchyard of [[Church of St Luke, Sheen, Staffordshire|St Luke's Church]], and is to the memory of members of the Critchlow family. It is in stone, and consists of a large chest tomb in [[Gothic architecture|Gothic]] style, about high. The tomb has a deep [[plinth]], carved [[gable]]tted [[pilaster]]s framing inscribed panels, a blind [[arcade (architecture)|arcaded]] [[frieze]], a [[molding (architecture)|moulded]] [[cornice]], and a pitched and [[hip roof|hipped]] block top. The tomb is enclosed by [[wrought iron]] railings that rise to form round arches over it.
|align="center" |
|Milepost 1 mile from Hartington<br/><small></small>
|[[File:Milepost 1 mile from Hartington.jpg|60px|centre]]
|The milepost is on the south side of the B5054 road. It is in [[cast iron]], and has a triangular plan and a sloping top. On the top is "SHEEN", and on the sides are the distances to Sheen, [[Warslow]], [[Leek, Staffordshire|Leek]], and [[Hartington, Derbyshire|Hartington]].
|align="center" |
Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
[[Category:Lists of listed buildings in Staffordshire]]
Отсутствие зависти
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 03:03AM
Отсутствие зависти
سعيد الزهراني (طيار)
新規更新されました。 January 18, 2020 at 02:50AM
سعيد الزهراني (طيار)
意味調べるSusan Lee Lindquist
新規更新January 18, 2020 at 02:10AM
Susan Lee Lindquist
Inma Gasteiz: Añadiendo la Categoría:Científicas de Estados Unidos mediante HotCat
'''Susan Lee Lindquist''' ([[Chicago]], 5 de junio de 1949 - [[Boston]], 27 de octubre de 2016) fue una bióloga y profesora estadounidense de biología en el [[Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts|MIT]] <ref></ref> <ref></ref> especializada en [[biología molecular]], sobre todo en el problema del [[plegamiento de proteínas]] <ref></ref> dentro de una familia de moléculas conocidas como [[Proteína de choque térmico|proteínas de choque térmico]] y [[Prion|priones.]]<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref name="obituary"></ref> Lindquist fue miembro y directora del Instituto Whitehead y recibió la [[Medalla Nacional de Ciencia (Estados Unidos)|Medalla Nacional de Ciencia]] de Estados Unidos en 2010.<ref></ref> <ref></ref> <ref></ref><ref></ref>
== Educación ==
Lindquist nació en Chicago, Illinois, hija de Iver y Eleanor, y asistió a Maine South High School en [[Park Ridge (Illinois)|Park Ridge]].<ref name=":0"></ref>El padre y la madre de Lindquist eran de ascendencia sueca e italiana, respectivamente. Estudió [[microbiología]] en la [[Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign|Universidad de Illinois]] y obtuvo su doctorado en biología en [[Universidad de Harvard|la Universidad de Harvard]] en 1976. Completó sus estudios con una beca postdoctoral en la [[American Cancer Society]].<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref name="phd"></ref>
== Trayectoria profesional ==
En 1976 se trasladó a la [[Universidad de Chicago]] para un breve postdoctorado antes de ser contratada en el Departamento de Biología en 1978.<ref name=":1"></ref>Fue profesora de Albert D. Lasker de Ciencias médicas en el Departamento de Genética Molecular y Biología celular en la Universidad de Chicago y la directora del Instituto de Whitehead de Investigación Biomédica de 2001 a 2004. En la [[universidad de Chicago]], Lindquist investigó el papel de [[Proteína de choque térmico|las proteínas de choque térmico]] en la regulación de la respuesta celular al estrés ambiental. Fue pionera en el uso de la [[Saccharomyces cerevisiae|levadura]] como sistema modelo para estudiar cómo las proteínas de choque térmico regulan la expresión génica y el plegamiento de proteínas. Para este trabajo, Lindquist fue nombrada investigadora del [[Instituto Médico Howard Hughes]] en 1988. Después de sus descubrimientos con los [[PRNP|priones]], Lindquist se trasladó al [[Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts|MIT]] en 2001 y fue nombrada directora del Instituto Whitehead de Investigación Biomédica, una de las primeras mujeres americanas en liderar una importante organización de investigación independiente.<ref></ref>
En 2004, reanudó la investigación como miembro del Instituto, miembro asociado del [[Instituto Broad|Broad Institute]] of MIT y [[Universidad de Harvard|Harvard]], y miembro asociado del Instituto David H. Koch para la Investigación Integral del Cáncer en el MIT.<ref name=":4"></ref>
Lindquist recibió la [[Medalla Nacional de Ciencia (Estados Unidos)|Medalla Nacional de Ciencia]] en 2010 por sus contribuciones de investigación al plegamiento de proteínas. Impartió numerosas conferencias internacionales, en 2006, inauguró ''Futures in Biotech''<ref> TWiT.TV|fechaacceso=2016-10-31|sitioweb=TWiT.tv}}</ref>y en 2007, participó en el [[Foro Económico Mundial]] en [[Davos|Davos,]] Suiza.<ref></ref>
Lindquist también cofundó dos compañías para traducir la investigación en terapias potenciales, FoldRx in y Yumanity Therapeutics in, compañías que desarrollan terapias farmacológicas para enfermedades de plegamiento de proteínas y [[amiloidosis]].<ref name="Scientific Founders – FoldRx"></ref><ref name="Yumanity Therapeutics"></ref>
En noviembre de 2016, [[Johnson & Johnson]] hizo un regalo de 5 millones de dólares al Instituto Whitehead para establecer la Cátedra Susan Lindquist para Mujeres en la Ciencia en la memoria de Lindquist. El regalo será otorgado a una mujer científica en el Instituto Whitehead.<ref></ref>
== Investigación ==
Las investigaciones de Susan Lindquist aportaron pruebas sólidas de un nuevo paradigma en [[genética]] basado en la [[Herencia genética|herencia]] de [[Proteína|proteínas]] con formas nuevas y autoperpetuantes en lugar de nuevas [[Secuenciación del ADN|secuencias de ADN]]. Proporcionaron un marco [[Bioquímica|bioquímico]] para comprender enfermedades neurológicas devastadoras como las [[Enfermedad de Alzheimer|enfermedades de Alzheimer]], [[Enfermedad de Parkinson|Parkinson]], [[Enfermedad de Huntington|Huntington]] y [[Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob|Creutzfeldt-Jakob]].<ref name=":0"></ref> Fue considerada una experta en el plegamiento de proteínas, lo que, como explica Lindquist en el siguiente extracto, es un problema antiguo y fundamental en biología: <blockquote> "¿Qué tienen en común las "vacas locas", las personas con [[Enfermedad neurodegenerativa|enfermedades neurodegenerativas]] y un tipo inusual de herencia en la [[levadura]] ? Todos están experimentando las consecuencias de las proteínas mal plegadas... En los humanos, las consecuencias pueden ser mortales y provocar enfermedades tan devastadoras como la enfermedad de Alzheimer. En un caso, la proteína mal plegada no solo es mortal para el desafortunado individuo en el que apareció, sino que aparentemente puede transmitirse de un individuo a otro en circunstancias especiales, produciendo enfermedades neurodegenerativas infecciosas como la [[Encefalopatía espongiforme bovina|enfermedad de las vacas locas]] en el [[Bos primigenius taurus|ganado]] y Creutzfeldt –Enfermedad de Jacob en humanos".<ref>[https://ift.tt/2tvK69g "From Mad Cows to 'Psi-chotic' Yeast: A New Paradigm in Genetics"], ''NAS Distinguished Leaders in Science Lecture Series'', November 10, 1999.</ref>
''De "De vacas locas a levadura 'Psi-chotic': un nuevo paradigma en genética", NAS líderes distinguidos en serie de la conferencia de la ciencia, el 10 de noviembre de 1999.'' </blockquote> Lindquist trabajó en el elemento PSI + en la levadura (un [[Prion|prión]] ) y cómo puede actuar como un interruptor que oculta o revela numerosas [[Mutación|mutaciones]] en todo el [[genoma]], actuando así como un [[Capacitancia evolutiva|condensador evolutivo]]. Ella propuso que una [[proteína de choque térmico]], [[hsp90]], puede actuar de la misma manera, normalmente evitando [[Fenotipo|las]] consecuencias [[Fenotipo|fenotípicas]] de los cambios genéticos, pero mostrando todos los cambios de una vez cuando el sistema HSP está sobrecargado, ya sea farmacológicamente o bajo condiciones ambientales estresantes.<ref></ref>
[[Archivo:Plos_lindquist.jpg|miniaturadeimagen| Susan Lindquist ]]
Es probable que la mayoría de estas variaciones sean dañinas, pero algunas combinaciones inusuales pueden producir nuevos rasgos valiosos, estimulando el ritmo de la evolución. Las células cancerosas también tienen una capacidad extraordinaria para evolucionar. El laboratorio de Lindquist investiga los mecanismos evolutivos estrechamente relacionados que intervienen en la progresión de los tumores cancerosos <ref></ref> y en la evolución de los hongos resistentes a los antibióticos. <ref></ref>
Hizo también importantes progresos en [[nanotecnología]], investigando fibras amiloides orgánicas capaces de autoorganizarse en estructuras más pequeñas que los materiales fabricados. Su grupo también desarrolló un modelo de levadura (en tubos de ensayo) para estudiar las transiciones de plegamiento de proteínas en enfermedades neurodegenerativas y para probar estrategias terapéuticas a través de pruebas de detección de alto rendimiento.
Se casó con Edward Buckbee y tuvo 2 hijas.<ref name=":4" />Murió de cáncer en Boston a los 67 años el 27 de octubre de 2016.
== Obras ==
* .
== Premios ==
* Miembro de [[Academia Estadounidense de las Artes y las Ciencias]],1996.
* Miembro de la [[Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos|Acade]]<nowiki/>[[Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos|mia Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos]], 1997.
* American Academy of Microbiology, 1997.<ref></ref>
* Novartis/Drew Award in Biomedical Research, 2000.<ref name=":1"/>
* Dickson Prize in Medicine, 2003.<ref name="dicksonprize"> Dickson Prize in Medicine|last=Webteam|first=University of Pittsburgh University Marketing Communications |website=www.dicksonprize.pitt.edu|accessdate=2016-10-30}}</ref>
* Miembro de the American Philosophical Society, 2003.<ref name="Obituary"></ref>
* Nombrada one of the 50 most important women in science by Discover Magazine, 2002.<ref name="Svitil">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* Sigma Xi William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement, 2006.<ref name=":2"></ref>
* Miembro de Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2006.<ref name=":2"/>
* Genetics Society of America Medal, 2008.<ref name="genetics"/>
* Otto Warburg Medal by the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2008.<ref></ref>
* FASEB Excellence in Science Award en 2009.<ref name=":5"></ref>
* Max Delbrück Medal, Berlin, Germany, 2010.<ref></ref>
* Mendel Medal by The Genetics Society, UK, 2010.<ref></ref>
* National Medal of Science, 2010.<ref></ref>
* Made an Associate Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization, 2011.<ref></ref>
* E.B. Wilson Medal by The American Society for Cell Biology, 2012.<ref> MIT Biology|website=biology.mit.edu|access-date=2016-10-30|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161030142036/https://biology.mit.edu/about/awards/2843|archive-date=2016-10-30}}</ref>
* Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Vanderbilt Prize for Women's Excellence in Science and Mentorship, 2014.<ref></ref>
* Elegida Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS), 2015.<ref name="frs"></ref><ref></ref>
* Vallee Visiting Professorship, 2015.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
* El Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research with F. Ulrich Hartl and Arthur Horwich, 2016.<ref name=":3"></ref>
* Postumamente recibió el [[Premio Rosenstiel]]. 2016.<ref></ref>
== Referencias ==
[[Categoría:Genetistas de Estados Unidos]]
[[Categoría:Científicas de Estados Unidos]]
意味調べるHistorical territories of China
新規更新January 17, 2020 at 09:28PM
Historical territories of China
Morrisonjohn022: expand article prompt
[[File:China Dynasties.gif|thumb|220px|Approximate territories ruled by the various [[Dynasties in Chinese history|dynasties]] and states in [[History of China|Chinese history]].]]
The borders of [[China]] have changed significantly throughout [[History of China|history]], fueled by the rise and fall of [[Dynasties in Chinese history|Chinese dynasties]], military victories and defeats, as well as political unification and fragmentation over the course of three millennia.
==Chinese historical geography==
Chinese historical geography (; ) is a field of study that deals with the changes to Chinese political boundaries over the course of history. Scholars like [[Tan Qixiang]] have proposed that the geographical extent of Chinese historical geography should be equivalent to the territories held by the [[Qing dynasty]] during its territorial height between the 1750s and 1840s.<ref name=HistoricalGeography1></ref><ref name=HistoricalGeography2></ref>
==Territories of historical Chinese regimes==
[[File:Saam Gwok 262 CE.png|thumb|220px|Lands under the control of the [[Three Kingdoms]].]]
[[File:Eastern Jin Dynasty 376 CE.png|thumb|220px|Approximate territories held by the [[Former Qin]] and the [[Jin dynasty (266–420)#Eastern Jin|Eastern Jin]].]]
[[File:Tang Empire.gif|thumb|220px|Territorial changes of the [[Tang dynasty]].]]
[[File:Yuen Dynasty 1294 - Goryeo as vassal.png|thumb|220px|Territories ruled by the [[Yuan dynasty]]. The [[Goryeo|Goryeo dynasty]] of Korea was a Yuan vassal.]]
[[File:Qing Dynasty 1820.png|thumb|220px|Maximum territorial extent of the [[Qing dynasty]] and its tributary states.]]
This table includes only the major dynasties in Chinese history.
{| class="wikitable"
!Today part of
|[[Xia dynasty]]
|<ref name=Xia></ref>
|[[Shang dynasty]]
|<ref name=Shang></ref>
|[[Western Zhou]]
|<ref name=WesternZhou></ref>
|[[Eastern Zhou]]
|<ref name=SpringAutumn></ref><ref name=WarringStates></ref>
|[[Qin dynasty]]
|<ref name=Qin></ref>
|[[Han dynasty#Western Han|Western Han]]
|<ref name=WesternHan></ref>
|[[Xin dynasty]]
|<ref name=WesternHan></ref>
|[[Han dynasty#Eastern Han|Eastern Han]]
|<ref name=EasternHan></ref>
|[[Cao Wei]]
|<ref name=ThreeKingdoms></ref>
|[[Shu Han]]
|<ref name=ThreeKingdoms></ref>
|[[Eastern Wu]]
|<ref name=ThreeKingdoms></ref>
|[[Jin dynasty (266–420)|Western Jin]]
|<ref name=WesternJin></ref>
|[[Jin dynasty (266–420)#Eastern Jin|Eastern Jin]]
|<ref name=EasternJin1></ref><ref name=EasternJin2></ref>
|[[Former Zhao|Han Zhao]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms1></ref>
|[[Cheng Han]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms1></ref>
|[[Later Zhao]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms1></ref>
|[[Former Liang]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms1></ref><ref name=SixteenKingdoms2></ref>
|[[Former Yan]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms2></ref>
|[[Former Qin]]
|<ref name=EasternJin1></ref><ref name=SixteenKingdoms2></ref><ref name=FormerQin></ref>
|[[Later Yan]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms3></ref>
|[[Later Qin]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms3></ref><ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Western Qin]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms3></ref>
|[[Later Liang (Sixteen Kingdoms)|Later Liang]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms3></ref>
|[[Southern Liang (Sixteen Kingdoms)|Southern Liang]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Northern Liang]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Southern Yan]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Western Liang (Sixteen Kingdoms)|Western Liang]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Xia (Sixteen Kingdoms)|Hu Xia]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Northern Yan]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref>
|[[Northern Wei]]
|<ref name=SixteenKingdoms3></ref><ref name=SixteenKingdoms4></ref><ref name=NorthernSouthern1></ref><ref name=NorthernSouthern2></ref>
|[[Eastern Wei]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern3></ref>
|[[Western Wei]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern3></ref>
|[[Northern Qi]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern4></ref>
|[[Northern Zhou]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern4></ref>
|[[Liu Song dynasty|Liu Song]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern1></ref>
|[[Southern Qi]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern2></ref>
|[[Liang dynasty]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern3></ref>
|[[Chen dynasty]]
|<ref name=NorthernSouthern4></ref>
|[[Sui dynasty]]
|<ref name=Sui></ref>
|[[Tang dynasty]]
|<ref name=Tang1></ref><ref name=Tang2></ref><ref name=Tang3></ref>
|[[Zhou dynasty (690–705)|Wu Zhou]]
|<ref name=Tang2></ref>
|[[Later Liang (Five Dynasties)|Later Liang]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties1></ref>
|[[Later Tang]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties2></ref>
|[[Later Jin (Five Dynasties)|Later Jin]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=FiveDynasties4></ref>
|[[Later Han (Five Dynasties)|Later Han]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties5></ref>
|[[Later Zhou]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties6></ref>
|[[Former Shu]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties7></ref>
|[[Yang Wu]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties8></ref>
|[[Ma Chu]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref>
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=FiveDynasties8></ref>
|[[Min Kingdom|Min]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=FiveDynasties8></ref>
|[[Southern Han]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=FiveDynasties9></ref>
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref>
|[[Later Shu]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=FiveDynasties7></ref>
|[[Southern Tang]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref>
|[[Northern Han]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=FiveDynasties6></ref>
|[[Liao dynasty]]
|<ref name=FiveDynasties3></ref><ref name=LiaoSong></ref>
|[[Qara Khitai|Western Liao]]
|<ref name=SongJin1></ref><ref name=SongJin2></ref>
|[[Northern Song Dynasty|Northern Song]]
|<ref name=LiaoSong></ref>
|[[Song dynasty#Southern Song, 1127–1279|Southern Song]]
|<ref name=SongJin1></ref><ref name=SongJin2></ref>
|[[Western Xia]]
|<ref name=LiaoSong></ref><ref name=SongJin1></ref><ref name=SongJin2></ref>
|[[Jin dynasty (1115–1234)|Jin dynasty]]
|<ref name=SongJin1></ref><ref name=SongJin2></ref>
|[[Yuan dynasty]]
|<ref name=Yuan1></ref><ref name=Yuan2></ref>
|[[Northern Yuan dynasty|Northern Yuan]]
|<ref name=Ming1></ref><ref name=Ming2></ref>
|[[Ming dynasty]]
|<ref name=Ming1></ref><ref name=Ming2></ref>
|[[Southern Ming]]
|<ref name=Ming1></ref><ref name=Ming2></ref>
|[[Later Jin (1616–1636)|Later Jin]]
|<ref name=Qing1></ref><ref name=Qing2></ref>
|[[Qing dynasty]]
|<ref name=Qing1></ref><ref name=Qing2></ref>
==See also==
* [[Borders of China]]
* [[Chinese imperialism]]
* [[Dynasties in Chinese history]]
* [[Historical capitals of China]]
* [[History of China]]
* ''[[Pax Sinica]]''
* ''[[Tianxia]]''
* [[Timeline of Chinese history]]
[[Category:History of China]]
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意味調べるBishop's College de Calcutta
新規更新January 17, 2020 at 01:59AM
Bishop's College de Calcutta
Zerged : Nouvelle page
'''Bishop's College''' est une institution universitaire [[Anglicanisme|anglicane]] (Église de l'Inde du Nord) pour la formation de ministres du [[culte]] en Inde. Fondée en 1820 à Shibpur ([[Howrah]]) la faculté de [[théologie]] se trouve aujourd'hui à [[Ballygunge]], [[Kolkata]]. L'institution est affiliée à l'[[université de Serampore]].
== Histoire ==
L'institution académique fut fondée en 1820 en bordure immédiate du fleuve [[Hooghly]] (rive droite), à Shibpur ([[Howrah]]), près de [[Calcutta]], par le premier évêque anglican de Calcutta, [[Thomas Middleton|Thomas F. Middleton]]<ref>Les bâtiments d'origine et le campus, sont aujourd'hui occupés par l'Indian Institute of Science, Engineering & Technology [IISET], autrefois connu comme le 'Bengal Engineering College'.</ref> Vers 1883 la faculté de théologie déménage et s'installe à [[Calcutta]], de l'autre côté du fleuve, au '224 Lower Circular Rd' (aujourd'hui 'AJC Bose Rd')
L'institution offre une formation théologique contextualisée fondée sur l'enseignement de [[Jésus-Christ]], suivant la [[Protestantisme|tradition protestante]] et [[Anglicanisme|anglicane]]. Elle prépare des chrétiens (hommes et femmes) au [[ministère sacerdotal]] en Inde, ainsi qu'au travail de [[catéchèse]] et à l'enseignement de la [[doctrine chrétienne]]. L'institution fut fondée comme faculté anglicane mais depuis la formation de l'Église de l'Inde du Nord' [CNI] (29 novembre 1970) par l'union de plusieurs [[églises protestantes]] elle est gérée par cette CNI. La perspective est [[Œcuménisme|œcuménique]] et son corps professoral comme ses étudiants appartiennent à des [[Christianisme|traditions chrétiennes]] différentes, présentes en Inde.
== Programme d'études ==
La faculté prépare aux grades universitaires uniquement en [[théologie]] qui sont délivrés par l'[[université de Serampore]] à laquelle elle est affiliée :
*Le Baccalauréat en théologie ('''Bachelor of Divinity''' [B.D.]), un cours de 4 ans.
*Le 'Master' en [[théologie]] (''Master in Theology'' [M.Th.]) est offert avec quatre orientations possibles : [[Ancien Testament]], [[Nouveau Testament]], [[Théologie chrétienne]], et Religions.
*Le Doctorat en Théologie (''Doctor of Theology'' [D.Th.]). Deux domaines sont possible: [[Théologie chrétienne]] et 'Religions'
== La chapelle Saint-Thomas ==
La [[pierre d'angle]] de la chapelle Saint-Thomas, à l'intérieur du campus, fut posée le 9 mai 1898 par Mgr Edward Ralph Johnson, 8è évêque anglican de Calcutta (et métropolitain). Le [[Liturgie anglicane|culte]] fut inauguré le 19 janvier 1900 par son successeur Mgr James E.C. Welldon. Elle est placée sous la protection de [[Thomas (apôtre)|saint Thomas]], l'apôtre du Christ qui, selon une solide tradition apporta la '[[Bonne Nouvelle |Bonne Nouvelle]]' du [[Jésus-Christ|Christ]] en Inde et y mourut en [[martyr]].
== Notes ==
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意味調べるCarroll (given name)
新規更新January 16, 2020 at 03:57PM
Carroll (given name)
TonyTheTiger: /* top */ +
'''Carroll''' is an [[English language|English]] unisex [[given name]] and a [[surname]] ([[Carroll (surname)|Carroll]]). Notable people known by this name include the following:
==Given name==
*[[Carroll Edward Adams]] (1923 – 1970), American brigadier general
*[[Carroll Alley]] (1927 – 2016), American physicist
*Carroll Arnett, baptismal name of [[Gogisgi]], Cherokee poet
*[[Carroll Baker]] (born 1931), American actress
*[[Carroll Baker (singer)]] (born 1949), Canadian singer/songwriter
*[[Carroll Ballard]] (born 1937), American film director
*[[Carroll L. Beedy]] (1880 – 1947), American politician
*[[Carroll Beringer]] (1928 – 2011), American baseball player and coach
*[[Carroll Thayer Berry]] (1886 – 1978), American artist
*[[Carroll Bierman]] (1918 – 1970), American horse racing jockey
*[[Carroll Bloom]] (born 1928), Canadian gridiron football player
*[[Carroll Parrott Blue]] (1943 – 2019), African-American filmmaker, director and author
*[[Carroll C. Boggs]] (1844 – 1923), American jurist
*[[Carroll Bond]] (1873 – 1943), American jurist
*[[Carroll Borland]] (1914 – 1994), American actress
*[[Carroll Broussard]], American basketball player
*[[Carroll Burling]] (born 1934), American politician
*[[Carroll A. Campbell Jr.]] (1940 – 2005), American politician
*[[Carroll Carstairs]] (1888 – 1948), American art dealer and British army officer
*[[Carroll Chaplin]] (1882 – 1953), American politician
*[[Carroll Chase]] (1878 – 1960), American philatelist
*[[Carroll Clark]] (1894 – 1968), American art director
*[[Carroll Cloar]] (1913 – 1993), American painter
*[[Carroll Coates]] (born 1929), American songwriter, composer, and lyricist
*[[Carroll L. Coburn]] (1907 – 1975), American politician
*[[Carroll Cole]] (1938 – 1985), American serial killer
*[[Carroll Cook]] (1855 – 1915), American judge
*[[Carroll Cooney]] (1887 – 1947), American gridirion football and squash player, hammer throw athlete, and businessman
*[[Carroll Cutler]] (1829 - 1894), American academic administrator
*[[Carroll Dale]] (born 1938), American gridiron football player
*[[Carroll John Daly]] (1889 – 1958), American writer
*[[Carroll C. Davis]], American chemist
*[[Carroll Dawson]], American retired assistant coach and general manager
*[[Carroll Dickerson]] (1895 – 1957), American jazz violinist and bandleader
*[[Carroll William Dodge]] (1895 – 1988), American mycologist and lichenologist
*[[Carroll Thomas Dozier]] (1911—1985), American prelate
*[[Carroll A. Edson]] (1891 – 1986), American scouting pioneer
*[[Carroll Lane Fenton]] (1900 - 1969), American geologist, paleontologist, neoichnologist, and historian of science
*[[Carroll Freeman]], American operatic tenor, opera director, and music educator
*[[Carroll Gartin]] (1913 – 1966), American politician
*[[Carroll Gibbons]] (1903 – 1954), American-born pianist, bandleader and popular composer
*[[Carroll Gibson]] (born 1945), American politician
*[[Carroll Glenn]] (1918 – 1983), American violinist
*[[Carroll Haff]] (1892 – 1947), American track and field athlete
*[[Carroll C. Halterman]] (1919 - 2005), American management development authority
*[[Carroll Hardy]] (born 1933), American baseball player
*[[Carroll C. Hincks]] (1889 – 1964), American judge
*[[Carroll Hollensworth]] (1900 – 1959), American politician
*[[Carroll Hooser]] (born 1944), American basketball player
*[[Carroll Hubbard]] (born 1937), American politician
*[[Carroll Huntress]] (1924 – 2015), American football coach
*[[Carroll L. Hurd]] (1894-1977), American politician
*[[Carroll Izard]] (1923 – 2017), American research psychologist
*[[Carroll N. Jones III]] (1944 - 2017), American artist
*[[Carroll D. Kearns]] (1900 – 1976), American politician
*[[Carroll Kendall]] (1890 – 1975), Canadian ice hockey player
*[[Carroll N. Kirk]], American gridiron football player and college sports coach
*[[Carroll Knicely]] (c. 1929 - 2006), American editor and publisher
*[[Carroll E. Lanier]], (1926 – 2012), American politician
*[[Carroll H. Leavell]] (born 1936), American politician
*[[Carroll LeTellier]] (born 1928), US Army Major General
*[[Carroll Levis]] (1910 – 1968), Canadian radio personality
*[[Carroll Martin]] (1914 – 1985), American gridiron football executive
*[[Carroll W. McColpin]] (1914–2003). American Air Force officer
*[[Carroll McComas]] (1886 – 1962), American stage, film, and television actress
*[[Carroll McCray]] (born 1962), American gridiron football coach
*[[Carroll Meins]] (1892 – 1953), American politician
*[[Carroll Metzner]] (1919 – 2008), American politician
*[[Carroll Moran]] (born 1945), Irish judge
*[[Carroll Morgan]] (1947 – 2018), Canadian boxer
*[[Carroll Morgan (computer scientist)]] (born 1952), American computer scientist
*[[Carroll Vincent Newsom]] (1904–1990), American educator
*[[Carroll Nye]] (1901 – 1974), American film actor
*[[Carroll O'Connor]] (1924 – 2001), American actor, producer, and director
*[[Carroll D. Osburn]], American theologian
*[[Carroll S. Page]] (1843 – 1925), American businessman and politician
*[[Carroll Phillips]] (born 1992), American football
*[[Carroll Pickett]] (born 1933), American minister
*[[Carroll Pratt]] (1921 – 2010), American sound engineer
*[[Carroll C. Pratt]] (1894 – 1979), American psychologist and musicologist
*[[Carroll Quigley]] (1910 – 1977), American historian and theorist
*[[Carroll Righter]] (1900 – 1988), American astrologer
*[[Carroll Roberson]] (born 1955), American evangelist, gospel singer-songwriter, and author
*[[Carroll Rosenbloom]] (1907 – 1979), American businessman
*[[Carroll Seghers II]] (1924 – 2004), American photographer
*[[Carroll Sembera]] (1941 – 2005), American baseball player
*[[Carroll Seron]] American sociologist
*[[Carroll Sheehan]], American real estate executive and political figure
*[[Carroll Shelby]] (1923 – 2012), American automotive designer, racing driver, entrepreneur, and author
*[[Carroll H. Shilling (1885–1950). American jockey
*[[Carroll Eugene Simcox]] (1912 – 2002), American priest
*[[Carroll Smith]] (1932–2003), American race car driver, engineer, and author
*[[Carroll Smith-Rosenberg]], women's history, gender studies, and sexuality scholar
*[[Carroll Sockwell]] (1943–1992), American artist
*[[Carroll O. Switzer]] (1908 – 1960), American judge
*[[Carroll Thompson]] (born 1960), British singer
*[[Carroll Waller]] (1927 – 2014), American preservationist, writer and political official
*[[Carroll Van West]], American historian
*[[Carroll Livingston Wainwright I]] (1899 – 1967), American artist
*[[Carroll Snow Wales]] (1917 – 2007), art restorer and conservator
*[[Carroll S. Walsh Jr.]] (1921 – 2012), American jurist
*[[Carroll Widdoes]] (1903 – 1971), American gridiron football coach and college athletics administrator
*[[Carroll Williams]] (1916 — 1991), American zoologist
*[[Carroll Williams (Canadian football)]] (fl. 1963 –1969) American gridiron football player
*[[Carroll L. Wilson]] (1910 – 1983), American professor of management and technology
*[[Carroll D. Wood]], American judge
*[[Carroll D. Wright]] (1840 – 1909), American statistician
*[[Carroll Yerkes]] (1903 – 1950), American baseball player
*[[Carroll Carroll]], professional name of Carroll S. Weinschenk, (1902–1991), American writer
*Carroll Malone, pseudonym of William B. McBurney (?? – 1892), Irish poet
*Carroll Mather Capps, who uses the pseudonym [[C. C. MacApp]], (1917 – 1971), American science fiction author
*Carroll Ray Mothell, known as [[Dink Mothell]], (1897 – 1980), American Negro Leagues baseball player
*[[Carroll Watson Rankin]] pen name of Caroline Clement Watson Rankin, (1864–1945), American author
==Middle name==
*Brazilla Carroll Reece, known as [[B. Carroll Reece]] (1889 – 1961), American politician
*[[James Carroll Beckwith]] (1852 – 1917), American painter
*[[Washington Carroll Tevis]] (1829 – 1900), American mercenary
==See also==
[[Category:English feminine given names]]
[[Category:English masculine given names]]
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意味調べるПольский харт
新規更新January 16, 2020 at 01:22AM
Польский харт
Польский харт имеет общие корни с [[Русская псовая борзая|русскими псовыми]] и [[Хортая борзая|хортыми]] борзыми<ref name=":2" />. Общими предками всех этих пород собак являются борзые азиатского типа.
Собаки этой породы живут в среднем 10-12 лет<ref name=":0" />, что является достаточно долгим сроком жизни среди борзых собак.
Другие названия породы - польская борзая<ref name=":0" />, польский грейхаунд<ref name=":1" />.
<br />
== История породы ==
Борзые, которые были привезены в Польшу из азиатского региона, были известны в этой стране уже в XII-XIII веках. Упоминания борзых в Польше встречаются в хрониках королевского дворца в [[Краков|Кракове]], где, помимо прочего, описывается и содержание псарни. На тот период единого типа породы еще не существовало, поголовье было весьма разнообразным и не имеющим единых [[Фенотип|фенотипических]] и [[Генотип|генотипических]] признаков.
Впервые письменное упоминание польского харта как местной национальной породы в письменном источнике встречается в 1823 году. Упоминание это было в издававшемся в [[Варшава|Варшаве]] журнале, а сам материал был посвящен рассказу об отличиях между польскими и шотландскими, а также турецкими борзыми.
Поголовье собак этой породы долгое время оставалось небольшим, но достаточно стабильным.
Ко второй половине [[XX век|XX века]], после окончания [[Вторая мировая война|Второй мировой войны]], поголовье собак этой породы заметно снизилось в связи с тем, что в 1946 году был издан закон о запрете [[Охота|охоты]] с использованием борзых собак на территории [[Польша|Польши]]. Издание этого закона привело к потере актуальности содержания этих собак, для которых охота традиционно была основной сферой их применения.
== Примечания ==
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Fredtoc : Nouvelle page : Le '''Diocèse de la Barbade''' est une juridiction de la Communion anglicane à la Barbade relevant de l'Église dans la province des Antilles. Il a été fondé en 1…
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Fuusenn: fr:Paul Berthon 6 novembre 2019 à 11:15 の一部訳
== 略歴 ==
フランス東部、[[ローヌ県]]の[[ヴィルフランシュ=シュル=ソーヌ]]で小学校監督官の息子に生まれた<ref>[https://ift.tt/388yp7q Archives du Rhône, commune de Villefranche-sur-Saône, acte de naissance , année 1872 (page 13/55)]</ref><ref name="Bénézit"> « Paul Berthon » Extrait de la notice dans le dictionnaire Bénézit, sur Oxford Index, 2006 (ISBN 9780199773787)</ref>。地元で絵画を学び、1893年からパリの師範学校(École normale d'enseignement du dessin)で[[リュック=オリヴィエ・メルソン]]や[[ピエール・ピュヴィス・ド・シャヴァンヌ]]に学んだ。この学校で、[[アール・ヌーヴォー]]の先駆者とされる[[ウジェーヌ・グラッセ]]の指導を受けたことなどから、ベルトンもアールヌーボーのスタイルに進むことになった。
もう一人のグラッセの学生、モーリス・ピヤール・ベルヌーイ(Maurice Pillard Verneuil:1869-1942)と同じようにグラッセに影響を受けたスタイルで、ポスターや書籍デザインやドイツの陶磁器メーカー、[[ビレロイ&ボッホ]]の陶器デザインもした。
1934年、[[オー=ド=セーヌ県]]の[[ソー (オー=ド=セーヌ県)|ソー]]で亡くなった<ref>フランスの画家、Paul Émile Berton 1846-1909)がいて、一部の情報がポール・ベルトンの没年を1909年としていて、39歳で早逝したという記述が、2020年1月現在のドイツ語版やイタリア語版にある。例えばイタリア言語版は、2019年に没年のデータのみが変更されていて本文の修正はされていない。</ref>。
== 作品 ==
<gallery mode="nolines" widths="130" heights="180">
File:Sarah Bernhard par Paul Berthon.jpg|[[サラ・ベルナール]]
File:L'Ermitage par Paul Berthon.jpg|雑誌広告ポスター
File:Liane de Pougy by Paul Berthon.jpg|[[リアーヌ・ド・プジー]]
File:La Viole de Gambe par Paul Berthon.png|
File:Paul Berthon - Tisane Gauloise.jpg|茶製品のポスター
== 脚注 ==
== 参考文献 ==
* Les Petits Maîtres de la peinture 1820-1920 par Gérald Schurr, 1979 Les Éditions de l'Amateur, t. IV, Paris
* Berthon & Grasset par Victor Arwas - Academy/Denoël, 1978 - (ISBN 978-0856704291)
* L'Art Nouveau, la Révolution décorative, par Victor Arwas, Paul Greenhalgh, Dominique Morel et Marc Restellini [archive] [archive], Éd. Pinacothèque de Paris/Skira ; catalogue de l'exposition à la Pinacothèque de Paris, 2013.
新規更新January 15, 2020 at 07:09AM
Naminsk: miss
-->|most_nominations=|network=<!-- or | network_list = -->|runtime=|viewership=<!-- or | ratings = -->|producer=|director=|image2=|image2size=<!-- or | image_upright2 -->|alt2=|award1_type=|most_awards=<!-- or | most_wins = -->|subheader=<!-- or | current_awards = -->|country=|image=Jimmy Wales during his keynote speech at Wikimania 2013.jpg|image_size=<!-- or | image_upright = -->|alt=|caption=[[:m:Wikimania 2013|ウィキマニア 2013]]で基調講演を行うジミー・ウェールズ|description=|sponsor=|date=|location=慣例上[[ウィキマニア]]で授与される|presenter=[[ジミー・ウェールズ]]|holder=<!-- or | winner = or | winners = -->|host=<!-- or | hosts = -->|former name=|preshow_host=|acts=[[ウィキペディア]]における顕著な活動|reward=9|year=2011|year2=2019|holder_label=|caption2=}}'''ウィキメディアン・オブ・ザ・イヤー'''() は2011年に[[ウィキペディア]]の共同創設者[[ジミー・ウェールズ]]が創設した、[[ウィキメディア・ムーブメント|ウィキメディア運動]]での顕著な活動に対して与えられる賞<ref name="dd">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。毎年[[ウィキマニア]]において授与される<ref name="dd" />。2017年以前は'''ウィキペディアン・オブ・ザ・イヤー'''()という名称であった。
歴代の受賞者には、 、"Demmy"、、[[イーゴリ・イゴレヴィチ・コスチェンコ|イーゴリ・コスチェンコ]]、[[エミリー・テンプル=ウッド]]、[[ロージー・スティーヴンソン=グッドナイト]]、[[フェリックス・ナーティ]]、、、そして銘記すべき()多数の無名編集者たちが含まれる。
メインの受賞者のほかに、これまでに7人に選外賞(Honorable mentions)が授与されている。
== 受賞者 ==
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |受賞者
|ケンチェハヌリはカザフ語版ウィキペディアの改善のために安定したコミュニティを構築した。この活動はアクティブな利用者を4人から200人以上に増やし、記事数を7000から130000まで増やした<ref name="dd">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。後にケンチェハヌリは[[カザフスタン]]政府とつながりがあることが判明し、ウェールズは批判された<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
|[[ピエール・シュール・オート軍用無線局|ピエール・シュール・オート軍用無線局問題]]に対応した<ref name="erhart2">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
|ウィキペディアの編集者としてソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サイトで参加者を募っていたコスチェンコは、[[ユーロマイダン]]抗議行動の一員でもあった。彼は抗議行動のさなか、2014年2月20日に射殺され、没後受賞<ref name="erhart">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
|ウェールズは、反政府抗議の写真を投稿したことで追放された、[[ベネズエラ]]出身の匿名のの編集者を挙げた<ref name="2015award">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
| rowspan="2" |2016
| rowspan="2" |最初の共同受賞者は、ウィキペディアでの女性に対するハラスメントと闘い、特筆すべき女性についての記事を増やす活動をしている2人に贈られた。テンプル=ウッドは400以上の記事を新規立項し、何百もの記事を改善した。その多くは[[女性科学者に関する年表|女性科学者]]と[[LGBTに関連した医療テーマ|LGBT]]・に関する記事などであった。スティーヴンソン=グッドナイトは3000以上の記事を改善し、新規参加者を歓迎するスペースを設置し、「ウィキ・ウーマン・ユーザー・グループ」や「[[ウィキプロジェクト]]:女性」、キャンペーンなどの女性に関するアウトリーチ活動を共同創設した。
|ナーティーは彼の祖国である[[ガーナ]]に関する内容を追加し、ウィキペディアを編集することの重要性を宣伝する上でのいくつかのイニシアチブをとった<ref name="felixnartey">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。彼は2017年にガーナのアクラで開催された第2回を主導し、アフリカにおける地域コミュニティ構築の重要な役割を果たした<ref name="closing2017">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
|ファルハドは彼の母語である[[タタール語]]のみならず、多くのロシアの少数言語コミュニティで世話役になった。彼は英語も堪能であり、長年孤立していたこれらのコミュニティとより広範な運動との橋渡しをした<ref name="closing2018">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
|エムナは2013年にNGOのCarthaginaに加入した<ref name="EMF-Mizouni">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。彼女はその年に[[Wiki Loves Monuments]]に参加し、ウィキメディア・プロジェクトに投稿し始めた。第1回ウィキアラビア会議の開催やウィキマニア2018のプログラム委員長を務めるなど主要なウィキメディア会議の世話人を務めた。また、2016年にアフィリエーション委員に就任し2018年にはその副議長に選ばれた。
=== 選外賞 ===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |受賞者
| rowspan="2" |2015
|編集キャンペーンや青年キャンプなどのオフ・ウィキ活動によって<ref name="2015award">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
|Satdeep Gill
| rowspan="2" |2016
|ペルシア語のを創設した<ref name="erhart">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
|Vassia Atanassova
|Diego Gómez
|学術論文をオンライン共有したために著作権侵害で起訴された[[コロンビア]]の学生。後に無罪となった<ref name="closing2017">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>。
| rowspan="2" |2018
|Nahid Sultan
|Nahidは、法律上資金調達がほぼ不可能であるなど困難な状況に置かれていたの成功に貢献した。彼はまたスチュワードとOTRSメンバーとしてグローバルコミュニティーに奉仕し、ウィキメディア・コモンズのFacebookアカウントなどウィキメディア運動のソーシャルメディアアカウントを共同管理した<ref name="closing20182">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
|Jess Wade
|ウィキペディア上で適切に評価されていない科学者やエンジニアに関する情報を掲載する1年間のプロジェクトを開始した<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>
== 関連項目 ==
== 参考文献 ==
== 外部リンク ==
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