
意味調べるAmer Kobaslija

新規更新November 28, 2019 at 03:30PM

Amer Kobaslija

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'''Amer Kobaslija''' is a Bosnian-American painter.

He was born in Banja Luka, Yugoslavia in 1975.<ref>https://ift.tt/33rOVfV name="MOCAJacksonville"/> He left Bosnia in 1993, then spent time in a German refugee camp. In 1997 he immigrated to [[Florida]].<ref>https://ift.tt/33uWgeC name="MOCAJacksonville"></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> He received an MFA degree in painting from [[Montclair State University]].<ref name="NYTReview">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>

He was a 2019 nominee for the [[Orlando Museum of Art]]'s 2019 Florida Prize in Contemporary Art.<ref></ref> Kobaslija was a 2013 [[Guggenheim Fellowship|Guggenheim fellow]].<ref></ref> Kobaslija is an assistant professor of art at [[Florida State University]].<ref>https://ift.tt/2XSHT2y>


[[Category:1975 births]]
[[Category:20th-century American painters]]
[[Category:21st-century American painters]]
[[Category:Guggenheim Fellows]]
[[Category:Living people]]




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