
意味調べるMughan district

新規更新March 27, 2019 at 11:09AM

Mughan district

Sword313: /* History */

'''Mughan district''' — one of the administrative territories of [[Shirvan Khanate]].

=== History ===
The Mughan district was present in [[Sabirabad District|Sabirabad]] and [[Saatly District]]s.
The district governor was [[Hasan Khan Shahseven|Hasan Khan]].


In 1821, one fortress ([[Qalağayın|Qalaqayın]]
) and 44 hamlets (some of which are known as Bildik, Ulucali-Khalphali, Mammishli, Kurkandi, Jangan, First Ranjbars, Murids, Second Ranjbars, Garagli, Minbashi, Molla Vaizli, Damamayagali, Ali Sultanli, Şahadlı, Gushtan, Molday, Mustafabeyli, Hashimkhanli, Potular) lived in 500 families.<ref></ref>

The residents of the Mugan district were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and cotton.

* Описание Ширванской провинции, составленное въ 1820 году, по распоряжению главноуправляющего въ Грузии А.П.Ермолова, генералмаером князем Мадатовымъ и действи- тельным статским советником Могилевским. — Тифлис: типо- графия Главного Управления наместника Кавказского, 1867. — Number of pages:  287.

===Also see===
* [[Rudbar district]]
* [[Cavad]]




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