
意味を調べるHenry R. Rollin (physician)

新規更新July 16, 2018 at 07:11PM

Henry R. Rollin (physician)

Whispyhistory: fixed bare urls

'''Henry R. Rollin''', [[Doctor of medicine|MD]], FRCPsych (Hon), FRCP, was a [[psychiatrist]] and the Deputy Superintendent of [[Horton Hospital]], Epsom, one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in the UK. Later in life, he declared that he despised the demolition of psychiatric asylums under [[Enoch Powell]], the community did not care and that much had been lost by closing them. He is also credited with bringing music to asylums.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="TelegraphObit">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="Tandon">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>


[[Category:Presidents of the History of Medicine Society]]
[[Category:Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians]]




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