
意味を調べるKoonburra Creek

新規更新March 16, 2018 at 08:49AM

Koonburra Creek

D A R C 12345:

'''Koonburra Creek''' is a [[stream]] at -31.198499679 and 142.634597778 in <ref>[http://ift.tt/2GwklaX Koonburra Creek, New South Wales Map].</ref> in [[Far West, New South Wales|Far Western]] [[New South Wales]].

The stream is between [[Broken Hill, New South Wales]] and [[White Cliffs, New South Wales]] where the terrain is mostly a flat, [[arid]] landscape. The area is largely unpopulated with habitation density less than 2 people per [[square kilometer]].

Koonburra Creek starts below [[Mount Daubeny]] at an [[elevation]] of 224m and drops around 29.5m over its 9.8km length finishing at an elevation of 195m.<ref>[http://ift.tt/2FNZyyu Map of Koonburra Creek].</ref>


[[Category:Localities in New South Wales]]




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