
意味を調べるPreservation Creek

新規更新March 04, 2018 at 11:02AM

Preservation Creek

D A R C 12345: cre8stub

'''Preservation Creek''' is a [[Creek]] in northwest [[New South Wales]] west of the [[town]] of [[Malparinka]].
The creek is 8.25km and flows from an elevation of 181m and drops to an [[elevation]] of 162m.<ref>[http://ift.tt/2thHY4e Preservation creek], Bonzle.com</ref>The Nuggets Creek flows into the Preservation Creek.

[[File:Depot glen pano.jpg|thumb|right|Depot glen, Preservation Creek.]]]</ref>
[[Charles Sturt]] camped for six months at Preseration Creek and it was here that James Poole died. His grave is seen there today. Of the event Sturt wrote <blockQuote>"I little thought when I was engaged in the work that I was erecting Mr. Poole's monument, but so it was. That rude structure looks over his lonely grave, and will stand for ages as a record of all we suffered in the dreary region to which we were so long confined.<ref>[[The Sydney Morning Herald]] [http://ift.tt/2FljyM8 Sat 5 Mar 1932, Page 9].</ref></blockquote>

Sturt was expecting a vast inland sea in the inland regions and his expediting had carried boat with them. The boat was launched and abandoned at {http://ift.tt/2tcYUZD Preseration Creek] when instead of a sea, they found a vast stony desert.<ref>[[The Sydney Morning Herald]] [http://ift.tt/2FljyM8 Sat 5 Mar 1932, Page 9].</ref>




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