
意味調べるIgnacia Sáenz y Ulloa

新規更新September 28, 2018 at 11:08AM

Ignacia Sáenz y Ulloa

I.am.a.qwerty: /* Biography */

'''Ignacia Sáenz y Ulloa''' (b. July 31, 1800 - d. February 18, 1873) was the [[First Lady of Costa Rica]] from 1822 to 1823 and from 1833 to 1835, and the wife of [[José Rafael Gallegos|José Rafael Gallegos Alvarado]], Costa Rica's Head of State.<ref name=tiquicia></ref>

Doña Ignacia married José Rafael Gallegos in 1822. She gave birth to eight children.<ref name=tiquicia/> One son, Rafael Gallegos Sáenz (born May 1831) later became a prominent businessman and politician, serving in the administration of [[Bruno Carranza|Bruno Carranza Ramírez]] as the Secretary of Finance and Commerce.

In 1872, Doña Ignacia and her three unmarried daughters moved to San Francisco, California, where she died the following year.<ref name=tiquicia/>


[[Category:First Ladies and Gentlemen of Costa Rica]]
[[Category:Costa Rican women in politics]]




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