新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 08:41PM
ولاية نواكشوط الشمالية
ولاية نواكشوط الشمالية
Гельфанд, Мишель
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 08:37PM
Гельфанд, Мишель
Baitarani Road railway station
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 06:35PM
Baitarani Road railway station
Liste des évêques de Cagli
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 06:30PM
Liste des évêques de Cagli
意味調べるقائمة الولايات الفيدرالية الألمانية حسب عدد السكان
新規更新July 13, 2019 at 07:24PM
قائمة الولايات الفيدرالية الألمانية حسب عدد السكان
Tariqhada: إدخال الوصلات
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! دولة
! 1960
! 1970
! 1980
! 1990
! 2000
! 2010
! 2015
! 2017
| [[بادن-فورتمبيرغ]]
| 7726859
| 8953607
| 9258947
| 9822027
| 10524415
| 10753880
| 10879618
| 11023425
| [[بافاريا]]
| 9494939
| 10561110
| 10928151
| 11448823
| 12230255
| 12538696
| 12843514
| 12997204
| [[برلين]] <ref>bis 1990 ohne [[Ost-Berlin]]</ref>
| 2202241
| 2115311
| 1896230
| 3433695
| 3382169
| 3460725
| 3520031
| 3613495
| [[براندنبورغ]]
| 2578312
| 2601962
| 2503273
| 2484826
| 2504040
| [[بريمن]]
| 704287
| 735452
| 693846
| 681665
| 660225
| 660706
| 671489
| 681032
| [[هامبورغ]]
| 1836958
| 1793640
| 1645095
| 1652363
| 1715392
| 1786448
| 1787408
| 1830584
| [[هيسن]]
| 4783352
| 5424529
| 5601031
| 5763310
| 6068129
| 6067021
| 6176172
| 6243262
| [[مكلنبورغ-فوربومرن]]
| 1923959
| 1775703
| 1642327
| 1612362
| 1611119
| [[ساكسونيا السفلى]]
| 6576137
| 7121824
| 7256386
| 7387245
| 7926193
| 7918293
| 7926599
| 7962775
| [[شمال الراين وستفاليا]]
| 15852476
| 17004851
| 17058193
| 17349651
| 18009865
| 17845154
| 17865516
| 17912134
| [[راينلاند-بفالز]]
| 3411170
| 3658932
| 3642482
| 3763510
| 4034557
| 4003745
| 4052803
| 4073679
| [[سارلاند]]
| 1060493
| 1121300
| 1066299
| 1072963
| 1068703
| 1017567
| 995597
| 994187
| [[ساكسونيا]]
| 4764301
| 4425581
| 4149477
| 4084851
| 4081308
| [[ساكسونيا-آنهالت]]
| 2873957
| 2615375
| 2335006
| 2245470
| 2223081
| [[شليسفيغ هولشتاين]]
| 2309409
| 2510608
| 2611285
| 2626127
| 2789761
| 2834259
| 2858714
| 2889821
| [[تورينغن]]
| 2611319
| 2431255
| 2235025
| 2170714
| 2151205
! <ref>bis 1990 ohne [[neue Länder]]</ref>
! 55،958،321
! 61،001،164
! 61،657،945
! 79،753،227
! 82،259،540
! 81،751،602
! 82،175،684
! 82،792،351
== انظر ايضا ==
* قائمة الولايات الفيدرالية الألمانية حسب الكثافة السكانية
[https://ift.tt/OVicFO المكتب الإحصائي الاتحادي]
== مراجع ==
[[تصنيف:التركيبة السكانية في ألمانيا]]
[[تصنيف:قوائم مرتبة لتقسيمات البلدان]]
[[تصنيف:ولايات ألمانيا]]
Lotus eye hospital and institute
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:28PM
Lotus eye hospital and institute
Rosendo Ballester y de la Torre
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:15PM
Rosendo Ballester y de la Torre
Suzanne Camelia-Römer
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 02:27PM
Suzanne Camelia-Römer
1947–48 USM Alger season
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 02:15PM
1947–48 USM Alger season
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 02:13PM
新規更新July 13, 2019 at 02:59PM
Joe123: Pagina disambiguazione
* '''[[Adrien Ferdinand de Braekeleer]]''' (1818–1904) – pittore belga
* '''[[Ferdinand de Braekeleer il Vecchio]]''' (1792–1883) – pittore belga
* '''[[Ferdinand de Braekeleer il Giovane]]''' (1828–1857) – pittore belga
* '''[[Henri de Braekeleer]]''' (1840–1888) – pittore belga
* '''[[Jacques De Braekeleer]]''' (1823–1906) – scultore belga
Manuel Antonio Del Corral
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 12:07PM
Manuel Antonio Del Corral
قائمة الجوائز والترشيحات التي تلقتها سلسلة أفلام مباريات الجوع
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 11:59AM
قائمة الجوائز والترشيحات التي تلقتها سلسلة أفلام مباريات الجوع
Distribuição digital em jogos eletrônicos
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 11:41AM
Distribuição digital em jogos eletrônicos
Pierfrancesco Majorino
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 10:35AM
Pierfrancesco Majorino
新規更新July 13, 2019 at 01:02PM
<span data-segmentid="131" class="cx-segment">'''Portadown''' ( ) <ref>Room, Adrian. ''Placenames of the World''. McFarland, 2006. p. 300</ref> <ref>Mills, A D. ''A Dictionary of British Place-Names''. Oxford University Press, 2003.</ref> é uma cidade no [[condado de Armagh]], [[Irlanda do Norte|na Irlanda do Norte]].</span> <span data-segmentid="136" class="cx-segment">A cidade fica no [[ River Bann|rio Bann,]] no norte do condado, a cerca de 24 milhas (39 km) <ref name="fmt"></ref> sudoeste de [[Belfast]] .</span> <span data-segmentid="139" class="cx-segment">É na área de [[ Conselho do distrito de Armagh, de Banbridge e de Craigavon|Armagh, Banbridge e Craigavon Borough Council]] e tinha uma população de cerca de 22.000 no [[ Censo do Reino Unido 2011|censo de 2011]].</span> <span data-segmentid="142" class="cx-segment">Para alguns fins, Portadown é tratado como parte do "Craigavon Urban Area", ao lado de [[ Craigavon|Craigavon]] e [[Lurgan]].</span>
<span data-segmentid="145" class="cx-segment">Embora Portadown pode traçar suas origens para o início do século 17 [[ Plantação de Ulster|Plantation of Ulster]], não foi até a [[era vitoriana]] e da chegada da ferrovia que se tornou uma grande cidade.</span> <span data-segmentid="148" class="cx-segment">Ele ganhou o apelido de "hub do Norte", devido a ser um importante entroncamento ferroviário; onde a linha da [[ Great Northern Railway (Irlanda)|Great Northern Railway]] divergiu para [[Belfast]], [[Dublin]], [[Armagh]] e [[Derry]].</span> <span data-segmentid="154" class="cx-segment">Nos séculos XIX e XX, Portadown foi também um importante centro de produção de têxteis (principalmente de [[ Linho irlandês|linho]] ).</span>
<span data-segmentid="156" class="cx-segment">De sua população, cerca de 61% são de origem protestante e 31% de origem católica.</span> <span data-segmentid="157" class="cx-segment">Portadown é o local da longa [[ Conflito Drumcree|disputa de Drumcree]], durante as passeatas anuais [[Ordem de Orange|Orange]] através da parte principalmente católica da cidade, que muitas vezes levou à violência.</span> <span data-segmentid="160" class="cx-segment">Na década de 1990, a disputa se intensificou e atraiu a atenção mundial para Portadown. <ref name="drumcree"></ref></span>
== História ==
[[Ficheiro:Market_Day,_Portadown_(5969567125).jpg|ligação=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Market_Day,_Portadown_(5969567125).jpg|direita|miniaturadaimagem|<span data-segmentid="162" class="cx-segment">Portadown High Street no dia do mercado (c.1900)</span>]]
[[Ficheiro:Bridge_Street_showing_First_Presbyterian_Church,_Portadown,_Co._Armagh_(16740202726).jpg|ligação=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Bridge_Street_showing_First_Presbyterian_Church,_Portadown,_Co._Armagh_(16740202726).jpg|direita|miniaturadaimagem|<span data-segmentid="163" class="cx-segment">A área de Edenderry de Portadown no início dos anos 1900</span>]]
[[Ficheiro:Sticking_up_posters_on_the_gate_piers_of_Portadown_Railway_Station.jpg|ligação=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Sticking_up_posters_on_the_gate_piers_of_Portadown_Railway_Station.jpg|direita|miniaturadaimagem|<span data-segmentid="164" class="cx-segment">A antiga estação ferroviária em Edenderry (c. 1879)</span>]]
=== <span data-segmentid="165" class="cx-segment">História antiga e Plantação do Ulster</span> ===
<span data-segmentid="166" class="cx-segment">A área de Portadown era habitada há muito tempo pelos [[Irlanda Gaélica|gaélicos irlandeses]]. <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2"></ref></span> <span data-segmentid="168" class="cx-segment">No início dos anos 1600, ficava no distrito de [[ Oneilland West|Clancann]] ( ''Clann Chana'' ), que fazia parte do território maior de [[Oneilland]] ( ''Uí Nialláin'' ).</span> <span data-segmentid="171" class="cx-segment">Este distrito recebeu o nome do [[clã]] local dominante - os [[McCann]] ( ''Mac Cana'' ) <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /> <ref name="O'CleryO'Clery18562"></ref> - que estiveram na área desde antes do século XIII. <ref name="Hill20042"></ref> <ref name="O'Daly18522"></ref></span> <span data-segmentid="174" class="cx-segment">Os McCann eram então uma [[ Setembro|seita]] [[Vassalagem|vassala]] dos [[Uí Néill|O'Neill]] ( ''Uí Néill'' ). <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /></span> <span data-segmentid="178" class="cx-segment">Nas margens orientais do rio Bann ficava o distrito de [[ Oneilland East|Clanbrasil]] ( ''Clann Bhreasail'' ). <ref>[https://ift.tt/2il3YWk Craigavon Borough: Derrytrasna Ward]. Northern Ireland Place-name Project. p. 2</ref></span>
<span data-segmentid="180" class="cx-segment">O nome da cidade vem do ''porto'' irlandês de ''<nowiki/>'Dúnáin'' (ou, mais formalmente, ''Port an Dúnáin'' ), significando o porto ou local de pouso do pequeno forte.</span> <span data-segmentid="181" class="cx-segment">Este foi provavelmente um forte dos McCann. O nome da cidade vem do ''porto'' irlandês de ''<nowiki/>'Dúnáin'' (ou, mais formalmente, ''Port an Dúnáin'' ), significando o porto ou local de pouso do pequeno forte. Este foi provavelmente um forte dos McCann. <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /></span>
D<span data-segmentid="182" class="cx-segment">e 1594 até 1603, os O'Neills e uma aliança de outros clãs lutaram na [[Guerra dos Nove Anos (Irlanda)|Guerra dos Nove Anos]] contra a [[Reconquista Tudor da Irlanda|conquista inglesa da Irlanda]] .</span> <span data-segmentid="185" class="cx-segment">Isso acabou em derrota para os clãs irlandeses, e grande parte de suas terras foi tomada pelos [[Reino da Inglaterra|ingleses]].</span> <span data-segmentid="187" class="cx-segment">Em 1608, [[Jaime VI da Escócia e I de Inglaterra|James I da Inglaterra]] começou a [[ Plantação de Ulster|Plantação de Ulster]] - a [[colonização]] organizada desta terra por colonos da [[Grã-Bretanha]]. </span>
<span data-segmentid="193" class="cx-segment">Em 1610, como parte da plantação, as terras de Portadown foram concedidas a William Powell. <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /></span> <span data-segmentid="194" class="cx-segment">Em 1611, ele vendeu sua concessão de terras para o reverendo Richard Rolleston, que por sua vez vendeu em duas partes a Richard Cope e Michael Obins. <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /></span> <span data-segmentid="195" class="cx-segment">Obins construiu uma grande mansão em estilo [[ Arquitetura elizabetana|elisabetano]] para si e sua família, e várias casas próximas para inquilinos ingleses.</span> <span data-segmentid="197" class="cx-segment">Esta mansão estava na área da atual propriedade de Woodside, <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /> e o People's Park de hoje era parte de sua propriedade. <ref name="RiseOfPortadown2" /></span> <span data-segmentid="198" class="cx-segment">O parque é agora delimitado em ambos os lados por Obins Street e Castle Street, ambos são referências ao "Castelo de Obin".</span> <span data-segmentid="199" class="cx-segment">Em 1631, Obins obteve uma licença para uma "feira e mercado", o que levou à construção da primeira ponte sobre o rio Bann, pouco depois. <ref name="O'CleryO'Clery18562" /></span>
روبرت بريان هارويل
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 10:18AM
روبرت بريان هارويل
Marieme Faye Sall
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 10:18AM
Marieme Faye Sall
Итальянская социалистическая партия пролетарского единства
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 09:31AM
Итальянская социалистическая партия пролетарского единства
El baquiné de angelitos negros
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 08:18AM
El baquiné de angelitos negros
新規更新July 13, 2019 at 08:47AM
Zigzig20s: created page for surname
*[[Bill Foxen]] (1879–1937), American baseball pitcher
*[[James Foxen]] (c. 1769–1829), English hangman
Welcome to the Goondox
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 06:03AM
Welcome to the Goondox
Азербайджано-аргентинские отношения
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 06:11AM
Азербайджано-аргентинские отношения
منتخب ويلز لاتحاد الرغبي للسيدات
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:47AM
منتخب ويلز لاتحاد الرغبي للسيدات
2015 French Athletics Championships
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:40AM
2015 French Athletics Championships
Михеев, Константин Захарович
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:27AM
Михеев, Константин Захарович
قائمة الدول ذات السيادة في 1923
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:08AM
قائمة الدول ذات السيادة في 1923
Турово (Каргопольский район)
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:07AM
Турово (Каргопольский район)
Tri-City Jewish Cemetery (Davenport, Iowa)
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:06AM
Tri-City Jewish Cemetery (Davenport, Iowa)
Cathédrale du Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus de Haikou
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 04:01AM
Cathédrale du Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus de Haikou
Pequeños gigantes (miniserie)
新規更新されました。 July 13, 2019 at 03:59AM
Pequeños gigantes (miniserie)
Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 07:46PM
Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura
Liga Feminina de Basquetebol de 2017–18
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 07:12PM
Liga Feminina de Basquetebol de 2017–18
Маршнер, Людвиг Христофорович
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 03:38PM
Маршнер, Людвиг Христофорович
Dennis H. Carter
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 03:49PM
Dennis H. Carter
Jair Baptista Santos
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 01:42PM
Jair Baptista Santos
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 01:13PM
意味調べるJuan José Urivi
新規更新July 12, 2019 at 10:09AM
Juan José Urivi
Cuatro Remos: Añadiendo la Categoría:Presidentes de la Asamblea Provincial de Colchagua mediante HotCat
'''Juan José Urivi Rivas''' (f. [[1857]]) fue un [[sacerdote]], [[abogado]] y [[político]] [[chile]]no, que participó en la [[Guerra de la Independencia de Chile|revolución independentista de su país]] y fue presidente de la primera [[Asamblea Provincial de Colchagua]].
Nació en [[Concepción (Chile)|Concepción]]. Estudió en el Seminario y luego se fue a [[Santiago de Chile]] a estudiar leyes con otros jóvenes seglares. Presbítero del [[Obispado de Concepción]], ordenado por el año [[1805]]; bachiller en cánones y leyes. Ejerció su ministerio en Concepción, en el año [[1809]].<ref name="urivi"></ref>
Entró abiertamente en el [[Guerra de la Independencia de Chile|movimiento revolucionario de la independencia]], junto con su otro hermano sacerdote, Julián, como patriotas. Recibió el juramento de las tropas al primer gobierno nacional en [[1810]], con el doctor Rozas. Contribuyó a sofocar el [[motín de Figueroa]]. Participó en el Reglamento Constitucional Provisorio de [[1812]].<ref name="urivi"/>
Predicó en la [[catedral de Santiago de Chile]] la oración fúnebre de los héroes de [[Caracas]] y el sermón de acción de gracias por el [[Tratado de Lircay]]. Fue capellán del ejército patriota en la campaña de [[1813]], hallándose en las acciones de Yerbas Buenas y de San Carlos.<ref name="urivi"/>
En el año [[1814]] se dirigió al norte con el ejército patriota y después del [[desastre de Rancagua]] lo tomaron preso los realistas y lo enviaron al [[archipiélago de Juan Fernández]], con otro capellán penquista del ejército, Laureano Díaz. Durante la reconquista española fue procesado y condenado por patriota, con otros clérigos de Concepción. Primero fueron amonestaciones y castigos impuestos por Villodres en Concepción; en [[1814]] fue castigado con la suspensión total del ministerio sacerdotal.<ref name="urivi"/>
Pasó la revolución y se quedó en Santiago, donde obtuvo cargos civiles y eclesiásticos. Recobró su libertad en [[1817]], después de la victoria de [[batalla de Chacabuco|Chacabuco]] y se le nombró cura y vicario de [[Nancagua]], donde anduvo algo remiso en el cumplimiento de su deber, de modo que el gobernador del obispado hubo de separarlo. En [[1820]] fue nombrado cura de [[Lontué]], parroquia que sirvió hasta [[1824]], año en que pasó a la parroquia de [[Curicó]], que había obtenido en el concurso de ese año.<ref name="urivi"/>
Fue elegido diputado por [[Curicó]], en la [[Asamblea Provincial de Santiago]] de [[1825]]. Nuevamente diputado en [[1826]], en la [[Asamblea Provincial de Colchagua]], de la que fue su presidente desde el [[7 de diciembre]] de [[1826]]. Entre [[1831]] y [[1834]] fue diputado suplente por [[departamento de Itata|Itata]]; después de haber sido anulada su elección, como propietario por [[departamento de Curicó|Curicó]], reemplazó a [[Francisco de Borja Yrarrázaval]] cuando éste usó de licencia. Fue miembro de la Comisión Permanente Eclesiástica. Presentó una moción para que se separara el Seminario del [[Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera|Instituto Nacional]], pero no fue aprobada por ese entonces.<ref name="urivi"/>
En el año [[1833]] se le nombró cura de la catedral de Santiago y el mismo año fue nombrado canónigo supernumerario u honorario. En [[1837]] sirvió como vicario castrense, en el [[ejército restaurador del Perú]]; pero implicado en el [[motín de Quillota]] se le separó de su puesto y volvió a servir la parroquia de Barraza, desde noviembre de 1838 hasta marzo de [[1844]], fecha de su nombramiento de racionero de la catedral de Santiago.<ref name="urivi"/>
Dejó de existir siendo canónico, el año [[1857]].<ref name="urivi"/>
[[Categoría:Miembros de la Asamblea Provincial de Colchagua]]
[[Categoría:Diputados por Colchagua]]
[[Categoría:Religiosos de Chile]]
[[Categoría:Abogados de Chile]]
[[Categoría:Patriotas en la Guerra de Independencia de Chile]]
[[Categoría:Militares de Chile]]
[[Categoría:Presidentes de la Asamblea Provincial de Colchagua]]
Susanna Ceccardi
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 09:33AM
Susanna Ceccardi
Saison 2015-2016 de l'équipe de France de rugby à sept
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 07:32AM
Saison 2015-2016 de l'équipe de France de rugby à sept
Vale of Glamorgan Borough Council election, 1983
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 05:26AM
Vale of Glamorgan Borough Council election, 1983
Liste der Bürgermeister von Ötisheim
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 05:22AM
Liste der Bürgermeister von Ötisheim
Теорема Мюнтца-Саса
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Теорема Мюнтца-Саса
Telmatherina albolabiosus
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Telmatherina albolabiosus
Deputado Estadual Soldado Noelio
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 03:19AM
Deputado Estadual Soldado Noelio
Red Dead redemption
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 03:09AM
Red Dead redemption
Sierra Los Nogales
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 01:13AM
Sierra Los Nogales
Marolles-les-Braults (Marolles-les-Braults)
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 01:09AM
Marolles-les-Braults (Marolles-les-Braults)
意味調べるĐại học âm nhạc Fryderyk Chopin
新規更新July 12, 2019 at 12:28AM
Đại học âm nhạc Fryderyk Chopin
Vokaanhduy: Tạo với bản dịch của trang "Fryderyk Chopin University of Music"
'''Đại học âm nhạc Fryderyk Chopin''' ( , UMFC) có vị trí ''ulica Okólnik 2'' ở [[Warszawa-Śródmieście|trung tâm Warsaw]], [[Ba Lan]] . Đây là trường âm nhạc lâu đời nhất và lớn nhất ở Ba Lan và là một trong những trường lớn nhất ở châu Âu. <ref>[https://ift.tt/2XK5rVE Fryderyk Chopin University of Music] at the International Chopin Information Center</ref> <ref name="WIEM"> [https://ift.tt/2XR3fjt Akademia Muzyczna w Warszawie], [[ Encyklopedia WIEM |Encyklopedia WIEM]]</ref>
== Lịch sử ==
[[Tập tin:Konserwatorium_Muzyczne_w_Warszawie_przed_1939.jpg|trái|nhỏ| Nhạc viện Warsaw trước cuộc nổi dậy Warsaw, đường Okólnik ]]
Được đặt tên theo nhà soạn nhạc người Ba Lan [[Frédéric Chopin]] (tên khai sinh là Fryderyk Chopin và người đã học ở đó từ năm 1826 đến 1829), <ref name="WIEM"> [https://ift.tt/2XR3fjt Akademia Muzyczna w Warszawie], [[ Encyklopedia WIEM |Encyklopedia WIEM]]</ref> Đại học có từ Trường Âm nhạc dành cho các ca sĩ và diễn viên kịch được thành lập năm 1810 bởi Wojciech Bogusławski . Năm 1820, nó được chuyển đổi bởi giáo viên tiếp theo của Chopin, Józef Elsner, thành một trường âm nhạc tổng quát hơn, Viện Âm nhạc và Khai hoang; sau đó nó đã được liên kết với [[Đại học Warszawa|Đại học Warsaw]] và cùng với các trường Đại học khác, đã bị chính quyền [[đế quốc Nga]] giải tán trong các cuộc đàn áp diễn ra sau cuộc nổi dậy tháng 11 năm 1830 . Năm 1861, nó được hồi sinh thành Học viện Âm nhạc Warsaw. <ref name="culture.pl">[https://ift.tt/2XK3itc Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie] at Culture.pl </ref>
Sau khi Ba Lan giành lại độc lập vào năm 1918, Viện đã được nhà nước Ba Lan tiếp quản và được gọi là Nhạc viện Warsaw. Tòa nhà chính cũ của tổ chức đã bị phá hủy trong [[Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai|Thế chiến II]], trong [[Khởi nghĩa Warszawa|Cuộc nổi dậy Warsaw]] . Sau chiến tranh, năm 1946, ngôi trường được tái tạo thành Trường âm nhạc cấp cao hơn. Năm 1979, trường mang tên: Học viện âm nhạc Fryderyk Chopin. Năm 2008, trường một lần nữa đổi tên thành Đại học Âm nhạc Fryderyk Chopin. <ref name="WIEM"> [https://ift.tt/2XR3fjt Akademia Muzyczna w Warszawie], [[ Encyklopedia WIEM |Encyklopedia WIEM]]</ref>
== Các tòa nhà ==
[[Tập tin:Dziekanka_Krakowskie_Przedmieście_02.jpg|nhỏ| Dziekanka ]]
Tòa nhà chính, tại ''ulica Okólnik 2'' ở [[Warszawa-Śródmieście|Trung tâm Warsaw]], được xây dựng từ năm 1960 đến 1966. Nó chứa 62 phòng học cách âm; một phòng hòa nhạc (486 chỗ), Nhà hát Bài giảng Szymanowski (chuyển thể cho chiếu phim; 155 chỗ), Phòng âm nhạc Melcer Chamber (196 chỗ và một cơ quan Walcker được Piotr Grabowski lấy mẫu), Nhà hát Opera Moniuszko (53 chỗ) phòng nhịp điệu, ba phòng thu âm và ghi âm nhạc, phòng thu âm, thư viện và phòng đọc, văn phòng hiệu trưởng, văn phòng trưởng khoa, văn phòng quản lý, phòng khách, quán cà phê ''GAMA'', và phòng khám bác sĩ và nha sĩ. Ngoài ra còn có một cửa hàng sách âm nhạc và cửa hàng sách cổ.
Trường cũng có ký túc xá riêng, ''Dziekanka'', tại số ''[[Đường Krakowskie Przedmieście|58/60 Krakowskie Przingmieście]]'' . Sau này trường còn có phòng hòa nhạc 150 chỗ ngồi của riêng mình.
== Kết cấu ==
Trường được chia thành bảy khoa:
* Khoa I: Sáng tác, Xử lý và Lý thuyết Âm nhạc
* Khoa II: Piano, Harpsichord và Organ
* Khoa III: Nghiên cứu công cụ
* Khoa IV: Nghiên cứu về thanh nhạc và diễn xuất
* Khoa V: Tiến hành hợp xướng, Giáo dục âm nhạc, Âm nhạc nhà thờ, Nhịp điệu và Khiêu vũ
* Khoa VI: Chỉ đạo / Kỹ thuật âm thanh
* Khoa VII: Nghiên cứu về công cụ và giáo dục ở [[Białystok]]
=== Giám đốc và hiệu trưởng ===
* [[Wojciech Bogusławski]] (1810–1814)
* [[Ludwik Osiński]] (1814−1816)
* [[Józef Elsner]] (1816–1830)
* [[Apollinaire de Kontski|Apolinary Kątski]] (1861−1879)
* [[Aleksander Zarzycki]] (1879−1888)
* [[Rudolf Strobl]] (1888−1891)
* [[Gustaw Roguski]] (1891−1903)
* [[Emil Młynarski]] (1903−1907)
* [[Stanisław Barcewicz]] (1910−1918)
* Emil Młynarski (1919−1922)
* [[Henryk Melcer-Szczawiński]] (1922−1927)
* [[Karol Szymanowski]] (1927−1929)
* [[Zbigniew Drzewiecki]] (1929−1930)
* [[Karol Szymanowski]] (1930–1931)
* Zbigniew Drzewiecki (1931–1932)
* [[Eugeniusz Morawski-Dąbrowa]] (1932−1939)
* [[Kazimierz Sikorski]] (1940−1944)
* [[Stanisław Kazuro]] (1945−1951)
* [[Stanisław Szpinalski]] (1951−1957)
* Kazimierz Sikorski (1957−1966)
* [[Teodor Zalewski]] (1966−1969)
* [[Tadeusz Paciorkiewicz]] (1969−1971)
* [[Regina Smendzianka]] (1972−1973)
* [[Tadeusz Wroński]] (1973−1975)
* [[Tadeusz Maklakiewicz]] (1975−1978)
* [[Bogusław Madey]] (1978−1981)
* [[Andrzej Rakowski]] (1981−1987)
* [[Kazimierz Gierżod]] (1987−1993)
* [[Andrzej Chorosiński]] (1993−1999)
* [[Ryszard Zimak]] (1999−2005)
* [[Stanisław Moryto]] (2005−2012)
* [[Ryszard Zimak]] (2012−2016)
* [[Klaudiusz Baran]] (from 2016)
=== Giao sư honoris causa ===
* [[Igor Bełza]]
* [[Nadia Boulanger]]
* [[Plácido Domingo]]
* [[Jan Ekier]]
* [[Joachim Grubich]]
* [[Andrzej Jasiński]]
* [[Witold Lutosławski]]
* [[Andrzej Panufnik]]
* [[Arvo Pärt]]
* [[Krzysztof Penderecki]]
* [[Jean-Pierre Rampal]]
* [[Mstislav Rostropovich]]
* [[Arthur Rubinstein]]
* [[Witold Rudziński]]
* [[Jerzy Semkow]]
* [[Kazimierz Sikorski]]
* [[Stefan Śledziński]]
* [[Regina Smendzianka]]
* [[Stefan Sutkowski]]
* [[Tadeusz Wroński]]
=== Giáo sư đáng chú ý ===
* [[Tadeusz Baird]]
* [[Henryk Czyż]]
* [[Zbigniew Drzewiecki]]
* [[Irena Dubiska]]
* [[Paweł Łukaszewski]]
* [[Witold Maliszewski]]
* [[Aleksander Michałowski]]
* [[Stanisław Moniuszko]]
* [[Witold Rudziński]]
* [[Ada Sari]]
* [[Tadeusz Szeligowski]]
* [[Karol Szymanowski]]
* [[Józef Turczyński]]
* [[Kazimierz Wiłkomirski]]
* [[Stanisław Wisłocki]]
* [[Władysław Żeleński (musician)|Władysław Żeleński]]
=== Sinh viên đáng chú ý ===
* [[Kari Amirian]]
* [[Grażyna Bacewicz]]
* [[Thomas Böttger]]
* [[Elisabeth Chojnacka]]
* [[Frédéric Chopin]]
* [[Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis]]
* [[Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński]]
* [[Marian Filar]]
* [[Grzegorz Fitelberg]]
* [[Mieczysław Karłowicz]]
* [[Stefan Kisielewski]]
* [[Paul Kletzki|Paweł Klecki]]
* [[Hilary Koprowski]]
* [[Wanda Landowska]]
* [[Jerzy Lefeld]]
* [[Maciej Łukaszczyk]]
* [[Witold Lutosławski]]
* [[Jan Maklakiewicz]]
* [[Maciej Małecki]]
* [[Zygmunt Noskowski]]
* [[Jakub Józef Orliński]]
* [[Ignacy Jan Paderewski]]
* [[Andrzej Panufnik]]
* [[Olha Pasichnyk]]
* [[Piotr Perkowski]]
* [[Ludomir Różycki]]
* [[Antoni Szalowski]]
* [[Stanisław Szpinalski]]
* [[Tomasz Szukalski]]
* [[Alexandre Tansman]]
* [[Piotr Tomaszewski]]
* [[Zbigniew Turski]]
* [[Eugenia Umińska]]
* [[Moshe Vilenski]]<ref name="jewishvirtuallibrary1">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
*[[Małgorzata Walewska]]
* [[Mieczysław Weinberg]]
* [[Kazimierz Wiłkomirski]]
== Thi đấu ==
Trường tổ chức các cuộc thi âm nhạc sau đây:
* Cuộc thi violin độc tấu quốc tế Tadeusz Wronski ( ''Międzynarodowy Konkurs T. sự khác biệt''
* Cuộc thi organ quốc tế ( ''Międzynarodowy Konkurs Organowy'' )
* Cuộc thi Wanda Landowska Harpsichord ( ''Międzynarodowy Konkurs Klawesynowy im.'' ''W. Landowskiej'' )
* Cuộc thi Cello quốc tế Witold Lutoslawski ( ''Międzynarodowy Konkurs Wiolonczelowy im.'' ''W. Lutosławskiego'' )
== Dàn nhạc ==
Trường có hai dàn nhạc: dàn nhạc giao hưởng và Dàn nhạc Đại học Chopin, cũng như dàn hợp xướng.
== Ghi chú ==
'''a''' Since at that time the Warsaw Conservatory was affiliated with [[Đại học Warszawa|Warsaw University]]'s Art Department, Chopin is also counted among the [[Đại học Warszawa|University's alumni]].
== Trích dẫn ==
== Tham khảo ==
* [https://ift.tt/1qELlUp Home page]
* [https://ift.tt/2XR3fjt Akademia Muzyczna w Warszawie], Encyklopedia WIEM
[[Thể loại:Trường học Ba Lan]]
[[Thể loại:Trường đại học và cao đẳng Ba Lan]]
[[Thể loại:Pages with unreviewed translations]]
意味調べるArmand du Plessis
新規更新July 12, 2019 at 12:25AM
Armand du Plessis
Hawling: <onlyinclude>
<onlyinclude>* [[Armand Emmanuel du Plessis, duc de Richelieu]] (1766–1822), französischer und russischer Staatsmann
* [[Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu]] (1585–1642), französischer Aristokrat, Kirchenfürst und Staatsmann</onlyinclude>
意味調べるJean Baptiste Discart, Orientalistische schilderijen en Nederlandse portretten
新規更新July 12, 2019 at 12:22AM
Jean Baptiste Discart, Orientalistische schilderijen en Nederlandse portretten
Basierend auf Archivrecherchen in [[Modena]], [[Wien]], [[Paris]], [[Brüssel]], [[Amsterdam]], [[Rotterdam]] und [[Den Haag]] konnte der Maler Jean Baptiste Discart eine Lebensskizze entwerfen.
Der Autor, Theo Kralt, begegnete Discarts Arbeiten im Landhaus Wielbergen in Angerlo (Zevenaar), Ost-Gelderland, wo einige von Portarts Porträts hingen. Diese wurden 1903 für das Landhaus Rhederoord in De Steeg (Rheden) angefertigt, als sie von Carel Marie Baron Brantsen und Jacqueline Sophie Brantsen - van Limburg Stirum bewohnt wurden. In der Kunstzyklopädie Benezit gab es nur wenige Zeilen über diesen Maler und dann nur über seine orientalistische Arbeit und sehr unvollständig. Die umfangreichen Porträtserien waren nicht enthalten. Weitere Untersuchungen ergaben, dass mehrere Familienmitglieder von ihm porträtiert worden waren. Über ihn war jedoch nur sehr wenig bekannt. Die Recherchen im Stadtarchiv in Den Haag ergaben, dass Discart von Tanger in Marokko nach Den Haag gereist war. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der orientalistische Maler und der niederländische Porträtist gleich waren.
Giovanni Maria Carlo Francesco Discart wurde am 6. Oktober 1855 in Modena geboren, wo er in der Kirche San Domenico getauft wurde. Sein Vater arbeitete für Francesco IV., [[Herzogtum Modena und Reggio|Herzog von Modena]]. Discart besuchte das Gymnasium in Modena und zog dann mit seinen Eltern nach Wien. Dort studierte er unter anderem Prof. und Maler Anselm Feuerbach (1829-1880) an der Akademie der bildenden Künste. Er begann seine Karriere in Paris und Tanger mit orientalistischen Gemälden. Diese Bilder zeigen den Alltag in Marokko. Das Leben in Tanger, die Berber, die Bräuche, das Handwerk, die Straßenszenen und die Traditionen sind leicht zu erkennen. Die orientalischen Gemälde von Discart zeichnen sich durch eine realistische Reproduktion, eine gleichmäßige Lichtverteilung, eine gute Komposition und eine hervorragende Farbausnutzung aus. Die orientalischen Gemälde wurden von Anfang an für den Markt hergestellt und haben sich auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet. Durch seine Geburt in Modena, das damals zu Österreich-Ungarn gehörte, und seine Ausbildung an der Akademie der Künste in Wien zählt Discart zu den Österreichern Orientalische Schule, zu der auch seine Kommilitonen Ludwig Deutsch, Rudolf Ernst und Carl de Merode gehörten. In Anlehnung an die österreichische Malschule verfeinerte Discart seine Porträttechnik nach und nach.
Vom späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert bis in die ersten Jahrzehnte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts arbeitete Discart unter dem Malernamen Jean Baptiste Discart hauptsächlich in Den Haag und von Den Haag aus. Discart schuf auch Porträts eines österreichischen Ehepaares im Jahr 1879, der deutsche Diplomat und Erbgraf [[Siegfried zu Castell-Rüdenhausen|Siegfried zu Castell-Rüdnhausen]] (1860-1903) in orientalischer Kleidung in Tanger im Jahr 1897 und des belgischen Königs Albert I. in Brüssel im Jahr 1909. Ab 1895 schuf er mehrere Porträtserien im Auftrag prominenter, oft edler, Niederländische Familien. In fast allen Fällen wurden diese nur in Privatsammlungen aufbewahrt. Die Mitglieder dieser Familien waren durch Ehen verbunden. Eine große Anzahl von ihnen bekleidete Positionen am königlichen Hof, in der Verwaltung oder in der Welt der Kunst und Kultur. Die Kontakte zwischen Discart und den Familien wurden über die Jahre gepflegt. In diesem Buch werden kurze Skizzen der dargestellten Personen von Fotografien und - falls vorhanden - von Porträts anderer, früherer oder späterer Maler begleitet. Im Vergleich dazu zeichnet sich Discarts Werk durch eine gewisse Bescheidenheit und Sparsamkeit aus
Auf Grund Untersuchungen in Archive in Modena, Wien, Paris, Brussel, Amsterdam, Rotterdam und Den Haag konnte eine neue Biografie von den Mahlers Jean Baptiste Discart geschrieben werden.
Die Kontakte zwischen Discart und den Familien wurden über die Jahre gepflegt. In diesem Buch werden kurze Skizzen der dargestellten Personen von Fotografien und - falls vorhanden - von Porträts anderer, früherer oder späterer Maler begleitet. Im Vergleich dazu zeichnet sich Discarts Werk durch eine gewisse Bescheidenheit und Sparsamkeit aus. Das Buch handelt von den Porträts der Familien Brantsen, Van Lynden, Van Pallandt van Neerijnen und Waardenburg, von Huyssen van Kattendijke, von Pauw van Wieldrecht, von [[Matilda Randebrock-Schöverling]], von Baud-Huydecoper, von Van Hardenbroek, De Marchant et d '. Ansembourg-de Silva, Van Tuyll van Serooskerken van Vleuten, Ruyssenaers-van Sypesteyn, die Familie Gerritsen-Landry, Van Heeckeren van Kell, Van Heemstra und ein Mädchen aus Volendam. Die Beziehungen zwischen Discart und den betroffenen Familien blieben jahrzehntelang intakt. Im Fall der Familie van Lynden zwischen 1903 und 1929. Er sollte am 1. Januar 1940 in Paris sterben.
Das Buch besteht aus einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Rudi E.O. Ekkart, ehemaliger Direktor des Niederländischen Instituts für kunsthistorische Dokumentation in Den Haag, eine Einführung, eine kurze Lebensskizze des Malers, ein Kapitel über orientalistische Gemälde und ein Kapitel über niederländische Porträts.
Neben der Lebensskizze werden neununddreißig Werke aus der ersten Periode und fünfzig niederländische Porträts besprochen, gefolgt von einem Katalog zur Farbfotografie. Mit diesem Werk wird das Schaffen eines weitgehend vergessenen Malers wieder lebendig. René van Gruting ist Herausgeber und Herausgeber dieser Publikation. Das Buch wurde im April 2019 fertiggestellt. Niederländische Kulturfonds ermöglichten die Veröffentlichung des Buches. Am Dienstagnachmittag, dem 25. Juni 2019, wurde dem österreichischen Botschafter in den Niederlanden im Rahmen eines festlichen Programms in der Residenz der österreichischen Botschaft in Den Haag das erste Exemplar des Buches über Discart überreicht.
Im Herbst wird eine englische Ausgabe von Van Gruting Publishers veröffentlicht, um die Daten des Buches international verfügbar zu machen.
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Zebrzydowice, Silesian Voivodeship
新規更新されました。 July 12, 2019 at 12:16AM
Zebrzydowice, Silesian Voivodeship
意味調べるDeng Tingzhen
新規更新July 11, 2019 at 07:05PM
Deng Tingzhen
12al12: Traducción de wikipedia en chino
== Biografía ==
[[Archivo:Deng_Tingzhen.png|miniaturadeimagen|321x321px|El virrey Deng Tingzhen.]]
Deng nació en [[Suzhou]], en la [[Jiangsu|provincia de Jiangsu]], en 1776. Obtuvo el título de '''Jinshi''' en los [[Sistema de examen imperial chino|exámenes imperiales del Palacio Imperial]] en 1801 durante el reinado de [[Jiaqing]], y entró en la [[Academia Hanlin]] con el título de [[Shujishi]] (庶吉士). Ejerció el cargo de prefecto imperial en [[Ningbó|Ningbo]], [[Yan'an]] y [[Xi'an]]. También fue juez provincial en [[Hubei]] y [[Jiangxi]]. En 1826 obtuvo primer cargo de gobernador cuando el emperador Daoguang lo nombró gobernador [[Anhui|provincial de Anhui]].<ref name="卫三畏:《中国总论》">卫三畏:《中国总论》</ref> El 15 de octubre de 1835 Daoguang lo nombró [[virrey de Liangguang]].
Como Virrey de Liangguang, Deng estuvo a cargo de gestionar el [[Sistema de Cantón|comercio entre China y Occidente]] en [[Cantón (China)|Cantón]]. Deng fue un defensor de la liberalización del [[tráfico de opio]], y en octubre de 1836 remitió al emperador Daoguang un memorial defendiendo la legalización de su comercio como vía para limitar el daño que el narcotráfico causaba a las finanzas chinas. Daoguang, en un principio favorable a la medida, acabó convencido de que era innecesaria y ordenó a Deng en 1837 que actuara con firmeza contra el tráfico de opio en Cantón. Deng Tingzhen organizó redadas destinadas a desarticular las redes de traficantes chinos que introducían el opio en China; cerró todos los fumaderos de opio en la ciudad y ejecutó a numerosos criminales.
Las medidas de Deng tuvieron tanto éxito que Daoguang decidió asestar un golpe definitivo al narcotráfico en Cantón nombrando a [[Lin Hse Tsu|Lin Zexu]] ''Comisario Imperial'' con el mandato de erradicar el narcotráfico en China. Lin Zexu llegó a Cantón en marzo de 1839, y Deng, como Virrey de Liangguang, se puso a sus órdenes. Una de sus primeras acciones de Deng como segundo al mando en la fue la de confesar a Lin Zexu que su propio hijo era uno de los traficantes de opio más notorios de Cantón.<ref name="卫三畏:《中国总论》" />
Las acciones de Lin Zexu desembocaron en la [[Primera Guerra del Opio]] (1839-1842) entre [[Reino Unido]] y [[República Popular China|China]]. Debido al aparente éxito inicial de Lin Zexu (había incautado todo el opio en manos de los narcotraficantes británicos y expulsado a los traficantes de Cantón), Daoguang decidió nombrar a Lin Zexu virrey de Liangguang a principios de 1840 con la intención de que acabara con su trabajo en Cantón.
Así, el 29 de enero de 1840 Deng Tingzhen fue trasladado a [[Xiamen|Amoy]] como [[virrey de Min-zhe]]. Como virrey a cargo de las provincias de [[Fujian]] y [[Zhejiang]], Deng se vio envuelto de lleno en los combates de la [[Primera Guerra del Opio]]. Unos meses después de llegar a [[Xiamen|Amoy]], el 2 de julio de 1840 la flota británica atacó la ciudad y la tomó por la fuerza. Aunque Deng intentó fortificar las defensas costeras de Min-Zhe, su incapacidad para responder a los británicos y su relación previa con Lin Zexu, que para mediados de 1840 era el chivo expiatorio de todo el fiasco, suposieron que el 28 de septiembre de 1840 Daoguang destituyera a Deng y lo exiliara a [[Prefectura autónoma kazaja de Ilí|Ilí]], en [[Xinjiang]]. Fue restituido con relativa rapidez, y nombrado gobernador provincial de [[Shaanxi]]. Murió en 1846 en [[Xi'an]]. La [[tumba de Deng Tingzhen]], junto a la puerta de Xiamen del recinto amurallado de [[Nankín]], es en la actualidad una atracción turística local.
Deng fue un destacado erudito, famoso [[Caligrafía china|calígrafo]] y autor de varios libros de poesía.
[[Categoría:dinastía Qing]]
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 06:47PM
Cohors I Augusta Nerviana Pacensis Brittonum
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 02:37PM
Cohors I Augusta Nerviana Pacensis Brittonum
Michael Marquart
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 02:43PM
Michael Marquart
Chubby Creek (Gum Creek tributary)
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 12:47PM
Chubby Creek (Gum Creek tributary)
フィルムフェア賞 最優秀タミル語コメディアン賞
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 12:40PM
フィルムフェア賞 最優秀タミル語コメディアン賞
Temalangeni Dlamini
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 12:38PM
Temalangeni Dlamini
フィルムフェア賞 最優秀テルグ語コメディアン賞
新規更新されました。 July 11, 2019 at 12:08PM
フィルムフェア賞 最優秀テルグ語コメディアン賞
意味調べるSecond term of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California
新規更新July 11, 2019 at 11:22AM
Second term of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California
JayCoop: Creating from Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger
The '''second term of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California''' began on January 3, 2007 and ended on January 3, 2011. On November 7, 2006, the [[California Republican Party|Republican]] incumbent [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]] defeated [[California Democratic Party|Democratic]] state treasurer [[Phil Angelides]] in the [[2006 California gubernatorial election|California gubernatorial election]] to win a second term as [[Governor of California]]. Now in his second term, Schwarzenegger pledged to be a [[centrist]] politician and cooperate with the Democrats to resolve statewide political issues. Only days into the term, the governor proposed [[universal health insurance]] in the state and called for new bonds for schools, prisons, and other infrastructure. In May 2007, Schwarzenegger met with two of his counterparts in Canada, [[Dalton McGuinty]] and [[Gordon Campbell]], in order to address [[climate change]] and advocate for [[stem cell research]]. An [[Cosco Busan oil spill|oil spill]] occurred in November when the ''[[Cosco Busan]]'' struck the [[San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge]].
In 2008, Schwarzenegger proposed a [[balanced budget amendment]] to the state constitution. The governor also proposed an [[Austerity|austere]] fiscal policy in response to the [[Great Recession]]. In the [[2008 United States presidential election|United States presidential election]], Schwarzenegger endorsed [[John McCain]]. Continuing his efforts to address environmental issues, the governor signed a memorandum of understanding with Mexican President [[Felipe Calderón]] and signed legislation pertaining to [[global warming]]. However, by October, Schwarzenegger vetoed 35 percent of the bills that the [[California State Legislature]] passed, which was the highest the rate had ever been since the statistic was first tracked when [[Ronald Reagan]] was governor of the state. In the election, voters approved [[2008 California Proposition 11|Proposition 11]], which shifted [[Redistricting in California|redistricting]] powers away from the legislature and created the [[California Citizens Redistricting Commission]].
In the midst of the Great Recession in 2009, Schwarzenegger called upon the legislature to pass deep budget cuts and warned that the state was facing [[insolvency]]. At the same time, the governor approved of President [[Barack Obama]]'s [[American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009|federal stimulus bill]]. Schwarzenegger appointed [[Laura Chick]] as inspector general to oversee California's share of the stimulus bill. In May, the governor voiced his support for [[marijuana legalization]] and a [[2009 California elections|special election]] resulted in all but one of the state's propositions being rejected.
== Election ==
In February 2006, [[Steve Schmidt]] and [[Matthew Dowd]] were respectively named the campaign manager and chief strategist for Schwarzenegger's reelection campaign.<ref></ref> On April 14, Schwarzenegger's reelection campaign released his federal and state tax returns for 2002–2004 after [[California State Controller|State Controller]] [[Steve Westly]] and [[California State Treasurer|State Treasurer]] [[Phil Angelides]], both Democrats, released theirs.<ref></ref> On June 6, Schwarzenegger won nearly 90 percent of the vote in the Republican gubernatorial primary election without serious opposition.<ref></ref> On September 13, Angelides admitted to leaking a controversial tape of Schwarzenegger to the media. Katie Levinson, the communications director for the Schwarzenegger campaign called the action "unethical at best, criminal at worst".<ref></ref> On October 7, Schwarzenegger participated in a debate with Angelides.<ref></ref> On October 12, Schwarzenegger appeared on ''The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'', which drew criticism because Angelides was not included.<ref></ref> While the Democratic Party gained six governorships in the 2006 elections, Schwarzenegger managed to defeat Angelides on November 7.<ref></ref>
== Second term ==
=== 2007 ===
[[File:Kasparov-16.jpg|thumb|left|Schwarzenegger playing chess with [[Garry Kasparov]] in 2007]]
Schwarzenegger was inaugurated on January 5, 2007 and pledged to work as a centrist by creating an era of "post-partisanship" that will bring all Californians together to solve the state's problems.<ref></ref> On January 8, Schwarzenegger proposed a system of [[universal health insurance]] for Californians.<ref></ref> The governor gave his fourth annual State of the State address on January 9, calling for $43.3 billion in new bond spending for schools, prisons, and other infrastructure.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in ten counties on January 16 after freezing weather damaged California farmers' crops, causing up to $1 billion in damages.<ref></ref> On February 20, Sacramento Superior Court judge Gail Ohanesian ruled that Schwarzenegger inappropriately invoked the state of emergency regarding prisons, blocking officials from transferring prison inmates to private prisons in other U.S. states.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger signed a bill on March 15 that moved California's presidential primary from June to February 2008.<ref></ref>
On March 20, Schwarzenegger called conservative talk show host [[Rush Limbaugh]] "irrelevant" after Limbaugh said Schwarzenegger seemed like a Democrat in his policies on energy, stem cell research, and health care.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger appointed David Long, Riverside County's superintendent of schools since 1999, as the new secretary of education.<ref></ref> While giving a speech at a school on March 30 in Delano, California, where he was paying tribute to the late [[Cesar Chavez]], a girl fainted, which caused him to stop mid-speech to help her off the platform. He then quipped, "Okay everybody who's standing back here loosen up your knees. Don't stand with stiff knees okay, because that's how you faint. Loosen up and relax."<ref></ref> On April 8, the [[Conservative Party (UK)]] announced that Schwarzenegger would address the annual conference of the party, which was to be held between September 30 and October 3.<ref></ref>
On April 11, Schwarzenegger gave a speech at a conference in Washington, D.C., where he said, "For too long the environmental movement was powered by guilt, and that doesn't work. The movement can't nag or scold, but must be a positive force."<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger also said the environmental movement must become "hip and sexy" if it is to succeed.<ref></ref> On April 25, Schwarzenegger threatened to sue the [[United States Environmental Protection Agency]] if it failed to act soon on a state bid to crack down on greenhouse gas emissions from cars.<ref></ref> The California State Legislature approved the largest single prison construction program in U.S. history and agreed to send 8,000 convicts to other states on April 26.<ref name="CA prison 4 27"></ref> On April 30, Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency after a highway collapse in Oakland, authorizing free transit on the [[Bay Area Rapid Transit]] rail system, ferries, and buses for one day.<ref></ref> The bill that was earlier passed by the legislature, which costs between $7.8 to $8.3 billion and adds 53,000 beds to California's prison and county jails, was signed into law by Schwarzenegger on May 3.<ref name="CA prison 4 27"/><ref></ref>
On May 9, Schwarzenegger's office announced that eleven California-based companies signed contracts worth $3 billion with Chinese companies in a move to expand trade between the U.S. state and China.<ref></ref> At [[MacArthur Maze]] on May 24, Schwarzenegger congratulated the construction workers for reopening the freeway within a month.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger met Ontario premier [[Dalton McGuinty]] on May 30, when the two signed deals to fight climate change and boost stem cell research.<ref></ref> The governor then met Canadian Prime Minister [[Stephen Harper]], who he swapped hockey jerseys with.<ref></ref> On May 31, Schwarzenegger and British Columbia premier [[Gordon Campbell]] signed a memorandum of understanding on climate change in Vancouver, setting targets for greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels.<ref></ref>
At the annual convention of the [[National Association of Hispanic Journalists]] on June 15, Schwarzenegger said that immigrants should avoid Spanish-language media if they wanted to learn English quickly.<ref></ref> On June 25, Schwarzenegger met French President [[Nicolas Sarkozy]] at the [[Élysée Palace]] to discuss the fight against global warming.<ref></ref> On the next day, Schwarzenegger visited London, where he met Tony Blair on the latter's final full day in office as Prime Minister, and issued a plea for countries to join the fight against global warming.<ref></ref> On July 12, Schwarzenegger met with Bay Area executives, asking them to support his health care reform plan, while deriding a Democratic alternative and [[single-payer healthcare]].<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger met with [[United Nations]] Secretary-General [[Ban Ki-moon]] on July 27, when the latter invited him to attend a UN meeting on climate change on September 24, which Schwarzenegger accepted.<ref></ref>
On August 17, Schwarzenegger travelled to Beverly Hills, California, to attend the funeral of entertainer [[Merv Griffin]], where he said, "My English wasn't that good at the time—not that it is perfect today—but it was scary to get on his show because it was the first talk show I'd ever done in America. But I tell you that he took really good care of me."<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger made 18 judicial appointments on August 20 that included a substantially greater mix of women and minorities after having been sharply criticized earlier in the year for naming mostly white men to the bench.<ref></ref> On September 4, Schwarzenegger named former federal prosecutor Paul Seave, a Democrat, to be his new director of gang and youth violence policy.<ref></ref> At the California Republican Party convention in Indian Wells on September 7, Schwarzenegger warned his fellow Republicans that "in movie terms, we are dying at the box office. We are not filling the seats."<ref name="2007 GOP convention"></ref>
On September 12, Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would have allowed Californians to vote on whether they favor an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger signed a bill on September 13 that banned cell phone use for drivers under the age of 18.<ref></ref> On September 24, Schwarzenegger addressed the UN and said rich and poor nations must get over their disagreements about how to fight climate change and forge a new pact to replace the [[Kyoto Protocol]].<ref></ref> Via satellite, Schwarzenegger addressed the British Conservative Party on September 30, during which he called opposition leader [[David Cameron]] "a new, dynamic leader".<ref></ref> For the second time, Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill on October 12 that would have legalized same-sex marriage and said, "I support current [[Domestic partnership in California|domestic partnership rights]] and will continue to vigorously defend and enforce these rights."<ref></ref> On October 14, Schwarzenegger signed bills that banned [[phthalate]]s in children's products and made California the first U.S. state to require semiautomatic pistols sold in the state to leave a [[Microstamping|unique imprint]] on bullets that are fired.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
[[File:Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks amid wildfires.jpg|thumb|right|Schwarzenegger addressing ongoing wildfires with President George W. Bush and U.S. Senator [[Dianne Feinstein]] in Escondido on October 25, 2007]]
With [[October 2007 California wildfires|more than a dozen wildfires raging across southern California]] on October 22, Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in seven counties and reassigned 800 soldiers in the National Guard from patrolling the border to help battle the wildfires as well as calling the situation "a tragic time for California".<ref></ref> On October 23, Schwarzenegger said that he was "happy" with the number of firefighters working the blazes, but officials said that they were stretched thin and that a lack of resources was as much a burden as the temperatures and winds.<ref></ref> In spite of their differences on policy, Schwarzenegger and George W. Bush travelled to southern California on October 25 to view the scarred landscape by helicopter and Bush telling Californians that they wouldn't be forgotten in Washington, D.C.<ref></ref> During a news conference on October 27, Schwarzenegger said that at least two fires were started intentionally and two more had suspicious origins and issued a warning for arsonists, "We will hunt down the people that are responsible for that. If I were one of the people who started the fires, I would not sleep soundly right now, because we're right behind you."<ref></ref>
''[[GQ]]'' reported on October 29 that Schwarzenegger told [[Piers Morgan]] in an interview that "[marijuana] is not a drug, it's a leaf."<ref></ref> On October 30, Schwarzenegger met with Uruguayan President [[Tabaré Vázquez]].<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger announced on November 8 that he assumed an unspecified backstage role to bring an end to the [[2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike|screenwriters strike]]. In a news conference in Sacramento, Schwarzenegger said, "I'm talking to the parties that are involved because I think it's very important that we settle that as quickly as possible, because it has a tremendous economic impact on our state."<ref></ref> On the same day, Schwarzenegger, with the backing of state Attorney General [[Jerry Brown]], sued the Bush administration and said he was prepared to "sue again and sue again" until California gets permission to impose its own tough standards on automakers to curb global warming.<ref></ref>
On November 7, container ship ''[[Cosco Busan]]'' struck a tower of the [[San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge]], causing an [[Cosco Busan oil spill|oil spill]]. This led to Schwarzenegger declaring a state of emergency on November 9, saying, "There is tremendous damage on the wildlife and on the beaches. If mistakes were made, then we will bring them out."<ref></ref> On November 13, Schwarzenegger issued an order suspending all fishing and crabbing for human consumption in areas affected by the spill until at least December 1.<ref></ref> The ban on fishing and crabbing in the San Francisco area was lifted by Schwarzenegger on November 29 after studies showed no ill effects from the oil spill, but state officials urged seafood lovers to stay away from some mussels and oysters.<ref></ref> On December 11, Schwarzenegger allowed some financially struggling hospitals to keep operating until 2020 even though the state said they were most likely to crumple during a major seismic event.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger announced on December 20 his plan to sue the federal government over its decision not to allow a California plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.<ref></ref>
=== 2008 ===
[[File:President and Mrs. Bush Host State Dinner for Nation's Governors.jpg|thumb|left|Schwarzenegger with President George W. and First Lady [[Laura Bush]] at the White House on February 24, 2008]]
On January 2, 2008, California sued the EPA, challenging its recent decision to block California rules curbing greenhouse gas emissions from new cars and trucks.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger gave his fifth State of the State address on January 8, proposing a [[Balanced budget amendment|constitutional amendment to keep the state from spending more than it collects in taxes]].<ref></ref> He also said that his education priority would be to transform 98 school districts that had posted rock-bottom test scores for at least five years.<ref></ref> On January 11, Schwarzenegger proposed [[austerity]] measures by taking billions of dollars from public schools, temporarily shutting down four-dozen state parks, and releasing tens of thousands of prisoners. At the same time, the governor declared a fiscal emergency and called a special session of the state legislature to trim the current year's spending.<ref></ref> On January 15, Schwarzenegger endorsed [[California Proposition 93 (2008)|Proposition 93]] in a [[Flip-flop (politics)|flip-flop]] on term limits.<ref></ref> On January 24, the State Senate rejected Schwarzenegger's nomination of Judith Case to the [[California Air Resources Board]] by a party-line vote of 20–15 after Democratic lawmakers questioned the her commitment to fighting for cleaner air.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger endorsed U.S. Senator and Republican presidential candidate [[John McCain]] on January 31.<ref></ref>
On February 14, Schwarzenegger and Mexican President [[Felipe Calderón]] signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize a working relationship on environmental issues such as air-quality monitoring.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger signed six bills on February 16 that aimed at reducing at least part of the state's $14.5 billion deficit that stretches over two fiscal years.<ref></ref> On February 19, Schwarzenegger signed an executive order requiring state agencies to make additional spending cuts that total $100 million as part of an effort to help solve the state's fiscal crisis.<ref></ref> As part of a bipartisan group of governors on February 24, Schwarzenegger called on George W. Bush, the U.S. Congress, and the presidential candidates to back a major spending program to repair the nation's roads, bridges, rail lines, and water systems.<ref></ref> On February 27, Schwarzenegger and state schools chief [[Jack O'Connell (politician)|Jack O'Connell]] announced a joint plan to help 96 troubled school districts improve academically.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger filed a lawsuit against the [[United States Forest Service]] on February 28 for adopting a management plan that would allow road construction and oil drilling in California's largest national forests, saying, "We are forced to once again stand up for California's forests. Despite repeated attempts to ensure that the United States Forest Service honor its written assurances that California's roadless areas would be protected, they have failed to do so."<ref></ref>
[[File:SF WestApproachBayBridge opening April 11 2008 3.JPG|thumb|right|Schwarzenegger with San Francisco mayor [[Gavin Newsom]] in San Francisco on April 11, 2008]]
On March 20, Schwarzenegger removed [[Clint Eastwood]] and [[Bobby Shriver]], his brother-in-law, from the [[California Department of Parks and Recreation|state parks commission]], where both had served since before Schwarzenegger took office.<ref></ref> After the [[Pacific Fishery Management Council]] voted on April 10 to cancel the chinook fishing season in an effort to reverse the catastrophic disappearance of California's run of the king salmon, Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency and sent a letter to George W. Bush asking for his help in obtaining federal disaster assistance.<ref></ref> On April 11, Schwarzenegger told a group of gay Republicans that an attempt to ban same-sex marriage by changing the state constitution is a "total waste of time" and promised to oppose such an initiative if it qualifies for the state ballot.<ref></ref> At a Yale University climate conference on April 18, Schwarzenegger signed a pledge with 17 other U.S. states to pressure Congress and the next president to quickly adopt aggressive limits on greenhouse gas emissions.<ref></ref> On April 24, Schwarzenegger predicted that California would face a budget deficit of more than $10 billion in the upcoming fiscal year.<ref></ref>
On May 15, the state Supreme Court, striking down a 1977 law and [[California Proposition 22 (2000)|Proposition 22]] in [[In re Marriage Cases|a 4–3 decision]], ruled that same-sex couples had a constitutional right to marry. In a statement, Schwarzenegger said that he respected the ruling and did not support a constitutional amendment to overturn it.<ref></ref> After U.S. Senator [[Ted Kennedy]] was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, Schwarzenegger issued a statement with his wife, Kennedy's niece, saying, Maria and I are thankful for everyone's thoughts and prayers today and over the past several days. While we are still learning the extent of Teddy's diagnosis and treatment options, what we do know is that Teddy is an incredibly courageous and tenacious man who will tackle this with the same determination with which he approaches everything in life. I encourage everyone to keep Teddy in their prayers, as we are continuing to do."<ref></ref> On May 22, Schwarzenegger spoke at a Silicon Valley forum alongside presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger and Nevada governor [[Jim Gibbons (American politician)|Jim Gibbons]] declared a state of emergency in the Lake Tahoe basin on May 27, who took the advice of a two-state commission that declared the region ripe for catastrophic fire.<ref></ref>
On June 4, Schwarzenegger issued a drought declaration—the first of its kind since 1991—ordering the transfer of water from less dry areas to those that are dangerously dry. The governor also said he would ask the federal government for aid to farmers and press water districts, cities, and local water agencies to accelerate conservation.<ref></ref> In Fresno, California, on June 6, Schwarzenegger met Honduran President [[Manuel Zelaya]], who discussed job offers for Honduran workers.<ref></ref> On June 12, Schwarzenegger and Chilean President [[Michelle Bachelet]] presided over the signing of a number of bilateral scientific, agricultural, and educational agreements.<ref></ref> On the same day, Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in nine counties over the drought, ordering several state agencies to help drill wells, use the [[California Aqueduct]] to transport water to farmers, and to expedite water transfers between agencies.<ref></ref> After McCain called for an end to the federal ban on offshore drilling on June 16,<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger and other governors promised on June 18 to block attempts to tap offshore petroleum reserves, citing concerns about the environment and tourism.<ref></ref> In a taped interview on ''[[Meet the Press]]'' on June 29, Schwarzenegger defended McCain, calling him "the real deal on the environment".<ref></ref>
[[File:US Navy 080704-N-6616W-022 California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and military officials visit with members of the 302nd Air Expeditionary Group.jpg|thumb|left|Schwarzenegger with military officials in Sacramento on July 4, 2008]]
On July 9, Schwarzenegger signed a bill that aimed to keep many homeowners from losing their properties to foreclosure.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger signed a bill on July 25 that made California the first U.S. state to ban [[trans fat]]s in restaurant food.<ref></ref> On July 31, Schwarzenegger ordered pay for up to 200,000 state workers cut to minimum wage and laid off more than 10,000 others, blaming a looming cash crisis.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger proposed a one-cent sales tax increase on August 4, framing it as a temporary sacrifice to be recouped by Californians in years to come.<ref></ref> On August 6, Schwarzenegger said that he wouldn't sign any bills until the legislature passed a budget.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger sued Controller [[John Chiang (California politician)|John Chiang]] on August 11, aiming to force the unpaid furlough of 15,600 more state workers two days a month.<ref></ref> On August 16, the powers of governor were temporarily transferred to Lieutenant Governor [[John Garamendi]] while Schwarzenegger underwent knee surgery.<ref></ref> Even though he earlier promised to not sign any bills, Schwarzenegger signed a measure on August 26 for a statewide bullet train system that he strongly supported.<ref></ref>
On September 23, Schwarzenegger signed the state's budget, ending an 85-day deadlock over how to close the state's $15.2 billion deficit.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger signed a bill on September 24 that made it illegal to read or send text messages while driving in California.<ref></ref> On September 27, Schwarzenegger signed and vetoed about a hundred bills each, facing a September 30 deadline at which unsigned bills automatically became law.<ref></ref> On the next day, Schwarzenegger vetoed 131 bills, twice as many as he had signed.<ref></ref> On September 29, Schwarzenegger signed several bills that aimed to speed response and improve cleanup efforts after a major oil spill.<ref></ref> Before the midnight deadline, Schwarzenegger signed bills on September 30, one of which aimed at helping the state fight global warming by better coordinating local planning efforts to curb suburban sprawl.<ref></ref>
By October, Schwarzenegger declined to sign 415 of the 1,187 bills that had appeared on his desk in 2008, a rate of 35 percent, the highest since state officials began keeping that statistic when Ronald Reagan was governor.<ref></ref> On October 27, Schwarzenegger said he would call a special legislative session to address the state's budget a day after the [[California elections, November 2008|November 4 elections]].<ref></ref> After the passage of [[California Proposition 11 (2008)|Proposition 11]], Schwarzenegger declared victory, saying, "This is why this is historic—the first time where really citizens independently of the Legislature...will draw the district lines in the future."<ref></ref> On November 14, Schwarzenegger signed an executive order directing state agencies to study the effects of global warming and recommend how the state needs to adapt to such changes in land use planning and building new infrastructure.<ref></ref>
On December 1, Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal emergency, calling for fast legislative action to alleviate the state's $11.2 billion shortfall in revenue, "Without immediate action our state is headed for a fiscal disaster and that is why with more than two dozen new legislators sworn in today—I am wasting no time in calling a fiscal emergency special session."<ref></ref> After the California Air Resources Board voted unanimously to adopt the nation's most comprehensive anti-global warming plan on December 11, Schwarzenegger said that California was providing a road map for the rest of the country.<ref></ref> On December 18, Schwarzenegger promised to veto a budget bill that he said would cut spending too little, raise taxes and fees too much, and shortchange economic stimulus programs.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger called on the legislature on December 19 to convene a new special legislative session to address the state's fiscal crisis and ordered layoffs and mandatory unpaid time off for state workers as a money-saving measure.<ref></ref>
=== 2009 ===
On January 6, 2009, Schwarzenegger vetoed an $18 billion deficit-cutting package with his spokesperson saying that it did not meet the governor's demands for making more cuts, streamlining government, and creating an economic stimulus.<ref></ref> In a January 7 news conference, Schwarzenegger said, "I cannot go out and get Republican votes when I wouldn't vote for it."<ref></ref> On January 15, Schwarzenegger gave an unusually terse State of the State address in which he warned that the legislature must agree on a budget solution before the state faced insolvency.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger travelled to Washington, D.C. to attend the [[first inauguration of Barack Obama]] on January 20.<ref></ref> After being refused a waiver from less-stringent national standards in 2007, President Obama ordered his environmental officials on January 26 to immediately review California's regulation, a move that was praised by Schwarzenegger as "a great victory for California and for cleaning the air around the nation for generations to come".<ref></ref> On January 28, Schwarzenegger threatened to dismiss state workers if a judge or employee unions blocked his plan to furlough thousands of workers two days a month beginning the next week.<ref></ref> After a judge ruled on January 29 that the governor had the legal authority to order workers to take time off without pay,<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger told statewide elected officials on January 30 furlough state workers two days a month.<ref></ref>
[[File:CeBIT Delegation 01 018.jpg|thumb|right|Schwarzenegger at [[CeBIT]] with German Chancellor [[Angela Merkel]] in Hanover on March 3, 2009]]
On February 6, more than 200,000 state employees had to take the day off without pay to help ease [[2008–12 California budget crisis|California's budget crisis]].<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger signed a budget bill on February 20 raising $12.8 billion in new taxes.<ref></ref> On February 20, Schwarzenegger called the [[American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009|federal stimulus]] plan a "terrific package" and said he was "more than happy" to take money from any governor that declined to accept aid from the stimulus.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency on February 27 because of three years of below-average rain and snowfall in California, a step that urges urban water agencies to reduce water use by 20 percent.<ref></ref> On March 3, Schwarzenegger and German Chancellor [[Angela Merkel]] toured [[CeBIT]] in Hanover.<ref></ref> Because of a controversy about accepting speaking fees, [[California State and Consumer Services Agency]] (SCSA) secretary [[Rosario Marin]] resigned from her post on March 5.<ref></ref> On March 18, Schwarzenegger introduced Obama at a town hall meeting in Los Angeles.<ref></ref> On the same day, Schwarzenegger appointed former Assemblyman Fred Aguiar as secretary of the SCSA.<ref></ref> On March 27, Schwarzenegger signed five bills the would allow California to receive more than $17.5 billion in federal economic stimulus aid.<ref></ref>
On April 3, Schwarzenegger appointed [[Laura Chick]] to the newly-created office of inspector general to oversee its share of the $787 billion from the federal economic stimulus package.<ref></ref> It was reported on April 12 that Schwarzenegger and Pennsylvania Governor [[Ed Rendell]] sent a private memo to Obama saying he needs to assert more political leadership instead of leaving it to Congress to draft a plan for improving the nation's aging highways, bridges, and ports.<ref></ref> In an appearance with Schwarzenegger, [[United States Secretary of the Interior|U.S. Interior Secretary]] [[Ken Salazar]] urged California on April 15 to modernize its antiquated water system while pledging $260 million in federal stimulus money to help fund a variety of water projects.<ref></ref>
Schwarzenegger said on May 6 that it was time to debate legalizing marijuana for recreational use in California.<ref></ref> On May 14, Schwarzenegger unveiled a budget proposal planning to close a huge budget deficit with deeper cuts in education and health programs and by borrowing billions more dollars.<ref></ref> Schwarzenegger travelled to Washington, D.C. on May 19 to celebrate a victory on clean air with Obama while his budget reform initiatives in the [[California elections, 2009|2009 special election]] were appearing to be heading for defeat.<ref></ref>
On November 16, Schwarzenegger visited [[Camp Victory]] in Iraq to thank the soldiers, reminded them to exercise, and handed out cigars.<ref></ref>
=== 2010–2011 ===
[[File:Medvedev and Arnold Schwarzenegger.jpg|thumb|right|Schwarzenegger meeting with Russian President [[Dmitry Medvedev]] in San Francisco on June 23, 2010]]
Schwarzenegger was in Baghdad on March 17, 2010, when he praised U.S. soldiers for helping Iraqi Prime Minister [[Nouri al-Maliki]] build and nurture Iraq's public institutions.<ref></ref>
== See also ==
* [[First term of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California]]
== References ==
[[Category:2000s in California]]
[[Category:Arnold Schwarzenegger]]
[[Category:Governorships of U.S. states|Schwarzenegger, Arnold]]
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== Đời sống ==
Bulawayo sinh ra và lớn lên ở Zimbabwe và học tại trường trung học [[ Trường trung học Njube |Njube]] và sau đó là [[ Trường trung học Mzilikazi |trường trung học Mzilikazi]] cho trình độ A của cô. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Cô đã hoàn thành chương trình giáo dục đại học ở Mỹ, học tại Kalamazoo Valley Community College, <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> và lấy bằng cử nhân và thạc sĩ bằng tiếng Anh từ Đại học Texas A & M - Đại học Thương mại và [[ Đại học Phương pháp Nam |Đại học Phương thức miền Nam]] . <ref name="cornell">[https://ift.tt/2NLbIAF Elizabeth Tshele], Cornell University Department of English. Retrieved April 2012.</ref> Năm 2010, cô đã hoàn thành [[ Thạc sĩ mỹ thuật |bằng thạc sĩ mỹ thuật]] [[ Văn bản sáng tạo |viết sáng tạo]] tại [[Đại học Cornell]], nơi công việc của cô được công nhận với [[ Học bổng Truman Capote |học bổng Truman Capote]]. <ref name="cornell" />
Năm 2011, cô đã giành được [[ Giải thưởng Caine |giải thưởng Caine]] với câu chuyện "Đánh Budapest", <ref>[[Margaret Busby|Busby, Margaret]], [https://ift.tt/32i1sTN (.html "We Need New Names, By NoViolet Bulawayo"], ''[[The Independent]]'', 7 June 2013.</ref> đã được xuất bản trong số tháng 11/tháng 12 năm 2010 của ''[[ Đánh giá Boston |Tạp chí Boston]]'' <ref>Waxman, Simon (6 June 2013), [https://ift.tt/2NI6KEH "Congratulations, NoViolet Bulawayo"], ''Boston eview''.</ref> và trở thành chương mở [[ Chúng tôi cần tên mới |đầu cho tiểu thuyết đầu tay]] năm 2013 của cô. <ref>[https://ift.tt/32n0TZ4 "We Need New Names – NoViolet Bulawayo"] at ''Book Excerptise.''</ref> <ref></ref> <ref>Habila, Helon, [https://ift.tt/29wPRsE "We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo – review"], ''[[The Guardian]]'', 20 June 2013.</ref> ''Chúng tôi cần những cái tên mới'' được đưa vào danh sách rút gọn [[ Giải thưởng Man Booker 2013 |Giải thưởng Man Booker 2013]], <ref name="bookershortlist">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <ref></ref> khiến Bulawayo trở thành người phụ nữ da đen châu Phi đầu tiên và là người Zimbabwe đầu tiên lọt vào danh sách [[Giải Man Booker|giải thưởng]]. <ref>[https://ift.tt/2NO3jwx "First black African woman nominated for Booker Prize"] AFP, 10 September 2013.</ref> Cô cũng đã giành được [[ Giải thưởng Etaluat cho văn học |giải thưởng Etaluat cho Văn học]] và [[ Giải thưởng Etaluat cho văn học |Giải thưởng]] [[ Quỹ Hemingway / Giải thưởng PEN |Hemingway Foundation / PEN]], trong số các giải thưởng khác.
Năm 2011, có thông tin rằng cô đã bắt đầu làm việc trong một dự án hồi ký. <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> Bulawayo ngồi trong hội đồng quản trị của sáng kiến văn học Pan-Phi Văn học giữa năm 2014 và 2018.
== Giải thưởng và danh dự ==
* 2010: [[ Học bổng Truman Capote |Học bổng Truman Capote]] <ref name="cornell">[https://ift.tt/2NLbIAF Elizabeth Tshele], Cornell University Department of English. Retrieved April 2012.</ref>
* 2011: [[ Giải thưởng Caine cho văn bản châu Phi |Giải thưởng Caine dành cho tác phẩm viết về châu Phi]] cho truyện ngắn "Đánh Budapest" về một nhóm trẻ em lang thang ở một [[Khu dân cư tồi tàn|khu ổ chuột]] ở [[Zimbabwe]] . <ref>[https://ift.tt/32ityOC "NoViolet Bulawayo wins 12th Caine Prize for African Writing"] , Caine Prize for African Writing.</ref> <ref>Sophy (11 July 2011), [https://ift.tt/2NKjJ92 "NoViolet Bulawayo wins the 2011 Caine Prize for African Writing for 'Hitting Budapest'"], ''Books Live – Sunday Times''.</ref> <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* 2013: Danh sách rút gọn [[Giải Man Booker|Giải thưởng Man Booker]] cho ''Chúng tôi cần tên mới'' <ref name="bookershortlist">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* 2013: [[ Giải thưởng sách quốc gia |Giải thưởng]] "5 Under 35" của [[ Giải thưởng sách quốc gia |National Book Award]] được lựa chọn bởi một hội đồng gồm những người vào chung kết và người chiến thắng trong quá khứ. Bulawayo đã được lựa chọn bởi [[ Junot Díaz |Junot Díaz]] . <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* 2013: Danh sách rút gọn [[ Giải thưởng sách đầu tiên của người giám hộ |Giải thưởng Sách đầu tiên của Người giám hộ]] cho ''Chúng tôi cần Tên mới'' <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* 2013: Chung kết Giải thưởng Barnes & Noble Discover cho ''Chúng tôi cần tên mới'' <ref></ref>
* 2013: [[ Giải thưởng Etaluat cho văn học |Giải thưởng Etaluat cho]] Văn học cho ''We Need New Names'' <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* 2013: [[ Giải thưởng Sách Thời báo Los Angeles |Giải thưởng]] Nghệ thuật Seidenbaum của [[ Giải thưởng Sách Thời báo Los Angeles |Los Angeles Times]] dành cho tiểu thuyết đầu tiên, người chiến thắng cho ''Chúng tôi cần tên mới'' . <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
* 2014: [[ Quỹ Hemingway / Giải thưởng PEN |Hemingway Foundation /]] Người chiến thắng giải thưởng PEN cho ''Chúng tôi cần tên mới'' <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
== Công trình ==
* 2009: "Ảnh chụp nhanh", được xuất bản trong ''New Writing from Africa 2009'' (JM Coetzee, ed. )
* 2010: "Đánh Budapest", được xuất bản trên ''[[ Đánh giá Boston |Tạp chí Boston]]'' <ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> và ''Giải thưởng Caine cho văn bản châu Phi 2011''
* 2013: ''[[ Chúng tôi cần tên mới |We Need New Names]]''
== Tài liệu tham khảo ==
== Liên kết ngoài ==
* [https://ift.tt/16QnWt3 NoViolet Bulawayo], trang web chính thức.
[[Thể loại:Cựu sinh viên Đại học Cornell]]
[[Thể loại:Nhân vật còn sống]]
[[Thể loại:Sinh 1981]]
[[Thể loại:Pages with unreviewed translations]]
意味調べるCapacitancia evolutiva
新規更新July 11, 2019 at 09:52AM
Capacitancia evolutiva
Lordthe6: /* Referencias */
La '''capacitancia evolutiva''' es el almacenamiento y la liberación de la variación, al igual que los condensadores eléctricos almacenan y liberan la carga. Los sistemas vivos son [[Robustez (evolución)|robustos]] a las mutaciones. Esto significa que los sistemas vivos acumulan [[variación genética]] sin que la variación tenga un efecto [[Fenotipo|fenotípico]]. Pero cuando el sistema se ve perturbado (tal vez por el estrés), la robustez se rompe y la variación tiene efectos fenotípicos y está sujeta a toda la fuerza de la [[selección natural]]. Un capacitor evolutivo es un mecanismo de cambio molecular que puede "cambiar" la variación genética entre los estados ocultos y revelados.<ref></ref> Si algún subconjunto de variación recientemente revelada es adaptable, se fija por [[ Asimilacion genetica |asimilación genética]]. Después de eso, el resto de la variación, la mayoría de las cuales es presumiblemente perjudicial, se puede desconectar, dejando a la población con un rasgo ventajoso recientemente evolucionado, pero sin impedimentos a largo plazo. Para que la capacitancia evolutiva aumente la [[Evolucionabilidad|capacidad de evolución]] de esta manera, la tasa de cambio no debe ser más rápida que la escala de tiempo de la asimilación genética.<ref name="Kim 2007"></ref>
Este mecanismo permitiría una rápida [[Adaptación biológica|adaptación]] a las nuevas condiciones ambientales. Las tasas de cambio pueden ser una función del estrés, por lo que es más probable que la variación genética afecte el fenotipo en momentos en que es más probable que sea útil para la adaptación. Además, las variaciones fuertemente perjudiciales pueden purgarse en un estado parcialmente críptico, por lo que la variación críptica que permanece es más probable que sea adaptativa que las mutaciones aleatorias.<ref name="Masel 2006"></ref> capacitancia puede ayudar a cruzar "valles" en el [[Paisaje adaptativo|paisaje de la condición física]], donde una combinación de dos mutaciones sería beneficiosa, aunque cada una de ellas sea perjudicial por sí sola.<ref name="Kim 2007"></ref><ref name="Masel 2006" /><ref></ref>
Actualmente no hay [[Consenso científico|consenso]] sobre el grado en que la capacitancia podría contribuir a la evolución en las poblaciones naturales. La posibilidad de capacitancia evolutiva se considera parte de la [[ Síntesis evolutiva extendida |síntesis evolutiva extendida]].<ref name="Pigliucci 2007"></ref>
Los interruptores que activan y desactivan la robustez de la variación fenotípica en lugar de la genética no se ajustan a la analogía de capacitancia, ya que su presencia no hace que la variación se acumule con el tiempo. En cambio, se les ha llamado estabilizadores fenotípicos.<ref></ref>
== Promiscuidad enzimática ==
Además de su reacción nativa, muchas [[Enzima|enzimas]] realizan reacciones secundarias.<ref></ref> Del mismo modo, las proteínas de unión pueden pasar una cierta parte de su tiempo unido a proteínas fuera del objetivo. Estas reacciones o interacciones pueden no tener ninguna consecuencia para la [[Aptitud (biología)|condición física]] actual, pero bajo condiciones alteradas, pueden proporcionar el punto de partida para la evolución adaptativa.<ref></ref> Por ejemplo, varias mutaciones en el gen de la resistencia a los antibióticos [[Betalactamasa|B-lactamasa]] introducen la resistencia a la [[cefotaxima]] pero no afectan la resistencia a la [[ampicilina]].<ref></ref> En las poblaciones expuestas solo a la ampicilina, estas mutaciones pueden estar presentes en una minoría de miembros ya que no existe un costo de adecuación (es decir, están dentro de la [[ Red neutra (evolución) |red neutral]]). Esto representa una variación genética críptica, ya que si la población se expone nuevamente a la cefotaxima, los miembros minoritarios exhibirán cierta resistencia.
== Chaperones ==
Las [[Proteína chaperona|chaperonas]] ayudan en el [[plegamiento de proteínas]]. La necesidad de plegar las proteínas correctamente es una gran restricción en la [[Evolución molecular|evolución de las secuencias de proteínas]]. Se ha propuesto que la presencia de chaperones puede, al proporcionar robustez adicional a los errores en el plegamiento, permitir la exploración de un conjunto más amplio de genotipos. Cuando los chaperones tienen exceso de trabajo en momentos de estrés ambiental, esto puede "activar" variaciones genéticas previamente crípticas.<ref name="Rutherford 98"></ref>
=== Hsp90 ===
La hipótesis de que las chaperonas pueden actuar como condensadores evolutivos está estrechamente relacionada con la proteína de choque térmico [[Hsp90]]. Cuando Hsp90 se regula a la baja en la mosca de la fruta ''[[Drosophila melanogaster]]'', se observa una amplia gama de fenotipos diferentes, donde la identidad del fenotipo depende de los antecedentes genéticos.<ref name="Rutherford 98"></ref> Se pensó que esto probaba que los nuevos fenotipos dependían de variaciones genéticas crípticas preexistentes que simplemente habían sido reveladas. La evidencia más reciente sugiere que estos datos podrían explicarse por nuevas mutaciones causadas por la reactivación de [[Transposón|elementos transponibles]] formalmente latentes.<ref></ref> Sin embargo, este hallazgo con respecto a los elementos transponibles puede depender de la naturaleza fuerte de la caída de Hsp90 utilizada en ese experimento.<ref></ref>
=== GroEl ===
La sobreproducción de [[GroEL]] en ''[[Escherichia coli]]'' aumenta la [[Robustez (evolución)|solidez mutacional]].<ref></ref> Esto puede aumentar la [[Evolucionabilidad|capacidad de evolución]].<ref></ref>
== Prion de levadura [PSI+] ==
[[ Sup35p |Sup35p]] es una proteína de [[Saccharomyces cerevisiae|levadura]] involucrada en el reconocimiento de [[Codón de terminación|codones de parada]] y que hace que la [[Traducción (genética)|traducción]] se detenga correctamente en los extremos de las proteínas. Sup35p viene en forma normal ([psi-]) y en forma de [[ Priones fúngicos |prión]] ([PSI+]). Cuando [PSI+] está presente, esto agota la cantidad de Sup35p normal disponible. Como resultado, la tasa de errores en la cual la traducción continúa más allá de un codón de parada aumenta de aproximadamente 0.3% a aproximadamente 1%.<ref></ref>
Esto puede llevar a diferentes tasas de crecimiento y, a veces, a diferentes [[Morfología (biología)|morfologías]], en cepas [PSI+] y [psi-] emparejadas en una variedad de entornos estresantes. <ref></ref> Algunas veces la cepa [PSI+] crece más rápido, a veces [psi-]: esto depende del fondo genético de la cepa, lo que sugiere que [PSI+] aprovecha la variación genética críptica preexistente. Los modelos matemáticos sugieren que [PSI+] puede haber evolucionado, como un condensador evolutivo, para promover la [[Evolucionabilidad|evolvibilidad]].<ref></ref><ref></ref>
[PSI+] aparece con mayor frecuencia en respuesta al estrés ambiental.<ref></ref> En la levadura, hay más desapariciones de codones de parada en el [[Marco de lectura|marco]], que imitan los efectos de [PSI+], que lo que se esperaría de un sesgo de mutación o que se observan en otros taxones que no forman el prión [PSI+].<ref></ref> Estas observaciones son compatibles con [PSI+] que actúa como un condensador evolutivo en la naturaleza.
Aumentos transitorios similares en las tasas de error pueden evolucionar de manera emergente en ausencia de un "widget" como [PSI+]. <ref></ref> La principal ventaja de un widget similar a [PSI+] es facilitar la posterior evolución de menores tasas de error una vez que se produce la asimilación genética. <ref></ref>
== Knockouts genéticos ==
La capacitancia evolutiva también puede ser una característica general de las redes genéticas complejas, y se puede ver en simulaciones de knockouts genéticos.<ref></ref> Una pantalla de todos los genes inactivados en [[Saccharomyces cerevisiae|levaduras]] encontró que muchos actúan como estabilizadores fenotípicos.<ref></ref> La eliminación de una proteína reguladora, como un regulador de cromatina, puede llevar a una capacitancia más efectiva que la eliminación de una enzima metabólica.<ref></ref>
== Sexo facultativo ==
Las mutaciones [[Dominancia (genética)|recesivas]] pueden considerarse crípticas cuando están presentes de manera abrumadora en [[cigosidad|heterocigotos]] en lugar de homocigotos. El [[ Origen y función de la meiosis. |sexo facultativo]] que toma la forma de [[Autogamia|autofinanciación]] puede actuar como un condensador evolutivo en una población principalmente [[Reproducción asexual|asexual]] al crear homocigotos.<ref></ref> sexo facultativo que toma la forma de [[Reproducción|cruzamiento]] puede actuar como un condensador evolutivo al romper las combinaciones de alelos con efectos fenotípicos que normalmente se cancelan.<ref></ref>
== Véase también ==
* [[Canalización (genética)]]
* [[Epigenética]]
* [[Exaptación|Preadaptación]]
* [[Susan Lindquist]]
== Referencias ==
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[[Categoría:Biología evolutiva]]
Wikipedia-FAN 【外部リンク】 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%B3_(%E6%9B%96%E6%98%A7%E3%81%95%E5%9B%9E%E9%81%BF) ファン (曖昧さ回避)...
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