新規更新November 27, 2019 at 04:16PM
Nehemiah 5
JohnThorne: /* Leadership by example (5:14–19) */ add text
'''Nehemiah 5''' is the fifth chapter of the [[Book of Nehemiah]] in the [[Old Testament]] of the [[Christianity|Christian]] [[Bible]], or the 15th chapter of the book of [[Ezra-Nehemiah]] in the [[Hebrew Bible]], which treats the [[book of Ezra]] and book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that [[Ezra]] is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the [[Book of Chronicles]],<ref>[[Babylonian Talmud]] ''Baba Bathra'' 15a, ''apud'' Fensham 1982, p. 2</ref> but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from 5th century BCE (so-called "[[the Chronicler]]") is the final author of these books. This chapter records the reform of Nehemiah in the case of economic oppression among the Jews, and how he led by example.
The original text of this chapter is in [[Biblical Hebrew|Hebrew language]]. [[Chapters and verses of the Bible|This chapter is divided into]] 19 verses.
===Textual witnesses===
Some early manuscripts containing the text of this chapter in [[Biblical Hebrew|Hebrew]] are of the [[Masoretic Text]], which includes [[Leningrad Codex|Codex Leningradensis]] (1008).</ref>}}
There is also a translation into [[Koine Greek]] known as the [[Septuagint]], made in the last few centuries BC. Extant ancient manuscripts of the [[Septuagint]] version include [[Codex Vaticanus]] ('''B'''; <math> \mathfrak{G}</math><sup>B</sup>; 4th century), [[Codex Sinaiticus]] ('''S'''; [[Biblia Hebraica (Kittel)|BHK]]: <math> \mathfrak{G}</math><sup>S</sup>; 4th century), and [[Codex Alexandrinus]] ('''A'''; <math> \mathfrak{G}</math><sup>A</sup>; 5th century).
==Troubles within (5:1–13)==
For any organization or nation, Any internal schisms, inequities, or injustices in any organization or nation will bring ruin far quicker than outside attack, so the well-being (and survival) of a particular group or community depends on its internal health. This section deals with the economic oppression among the Jews (verses 1–5), Nehemiah's judgment on the issue (verses 6–11), and the pledge of the people (verses 12–13).
===Verse 1===
:''Now there was a great outcry of the people and their wives against their fellow Jews.''<ref> [[Modern English Version|MEV]]</ref>
*"Outcry of the people": from , '' hā-'',<ref>[https://ift.tt/37IqcHq Hebrew Text Analysis: Nehemiah 5:1]. Biblehub</ref> is the cry of oppression against their own people, their Jewish neighbors; in contrast to the cry against Pharaoh, or the cry against enemies (cf. ; ), also 'the cry to God for deliverance from injustice and abuse' (, ).
==Leadership by example (5:14–19)==
In the position of leadership, Nehemiah led by example, where he demonstrates his integrity and his unbending adherence to God's laws and his moral standard. Unlike the previous governors who took bread, wine, and 'forty shekels of silver', Nehemiah forfeited his right to income from taxes, and even at his own expense provided 'the necessities expected of a government official'.
===Verse 14===
:''Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be their governor in the land of Judah (from the twentieth year even until the thirty-second year of King Artaxerxes) twelve years had passed. And my companions and I had not eaten the governor's food allotment.''<ref> MEV</ref>
Nehemiah's appointment took place in Nisan 444 BC (or 445 BC; the 20th year of [[Artaxerxes I]]), as recorded in [[Nehemiah 2:1]], and he governed Judah for 12 years.<ref name=pulpit/> Therefore, the entire first section of the Book of Nehemiah (chapters 1–7) might not be written until 432 BC (the 32nd year of Artaxerxes I), the year when Nehemiah returned to the Persian court from Jerusalem (Nehemiah 13:6).<ref name=pulpit>Exell, Joseph S.; Spence-Jones, Henry Donald Maurice (Editors). [https://ift.tt/2qSzH6r On "Nehemiah 5".] In: ''The [[Pulpit Commentary]]''. 23 volumes. First publication: 1890. Accessed 24 April 2019.</ref>
==See also==
*Related [[Bible]] parts: Deuteronomy 20, Deuteronomy 21, Deuteronomy 25, [[Nehemiah 2]], Nehemiah 13
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*Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
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*Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
*Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)
==Further reading==
*[https://ift.tt/34wpfjf Blenkinsopp, Joseph, "Ezra-Nehemiah: A Commentary" (Eerdmans, 1988)]
*[https://ift.tt/2qh1Kfe Blenkinsopp, Joseph, "Judaism, the first phase" (Eerdmans, 2009)]
*[https://ift.tt/2pF3Jd5 Coggins, R.J., "The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah" (Cambridge University Press, 1976)]
*[https://ift.tt/2WG7c7e Ecker, Ronald L., "Ezra and Nehemiah"], Ecker's Biblical Web Pages, 2007.
*[https://ift.tt/2NAvlIt Fensham, F. Charles, "The books of Ezra and Nehemiah" (Eerdmans, 1982)]
*[https://ift.tt/33ercR8 Grabbe, L.L., "Ezra-Nehemiah" (Routledge, 1998)]
*[https://ift.tt/2NHjUi2 Grabbe, L.L., "A history of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 1" (T&T Clark, 2004)]
*[https://ift.tt/2C5GNqh Throntveit, Mark A., "Ezra-Nehemiah" (John Knox Press, 1992)]
==External links==
* [[Judaism|Jewish]] translations:
** [https://ift.tt/2OP6n8F Nechemiah - Nehemiah - Chapter 5 (Judaica Press)] translation [with [[Rashi]]'s commentary] at Chabad.org
* [[Christianity|Christian]] translations:
** [https://ift.tt/33pH7eH ''Online Bible'' at GospelHall.org] (ESV, KJV, Darby, American Standard Version, Bible in Basic English)
** [https://ift.tt/37APiIp Book of Nehemiah Chapter 5. Bible Gateway]
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