
意味調べるMadonna and Child with Angels and Saints

新規更新March 05, 2020 at 08:32AM

Madonna and Child with Angels and Saints


'''''Madonna and Child with Angels and Saints''''' was a 1440 oil on panel [[triptych]] by [[Filippo Lippi]]<ref> Carlo Giuliano, Daniele Sanguineti, ''Filippo Lippi. Un trittico ricongiunto.'', Allemandi, Torino 2004</ref>. Its central panel has been in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] in New York since 1949 and its side panels of ''Saints Augustine and Ambrose'' and ''Saints Gregory and Jerome'' are both in the [[Accademia Albertina]] in Turin<ref> Giuseppe Marchini, ''Filippo Lippi'', Electa, Milano 1975</ref>. The work was probably split up around the end of the 18th century - when archbishop Vincenzo Maria Mossi gave his collection to the Accademia in 1828 he only presented the two side panels. The work was reunited at the "Exposition de l'art italien de Cimabue à Tiepolo" in Paris in 1935 and in the "Filippo Lippi. Un trittico ricongiunto" exhibition at the Accademia in October 2004.



[[category:Paintings in Turin]]
[[category:Paintings by Filippo Lippi]]
[[category:Filippo Lippi Madonnas‎]]
[[category:1440 paintings]]
[[category:Paintings of the Madonna and Child]]
[[category:Paintings of Saint Ambrose]]
[[category:Paintings of Augustine of Hippo]]
[[category:Paintings of Saint Jerome]]
[[category:Paintings of the Metropolitan Museum of Art]]




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