

新規更新November 23, 2018 at 08:56AM


D A R C 12345:

[[File:Peinture Saint-Rufinien.JPG|thumb|right|Saint-Rufinien.]]'''Saint Rufinien''' was the third [[bishop of Bayeux]] in the [[5th century]].<ref>J. Hermant, Histoire du Diocèse de Bayeux, Caen, 1705, pp.20-21</ref><ref>[https://ift.tt/2BslYpk Catalogue général des saints, saintes, martyrs, confesseurs, bienheureux, vénérables, Méquignon, 1824 [archive] ].</ref>

Rufinien was born in [[Rome]] in the powerful family of Ruffini, although this origin is very uncertain. We do not know the date of his arrival in [[Normandy]]. During his episcopate, he would have greatly contributed to the evangelization of the diocese of Bayeux and would have ordained deacon Loup de Bayeux. On the occasion of this ordination, one of his companions named Etienne would have predicted that Wolf would be his successor. It is not known how long the episcopate of Rufinien lasted.

He was buried in the Saint-Exupère church in Bayeux.

Rufinien is celebrated on October 25 and honored on September 5.




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