
意味調べるVane (video game)

新規更新January 16, 2019 at 09:37AM

Vane (video game)

Chubbles: getting this ball rolling with a stub. I'll leave it to the experts to flesh it out.

'''Vane''' is a [[video game]] released on January 15, 2019 for the [[PlayStation 4]]. The game was developed by studio Friend & Foe, and its producer is Matt Smith.<ref>[https://engt.co/2HevRvS Excited and exhausted: The hours before the launch of 'Vane']. Engadget, January 15, 2019.</ref>

Vane is an [[adventure game]] in which players control a child that is able to turn back and forth into a bird. Gameplay involves exploration and puzzle-solving. The game received mixed reviews upon release.<ref>[http://bit.ly/2MfTseA Vane Is a Beautiful but Clunky Adventure]. Polygon, January 15, 2019.</ref><ref>[http://bit.ly/2Cn0MjL New Indie Vane Looks Great But Isn't]. Kotaku, January 15, 2019.</ref><ref>[http://bit.ly/2AM93xD Vane Review: In Vain]. Gamespot, January 15, 2019.</ref>


[[Category:PlayStation 4 games]]
[[Category:2019 video games]]
[[Category:Indie video games]]




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